Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 24, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    Friday, AprU 24. 1953
Ins Depot Site
Lebanon The city council U
bpposed to busei using Main
ktreet to load and-diicharge
kassengers and decided the
practice could be continued
fcnly long enough to allow Pa
cific Trailways to find another
feepot loading zone.
Two service itation opera
ors attended the council meet
ing to protest the bus situation.
One of them claimed a definite
hazard existed with passengers
bmbarklng and being diicharg
fed m front of his itation. ' He
paid too many cars become In
termingled with the passeng
ers. - t
Trailways recently moved
Its" depot from McCowan's
btore on Park, street to Shar-
lon's' Sweet ' shop on Main
Other council business con
teemed the appointment of clt-
Uzens to the city budget board.
fin making the buget for the
coming year, tuuae uunam
(was replaced by Clay Nichols,
since the former has moved
Hrom ward one to ward three.
In addition to Nichols the
Bother ward one representative
lnamed was Bert Bellinger. In
Jward two, Vern Reeves and
H. J. Irvine will serve, in' ad
dition 10 victor uarison ana
Albert Smith in other wards.
The council also decided that
leaflets will not in the future
be dropped from planes over
the city, without special per
mission of the police commit
tee. .It was pointed out , that
the , material clogged . storm
drains on city buildings and a
further complaint was register
ed contending that children
chasing the falling handbills
frequently dash into the streets
without regard to traffic.
Lyons Flower Show Draws
Visitors from Many Towns
. 394 North Church '
Phono 3-9600
The Lyons Flower Show
sponsored by the Lyons Gar
den club attracted 97 register
ed guests who visited the show
from fa rand near. Visitors
were noted from Klamath
Falls, La- Grande, Dallas, Sa
lem, Waterloo, and Lebanon.
The garden club has chosen
Marigolds, as the club flower
of the year. The theme of the
show was an arrangement of
Marigolds and a gardener, ar
ranged by Mrs. Raymond
Branch of Mehama. ,
The Lyons Brownie group
sponsored by the Lyons Gar
den club, exhibited potted
plant arrangements. Wild flow
ers, correctly named, and dish
gardens by Mrs. John Prideaux
and Mrs. Loe cruson - were
commended. General chair
min for the show was Mrs.
Orville Downing with Mrs,
John Neal club president. '
' Judging was done by Mrs,
Ward Englis of Stayton with,
the following first awards:
Horticulture Division I, Tulip Lata
Lambert, , Gladys Kulken.
DelfodUi. Wlnnlt Branch, afar? rink,
Be Hlett. Laura N,u, niaa o-nui. son
Die Bower. Loralne Free.
Nftxctuut Wlnnlo Branch, Olsdn Kvl-,
Hvaclnthe Ann Metros, Laura H,l.
France Oarsjo.
Bleedln, Heert Mettle Stoat, ' '
, Anemone Franoee Oaraje. , .
Dwarf trie Laura Neal. , ,,f1
Daronteum Mrs. W. H. Loot. '
Kntllih Deny Sln OHell.
English violet Helm Hectors.
Well Flower alattle Stout.
Primrose France Oftrsjo, Helen Uo
Clurr. -,i -j
Viol Plant Bea Hlett, '
Pftnelee Frncee Oerelo. ' '
Daphne Be Hlett, Myrtle Be Hlett
Rock Plant Winnie Branch.
Flowering ihrub Mr. W. B. Loose.
Wild Flower curl Hu.
Arraagemento . , t
Mantle Mre. Id Poecur. ' '
. Ruffet Beverly Power.
Dining Table Winnie Branch. OUdn
Miniature Prance OaraJo. ' . . . . -
Pair Carrie Nau.
Special Occulon Bererly Power.
Hew Plants
Pollen Plant Martha Jonewlrth.
Geranium Beverly Power.
Beionla Mary Fink.
African Violet lira. Sam Bl.
Tuberous Begonia Mary Pink.
Fhlladendron Loralno Pre.
' Bweet Potato France' Oarejo.
Strawberry Begonia Carrie Haua.
succulent France! Oarelo.
Dlshgsrden Mr. Id Poevar.
. Houseplants Jean Frlceaux.
PhUodendron Beverly Power.
Cactus Beverly Power. t
Hyacinth Mary Ann Ooodell, Beverly
Power. ,:;
Trillium Merry Jo Crusoe.
