Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1953, Page 25, Image 25

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    Saletri Authentic Ocod (jtide tc Setter ittty
Publbhed Thursday lock Wotk
.' . ' s
Edited by Morion Uwry Fischer
Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 23, 1953
C apit al AJon mal .
Food Section Offers Ideas For Daily And Special
Here's a Quick Meal
With Chinese Accent
Ginger Pears ,
Oriental flavor.
(AP News Features)
Are you pushover for a
menu that isiuick and easy to
prepare? Then here's a Chinese-inspired
suggestion that
you may want to try. For a
first course serve canned soup
chicken with rice or noodles,
or ' choose chicken-egg drop
style. Make the main course
this easy chop suey put togeth
er at the last minute. The des
sert uses widely available can
ned pears and you prepare it
the night- before you serve it
because it benefits from the
...enter "FREE
Trip to Paris"
time spent in the refrigerator,
marinating in its ginger syrup,
Ingredients: 2 tablespoons oil,
small onion (cut in thin
strips),-1 small green pepper
(cut in thin strips) cup eel
ery crescents, one No. 2 can
Chinese chop suey vegetables,
one 5-ounce jar boned chicken
(cubed), 1 tablespoon (about)
soy sauce, hot cooked rice.
Method: Heat oil in skillet;
add onion, green pepper and
celery and saute about 5 min
utes. Drain chop suey vegeta
bles and add with chicken; heat.
Add soy sauce; mix gently.
Serve over hot cooked rice.
Makes 4 to 6 servings.
Ingredients: One No; 2 can
pear halves, 2 small pieces can
died singer (about 2 table-
NEV 1953
' Cm4 RMnkHMM m
Livers with
Chicken liver fanciers re
joice in -the fact that chicken
livers are now readily avail
able both fresh and frozen;
moderate In price too, when
you consider what they do to
a main dish like this. Ladle
this chicken liver sauce over
individual plates of hot spa
ghetti and we promise ' satis
fied diners. Some people
sprinkle Italian cheese over
every spaghetti sauce. Go right
ahead, if you wish. :
Spaghetti With,
Chicken Livers
1 package spaghetti '
Yt cup chopped, onion .
Vi cup butter or margarine
1 small clove garlic,
Vi pound chicken livers,
cut up
3 tablespoons flour
Yt teaspoon salt
1 cups beef broth or con
somme V
Cook spaghetti according to
package directions. Drain and
rinse. While spaghett is cook
ing, melt butter in skillet. Add
onion and garlic and brown
lightly.- Add chicken livers and
brown well. Stir in flour and
salt. Add beef broth or con
somme and cook until thick,
ened, stirring constantly. Ar
range spaghetti on hot platter
or plates and top with Chicken
Liver Sauce. Makes 4 servings,
Tomato Aspic Can Circle
Many Good Things; Tops
For Those Salad Dishes
fmku wntn)
spoons finely diced).
Method: Drain juice from the
pears; add ginger to juice and
bring to a boil; simmer about
5 minutes. Pour hot juice and
ginger over pear halves; cool.
Store overnight in refrigerator.
Serve chilled. -.
Ways of a woman with a
package of unfavored gelatine
are beyond numbering. When
it comes io saiaas cnances are
that tomato aspic leads all the
rest in frequency of appear
ance. So easy to do, it encir
cles any other vegetable, fish,
shellfish, poultry or cottage
cheese salad to make a hand
some main course or it is self
sufficient in any form as a
salad course. ;
As for canned tomato juice,
grocery Bhelves are well stock
ed with it. Quality generally
is high and prices very reason
able.. Now is a fine time to
stock up. Advantages in buy
ing the 46-ounce can are ob
vious if family numbers more
than four. Hot, chilled, as
cooking ingredient or in an
aspic, tomato juice flavor and
goodness are incomparable.
Easy Tomato Aspio
Soften one envelope unfla
vored gelatine in , cup cold
tomato juice. Add IV cups hot
tomato juice and stir until
gelatine is dissolved.' Stir in
1 tablespoon lemon juice, 1
teaspoon grated onion, and Yt
teaspoon salt. Pour into 4 in
dividual ring molds or in 1
pint mold. Chill until firm.
Unmold on salad greens and
fill centers with shrimp salad,
cottage cheese, egg salad, tuna
salad, chicken salad, mixed
greens salad, cole slaw or any
other un-sweet mixture.
