Thursday, April 28, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orcfoi Pag 23 DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES FINANCIAL 5 Interest Round Up Your Deductions aa4aaamt. Uua na tri no arpe tt peraow t whMi n an to at awrlc. Wm in Twaarr-rtre tmn ww Ban taa kalpru la thla Maaintt find reafltaile wort m ttutr caw, Oartnt Una ported we hare pneanlp Paid 4 aail mm kttarart nanaeae. totalllnt aun Tboaauda DaUara. W. are nmuat nariss 4 nrnnis runda tram 449 aa 4444. General Finance Corpora Uoo us b. coannrarm. sr. . Uoaa, orataa rnoa. S-4U1 1 EYPOP! Family Sale THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY EVERY CAR INCLUDED A; v; 58A 1846 Bulck Sup- SEE US FOR PARaf, CJTT OR ACRIAol MIA1W BEST OP TBRaaB WB BUY . Beel saltl Bortsasw 4 mtrM. State finance Co. : ir S. Kit St, . Pa. MUI i SME CW GIVE WE A BH NOW UMTM. W DAPDy BNSS HOME AAmOHB.- AUTOMOBILES DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end's Specials 1950 Ford V-8 Custom 4-door Sedan. . O'drive, radio, heater $1295 1948 Ford Super De Luxe V-8 4-door Sedan. Heater .'. $ 875 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook Convertible Coupe. Radio, heater .$2150 1948 Dodge Custom" 4-door Sedan. Heater ........ $ 975 1947 Plymouth Special De Luxe Club Coupe. Heater .......$ 795 1949 DeSoto Custom 4-door Sedan. Auto, trans., fluid drive, radio & heater ...$1395 1949 Ford "6" Pickup ...............$ 375 , MANY MOKE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 854 N. LIBERTY BEST FOR LESS! New '53 Buick Special Tudor BUICK QUALITY - . BUICK DEPENDABILITY BUICK PERFORMANCE BUICK COMFORT BUICK PRESTIGE Plus These Deluxe Features Underseat Heater Direction Signals . , Foamtex Cushions , . ' v' Porcelainized Finish Defroster IN GORGEOUS MAJESTIC WHITE LICENSED READY FOR DELIVERY $2692 OTTO J. WILSON CO. f COMMERCIAL AT CENTER For SaU MISCELLANEOUS Used Appliances NO DOWN PAYMENT USED NOROB RETO.-BraaU alae, excellent runnlni condition, Ju.t overhauled "'"5 TJSBD WARDS RBFO.-S cu. ., Terr clean, quiet runnlnr, completeir rebuilt unit, reel bur ..onlr 4". rjeED LEONARD REFO. 4 CU. It., clean, food apartment alee. Only u" USED ELECTRIC WASHERS, RANO ES - 914.94 to All In lood condition. Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC 260 N. LIBERTY, SALEM PHONE 20312 For Sol MISCELLANEOUS GOOD PACKING Trunk 4.00. Olenn no7 wooarri iw . o. ESED weihinf machlnea, end up. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, J7I Che- mckcta, . !! OOOD CE1B Mattreae 14 50 wmplote. Olenn woodrr. 101 I. Bummer. nl7- ntrflvi. Roller and ball beerlnri for true U andtreetore. 1771 Sllvertoa Road Gravel and Sand Anrlblnf In rrarel. wbolwel. and retail VALLET SAND O RAVEL co. ph. t-eooi- K Used Singer Electric Portable lewlnr macblne, look, llki new. A-l condition. new machine tuarantee. Onlr 4J9W. Singer Sewing Center III N. coal. BIT AUTOMOBILES PHONE 4-3492 PHONE 2-3821 for aoie mi jw6llavw USED WARDS RETO. De luxe, I crltper,, a real bur ( only 439.4 because of dent In th. top. Onlr USED GENERAL XL. RXTO. De lure, very dean, aealed unit. Onlr W.M USED COLDflPOT Larie Hie. At luie model. Verr clean, Onlr 449.94, For Sale MISCELUNEOUS CABINET ELECTRIC Sewinf Machine. 99.50. Olenn Woodrr. 