Lambe Tontue Merry to Cruson,' Cat
01 Bdward.
Wild olnger Jean Prideaux. '
Maidenhair Fern Jean Prideaux.
Lady supper Connie Brltton. t, ,--
Dlehtarden Jean rrMeaua.
Trt-Celer Awards
Horticulture Lol Lambert, red lulls
Arrangement Oladyi Kulken.
House Plant Mre. Bern Bee. -Junior
Division Beverly Power.
The Best Sales Opportunity
.. .7 In Salem .:
Men Will Head
PTA a! Swegle ,
- Swegle Swegle Parent
Teachers .Association like many
other associatins in the county
again will have men as presi
dent and vice president for the
new organization year.
At the meeting Tuesday
night in the school auditorium,
David Bates was elected presi
dent of the Swegle group and
William Sample vice president
with Mrs. Everet Morris as sec
eta ry. Mrs. Archie Gardner was
re-elected treasurer. ,
Don . Mason has served as
president the past year.
At the business meeting over
200 was reported as cleared
from the recent spring festival
and several articles left over
wero sold.
The members voted to spend
$200 to furnish a teacher's rec
reation room. -
For the program. by the Wil-
sey Music school students, Mrs.
Wiltsey presented five high,
school girls in accordion num
bers and specials by Terry Mel-
singer. Hostesses for the social
hour were sixth grade mothers,
with Mrs. Robert May, Mrs.
Oscar Wright and Mrs, Dareyl
Donaldson serving.. ,
Broadcasters for this weeks
news at Swegle school were
Marsha Lester, David Allen,
Larry Gardner, Kenny Givens,
Donald Snitker, Charles Alder
man and Nancy Bates.
Two pupils, Larry Weigart of
the second grade' and Margaret
Martin of the third grade, are
having tonsils removed this
week. '
New officers'4 for the fifth
grade are president, Dennis Se
Rine; vice president, Donald
snitker, and secretary, Doug
las Harner.
Two substitute teachers the
past week at Swegle have been
Mrs. Dorothy Snow for Mrs.
Marjorle Housley. and Mrs.
Margaret Martin for Mrs. Lil
lian Schmidt. '
Guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Smalley on Ells
worth Ave. are his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Royal D. Smalley of
Ontario, Calif. They plan to
spend the summer in Salem
and have taken an apartment
at the Plaza on N. Winter st
P ' in.'. sj.ejSia..,M
' Frank Noel, Associated Press photographer, Is shown
, making pictures of UN, prisoners of war during a stop
aver on their trip, from Red prison camps to Panmunjom
' where they were exchanged. Noel has been, a prisoner
since December, 1S50, but was not among those exchanged..
(AP Wirephoto) , . ,
TliTTTF ii
TteAdwntiites of UWtatAWVimWi..
0 4SvOi Jt TirviNarA uay'sonaAwcMoncROP rgMwiav. j,-mv
MjJMJ y il TAjj
Paving Costs for
Albany Lowered
Albany Owners : of prop
erty abutting on streets to be
improved in Albany this year
will receive benefit of a drop
in. asphalt costs, it became
known., at; the Wednesday
meeting of the city council
when bids were accepted on
paving of 43 blocks or about
three miles of municipal
throughfares. 11 ".'
Authorizing the signing of
three contracts with the only
two bidding firms, the council
assured projects which win
cost a total of $101,655.12, in
comparison with an engineer's
estimate of approximately
Successful bidder on . two
contracts - covering 34 blocks
was the Western Paving com
pany of Albany, whose Wd .on
one -contract was $13,552.92
and on the other $71,650.30, or
a total of $85,004.22. The third
contract was awarded to the
Warren Northwest Paving Co.,
of Portland : at $16,650.30,
covering nine blocks.1 ; '
Delegation of 10 for
Youth Lefislafure
Teh Salem WEh school stu
dents will attend the 'annual
Youth Legislature at the State
House May 8 and 9. Hl-Ys
from, all over the state will
send representatives and sen
ators. -5
The senators from Salem
will be Ray Taylor and Fred
Butler. . The representatives
will be - Pete Phillips, Bill
Shepard, Ernie Drapela, Dave
Hardie, Frank Smith, Wayne
Erickson, Ron Anderson, and
Terry Green. Norm Luther
will be an official reporter.
Use to feed your lawn during iprins and summer months. Keep
it green and healthy. Holds moisture. Also proricke homo
nd organic plant food for your guden.
