Page 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Friday, April 24, 1953 ' i i 1 Raps Power Plank in NW Washington W) Testimony that the entire nation bene iiU through Pacific northwest power development was chal lenged by an eastern congress man during a recent hearing here on appropriations for the Bonneville Power Adminis tration. - Rep. Fenton (R., Pa.) called such talk "a lot of baloney." He said the argument left him "sick and tired" and con tended northwest power ex pansion "is hurting the coun try and in no uncertain terms, particularly my part of the country." Fenton's comment came aft er a house appropriations sub committee had heard testi mony from Kirby Billingsley, a commissioner of the Chelan County Public Utility Dis trict in Washington State, In appealing for funds for BPA, Billingsley also used the words "sick and tired," He said that Is how westerners feel when easterners say their tax monies are being spent to develop western power projects. HAZEL GREEN CLUB Hazel Green Community club will hold its last meeting of this school year at 8 p.m., Friday night, April 24. On the refreshment committee are Mrs. E. McClaughry and Mrs. Mabel White. STOCKS (By The Associated Prean Admiral Corporation .tilted Chemical , AUli Chalmers ,,,,, -American Alrllnei , American Power A Lttb American Tel A Tel American Tobacco Anaconda Copper ,,,, ,, Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co Bon Warner Burrow Addlnc Macbir California ."ackinr Canadian Pacific , Caterpillar Tractor Celaneia Corporation Cornier Corporation Cltlea Service Consolidated Edison .. Consolidated Vultee , Grown zellerbacn Curtlu Wrliht ' Douflu Aircraft , , Du Pont de Nemours , Kastman Kodak , , Kmerion Radio ....... ,,, Oeneral Xlectrlo Oenaral Foods ,,,,, Oeneral Motors Oeorila Pac. Plywood , Ooodrear Tire Homestake Mining Co. ,,,, International Harvests!,,,, International Paper . Johns Manvllle . . Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewe Incorporated ('t Loni Bell Montgomery Ward ....... ' Nash Kelvlnator , , Jlew York Central ii. Northern Pacific Faclflo American Ptah Faclflo Oaa & Electrio 69 51 12 VM , 154 12Va ...... iV 91 oott 30 ...... SO ...... 19 as 26H 27 28 77 S1H ...... 38 '-i 18 B9ft 8 62 V, 91 46Vt ...... 11 MH ..... 53 90 H 18 02 394 29 . 94 7V4 esv f& n 13 ao'-i ..... A3 'i 22 21 87 K 37 U Pacific Tel A Tel , Packard Motor Car -.., Fanner, J. C Pennsylvania B. R. ... , Pepsi Cola Co. Phllco Radio Radio Corporation . .... Rayonler Incorp. . . . , Raronler Incorp. Pfd. . , He public flteel Reynolds Metala ,( Richfield Oil Aafeway Stores Ine. ,. ., Scott Paper Co , Start, Roebuck A Co. Soeony-Vacuum Oil Southern Pacific Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J Btudebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift A Company Traniaraerlca Corp Twentieth Century Pol.. Union Oil Company .... Union Pacific Onlted Airline 119 6 08 20 14 31 25 ..... 28 .'... 47 48 .... M 33 38 .... 58 .... 32 .... 43 .... 81 .... 88 .... 34 .... V .... 38 .... 25 .... 18 .... 38 ....IO8V4 .... 27 United Aircraft 32H United Corporation ... ftt United States Plywood aa'i. United States Steel 3fl Warner Pictures 1ft Weetern Union Tel 40 Weetlnthouia Air Brak to Watlni house Ilectrle 44 Weolworth 45 i ft- r mm 1- i - " rrii.M Mem sfepREFERRED 1 M A RK E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PBODOCB UIT Batterfat Tentative, subject to mediate change; Premium quality, maxi mum J6 of one per cent acidity da Uvered In Portland M-71c Ib.i first quel- lty 81-70c: second quality, 14 -17c Valley routes and country points. 1 eenti less Ratter Wholesale r.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesales, grade AA. 91 score, 87 A grade. 82 score. 05c; B, 90 score, 4c; c. 89 score. 03c Abo?e prices JtricUy nominal. Cbecea Selling price U Portland wholesaler. Oregon singles. 42.46e: Ortioo lb. loaf, 41 &!: triplet ltte less than ting la. Egga to Wneleaaiera Candled ecu containing; no loss, caaea Included f.. Portland. A grade Urge. 57-Slttc; grade medium. W-67c; B grade large, 63 -53 4C. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price 10 relation: Grade AA print, 71c: A carton, 72ct A prints, lie; carton, 72ci B prints, we. Egga To retailers, Grade AA large. 62c; A large, 59f0c; AA medium luc: A medium, Mc: A small, nominal. Car tons. 3e additional. Cheese Price to retallert, Portland, Oregon singles, 45. 50c; . 5-lb. loaves, 5253o: triplets. lo leu than sin flee. Premium brands elnrlee, I6ct loaf, c. Processed American eheeaa. 5-lb. loaves to retail, 4-48e lb. Pealtry Live Cblekena (No. 1 quality, t.o.b. plants.) Fryers. 