Page FOOD SECTION. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Satan. Oregon Thursday, April 23, 1953 Pineapple Bake-ins Win Prize Pineapple Bake-Ina won a place for 14-year-old Judith Stockwell, Los Angeles, In the ' recent prize winning Pllls 1 bury contest. These are but termilk cornmeal muffins flecked with pineapple. Bacon bits garnish the tops and ba con drippings are used for shortening. B Pineapple Bske-Ins Bake at 429 degrees 7. for 20 to 29 minutes. , Makes 1 dozen muffins. 3 strips bacon 1 cup sifter enriched flour 1 teaspoon double-acting baking powder i teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon salt " ' . 1 cup cornmeal ' 2 tablespoons brown sugar . 2 eggs, beaten ltt cups buttermilk or sour milk" cup crushed plnesppls, . well drained Vi cup reserved bacon . drippings Fry bacon, until crisp and reserve drippings. Crumble bscon. Sift together flour, making powder, soda and salt. - Add cornmesl and brown sugar. Combine eggs, buttermilk or sour milk, pineapple and cup of the reserved bscon drippings. Add all at once to dry Ingredients, mixing only until all flour is dampened, Fill well - greased muffin cups full. Top each muf fin with crumbled bacon. Bake In hot oven (450 degrees 7.) 20 to 29 minutes. If you use enriched self- rising flour (sold In parts of the south), omit baking pow der and salt To sour sweet milk,' add lVi tablespoons vinegar or lemon Juice to 1M cups sweet milk. Let stand 8 minutes. i6-S Ns. - V A. ii V'm i i ii'"" ii i ini" in ' '' " Walnut Touch It's Interesting to watch food trends and see how the uses of foods are broadened. We used to think of walnuts In terms of cakes, cookies and possibly pies, With the Ameri can love for salads, we now also think of walnuts in chlck ' en, fruit, tuna, lobster and oth er shell fish salads. There's no question about it, the crunchy texture and richness of wal ' nuts make salads taste very superior, Homemade Soup Always Favorite While we are all enjoying de licious steaks and roast beef at ths lowest prices In years, let's not forget the less fancy cum that make such fine dishes. There's nothing more comfort ing than a fine, hearty pot of homemade soup, and where there are children in the fam ily, soup is likely to be the favorite lunch dish. Home-made Beef Vegetable Soup is simple to make and It's a real budget dish at today's prices. If you'll cut up the beef after the soup is made to serve with it, you will find this soup can make a fine supper. Send it to table with crisp rolls and a green salad. Lemon Chiffon Pie makes the perfect dessert for a soup supper. Beef Vegetable Soap 2 lbs. beef shank with bone 2 qts. cold water 1 tablespoon salt Vi cup sliced onion 2 tablespoons minced ' ; parsley ' cup diced celery with leaves 1 cup sliced carrots Vi cups diced potatoes Have bone cracked at mar ket. Wipe meat with damp cloth. In soup kettle combine meat, water, salt and pepper. Cover; bring to boiling point; skim. Re-cover and simmer very slowly 4 hours. Remove meat and bone; cut meat Into cubes. Add to kettle with re maining ingredients; cover and simmer 30 minutes. Yield: 6 to 8 servings. Note; If tomatoes are liked In Beef Vegetable Soup, 1 No. 2 can tomatoes may be added, decreasing the water by 2 Mi cups. Other vegetables for Beef Vegetable Soup are baby lima beans; shredded cabbage; diced turnip; green beans; peas and corn. Appropriate season ings include bay leaves, thyme, whole cloves and marjoram. Pointers on Step? To Broil Steaks Two simple steps can make the difference between a per fect broiled steak and one that Is overcooked and charred. These are checking the distance of the meat from the heat, and the length of cooking time. Steaks for broiling should be at least 1 inch thick. When you start to broil the steak, closely check the distance between the top of the meat and the heat. A 1-lnch steak should be 2 Inches from the heat, thicker steaks accordingly farther. Time the cooking period. If you have a 1-lnch club or rib steak, let it cook a total of 15 minutes for rare done, 20 min utes for medium. A porter house or sirloin will take 20 minutes for rare done, 25 for medium. . Let the steak cook on the top side for half the recom mended time, then season, turn and brown on the second side. Insert the fork into the fat, not the lean, for turning the meat. Browning before seasoning is recommended since salt tends to retard meat browning. Chocolate Cake Filling Here