-.ow pritui & ..W Jjrisv-. , Friday, April 24, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saftm, Oreroa DENNIS the MENACE 'GeS. 1 6UESS I SURE FOOLED WO.tMR THE hole is over there REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials PAIRaCOUNT DISTRICT Will built l-room t, tunul, flre- nieee, ink. wtm. call ira h. oetber NO. I MHMM EONB Don't 1m eorrr tou ait' buy. Then ere itlll nod bun and locationa In Uii market, ' 1. 80 x too - Corner, main lnteraeetlon I 1.300 ' . 0 i 100 Good potential only I l.ooo ' I. 100 x let Arte developing feet. Older borne on lot. ..1 1.000 e. loo x 1 - verr tood I oxo t. 100 x 1 Corner I oo t. lot x 100 - Main Arterial Trackag , 115,000 T. 01 i 101 - Reduced lrom 111,000. Mow I 0,000 CALL ROT FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER A PTNB FAMILY HOME Convenient to ichoola tremporletlon. tt bdrmi., tiled both with eeperate .bower etall on Ilrxt floor full bath up. Llv. rm. with fireplace, lee. din. rm.t beautiful kitchen and nook, dole, uraie. All newly furnlahed. Verr food condition. Termi. 'or further Information CAIX B. K. LATKOK BaTTTSTt BUILT - BEBT BUT Mew three-bdrm. home, llr. rm. A activity room. If feet long. dble. lavatory, fireplace, oil heat. dlxh waeher, lthef waaber dryer, Included In purohaae price of 113,500. Buo by door. Better hurry CALL PATER H. OEI8ER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 f . Liberty St. Ph. 1-3471 Bvenlme ab thindaye call Peter H. Oeleer l-Hol Roy . Perrla 1-1010 It. K. Laymon I-I43I t. B. Law S-Mll i 3 BEDROOMS SOUTH Just finished 3 bedroom tone paneled (or a den), a beautiful fire place with mahogany bookcase -AND an alt-birch kitchen, flood lane basement. It'i very close to grade school In an excellent loca tion. IV Haled at 117,500 ami worth the money. We'll be clad to eo you throuth. -, Ue Ohmart Rudy Calaba FOR JUST $5950 you may own thla neat s-bedroom home, fenced-in yard, garate. Take a look. ' JUST SUBURBAN NOW $7500 t bedroom, wttta unfinished up, oil heat, fireplace, about I years old. LARGE ROOMY HOME S bedrooms and den, basement, 1V4 plumbing, fireplace, located on Court St. Nice residential area. 111,500. .... NEAR ST. VINCENT de PAUL Modern large I -bedroom home with ovarslxed garage, fireplace. If v you're Interested In thle area, don't MISS seeing this home for Just $13,000. TRADE YOUR HOME IN ON APT. HOUSE t-unlt apt. house, some furniture Included. 118,800. will lake In trade house up to 113,000. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 4T? Court t, atfg.: Louis Loreni 3M30 lUlph Maddy S34S3 Ted Morrison 35044 V TOD PLAN TO BUT OR BELL A BOMS, PARK OR XNTBBTMENT PROPERTY CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS Teare Satisfactory rrfee . READY FOR A DEAL Bedrooma. party room In baeement with fireplace, lane llvlm room. dlnlnt room and pleaiant etep-aavlnf kitchen. Patio with fireplace, ' aprtnklor ayatem. Owner win trade for 1 or 4-bedroom home, Engle wood diet, and pay difference. Ready for a deal at 114,000. . 365 E. RURAL, NOB HILL We don't often have a nice home to offer In thla dulrable achool dlitrlel. The l-room home le In perfect condition. Hea 1 bcdrooma and den that could be uied aa apare bedroom, rirephice and aut. heat. Pull baiement with recreellon room. Treea, ahruba and hedaea complete thle lovely corner lot. Immediate oecupeney. Owner aiklni only 113.000 for thla 110,000 home, uoruaio la 10,000 could be Increaaed. SUBURBAN WEST ltt acre of fruit, Bute, frapea, farden. Well built l-bedroom home In eicellent condition. Pull bajtement with furnace heat. Double f araee. Owner eaklnt 111.500 and It'a well worth II. WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS Amom fine homea. 