2-l lbs.. 3l29cj 3 lbi 2S-39c; routers, 4 Ibi. and over, 3B-3BC! Heavy hens, ail weignu, a2sc; light htm, all weights, 33-23c; old rooet- era, 10-ioc. Dreeaed Cblekena Fryer a, 2-3 Ibi. 43.4&c: roaatere. 43-44ci light hem. 31 32c; heavy bens, 38-37c; tut up ftycra, all weights. 43-c. Rabblta Average to arowera: Live whites, 4-6 lbs., 25-27c; lbs., 3) -3 5a lb., old does, 10-Hc; few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers, 61-MCi cut up. 66-6SC. Cennlrr KUIed Hiti Veal Top quality. 8-42 ID. 1 rouan basivlisL 2S31e. nega Man oiocaera, wiw aowe, umi 25-38C. Lasnba Best, 40-420 Ife.t Jpnngera nnmlnallv 4fle lb. Mutton-Eeit, 14-160 lb.; cull-utlllty, Beef Utility eows. 2630e lb.; eanner cutters, 22 -24c. shells down to lit, rih Dreiaed Meats Wholesalers to retailer: Dollars per owt.: Beef Steera. choice 100-100 lbs., 37.00-40.00; good. 36.00-39.00: commercial 33.00-37.00; utility, 31.00-34.00; cows. commercial, 28.00-33.00; utility, 27.00- 31.00; canneri-c utters, zs.oo-29.oo. Reef Cuts (Choice s tee re), mno quarters, 45.00-50.00; rounds, 46.00-51.00; full loins, trimmed, 61.00-71.00: tri angles, 30.00-33.00; fore-quarters, 23.00 35.00; chucks, J7.00-41.00; ribs. 48.00- 62.00, Veal Good-choice, $1-5J commer cial, $37-48. Calves Oood-cholce, H3-6I; tom merclal, 137-48. Lamba Prime sprlngera, 4060 lbs., 143-45: good. 64044. Motion Obod choice, $16-20. Pork Cute Lolne. No. 1, 8-12 Ibi., 859- 63.50; shoulders, 18 lbs., 838-41.50; apare rlbs, 17-61; fruh hams, 10-14 lbs., 167- 80. Smoked Hama Skinned, 657-83.60 Re. fined lard In drums. 111.80-18; alab bao on. $4806.50. Portland Mlscellaneoaa Celery - Cal. flat crate, 1-2 dot. $3. 264.36. Few to 4.60- Ore.. 63 35- $2.50. Onlone 80 lb. aacks west Oregon ' yel low, medium, 2-ln mln., No. 1. 3 35 3.50: 3-lnch, $4.50; No. 2i. $2.60-2.76; boilers. 10 lb. sacks. 45 -4 7c; Idaho yellows, large, $4.50-5,00; No. 1. white, large. 4.735.00. Potatoes Ore.-wain. Ruueta No 1, $4.605.35. name brands to $5.25; bakers. 6.00-50: 25 lbs. slie A. 1.4055: 10 lb. mesh, S5-60c; piper, HO-SSc: No. 2, 60 lbs., 1.50-65; Idaho Russets. No. 1A, 5.50-6.00: 5-10 lb. bales. 3,30-30. Hay U. 8. No. i green alfalfa, de livered car loti f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly $33.00 ton; Seattle, $36-37. Wool crease basli, Willamette Vai- ay medium, 60-52e lb.; Eastern Oregon fine and half-blood, 65-62c. Hides calves, l9-2io lb, according te weight; green klpe. I7-I9c: bulla, 4-6c; green butcher cow hides, 7-fio. Filberti-Wholesale selling Price No. 1 large Barcelonaa, 24-26c Ib.i grower prices, orchard run, 14-16e lb. Wain uli-Wholesale selling price, first quality large Franquettes, 32-33c Ib.i rower price, orchard run, 16-10 lb., few best to 16c. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from teperta of Salem dealers for the guidance ! uapitai joarnaj readers. Revised dally.) Retail Feed Prleest Rabbit Pellets $3.9$ 160- lb. bag). S4.80-S.40 loo)b. bag). Egg Mash I5.20-B.5O. Dairy Feed - $3.68-193 (30 lb bagi, $4.35-6.13 (100 wi.i. . . Penltry Bnylng Prices Colored fryers. 28c: old roosters, 15c; colored fowl, 25c; let horn fowL 33c; roasters. 29c. Eggsi Buying Prices Eggl, AA, 49c; large A, 47-55c: medium A A. 48c: medium A. 44-SOe: small. 40c. Wholesale Prices Egg wholesale prices generally 5-7e higher than the prices above. Large grade A generally Quoted t Sic; medium, 56c. . Bntterfat Buying price: Premium. 70- 71c: No. 1, 67-69c: No. 2. 68c. Butter Wholesale grade A narchmant. 11c Ib.i retail, 76c; Eavor - ihatmade folk curious Over a million beer drinkers,switched to Hamm's in just the past two years. They heard about a wonder fully refreshing flavor a special kind of crisp, clean cut flavor captured in the land of sky blue waters. They tried Hamm's and decided it was their kind of beer. Try extra refreshing Hamm's Beer. TVo. Hamm Brminj Cfc f St. Ftul, Uinntiots ' . M '-.i ;v. a.' Ttf Refreshing land ir i a If u '11 i Mid-Willamette Obituaries Frank Harrman Wlllamina Frank Hartman, 73, died at the convalescent home in Amity' recently and funeral services were held from the Sheridan Funeral home with interment in the Willa mina cemetery. He had been in ill health for the past 11 years, He is survived by a brother, Lou Hartman of Valley Junc tion; a sister, Mrs. Otto Hatten of Portland; four nieces and three nephews. Mrs. Mabel Wertz Lebanon Funeral services for Mrs. Mabel McDonald Wertz, 68, a native of Smith county, Kan., who lived here for the past 13 years, were held Thursday afternoon at the Hus ton Funeral home. She was born March 21, 1885 and died r.rlUsi luUMl M.rk.l Portland W.I0 Oren otnlon, .old lor 7078 cent. . tosen bunehw tod.r on th. Porllind Bajuld. P.rm.r Whol ala Product m.rket. R.dlihej brouihl AO.05 cenu . doien bunchei whll. c.rrot. mov.d H 11.30- 1.3s . doien and broccoli t ,1.3ft. Pleld'.rown rhub.rb wu fl. 60-1. it a 30-lb. box lor win. virutj .oa ,i.o 1.70 for jtr.wberrir typ,. on wholes.1. row, ore.on No. 1-A riusct potato, wcr. S4.ft0-4.7t . 