Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1953, Page 28, Image 28

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Thursday, April 23, 195)
Apple Nut
Bread Is
The whole family will un
doubtedly hot-foot it out to the
kitchen for "Just taste" when
you take this bread from the
oven. Might be a good idea to
tart the coffee brewing while
the bread bakes. Then get out
jar of preserves and a bowl
of cream cheeie. You'U be all
set for snack session that
won't be forgotten for a long
Apple Walnut Bread
lVi cups sifted enriched flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
. 1 teaspoon cinnamon
: V teaspoon nutmeg .
teaspoon allspice
J Mi cups whole wheat flour
1 cup broken walnut meats
cup chopped apple
; 1 egg, slightly beaten
cup brown sugar,
firmly packed
IVt cups buttermilk
2 tablespoons shortening
' Mix and sift flour, baking
powder, baking soda, salt and
spices. Add whole wheat flour,
walnuts and apple. Combine
egg, brown sugar, buttermilk
nd shortening; add; mix just
enougn to moisten dry Ingre
dients. Do not beat. Turn
into well-greased loaf pan 9x
6x3 Inches. Bake in moderate
oven ,890 F., 1 hour.
Canned Ham ,
For Quantity
Church supper, family re
union or any time when you
have a group to serve here's
one answer to your meat dish
a canned ham topped with a
pineapple glaze.
: You can plan on 80 to 40
servings from an 8 to 12 pound
' canned ham. When you buy
the ham here's what to do.
Have your retailer slice it into
Vt to Vt inch slices. Then ask
him to tie the slices with a
string back Into Its original
shape. This way he can place
the ham in the container, mak
ing it convenient to carry and
to store in the refrigerator.
Flan time for heating the
ham by allowing 10 to 12 min
utes per pound. Place the
ham on rack In an open
roasting pan. For the glaze
pour 1 small can of crushed
pineapple over the meat. Set
the oven regulator at SSO F.
and keep at this temperature
throughout Baste frequently
with the juice.
To serve, place the ham on
a large platter and cut the
string. Attractively arrange
the meat and garnish with
spiced crabapples and parsley
for a tempting buffet serving.
Or If preferred place the slices
directly on individual plates.
Hot Chicken
Pie Enhanced
Cranberry sauce adds Its bit
to this chicken pie dish:
Chicken-Cranberry Pie
1H cups cooked chopped
1 cups diced potato
cup cooked diced carrots
or celery
2 tablespoons finely minced
1 cups medium cream sauce
, Salt, pepper
Vt cup grated cheese
1 pound can jellied cran
berry sauce
Combine chicken, potatoes.
carrots, and onion. Add cheese
and cream sauce. Season to
taste, Place In individual bak
lng dishes. Roll out pastry,
cut pastry slightly larger than
baking dishes . . , and place
on top of chicken mixture to
bake. Cut silts in pastry. Bake
in moderately hot oven, 400
F. until pastry is nicely brown'
ed and filling begins to bubble.
Top each pie with a cranberry
sauce chick cut-out just before
serving. ..-
Pork and Beans '
Vacation Time Dish
The season for, "bean feasts"
begins when summer comes
along. So ready yourself now
for summer meals by stock
ing up on cans of Pork and
If ever a dish lent itself to
easy feasts, that dish if Pork
and Beans. Consider the many
times beans can be the main
stay of a meal. When guests
come to dinner, for picnics and
beach parties, and for your
gang's get-together around the
TV set
Beans and Midget Burgers
Vt pound ground beef
1 can (1 cups) pork and
beans , ,
' Salt and pepper '
Season with salt and pepper;
shape into 6 to 10 small meat
balls, according to size you
like. Brown balls in a hot skil
let. Pour beans Into a small
casserole; place meat toils on
top, patting them down Into
beans so meat balls are partly
covered. Bake at 400 degrees F.
for IS minutes or until well
heated. 4 servings.
(Note: Two cans of beans
may be used with the same
amount of meat if desired.)
Beans 'n' Sausage
1 can (1 cups) pork and
2 link sausages
Pour beans into small cas
serole. Top with browned saus
age which has been cut Into
1-inth lengths. Bake at 400
degrees F. for 15 minutes or
until good and hot. 4 servings
(Note Italian or Polish saus
age is also good with pork and
beans. Use about 2 ounces; cut
into slices and brown; then
bake with beans.) -
Pizza Pie Aaain:
Here's Good Recipe
We note with Interest the
rising tide of pizza (peetza)
popularity. For family or for
company, a pizza pie or two
are certain of success. Better
double this recipe if there are
men andor growing boys
For this one, use freshly
ground' beef; chuck is a good
choice, is more economical
than round, contains enough
fat to be juicy and tender.
