Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 24, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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'dleim Soloms Stairs
Mill (III
I i hi ltetfrSh
At Luncheon
e r
, typical scenes t the gigantle
, Salem Senaton' baseball
'boosters luncheon at the an
: mory yesterday, attended by
: 1100 persons. Upper photo
j thowi a (roup of Senator
ball players enjoying bos
' lunches of fried chicken and
sandwiches. From left,
; pitcher Bill Bevens, first
J baseman Lea Wltherspoon,
' t catcher Bob Nelson, butf ield
' er Bill Nelson, indelder Lou
Scrivens and left-fielder Don
Taylor. Picture at left shows
Governor Paul (Lefty) Pat
terson about to pitch a glant
alzed baseball to Salem
Mayor Al Loucks, who hit
the ball with a Paul Bunyon
1 ' bat. ; Patterson will throw
' out the first ball (regulation
aise at the Senators' night
opener with Calgary at Wa
ters park at 1:15 tonight.
Mantle Homer in
Ninth Gives Yanks
Win Oyer Red Sox
: Major Leagues
Br United Preset
W L Pet,
Mew York
Cntctto .... .
Philadelphia . ,.
Bolton ...
Washlnttoa. ,.
Detroit .......
J 76
Tbiirslar', RM.lts: ''
New Tor 4, Boston S.
Philadelphia I, weehlntton
Detroit S, -Chleato 4. '
Only tamtt tohedulod.
L Pet, OA.
t. -LouU ,.,
Brooklyn ...
. Chicago
Milwaukee .,
Pitteburtri .,
Cincinnati .,
Mew York...;
Thursday's Reoeltet
Pituburth e. New Tork (.
Ohlcaio , Milwaukee J.
Philadelphia . Brooklyn I.
.Only, t amea aoheduled.
New xork wjs Might as
well get used to reading about
Mickey Mantle because that
aew golden boy of the Tank.
. oes la going to be making big
baseball news for a long time
Yesterday, -with a ton of
mental pressure on him with
two out in the ninth, the score
, tied. at 3-3, and two on base,
Mantle stepped up to the
: plate, took one swing and de
livered a 400-foot homer off
Ellis Kinder that gave the
Yankees a 8-3 series sweeper
over the Red Sox.
The Athletics topped the
Senators, 8 to 4, at Washing'
ton as Bobby Shantz scored
iiis first victory after two
losses to the Yankees, while
. Detroit ended a five-game
losing streak with a five-hit
8 to 4 victory over the White
Sox by young Bill Hoeft.
In the National league, the
Phillies beat Brooklyn, 6-1 in
. a night game at Philadelphia,
while the Giants slunk home
in shame after losing two out
of three in Pittsburgh, the
. finale by a struggling 6-9 mar
gin. The Cubs rallied late to
top the Braves, 6 to 2, on a
four-hitter by Warren Hacker1.
The Indians and Browns in
the American and the Reds
and Cards in the National had
open dates.
oore to Meet
Cotton May 26
At Seattle
Seattle W) Light heavy
weight champion Archie Moore
will meet Eddie Cotton of Se
. attle in a non-title bout here
May 26, matchmaker Paavo
Ketonen announced Thursday.
Moore and Cotton were
scheduled to fight here April
7 but the bout was postponed
because of an eye injury Moore
suffered in a clash with Frank
Buford at San Diego. '
fiohts Last Night
(Br The AHOclated Pmm)
Detroit Chuck flpeUer. 174, Detroit.
itoppwl Prink Ptviro, 171, Akron. I.
Pkll Htm, MtM. tn MtJoud, 111,
French Morocco, outpointed Bobbj Eng.
Uih, . tm fttvH. is.
Ntwirk, N. J. Dnn RublntO, 1M,
Betoken, out polo ltd Willie 0rtaor, 141,
Kew Tork, 8.
Aiiatltt Me. Roland Le&toyna, lm,
Quebec, outpointed Jot Qrlqiird, lie,
Bt-th, Mi, 10. .
Minor League Scores
(Br The Aisoeleted Press)
"Toronto 1. Sprlnfllfld fl.
Buffalo Bnltlmora 4. , .