1404 if. Bummer. ' n7 free WeeUncbouaa tewing machlnea on all floor samplea. Bar up to 40. YIATXK APPLUNCE CO, 171 Cka. meketa. PLASTI'KOTE reouirea no waima. Per rour rioore or Unoleum. TEATER AP. PUANCE CO, ITS Chomekete. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric polea. fence poeta. bean poete and atakaa. PhllUpe Bro, RU , Boa 499, I allei eut of 4 Cornera. Ph. 4-9091. n DEEPFREEEE homo freeaera. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, m Chemeketa. a ADDING MACHINE, S column, electric with euotract. M. Alas, olectrto cal culator. 1-S31I. nH MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run oaar. Phono 9-9314. nioie AB APT. alia electric rente. Oood con dition. Phone 1-S3SI. n!7 REFRfOERATORS, NEW and need. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, lit Cne meketa. a' BETTER USED CARS OUR REGULAR v PRICES H5B 1B4B Oldi Sdn. (1395 SIB 1848 Bjiick Sup- tr Sedin I 6B8 164A 1049 Buick Con vert . . .$1495 39C 1941 Chev. Club Coupe ........ f 295 14TB 1948 Bulck Rd- . mstr. Sedan ...$1095 S8B 1948 Stude. Champ. Sedan .$ 895 ISA 1948 Bulck Rd- mstr. Sedan ...$ 995. 83A 1950 Bulck Sup er Riviera .....$2095 . 138B 1947 Buick Sup er Sedan ...'...$ 950 11A 1947 Pontiac 8 Club Sedan ...$ 795 64A 1949 Buick Sup - er Sedan $1495 AUTOMOBILES Vacation Special AT MAC and DON'S ' USED CARS 1704 SO. MAIN . . , . LEBANON, ORE. 1931 Studebaker Comm. V 4-door Mdaa. Radio, heater, 1950 Chev. Bel Air Radio, heater, PowertUde, whit walle, aun TUor, other tstraa. r 199 Custom Club Coupe 6 ....$ 895 Juat overhauled, heater, bus rKor, aairta, aoat torera. 1946 Olds. 66' $ 495 4-door aedan. Radio, heater. 1942 Chev. 4-door. Radio, heater $ 195 FARMERS, LOGGERS, BUY NOW AND SAVE! 1950 H-TON FORD V-8, 4-speed transmission. .$ 995 1951 Mi -TON CHEV. 4-speed transmission $1245 Many good late model cars and pickups. Come in and see Guy McHone or Don Gonser LODER WE GIVE PENNY-SAVER STAMPS 1952 OLDS. 88 DE LUXE 2-DOOR . : .$2595 Real low mileage, radio, heater, hydra matlc, beautiful dark blue finish. , .1951 HUDSON HORNET CLUB COUPE $2295 Radio, heater, Hudson's most popular model. $1600 off new price. 1951 OLDS. SUPER 88 4-DR. SDN.. $2295 Radio, heater, standard transmission, this is real nice one-owner automobile. , 2 1952 OLDS. 98 4-DOOR SEDANS...??? These cars are like new, power sterlng, ultronlc eye, E-Z eye glass, radio, heater It fresh air conditioning. 1947 OLDS. 76 4-DOOR SEDAN..... $ 695 This car has radio, heater, hydmamatic. Big car luxury at little car price. ' LODER BROS. YOUR 0LD6MOBILE SEALER For Sole MISCELLANEOUS BOSPTTAL BED for aale or rent. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phono !-!. TREADLE CCWINQ machlnea. 110 and up. Electric conaolo and portable ma chlnea, $49.50 and up. Ralph Johnion Appliance, Hi Center. ntl CAR RADIO BARGAIN. 41 to S3 Pontiac. 1 piece Cuatom puah button, onlr Kl.ta metalled, Par dar budaet plan of onlr 91.95 Per week. No moner down (On Approred Credit!. Radloa for nearlr all care. 1 I OREEN atamp loo. Wo eerrlea all mekea and modeu of car radloa. Try ua. Maiter Serrlot fltatfCAe, J0S K. Commercial. nlOl TOP SOIL Rlrtr elll and flU dirt, prompt de. Ilrerr. Phone 9-1749. n Wanted MISCELLANEOUS IUCTRIO RANGES. woodrra. Ph. H110. na 2 Short Log Trucks Steedr haul. See Bud Tork, Weat Ba Itm Umber Co. 4-1191 dtr 9-99S4 all BRING ALL THE FAMILY -MOM - POP - THE KIDS ADD ALL AGES TOGETHER AND DEDUCT THAT NUMBER OF DOLLARS FROM THE USED CAR OF YOUR CHOICE, i 1 under twtntr-one : EXAMPLE II your selection if Ages: Deduct Mom Pop ' Bill Mary Butch 42 45 16 13 9 Your price Total 125 128B 1948 Bulck Sup er Sedan $ 895 ,i - . . 