1 bedroome and beth down, 1 bedroomi end both up. Lerae llvlnt and dlnlnf room. All floor, carpeted wll 3S per yd. carpetlna. PlnUhed baeement and 3-car aarace. Here la a fine home, built pre-war with belt material. It la youre for under coat. ub atantlal mortgage can be arranged. 111,500. ENGLEWOOD Here ll an attractive tlve-room, newer home. In a dMlrable dlitrlct, that can be bought for only IU.0OO. Auto, oil hrat. fireplace, nook, hardwood floora, faraga ,n lot of home for the money. KINGWOOD On top of the hill. If you need a e-bedroom home end a 1-ear aareee. and what a view, don't fall to call ue to aee thla ouallty home for only 113,000. Severin Realty Company 335 N. HIGH ST. DIAL 4-5943 ; EVE. 2-5695 Mr. Plang t-31 REAL ESTATE 4-BDRM. TRADE Nearly new 4-B Tt home neer Dlck aon Mkt. to trade for imall home In C. W. P.EIVI. REALTOR 1100 UlMWn AH. Ph. 14500 town. tnt, r iimp- rll' IHSSirltll Ai'VEHTHIHO p.. Ward 0 llBtoe lie Per Weed e Per Weed. I lh.ee Le Per Word. I ! N. Rer.nfe-Ml.lm.m I. Werdi. Mniilia-IP ta" "' cim. Only, Per R.rd le Mlnlmam II Ward' T. Plan Ad In Same Part Piper. Ph.rt. t-t4 Before I n.m. , By Ketcham , eMtt Hum. REAL ESTATE Phone 34116 - 34110 Henry Torrend 13633 Mr. Moon 3-7M1 FOR SALE FARMS "Seclusion" In a Grove of Firs Eiplslns this 41 acre farm located in the heart of Willamette valley. A comfortable 3 bdrm. home, also a mall barn and chicken house, a eood 00' well. This land is fenced A crcs fenced with Little Pudding river run ning throuih rear of property. Total price 110.800. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 3l Portland Rd Ph. Mil) Bra. Rkhart I 1114 Ml REAL ESTATE 2 ACRES CLOSE IN Here la a dandy a-bedroeaa homo on nearly t aeree of highly Improved land. In addition to the attractive home, there la a barn, chicken house, 13 walnut trees, chsrrlea, apples and plums, double garage. Immediate aotsesalon, flOM. Term, call llr. Parson. POSSIBLY $750 DOWN Non-resident owner an a pus to sell thla I -bedroom home. It has a alee living room, kitchen with dining area, modern bath, utility room. H acre good soil, on paved road la good dutrkt. A ood buy at 11,000. Call air. Parion. HOME WITH INCOME Well located 3 acre with 3-bedroom home, also 1-bedroom rental that brines in $33.50 per month, dose to school and bu service. tli.tOO. Owner will consider taking In S-bedroom home. Call Mr. Keene. ENGLEWOOD HOME . Living room, kitchen with dining area, I bedroonu, utility room, garage, email lot. 4 block to achool. .tea thla at nly M.0O0. Terms. Call Mr. Anderson. . ST. VINCENT-HIGHLAND DISTRICT Three-bedroom home with Urge living room, modern kitchen, base went with furnace, garaae. large lat. closa la school. Priced to sell at 110,050. Terms. Ceil Mr. Anderson. . -. j - A HOME ON THE CREEK This spacious home will please you with Its large living room, U i II dining room, den, kitchen with cheerful breakfast room, I large bed--rooms, beautifully landscaped lot on Mill creek, if you want the bast, sea U.1 home today. The price la 134,100, with good terms. Murphy & Kent, Realtors MORTGAGE LOANS CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 4l Mo. Church - Phono 4-noi Bvei.: Panoni 1-1301. Keene 1-0071, Anderion 1-1144 ' ell 3 BEDROOMS PRICE 11.050. 01,000 down will handle. Owner transferred, has bousht home In other town. Needs to sell Immediately. This kt a good well built home, 4 yeare old, 1100 sq. ft Admiral forced air oil heat, n x 1H lot, near school, located south. 1 block to city bus. 1 ACRE - 9-YEAR-OLD HOME S bedrooms, 13 a 11 living room, combination living e dining, flood neighborhood. 1 mile to Middle Grove achool. Large single garage, emaU barn. Wonderful garden area. Price U 1,500. P.H.A. term, 30 ACRES All In cultivation. Tear around stream, l-room home, barn, poultry, drilled well, lot of water, family orchard. Located east I miles toward Aumsvllle. Price $1,300. 46 ACRES Iota Hills. 