Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 24, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    -le 10
Friday, April 24, 195S
Af Cascade High
Turner Baccalaureate wUl
M field Sunday night, May 24,
t 8 pjn. in Cascade blah
school The apeaker will be
we ev. Dudley Strain.
Graduation exerciiet will be
held Tuesday, May 28, at 8
p.m. Dr. Victor P. Morris, dean
of business administration,
University of Oregon, will be
me speaker.
After checking grades of
aeniors, Louis Uhrhammer,
principal, announced tnat Lo
- rene Edwards was chosen val
edictorian, and Wanda Stin
nett salutatorian for the senior
Nine other students aver
aged Ugh grades out of the
total senior class of 83 sen-
: lors.
' Ten highest atudenta are
I rene Edwards, Wanda
Stinnett, Danny Feller, Lore
ie Drown, Marilyn Pease, Lo
retta Horsley, Nell Dean Fos
ter, Ardyth Garver, Lee Met
aalf, Bernard Riches, George
Lutheran Student '
Foundation Meet
The meeting of the Lutheran
; Student Foundation will be at
Christ church in Salem on
Monday at 7:43 pjn. under the
direction of the Rev. Ed Svend
, son of Corvallis, director of
services to Lutheran students
on state campuses in Oregon.
About 80 delegates are expect
ed to attend.
None! or saiarrra sals
4 No. 11,111
iw tot cmcorr court or thi
Voratlon, as Administrator with tho will
' annexed at tha Is'ate af Ooula A. NUu,
Rrr a axviRg inoa .
BARRT A. ROBINSON, dolnf builntn
ai capital cur wtldlnj womii EDNA
a. SPARBAWK, AdmlnUlratrlz af tht
: niata 01 PERCY BPARHAwK. dKeaudi
MENT COUPANY. a llliflllim
CHARIiES BlflENVPTE. dolQf bdlllUU ai
PANY, a oomoratloBl BUSACKER LUM
BER COMPANY, a corporation! CREDIT
BaitvicE company, a corporation;
CREDIT bureaus, INC., a corporation!
' JOHN jacobson, dolnf kuinMia aa
B. PATTON, dolni bsflncaa andor tha
firm nana and atria of Patton t Hnito,
Plurablm and Btatlnai FRANCIS p,
CO LOAN, dolnf bnilnin aa CO LOAN
and BARBARA B. SMITH, hla will!
1 BEELY. dolnt bmlntu aa MERCHANTS
lumber YARD! a corporation! and
CA. Defendant!.
Br virtue of an execution lunait ant af
and under the leal at tha Circuit Court
at tha State of Oreton for the Cotrotr,
aiarion upon a judfmenl and decree
rendered and docketed in tha aald Conn
aa me inn aar of March, si, In tha
abore anUUed anil wherein FRANCIS P.
CO LOAN, dolnf buelneee ae COLO AN
LUMBER COMPANY, one at tha abore
; Bemed defendente, had and recovered
. af an from defendanta, REY C. BEVER
and INOA N. BEVER, and each of them,
ludtment In tha eum of 11,111.33, to
ether with Intereat thereon at per
annum from January 10, 195, totather
with tha eum of tloo.M atternera feee,
totether with laid defendanta' coate and
diaburaementa taxed and allowed here
in In tha eum of 111.10: and wherein
ation, aa Admlnlatrator with the will
annaied of the Kitate of Ounle A. Nllei,
Seeeaeed, the above named plalntUf, had
and recovered of and from defendanti,
and each of them, ludtment In the
amount of ,H5.M totather with Inter
net thereon at (ft per annum from
Jaouarr 10, Mil, totether with tht eum
t advanced br plaintiff tor tuee
atalnet the landc ana prentice herein
after deicrlbed, totether with tha eum
f I75.60 advanced br plalntUf for In
furanet on aald premliee. totether with
the further eum of 1800.00 attornere teea,
totether with plalntlffe coita and die
bunemenU taied and allowed in tha
ram of lingo: and wherein INTER
COMPANY, a corporation, one of the
aoove named defendanta. had and re
covered ot and Iron defendente REY C.
bevkr and inoa N. BEVER, and each
of them, ludtment in the eum of
ei.10l.3J, totether with lntorett thereon
at per annum from January 91, mi,
totether with eald dolendente' coita and
dlibureemente taxed and alinmri in th
eum f tlt.M: and wherein PACIFIC
TRADERS, INC., a corporation, one of
the above named defendente. had and
recovered of and from defendente ray
each of them, ludtment In the Bun of
tl.780 00. totether with Intereat thereon
a ere per annum from January 10,
IN), totether with eald defendente'
aoeta and dliburaenenta taxed and al
lowed In the eum of a 1 and where
in roth COWAN, aieltnea of RAY
wrnii, one or ana aoove nemed de
fendente, hed and recovered of and from
and eerh of them, ludtment In the eum
at l.03., totether with lntereil there
on at e per annum from January 10,
1M. totather with tho eum af atu.M.
attornere feee, totether with eald de
fendanta' aoeta and dlebureenenla taxed
wmi allowed in the eum or
and wherein EDNA BPARHAWK, admin'
litretrlx af tho aetata of PERCY spar.
