1 . 1.1 ii Thursday, April ?S, 1953 THE CArtTAL JOURNAL, ainn, Ortton ;5i Prison Situation Still Volatile, Unander Says Lebanon State Treasurer Sig Unander, speaking at a chamber dinner here Monday night described the present situation at the state prison in Salem as "volatile" and out lined measures now being acti vated to correct the set-up. Unander is a member of the state board of control which iupervises state institutions. Before the dismissal of War den Virgil O'Malley, the speak er pointed out that three war dens, provided by the Ameri can Wardens' association, had made their inspection on re quest of the board of control to determine th situation at the prison. A plan is now being consid ered and will be put into effect when the results of the two-day prison survey are analyzed, Unander said, and added that the situation was "more seri ous than we had anticipated." He told of the hiring of Clar ence Gladden, a retired U.S. Say Kids! BE SURE TO . SHOW POP WILSON'S FAMILY SALE AD ON PAGE 23 ATTENTION MEN! DON'T MISS JOE'S GREAT REOPENING MONEY-SAVING Ml Of Men's and SUPERFINE SPORT COATS Joe has just returned from a SU TS o large stock at new 1953, custom tailored clothes, purchased from America's foremost manufacturers of Superfine Quality Clothes, and now offers you a choice at these sensational money saving prices. Reg. $45.00 100 Wool Worsted Joe's Reopening Price Only Reg. $60.00 100 Wool Wonted Only SITS SWTS Set our beautiful line of new Sportscoars and Slacks t 25 less than ground floor store prices. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 442 STATE ST. Above Morris Optical Co., next door to Nohlrren's Restaurant. Look for the Flashing "Save $10" Sign Above the Entrance ' prison warden to effect im provements. . .. The state treasurer's opinion placed much blame for the trouble at the institution on the dual control vested In the war den and prison superintendent. The main difficulty lay, he laid, not at the top but more among the employes. ! Stress Rehabilitation The maximum in rehabilita tion of prisoners remains up permost, he asserted. Turn-over in guards is high. Unander pointed out, in spite of the fact that Oregon pays for this service the highest sal aries of any western state ex cept California. Two experienced federal pri son men are helping the new warden, one being in charge of mass treatment and the other devoting his time to Individ, uals. A chain of command set-up is being substituted for the old dual control, recently abolished by the legislature, the control board member said, and study is being given to a 1951 legis lative act enabling women pri soners to be sent to other states. Much of Unander's talk con cerned the proposed intermedi ate institution which is to be Lbuilt in Marlon county for more naraenea youms ai wooaDurn and the young men in the state penitentiary. He said that Stt per cent of those now in the state prison are under 21. Also on the chamber program was the presentation of an award of merit to . Cascades Plywood corporation for its work in employing the handi capped. The citation was one of eight given this year in Oregon. LET GARBAGE CONTRACT Dallas Monday evening the Dallas city council sold to Robert Kleeman the franchise for city garbage disposal. Klee man is the present operator. Under terms of the agreement, Kleeman will pay the sum of $9,000 and in exchangew ill be granted the franchise for a 10- year period. Young Men's QUALITY and SLACKS 5 week buying trip with Reg. $50.00 100 Wool Worsted Joe's Reopening Price Only Reg. $75.00 2 PANTS Only UPSTAIRS CLOTHES SHOP suns SITS 'HE LOOKS WONDERFUL' "He looks wonderful," were F. Schnur when she and her husband (above), of San Francisco, first looked at an AF Wirephoto of their son, , Paul Schnur, Jr., who was among the first Americans re- leased by the communists at Panmunjom. His father, a' former west coast labor leader said, "He looks well rice fed, but still a little thin." The picture at which the : couple are looking was made by Associated Press photog rapher Frank Noel, , himself communist prisoner, and ' passed by both UN and communist cr.sors, (AP Wlre- ' phOtO.) - - Musical Satire Being Offered - Gilbert and Sullivan's mu sical satire of the early 19th century British royal navy, HMS Pinafore, will be present ed by the Salem high school choir