Is a different, rich and oh-so-good filling for your next Devil's Food Cake. Add finely chopped ralsens and walnuts to a half pint of sour cream. Spread between layers. We think you'll find this just right without any 'additional frosting. . Dress-up Breakfasts Every Day Why wait 'til the week-end or holiday to make ' breakfai t special? Simple touches can take your meal out of the plain class, making it an outstand ing event, says home economist Reba Staggs. For Instance, with the com ing of spring have a few fresh flowers from your garden in the center of your table or breakfast bar. Or use a. plant er of green foliage. Use color ful place mats, the plastic or paper types, if you wanf to cut down on laundering. To save time for the extra, touches set your breakfast table the evening before. For a change in your break fast menu, start with a mixture of chilled fruit Juices. Vary this with fresh fruit In season, or a compote of fresh fruits or dried fruits. Surprise the family some morning with pre served figs topped with a dash of sour cream. Bacon and eggs make any breakfast." For a change com bine these two foods in a dif ferent way. For instance, out line custard cups with bacon strips, then break an egg in each bacon-lined cup. These take only 8 to 10 minutes, cook ing in a moderate oven. Canadian-style bacon, thinly sliced and panbrolled, provides another ideal breakfast meat. Sausage-links, country-style or patties lend interest to break fast. And' don't forget the ready helper, chipped beef. Cubed left over meat ham, pork, beef or lamb may be combined with scrambled eggs for still another treat. Remenv ber, however, to cube the meat In advance, then closely wrap with waxed paper or aluminum foil and store in the refrigera tor. This makes it ready to use promptly in the early morning rush. And don't overlook the power of a touch of parsley. A bit of green can set off your plate or platter with such little effort. Broiler Sandwiches Broiler sandwiches are a fa vorite for sun worshippers. They may be made In a jiffy and rushed out to the patio where the sun is shining in all its glory. Halved hamburger buns covered with ripe olives sliced from the pits and topped with a slice of Swiss cheese, popped under the broiler and broiled until the cheese be comes bubbly, never get mo notonous. No ripe-olive and cheese combination does. B I G GEST LITTLE I MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half T-BONE " RIB STEAK K Beef Roast 45c 65c u,. 79c jjj" Zf FORK ROAST Chicken Livers fiyerS T 10 Lb 59c u,.39c aPiiST. ... .;.e,ch U V "'" E"p SAUSAGE f.A4 afitAAfA Z7 SPARE R,BS u39c Aged Cheese ec .5 Pur.P.,k SrB0e5.n Town . .. lb. fcjJ M Meat Inch Thick GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES CUCUMBERS I BANANAS I RADISHES I Shrubs, Vigaro 3.25c 2,29c .T Wf SST ASPARAGUS ORANGES S5J vVgetSeTJSts 2 lb.. 29c 2.0.49c Strawberries STARLAC . CHIU SAUERKRAUT OG FOOD ",lk Toll Q OC- 3 cons 25C Pfcg. JC A com Playfair rDCCkl DCAhJC Nolley's Cottoge Brond; 2Vi slxe (jKttlH D CAIN J MARGARINE COFFEE ye1 ' 2caB.25c 2 C on f pkgi. JivC Doubt Luck; 303 slis lbt.43C Lb OyC All Flavors Sweet Sixteen Chose & Sanborn TAKJi SALAD DlayUIWiiX TUNA CORN T ,57"" 39c 29c 2 .... 29c 1 " ur"'.cT' uTu'T BROADWAY MARKET "mm bread Broadway sits Market SI. IN TOWN D IV EMU Store Hours 8 o.m. till 8 p.m. Evary Doy , MID KrrC Every Day at 4 p.m. No Limits Buy All You Wont UUK CUV Except Tues. 4 Sat. Prices ood Fri., Sot, Sunday This Good for Buffet Supper Perfect to serve for a buffet supper is this "Olive 'n' Frankfurter Bake," for it's easy to prepare and the in gredients are always popular. Sliced franks and chopped ripe olives mske up the "meaty" base of this dish, while cheese, plmlento and rice add their all-round goodness. Another attractive feature is that you can prepare it ahead of time, then just before oventlme sprinkle the top with bread crumbs and melted butter, and in 20 minutes it is ready for the table. Olive 'n' Frankfurter Bake , 2 tablespoons butter or mar garine 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon salt , V teaspoon dry mustard 1V4 cups milk -1 .cup grated American cheese . , 4 sliced frankfurters 1 (4V4-ounce) can chopped ripe olives 2 tablespoons diced plmlento i cups cookea rice Vi cup fine dry bread crumbs 2 tablespoons melted butter or margarine Melt butter and blend in flour, salt and mustard. Stir In milk, and cook and stir un til