HAWK, deoeaced. one af tha above
Bemad defendanta, had and recovered
or ana rrom aoronaaoti ret c.
BEVER and INOA M. BEVER. and eeeh
f them, ludtment In the amount of
HUM, totether with Intereet thereon
ae 0 per annum from January 10, lass,
totether with the eum ot It 00 for pra
Parellon of Notice ot Lien and tha eum
f 11.00 for fUlnt the eame, totether
with tho turn of llto.oo attornejro feee,
totther with aald defendanti' cult and
dlebureemente taxed and allowed herein
m me eum of 1 which execu
tion wee directed and delivered to me ae
aherlff In and for eald County af Mer
lon, I heve levied upon all rleht, title
and Intereet of tho tald defendanta, Rer
C. Bever and Inea N. Barer, In and ta
the fouowms deeerlbed property, to
Lot Two, (I), Firedale, a Bub.
dlvlltoa lr Marlon County, Ore
son, aa aald lot la ehown and
deeltnatad on tha Plot of eald
Plridele now file and of record
In the office of the Recorder of
Conveyonoet for Marloa County,
notice la hereof olren that L tha nn.
ierelened aherlff aa aforeeald, will cell
the above deeerlbed property to the hlth
ait bidder for caeh al public auction at
tne weet etcps of the Old Bleh school
BuUdlnt, leo N. Hlth Street. In the City
af Salem, County of Merlon. Steta af
Oreton, eald bulldlnf belnt tha tempor
ary Marloa county coorthouee. on Sat
urday, ibe Ind day at May. lie, at
1100 a.m. of that day to eatiefr the eeld
execution, totether with tha Intereet and
eoela thereon.
Deled thle I lit dey of Uarch, int.
DENVER YOUNO, Sheriff af
Merlon County, Oreton.
By A. L Maleuoo, Dapatf.
April t, 10, 11, it, leu.
une Waver (second xrom
star, smiles after being greeted Dy rrancis iwoinai upeu
man, at St. Mary's college, Leavenworth, Kan. Mother
Superior Mary Ancilla, S.C.L., (to left of Cardinal), con
ducted his visit to the college. Miss Haver, a postulant,
gave up a motion picture contract and career to enter the
Catholic school. Girl at left is, not Identified. (AP Wire
photo) -
First Baptist to
Honor Miss Smith
Featured at the Sunday
evening service of the First
Bsptlst church will be Miss
Margaret Smith, registered
nurse who has completed one
term of service in Japan under
the Conservative Baptist For
eign Mission Society. Miss
Smith has been supported by
the First Baptist church but
this will be her first trip to
Salem. She will sail from
San Francisco on May 11, to
return to Japan. Pastor
Anderson will also be speak
ing at the service on the sub
ject. "Great Questions in
Romans 8." '
Another mission will be
featured at the Wednesday
night evening service when
Rev. Robert Owen of the
Practical Bible Training In
stitute will speak and show
colored movies taken in Cuba.
During this service a reception
will be held for the 58 new
members received during the
months of March and April.
East Salem A special fea
ture for the Sunday school
hour at Swegle school, the
Garden Road Christian church
meeting, April 26, will be a
concert by the men's quartet
from the Northwestern Chris
tlan College of Eugene. The
program starts at 9:45 a.m.
Wood burn
Rev. O. F. Braaten of Salem
will be guest speaker at the
Woodburn Immanuel Luther
an church Sunday, April 26, at
the 11 o'clock service in the
absence of the pastor, Rev. J.
William Carlson.
The Brotherhood will meet
Monday evening in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Waite
with Rev. G. M. Trygstad of
Canby addressing the men.
Ladies' Aid meets April 30
in the parish hall at 2 p.m.
National "Christ's Ambassa
dors" week will be observed
locally at the Woodburn As
sembly of God church Sunday,
April 26, when the young peo
ple will be in charge of most
of the evening service, start
ing at 7:30 o'clock. The theme
"Look" will be used and there
will be special music. There
will be no separate young peo
ple's meeting at 7 p.m.
Twenty-four young people
of the Woodburn Christian
church will leave the church
Friday at 6:30 p.m. for a re
treat at the beach. They will
stay at Harmony lodge at Nel
scott and will be accompanied
by Mrs. George Springer and
Mrs. D. D. Priest, returning
Sunday afternoon.
The Gideons will conduct
the services Sunday, April 26,
at the Woodburn and Bethel
Presbyterian churches. Rev.
Harry A. Rhodes will visit the
two churches on Wednesday,
April 29, meeting with the
Bethel missionary society at 2
p.m. and will be at the Wood
burn church at 7:45 p.m.