and orchestra, May 6 and 6. ., . The snobbishness of Britain's society is ridiculously por trayed throughout the operetta. A particular amount of snob bery is represented in the per son of Sir Joseph Porter, ruler of the Queen's navy. The role of Sir Porter will be played by Junior Dave Louthan, who visits Pinafore to call on Jo sephine (Marca Lee Bryant), soprano, the captain's daughter. but meets with difficulty. Both he and the captain (Senior Roy Maltby) are puzzled with Jo sephine's reactions. - r Others in the cast include Roger Weaver as Ralph Rack straw, a lowly sailor; Mauryne Nichols, Pete VanHorn, Beth Proebstal, Glenn Halt and Bob Prall. Delegates Attending State PTA Meeting A number of Marion com ty delegates are in attendance at the state convention of PTA being held in Medford this week. The delegates include Den nis W. Patch, president of the Marion County Council; Mrs. Cecil R. Monk, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Leek and Mrs. O. W. Green of the Salem senior high chapter; Mrs. James E. Bun nell, Salem, state legislative chairman; Mrs. George Bir rell and Mrs. L. E. Marschat, Richmond PTA; Mrs. Alice W. Lamerson, state library, Salem; Mrs. R. E. Pickering, Wood burn; Mrs. D. J. Striggow, Monitor; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E.-Nesbitt, Mill City; Mrs. Dar win Cook, Jefferson; Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnson, Keizer. Crafts Represented In Exhibit at Eugene Six crafts will be represent ed in the annual invitational Craft Exhibit sponsored by Eu gene Art Center and scheduled for May 1-3 at the Fairgrounds Center building. Show hours are 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Friday and 2 to 5 p.m Saturday and Sunday. The exhibit will feature dis- Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Don't tru it your memory for correct numbersf Boy, you said a mouthful!".. .Memory often plays tricks ... so look up any numbers you're not sure of before you call... Pacific Telephone. O ' If, I 4k the first words of Mrs. Paul plays of finished and unfinlsh ed work (to illustrate process' es), and written notations de scribing - the ' background of each artisan represented. All those showing are semi-profes' sional or professional crafts men.- . ! . Those pvhihltlnir InMi.ifo Earle Curls, ceramics; Mrs. Al Lang, enamel on copner: Lorie Cross, woodcarvimr? liYnnV Bonson, copper; Gordon and Barbara Kensler, silk-screen Orville Chatt, silver jewelry. The fertilitv of the 'mil . suits from the action of groups of bacteria which remain fair ly constant in composition in most parts of the earth and irom season to season. I I . ... . . Z. I - 5f . ' JOWILtet IW 'Wm WtBtW- SEC IB' i m-m- ' n 'UtOii I J Trial Begins Albany District Attorney Courtney Johns and Defense Attorney Mark Weatherford in terrogated and cross-examined witnesses Wednesday and drew forth ' detailed descriptions of how Lot Hughes Gllmore1 al legedly met his death. , 1 Death came to Gllmore in the squalor of a hobo jungle at the eastern outskirts of Albany Feb. 10. Charged with the mur der is John Bob Sturgill. Both Gllmore and Sturgill were ha bitues of the "jungles" at the time Gllmore died. i- Weatherford is obviously de termined in his case for the de fense to build up Sturgill's case with the theory that Gllmore's fatal injuries were due alone to accident. The state is at tempting to establish that Stur gill beat Gilmore to death. Among those testifying Wed nesday were State Police Offl cer Robert Rissman, who went to the scene in the jungle when the death was reported, Dr. Arne S. Jensen, who testified as to the nature of the wounds on Gilmore's head; Wayne Lee Hawkins, fellow-occupant of the cabin in the jungle where Gilmore died and Chief of Po lice Ray Maddy. . : America spends less than $500,000 a year on research on the blinding eye diseases says the National Society for the Prevention of Blindness. CORRECTION Wolverine Shell. Double Sole Work Shoe Reg. $1195 ML fr ARMY-NAVY STORE r - ' ' 233 N. Commercial Phone 3-4343 . 't;--v--.: : rj,:?;: k4n':v:-: ifi'J'yM, t MS 6 WM did. I great Bourbon Taste ) 111 1 t rlT mx- , . f. 11 ... ' - . . SALEM'S OLD LEADING CREDIT JEWELERS The Friendly Store You Know ' With the Famous Brand Names AND OPTICIANS You Trust it il II I'M - 4 i Htt f t J ; i fi'" 'j til " I ,