mixture boils and Is thick ened. Remove from heat and stir In cheese. Add frankfurt ers, olives, plmlento and rice, and mix lightly. Turn into shallow baking dish, and sprinkle with, crumbs mixed with melted butter. Bake in moderate oven (350 F.) 20 to 25 minutes, until thoroughly heated. Makes 4 or 5 servings. Extending Salad ' There wasn't ' enough tuna salad left over from yester day's lunch and a friend drop ped 'in unexpectedly at noon time. Have you ever known it to fail? Fortunately there were some diced roasted al monds on the "emergency" shelf. These were quickly added to the salad to extend it. . Extend it, the almonds did and incidentally made the salad taste better than ever. Using Avocados Until summer fruits become abundant in supply and reason ably priced, keep in mind the many preparations which can be made with avocados which have a very extended season. By itself or In combination with other fruits and vegetables, too, the avocado is a wonderfully tasty salad ingredient. A tart French dressing always makes It taste its best. A Cherry Roly-Poly For Dessert Fancy desserts can set off an "every day" meal. A de lightful combination designed for lust this purpose is a Cher ry Roly-Poly. The fruit In rich sauce Is rolled up in sweet ened biscuit dough the same as a jelly roll, then cut into In dividual serving! and baked. Cherry Roly-Poly 2 cups sifted enriched flour 1 tablespoon baking Jowder Vi teaspoon salt V cup sugar 4 to 6 tablespoons lard Vt to cup milk 1 No. 2 can or 1 pint pitted sour cherries Vi cup sugar 1 cup liquid 2 tablespoons cornstarch Sift flour again with baking powder, salt and sugar. Cut in lard until mixture has fine. even crumb. Add enough milk to make a soft dough. Turn onto lightly-floured surface and knead gently for 30 sec onds. ' Roll into rectangle Vi inch thick. Drain' cherries and save juice. Place cherries on biscuit dough. Roll as for jelly roll and cut into 1-lnch aliens. Place cut surface down on greased 9-inch square baking dish. Mix sugar and corn starch. Add enough water to cherry juice to make 1 cup liquid and mix with sugar and cornstarch. Cook until thick and clear. Bake until thick and clear. Bake rolls In a hot oven (425 degrees F.) for 13 minutes. Four juices over rolls and bake 10 minutes longer. Fruited Lamb Patties Good Lamb patties are always liked. Try this variation of them: Fruited Lamb Fatties 1 pound ground lamb 2 slices bacon , 4 cooked prunes, pitted Vi cup crushed corn flakes 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt Vt cup milk. Chop bacon, cook until crisp and fill center of prunes. Com bine lamb, corn flakes, egg, salt and milk; mix well. Divide mixture into fourths, and shape each patty around a stuffe, prune. Place patties on brolitl racK. inseri orouer pan allow. ins 2 Inches between heat a J surface of meat Broil pattiej on one sme uniu uiey an browa, 8 to 10 minutes. Ti and brown on second side. Four Servings. . Bacon Atop Here ara open-lace uni. wlch treats for your family. Top slices of Boston browii bread with baked beans, sprin. kle with grated Cheddar cheeia and arrange bacoc stripi over me lop. rou uniu me bacon is crisp ana tne cheese i bubbly. ".-r Between you and me, Tom Petri to tastes wonderful! , V .J 1 I mmmmm n isw;v-Striw PETRI TOOK TIME TO BRING YOU GOOD WINE fETHI WlNf CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAUF. "I've been proud of my CLOROX-clean washes ibr 30 years!" Ye$,Clorox makes liiuni snowy-whit., .removing oven dinglness and stubborn stains. Still more important,Clorox makes linens hygienically dean. No other home laun dering product equals Clorox In germ-killing efficiency I Here's anothsr big Clorox benefit It deodor izes. ..makes cottons and linens frsih smelling whether dried Indoors or out. And remember, Clorox, a liquid, contains no gritty particles to damage your wash and washer. Ifs extra gentle, tree from caustic, made by an exclu sive, patsnted formula. CLOROX molds kittlwn surfaces sanitary, too! Harmful gtrmt, ugly stains and dttagratobla edori uil donl ba long on your dralnboord, sink, or Itltchon floor, lot Cloiox http you gat rid of In routine claanlng, Clorox, re moves stains, d.odorlm. S.a labtl dlractions far the many urn of Clorox . . . America's favarltal C1MS. Cknt (Wu Ox llslsf $ ylfl'!wolii.fitiD. Mm0p lid l,llli.,,o, Ml SSlss 1$ ,,,''" A dm... a. 01 a . -"Mvtia. Ml l tLtMU-au III I When it's CLOROX-de M. it " r ' til"