Motlr 1. hirtbjr giru. thftt J. Prtnk
tin Wllltamt hu bein (appointed by or
dtr of tho Circuit Court of Utrlon
County ftdmlnlntrftttor of tho mum of
iont Htnp, ronnmr lono Mtustr,
etMtd. An? ptfMU tUTlM cltlmi
iiavlnit laid wuti r mutaUd to
prMB tbtm with moptr toucher to
krd aWtrnlnUtrator within six month,
from tho dato ot thli nolle t 1S0T
Publlo eStrrlct Bulldlnf, PorUuMl Ort-
Date of tint publication: March 17,
J. rranttlln Wllllami, Admtnlitra
tor of tho Kiut of Ion Hipp,
form tr It lono tauit, Dtceaitd.
Willi am H. B eland
Attorn? at Law
DOT Pobllo Barrlt Bldff.
Portland. Ortfon
March J7, April 1 II, 17. .W3
Notleo la h.rfbT iItio that tha undtr-
lmd ha bain, br an order of th
circuit Court of tho Matt of Ortton
for Marlon county, win appoint ao
mlnlitrator of th Eilata of Drclo O.
Wtartr. deetaard.
All ptraona havlni elalma Malnat th
tatt of oycia u. warr, atcaaaea,
or htrtb? nottfltd to prHtnt th amt.
vtrltlad aa rtqulred br law. to tht
arrdrilnv4. Adlmlnitrator of th
fetal, at tht law office of Wlnaton
Dtmick. t racino bus Robun,
Ortton. within alx (I) month from
th dat of thli nolle.
DATED and flrjt publtahad (tell loth
day oi April, im.
WUbtit D. warr. Admlnlatrator
f th E(i ot Drci O. Wtartr,
ArU it, 17, It, Mar I, 1HI,
ituii. lormer muuun pictures ,
Madrigal Group
To Sing Here
The Madrigal Singers, I
group of Lewis and Clark col'
lege students, directed by
George Bishop, will present a
program in the sanctuary of
the First Christian church nt
7:30 pan. April 26. The pro
gram will be in the nature of
a benefit for the organ fund of
the church. , '
The hour and IS minute con
cert will include sacred num
bers, folk songs and carols in
the nature of madrigals. - The
presentation by the students is
done in the old style, a group
of matched voices about a table
singing, unaccompanied and
Mr. Bishop is assistant pro
fessor of voice at Lewis and
Clark, soloist at the Eighth
Christian Science church in
Portland and director of the
Portland Appollo club. His
background is said to include
broad experience In education
and literature, research is mu
sic in old style and profession
al engagements as a soloist.1
There will be no admission
charge but a free will offering
will be taken to supplement
the fund for the purchase of
the organ recently Installed, 1
Banquet Planned
For Youth Week
. The young people of the Cat
vary Baptist church are look
ing forward to their Annual
Youth Week which is April 26
to May S. Activities begin
Sunday, April 26 with an eve
ning ..banquet and Baptist
Youth Fellowship meeting at
5:30 p.m. During the week
the youth will participate in a
clean-up night at the church
on April 28 and will lead youth
Prayer meeting on April 29.
On May 1 and 2, many of the
young people will attend the
Linfield Cavalcade Week-end
at Linfield college in McMlnn
ville. Activities conclude Sun
day, May 3 with the youth In
charge of the morning wor
ship service at which Austin
Creel, National Youth Direc
tor, will be guest sneaker.
Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock
the youth will present the stir
ring religious drama
Seamless Robe."
Pilgrim Holiness
Special Services
Revival services are in prog
ress in the Pilgrim Holiness
church of Salem and will con
tinue through May 8. Rev.
Frank B. Mills Of southern
California is the evangelist and
his wife is rendering special
music in song. Rev. Mills is
a former prison and mission
work. The public Js invited
to these meetings at 7:30
o'clock each evening except
Saturday. The church is lo
cated at 2285 Carlton Way and
Rev. ernon Storey is the pas-
Uarierett street, from Entle Avenue to
tne wni city Llmlta Line
common council ef the city of Salem.
urrcon, oeema it n actuary end expedient
iu mrvor oeciaree lie purpose and In
tention to lmnrave MARn,errr
STREET, from the veil line of Enala
Avenue to the veil elty limits line, In
the city of Salem, Oreeon, al the ex
pense ot the abuttlne and adjacent
property, eicept the elreet and alley
InteriKtlont, the eipenie of which will
be assumed by the elty of fulam. s,
brlulnt said portion of eeld street to
me esieeiiBfted trede, provldlnt drain
are, eonetructlnf cement concrete curbe,
and pevtnt eeld portion of eeld elreet
with a 14 Inch atpheltlo concrete peve
racnt IS feet wide, In accordance with
the plena and epeclflcetlone therefor
which were edopted by the common
council April n. 111, which are now on
file In the oftlce of the cltv
and which by this reference thereto are
mwi a pars nereor. These plana and
epeclflcetlone may be eiamlned by any
Interested party. The common council
hereby declares Its purpose and Inten
tion to moke the above described Im
provement uy and throueh the elreet
Improvement department.