60A 1950 Chevrolet Aero $1395 139C 1948 Buick Rd- mstr. Sedan . . .$1195 49B 1849 Bulck Sup- 1 er Sedan .....$1495 35A 1950 Buick Sup- : er Riviera .....$2095 AUTOMOBILES - 8. ortrdrlre. .$1295 .$1495 BROS. Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBT WANTS Planoe. Phono 1-9110, na" LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Unttha r 4" or If r. Diameter t la 14'.' Sawmill. Lrutha 11' and lonier. Diameter r' w to Top prlcea paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner. Ort. Phftni I13S PERSONAL BtlSBANDBI WIVES1 Oet Pep, Vim; feel rountor. Trr obtbex tonic tab LETb todar, 91.10 alao onlr lac. In Salem, at Parlceai alao dnlltlala or errwhere. POT ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. I. 30M N. Commercial. Ph. S-4S37 PUT AUTOMOBILES REAL RUT, 1937 Packard 4. Vorr food condition, food tlree, radio 4b heaicr, lanal llihla. Phone 19049 4 1199 DODGE 4 door. Good aa ft new one. Radio, heater. Phone 4ISS7. QlOO 91 DI SOTO coupe. Cletua Ulplen. Can Btarton 1414. Q99 1M BUICK. low mileeae, A-l ehape. Take earlier model In trade, muat aacrllke. Can 44419 after s p.m. old' 91 CllkV. 4 door. Radlo-heaier. Oood ehape. I14M. H. E. Wldmer, Rt. I. Boa til Salem. CaU Darloa WXI1 041 YOU GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM YOUR . BUICK DEALER OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY - ' Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 $1395 125 $1270 SOB 1949 Olds. 88 Sedan $1495 S7A 1949 Bulck Rd- mstr. Sedan ...$1395 66A 1950 Roadmasier - Sedan ........$1895 143B 1930 Bulck Sup . er Sedanet ....$1585 71A 1947 Bulck Spe- , " . cial Sedanet ... $ 795 AUTOMOBILES 19S4 PACKARD Sedan for oale br pri vate penr. , Radio, newer, orer- drlre. 444S9. oil ' studebaker 1-toa pickup, fullr equipped, excellent condition, pnone 9-3434 or 1-414. O.90 H. S. BUDeON APBCIAL '48 SUPER 6 SDN. Stfitr sarins Smut 'IraiuporUtlon unr oir your iftini $995 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Wherf Obtmtkittv Oow to Church Optn .m. - 8 p.m. q87' 1M DODG-I iidtn, nnr pUnt, m aown, e montiu to pay. opn eTtnuiii, . K. Bmlth and ion Uotora. 3U Uarlon, Fhona 3-3040. q mo FOED CF badtd, rtrtj for paint, floupM op motor. Twin pipe. excellent Urea. $146 down, t month to par. open tvenini. k. Bmiui and twn Uotora, 148 Union. Phone 93040. q BUICK, 1000 SUPER OYNAFLOW, HW rubber,, excellent condition. 1760.00. Reasonablaterms. S-A332. qeo 1949 Plymouth SUBURBAN Extra sharp, radio, heater, jpotllte, low mlleeio 19t 1953 Dodge SUBURBAN Juit look thla one rer. .CAPP'S '48 PACK AnrJ for eale or trade. Iquttr IBM. 1234 fio. Commercial. qiol 81 OlxDB. 