Only temee eehedoled. t
Xtmei Clt? 10. MlnneapolU 4. ,
ColumDM S. Toledo 4. . '
Cberleiton 4, IndlaneooIU 1
at Ptnl 11. LouliTtUe 1. '
Hnuslon t. Shreert 4.
San Antonio 4. Beauraonl J.
other famei poMooned.
Omahi 4, Dei Molnei 1.
millnn S. Oreat falll 4.
OnU ian4 Kbeduled.
1 .
Wntr! wiWWtllajMIISSBSaja
. y ' , vVv'VltA ? v .
L ' , '-llp !
OTaaaaHnl .WwiwaaaiaH
Carter Meets
Boston, u.ra Brash young
Tommy Collins, a product of
Boston's teeming south end,
keeps a date with destiny to'
night when he seeks to seise
the lightweight erown from
Jimmy Carter of New York in
a 15-round battle at Boston
Garden biggest fight in New
England history.
. Cocky and certain of his own
prowess, the 23-year-old auto
mobile salesman expected to
end Carter's reign within "a
round or two."
The champion, 29 years
old and veteran of gruel
ling climb to the throne,
made no boasts except to
say that he would win
maybe by a knockont and
. maybe over the full distance.
Beset by controversies over
the title, television and future
opponents, the youngsters
Bearcats Play Two
NW Conference
Tilts This Weekend
Winners of seven of eight
games this season Including
two that put them on top of
the Northwest Conference
standings, Coach John Lewis'
Willamette Bearcats have two
more Important conference
contests on the schedule this
Those two games come
against the Linfield Wildcats,
coached by Roy Helser, for
mer Portland Beaver pitcher.
The Bearcats play host to the
Wildcats at McCuloch Field
Friday afternoon, 2:30, and the
teams transfer hostiities to the
Linfield diamond in McMinn-
ville Saturday afternoon.
Lewis and the WU club
probably will be without the
services of Third Sacker Tex
Kirdendall for the series. The
freshman performer sustained
a concussion in Monday's game
with Portland University and
was released from the hospital
Big Andy George will be
the likely pitching nominee for
the Friday contest with Mick
ey Coen hurling Saturday
against the Wildcats. Harv
Koepf will be behind the plate.
Pete. Reed or Dave Periman
will be at first base, Fresh
man Bill Nelson probably at
second, Elmer Haugen in the
shortpatch and if Klrkendall
isn't ready it may be Periman
at third. In the outfield Lewis
will have Denny Eisasser,
Cuane Shild and Chuck Lewis. I
Why Suffer
Any Longer
When othera fall, see oar Chinese
remedlea. Amailnf aueeeii for loot
reare In China. No matter with whet
allmen-e rou art afflicted, dleordere,
slnuMtu. heart, lonta, liter, kldnera.
aaa. eoMtlpation, ulcera. diabetes,
rheumatism, tall and bladder fever,
skin, female complaints.
Offlea Rearo to S
Tee, and flat, rnlr
lit K. Commercial
Phone tia
' si.f.m, one '
e '
ifc ,
JT ' , , A I
Title Fight
were expected to draw a total
of nearer $250,000 for the third
largest cash sum ' ever in
volving lightweights. Only
Champion Benny Leonard and
Lew Tendler in two fights
some ' 30 years . ago ever
brought in more money.
The bout will be nationally
televised after a lengthy dis
pute that finally resulted In
the New England area being
blacked out. . . - i.
Young Archers
To .Shoot at
Lebanon Sunday
Lebanon The Junior fun
iors of the Wapiti Bowmen
will stage their tournament
shoot this Sunday at 2:30 on
the Riverside ball park. The
group included bowmen up to
and including 11 years of age.
Club President Mel Schmidt
said other youngsters in this
age bracket who are not mem
bers of the club, may join
the shoot by paying a 15 cents
target fee.
., All junior and senior divi
sion members are planning to
attend the tourney and in
spect the new club headquar
ters at tne site. The city has
turned over the former scout
house at Riverside park to the
bowmen for their use.
Carlos Bernler, speedy out
fielder for the Pittsburgh Pi
rates, makes his home In May-
aguez, Puerto Rico. . s .