Kill oord.n p.ifi . . . LILLY'S GO-WCSr BAIT
' WRT4BLE SAW Mill '
To saw several hundred
thousand feet of small logs
To start lined lately. See log
West Salem Lumber
Co. .
1(60 Willie Rotd PhM 4 338f
Riddle Grows
Woodburn At' the tlty
council Tuesday night a letter
was authorized' informing the
directors of the Woodburn Rur
al fire protection district of the
position of the city of Wood-
burn la regard to the rural
district's notice of Intention to
sever the present mutual ben
em contract on juiy - i. mis
was one of three recommenda
tions made by the citizens'
committee ' which met ' last
week.. ..... .- - .
The council's letter acknowl
edged receipt of the district's
notice and declared "Due to
the rejection of the proposed
charter amendments at the re
cent city election-, this body is
m no position to give you the
definite commitment you de
sire. If you have decided def
initely to sever relations with
the city of Woodburn In the
matter, of fire protection, you
are free to do so. K you .have
not reached a definite and final
decision in the matter' we will
be pleased to discuss with you
the terms of a new contract for
mutual fire protection." -
The charter amendments re
ferred to were one calling for
continuing six mm . levy out
side the legal limitation to
provide financing for the fire
department and the city's share
of the dispatcher system and
another to authorize a $15,000
bond issue to purchase a new
fire truck for the city.
Two other recommendations
of the citizens' committee were
also approved by the council
and appropriate action will be
taken. One would have the.
city submit to the voters a
three-year serial levy of not to
exceed $15,000 outside the 6
per cent limitation for the pur
chase of a fire truck and the
other to substitute some type
of multiple phone system for
the present dispatcher system!
which the committee felt to be
too expensive.
The council also adopted an
ordinance setting up a plan
ning commission for the city
of Woodburn and adopted the
appropriate provisions of the
state governing such a body.
The ordinance will become ef
fective in 90 days and appoint
ed as commissioners were Win-
ton J. Hunt, Lyman Seely, O.
L. Withers, J. F. Lacey, Wil
liam Merrlott, Al May and
Dean Bishoprick. The 'mayor.
city attorney and city engineer
are ex-officio members of the
body. "
Councilman JeBS Flkan re
ported that the new municipal
sewage disposal plant would
be ready for operation in about
a month. The council then au-
Hobo Murder
Charge Denied
Albany John Bob Sturglll,
37, denied on the witness stand
In circuit courf hero Thursday
that he assaulted Lot Hughes
Gilmore on the morning of Sat
urday, February .7, in local
hobo Jungle or that he had ever
bad any quarrel with Gilmore.
Sturglll's testimony in his
own behalf refuted the Incrim
inating recital of events of the
morning by John Burgess. Bur
gess is said to have been the
only eyewitness of the alleged
fatal attack.
Undfcr questioning on direct
examination by his attorney,
SturgLU mad a complete de
nial of any connection' what
ever with the death of Gilmore.
The defendant said he bad
Uved in Albany at different
times since 1938, -working for
warehouses, on. construction
job and lor the Southern Pa
cific and SP&S railroads, but
denied ever having been in the
Jungle cabin where Gilmore
died February 10, 1953. He ad
mitted having been in the Jun
gle for half or three quarters
of an hour on the morning of
Saturday, February 7. He min
gled, he said, with 10 or 11
men there, Including Witness
Wayne Hawkins and a man
named Delaney, the other he
did not know, he declared. ,
Sturglll admitted under ques
tioning by District Attorney
Courtney Johns that he had a
criminal record.- Sturglll an
swered that in 1933 he was
convicted of - manslaughter in
Nebraska, where he had been
charged with first degree mur
der, he was next convicted In
Nevada of possessing firearms,
being an ex-convict and finally
in California of assault with a
deadly weapon.
Damage Suit Results
From 1951 Collision
An automobile - ambulance
accident of September 5, 1951,
at the list and Mill street in
tersection resulted in a dam
age suit , being filed in Marion
county circuit court Thursday
involving a claim of $15,000.
The plaintiff is Helen Mln
klewitz, administratrix of the
estate of her husband, William
Joseph Minkiewltz, who is said
to have died as the result of in
juries sustained when the Sa
lem Memorial hospital ambu
lance and a rrivate car driven
way Mart aW aay ttai.
ia dull amd losy b
reuse of too nih axse
car Jot t of 2 Teas.
M after hramkiasl wsl
pull yoei oat of that
after-breakfast slump"
pal yo back oa too
of the) world asaia.
