Thmdyt AprU 23, 1953 AT WILLAMETTE Varsity Ball Big Event On Campus By BARBARA JACKSON CpiUl Joarotl Corrupandnl Cotton dresses and flowers appeared on the Willamette campus this week as spring weather arrived. Tomorrow night in the gymnasium, spring lormals will be in evidence when the Varsity ball takes place. Highlighting the eve ning wiu be the announce ment of Varsity queen. One of the court, Maxlne Brown of Bend, Joyce Karn of Tilla mook, Anne Laudig of Vancou ver, Wash., and Margaret Huson and Anita Tonning of Salem, will be crowned by last year's queen, Sally Jo Grimm CI Vancouver, Wash. News of the engagement of Dona Mears of Roseburg to Bob Platenbure of Pasadena Calif., was told, at the PI Beta Phi house Monday night dur ing dinner. Miss Mears is a senior majoring in economies and a member of Pi Beta Phi. Platenburg is a senior major ing In economics and a mem ber of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. The couple plan for a summer wedding. - Selected as coed of the month of April has been Dona Mears of Roseburg. Miss Mears was the choice of the Associ ated Women Students cabinet, and was honored for her out standing work as chairman of the leadership training pro gram. She was - Homecoming hostess in her Junior year, and this year, as a senior, Miss Mears wai selected foe the May court. ' A member of Pi Beta Phi, the served as presi dent of thtt organization. She Is senior scholar in economics, her major, and has received four scholarships while en rolled In WiUamette. Saturday night Sigma Alpha Epsilon will hold its spring formal in the chapter house. The Willamette independent town students will dance the ame night In Chresto cottage. I... enter 'f ME j Trip to Paris" Contest AND GET YOUR FEE BOTTLE OF PERFUME BYTUSSY JUST FOR LETTINO US SHOW YOU THI NEW 1953 Special 14 DAY FREE HOME TRIAL COME IN Sir Milled DOWNSTAIRS Beta Sigma Phi Events Set. . Another of the series of bene fit coffee parties sponsored by Beta Sigma Phi city council Is announced for next Saturday, at the home of Mrs. Walter Sle ber, 2240 Ladd. Members of Alpha Epsilon chapter are hostesses for this event, Mrs. W. Lestard as chair man. Mrs. Donald Stiffler and Mrs. Braden Daggett are to pour. Guests are Invited between 10 a.m. and 12 o'clock noon. All members of the four Beta Slg ma Phi chapters and their Miss Strand Recent Bride SUverton - Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Strand of SUverton are announcing the marriage of their -daughter,. Miss Bessie Edith Strand, to Herbert Mer lin Lay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Lay of Meadow Vis ta, . Calif., on Friday, at the Auburn, Calif., Bethlehem Lutheran church. The' Rev, Albert Tow, formerly of SUverton, read the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Lay, following their brief wedding trip, plan to make their residence in Parkland, Wash., where the bridegroom is a student at Pacific Lutheran college. SILVEETON Mes s a g e s from Mr. and Mrs. William Murphy, received by local friends, announce their plans to leave Sacramento, Calif., Thursday morning on the last trek of their return to their suburban SUverton home. The Murphys were delayed more than a week by an auto mobile accident. The travelers had spent their annual winter vacation of six months at Win ter Haven, Florida, and were planning to reach SUverton the day following the accident. 'Good News," the well- known musical comedy, wUl be presented in Parrish junior high school next week by the WUlamette drama department. Running on Friday and Sat urday, the musical wUI feat ure LoUie Coffey, and Mal colm Campbell of Portland in the leading roles. The cast will include 19 principals and a vocal chorus, dancing' line, and a full orchestra. Oh Mom! ADMIT YOUR AGE SHOW POP WILSON'S FAMILY SALE AD ON PAGE 23 WW ll LACS AND RHINESTONES 383 Court WITH $WQ RIBBON Z RoserTEs 9 m All Wanted Colon friends are invited. Meeting Wednesday Alpha Epsilon chapter met last evening at the home of Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst, Mrs. Donald Kleinsmith, Mrs. Wil der McNeil, Miss Pauline Fu gate and Miss Bernlce Ettner assisting. The group made plans to en tertain at a luncheon honoring mothers of members on Satur day, May 9, in the Cherry room of the Senator hotel. Miss Bev erly Lebold is chairman for the event. Members of other Beta Sigma Phi chapters and their rr v mmmmmimmmmmmmLmmJmmaStmi Wed Recently Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jones (Evelyn Reynolds) were married April 11. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Reynolds of Bristol, Colo., and Mr. Jones is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Jones of Salem. (Kennell-Ellis studio picture) Parents Tea at Mt. Angel College Mt. Angel Parents of Mount Angel Women's coUege students were honored at the annual parents' tea, Sunday af ternoon, in the coUege lounge. During the program hour, Miss Mary CaUaghan, Portland, newly elected student body president, was presented with the gavel by the outgoing of ficer, Miss Patricia Brandt! SU verton. Program numbers in cluded choral singing by the "Aeoleans," college glee club; a reading by Katherine Brandt, and a mock style show, display, ing paper mache animals don. ned in spring hats. -The soring motif was car ried out in the decorations and table arrangements. Pouring were Mrs. WT H. Brandt and Mrs. Roy Fennimore, both of SUverton. Out-of-town guests included Mr. and Mrs.' Warren Adams, Molalla: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brandt, SUverton; Mrs. Casey, Yamhill; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Dummer, Mt. Angel RFD; Mr. and Mrs. W. Edgell, Woodburn; Mrs. John Fery, Stay ton; Mayor and Mrs. Richard Long, Oregon City; Mrs. Roy Fennimore, SU verton; Mrs. Hall Lusk, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mclntee, Salem; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schmerber, Gervais; Mrs. Beu lah Thayer, Yamhill; Mrs. Da vid Ward, Gervais; Mrs. E. L, Palmer, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Good m Mi PI ' AT . V IB THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baleta, Oregon . . mothers are invited to attend the affair. Next meeting for the chapter will be May 13, with Mrs. Kleinsmith. XI Lambda Chapter Xi Lambda chapter also met Wednesday evening, at the home of Mrs. A. L. Cummins, Mrs. Sam C. Campbell as co hostess. Members made plans to attend the founders day ban quet in Corvallis next week and accepted the invitation of Al pha Epsilon chapter for its luncheon for mothers on May 0. ... 0 D. L. Wolfard, SUverton, and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ogburn, MolaUa. Today's Menu COMPANY SUPPER , Baked Fish With Bacon Stuffing Peeled Baked Potatoes Buttered Asparagus Salad Bread and Butter Strawberry Cream Cake Beverage Baked Fish With Bacon Stuffing.., j Ingredients: 3 cups -inch soft bread cubes, 1 tablespoon bacon drippings, cup finely chopped onion, cup diced cooked bacon, 2 tablespoons minced parsley, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, 2 tablespoons wa ter, Vt teaspoon salt, Vs tea spoon pepper, one 2-pound dressed fish (such as white fish), butter or margarine (soft), lemon wedges. Method: Mix together the first 9 ingredients; place stuf fing lightly In cavity of fish. Leave fish unskewered, Place in greased baking pan. Spread with butter. Bake in hot (400F) oven 40 minutes or until fish flakes easily. Baste occasion ally during baking. Serve with lemon wedges. Makes 4 serv ings. sT e e e e Jleeee, jrtjd Housekeeping Inc. 17 ANNIVERSARY Money-Saving Values in Every Department DROP IN AND SEE! Some Notations.. By M.L.F. Soma days bring real "Jolts" in impressing you time moves on . . . Twice yesterday were were comments, both along the same line, to inquire "Who is Mary Pickford?" Says one sweet young thing: "Well, who IS Mary PickfordT Did she use to live in Salem?" That was her comment while In a group looking over the cal endar to set a date for an event and someone reminded the