88 Holiday Coupe for aala or trade. Dayi, 134 So. Lancaster Dr. Krea. 388 No. tlmi. Qfl 1088 FORD COUPE hot rod 46 to 48 MY block, Lincoln ceara, hrdraullo brakei, body reworked, perfect ehape, trade for car. Inquire venlnu 6 to 6, carl May'i itatlon, corner Church & Wtuhlniton. Dallaa. q RON'S 51 MERCURY CLUB COUPE, , 1 OWNER, 22,000 ACTUAL MILES, NEW SET OF PREMIUM WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, HEATER, OVERDRIVE, FENDER SKIRTS, '90 OLDSMOBILE 88 CLUB COUPE. RADIO, HEATER, HYDRAM A T I C , NEW PREMIUM WHITE SIDE WALL TIRES, 1 OWNER, VERY SHARP INSIDE AND OUTSIDE. '50 FORD V-8 CUSTOM CLUB COUPE. R&H, OVER. DRIVE, REALLY SHARP AND A HONEY TO DRIVE! SPECIALS! '49 Ford V-8 custom club coupe, white side wall tires, R&H $845 '47 Chevrolet Coupe. R&H, 1595 '41 Chevrolet Tudor, very sood transportation $195 '41 Pontiac Sedan, R&H, has lots ol miles ahead of it $195 '40 Chevrolet 2-door, good $145 41 Bulck Sedanette, clean, good rubber and a good buy $225 '39 Pontiac 2-door. R&H, good runner ana line riding. $85 RON'S 1245 Broadway Phone 2-6808 42A 1950 Buick Sup er Sedan ..,...$1995 61A 1930 Buick Sup er Sedan .....$1895 36A 1930 Bulck Spe cial Sedanet ...$1495 88A 1952 Chrysler - Saratoga Clb. $2695 JSA 1951 Plymouth ' Club Coupe ...$1495 AUTOMOBILES U41 CHEVROLET S-door WltO '49 ra- conditioned motor jnat Uu tailed. Phone 99441. S9t cnemUeu. ( 4-rfHKKL DBIVB loop, onoeuent ahapo. rnon isctv anor p.m. vr '41 BDICK srECUX, 4149. Flint, own er, pnona aie. ova '50 BUICK Super convertible. MUt ire en finish with matehrai interior, R&H, dmaffOW, leetrle window $1995 'CO BUICK .......$1995 Super Itinera aedan. R&H, Verjr, ver? aharpil 51 BUICK .....2305 Super Riviera fed in. fleleo tronlo radio, heater, a very nice burl CHEVROLETS! 'U Deluxe aedan. RAH. reallr ' ihtrp. and low priced 11591 M Club coupe. Lota of extras and verr elean allH voo Deluxe 4-door eedan. R&H. a well famllr ear tlSffl 'ft iKiuxe t-aoor aedan thii u lomethla tto own , $H9( w Tudor, rau, a real uuy for only $1085 a Aero aeoan. very jean and very eharp ..,., MM js f-ieetmaier. hsj, pricea low $905 l Pleetune 4-door aedan. RAH. Worth mora than $ Mft DE SOTOS! '10 Cuatom 4-door aadan. RAH, up-toa-matle tranamleeion. need! a proud owner uses no uuitora mud coupe, very abarp ana very eieen ............. .,11646 49 OLD6 8 im Club ledsin. KvMllantl '41 CADItsLAO Jim Kioor aeoan, loaded with ec- 4BeuorIu eBd jharnl '47 MKRCURT $ m -4juur musui, reatiy anarp, i owner, leaa tban 60,000 mllei. CAPITAL Auto Sales Chemeketa at 0. Commerelal On. Block Sooth of Center at. Phone 4-1407 .94' British Car SALES TRADE-INS 1948 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDAN. MH, EXCIU,EHT CONDITION TKROUOHOUT $845 1951 M-G TD RAH. LOW MTLIAOI , $1695 Brown-Fox BRITISH CAR SALES " BROADWAY MARKET Phone 4-9091 n B. - B. BLACK BEAUTY 47 FORD "I" SEDAN White wall Urea eeat eorera Knook-dowa prloo $595 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Ooe. to Chureh -Open . t.m. S 7' BEAUTIFUL HARD top 1441 Peckard, orulnal owner, cxeellent condition, low mUeaae. Price 99,000, Boi 49. Capiui Journal. off4 194. BUICK SEDAN for aale or trade. Oreen trailer at Hlsbwar Auto Court. . O. Prrihall. qloo 'a. CHEV. Sedan. Radio, heater, .reel- lent condition, 9i,l, or aquitr. I-940S. 1441 BUICK Super 4-door. Radio, haat- r. rood rubber, aerrlce man leevln. anon, mm m II,r. 4-4JM .Iter Paa. , er Sedan ......$ 795 45B 1946 Bulck Sup er Sedan ......$ 7S5 72A 1949 Bulck Rd- mstr. Riviera . .