0 miles from Salem. No bulldinis. Panoramic west view. Partly cleared, some wooded area, oak and and growth fir. $0,000 Is the price lor 40 acres. LOT 10 z 110. On Weat Way. Must build aft least 060 sq. ft. home. City water, atreet In. Price $$60. E. J.-ZWASCHKA Phone 1-4031 REAL ESTATE , iiiiii mill liutltt latum MIIIIIMM ttlltllltl aummi minim IHIIIIIIMIUUM ititmmuii lllllltlllllltMttlll liiiituit 1111111111 lliiml it iiiimt llllll u mill M List Buy SULLIVAN $35,000 Eight apartments and f first floor buslnexs outlets In concrete buitdlns. located In Bllverton. This la one to make the Investor's mouth water. DUPLEX - F.H.A.- constructed. This line duplex located on paved St.. near shopping center. lee. bdrma.rln each. You get an extra lot -and a very substantial loan may be secured. $11,000. Wll take a home In trade. NOB HILL " 3 Bdrms.. m blocks from McKlnley school. An older type house with lee. rooms In one of ealem's best neigh borhoods. Price $9,000, THREE BEDROOMS and only 0 yrs. old. Outside patio and fireplace. Certainly worth the moner at $7,500. SINWOOD panels In the livlnr rm. of this over sins U32B sq. ft.) two-bfdroom home. Tile In kitchen and bath. Loads of built-in. Colored bath fixtures and many mora fine features In this brand new modern home, east. Double ga raae with overhead storage. Call Mrs. Boyd, eve. ph. 45441, 153 ACRES Near Cascade union high. Approx. 140 acres cultivated. 30 x o barn. Pour-room house. Would trade for email place near Lyons or Stayton. $18,000. ROB ERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 13H Portland Road Ph. 40531 Br. Office 107 M. High PH. 40433 Zve. pha. 31114, 1-4101, 4-5031, 4-1100 001 East Englewood Here Is an opportunity to buy a homo in this beautiful new residential district. We are offering two new 3 bedroom houses for sale. Built by Prank North, we believe they are the beat deal In town considering location, material, workmanship and price. One le a m -story house with a huge up stslrs. The other has a full baxement. Both are located on long lota (150 ft.). Priced at $13,000, these house can be financed on an 10 P.H.A. loan. Call us for more complete detalla. ABRAMS. BOURLAND SKINNER 411 Masonlo Building Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loans Phone: 3-0311 Bventnga; 1-4 701 WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILOORE Needs a few listlnse on homea and farms for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. jt-067. 141N. CAPITOU ea" GREAT SUITING DEMAND for farms and acreages. List youre with Colbath Land Co. see T. T. Anderson, Perm Agent. Phone 4-4404. Eve, 4-3114. VOTICE: If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with ua. we have all kinds of cash buyers STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 153 S. High St. , ca LISTING, WANTED on homes, acreage or business. Builders nomea. Real Es tate. JT35 Bo. Commercial St. Phone 4-1575. Evenings 3-1710. cal" tvE ARE badly In nfd of t and 3-bed room homes. In Leslie Dist. Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have you? AL 1AAAK, REALTOR, PH 43311 If no answer, ph. 4-3341 ga WE ARE In need e good houses to sell. In or neer ftalem II you wish to list your property for sale, eee ORABRNHOHBT BROS., REALTORS. 134 S Liberty Ph. 33471 ce- EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WILL TRADE equity In I -bdrm. house. Hot water and bath, wired for stove, lerte lot. good soil. Car or trailer houe. Phone 4-S32I. ' b0$ FOR KALE OR TRADE for a Piece With acrease. Modern $-room house, has I -room aol. Private entrance, llso fftra sleeping room. Esrh lurnUhd Double g erase. Lot -by 100. All for ! $13,000. 1340 So. 13Uk abOO I REAL ESTATE 1143 Orant at. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE MOTEL 19 units plua 3 -bed room living miar ters. 4 acres land. Located In prosper oua valley town. All modern and com pletely furnished. Trade tor borne. Terma on balance. , BUILDERS HOMES . REAL ESTATE 373S 8. Commercial St. Phone 4-1S7B Evening 3-1110 cb98 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Own Your Own Business Be Independent We have taverns, laundries, food mkts., furniture, restaurants, motels, fountains, - bakeries, lunches and many others available for sale. If yon want to buy or sell a busi ness opp. In the Willamette Valley, better see: FRANK LOCKMAN, Real Est. "Bus. Opp. Specialist" 3037 Fairgrounds R,d. - 4-0353 i ed Home and Business SIX-ROOM HOME on two-way sec tion of Highway 00 (Business Zone). Pull basement, -furnace, 1 baths, Israa deep lot. Lots of off-street park ing. A dandy location for home and buslnesa combined. Good for real es tate, Insurance, beauty shop, an- alques, doctor, etc. The price Is only 012.AOO. Owner will consider smaller nome worm lor part. Center St. REALTY 174$ Center St. Phone 4-0031 Eve. Ph.; Bright 3-6842 Olcs 3-7113 CdrtR1 INCOME PROPERTIES NEW DUPLEX, 1 furnUhed. Income $130.00 per month. Chaa. Hudkina St Son. Phone 34130 or Evening 30160. cfOO1 13 UNIT APARTMENT Near State House and Shopping Cen ter. Over $10,000 annual gross Income. Property In eicellent condition. Never any vacancies. Aged owner dexlre to retlro and will sell for $88,000. Take nouse up w am. duo and iis.ooo cash Bslance mor tease. If your looking for income property with top returns, better call us at once. This is unusual SEVERIN REALTY CO. SIS N. High St. Dial 4-5B41 Rvp, 3 -MBS ffinri' AUCTIONS AUCTION TONIGHT, Midway. 1.111 -nerrr Are. flflfll Auction House 4840 Center St. .- Salem Sat, April 25 - 10 a.m. cV 7 p.m last op the furniture to oo at auction por store close out - both new and used 1IS0 4 ft. Coldspot Refrigerator Kelvins tor Elec. Rsnce igood) $-pc. Chrome Breakfast Set I-PC. Break rant Ret - Speed Queen Elec. Washer, nearly new walnut Bullet Sinter Sewing Machine Floor Lam pa CheiiLs of Drawers 0) Swing Rockers New l-yr, Bahy Crib A Matt. O pe. Maple Dinette Set $-pc. Litht Bedroom Sit Lswn Swing Many M1m. Items. Livestock Sale at 2 p,m. Chickens Rabbits Oeoe Ducks Cows Bulls 0) Veala Bsby Calves Piis THIS tfl YOUR SAT. MKT. COME, BRINO SOMETHINQ TO SELL. MANY BUYERS, THEREFORE OOOD PRICES TO YOU. EVERY BODY WELCOME. .Col. Ernest E. Scott Ph. 48433 Auctioneer ddna FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY ex MONDAY SVENINOS 49V WANTED FURNITURE fffl2gr!Q Cfflg' V LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKKB BBIP White face Jeretord, lac Locker pork. Sc. Motblnt down, f aaoa. to par. Ouatoai killing. Trailer loaned free. Belem Meal Co, 1111 0). Ilth. Ph. i-ipu. .a PETS OBANOI CANABUS, phono 1-1515. 1140 Chomexcta. ecaa- OIXTWOOD AatJABlUal 1151 UcCor. on. block eaal f N. Capitol. 1 Vh klocka north .( Uadtao. Ph. 1-0001. M101 I PABAKRTS, me and .land. Verr reaaonable. 1111 Bo. winter. oofl BROISTKBKD Bcotch Colllo pupplei. Al fred J. atcKooa, Bt. 1, lot 115, mer lon, Oregon. - oelOO OOnE TBOP1CAL nB, ParlkeeU, turtlea, euppllea. 3 mllu from Laneaet er on Uacleay toad. 4-3113. Cloeed Wednexdire. eel 10' FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up jour Preato-Loaa. Brlquete and Wood. Ill Bo. Com't, phone 1-1131. ee Hiway Fuel Co. ' Bawduat tuba eerrteo, all klnde ! wood. Phone 3-1444. oe ANDERSON S hand picked ilab wood. 1 oorda, 114, Phone 11111 or 44303. eelolB West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 10" CLEAN I54UED1ATB DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1331 Edgewater Phone aalAn 31011 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL POR 30 DAYS Planer trlmmlnga, II load. Phone 11131 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS PRYSRS FRYERS RAISERS 1. Would you like to extra profit per bird? '. 3. Would you like an -average weight of 3.3 Ibi. at I to 0 weeks? I. Would you like to have 3.0 feed conversion? 