J. ? i X HI ill Ptgt 6 FODD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 2S, 1958 If 3 M ill C ity Miss Ursula Glaeser, Wil lamette ' university exchange student from Auitralia, wu the gueit ipeaker at the regu lar meeting of the Mill City Woman's club Tuesday night, April SI. Hostesses for the meeting were Mn. W. W. Al len, Mri. F. H. Keyes, Mra. O. K. DeWltt and Mrs. Harry Mason. Spending several days In , Mill City during the week were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Henderson and son, Charles of Redmond, former residents here. Mill City grade school boys played Softball with the Marl Linn, grade schoolers Friday afternoon. Mill City graders won the game 12-8. Jim Hale is the local grade school coach. Santlam Rebekah lodge, No. 166, met In regular session Wednesday night with Antonla Thomas, noble grand, and Eva Duffy, vice grand, in charge. It was announced that the lodge would seat the officers t the District No. 7 conven tion which convenes in Sclo in June. Rachel Olmstead was asked to represent the Mill City lodge in the emblem con test at the convention. Also announced was that about $40 was cleared at the Easter cooked food sale spon sored by the 3-Links club. Rachel Olmstead acted as gen eral chairman of the sale. The committee appointed to serve for the next meeting in cluded Hattie Fencl, Gladys Fodrabiky, Anna Mae Mc Clintock, and Edythe Means. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Davis have both been ill with flu and confined to their home the past week. Also ill with flu and confined at home is Mrs. W. J. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Stewart have purchased the IGA. gro cery store at Scio. Stewarts have also bought a home there where they and their youngest son, Tommy, will move in the the near future. Charles Stewart and family are moving Into his parents home here. S. W. Stewart recently sold the IGA store In Mill City to his three sons C. W. Stew art, William Stewart and Charles Stewart. Members of the Friendship circle of ; the Presbyterian church Sunday school and their families, held covered dish supper in the church din ing rooms Friday night. Rev. Noble Streeter showed slides following the dinner. ' Attending were: Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Todd and boys, Mrs. W. W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Sheythe and boys, Mrs. R. S. Corbln, . Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Heller and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Delos Hoeye and three children, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin Kelly, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Tuera and boys. Julia Bassett of Santiam Re bekah lodge No. 166 has re ceived the appointment of col or bearer to act at grand lodge of Oregon which convenes in Portland May 20-21. The ap pointment was made by the president of the Rebekah as sembly of Oregon, Mrs. Olive Ramey. Mrs. Bassett is a past noble grand of Mill City lodge and was recently recommend ed by the lodge to the office of district deputy president. Mrs.. Bassett will attend grand lodge, also, as an official dele gate representing the Santlam Rebekahs. ' New Run of SMELT FRESH CAUGHT lR0M THE CAklHV DIVED No one eon predict how JAllU I KIT CIV long the run will lost 6CT THEN N0W1 ' a Fresh-Caught Smelt 2 lbs. 25' CAPITOL FISH CENTER In (he Midget Market s 1128 CENTER ST. mmmm ACROSS FROM OWL DRUG STORE Wilhmina Willamina Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Spangler and family are visiting in Veneta this week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lents of Coquille were week-end guests of Mrs. Karl Lentz. Mrs.. Elbert Pedersen, moth er of Mrs. Martin Myers, and Mrs. W. B. Foster of McMlnn vllle, who has been In the Mc Mlnnvllle General hospital the past four months with a broken hip, went by ambulance Sun day to a convalescent home In Raymond, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Moehlnaar and Linda of Perrydale were Sunday guests at the Wayne Wooden home. Miss Marilyn Henderson of Linfield college was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Zetterberg and Ted. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Buroker and Brian of Marcus, Wash., are visiting this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pearson. ' Other week - end guests at the Pearson home were Carol Pearson of Salem and Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lind beck of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Schukar and Carol and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bissell enjoyed a trip to Silver Creek Falls Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Rls seeuw and Lonnie of North Plains were Sunday guests at the Sanford Risseeuw home. Other callers during the day were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Johnson of Portland. Mrs. Goldle Stange has moved to Portland, where she will make her home. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Dentel and family visited her mother, Mrs. Ellen Lundborg in Port land Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ridgeway and family of Sheridan were Sunday guests at the Earl Dickey home, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds and family of Dallas were Sunday guests at the James Monaco home. Sunday guests at the Lionel Graham home were Mrs. Elea nors Rasmussen and Ardyth of McMinnville, and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Biggs and chil dren of Mllwaukie. ' Wendell Wooden returned home from Portland hospital last week-end, but will be con fined to his borne for several week. Mr. and Mrs. Cfaet Canby and Terry spent the week-end in Alosh with Mr. ana Mrs. C. W. Johnson. Mr, and Mrs. V. C Neal spent Sunday in Salem with Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Neal, Jr., and Joan. Hubbard Interclass activ ities stand at present with the Juniors in first place, sopho mores , second, seniors third and freshmen fourth. Totals of 68. 