Ground round is somewhat
more expensive but if you pre
fer it, better have a little suet
ground in.
Pizis Pie
1 pound ground beef. '
1 teaspoon salt
V teaspoon pepper
1 cup well drained canned
, tomatoes
Vt cup shredded American
2 tablespoons chopped
y teaspoon dried basil
2 tablespoons finely chopped
Mix meat, salt and pepper;
pat into bottom and sides of a
9-inch pie pan. Fill with to
matoes and sprinkle with rest
of ingredients. Bake ai am
degrees for 20 minutes. To
serve, cut in wedges. Makes
four servines. As we said.
you'd better double it.
Pancake Sandwich
Proves Delicious
What's a better treat than
nancaxer nny, iwu iu-
cakesl Two delicious golden
brown pancakes served with
a filling of scramDiea pom
sausage and tart Jelly and
topped with butter and maple
blended syrup. Cooks of
Colorado, first thought up the
pancake sanwlch or Pan-
Makes 5 Servings
1H pounds pork sausage
s Current or apple Jelly
2 cups pancake mix
2Vt cups milk
1 beaten egg
2 tabelspoons melted
Pan-fry pork sausage meat,
drain off the drippings.
For the pancake, add milk
and beaten tgg to the pan
cake mix- and stir lightly,
greased griddle. Bake to a
golden brown, turning only
once. '
Fore each pan-can, spread
a baked pancake with currant
or apple jelly and then with
cooked sausage meat.Top with
a second pancake. Serve with
butter and maple -blended
syrup. .'
Meringue ..
Cake Rates
Here's a cake for spring
time meals, or for party fare
Almond Meringue Cake
2 cups sifted cake flour
2Vt teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
Vt cup margarine or butter
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon vanilla
cup milk ,
2 egg whites
Pinch of salt
V teaspoon lemon Juice
cup sugar
2 tablespoons sugar
Vt teaspoon vanilla .
K cup finely chopped almonds
Sift together flour, baking
powder and salt, cream snori
mine and eradually add sugar,
creamlne until fluffy. Add
eggs, beat thoroughly and add
vanilla. Add flour alternately
with milk, in thirds, stirring
until smooth after each addi
tion. Pour batter into Z greaS'
H n.inoh cake Dans or a 7x11'
inch pan. Spread each layer
with Almond Meringue 'lop
ping: Beat egg whites with
salt until stiff but not dry.
Beat in lemon juice and gra
dually add Vt cup sugar, about
1 tablespoon at a time, beating
constantly. Gently fold in 2
tablespoons sugar, vanilla and
almonds. Bake cake in mod
erate oven (350 F.) 35 minutes,
or until inserted cake tester
comes out clean. - Loosen cake
around sides of pan with spat
ula. Cool layers 15 minutes
on rack and gently remove
from pans. When cool,- put
layers together. Sheet cake
may be cooled and served from
pan In squares.
Apples Added to '
Green Bean Casserole
So you have some green
beans, frozen, canned or fresh
that you would like to do
something different with
Well, try this wonderful com'
bination of green beans and
crisp red apples. ;
Green Beans With Apples
Slice 2 apples and saute In
2 tablespoons butter until
barely tender. If using canned
beans, drain a number 2 can;
if using frozen, cook one
package Just until tender.
Place beans in alternate layer
with apples sices in a 1
quart casserole. Season 1 cup
light cream or top milk with
Vt teaspoon salt and dash of
pepper and pour' over beans.
Sprinkle top with y cup
dry bread crumbs. Bake in a
moderate oven, 350 degrees
for 15 to 20 minutes, or until
heated through. Four servings.
' M Yt' in senior.,
Model hot It!
New White Potatoes Green
; Peas White Cauliflower
Green Broccoli Local
Asparagus Spinach Egg
Plant Watercress Romaine
Green Peppers - Bunch
Carrots - Turnips - Beets
Celery Celery Hearts
Cucumbers Tomatoes - Red
Radishes Green Onions
Artichokes - Zuchlnnl
Solld.Cabbage - Rutabagas
Parsnips Firm Lettuce
Parsley White Onions
.. Rhubarb - Fresh Corn
Canned Goods Sale
Real Savings In 6, 12 and
Cat Lots
Ask for our
Special Price Card
Boost Your Garden
and Lawn
10 H. 95c 25 lbs. $1.85
50 lbs. $3.1 5
Porter's Products
Frll-lets, II at. ,...M
Cat Macaroni, 14 . . . . .
Cut Spaghetti, 24 os. . . . .S2
Fine Noodles, It os. ...
a nance, i as. .