0SC Defeats Cougars to
Even ND Baseball Series
(Br Trie Aeeoclated Preail
-w I. Pi-t.
Oreeon ., 1 0 1.000
Idaho 3 2 .aoo
Oreion State 1 3 ,soo
Weahlnaton State S 4 .333
Wanhlnaton 1 3 .350
Thuradar'a Reialte:
Oregon State 13. Weehlneton Slate a.
rrfdar'e Srhedele
Waahlnatoa at Oreion.
Corvaliis, Ore. (P) Oregon
State fired a 19-hit barrage at
Washington State Thursday,
clubbing thr Cougars 13-5 to
even their Northern Division,
Pacific Coast Conference, base
ball series at a win apiece.
The Cougars, 8-4 winners
in Wednesday's series opener,
grabbed, a 1-run lead their first
FREE River Trial
wlh Your Motor, or
Your Choice of Motor
from Our Full Line of
100 ChemekeH
Games With Calgary This
Afternoon and Evening '
They were off and running
at Waters park Friday after
noon, aa the Salem Senators
opened their 15J Western In
ternational league season un
der a smiling sua and clear
skies. - .' i
Mayor Al Loucks tossed out
toe first ball at 2 o'clock to
get the traditional opening-day
ceremonies under way, and
Jack Hemphill got the Senator
season officially under way by
tossing another ball about 20
minutes later.- - s
Hemphill was. the starting
pitcher for the Senators in
their afternoon game with the
Calgary Stampeders, one of
two new entries in the West
ern International league this
year.' " ' , :? -Salem
and Calgary 'will
play the second halt of a
double opener at 1:15 to
night. Opening-day festivi
ties will be repeated, with
southpaw Governor Paul
Patterson and right-hander
Bill Bevens to replace
: Loucks and Hemphill, re
spectively, on the mound.
Connie Perez, Salem, out
fielder who . missed spring
training entirely because of
passport troubles in Puba, ar
rived in Salem by plane Thurs'
Lewiston, Victoria Rack
Up First Wins in Wit
(B Doited Pr.jl) ,'
A neat one-hitter by Man
' ny Peres of Lewlston and
the first 1953 victory for the
Victoria ' Tyees,' defending
champions, were on the
Western International league
books today. -
The 10-team Class "A" base
ball loop opened a 144-game,
split season yesterday and in
the only two games slated,
Lewlston downed Vancouver
8-0 :. at Vancouver :. n, .. the
strength of Perez' hurling
while Victoria, led. by Man
ager Cece Garriott's inside-the-
park homer, downed Spokane
8-4 at Victoria. ,
' The entire loop moves in
to action tonight with Xakl-
'Cat Trackmen
Meet Pacific
Here Friday-;
Posessed of three---straight
dual wins, Ted Ogdahl's Wil
lamette cindermen try to
lengthen their string Friday as
they host the Pacific Badgers
in Northwest Conference ac
tion at McCulIoch Stadium.
The Bearcats' latest outing
saw them crush the OCE
Wolves 97-27, with Dean Ben
son, Ralph Stephenson and
Layton Gilson all racking
double wins. -Benson,
the freshman from
Bend, won both hurdles,
Stephenson took the mile and
two-mile and Gilson dominat
ed the . discus and javelin
Jim Hitchman came within
one-fourth inch of the school
mark in the shotput with a
toss of 45 feet 9Vt inches.
OCE's Don McKenzie was
the individual atandout of the
meet, however, with wins in
the century, 220 and broad
jump and a tie for first in
the high jump. McKenzie ran
the 100 In 10 flat for one of
the best times seen here this
The Friday meet with Pa
cific starts at t o'clock.
time up in the first inning. The
Beavers came back with three
runs in their turn at bat, added
three more in both the second
and third innings, a single
in the fifth, and chased across
three for good measure in the
The win lifted OSC into
third place in the standings.
The teams were Idle Friday
while Washington and Oregon
took over the Northern Divi
sion stage in the first of a two
game series at Eugene.
Waih. state 100 101 Mo I II 1
Oreion Stat .... 131 010 01' 11 la 1
Johiuon. sender (11, Belt (J), Friel
(I) and Oeppert. Deek (4)t Bream and
Fibre Glass
Bank Terms
Ph. 3-9303
day afternoon, and was slated
to play right field for Salem
today and tonight.