date' was the one for the stop of Mary Pickford in Oregon on her defense bonds tour . , , Later, another young lady, although some years older than the first, remarked casually she had a faint idea about identity of Mary Pickford, she had heard of her ... Who is Mary Pickford? What a "socker" to those of us in the thirties, forties and old er! Who is Mary Pickford? A logical question for the younger generations, of course . . . Who is Mary Pickford? Why, to those between the 40 and 50 year mark and older, Mary Pickford is the cinema, or the cinema is Mary Pickford Who la Mary Pickford? She -of the golden curls, she who to so many so long was the essence of feminine prettiness and charm nd perpetual youthf ulness Who la Mary Pickford? Mercy Percy, what radio, the talking movies and television have done to usl Who is Mary Pickford? there ought to be a law or something ... Who is Mary Pickford? it's enough to make one speechless just how cruel can time be? Oh. weU. maybe the bond people knew what they were doing. Could be that more who have what it takes in the sock to buy bonds are in the older generations and they remem ber Mary Pickford! - . David W. Eyre and his son- I in-law and daughter, Mr. and mi a. dwwi ivumuup are in viting friends for "open gar den" to view the beautiful gar dens at their home at 148 East Washington next Sunday The interested public is invited to caU by between 2 and 5 o'clock in the afternoon . . . The gardens surrounding the Eyre home are a show spot on Fair mount HiU at this season . . . and cared ,or by Mr E.e d the .Jnhnwmii. ' ,', joyed by all three .'..' Awards in Poster Contest Scheduled SUverton Mrs. Charles Ma son, poster chairman' for the annual poppy program and street sale for the American Legion auxiliary the last of May, is announcing the time of the awards to be made to win ners. On the award tours, Mrs. Mason wUl be accompanied by the unit president, Mrs. Rob ert Allen, and other members of the auxiliary. On Thursday, April 23, they wiU be at St. Paul's Catholic school at 11' o'clock In Silver- CallouoGQ rale, lsri,Teedsfaest enlettisief Feet For tbsi futatt relief Imag inable, un Super -Soft Dr. Sertoli' Zlno-pada. They also remove callouses one of the quickejrt ways known to medical arience. At Drue. flhoe, Dfpt., 5-1 StnrM. To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Hi 71 JL I I 467 Court St. SALE Duo Wed AtHillsboro SUverton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henchllff of Cornelius, Ore., are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Miss Arlene Henchllff, to Wiulam Wortman of SUverton, son of Ma. and Mrs. Phil Wortman of Hills boro. ' ' The nuptials were solemnis ed at St. Matthews church at HUlsboro Sunday at a 2 o clock ceremony in the presence .of the members of the families of the couple. ' . Following1 a wedding trip in to British Columbia, Canada, for two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. Wortman plan to make their home in SUverton. - Mr. Wortman is general man' ager of the SUverton Sprouse- Reltt store. ton; at '10 o'clock Thursday at Evergreen school. , On. Friday, AprU 24, they will be at Bethany school at 9:30 a.m.'; at SUverton junior high at 10 a jn.; at Eugene Field grades, at 1 p.m.; and at Victor Point rural school at 2:30 to the afternoon, in a mothers' tea program. The awards wUl be ceremonially presented. The judges' report of Friday afternoon's work gave the Vic tor Point school special com mendation on the large num ber of posters done, and the unified originality, neatness, and fine workmanship. . The winning posters have been sent to Legion auxiliary headquarters for state judging at Portland, from where the winning posters are to be sent to the national convention for final competition. Mrs. Mason received 137 posters in the contest, a record lor tne suverton unit. All posters, excepting the winners, are to be displayed wim me young artists' names. in the Water street windows of the Elmer Johnson store and the Mason Style Shop. 47c Pepsodent 59c Bamboo Toothpaste Lawn Rake TOILETRY ; .' . VARIETY :' $1.25 Tutsy " Hef.S1.9S' , 27c The toilet Soap Tackle Box Wax Paper 3-39c "TW .19c TOILETRY VARIETY. ' TOILETRY". 