1? Thursday, April 23, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa V FOOD SECTION Pas fl Creamed Shrimp and Eggs Always Good Here li a dish that is sim ii plicity lUelf to prepare. Load ed with good shrifp nutrients and flavor, serve It in "toast cases" for an added touch of Interest. Creamed Shrimp and Em . 2V tablespoons butter or . margarine 2V tablespoons flour 1 cups milk - t . ..' 'salt and pepper 1 ' 1 to 1V4 cups cooked or canned shrimp . i 4 hard cooked eggs 6 toast case Melt butter or margarine in heavy saucepan. Add flour and stir until smooth Add milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thickened. Season with salt and pepper (you might also like to add a bit of Worcester shire or sherry). Add shrimp and sliced eggs andrehat. Serve in these: Toast Cases - Cut sliced bread in large rounds and press Into muffin' cans. Toast until brown in mnrieratelv hot oven. 37S de 'erees. (ten to fifteen minutes). Brush witn meitea outier or margarine before browning, Makes 6 servings. JLCii'ifnrp Pat-Roasts lflllll" " , Ji . i VinVa ora lint toasts in miniature. Brown them in lard or drippings in a Heavy uiensu. --- Of liquid (tomato juice may be used), cover and cook slowly until they are tender 3 o nours. auu ..1- Becessary during cooking. About 45 minutes before the end of CooKing unie, uu whole potatoea to the meat. 1 AUIhItaM 4VtA 11. : wnen cooKea miwiwc. quid for gravy. Wcprf Trick ' t Here's a delicious quick trick with muscatel wine. JJraln canned cling , peach nlneatrole chunks. Place a peach half cup side up In a stemmea snerpev giuo ; jni .itt q Ar 4 nlneannle Chunks. Chill thoroughly. Just before 1 serving, pout. . it nnottira muscatel over ail. The dessert looks pretty and tastes supero. 1 ' AW for 'Gana t Next time Junior announces !Viof crime nf hia cub SCOUt chums are going to be on hand round nign noon on oaiuruay, genre them some raisin and ' carrot salad set in scooped out ' hot dog buns, together with a lieartv lima bean and tomato . .n.rn1a - PminA -AnnkleB for dessert, and everybody's ' pleased as punch. " hearty Bean Soup A hearty lima bean soup nairai cnpR hpffffintf. Such ft coup and a dessert is all that a truly good luncneon requires. . :v a 4a.u 4Mn 1i nf lpft-nver frankfurters floating on top of the soup liKe sauooais give v added interest and eating plea sure. .. 'ti . ! -: Broiled canned cling peach .; halves -;;are wonderful standby to dress up meat loaves. For ad 's ditional flavor and interest cover each peach half with a ;.J glaze consisting of Vi .teaspoon .each of honey and tart red jelly with a sprinkling of ground cloves. Broil as usual. A different Taste We think the creamed chip ped beef we serve at our house has special charm. Just be fore it leaves the kitchen we add a generous amount, of cubed avocado. You'll be pleasantly surprised with the richness and lovely color the semitroplcal fruit gives this entree. ii w sn r r i x n n in m ' ni u 1 1 i: i i ' r n nivfei i n n J 1 i.. ' 8 j II i5fl U ps 11)1. I IGA Stores Beserve the Right to Limit QuanUtlea '" mV ; : ' : ' ' sS- lJfl- TV Set ',;,-?MriJ'' I aalem IGA Stores ," Ji Ostl JW. TB T7v ; 1 1 1 1 Register ot theit Salem CA Starts. You may b a winner. - SLl (fll lV XnX "' - ' : ''" ' ' " J I I S045 South CommercU. . $TmlW ti WlXSAi J I I fTixr ct uinvrr HI i"OT ;n .-MYrsnii V 'tl'U ft 11 IJIAIC Jl. HAKIVEI lzsostateSt ' i f - - jaaTim V . I V,. ; .. f., , , ; 1 ' I I riiCE! ICECREAM FLOATS 1 1 ""T1- UVju U Lr 111 ,a COMB IN ANO HAVt SOMil JUfit lUFIAIUti hc, C " , L-A"pPu,orBrends nlniMnrnr flfivj : . f II fllSHI- x-v . . 1 1 LULUItmrif l H ia vn i aw n imb III ii hOiin rr j a H iui a II UUUU1I U I I 1 1 W II ., " . 1 1 1 III ft l.l 7 UV Hanakaai. RO. 2J I I I III II I rl HIV HrAllfl 1 Of. L'HHLIIfcih'a I I I I SneclalMorninr.IGA 1 . " I V B I '' I yNestles-BOTdens ;'; .. . . .., . ' I i a iniiAiinf ivih - - ik i cmi ah ' i i MHRmwuRa jiak n n iiwiifvrr ! i III - . mm m m m m a - 111 . I ii r e- l Miness I III I I II . . . I ' I M B B X I B I X X. ! A. J I fli U4X 1 f V J 3 23 TrVyROWUSNewKjndofPuddir )bu Dortt Have to Cook! I Instant Pudding ' " L-tA- toy Utgisnonr ml y Spreckel's ugar lb. Bag SNOWDRIFT : S-lb. can 93' WESSON OIL ... .. .Quart 63' 23' 18' .lO-oi. can Jolly Time POPCORN... Shady Oak Pieces & Stems MUSHROOMS .. ... w. BABY STEER LEAN, MEATY BEEF H (o)c SHORT -- o)(5)i. LIVER -u,. J-gJ C RIBS u.P Armour's Bonner Chuck Cut, Well Trimmed SLICED s P(o). BEEF ir .ji BACOH )JC ROAST 1. JC ZEE TOILET TISSUE Family)! If Pack 4 rolls J J KREMEL afE PUDDINGS 3 pkgs. 25' JAN-U-WINE CHINESE FOODS BEAN SPROUTS No.2c.n19c CHOP SUEY VEGETABLES No.2c.n35c SOY SAUCE 5-c, b.i. 19c CHOW MEIN NOODLES m,,,J9c Pillsbury BEST FLOUR 25-lb. bar.... $1.89 40c In Coupons ... 89c 20c in Coupons SNO-SHEEN CAKE FLOUR 44-oz. Pkg. KIPPERED SNACKS IGA DEVILED MEAT VIENNA SAUSAGE 1GA lteh 19c U size can 12c Vt size Q Tin OC 3fc Hungry Jack Pancake Flour Pillsbury . Hot Roll Mix Pillsbury Pie Crust Mix flCOlC Pkg. PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES Packages White Chocolate Yellow PILLSBURY ANGEL FOOD 'JC 49c SOIU)FF 24-oz. jlGi BoHls 1 ' Palmolive Aerosol Old Dutch Cleanser 2 cans 205 AJAX CLEANSER 2 cans 2S WAXTEX 125-FI. . Roil a& -i PETER PAN SOAP 3 Refl. Bars BORAX POWDER lb. Pkg. 2 ib. zn Pko. 2J BORAXO 8-oi. fin LIFEBUOY SOAP 3 Reg. OE Bars uvl BREEZE Detergent Ig. Pkg. 30 RINSO Soap With Solium Lg, Pkg. 29' Lg. Pkg. SURF Detergent Lux Flakes For Fin Thing lg. Pkg. 29' LUX Toilet Soap 3 25' LUX Toilet Soap 3 if 35' LIFEBUOY Soap 3 35' IGA Reieryer the Right To Limit Quantities , VISTA MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street (MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT -1230 STATE STREET (MUTT'S MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD