Thursday, April 23, 1953 Drumsticks Of Ground Beef Good Drumstick! are fun to pre pare and fun to serve. This time they're made of ground beef, one more tempting use of this versatile meat. All you need to prepare them Is a few round wooden skewers which may be obtained from many men aeaiers. ' In buying ground beef for ny serving, ask your market man to grind boneless beef tew meat, says Reba Staggs, meat expert She points out that too many women regular ly ask for ground round steak. Actually, round steak is too learn for this purpose. It is recommended that ground beef contains 25 per cent fat for a juicy, flavorful serving. This is the approximate proportion you 11 have with beef stew meat. Usually this meat retails for several cents per pound under round steak. It's wise to save the latter for Swiss, coun-"try-fried and the many other tempting braised steak dishes. To prepare the drumsticks for 6 to 8 servings, combine 1 V4 pounds of ground beef with ltt teaspoons salt, Vt teaspoon . of pepper. Then simply shape this mixture around the wooden skewers so . they resemble drumsticks. If you like, . roll them in fine bread crumbs or crushed corn flakes. In cooking, brown in a small ; amount of drippings, then add Vt cup of water. Cover the meat closely and slowly sim mer on top of the range or in a slow oven (300 degrees F.) for 45 minutes. Tomato or mushroom soup may be used In place of the water. These Quick Pickle Sauces Provide Flare It's the little things that count In foodf as with every thing else. Try these two quick recipes recommended by the home economists of the National Pickle Packers ' asso ciation and further your fame for fixing food with a flare. Pickle Barbecue Sauce (Makes 1 cups sauce) 1 tablespoon butter or mar garine cup finely chopped onions 1 8-ounce can tomato sauce Vt cup chopped dill pickles . Vt teaspoon salt ,1 Pepper 1 teaspoon sugar " 1 teaspoon Worcestershire , sauce ..,....-r:., Dash Tabasco ! Melt butter or margarine over low heat. Add onions and saute until tender. Sta in remaining Ingredients. Heat to serving temperature. Serve over Zesty Dillburgers, frank furters or spareribs. Tomato Pickle Dunk (Makes 1 cups) 1 8-ounce package cream cheese 2 tablespoons milk cup tomato paste cup chopped sweet gher kins 1 Garlic salt to taste Potato chips or crackers In a small bowl, soften cream cheese with milk. Add tomato paste and chopped gherkins; mix until well blended. Season to taste with garlic salt. Serve as a dunk for potato chips or crackers. Asparagus Dish For Low Salt Diet "Asparagus Imperial" is as good es the name sounds and it falls into the category of i low salt vegetable. That's be- cause the asparagus is canned without salt, of course. It's boon to people who have to have their salt restricted. This vegetable preparation really makes dieting a delight. Asparagus Imperial 1 (No. 2) can unsalted as paragus 2 tablespoons unsalted but ter 2 tablespoons flour 1 vablespoon lemon juice Dash cayenne pepper Toasted unsalted bread Drain liquid from asparagus and measure. Melt butter and blend in flour. Stir in 1 cup liquid from asparagus, adding water if needed. Cook and stir until mixture bolls and is thickened. Blend In lemon Juice and cayenne. Add well- drained asparagus and heat thoroughly. Serve on crisp hot toast. Makes 4 servings. Read Can Labels And Find Out How Many Cupfuls Listed There are several good rea sons for reading labels on canned foods. One is that to day's cans usually indicate con tents in terms of cupfuls so we can better judge size that best serves our purpose. Eight ounce cans contain 1 cupful; No. 1 picnic can con tains lVt cupfuls; No. 300 can, 1 cupfuls; No. 1 tall contains 2 cupfuls; No. 303 contains 2 cupfuls; No. 2 can contains 2 Mi cupfuls; No. 2V4 can contains 3 4 cupfuls; No. 10 can con tains 13 cupfuls. Franks and Cheese Make for Good Party Dish; Quickly Done Food fixing for any party is a foregone success when you simply combine frankfurters and cheese. Family or guests, this tray of easily fixed "frank- wiches" will satisfy hungry xoik oi au ages. A generous number of pack aged frankfurters, good stout savory aged cheese, snips of partly cooked fresh bacon and split frankfurter buns. To combine, stack a split frank on half a toasted bun, cover generously with shred ded cheese, then sprinkle with bacon bits. Season with ore- gano, thyme or mustard, if de sired. Broil a few minutes to melt and blend flavors. Plan on seconds and thirds. Salad greens with jliced to matoes and a zesty dressing, much coffee and a dessert. There's your meaL Liver and . Carrots t Combined Liver and carrots combined there you really have a healthy dish. Liver Loaf With Carrots 2 pounds sliced beef liver 2 tablespoons lard or drippings 1 small onion Vi cup pork sausage ' 2 eggs, slightly beaten ' 1 cup milk 1 cups soft bread crumbs 1 teaspoon salt 2 large carrots, cooked Remove membrane from liver and cook in hot lard or drippings until lightly browned on each side, about 5 minutes. Grind liver and onion, com bine with sausage, eggs, milk and bread crumbs. Season. Cut each carrot into 3 lengthwise strips. Pack a layer of the liver mixture on the bottom of a greased loaf pan 5x9 Inches. Lay 3 strips of carrot length wise on top. Cover with anoth er layer of the liver mixture, 3 more carrot strips and top with the remaining liver. e r Caramel Topped Rice for Dessert Caramelized sugar can make even a plain-Jane dessert like rice custard into a French-chef creation) It makes no differ ence whether you use beet or cane sugar for your caramel magic, as both sugars are the same and the produce the same winning results, ' Caramel. i ' Caramelize 1 cup beet or cane sugar in lMt-qt. saucepan on medium high heat stir ring constantly with a wooden spoon until the sugar becomes a golden amber liquid; care fully add 2 tablespoons hot water at the side of pan, stir ring well until the sticky mass becomes liquid again. Coat sides and bottom of loaf pan (9x5x3-in.) with car amel, using back of spoon to make it spread evenly; chill in refrigerator. Costard 3 eggs Ms cup beet or cane sugar Vt teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 cups milk, heated 3 cups cooked white rice ' Beat eggs slightly; gradually add sugar, salt ' and vanilla, beating until well combined. Slowly mix in heated milk (speeds up the cooking), then cooked rice. , Ladle into caramel-coated loaf pan. Place in a larger baking pan set on center rack in oven and pour hot water around loaf pan. - Bake in a mod. oven (350 F.) for 50 minutes or until silver knife inserted at edge of cus tard comes out clean. Remove from oven. Chill. Spoon into serving dishes. Serves 6 to 8. Come fo Breakfast With sausage and pancakes on the range there's no coax ing the family to breakfast. For sausage patties at their best, place them in a heavy frying pan with 2 or 3 tablespoons of water. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Then uncover and cook until brown on both sides, pouring off fat as It accumu lates. Swiss Loaf Ingredients: One 1-pound loaf unsliced bread, Vt cup but ter or margarine, Mi cup finely diced onion, Vt cup chill sauce, 1 tablespoon celery seeds, 8 slices (Mi pound) Swiss cheese. Method. Using a sharp kniie, cut 8 equal diagonal slits al most through to bottom crust of bread to give 9 slices. Melt butter in a skillet; add onion and cook lightly about 5 min utes. Stir in chill sauce and cel ery seeds and heat 5 minutes longer. Remove from heat Spread half of onion mixture and 1 slice of cheese between each slice of bread. Place loaf on cookie sheet. Pour remain ing onion mixture over top. Bake in moderate (350F) oven 20 minutes. Makes 8 servings. Bittersweet Frosting Idea Easy, new and good. Just stir up a batch of any of the Cake mixes. Dour Into ninriVt or muffin tins, bake and then top wltn this unbelievably good mocha frosting. No test ing necessarv. Just bun it over heat until glossy and uucK. Then cool, spread and devour. Serve with nlentv steaming hot coffee for the grownups, milk for the chll- uinii Creamy Bittersweet Frosting . 1 cup sugar 1 cup cocoa Vt teaspoon salt Mi cup strong coffee Mt cup broken nutmeats i Vt teaspoon vanilla Combine SUffar. rriMm nnt salt in saucepan. Blend in cof fee.. Cook over low heat un til smooth and glossy, stirring EVERY v fl big meal in the big can SPRY CARNATION MILK NBC CRACKERS GRAHAMS 12-01. Jar Sura Brown or . MM Powdered f .. lb. ( M Pkg. u Zs GiE Dog and (at Food Rich in Extra Meal 1. 2. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orejroa often. Will take about 18 minutes. Cool. Beat in nut meats and vanilla. Chill until firm. Spread on cake or cup cakes with spatula dipped In hot water. Makes ' enough frosting for top and aides of two 8-inch layers or 24 tiny cupcakes. Soybeans Important , Soybeans are the fourth larg est cash . grain , crop in the United States, yet are seldom seen as finished food products. Principal uses of this import ant crop are as follows: soy beans are an Important ingre dient of a high-protein flour used by commercial ' bakers. Soybean oil procedes 53 per cent of the vegetable oils used in making shortenings and 44 per cent of that used In mar garine. Soybean ollmeal is an ingredient of many animal feeds. DAY IS BARGAIN DAY AT COMMUNITY BUILDER SPRECKEL'S yoeiir 24-oz. cans 93 c .3-lb. can 2 S.29c You Get 2 GENTLER BLEACHING 5 Lb. pkg. 33c GREATER DISINFECTANT EFFICIENCY Buy a quart bottle today! Highland Markel BERT CARR, Owner Delivery Twice Doily 100 Highland kn. (ill 3 9403 Refrigerator Cake Is Colorful One With whipped cream, flavor ful apricot whole fruit nectar and dainty lady fingers, it's no wonder this "Golden Refriger ator Cake" is something spe cial. It looks elaborate enough for your fanciest spring party. Best of all, it's one of those wonderful make-ahead des serts so there's no last minute fussing. We like to serve it either at dessert and coffee get-togethers or as a delicious finale to a dinner party. Golden Refrigerator Cake 4 teaspoons plain gelatin 1 (12-ounce) can apricot whole fruit nectar Mi cup granulated sugar ' 2 eggs 1 tablespoon lemon juice -Vt teaspoon salt . 1 cup whipping cream 2 dozen small lady fingers . . Soften gelatin in Vt cup nec tar. Heat remaining nectar Elsinore I J fruit "Hn32L7c COCKTAIL Elsinore Sliced Pineapple Elsinore Solid Pack can Big Extras in ACTION Lemmon's Market ORAL LCMMON, Owner 598 N. Commercial Tomatoes Lindsay Select' g Ripe Olives Full -1 Pint , SJ 1 W with Vt cup sugar. Separata eggs and beat yolks lightly. Stir a little of hot nectar into yolks, then combine with re maining hot nectar.: Place over hot water, and cook and stir until mixture coats spoon. Add softened gelatin, and stir until It is dissolved. Remove from heat and stir in lemon juice. Cool until mixture thickens slightly. Beat egg whites with salt until stiff, and gradually beat In remain ing V cup sugar. With same beater whip cream until stiff. Fold egg whites and cream into gelatin mixture. Una 2 quart mold with split lady fingers. Fill mold with layers of gelatin mixture and remain ing lady fingers. Chill sev eral hours or overnight Un mold to serve.'' . . ': . Makes 8 servings. No. Vh can No. Vh can Carter's Market REED CARTER, Owner Delivery Daily m ud Mirktt (in 3-6171 Spicy Fish Fillets Good Frozen fish fillets are plen tiful and reaionahl Thr. no better way to fix them than simpiy to Drown and season with salt and pepper. But if VOU'ra loolrln fn Mnulbl.. different, we're here to supply suggestions uaa this: Spley Fish Fillets f 1 package frozen dsn fillets cup olive oil -J Vt cup vinegar ; , teaspoon thyme teaspoon tarragon I bay leaf, crumbled i 1 small onion, minced 1 teaspoon salt Vt teaspoon pepper Vt cup flour 2 tablespoons butter or ' margarine - Thaw fish at room tempera ture until fillets can be sepa rated. Place olive oil and vin- 6 Delicious Flavors pkos. SPRING TIME IS SALAD TIME SAVE AT THIS PRICE BfeWttt to &), " ' auTfciK.i: ' muBB , A AO The Hotter the Day the More' You ! I Ml i I sa 1 at IKN IMeAff - Dial Soap Stops Odor Befor It Start 2 i i 27c; L Bath Bin 37c New Shatter White "A" Size POTATOES New Well Filled Pods PEAS Sweet - Juicy ( . ORANGES Cascade Skinless WIENERS Beef SHORT RIBS Wourm's Market GILBERT WOURMS, Owner Stoyton FOOD SECnOX-Part egar in bowl large enough to hold fillets. Add seasonings. Marinate su in mixture for one hour. Drain and dry slight ly, with paper towel. RoU in flour. Melt butter In skillet. Saute fish 10 minutes side; turn carefully and saute 8 minutes mora, Three serv ings. . Tasty Stew Make a beef stew the Cali fornia way the less expen sive cuts of beef will be simply elegant when marinated in bur gundy or claret wine for a few hours before cooking. C6ok the beef slowly in the marinading wine until almost tender. Add vegetables, seasonings, a little water if necessary, and cook until beef and vegetables are tender. Never have you tasted a stew equal to this. STORES JELL0 Sweetheart - Soip ?" BathSise 4 36c Beg. alsa'4 for 26 Blue While UIAL MJAF - , 2 lbs. Doz. Pound Pound Quality Food Mkl. CHET WAITE, Owner Delivery Twice Daily 1701 Center SI. ti 3 9022 w 2f