60, 30 Mi and 27 vi points are based on ticket sales, magazine sales, football, cross country, volley ball girls, basketball girls, basket ball boys, and sale of annuals. Seniors from North Marion will be attending Senior, cam pus visitation week-end at the state colleges Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. Sherwood will come to North Marion for baseball Tuesday SAVING CENTER'S APRIL "YOU SAVE MORE AT YOUR SAVING CENTER STORE" SHORTENINGry',lUn,b;;J;k flcl Potel Chips 3t83' Syrup r ill y 25' With Coupon . Durlcee's Vn Comp'i RARYnn iV . 5) E f Pork & Beans KI II ' ' Sunny Jim PUREX , (ft. Peanut Butter jgrTang ,,rt JVC yy. WESSON OIL Kins'ln's Po,,ed ejp '"'eGGS'' 63' Meal .'3- ic Doi, sy CORNED BEEF Occident All Pu,p. MARGARINE Flour 25 L , Z . a ,25' M.D. Toilet Tissue 10 rolls FRESH PRODUCE DRY ONIONS CABBAGE . SUNKIST ORANGES lb. lb. Each 5' 5' 1' FRESH MEAT BONELESS ROUND STEAK , 59c BOILING BEEF , 19c BEEF ROAST ,37c SWISS STEAK , 59c PURE GROUND BEEF ,39c WHITE SHAFTER NEW Potatoes 10,fc69' WEST SALEM STORE NO. ONLY Swede Character Wins Talenl Show Mill City There were 24 youthful entertainers compet ing in the 8th annual Lions club talent show, staged Thurs day night to a capacity crowd in the local theater. A Swedish monologue by a Mill City teenager, Willy Clark, won first prize of $10 and the military tap dance by two sisters, Carol and Phyllis Fate, won first in the contest of boys and girls under 13 years of age. Baton t wirier, Joellen Agee, won second and S - year - old dancer, Alline Agee and Lo rain a Lee won 3rd. ' Among the older contestants Everly Johnson won 2nd with her comic pantomime and Dale Woodard, a singer won 3rd. These were also cash prizes. ' Benefits from the show went towards the Boy Scout cabin in Mill City. N.MarionHigh Lyons Girl Queen For Linfield May Day McMinnville The fiftieth annual May Day festivities are being planned at Linfield col lege, McMinnville, Ore., for the week-end of May 8-10. Ac tivities include a street parade, coronation program, trefplant lng ceremony, banquet and queen's ball. Mrs. Jeannine Bonebrake, Lyons, brunette, senior home economics student, will reign as May Queen. She will be es corted by Donald Blanchard, Dallas, as Captain of the Guards. Marilyn Gilbertson, Coos Bay, will be maid of hon or. Deniece Huntington, Vida, and Nancy Watson, Seattle, have been elected princesses. The court is completed, by 12 senior girls acting as ladies in waiting. Coronation ceremonies will be held under the Old Oak on the campus at 1:30 p.m., Saturday, May 9. afternoon, April 28 at 2:80 p.m. The North 'Marion track squad will go to Willamina for a 3-way track meet Including Taft, Wednesday, April 28, at 3 p.m. - Thalia Rebekah lodge will meet Tuesday evening, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Rebekah hall. LEGALS . NOTICE TO CBEDITOBg In th County Court of the etftt. f Oregon for Ysmhlll county. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that thl undersigned, John A. Peterson, hu been appointed u Administrator of the . tat. of Ev. I. Peterion. deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons having claim, against aald estate .re hereby notified and required to present the earae, duly verified, a. by law re quired, to the undersigned .t Marsh, Marsh & Dashney. Attorneya at Low, Pint National Bank Building, McMinn ville, Oregon, wlthlng six months Iron the first publication of this notice. Date dead irlst published AnrU S3. 196J. Get your Smelt smoked atl SALEM CUSTOM CURING PLANT Phone 3-7005 685 S. 12th Bete of Uet p,b Administrator uAnaa. luxaa pabrnst. Attorneys for said estate. Anrll 21. 10. Mar t. It. 1M. ADMIMUTIATOB'S NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS . . rones is hereby orvxn that B Ait LAM Boorr be. bee, by erdir ef th circuit Court ef the Stele of Ore gon for Marlon County, appointed ad min letrator of the HUM of JAltEB I. SCOTT. eosasod. Any persons having claims asslnit said estate are re. to Mount them, with proper Ka to said ednunavtr.tor ai Sit Ti Trust Building, aelea. Orgeon, sli months from the date of this Dates April I, lroJ. HARLAN SCOTT Administrator of the Bsui JAUE8 I. SCOTT, IMcCsmI hi f m buhi'ih . nituBTV Attorney. .1 iw Pioneer Trust Bids, Salem. Ore. Attorney (or Administrate. Apr. t, . U. U. II. MM Nucoa is the one to buy- ' ... the first yellow margarine ttffh food value In every single ingredient! Everything in today's Nucoa Is good for you! No , bensoate preservative, no synthetio flavor! Even Nucoa's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene, rich in vitamin A. Delicious, fresh-tasting Nucoa margarine is made by the makers of Best Foods JUoi Mayonnaise. Next time you buy, buy NUCOA! . TOM WBs i 1 FIRST IN QUALITY AUNutritionl Natural Flaw! ay Thrifty! v- ! I I k. is 1011 WO" 1 I It's important to your child to "rate" with the other youngsters . .'. in the classroom and on the playground. And that takes energy the fresh, new energy your child gets from every slice of Sunbeam Bread. An after-school sandwich on Sunbeam Bread is so good for her . . . and such good eating. Stay on the beam...eat 1 , -!- t.-oVekr "- fed Her w. ma les ire -irn 1. A p 1