100 ChJur. Onion, Chlcalo 0JJ9 Supplle. moderate.' prac tically no demand, market weak. Track .alee (SO lb,.): Teiai Orano u. 6. 1. 3-lncU and lantr. car 3.0O, Street aalea (M lbe.l: Tela. Yellow Bermuda, 2 to 3-Inch 1,75-l.M. 3-lneh in i.reer I.; urano I (o a-incn .ro-1.78. i-lncn and larger om. 3.00; Cwtal While Wax 1 to 3 Inch 1.7S-3.00; Idaho Spanleh 3-lneb and laner few 3.30: midweat mMllum xeiiow uiooee lew ..e-.7S. Cbfeaf Llveitoek Chtcaio Thli ntrket'i Itrscat Trt. dir recetpfi in 10 weeks chipped m much m 26 eenti hundred pounds off live hogi rridtr. Moit tftles were steady to 35 eenti lower with heavier welihta weakest. Cattle prices were iteadr to weak. js.n. were nom.nau, s.ajr .na ewe. Butchers sold from $33.00 to $24.80 in the main with several hundred head toppinr out at $34.60. sow took $10.60 Good and choice steers and heifers old from $18.60 'to 21.00. Cows sold from $16.00 downward. oood crane led wooied iambs sold from $24.28 and below. Wooied slaughter ewes sold at 9.00 downward. Salable hogs were estimated at 7,500, cattle 600, calves 200 and sheep 200. Portland Livestock Portland (UJO Csttle: For wetk 3840; active, mostly steady except fed, steers steady to 26c lower. Calves: For week 380; steady. Hois: For week 1868: 1-1.36 higher. Sheep: For week 800; weak to 50c lower. Stock Market New York WV-The stock market was lower Friday on balance with numer ous buoyant areas resisting the decline, Price changes spread over ft range of around 2 points either way with the bulk of changes In fractions. Volume was down from Thursday at an estimated million and three Quarter hares. The total Thursday was 1.920.- 000 shares. ' Chicago Grain Chicago W) Wheat suffered from sev era! selling .squalls on the board of trade Friday while corn edged higher In a display of independent strength. Wheat sank around 3 cents at one time, but recovered toward the finish. Moisture In the Southwest caused some selling. A little support was derived from export transections in red wheat. Wheat closed lower to higher, May $2.19i-; corn tt-tt higher, May $1.58; oats unchanged to V higher. May 7r,i-; rye 1 to Vh lower, May 11.62'4-W: soybeans lower to IVt hither, May $3.0ft-$3.05U, and lar,d 3 cents lower to 3 cents a hundred pounds higher, May $10.85. Portland Grain Portland fAV-Coarse grains, no bids, Wheat ibldi unquoted. Car receipts: Wheat 31: barley 3; flour 3; corn 3: oats 2 mill feed 9. BUTCHER'S WEDDING East Molesey, England U.R Butcher shop executive Stan Richards and his bride left St. Paul's church yesterday under an arch of soup bones held by 14 butchers. talk... H 5 I . .nWT ' V'JhswswswsWMWswswswswswswswi yours. ..from ihe of sky blue waters April 20 at her Rose St. home. Survivors in addition to her husband, Floyd E. Wertz, are three sons, Leland E. Wertz of South Gate, Calif., Donald P. and Eldon L. Wertz, Lebanon; daughter, Mrs. Sylvia At Dick. Long Beach, Calif.; brothers Roy McDonald of Kansas. My-1 son McDonald of Denver, and a sister, Maud McDonald of Yuma, Colo. James C. Cochran Albany James Couch Coch ran, 66, a resident, of Linn county his entire life and son of a pioneer family, died at local hospital Wednesday. Heart disease was given as the cause of death. Services were held at the Fisher Funeral home Saturday at 10:30 a.m. with burial in the Riverside cemetery. . Mr. Cochran was born ' at Tangent. He lived on a farm near that community until his marriage to Hilda Carter, who survives him, on July 7, 1909 at Albany. He then moved to Albany. Surviving besides his widow, are a son, Frank, and a daughter, Mrs. Helen Kutch both of Riverside, Calif., and two grandchildren. Mrs. Lottie Soar Willamina Funeral services for Mrs. Lottie Saar, 74, were held at the chapel of the Sheri dan Funeral home recently with interment at Green Crest Memorial park in Sheridan. She died at the home of a son, George Smith in Wlllamina, with whom she had lived. She had been in ill health for the past several months. She was born in Clements, Kan., Oct. 6, 1878. 'Mrs. Pearl Schafer Lebanon Mrs. pearl Edna j Schaieri 1410 Second St.. died Wednesday at the Community hospital. She had lived here since 1937 and came to Oregon ih 1920. Born at Greenwood, Wis., she married Bert Shafer at Cottage Grove on Jan. 30, 1924. Besides, her husband, she Is survived by three sons, Robert W., and Lloyd of Lebanon, and Melvin L., of-Albany. Services are pending at the Huston Funeral home, DEATHS Jehn Rice John Rice, late resident or snerwooa, Bnute. 4. Box 83. In a Portland hos pltal April 31. Survived by wife, Mrs. Florence Rice, snerwooa; oaugmers, Mrs. Helen Phegley, Aitkin. Minn.; Mrs. Eileen Tunlson, Dounlae, Wash., and Mrs. Rachel Haugen. Leavenworth. Wash.; son, Norman A. Rice, Coleraine, Minn.; sister, Mrs. Sophia Phillips, Or and Rapids, . Minn.; brother, Peter Rice, McAUen, Tex. and 12 grandchil dren, services win ne neio eaiuraay, Aorll 36. fit 2 P.m. In the Clough-Bar- rlck Chapel with Interment at Bnlcrest Memorial Park and the Rev, E. a Becker officiating. Dora Matilda Clearwater Dora, Matilda Clearwaler, at a local hospital April 33. Late resident of Wood burn. Survived by daughters, MVs. Dora Eerry. Brooks. Ore.: Mrs. Ooldle Arm strong, Lakevlew, Iowa; sons, Francis Clearwater, Ontario, Ore.; Guy Clear water, Rocicweu city, lowa: orotner. Jasper Eu trick, Lehigh, Iowa; 14 grand children. 0 great grandchildren, 4 nieces, 3 nephews. Funeral announcements liter by Virgil T. Golden Co. Donald Glenn Mlse Donald Glenn Mlze, late resident of Rt. 5, Box 448, at Fort Bragg, H. C, April 18, at the age of 28 years. Sur vived by wife, Mrs. Lowena Mixe. two .ions, Roy Donald Mize and Ronald Lee Mize. all of Salem; mother, Dora Brit ton, sister. Mrs. Violet Rre, two broth- Orval W. Mlze, Carl Mite, all of Antloch, Calif. Services will be held Tuesday, April 28. at 1:30 p.m. In the Howell -Ed warm Chapel with the Rev. Lloyd Anderson offlcintlng and Inter ment at City View Cemetery, Erwln Porter Erwln Porter, late resident of 149 f Marlon, at a local hosp.tal, April 20, ai the atte of 76 years, survived by wife, Mrs, A. Oil a Porter, Balem; daughter, Mrs. Jesn Porter wt of Cleveland. Ohio. Services will be held Saturday, April 25 at 3 p.m. In Howell-Kcl wards Chapel with the Rev. B. J. Holland offi ciating. Dick DeJong, Sr. Dick DeJong, cr., paAsed away Aprl. !. Husband f Mae; father of Jack. John. Richard, all of Ball ton; Mn. Nellie Zumwalt. Perrydale; Mrs. Cath ertn Ms tier. Amity; brother of Cor- nriious of Beaverton: Jacob, Perrydale; Mrs. Dleu Sunn' lirs. A1H M'Vk.r. Mrs. Jenny Weeihoff. all of Pnrllanl, 1 and Mrs. Kale Rohde. MrCoyr Service U1 be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, April 26 in the chapel of Macy .and Son. Mr- Minnr:ll. Interment Evergreen Mem orlal Park. ewrr Kllaea Hrnry FlSMCn. late resident of Sclo , a local hotplta: April 33. rrvltc br wife. M. Mtrtha Ellasen. Shlpmer e male to Albany (or service. and Inteiment by Clougn-Barrlck Co. Asa Qealfe Aaa Qua We. Isle resident of 881 Rcue- mont Avenue, Salem. At a local hos pital April 23. Announcement of services later by Clough-Barrick Co. K mm fit Bert Henry Emmett Hon Henry, former ruldenl of 4710 Skyline Road In this city April ai me age or 23. survived br wife Joan Henry, Salem; parents, Mr, and I Mrs. John Henry, Salem; brothers, wil i our nrnrr, narwara, clir.. Earl Henry, Oales Creek. Oregon; Jack Henry, Sa- lem; Jim Henry. Lai Anmi.i r.n Vernon Henry, flslem; sister, Mrs. Eu nice Meeder, San Diego, Calif. Member Christian Church at Llberlr. Announre ment of services later by Ho will-Edwards lam Marllg nam Martlg. former r..lrfnt a tatn Sunnnyvlew Avenue. In this city April .ii a di a years. Survived by brother. John W. Marllg, Portland: 2 nephewi. Robert Martle. Portland; Ken neth Marllg, Gates, Ore. Funeral an nounceroents later by Howell-Edwards mneral Home. N.rj n A e.h.H H n uns. I main LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Vpstaln, U North Llbtrty Ottle. .p.n Bat.rda? tmr it a.m. to I tut om Con.ullatlon. blood greuur. and urln. teiU .re tree wt thane Practiced ilnre l.n. Writ, tor .IttwUn .III. N. Mil- velto.. Dr. f. T. Urn DIRECTORY ADDING MACBLWIS All make, uwd machine. Mid. rented. repaired, noon, toe court. Ph. S-.773. O. W. KLANQ Wrcckln. Co. Bulldera' cheap .upplle., 1-73.5 .venlnu. on.' BULLDOZING EulldoclQe;, road elearlns teeth. VlriU umtcr. tow pairnew. to. s ine. . 0131 OAS! BEQISTEBS Instant dellrerr of new RCA aah AU makee. aold. rented, re Pftlred. Roen. 4M Court. Ph. s-,773. CUSTOM PABM WOBE Plowlna. dkwlnc, Medina. Pord muIp ment. Uettbell, 4J11 Market. Phone 3-1343. oiu DRESSMAKING. Alteration., bemjtltebln., b u 1 1 o B a, buckle, covered. buttonlwl.e. Mm. H. U. Allender. 