Owners of property lleble for the m
of tnaklnf euch improvement mey file
written remonstrance aealnst tha aama
with the city recorder al any time with
in ten dare after tht final publication
of thle notice.
By order af the common council April
is, ivej.
ALFRED WUNDT. City Recorder.
Dete ot first publication April 11, ml.
Data at final publication May 1. liu.
Apt. 11. It, Hay I
latent dliurcli
nmnm Cfeasaa sea at. lath.
nor Wevtfalne'ieei. s-aa ,.
aeheaL II am. nr. B. ChaUent, ream
Oracle. S:el. Tme Peases, service.
i;ee, avanaeuei o. owroa.
siw owa at m cvtuu ud
Bead, R. J. seexaura, mlnnitr. chrletiaa
b. Mm Uareiu verehip ilea, tr.
service :ee, nu am Tlsa,
St. Hwk-t UIWu U3 K. Chereh
Bt. KeV. J4ra 1 Caable, BaBLBT. aimday
uw s:w aaa. divib. wea-ahla 11 a.m.
Beraun er the pastor. Adult Instruction
law an 'Tin cnrlstlea War ( Truth
Oeaea talanaa Baiiavlew aaa Lane-
el avenaea. .:ea a. B. Bnmoax aeaaaL
11 alii XMetaa WMhla m -t LuUiar
isaraa, wtiu w. Holla, paetor.
tint Mataaalal Ghana aatf atau
ernes. e:ee a-an., caaroa mbom. 11 aji.
arnica at the BUslaar. thaatn. Barman,
Talth aad Worts." BnxaU K. Item,
UUMI, ...
' sefeaea-Day Mveaeiet Bummer al
nooo. Bateau aenioi ,:M a.m. Tople
Hean'a BxBartenea After the eMLM a.
man l aja. ky see tor, B. o. Schaflner.
It. lahaa Latmeeam - lath a
etreata, H. w. Oreee. paetor . aervleaa al
t ana li a.m. Sunday eboal and I
elaae It aja. ,
Ik JeeeaVa CatkeUe Cbemeketa and
winter, nev. Meepn .vanderbeek, pee
ler. Sunday maeeea , 1:1b, l:w, t a.
11 and 11:11. confeeeleeu Saturday ):W.
e;w ana i:jv.
ieeea Lee tfeateetal Meikealet Comer
af Jelferacet and Winter atraala. Bnaet
rreeiao aaulder, mlnleter. Dtveu or
ahlp aervtea at 11 ajn. Sermon tahjeet,
-aeaeu." enayen aanaei al s.'M am.
taUek Betkel aeeeakhr Lahleh Vll.
leee. A. R. Brown, minuter. Sunday
echool 10 u. afomlnt worahlp 11.
Yount reople-a eervlce 1 p.m. Branae!
Utla eervlce s la. HM-vaafc eemce
-inoreaay, a p.m.
lirel Satriiaellet -MS, Cotteie. 1:11
p.m. apeaa-er, Mr. Vincent Ifallelt. Tuple,
venngai on ute aeoune."
tint Ckareh ef CkrleB. Seleallet Lib
erty ana cnemeeeta etreete. annua
ohool al 11 a.m. Serrleef 11 a.m. and
p.m. Buoject, "rrosatloa Arter Death.'
Charon af Jeeae Christ at Latter Dae
fa late (afeeaeea) Slh and Ifadleon Bte.
John B. Bailabury,. Mebop. Priesthood
meetlns S a.m. Sunday echool 10:10 aa.
Decrement eervlce T p.m.
Central Latkotaa North eanltal and
Gaines ate. a. B. Bandetrom, paetor.
Central Lutheran Hour Broadcast Kom
S:30. Family Sunday echool f.U. Worship
eervlce 11:00. Rev. J. Tsmldae, Freel
dent of Salem Academy. Luther leecue
and pastor In cham 7:41 p.m. -
Saint Paal'e Bpleeepal church and
Chemekela etreete. Holy communion 7:30
em. Family aervke and el Asset f :30 am.
Nursery echool tn parUh ban 11 a.m.
Pnyer eervlce and sermon 11 a.m.
LaMaa Cemaieallr B. U. Brooks,
B.S.L., pastor. 10 a.m. Sunday achoo!;
11 a.m., preaehlnf 1 7 p.m., Junior e meat;
1:4S p.m Bible study kr fount people;
S:30 p.m preach Inr.
Fleet Caanaratseaal too Marlon at.
Beth R. Buntlnf ton, minister. 9:30 church
echool. 11:00 Morolne Worahlp eervlce.