Manager Hugh Luby ' ex
plained that Perex is in good
shape, and ready to start the
season. He played on a winter
league team in Mexico during
the interim between the 1852
and 1953 Western Internation
al league seasons.
Except for Peres replacing.
Ray Stratum fa right field.
Salem tonight will field the
same lineup which has car
rled them five straight
spring training exhibition
wins. Don Masterson was to
catch one end of today's spilt
doubleheader, with Bob Nel
son catching the other. Lea
Wltherspoon was slated tc
play first base, Laby seeond,
Gene Tanselll third, Freddie
Haller shortstop, Don Tay
lor left field and Dick Saba
tin! center field. . :
- Manager Gene Lillard of
Calgary said in Salem Thurs
day he planned to pitch Ed
Happ and Glet Hlttner against
the Senators Friday. Both
Happ and Hittner are right
handers. . .
Salem and Calgary take a
day off Saturday, and meet in
a doubleheader Sunday after
noon at 1;30. ...
ma at Wenatchee; Calgary
at Salem and Edmonton at
Tri-City in addition to the
Victoria-Spokane and Lewis-ton-Vancouver
contests. -Perez,
a curve ball special
ist, allowed only a single to
Frank Mascero in hanging up
his win.'
Nick Cannull, ex -Pioneer
leaguer, led the attack on three
Vancouver hurlers with three
singles in six trips.
-- Both Garrlott and Nat
Gully smacked round-trip-'
' pers for the : Tyees and '
George New, Spokane start
er, was charged with the
sos. " ' ' .' ' ' '
A crowd of 3200 watched
League President Bob Brown
officially open the season at
Victoria while a 3000 tournout
was' registered at Vancouver,
snoken. .......... ...Mosnsoe-4 a
victoria .'....MX-estn-a 1 e
New, Frank! (41, Cordelia ()
Shaetal Wlnaakl and Bnua.
Le-lifcm ............lHoMOoa-SM t
Vancouver .00 0OO 400 a 1
Perei and -Cameron! T. Hemandea,
Thomaeon ((). MacKer (4), al
bers. .
Seattle Girl '
Mores into 9th
In All-Events
Detroit Cff) Marie Work
man, a striking wonae from
Seattle. Wash., swished - into
ninth place in. all-events here
Thursday as the women's In
ternational ' Bowling Congress
tournament entered its third
Hammering 547 In doubles
and 559 in singles, Mrs. Work
man posted an all-events tally
of 1,703. She had a 597 carry
over from Wednesday's team
event, in which she sparked
Hainsworth Construction into
fourth plate. -',
Sleeping Bags
By Hirseh-Wels
Whit Stag
Sleeping Bags
from 14.95 up
Whit Stag
Umbrella Tents
from $34.50
For just a few dollars
more you can buy
quality that will last
you a life time. .
Other items to complete
your camping equipment
at reasonable prices.
Budget Terms
237 H. High Jfrstt
Open Friday Evaningt
Portland Enjoys 6-Run
Inning in 0-3 Victory
Portland u
Beaver rammed through six
runs in the seventh Inning last
night tor their biggest one-inning
scoring effort of the 1953
Pacific Coast league baseball
season to drop Sacramento, t
t i.
. The Beavers weie out In
front, 2 to 2, at the start oi the
Then Portland started with
a walk,' a wild pitch and five
singles. Hank Arft put the final
touch to the big inning with a
double. . ...-' , . . J
Marion Pieretti, who started
for Sacramento, was replaced
in the seventh by Burt Barke
lew who was in turn relieved
during the same frame by Ken
Lyman Linde gave up 19 hits
but went all the way for Port
land. ....-' , .... ' ,
In the first frame, the
Beavers got an unearned run
when with the bases loaded,
Sacramento Catcher Johnny
Ritchey tried to pick Dino
RestelU off second and made
a bad throw that got away
from Ray. .Dandrldge and.
Russell scored. -,
In the third. Kestelli hit his
first homer of the year, for
Portland. "...
