'". J" -my wv-'rfi "i''-try - iii-iri-f rii -iiti'xri iiir,.rity Rureday, April 23, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon . FOOD SECTION Paco T CHECK THESE VALUES IN SAFEWAY MEAT SECTIONS 6 0- Vi U.S. Givt. graded "Choice" Safeway Swiss Steak is generous with grand eating. Little or no bone to pay for. This is truly a sensational meat sec tion value. mm Swiss SMuks I - j f fresh iiLiMA VS. Choice Beef wall aged, carefully trimmed. A fine em roe it. U J. Choke leef. Nice end leen. Pine for Swlieiitf or chicken frying. All meet. No wcite. Makes a fine roe it ortaery m etewl Sweetheart brand. Guaranteed freth. the piece. Save! lb. ib. 60' lb. 5' I Everyday Low Prices at Your SAFEWAY! Mix Non.f.tMiik 3 lb. 99c Mayonnaise NuMid Beef Rib Roast v s. choiee p.de ib,79c Boneless Corned Beef Brikt n. 49c Veal Shoulder Roast Bi.d. u; 59c Pork Sausage Bwm c. i.i.rou. 49c Swift Canned Hams 5.79 FEATURES IN OUR GROCERY SECTION CHINOOK SALMON . : .Fresh , from the Columbia River Thick lit Bakina : . - . Steaks lb. Piece .,69' I" B m m ' La t Hill (way -Well Desserts 4pkrs.29c ganne Bonnrbiiik lb. 27c 2 .,. 45c i dy Lane Butter LB. 73c I' Large Eggs Doien 67c Hill Coffee 86c "Hfclw wards Coffee i.,b. 91c wbl" Quart 63C 65c Lunch Box Spread Quut Mrs. Wright's Bread lw.,23c Slenderway Bread un, 22c Pancake Mix . lw.,b. 33c Marshmallows FifM..st nb. 31c Mayday Salad Oil Qu, 63c Shortening Bo7ai Satm Mb. 81c Coca-Cola .,. bolu. 6 for' 29c Dalevood Margarine a?585' jferbury Tea Bik 61c 7-Up Soft Drink T.0I. 6 for 49c iterbury Tea Bags ifor 19c Pepsi-Cola lt-oi. bottle 6 , or 49c iterbury Tea Bags 48 for 53c Dad's Root Beer10.,6 for 49c Timer Crackers i.,b. 33c Cragmont ioft Drinks 2 ate. 35c Mb. (Deposit Extra on Soft Drinks) (ream-Style Corn Grapefruit Juice Pork and Beam luncheon Meat rL.,.!M (HOCOUIE COVEBEO INCH Id Flour Garderuide 303 uoieen cans Town House 46-oz. Natural or Sweetened can Pork and Beans toLio11 No 11 Oscar Mayer All Meat 12-oz. can 29' OXonnell's WILDCROSS BLACKBERRY JAM 25 12-oz. Glass 39' Mb. box 49' '..- ' i : Empress Jellies & Preserves Roxbury KITCHEN OE-lb. $B 92 Z(ft-b. $79 CRAFT Sack BIU Sack (These Friees with Special Coupon at Store) Stock up at these low prices. Fine quality. APPLE JELLY, 12-oz. gl. 18c MI7ED FRUIT, 20-oz. gl. 29c Grape or Plum Preserves, 20-oz. gl. 35c 5REEN ONIONS 2 II Eft' bun. Atil I Slim I Mild flavorful Crisp Red Ones RADISHES 2 bun. S 5 SPRING CROP FROM CALIF. A GREAT BUY! CABBAGE iolid heads ten Cabbage LB. 2 ibs. 2 Local Rhubarb .S4.'3k Fresh Strawberries Crop Cup 29' New Potatoes .''St- 533 Dry Onions 10T 35' FLORIDA OBAN D LARGE SIZE - SWEET, JUICEFUL FRUI T VlC Ik " COn 9e ID Or Toter bag at display Mip V Tuck ;?0M 4M35' i,VJ3' MAKE SAFEWAY YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR SPRING CLEANING NEEDS . . . . Jersey Gloves n0. 7743s pr. 33c Leather Gloyessiip..n Fr.$1.39 Rubber Gloves rr 49c Garden Gloves ,,. 89c Handy Ann Gloves p.ir39c Wonder Squeeze moVe.. 98c Household Mop Head 63c Spring Mop Sticks E,Ch29c Windex Sprayers Ech 35c Window Cleaner Tot." 15c Johnson's Pride Wax l 79c Bruce Floor Cleaner qt. 79c Aerowax Stlt foimBt Qt. 59c Glass Wax Gold Seal Pint 59c O'Cedar Polish n.60c Polish Cloth c.d.. .eh 25c Parade Detergent Vtl: 30c White Magic Soap 22e Rik Rak Cleanser 2 23c A jax Cleanser 214.n, 25c Brown Beauty Brooms $1.89 Bon Ami Cakes lie Bon Ami Powder can 13c Soni-Flush ,23c Drano Tdrr.ken ,u",h .. 25c .Vanish T-Bowl Cleaner 25c Soil Off Woodwork cleaner 14-os. 43c Parson's Ammonia QUart 27c 20 Mule Team Borax 33c White Magic Bleach ,.27c Purex Bleach it, H tMon 29c O-Celo Sponges 63c Canvas Gloves No. si Pr. 29c 79" c Spic & Span X 25c Babo Cleanser 2 25c Prkei effective through Sundoy, April 26, at your neighborhood Safeway AMAY CAMAY I IVORY ' I LAVA I IVORY I IVORY 0AP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP SOAP 0f 25c 3Bobor35c4ba:25c Re9.bor,10c Mbd0r325c Lbr227c