4 Would you like the tact and proof? See or Cell OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY -Elmtra Road Eugene, Ore. Ph. 0-3413 GOLDEN. BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox' Hatchery, luo State St. Ph. 3-4800. f WANTED Colored hens. Lee'a Hatch ery, phone 3-3061. EOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks in New Hampshire, Parmenters, Red, White Leghorns, Austra-Whlte, un.it DAka urviii-K w .. menter cockeVels. Let Hatchery, phone 1-38B1. PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Matted Qema. plant any time now to July, 11.50 per 100. Phllllpa Broi.. Rt. , Boi 403, 3 mllee eeit 4 Corner, on State St. Ph. 43081. ft1 HELP WANTED MALE BATE OPENING for real aetata aalea- man familiar with Intercity and lnter etate tradee and large commercial propertlee. An excellent opportunity for right party. All Information con fidential, write capital Journal. Box 10. gasfl1 ENERGETIC young man to work In sport ing goods store. Should have know ledge of fishing tackle. Inquire - In person. Cascade Merc, 140S N. Church. galOO MAN with car now employed seeking opening to better himself. Restricted territory. No experience necessary. We a Mist you. only men interested In 1100 a week or more need apply. Fuller Brush Co., Phone 3-3357. galOO WANTED Window and Interior display man. preferably between the a see of 10 and 36. Experience essential, Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Montgomery Ward. ga9g HELP WANTED FEMALE CAR HOP. Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No Rhone calls. so1 HOUSEKEEPER for country, i, D. Hart well. Phone 3-1345. gbDO EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted. Ap ply in person. Hartman Bros., 300 State. gbB8- ROOM, board, child care for working mother, 4-4063. ablOO WOMAN WANTED In sales and service department .aae 3$ to 40. Will br taught a congenial business. Steady employment, must be permanent. Sin ger Sewing Center, 130 No. Commercial. Apply mornings only. gbpo WAITRESS. Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. no prion e calls. WANTEDSALESMAN RALPH JOHNSON Food Club has open ing for permanent salesmen. We train you. Average commission Is $4Qfl per month with the very good possi bility of doubling that figure. Apply Mr. Robb, 155 Center St. Immediately. galOl WANTED Company representative ' be In Salem to Interview man i would like to go In business. Write at once giving atreet address; and phone number. Ed Walker, PO Boa 331 S. Portland $. ' eivS 00-YEAR-OLD manufacturer of main tenance products, rated A-l, desires sslesmen for several territories in wtuitern Oregon and southwestern Washington. Every manufacturing plant, Institution and building owner a good prtupect. Full credit on mell orders. Protected territory. Liberal commission and bonusea paid weekly. No Investment ratio I red. Thorough training by Division Manager. Contact O-eoreo Bf-merdy, The New Heathman Hoiei, Portland, Or fa on. Thursday, Friday or Saturday for Interview. ggftl SALE AM AN to sell COrresnortdartR CDiima. 100 leads. Excellent earnings. Can be part time. Write Box 73, Capital Journal. IKgg To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA EDUCATION Television Needs Trained Men!!! Pay $3 to $5 An Hour Applications are now being accepted from men in this area who are ern lni leu than $0001 a year and have a sincere) deelre to make a trash start in the multi-million dollar television field. Mon applying must ba between She ages of 11-$$. This lowkost train ing program will not Interfere with your present Job ' TV FURNISHED Wa train you with actual television equipment. Including fine TV receiver, yours to keep. Employment service to assist you In landing the Job of you choice. If you are sincere and ambitious to break Into todays fastest growing Industry writ today)' WRITE TODAY USE CLIP COUPON Sure! I want to enter the high-paying field of Tel evision SERVICING and MAINTENANCE. Rush me full information. NAME ADDRESS CITY PHONE Ag .' HOURS 1 WORK.,..". MAIL TO Television Training Box 71 Capital Journal WANTED POSITIONS MICKENHAM'S DAT NURSERY State llcenied and Impacted. Phone 3-7070. hill Strawberry DUSTING ANYWHERE . PHONE 43101 STRAY PAINTING Shatu hotuee, roofl, farm bulldlnga, .to. Phone 4-1100. hlOO1 GOOD CHILD care. One to alx. Lancae- ter vicinity, alio rnornnaie . or j-jsub allr I p.m. h00 CHILD CAES, reaaonable. North. Phone 4-4000. hOO' CARPENTER Cabinet work, heme re modeling,, free eetlmatee. Call 3-otll, 4-1033. hlOO BOTOTILLINO orenlnge, a a I nr d a y a, Sudaya, Keller area. Phono 1-0310. h!07 TILLING wltn new UE. Rotary tiller. Phone evening!. 1-1333. hioi TREE WORK. Topplne, trimming, re moving. Inaured operator. John Payne. Ph. 1-0315. hill MOWERS snARPENED at door. Make It run eaxy. Phone 3-0314. h!03 PLOWING it DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-0300. hioi PLOWING, DISCING, leveling. 13.00 an hour. Phono 4-3111, AI33 ELECTRICIAN, II yean experience, home and Induetrlal, wanta work In or around Salem. (Non-union now). 1345 Tomlln Ave., Woodburn, Ore. hlOO ROTOTILLING. Ph. 4-4013. Middle Orova Nuraery, 4030 SUverton Rood. hll NEW lawne, Rotery hoeing. Pree eetl- metei. Duane Wolcott, Phone 1-1137. hill PAINTINO, Peper-henalng, free eitl- hioo mate. Don Lucero. Phone 1-3033. LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning. trimming, plentlng, fertlllelng. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3171. hlOl PLEASANT country aiirroundlnxa, clone lo town, competent cnuo cere, waiiace Rd. 33313. h. CEMENT WORK end llnlahlni. A Bom- bKk. phone 3-0074. 1503 N. IMi. hloi NEW LAWNS, compleU, free eetlmatee. Phone 4-3111. nioo GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, dliclng. leveling, rototllllng. Service Center, Phone 41373. hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, doling, dirt level ing, grading. Phone 3-3330. moj' CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, dtaclng, aeedlng. Phone TILLING WITH Rotery - hoe. Oarden lawne. Phone 3-I970, 3331 Evergreen. hioi- EXPERT CHILD CARE My home, dare. Hollywood dlitrlct. Call l-tlop alter I p m. Ml EOTO-HOE Expert work. Phone llioT. hioi GARDEN WORK-F.ototllllng. CaU l-llll alter 1:00 p.m. hoi For Sots MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances NO DOWN PAYMENT USED HOftOB RETO. Im.U alee, exc.ll.nt running- condition, iuat overhauled ...only 141.11 USED WARDS BEPO -1 .0. ft., Terr clean, oulet running, completely rebuilt unit, real buy ..only aoo.H USED LEONARD RaTO. I an. ft., el.en. food apartment alee. Only I40.N USED ELECTRIC Bs . lll.Pt t. condition. Tinkham Gilbert Appl Go. GENERAL ELECTRIC 260 N. LIBERTY, SALEM PHONE 2031? V WANTED POSITIONS l WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire houee. Do all klnda of painting, bruah and epray, lurnlah referencee, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3044. nil- EXftBIENCED child care, In my home, iu N. Cottage. I dare week, alihte. Referncu. hll CHILD CARE, Englewood dlitrlct, Mra. Bertl. Jonnaon. lot. Jl. low. x-oeei. hlOl- CUSTOM gardening, 30-ln. Rotary hoe, II an hour. 1-7331 after I p.m. hll BOTOVATOB work wented. Vincent Kremer, 1110 Lancing Ave, Phono 13110. hll4" RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and llcenied apeelellet. Inatalled. 110 plua material. Call any time. Pree eetlmatee- Phone 4-1303. naior FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or lease, cement floors, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur niture Co. Phone 3-010S, J' 10 ACRES of Royal Anne cherries on crop share basis. Renter must spray and pick crop at own expense, or will give wood for grubbing out the trees. Also have 6 acres of land suitable for raising crops and 30 acre of timber and bruah suitable for graslng goats. 