6:30 PUrrlra fellowship.
Fllarlm Beliaeea Sunday school S:4S
a.m. lfornlnf worship ll a-a. PUarlm
Youth f :10 p.m. Junior Service S30 p.m.
Bvanaellstle services each tvenlnt axeept
Saturday at 7:30.
SI. Vlaeeat da real CalheUe Colum
bia and Ifyrtia etreeU. Mai see al a,
1:10, :, 10 and 11:11 ajn. Confes
sions Saturday, 4: to : and 1 to
e:so p.m. ana neiora meases.
Saleea Treth Center mi Chemeieta.
Sunday echool 10. Service 11. Topic,
wingniusuoD." eter. sjuva vtevena,
Kaleht afeaieelal OeaeraeatleuL-LAu,
li E. white, minuter, set south nth at.
:et am., Sunday school, claasaa for
every member ot tha family. 11 a.m.
Mornlnt worehlp, Barmon by tha minis
ter, --me Bream of Ufa." e: p.
Yount Feople'a sratipi.
Calvary Baailsl south Liberty at
MUler ate. Omar It. Berth, paetor. Bi
ble BchOOl S:4S. LOValtV and Victor
Sunday 11. Broadcaat over KOAB 1430
Kc. All youth troupe 0:30. Youth week
observance 7:30. BepUsma. "A . Friendly
Church With a Calvary Meeaace."
Flrat Beetlat Marlon and Uherev.
Dr. Lloyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rev.
Thornton Janema, Basis tent pastor. Sun
day echool t:46 a.m. Mornlnt worehlp
11 o'clock, "The Fruitful Believer."
Youth meetlnia CIS p.m. Oospel eer
vlce 7:30 p.m, "Oreet Questions In Bo
mans I." Also, missionary testimony by
Mlae Martaret Smith of Japan. Mid
week eervlce Wedneeday, 7:30 p,m., Rob
ert Owen, tuest missionary speaker,
ahowlni colored fUm from Cuba.
Fear Cere ere Beetlit A tats and Em
etreete. Rev. Victor L. Louses, pastor.
Sunday echool f:ea am. Mornlnt wor
ship 11 o'clock, paetor apeaktnt. Yount
people'a leatue t:30 p.m. Oospel eervlce
7:30 p.m. Mid-week prayer eervlce.
Thursday 7:30 P.m.
BoevtaaiBoi Charek at Jeeae Chriel
ef Letter Day Salnla Beventeeth and
Chemeketa etreete. Oeoree w. Speed,
paetor. Church school t:4i. Worehlp
eervlce II. Caleb Clark, apeaker. Eve
nine worship (. William c. Bwaln,
Bethel Baalist North Cottaae and D
atreeu, Rev. Rudolph Worse, paetor.
Sunday school at t:4S a.m., with desire
for all. Worship aervlca at 11 a.m., tha
pastor preaehlnf on tha tople, "Bound
less Love." Evenlnt toepel hour at 7:10
with a metises and children 'a story.
Klneweeel BIN Ilia Elm street. Bun.
day school for all atea f:4l a.m. Rev.
Alex H. Sauerweln preachtnt, Bublect:
"The Baptism of the Holy Spirit," Bible
eervlce 1:45 p.m. Metsaae by Rev. A. H.
Baaerweln, "The Crooked Made Strait hi."
Cbrlft taUseraa SUU elreet at llthi
the Rer. T. M. Oebhard. naetor. Bun.
day worehlp I II am. Socmen by Rev.
L. Holte.senrnn by Rev. Sachs 11 a.m.
Sunday Bible elaesea 10 a.m. Lutheran
atudenta mntlnt p.m. Women's etudy
aroup, "The christian Woman and Her
Piece tat tha Buelneee and Profeeelonal
World" 7:41 p.m. Luther leatuere meet
In Dalles at S p.m. Brotherhood Tueeday
7:41 p.m.
First CarieUaa Marlon and Cottue
Dudley Strain, mlnleter. Donald Payne,
minister of Christian education. Church
echool 0:4e a.m. Worehlp and Communion
10:41 a.m. Sermon by Dudley Strain.
Youth Fellowehlp tlmt 1:30 p.m. Bnack
time 1:10 p.m. Youth discussion troupe
10 p.m. Worehlp eervlce 7:10 p.m. The
Medrltal Sinters af Lewie and Clark
Court Street Chrletlaa Seventeenth
and court etreete. W. Hsrold Lyman
and o. Philip nurd, ministers. Bible
school aesembly t:N am. Mornlnt wor-
enip io:eo o eloce. sermon by Mr. Ly
man, 'Thle Is tha Day." Youth hour
1:30 p.m. Evenlna worship 7:10 o'clock.
Sermon by Mr. nurd.
first tvaaeellaal Halted Brethren
Corner Marloa and Summer, a: O.