Good Grocery Buys
Pillsbury Flour unm.; $2.15
(Contains a 40c Coupon)
Holiday Margarine .....4 ,bs. 85c
Durkee's Margarine . . .2 ,bs.55c
Meat Balls & Spaghetti
Dennlson's 4 cans 45C
Cudahy Dried Beef ,ar. . ... 35c
Libby Tomato Juice 4eoi.. ...... 4 fM $1.00
Libby Tomato Juice No.2 '. 4 f0, 49c
Rath Breakfast Sausage 2 aM 83c
Old South Grapefruit 2 for 35c
Vase 01 Z4, s3.95
Fresh Shelled Walnut Meals ,,., 45c
Welch Grape Juice 01 32c
Hershey Baking Chocolate... 39c
Hershey Chocolate Syrup Uot. 19c
Nalley's Tang ,,. 45c
Nalley's Potato Chips S9 p.g. ...29c
Blue Tag Peaches No.tM. ........ 2 tor 75c
Red Tag Peaches No.m 2 for 63c
(These are Local Elberta Peaches)
Crisco , 3lbs. 93c
(A 100 Coupon Attached)
Lindsay Select Olives ! 23c
Lindsay Colossal Olives Plnu. 37c
Hood River Apple Sauce No.sos ...2 for 35c
Glamorine Qta $1.29 Wg..ioB$2.29
Stiff Brush For i $1.25
Soil-Oil ,..,.. 39cHgi.79cg.i,o. $1.39
Simonize Wax ... 98c
(A 75e Pkg. Flower Seeds Free)
Model Food Market
27S N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111
30-Day Accounts The Store of Friendly Service
No Charge for Delivery
Dressed Daily
Pure Ground
No Cereal or Excess Fat
Loin Lamb
Short Ribs
of Beef
Brolse, Boil, Stew
Home-Made Candy
For Mother's Gift
May 10 is Mothers' day this
year. And because nome-
made candy is such a rare
treat, we are passing along a
recipe 1o help . you celebrate
the day properly. Our sug
gestlon Is Fruit Candies.
Being of a practical turn of
mind, we choose a recipe tnat
calls for a minimum of equip
ment. Here is candy for the
teen ager to make', and with
no clutter. You can make up
the o ranee filling a day or so
ahead and store in a wide
mouthed Jar ready for use.
This is candy with a fresh,
tart flavor pretty enough
and delicious enough to serve
after dinner, or any time. Use
it to stuff dates and prunes
or shape it into bonbons be
tween almond halves. Let
your imagination go to work
you will probably come up
with more ideas. -
When it comes to packaging
select the-prettiest box and
the eavest wrappings you can
find a pastel shade of rib
bon then top with a senti
mental nosegay. And you'll
have a gift that any Mother
will cherish.
Fruit Candles
1 can (6-oz.) fresh-frnzen
orange juice
Vt cups sugar
1 cup shelled nut meats
dates, prunes, almonds or
maraschino cherries
Place orange juice (undilut
ed) in aluminum pan (6 cup
size.) Add sugar and blend
well. Stir with wooden spoon
over moderate heat until mix
ture forms a soft ball when a
small amount is dropped in
cold water . . . 238 F. on a
candy thermometer. Remove
from heat and stir another 3
Save Meat by .
Slow Cooking
Cook meat slowly! Those
words can mean money In your
pocket. You can save as much
as 3 to 3 servings of roast
merely by cooking it at a low
temperature 800 F. for beef,
veal, smoked pork and lamb,
SSO F. for fresh pork.
In addition to saving meat,
the meat you serve will be
Jucler and more tender. This
Information is based upon ex.
tensive research conducted at
leading educational lnstitu
tions throughout the country.
In a typical experiment paired
roasts were roasted one at
450 F., one at 300 F. to the
same internal temperature as
recorded by roast meat ther
mometers. . The roast cooked
at a constant low temperature
was uniformly done, its cook
ing losses were moderate, the
meat was more palatable, the
bones and fat were, not char
red. The high oven tempera
ture produced a roast that had
excessive shrinkage, it was un
evenly cooked, its fibers were
charred and shrunken, and it
bad lost juclness.
A low temperature is recom
mended for cooking meat re
gardless of the method used.
To broil, steaks should be
placed 2 to 3 Inches from the
heat. Meats braised or cooked
in liquid should simmer, never
minutes. Add nuts and blend
well. Pour mixture onto a
greased cooky sheet. When
cool enough to handle, form
into bonbons. If desired, stuff
into pitted dates, prunes, or
decorate with blanched, split
almonds or maraschino cher
Appetizer Salad
Russian Dressing
Vt cup .
2 tablespoons finely chopped
green pepper
2 tablespoons chill sauce
. 2 teaspoon vinegar
6 eggs, hard-cooked
12 stalks fresh asparagus,
1 tomato, sliced
Spinach leaves
Salad greens
Combine mayonnaise, green
pepper, chill sauce and vinegar.