Tumi quickly neutralist
races add. Con lain ao
soda to over-alkalis
or cause add reboaad.
No snUiot, ao water aacded. Jan au
Ilka caady. Aiway keep Tarn handy
tor record -tast reuel iroca aoa eeomaca.
thortzed the ordinance com
mittee to tjraft an ordinance
requiring residents of the
present sewer -district to con
nect to the system.
The application of George's
Place, to the liquor commis
sion, for a license to serve li
quor by the drink was ap
proved. Another application
was not approved.
The council received notice
of the resignation of Harold
Elchsteadt as civil defense di
rector, granted the American
Legion auxiliary permit for
Poppy day sales, gave Fred
Kinns. Sr.. permission to 're
move a tree from the parking
on his property provided he
replace it with another tree
and instructed the street com
missioner to start spraying the
sloughs for misquitoes.
by Donna Ruth Itonor collided.
Darland Swan was the drivar
of the ambulance which was
taking Minkiewltz to his borne.
''Don't sorrtenct your- .
self to another year of .
Inconvenience. Trad
the old car for -. lots
model t MARION MO
TORS, and dismiss mod '
fuel antj repair kHIt.
1951 Nosh
1949 Math ;
1948 Packard
1944 Olds
1 I
s ml p
j Has tin high cost of Jiving msieawd yon frota gastlog
things you want and Dead? A cash loss will BxrW the
. money to iRae sortniig Of can atinaiaa. ants jara can
etlect from many aatbaai ftm the eot to it you botictt.
$25 to $1500 In 1-TRIP
j Tfcoo first, say "bow rnuch" aad
I "wuea." lxnplfia to toaa w
! you rt com an.
Hi.lM,JlTCe1. Mtt
... . --- - asae Ma
t . .
toiruat.cMUto) .
Buih Street, from Commerclftl Bttt t
Ratlniw Btrtet
common council of th tUr of Stlem.
Oreiou, deenu It neceuary uid aiiMdlral
ind hereby declirei IU purpoM d 1a
tentlon to Improve BUBH BTREIT, Iron
the wut line of Commerelil Btreet to
the eeit line of Bulntw Btriet In the
eltr ot Btlem, Marlon Count?, Oregon,
at the eipenae of the abuttlnr and ad
jacent property; except the atreit and
Her Interiectloni, the eipenee of which
win be aiiumed by the city of Baiem,
by brlmlnc eald portion of laid etrett
to the establlihed grade, providing
drainage, conitructlnt cement eonerete
curbi, and paving eald portion of eald
treet with a 3V Inch aiphaltle concrete
pavement 30 feet wide. In accordance1
with the plans and epeclfleatlone there
for which were adopted by the common
council April 13, 1911, which art now on
file in the office of the city recorder
and which by thli reference thereto are
made a part hereof. Thete plans and
specifications may be eismlned by any
Interested part. The com moo council
hereby declares IU purpose and Intention
to make the above described Improve
ment by and through the street improve
ment dentrtment.
owners of property liable for the cost
of making such Improvement may file
written remonstrance against the same
with the city recorder at anr time within
ten days titer the final publication of
thli notice.
By order of the common couneO April
1), .
ALFRED UUMDT. City Recorder.
Date of first publication April IT, lttl.
Date of final publication May 1, 111,
AprU 17, Si, May 1
Say Kids!
$69.95 Motor
Recondition Job
For Chevrolet Con, and Trucks
'We will replace the piston rings and pint, (rind YalTea,
eleaa rocker arms and oil line, adjust the main bearinn,
adjust the connecting; rod bearings, adjust fan belt, eleaa
and set spark pings, clean- oil pan, elean oil lines In pan
and adjust, burn out and clean oil breather.
Parte Included In this Job are: 1 Set Genuine CheTrolet
Chromeflex Piston Rings, Pins, 5 Quarts Oil, plus neces
sary Valves, Seals, Caps and Gaskets. -
(C.O.E. Trucks Slight Additional Charge) .. .
G.M.A.C. Budget Terms!
Douglas McKay Chevrolet Co.
sas 111 a-"JtU" n
If you want oil the mellow strsialit rje flavor -and lightness, too
-try Hiram Walker's MEADOW BROOK. Find out how much
better your favorite whiskey drink tastes, when you sayj "Make
mine Meadow Brook!" .
Hiram WalherU
Straight rye uihishey 4 years old 86 proof