While you're about it, bet
ter just double this recipe,
make a quart, and have some
"plain" for another day. You'll
be glad tomorrow you did this
Tomato Savory Asple
Like it spicier? More zest
ful? Soften 1 envelope un
favored gelatine in Vi cup
cold water. Heat X cups to
mato juice with 2 bouillon
cubes until clear. 1 Remove
from heat. Add gelatine and
stir until thoroughly dissolved.
Add I tablespoon grated onion
and juice, 2 drops kitchen
bouquet, 1 tablespoon Worces
tershire sauce, dash of pepper.
Pour into any desired mold
or into a flat pan; chill until
firm. Fine for accompanying
cold meats. - ' '
y ..... .,,,y iy,,L, i i u ,hiWi,,iiii. tli.ljj),!!
(i i r j will
mi nwri(rol7nl; .iri wn i ihii ir l'iii rnfrrrrriTTnTTrn-T-Trr ' '
it's fortified with hard-lustre Simolite!
Full 254 cash refund I That's our
generous offer so you can discover
this new, really non-scuff floor wax!
Made for busy kitchens, Simoniz
Self-Polishing Floor Wax is fortified
with Simolite to give a crystal-hard
shine. One easy no-rub waxing lasts
you up to five weeks! A cinch to re
wax, too, when necessary.
Introductory Offer -Save 25!
1. Buy Simoniz Floor Wax, any size.
Pay full price temporarily.
2 Mail the paper cap-liner inside the
cap to: Simoniz, Dept. 25, Chicago IB,
Illinois. Simoniz Company will mail you
your 25i cash refund. One offer to a
family. Expires July 31, 1953.
I with itw
I bard-lustra
Hurry! Limited Offer
Buys in
Homemakers may thriftily
star pot-roasts, Swiss steaks
and savory beef dunes in
their 'menus. Cuts of chuck,
rump, round and short ribs
suitable for braising are wear
ing the lowest prices in the
memory of most of us. These
cuts are fully as nutritious,
can be just as delicious as the
more expensive cuts.
Secret of braising beef is
to first brown meat in a small
amount of fat, then cook in
covered pan with or without
added liquid. For best flavor,
keep liquid at a minimum.
season as prefered, keep heat
low either on top ol range or
in the oven.
Tomato Juice
Now is the time to stock
up on good quality, low priced
tomato juice. If more than
two in family, the larger sized
cans are most ecomical. Serve
it often chilled, teaming hot
with a-slice of lemon (maybe
a clove in center of lemon
slice), as an ingredient or use
in the so-easy-to-make aspic
featured in our columns today.
Cheese Plenty
Cheddar cheese, mild or
sharp, is in unusually heavy
supply, reasonably priced for
requent use in sandwiches,
sause for cooked vegetables or
macaroni dishes; good in
salads, fine as a dessert course
with fruit. Make a cheesecake
or buy a bakery apple pie
and melt sliced cheese on top
Just before taking to the table.
Poultry Fish
Plenty of broiling and fry
ing chickens at reasonable
prices whether whole, halved,
cut up or purchased by the
favorite piece. Plenty of
reasonably priced to bargain
priced fish, both fresh and
frozen. For family gatherings
and big events, turkey is
worthy of consideration, cer
tain to satisfy;
Vegetable Boys
Cabbage continues to be a
genuine bargain. Cook it for
seven minutes or. make cole
slaw; combine shredded cab
bage with any salad greens,
Other plentiful include car-
corts, cauliflower, celery, let
tuce, several squash varieties
old-crop, medium size onions,
potatoes, rhubarb, spinach,
bunched vegetables.
Fruit Buys
Local, loose apples, white
grapefruit, small oranges are
best buys. Avocodos are
reasonable. Pears, straw-
berrles, grapes, pineapples
are available at variable
prices according to quality
and declining (pears and
grapes) or sdvancing season
(strawberries and pineapple)
First of the melons have ap-
Good Now
Plentiful cabbage heads the
best buys in the vegetable
bins. Shred it, toss it lightly
with the rest of these ingre
dients and be sure that every
shred will be enjoyed. . .
Golden Slaw .
4 hard-cooked eggs, . finely
chopped . 4
teaspoon sugar
teaspoon salt. -
2 teaspoons prepared mus
2 teaspoons cider vinegar
. cup any salad dressing
2 cups shredded cabbage
cup chopped sweet pickles
' Combine all Ingredients,
todding lightly. Chill. Serve
on be8s of lettuce garnished
with' chopped parsley.. Four
.servings. - .. - . . ?