3-H11. olM ORIVfNQ INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drlva" way. can or see Mr. entiling, valley tor CoM Salem. Phono l-JHT or 4-2074. EXCAVATING Ben OtJen h Son. Excavating, grad. tog, land clearing. Phone $-3080. ol!2 FCBNITUBE BE FINISHING Furniture reflnlshtng, repaired- Ed gar Brock, $84 Norway St. Phone S-B38T. 099 INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free estimates, - T. Pullman, Ph. 3 -SB 05. oll2' MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full new mattresses. Ph. 3-4069. OFFICE FCBNITUBE 4k SUPPLIES Desk cbilrs, flies, filing supplies, safes. oupiicaioiri. supplies, aeu lamps, type writer sianas. itoen, court. SHAHPENIVG AND BEPAIB BEBVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers.' knives, shears, bl cycles and small motors. Ph. 34818 or 451 B5. IStft SOd D fttl. 0114 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septle Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone J-M. OHO1 Hamel's septle tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro- u-Kooter sewer service. Phono 3-6337. L. W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. rnone -i4Bi. . ol08 TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remlngtop, Royal, Un derwood portables. All makes used machines. Repairs rebt. Roen, 456 court. o TELEVISION Prompt television ami rUlo repair service, rnone e-wwi. 973 Market, nay or nigni. olio' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld's Laundry, Repairs, Reflnlsh- mic. i4u e. lam, en. 4-0403, Pick-up, Delivery. olifl WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, housecleanlng. Phone 3-3337. 347 Court. FOR SALE HOUSES Beautiful Fairmount Hill 3-bedroom, din. rm., garbage dlsp., dishwasher, oil heat, full basement, landscaped 80 x 176 feet, paved alley. Phone 4-1734. a90 KINQWOOD HEIGHTS View, landscaped, 3 bedrooms, ilv-Ina-dlnlng rooms, kitchen with cad gets; attached garage, fireplace, nook, basement, oil, corner lot, 301 Cascade Dr. Phone 3-8348. a90 RICHMOND district, 2 -bed room, fairly new, rancb-etyle. Garage. 2-8848. ass SOLTH VILLAGE, 3 bedroom, 1267 fiq, ft, plus double garage, forced air liirnace, fireplace, seperate dinnlg room, utility with dryer, nice lawn, Shrubs, patio, 869 K. Ewald. 26746. alOO OWNER TRANSFERRED to Portland. 2 bedroom view home for pleasant Jlv ing. 38013. 323 Forest Hills Way. 9B OWNER WILL take $1,000 down on his cute two bedroom home with large living room, Inside utility room and attched garage. Also, completely fenc ed back yard. Full selling price Is 17.600 the balance like rent A real buy for you on this. Eoweg es Wood Realtors. 334 North High St. 4-3353 or Eve. 2-0422. .S8. BY OWNERNlca 6-room home. Fenced In yard, extra lot. V block to bus. 83000 will handle. Balance of 87636 like rent Phone 41798 after 6 a.m. A100 S-BEDROOM home, 3 years old. Small down payment will handle It. 603 Try. on avenue. 4-4858. ioo W ACRE, Immediate possession, 85,750. 2 bedroom, in city, paved street, school, bus. Owner out of town. 3016 Evergreen. 2-2353. noi QR TRADE for 300-acre farm A beau- tuui j-Dearoom nome on Crolsan VVl 1 RL Bo Call 2-3145 after 5 p.m. nog SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c TUBE CWith Aoplicalor) Why suffer the di&comfort of irritating end itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUG STORE Open Dalit, r.U .m. . I p.m. Sundays, 9 .m. 4 p.m. 135 N. Commercial Hey Pop! SEE WILSON'S FAMILY SALE - AD ON PAGE 19 Journol Wont Ads Pay FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE 645 CHURCHDALE AVE. SATURDAY-1:30 TO 5:00 P.M. Drive out North Rim Road t. Churcbdal. (Juit South of Kelaer uilnea. district), then left Its blocks. Juit compleUd, two bedroom, and beautiful lar.a den. sepsrats dlnln. room, fireplace, hdwd. floors throut, foreed air oil heat, attached ! rase. Well .rranied for TV. Near n.w school. The price 113,00.. P.Hjt. terms. WU1 consider .our .miller home, or lots, for part. Center Street Realty We. phonrj FOR SALE HOUSES I BU PROM T. JOS. CHURCH Two well-built houses on Ue. lot. One la a 3-B.R. mod. houst with full basmt., hdwd. fir., lie .llr. rm, with fireplace, other on rear of lot Is a 8 rm. home with full basmt., located on No. Winter st. In Apt. House aone. 34,600, with 113,000 down. VIEW ROPBRTT 4 So. on paved road, will be food for subdividing, 1 ml. from down town, 1000. NEAR JR. HI. ft NEW HI SCHOOL , 2-B.R, house with part burnt. 88830 witn siuuu o wo. ON MARKJET. ST. ' Oood older type home, 4 B.R., llv. rm., din. rm., kit., wired for elec. range. Fruit ft nuts, lose to grade and Jr. Hi school. 