The Solon scored one In the
sixth when a single by Neil
Sheridan drove in Ritchey.
They added another in the
eighth and the final tally in
the ninth frame on a home run
by Sheridan.
A crowd of 1,104 braved nip
py weather to attend the con
test. - : . -
For tonight's doubleheader,
it will be Ken Gables (0-1) and
Jess Flore (0-1) for Sacramen
to and Fred Sanford (l-l) and
Red Adam (0-3) for Portland.
Ban Francisco U.R BUI
Boemler, ef the San, Francisco
SetUs, today enjoyed the satis
faction of having thrown a one-
hitter down the throat of the
IitM Angeles Angela and his
STttica at the stun time.
Bef ore the .PCI, season open
ed, Boemler aaid he wasn t hap
py with the way he was being
taken apart for some of his
hurling faults. He said he was
experimenting and that he
wa getting a bum rap. All that
wa forgotten last night as he
blanked the Seraphs, 6-0, and
smashed a home run himself
in the seventh. n
Only a Hit .'v.
The only .batter to get a hit
off the six foot six flinger was
leadoff man Bob Talbot, who
singled for the Angels to open
the home half oi the first. After
that, Boemler was superb as he
fanned seven batters and gave
up only two passes.
The setback cut the Angels'
lead over second place Seattle
to 1 games. The Suds split
a twin bill with San Diego, wlnr
ning the opener 4 to 2 and los-
" lfcJ W-aa' tr" fc
I i t , v V. . tfk si Mam
O-vi' Jx- r V $ilO . .. is
P 4 I-
Next time try Glenrnorei Its tasty, 4aiform high qnalky
leave no doubt that you hare finally found the finest
of all Kentucky straight boorbooti Provi k to yotixsest
tom'ght take borne 1 bottlda
Salem, Oregon, Friday. April 24,
W L r-ei. OM.
Lea Anttlta .........U T .lot . .
Uoattle ........14 Ml 1
rortland ...U .Ml t "
HolUwood ....11 II J 4
saa PraneUc 11 - II .41S IV,
steramenta I 14 -.144 a
Ooklan4 14 .111 S
aaa Dlett , 114. 411 S
Twaroiav't Beealtot
aeatut 4. aaa Dleto I (at seme),
aan. Dleto 1. Seaula 1 Unci, a Inn.)
HolUwood I. Oakland 4 (IS tanlnaa).
rorUaiubt, Sacramento I,
Baa Prancleeo 4. Lot Anttltt 4.
Hew the Serin Siena: .
us Antelet I. San Pranclaca 1.
Oakland 3, Sacramento a. '".
Seattle 1, Saa Diet 1. - '
ing the nightcap, i to 1, while
Hollywood overcame Oakland,
5 to 4, in 12 Innings. - v
Split the Bill l
Al Wldmar pitched the Rain-
iers to their seven Inning open
ing victory ag&inst .San Diego,
-lenoiio smith did the same
thing to the Suds but they won
with a three run explosion In
the filth..... ;..-
Tom Alston Insured the Pad
res a split with a home run in
the 13th inning of the finale
Washington Hi
Coach Steps Up ;
'Portland M9 Bill Gray.
head football coach at Wash
ington high for the last two
years, has been- appointed a
vice principal in the Portland
school system, the Portland
school board said today.
Gray will leave his coaohlne
duties at the end of, the present
school year. Ed Ryan, athletic
director at Washington, aaid it
may be some time before a suc
cessor is chosen. . - .
' .Gray played football at Ore
gon State in 1943. In 1943 he
was an; All-American at the
University of Southern Cali
fornia. He went back to Ore
gon state after more than two
year in the Marine corps and
was named to the' all-coast
team in 1948. . ..-
.v.,.- . - .
Omaha Assigned
1955 WIBC j
, Detroit . W Omaha, Neb.,
was chosen the site for the
19SS Women's International
Bowling Congress tournament
here Tuesday night ' '
The choice was made in the
concluding session- of the
WIBC annual convention
The 1954 tournament pre
viously hsd been awarded to
Syracuse, N.- Y. ,-. r
OCE Downs Linfield
McMlnnvllle U-PJ Oregon
College of Education posted
a 1-0 victory over Linfield
in a non-league baseball
game her yesterday.