4-M40, J103 POB BENT, Bualneia building, lota of parking. Ph. 3B09I. IN' B.4BBEB SHOP wlth.l room apartment In back. Parking apace In front and rear. Poaaexalon flrat of May, Phone 1-1751. J. OFFICE SPACE Shop and atorago apace. Phone 3-0004. 1101 OARAGE FOB BENT. IUQUlra at 171 N. Cottage. Phone 41031. J101 CONVENIENTLY located parking In downtown ftalem. 10.10 month. I-0M3. WANTED TO RENT WANTED 3 or 3-bedroom unfurnlahed houae, with automatic heat, baeement and garaee. By May lat. No cnudren. Phone 34011. Jail MODERN I bedroom unfurnlahed houae. No -children nr pete. Call 4-3114 after 1:19 p.m. . lall' STATE EMPLOYE with one chud needa 1-bedroom home, wired for ranaa. Prefer . euburban area. Call 1-0174. ' Jaoo HOUSE on imall acreage, cloee In. I 10 mllee OK. Barn,, chicken houae. Permanent. Referencee. Phong 1-3030. Ial04 NICE 3-bedroom home. . nice dletrlct. Relerencea. 1-4041. lalOO 1-BEDROOM HOUSE Suburban, out lying area. Referencee furnlahed. Ph. IS1S1. Jas' FOR RENT ROOMS WARM, CLEAN, well furnlehed, cloae In, reaaonable. m N. Hlxn. ' jxm ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home. Oentleman, ISO No. Bummer, 1-0301. ' lko- CLEAN FURNISHED alceplng rooma, in N. Cottage. New management. Ikoa CLEAN, light houaekeeplng room nnd alceplng room. Por women. Near atate houie. Phone l-HIS. ikloo NICE LIGHT houeekceplng room. Lady. osi No. Church. Jkios NICE SLEEPING rooma, hot and cold water. 401 No, High. JK109' SLEEPING BOOM for one or two, 710 N. Church, Phone 1-4330. Ikloo FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED 4 large rooms, bath, In shopping center. Phone 1-7141. jpib CLEAN I bedroom house, partly XurnWih- ed, 3375 Trade. 1-8193. jm 01 FURNISHED bachelor apartment. Utili ties paid. Near State and Mill bus. 1810 Trade. JplOS LOVEI.T APARTMENT, 4 block from U. . Bank, In a tree setting. Fire proof building. Plenty of heat and hot water. Automatic laundry. TV con nection. Adults, Bee at 336 Oak street. JplOl FURNISHED bachelor apta., Includes utilities and washing. 1 or 3 men. Close in. Reasonable. 4-6303. JPlp3' TWO 3-ROOM furnished apartment. $30. 1350 N. Winter. JplOO- Private baths. 3-6676. ATTRACTIVE, new and clean three-room furnished apartment. Three blocks to shopping center and state build ings. Ph. 3-78.10, JplOO CLOHE IN, clean and comfortable. 3 rooms furnished, laundry. 2-50M. Jpl03 NEWLY FAINTED furnUhed basement apartment, $15, to 130. Cloae in: 176 Market. JpOB1 FliHNIHHKD, kitchenette, sitting room. share bath. Call afternoons, 1370 Ctiemekete. JpW 1 BEDROOM, furnished apt., newly dec orated, colse In. Phone 3-0714, jpioa UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom apU 1 blocks from downtown. Utilities fur nUhed except electricity. 146 month Call Pioneer Trust Co., 3-3130. Jpfll' NICELY FURNISHED 3 room and bath Close In. 004 N. Coro'l. JplOO' CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, small apart ment. Only $36. Close In. Lady pre ferred. 046 Perry St. JplOO' FURNISHED APARTMENT, $31 month. 1500 N. Capltol, phone 4 SB 63. )t99 1-BEDROOM furnished apartment, close In. Phone 4-6676. JPW $37, AO Furnished 3-room apt. 140 Dlv talon, phono 4-5036, JpOO S'ROOM furnished apartment. 404 so Winter. Jo00 OR 4-ROOM furnished court apart ments, close In. 3-0340, JpBO1 RXqriSITSK, l-room, bath, large, good view, ground rioor, pnone i-im, jpot' For Sol. MISCELLANEOUS . USBD WARDS REPO. Da luxe. 1 .rlepere, a reel bur at only 131.01 -B.CAUM of dent In the top. Only I3l.ll USED OENERAli BL. REPO. Do luxe, very clean, aealad gnIL Only im.M mao COLDSPOT-Larao alu. de luxe model, verr .lean, only lee ee. WABHBRB, RANO. .. Ail in aood FOR RENT APARTMENTS ROOM furnished apt- Private bath. All electric. $5$ Oak St. )p$0 NICK Or FURNISHED large, dean apt. , Ulll It lei furnished. Reasonable., $61 Bo. 10th. JplOO 1 BEDROOM, partly furnished. $:?. West Salem. 