$1695 34B-1B47 Olds. 76 . Sedan ........$ 795 SOB 1948 Nash Sdn, $ 745 10C 1946 Ford Dlx. 6' , Tudor v .$ 695 17B 1947 Buick Sup er Sedan $ 895 1-671949 Plymouth Dlx. Tudor ...$1095 116B 1951 Ford Sdn. $1695 HOB 1949 Bulck Rd- ... mstr. Sedan ...$1395 14B 1949 Dodge Sedan ........ $1095 AUTOMOBILES '41 PONTIAC 4 door, radio, heaUr, motor. Barrain, 194 if. nra. 099' IN CHEV. Panel. Kotor, tlree, paint ooa. u parmenie. Die m, 607 M. Capitol. ' M WANT wOH Prlrat. Partr '49 or later Oner, or Ford. Hurl m. tn sood ocn dltlon, sood rubber. Oath. Phone 3-9419. . S - S. BTARLITB STODEBAKEJl ' '51 V-8 CLUB COUPE . It baa ormthlns but aa owner. We're slrtns It awar. $1695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Whero Onuneketa Oow to Churob Open S - 4 p.m. of 1B59 NASH RAMBLES atatlon waion. Overdrive radio, heater. 91999V Carl a-floai or anoppen car Park 1 DROP TWENTY We've Sliced the Price " f 20 Every Day ONE IS GONE HERE IS THE OTHER 1949 Olds. Sedan with Hy dramatic STARTED $1495 TODAY $1375 WATCH IT DROP. . BUY IT RIGHT - IF YOU WAIT : YOU'LL BE SORRY OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center Phone 2-3623 B.-S. BUT tSOON - fThti won't Hit) '40 HUDSON SEDAN Blf Apeclal $95 : . SHROCK MOTOR CO. Whtrt Chnttekctft Qoei to Church Open l .m. - 8 p.m. nVP MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS mi ALLSTATE motor Mooter with to uiiorlM. Good eondHion. 3-toil tfttr 4-OA p.m. 335 Portland Roid. qit)7 FARM EQUIPMENT FORD TRACTOR, like n,w. Dirt aeoop to ill nraraullo int. 4 It. John seero nlic, new; aprlnatooth, new. 3Mj roller rait of 4 Cornera. Ph. 41001. qb AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CHKVROIJIT VRlvt i rind, complete 1- bor. 11830. B1U Hullt Auto Rtpftlr, 1115 Bmiis Avt., netr Colon 111 Boum. Phoni . Formerly with Cheiro let. Union ihop. qcW HAVING EADIATOIt TEOUBLlf V1I Motor Co. txperU will tolf your prob lmp. ftiM) itrt yoa monty. Prt) t1 ntui tpMdr rTietj. cmttr l Lib trtr. ea TRUCKS EQUITY in new Chev. -rrd dump truck. Take car or pickup la trade. 637 10. Winter. qd9 BOATS lt-FT. Marin. Plrwood Boat. 1994 No. Church. Phone 9-7149. ooM FOR sale. 4 horaepower Johnaon motor Eieellent eorKlltlon, Price tioo.oo. aw Bill Porter, win Salem Oltr Hall. Ph. 9IBT3, afternoona. qoBt1 tl-FOOT CENTURY BTDROPLANE will to orer 39 mtlee per hour. Pow ered br S3-H.P. Johnaon outboard no tor. Ineuranca iuat renewed Iortlo0 lor one rear. Prle. 9914. SALEM BOAT HOVBE, phone I4IW. ' U. S-UJ end M-iM sad rot m. aanion ' INIURANCB AND LOAM Bear Top Trader". 114 Dalrr KSLM UN . OENBIIAL PXNAMCB CO. ; . - LOAMS 194 S. OauanUl SS. ' TaL M141 PRIYATB alOXNY SaMal Baku and Tolas Oa Larsar Laaaa tans and Short Tna PTBaata BAY B. SIMMOKS Ut SO. CaauaaraW St. IB. MtSI LOANS UP TO $1500 V. on aumatura. Pumltnr.. Car AT PERSONAL It' "raa" proaptu t .mplorad sua or womoa. 