Paga 13
off Art Delduca who came ea
In the ninth after Bill Evan
gave way to pinch hitter. Als
ton s swat broke up a 1-1 fleaa-
loek that had lasted sine tit
sixth inning.
Confusion reigned at the Em
eryville ball park, where Gen
Hanley singled in two runners
in the 12th to give Hollywood
its 5-4 triumph over the Oaks.
Oakland seemed to be on the
way to it fourth' straight win
in the ninth when, Sam Chap
man singled and Eddie Lake
was cafe on an error,
Around the Bases '
Len Neal then Hew out to
center and Sam advanced to
third. Up came Babe Fuhrmaa
to bat for Milo Candinl .but
pitcher Joe Mulr threw., to
Handley at second who stepped -on
the base making Chapman
out. As the stand roared Um
pire Gordon Ford confirmed
tne Hollywood culm that Sam
had forgotten to tag up. Man
ager- Augle Galan. used seven
pitcher in the vain cause. ,
' (I) r-ertrea
K OA - ' B S OA'
4 S 0Austto.a 4 I'
Clllnrr.of 4
BekmatS 4
Rltoher.e 4
Breie.rt s
IRa.MS.l' 1)11
4 4SateULU S S t
SOKUtn.of till
I SBoiukl.1 114
1 OArtUa I IS S
5 ssnertJ S 1 1
1 1 Rbnsu.i S III
1 !, 4 4 4
4 ' ' i!'
4 t l; t,
Jones. 10 . a
Bhrln.l-rt a
ondraiej 4
aim. at
riirttu,, i
Baraiw.p a
xlmbaLp 4
Batet.w I
a-asaiiara - . 1
a-Wlntert I
: Totals II 14 M 4 Totlla 94 11 ST 14
tv Wallitcl for Sroeia In tth. -
a rled out foe Eimball la 4th. t..
aoramanta 000 loo 411
Hits ................. Ill 331 333 13
rortland ,,..,. 101 400 40 4
Hits , an :io to1 11
ipitoherei if as n h nan
Pltrtttl .... 4 M 1 4 - a . - 1
Barkelew ... (4 1 4 4 4 1 4
KlrnOtU.....,, , S 1.4 1
Betat ...... 1 14 14 4 4
UlKlo 4 11 I 14 1 I S
Runt-nlteneir, anertaan. AttyoL Eut-
eell i, aattem 1, BaiUukl, Arft, Xttert,
Robtneoa. V RlUhey, Dandrtdtt, Attrd.
iD4 eineriaaxi a, XMamsai, Ana. aeoora
ton 1, Austin, wmtert, RtsttUl. IB
Bookman. RuaeelL Arft. SB AttnV Hit
BesteUl, Sheridan. OP Bajlnjkl, Aaa-
un ana Att Beckmaa. sandridta and
Jonat; PieretU, Attrd and Jonta: Aus
tin, Bailntkl and Axlt. LOB eaoramen
to II, Portland 4. U4?elekoudat, Aa
ska and Bents. T 1:1. A 1104. '
Plrtt same: ...
San Dleto ooo o-l
Seattle 000 no I 4 f (
amltb and Pocekari Wldmar aad Or
ttia. .
Second samat "' d.
aa Dleio 010 Ooo ooo ooo ll I
Seattle 000 10O 000 000 4 1 4 1
Ktrrirtn aad Poetkayi BTana..rjel
Oatoa (I) and Christie,- Ortela (4). , -
Saa Pranclica 000 103 1004 I 4
Lot Antelea 000000400 4 1 1
Boemler and Tlttltrai Onandltr, Bpl-
tt K4) and Brant, . j
Hollnrood ....... 100 001 100 Ool I U I
Oakland 400 ooa oio 001 4 T 1
ttuna, Mulr (I), Haatdorn (14), Bht
narfil (111 and Afalone; Awe, RltUa
(7), Candinl (t), Van Curk (10), llten'
man (ID. Ratal (11). Uann (11) and
Neel. : .
Hskl ttrts morning win is fold
PHONE -7l -
You're paying
for top quality r
whiskey., .are you
getting it?