18700. Burt Picha 378 N. Hirh St. ' Off.: 2-4047 Eves.:-Allan Fletcher 3-2708 afis BY OWNER 783 Sunset. A modem l. oarrn. rancn type nome with 2-car aa- rage, auto. 0U heat, half acre with terpen apace, fruit and berries. ass BY OWNER 3-bdrm. home, 18' by 30' cumuinaiion aoi. ano jvi, room: waii-to-wall carpet, ctrculatina fireplace. upholstered booth In kitchen, lots of bullt-ins. Upstairs finished In knotty pine. Km large jot. Beautifully land scaped. For quick sale, 812,000. See af ter z p.m. oauy. w park Ave. a99 ?i ACRE, VIEW In cltT. neat 4-rm house, fireplace, dble, farage, guest house. 910,500. Terms, Chas. Hudkliu k con, 2&o ti. High, ph. 24129, even- OWNER TRANSFERRED. Uuit inv.. jy 2 Denroom home, on large comer loi. 178S Fair oar. Phone 46603. al00 YOUt S500 DOWN buyen, should see tnis s bedroom home. Located 1345 n ouemeni, garage, mu id., see Mn uoioain neaitor, Plal 34552, evenings 26923. alOO WISE BUYERS. See this late built 3 neoroom nome. on furnace, hard wood floors. Exclusive dist. for $900 ouwn. sea oen coioatn Realtor. Dial 24552. evenings 26923, !) EXCELLENT BUY, Near Leslie. Khool, new a neoroom. Phone 2-1053. a99 FAIRMOUNT HILL t bed rma. Comb. L ft D rm. Utility, all on one floor. Very clean. Blec. range ft Ref. Inc. In price, 88950. JOHN J. DANN REALTOR ' 418 N, Hlsh , Ph. 4VMM Eve. 35219 - 38478 - 27401 a98- Sfignn Not often will that amount of money ouy a i dm room home in the Engle wood District. Both llv. and ft din. ., inside utility. E. A. McQLAUFLIN REALTOR 444 Center St. 3-8611, Eve. 2-7843 a98 BY OWNER, 2 bedroom home, garaae, ivcuer aistrici; z-fsoi, a 103' BY OWNER AND BUILDER Drive past 1060 N. 13th and have a look at this new 8 bedroom home. Just completed. Has Urge rooms, lots of bulltlns, fireplace, Sandberg auto matic lurnace and ids clous earase. Call us for appointment. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER I Home Builder 1540 Olive Ph. 3-3800 a99a BY OWNER, room borne, basement, sawdust furnace, 18976, UB0 Hood St. Ph. 36980. al02 BY OWNER 3-bedroom suburban. 4 yre. old. V acre, i mile city limits. 2822 Fisher Road. a 99 BY OWNER 2-bedroom house, full base ment, sawdust neat, nice yard, good location. 3-4869. a99 FOR SALE LOTS WEST VALLEY view lote, 139 dowr. 110 per month. City wster. restricted. SEE COLBATH LAND CO, REAL TORS. Dial 4-4494. aa-tl DOWIfS AVE. 15000, corner lot 100x150. excellent view of city es mtni. Trees. In city. Ph. 14057 eves, aal04 BELCREST LOTS 140 each. All 4 cheap er, oood location. 3-4987. aalOO WHY PAY RENT When only 110 Down and $10 a mo. will five you posaeaslon of one of these 60x132 foot lots. No restriction,. 1550 uniy. E. A. McQLAUFLIN. OWNER 444 Center St. 7-8511, Eve. 3-M13 aanc LARGE HOME sites In beautiful kmx I wood HelthU, .1,000 up. Easy terms. See owner. Phone a-841.1. FOR SALE FARMS 60 ACRES Willamette toll, located No. AU un der cult., moat crops In, very good modern older type hie. In excellent re pair. Plenty of outbldgs. On pvd.'rd. Owner will consider home In Salem as part trade. Priced at 819.900. C. W. REEVE. REALTOR 1860 AfiMlon St. . Ph. 34598 Eve. 439 4 S or bofl FOR SALE ACREAGE 2 ACRES East, fair 3-B.R. hse., good barn, chick, hse., fruit hse., tar. Close In. Only 16900. C. W. REKVI, REALTOR 1880 MiMlon St. Ph. 34590 Eve. 43945 or 39538 bb98 1 ACRE, south. 3-bdrm. house, aeveral outbuUdlnas. $4.70. Terms. Chas. Hud klru At Son, ph. 34139 or evenlni 38180. rb9B. REAL ESTATE 3-BEDROOM .SPECIALS 1. Keiier 111,800. Brand new lane livlni room, A dream kltcTirn, lane cione is, separate uiuux, laree at tached earaie. Forced air oil heat. Paved, street. Close to eehool and biM. will take a ear or truck In u mot, Aeonimj payment only 151. 1 Kin t wood 111,500. Brand new, Iot ly ItTlna room and dining room with oeaumui view. Well arranged aitcnen. All hardwood noon. Larie doimie attached aerate. Will take a mall houtse in trade. J. oulh Salem 1478 down and ISO per mo. buyi tood older home with 1 bedroom all on one floor. Double te rete. Oood tarden apot. Paved street, bin by door, A toed buy at only 15950. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Him street Phon, Midi Phon. tvenlnis tnd (und.y: 1.1171, l-JBI, 4-IJM, ,.,, 4.M1i ,. FOR SALE HOUSES Phone 4-8831 1-7IIJ, $-S8flJ REAL ESTATE Must Sell Ft Once - In Yamhill Co., Dayton Dist. close to tn., on main hlway, ei. loca tlon. 158 acres best of row crop soil 13S A. to eult. of this IS A. Tlver bot tom with Irritation system (Ji-H.P. lee.) urze complete set farm bidas. (oldt, 2 tractors ft other farm bquIp meni. Price dto sell. Easy terms. Courtesy to brokers. PEOPLES E CHANOZ, Realtors, WcMlnnvlllt, Ore. cW -VBE.OLD, J.bdrm. hom., north. llv. es din, carpet, nice kit. with 'satin, space, le. ..rase with plenty work spsce, selling for. .p prifeed vslu. of I7.B00. Bv.. .'call Peck I-S413. state it. arECiAL 1-bdrm.. room for more. Lis. llv. A din. rm., llre- place, full dry baiement, sawdust heat, corner lot. 10,M. In. cell Feck 1-341. CLOSE TO SCHOOL, stores end bus s-bdrm. on ons floor, nlcs llv. 4 din. rm., It, kltchsn. Cloie In. May take newer house up to .15.000 In trade. Oood valu. at I..900. Xv.. call Uets- ser . 4-1711 or 1-145. SEE THIS extra nice 3-bdrm. home, Jus) suburban. In new district. Llv. rm. with din. rm., breakfast area In kit., Inside utll. Lee. well-Iand-l caped lot, all for 111,500. Cell.JMeti- Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 4JJ No. Hlth Ph. 1-W.1 . c LOOK HERE! ONLY $25 DOWN IF YOU'RE plannln. to build, start buy- iu. your tot now in restricted area. Lar.e lots. Low monthly payments. Priced to sell. $750 DOWN ON THIS Lire away from th. hustle and bustle of the city In nice J-bedroom home on ti .cr. miles from Balem. Block to school and store. . Applee and cher ries. May tek. trailer houie. Only 56O0. MAKE AN OFFER This older type 3-bedroom home on deep lot Is priced t 16300, but take look and tell ua what you'll pay for It. Best of terms. OUR BEST BUY or only 17500 and excellent terms, this cosy hom. with fenced back: yard can be yours. Inside utility and at tached ..rate. No drive-by Informa tion on this. ; BUSINESS BUILDING ' Out-of-town owner will iscrlllce 40x14 bulldlnt and d.ndy J-bedroom home with part baeement for .10,500. Thla le worth looklni Into. We can ar rant, terms. Or may lease. ENJOY THE RIVER There ar. 1 fireplaces In this nice I-bedroom home on bis lot that reaches to the Willamette, It's In the city, with but nast door. Asxln. 410,500. DON'T MISS THIS If you're lookln. for . 3-bedroom ranch type nome wun 1400 aquare feet of comfortable living space, we have It for $1J,750. Very close to school. Lot 0x140 with trees. . NICE FOR KIDDIES This comfortable 4-bedroom home with oaaemcnt is jocatea south. There's a cneenui llrepiscl and attached .araie. or aoor. triced at .14.750. (COURTESY TO BROKERS) RAMSEY REALTY J004 North Commercial Office 4-S31I ...a, ana dun., dim Ramsey, 4-1698 ' CM' HOMESEEKERS AGENCY SPECIALS SILVERTON, OREGON 4 RMS. Ac bath. Just outside city.. .11.00 ' , 1600 down Acre Just outside elty on hl.hway, ..cany new, . nirse rms, ec oatn, ce ment foundation, wired for rente, ete. a nice spot ,.13050 1 Lots, I rm. bsth k utility, wired .or range, ciecino water neater, fire piece, nice tarate. ,ood .arden spot, cioes in. Price $5000 54 Acr, new I rms. At bath, hardwood floors, automatic furnace, cement foun dation, wired for rante, ete. Family jruit.nic. location $7350 7 Rms. bath, full basement, wired tor rente, electric water heater, nl.a- tered., etc., nice bit lot, fine . loc.tlon. See thle 17500 Almoet full acre on corner, both streets peved, A rms. ft bath, wired for rante, etc., basement, furnace, fireplace, dou ble tarate, lots of trees and ahrub An excellent femlly sited home. .16500 Business opportunity, popular recreation center, restaurant and billiard room, .11 equipment, new larte bid.., tond ' 500 IK Acres, all cultivated, tood I rms. At bath. on. floor, cement foundation wired for rente, electric w.ter heater, double tarate and shoo, bern .nt chicken bouse, drilled well, eome furn- "nints ,' 15200 10 Acres, tood family toll, nearly all tillable, 5rm. house, continuous foun- a.uun, etc., osrn, cnicken houie, ts rase. Weil of silverton towards Sa lem. See thli I760D 1J4 Acres, nearly all cultivated, excel lent eoll, well developed for eprclelty cropi. Irritation, very tood family sired home, basement, new oil furnace, fireplace, wired tor rante, etc., machine shed. barn. ete. A beeutlful place, home .lone nearly worth the prlte. 115,160 JJ'4 Acres, nearly all cultivated, on paved .wr. uoon s rms. bath, very tood barn and olher bldit. A fine farm . .110,000 I Acres, about 11 cultivated, 4 tern ..r.wucruHi. toon sprints .nd yr creek, 3-rm. hom. unfinished, 811. verton nun tim 154 Acree. over '4 tillable, yr. stream Irritation rltht, farm bldts.. on pavrd "' 110.000 Writ, or Call for Our New Bulletin BEFORK YOO BUT OR BULL THE HOMESEEKERS AGENCY . Silverton, Oregon To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE ??CROWDED?? Tlrwl of looklni at cramped hoiuu, Ut us .how you . little mors .u? room snd comfort. This home hi. bedrooms, . mere i balhs Hi one study snd music room, dinT room won't se.t over II people ..TT restricted to on. pln.