I - ., I
f '
I - 4 , i.i
kA II V-V r.
,l Jjl "si
Hamburger ScrambU
H pound ground beef ;
2 tablespoons lard or
4 oggt-v
H cup chopped plmlento
Yt cup chopped onion s
,1 teaspoon salt
Vt teaspoon pepper r
Brown meat In lard or drip
pings In frying-pan. Beat eggs,
add plmlento, onions and sea
sonings. Add egg mixture to
meat Stir occasionally until
eggs are firm. 4 servings.'
. Ideas Unlimited Easy-to-make tomato aspic in ring
molds circles a host of salad ideas. Plentiful,, bargain-,
priced tomato juice and unflavored gelatine, touch of sea
soning and salad rings are ready for chilling and good
eating. - ' r ' -; "- ; . " -
Salmon Balls
Tasty Treat
Like a . magician who can
produce a rabbit out of a hat,
you can bring magic . to the
dinner table from that can of
salmon now on your pantry
shelf. No "abracadabra" to be
sure, but done simply by turn
ing the salmon into golden
crusted French fried salmon
balls.-A special ingredient in
this recipe is rolled oats. They
give a nut-like flavor to. the
fish and help to make French
fried salmon Mils inexpensive
to serve. The oats are mixed
with the other ingredients and
thoroughly blended.-Then the
salmon mixture is rolled into
bite size balls, breaded with a
pancake mix and popped into
hot, deep fat. After two or
three minutes, they turn a nut
brown and are ready to serve.
.. Golden Salmon-Balls . .
'.' (Makes 4 servings.) -
Salmon Balls
1 small can salmon (about
, 7-ounce size) : '
H cup quick rolled oats, ,
' 1 egg. beaten :
2 tablespoons chopped
. celery
2 tablespoons chopped
onion i
2 teaspoons Worcestershire
t sauce .
1 teaspoon salt . ,
H teaspoon pepper
Vt cup pancake mix
Breading :' ' ''
Remove bones from salmon.
Flake undrained salmon with
a fork, then combine with re-1
malnlng .ingredients for sal-1
mon balls. Form into 16 small 1
balls; - roll each . In . pancake
ready-mix. , . - ' ., '
Fry In hot, deep fat (375 de-
areea F.) for 2 to 8 minutes :
until balls are golden brown.
Serve hot with, tartar sauce or I
mushroom sauce. . : . ; . I . .
Puts On Clue Bonnet
To Get Host .
For The Money!
' MM. MKTOMU , , , ;
You, too, will love Bum Bonncv
Margarine's delicate, sunny-sweet
ftavorl BLUB Bonkct makes bread,
toast, hot rolls, and vegetables taste
beUtt than evert
You'U appreciate Bum Bonnet's
nutrition. Unlike most other mar
garines, Bum Bonnet contain both
Vitamins A and D as much year
round Vitamin A and D as you get
In the high-priced spread for bread)
- Yet Bum Bonnet Margarine
costs lets than-fell as much as the
high-priced spread. So put on Bum
bonnbt ana os svrt ol "all 8
Flavor, Nutrition, eonone4l .
just to introduce you to
Soap nd tw
SweetHeart Soap ap
Send the WSw fcoX
Lrether with your G 46.
.... ne by tew
There's never been an offer like
itl We actually pay you to die-
cover pure, mild SweetHeart
Soap . . . and amazing new instant
dissolving Blu-Whlte Flakes!
Thafs how certain we are that
' once you try these two great prod
ucts, youll always use them. So
while there's time, accept our of
fer. If s the chance of a lifetime!
" . -VeS ot w--- V,lldi-.
- 0 eat proauc . - -
rnane -
So try the pure, mild beauty soap that
agrees with their delicate, beautiful
complexions. Start SweetHeart Beauty
Car today! On week after you change
to thorough car with SwetHeart Soap
ta how your akin look far aolter .
smoother . . . youngerl Hurry! DlKoref
SweetHeart whll this offer laital ,
Blu-Whlt acta two ways) It blu . . evenly. And t
It wuiet, work with your regular soap or deter
gent to make whit thing dmllni , . . waihabl
colors tpuUlng. And Blu-Whlt is u gentle to
your hands as a beauty toep. Get Blu-Whit today
In tola fpectacular offer. Youll oarer be without it)
I peered In tome markets.