Chill for . one nour. .nirams
hoivl-xnnlreri CSV halves. SSPar-
agus and tomato suces on siu-
ach leaves ana saiaa greeuo.
Serve with Russian Dressing.
Yield: 6 servings.
For Garnishes
It's the men in our house
hold who hold out for fruit
garnishes which they prefer,
rather than greens which are
"suDDosed to be good for
them." Here are some of their
favorites: ' Avocado crescents
sprinkled with lemon juice and
salt. SDiced nrunes stuffed with
walnuts, canned fruit cocktau
in orange shells.
Marinated Lima Beans
These are good anytime,
but are particularly handy
when feeding a crowd. Soak
and cook limas as you usually
do. Drain and while still hot,
marinate them with a tart
French dressing. At serving
time arrange in salad bowl
and top with chopped pimien
to or green pepper.
For Spring
Rosy rhubarb and a fw
custard mixture baked
lemon or vanilla cookie IbJ
baking dish; delicate textuh
divine taste. We really pJJ
ferred the lemon wafers, bo
the vanilla wafer crush in.
j "
guuu, wu.
Rhubarb Custard Pudding '
2 cups sliced rhubarb
(about 1 pound)' ' ':'
cup sugar -
3 eggs, separated .
Vt cup sugar
Vt teaspoon grated lemon '
1 tablespoon lemon Julct
1 cup evaporated milk
Lemon or vanilla .wafen';
Wash rhubarb, but da !
peel. Cut Jn. Vi inch slice;.
Add the cup sugar and w
stand 30 minutes.. Butter 2
8x8x2 inch square or H .
quart baking dish. Place Ijyl i
of wafers In bottom of bakij, '
dish, with extra wafers place.
on iop, vi iirsi jayer wh. ,
needed to cover space betwtc,
cookies. Stand addition
wafers around edge to nuv. ;
scalloped border. '
Beat egg yolks. Gardualb
add the Vt cup sugar and beait
until mixture is light colored
Stir in lemon rind and Jul
Gradually blend In milk. Btit
egg whites until stiff but am
dry. Fold Into milk mixture.
Carefully spoon rhubarb im
Juice evenly over wafers Is
bottom of baking dish. Poi
custard mixture over rhubarb,
Bake In slow oven, 300 de.
grees, until rhubarb is tm.
der and top is lightly brown.
ed; aoout so to 39 mlnutet,
M-jouliclpname SPERRYS new Spring Cake?
4; W, i&yz&Hiyi t2 ?f ts
We've done it! We've perfected a 2-egg cake
that's "too sensational for words!"Folks rave
about its refreshing lemon-strawberry flavor
and gorgeous good looks... especially hus
bands! It's an easy, everyday "party" cake.
It't failure-proof 1 Another Martha Meade
home-perfected recipe made with S perry
Drifted Snow "Home-Perfected" Enriched
Flour which, as you know, is guaranteed to
out-perform ony all-purpose flour in any
recipe or double your money back I
Now! To get the recipe for Sperry's Spring
Cake buy a sack of Drifted Snow Flour at
your grocer's today I In it you'll find ( 1 ) the
recipe, (2) complete rules, and (3) a blank
on which to write the name you suggest. Try
the failure-proof recipe 1 Enjoy the cake!
Then name it I But please do it toon We
need your help 1
Ten of the homemakers sending in the
names judged best will be our guests in San
Francisco for 2 thrilling days. Bring a com
panion if you wish, the treat's on us I We'll
end you $50 spending money and provide
transportation on a luxurious Western Air
Lanes DC-6B. reservations at famous fair-
JfiJ Hi
mont Hotel atop Nob Hill, with breakfast
in bed if you like.
Here's what well dol First day, a party at
Martha Meade's Kitchen to get acquainted.
A cable car ride to colorful Fisherman's
Wharf for lunch at Tarantino's. A trip
through Chinatown, dinner in the enchant
ing Venetian Room at the Fairmont Hotel,
and tickets to a stage hit playing at Curran
or Geary theatres.
Second day, take your choice of deluxe
Bay Area Gray Line Tours where you will
see many fascinating sights. And then, an
exotic farewell dinner at Skipper Kent's.
Two days you'll remember always.
But that's not all! Everyone sending us
fame will receive a collector's copy of
Martha Meade's Failure-Proof Recipes"
...a compact, miniature cookbook I
Remember! Recipe and entry blank in
any sack of S perry Drifted Snow Flour you
buy today I Or write to Martha Meade, San
Francisco 6, California.
Another fine product o Sperry.tor 101 years a leader in the Wett
PHUT DtHrrtD 1NO MOW PtftriclIV
AND' MARTHA M 101 Aftf. RVailTlltlD