1-rUlt loan , . phone tint. Yon aalect but panneat data. : -4) Between pardar loan. Phoney writ, or com. la TODAYI , ': Personal Finance Co. 10 8. BIOR ST SALEM - State Lieena. Noa. S-lll. U-144 Loana orer 9900 np t 41400 and up to SO month 1 to roper mad. ar Paraonal Finance Co. of laarton Countr under the indnatrtal Loan Companlae act of Orel on. rlos AUTO LOANS WILLAtlETTB CREDIT CO. . ' 149 south Church ,, ,, ; Parkin. a-Plentr Ph. 1-1441 U. Mo. U-lt. S-194 OIVE FIRST MOBTOAOB aMurltr oa cltr l-badroom bono. Waal 43 MO. Par back 444 par month, fnolndbur 4e Inureet So. Baa Ooraata, RMltor, Dial tue. MONEY PROBLEMS? Ut na tak. lh. lfa" out of poor mon.r probleme. Up to ttoo on amaU loana, Up to 9400 oa auto loana. STATE FINANCE CO. a-114 u-xa Pboao S4U1 101 S. Bllh St. noo MONEY YO lean oa real eitaU. Pnoa S-0794. HIT HOUSE TRAILERS 11 FT. TRAILS a Home. Phone POOftl. taui Bar . . . Rereerae . . . Sell LANA IMOt TftAIUnt PLAZA Trad. . 1440 Lanoaatu ATa. . Ken tat tat tl FOOT TRAILER, tott sood wadltloa. rnon. 3-9970. uar FOR SALE Eqoltr la 1951 Llbertr bona, trailer, 31 ft 4-4114. talol DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makee need machine, sold, rentad, repair!, Bom, 44 Court, Ph. 3-4773. O. W, BXANO Wreoklnt Co. Bulldara' h.ap auppUea, t-7394 .renlnaj. 0114 BULLDOZING Bulldoatns, road elaartm teeth. V trail Bueker, 1014 Palrrlew. Pa. 1-3144. ' olll CASB REGISTERS Initant dellverr or new RCA aea rerlitera. All rnakee, aold, ranted, ra palred. Boon, 44 Court, Pa. 3-4779. CUSTOM FARM frOBK Plowlni, clanlns, Medina. Ford equip ment, isarehal, 4371 Market. Phon. 1-1949. oiot DRESSMAKINO Alteration,, hematltohlna, battaaa. buokleo corerod, buttonbolaa, lira. H. M. Allender. 1-9911. 104 DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drlr. the "Baap Drlre" war. Call or let ut. snellinr, Taller Mo tor Co, Salem. Phon. 4-1147 ar 4-um. EXCAVATING Ben Otjen at Son. Exoaratlnt. srad Inr. land elearlnr. Phonf 1-1090. 1U FURNITURE RKFINISHLNO Krnlture rallntahlnt, repaired. Bd r Brook. 444 Morwap St. Phon 1-4347. 049 INSULATION Ineulatlon, waatheritrlpa, alumtnuae praa aetimatat, T. Pullman. Ph. i-stst, sill MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlns. roioratea. Pull Un. new mattraaaea. Ph. 3-4049. a OFFICR FURNITURE a SCPPUES Deak ehalra, fllea, fUlnf auppllea, aafea, duplloatotra, auppllea, deak la rape, trpe wrlter aunde. Roan, 444 Court. SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Overt. Sharpenlns and Repair aerr lce. Lawnmowera, knlrea, aheara, erclaa and email motor,. Ph. S4414 or 49149. 14th and "D" eu. 114 SEPTIC TANRS Mlke'a Septlo Swrloe. Tanka cleans. D'rootor olean, aawera, drain. Phon. 1-4494. 0110 Hamel'. aeptlo tanka .leaned, Un. .ervlco. Quaranteed work. Pbon. 1-7404. on Sewer, aeptle tanka, drain, cleaned. Rota-Rooter Rawer Sarrkw. Phon. 1-4311. L. W. Caudle, aprarlni and prunlnt. Phon. 4-1441. oiot TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, RoraL ua. derwood portablaa. All makee naad machlnea. Bepalra Jt rant. Roes.- 464 Court. a Prompt televlalon and - radio repair aerrlce. Phon. 4-9941. 471 Market, der or nlaht. oll4 VENETIAN BUND LAUNDRY Canlleld'a Laundrr, Repair,, Rellnlab Ina. 1440 S. 13th. Ph. 4-4401. Plck-UP. Dellrerr. ollS WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleanera. Induitrlal floe waxlns. houaeeleanln..' Phon 3-3317. 147 Court, e Dr. r. T. Lam. RA Or, a. Chan NJ5 DRS. CHAN . . LAM CHINESE NATDBOPATH8 Cpstalrs, Ul North Libert Office open Saturdar onlr I a.m. to 1 p.m.. 4 to 1 ra. Consultation, blood preaaur. and rtn. t.ata ar free of chart. Practiced alnea 1411. Writ, for eltraatlr nft. N ! .atloa. 4 f. i V