4-5003. jpOO UNFURNISHED 1 bedroom court: full bath, near ehopplng center. Adults. '1430 Trade. . , JpgQ NICELY FURNIRHED apartment with rang and refrigerator, Private bath, washing facilities and utilities in eluded. $45. close to capltol bulld lnis. Phone 43463. ' JplOO ' NICELY FURNISHED apartments; . Am baasador Apt. 300 No. Bummer. Jp PRIVATE THREE-ROOM Mrntahed court apartment, clean. Adults. $00. 3ifl6 Portland Road. , Jpl03 SEVERAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-0100. p FOR RENT HOUSES' l-BEDROOM, lull baeement," aawduil furnace. I0. Phone 4-1111 or 1-4004. lm NEW 1-bedroom houee with lota of cloeel epaee, elove, refrigerator, urac, and aome utlllllee. Inaulre tool N. 10th. - ' Jml04 BEAUTIFUL 1-bedroom duplex, (Ireplace. paxeme s, garage., in lain.- j-ie. Jmll t BEDROOMS, garden epacc. t9 mllea vicKson a avore. jnuvu- NEW ATTRACTIVE one bedroom lurn- lihed houee, garage. Couple only, oils Bllverton Road. Reaaonable. 1-0010. ........ JmOae FURNISHED BOUSE, 4 bedrooma, near State Bldge. 4k capltol Shopping cen tor. Automatlo Purnac, electrlo atov, and refrigerator. Sub-rent aleeplns roome. Adulta. 171, 1-4011 niter p m. Jmos t BEDROOMS, baeement, auto, heat, $65. inquire H. a. sun rurnuura vo. Phone 3-018B. )m" 1 BEDROOM, electric appliance, oil ...... A.ill. TBKnn.. .B1t InOABl S ROOM unfurnished duplex, storeroom. Adults. "Phone 34610. 1005 N. 4th. jm9" COZY A ROOM house on Market 8tr ' Partly furnished. Bug by door, l child, no pets. Phone 30030. ' Jm9B tfS E-BEDROOM COURT rental, til bath. 14ft. One-bedroom court rental,, completely furnlahed, tile bath, 1 $50. ( Phone 4-1761. or 3-46S4. Jm OFFICE FOR RENT GBOUND FLOOR office or etore .pace for rent. Call at Pitta Market Jo MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE , . TRUCKS O-DRIVB . .. , MOVE YOURBELP SAVE U PICKUPS STAKES VANS ' TEXACO STATION . - , 10 COURT ST. . PHONE 1-IMI PAOE STEVENSON And AL MIFPORD . m 8ALEAI BAND m OHAVEL CO MP ANT Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching ' ' Bewer and Buement .(. Equipment Rentel t Oltchlni by the Foot v. Phono Day, 1-1401 -. .-. Bvaa. 1-4417 or 1-7413, Salem, Oregon ' .- DENTAL PLATE REPAIR . 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLZR. DENTIST Adolph Bldx., State At Commercial Bta. SALEM PH 1-3311 m" BUILDING MATERIALS BUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum- .ber, 111 per M. and up, delivered. 3-3041. ' mill! Building? New weatherstrlpped window, com pletely assembled, hundreds In stock ready to go, $14 up. New picture windows ,..18.00 New doors 3'6"x6'8" $550 3-tab hexagon roofing tOOft 3-tab thlckbutt rooting $6.05 ' Dnpalnted cedar shake $5.15 Reverse trap toilets, complete .. $35.50 New 30"xl$" wash basin $17.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ...160.60 New shower cabinets, complete, $43.00 600-gal, steel aeptlo tonka $63.50 4" sol) pipe 10 New electrle water heater $73.50 Nw ateel garart doors ,,,.135 00 Asbestos aiding ' $0 50 New plasterboard 4x $1.40 Exterior white paint (gal.) ....$3.05 Mhoxany At birch plywood.,, baraaln Water proof wall board, 4x$ ..,.$1.76 New .n, Plywaad 13b New bath r. set., complete ,,.,,.$86 00 SHINGLES No 1 per so. ,. $0.3$ No. 3 per tf.t sii.OO No. I per sq $4 00 CASH At CARRY DISCOUNT 3B SQ. C. G. LONG At SONS Phone 4.061 1 ml. north of Reiser ma REDUCED po.OO PER DAY UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attweter 10-H.P. Oulboerd Motor. 1-apeed ahllt automatlo atartar. Starling price April Ilth, tlta.to APRIL 24, $241.80 . Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front At Court St. Phono l-llll WE OIVE . At H. OREEN STAMPS " . Ml By Ham Fisher (