Jemleton, M.A-, minister. Sunday echool
s:ee. worenip eervlca lo:eo. Meeaere
at the
Elsinore Theatre
ll:tl A.M. 8CNDAT
Sermon by the Minister
My favorite Bible vera it) PSALM 37:9:
''Cosisut thy trajr aato the Lord; crust also ia
Bin; aad fce.anall brieg it to past." .
I '
It once had the- same- effect iipoa me- at a
aiB-poat co a bewildered traveler who haa lost
hi way, and it haa continued co encourare aad
' reaasare me at many crise since.
The first time it van ce my rescue was whea
I war a yonag ataa recently discharged from'
military service ia the first world war. I cook a
job ia Akron. Ohio, not because I had incline
cion for tllae kind of work, but because one can't
- aic around doing aothing. During the montha chat.
1 followed I became 'despondent, tortured by che .
thought chat I waa doomed co be a failure in life.
What increased chis mood was che feeling that
aooae,! thought, could really probe my dilemma
or meet my aeed. I waa lonesome and lost.
. Then in reading the Bible one evening, I came
, across this verse. I reeolved co accept its ei
horcacioa, aad by aa act of faith co believe chat '
God would direct, me. I. prayed that I might do
his will at each opportunity life offered. Through
that door I have beea led into a life-chat co me
haa beea wonderfully rich and rewarding. .. .
i Dr. Paul S. fright'
, , First Presbyterian Church
,. , Portland, Ore.
Rev. Hokonson to
Direct Conclave
Silverton Rev. Arvid L.
Hokonson and a aroun from
Calvary Lutheran church will
attend the meeting of the Ore
gon Circuit of the Lutheran
Free church at Bethany Luth
eran churcn In Astoria, this
week end. ,
The meetings begin with the
Woman's Missionary. Federa
tion at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April
24, and will conclude Sunday
with the Sunday afternoon ses
Rev; Hokonson of Silverton
will preside as president of the
Circuit and will bring the mes
sage at the Sunday morning
In the absence of Rev. Hok
onson from Silverton. Paul
Almquist will bring the mes
sage at Calvary Lutheran
church Sunday morning.
The 7:30 Sunday evening Lu
ther League will be at the
home of Miss Pansy Flncher.
Mrs. Ole Brye will open her
home at 8 p.m. Wednesday for
tne prayer service.
Calvary, Confirmation class
meets Saturday at 10 a.m.
Baptists in West
Salem Open Church
The first services of the
West Salem Baptist church will
be held In the West Salem city
nan on Sunday, April 28 at 11
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. with the
Rev. Elvln Fast bringing the
messages. Additional services
planned are a mid-week Pray
er ana Bible study on Wednes
day at 7:30 pjn. In the city
hall and Sunday school serv
ices the first Sunday in May.
The organization of this new
church' ia under the SDonsor-
ship of the Conservative Bap
tist association, of Oregon and
its VI affiliated churches.
Mill City Churches
first Proabytortea Rev. Noble street-
ar. mlnleter. Sunday school 1:40 a.m.
Youth Fellowehlp 4 p.m. church cervices
is a.m. ana 7130 p.m.
first CarieUaa Rev. Hueh Jull. nee.
tor. Sunday echool S:4S a.m. CE. 0:30
P.m. Church aervleaa 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.
SI. Catherine Calhelle Father Robert
O'Hara. paetor. Moraine meee a a.m.
Confeeslona heard before mass.
Free Methodist Rev. C. R. Brewer.
paetor. Sunday school 040 a.m. Church
services 11 a-m. and 7:30 p.m.
Community Rev. Lee Joiner, nastor.
Sunday school 10 a.m. Church aervlcea
ii a.m. ana l p.m.
Aseeeebly af Oca Sunday school 10
at. Church aervlcea 11 em. and 7:30
PJn. Yount People t:30 p.m.
Ckrlstlaa Science Sunday 11 a.m. SLh
Wedneeday s pjn.
epewell E.U.B. Ray. H. E. Wldmer.
paetor. 10 a.m. Sunday echool. li a.m.
mornlnt worship. Nomination of officers
ot church and 8.8. 7 p.m., Youth Fel
lowehlp. a p.m. Evenlnt worehlp.
Christ Lutheran Charek af Aurora
Pastor, L. a Lelkauf. Church echool
:l a.m. Divine eervlce 11 a.m. Choir
rehearsal Thursday tvenlnt at 8. Broth
erhood every rirtt Monday. S p.m. Mle
alonary society Snd Thursday, t p.m.
Luther leatue nret and third Bunday.
7:30 p.m.
Blessed Art the Pure tn Heart." Youth
Fellowehlp 0:30. Tha Oospel hour 7:30.
la eel see, "a Divine Myetery Revealed."
Nafta Bewail Caeaasaaltf Sunday
echool, lo am., mornlnt worship, 11
a.m., avanlnt eervlce, t p.m. Bmle etudy
and prayer, Wedneeday, t p.m. Mel B.