-pon. ssm!' . time, m.W's ou.rUr. on, snou.h for on. perion. couldn't . lumber so had t. build with orry It Isn't Utter, but It spse. let's hsv. look. ou k,?4 able to iiuees. tn. Mk Urmi. YOU CAN'T LOSE Check this lntsstment today a .Id oulldin.. auel rei.i',2; concrete, fully occupied snd In. srou S5H4. ih.rp.n end see for yourself. This u . 10 buy. Oolm for su.ootj, "U GO SUBURBAN , ' W. shouldn't hav. much u . about this home. Owner nae cut ... to 17.40. Appraised for llsoo 1 J2 ' 1-bdrm. modem home,, I sr&sriE: ln,",, SUBURBAN EAST vine. .D new scnooi. overall. I.. trees. J-bdrm., hardwood floori i .S Kr'V.'.T''' e"' "fiS- FAIRMOUNT HILL eSs this loveyl home located i. choice Pslrmounl Mill section b.. tlful oak shaded lot., ' fX room, lovely kitchen, j-bdm i"'" with extra tueat room over ,.,.' This home can't bs matched for . SOUTH Bur a snut J-bdrm. home 0. . .mall, eaey t. keep lot. Home has V, dlnln, room. 3 bdrmr,.. iE utility snd new kitchen. Beautl!,,n; kept inside and out. Nlc. t", this for 110,750. ". tee "C.LTPR ' ItOO Palr.rounds Rosd fh. 4-33.5. Eve. 1-1053, 4-uo,, t.m JUST FINISHED Brand new 5-room home with fir., place. Lots of wardrobe space Him wood floors throushout, forced sli furnaoe, corner lot. This Is a tl. . home. Price lll.eoo. ... " " ' BUNGALOW l' , J-bedroom modern bumrelow m ... tached .arare. On extra larie lot win a creek runhln. throuih It; Mil. Z an oiler on down payment. Rt1Im,. able term, on balance. Price II, mm. TRADE Lovely l-bedroom home, llvlns roore with fireplace, dlnln. room, kltcbea. bath and shower. Attached isrsi, and car port. Lares corner lot on eul.t treet, wil Itake trad, of car, lot acre. for part o all of eeolte Priced1 to ieli-IH.000. .. , INCOME PROPERTY Have a business bulldlnt with tt. excellent rentale plus one .pertmeat. Located In small thrlvlnt elty. Oner will trade Tbr farm or city propertr I12,a00. ... ; BUILDERS HOMES REAL ESTATE , 3736 So. Commercial St, Phone 4-1678 ' ' tvenlnia Jim , - M mm WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES 9 WI NKKD LIST1NO8,' particularly hither priced homes and .11 types with low down payments. EXCELLENT VALUE Poulble J-bedroom. Oil heat la julated. Very clean and nlee to ibo. Wall-to-wall carpets. Close to but, store and ichool. Goodly number tf fcult treei. Price U only 18900. Shopping Center Area Oood modern home with full bin men t. Sawdust furnace. Fireplace. Bu, echoor and atore very close. Out of jttau owner says sell It. Very liberal tenw. Full price 1 10.400. ' LITTLE GEM Just like new, In Entiewood dut, Very desirable property for either ' rental or an older couple that rioem't want too much yard to keep up. Att, tarate. Very unique. i Pull price only 18500. Ternu. Not Just a House But a nice home. Offered for sell U close estate. Oil heat. Very deslrsbli location. Insulated. Att. tarate. fipit lous lot. Price has been reduced tt 110,000. Terms. S1QO0 down. .9 UNITS In a very desirable location. Rtati are eitremely reasonable. Yet the loul cross Income la 397 per mo. Averse monthly expense f 75 to fflD. In condition. Liberal termi. Pull prltVa only S 15,000. . BRICK BLDG. 1 rental units. Roof fn tood rrpilr Income can be Increased to 1M pir mo. Tenant payint rent very prompt Over 4 yrs. on ex latin a leaoe. Ovaer will acrept tood paper u part, par ment. Pull price IIO.SDO. HOTEL Thl sU Ideal for semi-retired roup!'. Porperty Is In fine condition. U rooms plus llvln Quarters, apsrtml and one room for office rental. Porced air oil furnace, Completely furnished except owners' - apt. Consider fton aa part payment. Pull price UdP Terms If desired. CALL Ton DAN 1SAAK. EVE. PH. 4-3533, Or MR. CRAWFORD, Eva. FH. 4.502ft, or MR. KIOGINS, EVS F 4-5494, If no answer, call 4-3341. 2 ACRES With my modern d-yr.-old J-b room house. Pull buement .very eloM to ichool. Cherry and walnut to1 plus tood variety or family i" Built-in deepfreett thrown In 'or ,e" measure. Pull price SI 1.700. Terms. 15 ACRES Modern J-bedroom home In terr condition. Garaie. Tool houie. Prd. Only 4 mile. from Balem. flprlni "it" Price la only I92A0. 3 ACRES MINUS With modern l-brdroom b small barn, Oood well ol .it er, stone's throw from store, en' school. Offered for sslt to .10" 1st., full prks only (1,150. - Call for Mr. tevens eve. Ph. I-I7JS MORTOAOS LOANS 30-Yesr Maturity AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phone.: 4-3311 r "" . 1031 PORTLAND ROAD gv. Phones: MUS, 4-3533. 4 -50 JO or -3SH It no aniwer, phon. - is,(..'