29' Fitch Shampoo 2,2&' 49' Si,ed Toothpaste 2S' I4' Plexiglass Vanity Tray W 10' Nylon Toothbrush 2..,&5' 90c e 77 n I $1.19 If Perfect ; v.. Sweet Pea Outline Heel Collection NYLONS locfcM. 50c : Efffm alp, a VARIETY ' APPAREL Reo. 95e 1-lb. Tim , 85c Chocolatt Prince Albert nut mul VelvetcHalf&Half FUD6E lflM Your Choice Qffil Mayer Square (R(B)' POUND 08I Serves 10 io 12 TOILETRY BAKERY 17c My-Te-Fine 27c Heinz Tomato Four Sieve pEAj KETCHUP 303 .,.39.. E7'3S' Tin &a 2.75 Jtt. u , , TOILETRY . TOILETRY 5c Chewing GUM 6 - 19c Santiam Garden- Board Meets Riverside Dates for an nual meetings were announced at the executive board meet ing of Santiam district of Gar den clubs at Albany on Mon day. The spring conference wUl be May 18 in CorvaUls, clubs of that area to be host to the visitors. Mrs. Sam Burch of Albany, district secretary, will be nominated for director when the state convenUon meets in McMinnvUle June 10-12. Mrs. Byron Bradshaw of Al bany, vice president of the Ore gon Federation of Garden clubs, discussed arrangements for the convention,, revealing that workshops, a flower show in Portland, a tea and banquet are scheduled to take place May 1 is the deadline for dis trict reports. . : Members of the Santiam Flower Study - association joined the district board for a no-host luncheon on Monday, the group electing new officers during the meeting that fol lowed. Mrs. A. W. Bedford of Corvallis. is president; Mrs. F. O. Salmon of Halsey, vice pre sident; Mrs. D. E. Branson of Corvallis, secretary. Club presidents ana garden club members are invited to attend future meetings1 of the association to be in conjunction with the district board meet ings. Meetings are scheduled for October and next AprU. A flower show is staged at these gatherings, the Dallas club be ing hostess for the show, last Monday. Mrs. AlUe Hannlgan Introduced the Judges, Mrs. By ron Bradshaw of Albany, Mrs. Oscar Slagel of Lebanon and Mrs. Ethel Baker. The Lincoln Garden club of Corvallis will be hostess for the meeting next October and the Lebanon Garden club will make arrangements for the flower show.' , Prices Good Thru. Sot. f red Meyer Drugs I so TNtirrr ivviss m . sw . 148 N. Liberty We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities Garden Club List Officers i Liberty Mrs. Elba1 Lang. worthy entertained the We Weeders Garden club on Tues day afternoon at dessert at her home on Boone road. Mrs. Louis Kurth conducted the business meeting. The group decided to enter the flower show, sponsored by the Salem Garden council, May and 10, at the Izaak Walk league club house.. The theme for the show will be "Fun With Flowers." Named on the en try committee for the Wee Weeders were Mrs. Harold Al derln, Mrs. WUbert Kurth and Mrs. Ray Alderln. Plans were made for the club's field trip, slated for . Monday,.. AprU 27. The group. will take a trip to the Grabenhorst Cottage on the . Santiam. . Mrs. Joe Van Cleave wUl be the speaker and will take the group on a tour of the woods,, discussing wild flowers. A no-host dinner will be served at the noon hour. New officers were elected as toUows: Mrs. A A. Schalk, president; Mrs. Roland Seeger, vice president; Mrs. Ray Alder ln, - secretary-treasurer; scrap book' chairman, Mrs. W. K. Hughes; telephone committee chairman, Mrs. Helen Graben horst; and cheer committee, Mrs. Wilbur Kurth. Yearbooks will be made and the programs wiU be left to the discretion of the officers. . t SILVERTON Mr. and Mrs. Reber ' AUen returned last week-end from; four months spent in southern California, : New Mexico and Arizona. The Aliens visited with, the Ken-, neth Bentsons, formerly of SUt verton, during their stay la Phoenix. Two English kings never were crowned; Edward V who. ruled in 1483 and Edward VIII who abdicated before his coro nation and became the Duke of Windsor. ": ,