Arn, pastor.
If you love the moving ef the spirit of God
and His manifestation, don't miss these stirring days
1305 N. 5th
Rev. MaxWyatt, Paster
?2 a't
Final Meeting v
Of Fellowship
: Dr. Karlln Kapper-Johnson,
professor of history at Lewis
and Clark college, will speak
on "Christianity and the Unit
ed Nations" at the Sunday
morning services of the Salem
Unitarian Fellowship. Dr.
Kapper-Johnson is a student
of long standing of internation
al afafirs and an active mem
ber of the Society of Friends.
This Sunday's meeting will
be the last of the morning
services of teh Fellowship un
til early next fall. During
May a series of Sunday eve
ning meetings will be held in
the homes of members. ,
Dorcas Society
Special Studies
The second In a series of
special studies conducted bv
the Priscilla Guild and Dorcas
society of Christ Lutheran
church will be held Sunday
evening at the church with
Mrs. Wilma Collins in charge.
me general theme of the
studies is "The Living Word
Gives Woman -Her Place in
World." ' The second session
will discuss the topic; "Chris
tian Women'a Place In Profes
sional Life and Society." :
The third session will be
conducted on Wednesday eve
ning under the chairmanship
ox Mrs. Evelyn Bottneier. The
topic wiU be, "WhaTthe Bible
Says About Relationship ot
Man and Woman." Assisting
the pastor, Rev. T. M. Geb-
hard in this study will be Dr.
Poole of Salem who will lead
the discussion on Planned
Parenthood. The meetings are
open to the public.
Evangelism Crusade
At Woodburn Church
Woodburn A second in a
series of three-night evangel
ism crusades has been set for
Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
April 24, 25 and 26 at the
Woodburn Foursquare com
munity church. The services
will be under the direction of
the young people of the
church and wiU start at 7:45
p.m. '
Rev. Roy Worthington of Sa
lem will be the special speak
er. A songspiration opens the
meetings and special music
will be presented each night
at 8 o'clock by the. "Crater
Kids" trio from Salem. Al
though these meetings are
planned for young people, all
ages are welcome. Rev. Ar
thur Goble is the pastor.
Amity Churches
dtmltr Church - .. ....
MaUftWaMua r. Bry. SMtor. iun
iUy school lo .mi., liomlna wonhlp 11
m. No-hoit ltmehton IS noon. Ron eul
nt. biutnett meeting 1 p.m. Kveninv
trvttt p.m.
Chattel. r Cliriar Robert Powell, sis
ter. Bible etehool 10 t.m. Mornlnt wor
ship 11 .m. Chrlitun EndeftTor ;30 p.m.
Krenlnt strrlce 1:30 p.m. Choir practice
:30 p.m, ,
MeUetvslUl David Polndeitor. minis
ter. Sunday echool 10 .m. Morning wor
ship 11 a.m. Youth Fellowship 0:30 p.m.
STcnlni service I p.m.
Oak Oreve Chat. David Potivdei
ter. minister. Worship service 0:45 p.m.
Bunday school 10: a.m.
AeeemMv ! OeJ Frank X. Mapes.
paetor. Sunday ohool t: a.m, Mornlni
worship at ll. Evening service at 1:30.
Sunday School MS
Morning Worship 11:0(
Evening Service S:0I
Trinity Plans
Busy Calendar
atlli.n AnllirllUa elf the
Trinity Lutheran church over
this comlna? Sunday and during
the following weea, are num
tm ViA1arln filinr1nv Anrll
a at tha 7-an o'clock eveninc
hour is a colored film, "I Be
held His Glory."
Announcer! for Sundav. Mav
3, following the worship hour
a n o ciocjc. Holy Commun
ion wm oe oDserved. On Hay
8, Ladies Aid is to meet. Dor
cas society is postponed from
May 1. May 24, at 8 p.m., a
Concert Will hs elir.n hir It,.
junior and senior choirs. .
"Expect Everlasting Joy" Is
the sermon tonic of th aMae
by Rev. Joseph A. Luthro, Ap
ril ao, me tiilrd Sunday after
Easter at tha 1 1 ivi,i
shiP hour. "Your Tongue Is
dipping" is the theme for the
o.ou isutner league meeting,
presented - bv PhvlH. r.tiroiv
Jean Neperud and Armand Lee
' Tuesdav vpnlnir Anrll ia
o pjb; me usners and dea
COns Will be ahnvam an Inm.
- " U Uk
tive film. Thurarlav mltrn.
April 30, the Altar Guild is to
meet at the M. G. Gunderson
home. 33A f!hllrr.h aevA. . a
pjn. Friday, May 1, the "Broth
erhood" meets at 8 njn.. the
program to be presented by
Lutheran Sturfr,r .iH.f-.
oi corvallis.
Elmer Olsen and Olaf An-
aerson are to serve, eefm.1,.
ments. .
The Mav 9 fiaf,,B.. e A
noon confirmation classes meet
ai :su and 10:40 o'clock.
Calvary Baptist
Victory Sunday
' Thlj Sundav ! ' -vi4AM
J V 11-eUlV
Sunday" at the Calvary Bap
tist church, South Liberty and
Miller streets, when th. .1..,,.
al Every Member canvass will
on conducted. More than 70
Visitors Will call In all
of the congregation to receive
pledges for the coming year's
activity. The church beginn
ing May 1, is ( observing Its
anniversary, and in celebrat
ing, is seekintr a avul ,vf t9.
000 for missions and $25,000
ior lis local work.
Ivan Blngenhelmer, chair
man of the enllatrviBnt MM
......... unu.
mittee, announces that more
than two-fifths of the goal
has already been acheui i.
pre-campaign pledges and
uiner extra sources of income
that can be k..u
out the year.
fThe visitors will share In a
special service of dedication
d Urine the mnnl.e . v,
hour. Reports and testimonies
i caiiers wm be featured at
the evening .n,u. .i. iv ,-.
0 .wvc WU1U1 wui
also include the baptism of
sscvv inerriDers.
Chorus at Silverton . .
Silverton nm,. w. .
Hospital Nurses Chorus from
Portland. Orecrnn .111 .
a Sacred Choral Concert Sun
day, April 26, at 8 pjn. In Im
manuel Lutheran
N. Church street, Silverton.
An outstanding feature length motion picture
, In sound and color.
Sunday eve, 7:30, April 26th
4298 Portland Road Robert E. Sanders, Pastor
Foursquare Church
490 N. 19th St
T1:00 a.m. Dr. H. Cholfont
Director ef Yeuth
7:45 p.m. Rev. C. Ostrom
Irongelitt I idle Teacher
"The Charch Where a Friendly Welcome Awaits Ten-
Worship SUNDAY
Marlon and Liberty
Paslor Lloyd Anderson
a -i1 f"BW ieJIevar-
- Mm 'jf10"! fr MARSARET SMITH,
Mliilontrr Nwie frcm Japan
Wednesday, April 29
..p.m... a T " VJ Ratlfo IrMikasIt
-CFP t5,rn F""T-:W t.m., KSLM
MornlnTn,n5llnBatJ,JMor.nlB :00-KSLM
COME VVB Tn.,P7itUnd,,T Morn,n "00-KOCO
Marylhurst fo
'Present Concert
fit. Jnsenh'a e?athr,lle navlal.
will present the noted Maryl-
nurs college cnorus OI u
vnlcea In concert In the V.p.h
junior high school auditorium
.1. . ,Mu m . , .
uie mau. vi aucsuay, April
28.-.' r,,;l.
Featured in the concert will
be a small group ot selected
voices in Scotch and Irish folk
anna. In thia arrmin la. Mia.
Grace Corey, a salem girl who
is a graduate of Sacred Heart
fa, slth.r fiol.t. tflwla
the chorus are Joan Finney,
r ranees inomas ana Joan
Miss Anna Cheng of Han
kow, China, Junior at Maryl-
hnrat. anrl nnnnlar Pnrtl.nA
singer, who has her own pro
gram over radio station KGON
of Oregon City, will sing "Un
bel di vendremo" from "Marl.
am Butterfly," ,
Although the 1 concert is
varierl anrl mnntlv vam! In
nature, some instrumental mu
sic wm ne neara. miss uou
S tears, composer-pianist, will
be heard in a Prokofieff so
The concert is being offered
as a benefit for St. Josenh'a
Halbert Memorial
To Show Picture
A sound color film entitled
"T n.h.M TTIa el1,ras n,m v.
shown at the Halbert Memor
ial Baptist church, Sunday,
April 28 at 7:30 p.m. The
church Is locate1 at AttM Pert.
land Road, one-half mile north
of the city limits on highway
a etc,
The film la '
length motion picture that por
trava the atorv- nt r',.
the Centurion who becomes a
convert to Christanty -after
witnessing the crucifixion and
the resurrection of Jesus. ,
' Appropriate musical . selec
tions will he nreaenterl In
junction with the film by the
choir directed by the pastor,
Robert E. Sanders.
Rev. Gebhard Will
Address Convention
Rev. T M Chho rrl ' ru.ln
of Christ church in Salem, will
leave Saturday to address the
rnnvpntinn nt th. Ai,h,atnn.
Luther League in Nampa, Ida-
iiu. ne win aaaress ine aw
rleleantea nnrl Affl..i.a 4K.
annual banquet on Saturday
ana xne convention service on
Sunday. Pastors Holte and
Sachs will supply the pulpit at
Christ church this Sunday,
First Presbyterian :
, Church
Chemeketa and Winter .
Two Services, 8:45 ft 11 a.m.
. KOC0, 18 A.M.
at First Baptist