Pace 22 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE ,. Selling the 6 Point Way .Jf" "N"10 M ot oouao eventually work, but wh tha "eventual, ir '"" 1 w to eelli rou wish In trr a proven and olfoc llv approach, why not cooperate with ua on the " POINT WAY" and II. At jour convenience why not call us and lot ua work out lor vou i,-"'' """on ether (hex) Uu old-feshloned "eventually" tysua. wnu wt work totether, thins usually happen. Thursday, April 23, 1953 1S4 SO. fclGH REALTORS PH. 43651 Kvrnlnii ei.! 43644 e7 REAL ESTATE I! fossa, isnvs REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE n Tart of 8tlfctorr Service V, I I TOD PLAN TO BUY OR SELL A HOUS. FARM OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS READY FOR A DEAL t Btdroomj. party room In basement with fireplace, lar. llvlnt room, dlnlnt room and pl.esant at.p-evlni kitchen. Patio with fireplace, sprinkler aratem. Owner wUl trade lor I or 4-bedroom homo, Enl wood disk and par dlllerence. Readr lor ! (14.0M. 365 E. RURAL, NOB HILL W don't ofton have nice homo to oiler In thl dealrable chool dUtrlct. The (-room homo U In perfect eondltlon. Hat 3 bedroom nd den that could bt ueed a bedroom, Fireplace and out. heat. Pull baaomtnt with recreation room. Treea, ahniha and hadioj eomplelaa Uila lovelr corner lot. Immediate oeoupancr. Owner aaklni only I U.CWO Xor thla 411,000 homo. Moruatt U could bo increased. SUBURBAN WEST 1U acree el fruit, nuU. crapec, aarden. Well built s-bedroora home In , excellent condition. Pull baaement with furnace heat. Poublo taraee. 1 Owner aaklnt (11,(00 and It'a well worth Ik WALNUT PARK 4 BEDROOMS Amoni fine homee. J bedrooma and bath down, 2 bedrooma and - bath up. Lart llrina and dlnlni room. All floor carpeted wlUi $35 per id. carpeltat. Plnlahed baiement and a-car garaae. Her la a fin horn, built pre-war with beet material. It la roure lor under coat. Sub . atantlal mortiaie can b arramed. tll.SOO. ENGLEWOOD Hero la an attractive five-room, newer ..ome, In a desirable district, that can be bouibt lor onlr 911,000. Auto, oil heat, llreplace, nook, . . hardwood lloora, laraie ,a lot ol bom for the money. . KINGWOOD On top of th hill. II you need a 4-bedroora hom and a f-car aaraae, and what a view, don't fall to call ua to ae thtc quality home lor onlr , 111,000. .... Severin Realty Company 835 N. HIGH ST. DIAL 4-5943; EVE. 2-5695 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WI NPED LISTINGS, particularly hlaher prloed home and all Irpea with low down parmenia. EXCELLENT VALUE Poaalble J-bedroom. Oil heat. In ulated. Very clean and nlc to ehow. Wall-to-waU carpete. Clot to bul. ator and aehool. Ooodly number ol Irult treea. nice la onlr (t00. Shopping Center Area Good modern home wlUl lull base m.nt. stawduit lurnace. plreplace. Bua, achool and atore very close, out of atate owner jara sell 11. very uoerei urma. PuU prke 110,400. LITTLE GEM J tut Ilk ntr. In Enfltwood dtjt, Very deslrabls Property lor tlltur a reoltl or n older couple that dotsn't want too much yard to kttp up. Att. garact. Very unique, mil prict oniy iOO. Term, Not Just a House But a nlct home. Offered (or salt to close eitate. Oil heat. Very uiraD location. Iniulated. Att. taraie. spac ious lot. Price has been reduced to 110,000. Terma, 1 1000 down. 9 UNITS . In a Terr desirable location. Rent Art extremely reuotiable. Yet tha total (roil Income Is $397 per mo. Average monthly expenses $7Q to 80. In lood condition. Liberal terma. Pull price only 119,000. BRICK BLDG. I rental unit. Roof In food repair Income can b increased to 10O per , Tenant paylni rent very prompt. Ovtr 4 yrt. on exUtlng leaee. Owner will accept tood paper u part pay- sunt. Full prict $10,600. . REAL ESTATE East , Englewood Hera la an ODoortunltv to buv i home in thla beautiful new reiklcntlal out net. wt art offering two new 2 bedroom bouiw lor aale. Built by Prank Morth. wt believe tbty art the beat deal In town conilderlnt location, materia, workmanship and prlee. One u a -story bouts with a buna up stair. Tha other baa a full basement. Both art located on long let IIM it.). Priced at $11,000. these house can be financed on an 10 P. H A. loan. Call ua :or mora eomplett detail, ABRAMS. BOURLAND U BKINNXB 411 Masonlt Bulldlnc Real Estate Inauranct llortcattLoana Phone: 3-M17 sTvenlnia; S-4TO0 et8' WA.NT FURNITURE Must Sell at Once - In Yamhill Co., Dayton Dist. close to to., on main nlway. ex. Iocs. tlon. 1M acre but of row crop soil. i a. to cult, or tan u a. river bot torn with, Irritation system (JS-H.P. lac.) Lartt eomplett aet farm bldia. (old), 1 tractors ft other farm equip ment. CTict mo eu. Easy term, courtesy to broker. PBOPLT8 E chahui, Aeaitort, McMlnnvllJe, Ore, . eM' HOTEL Thl sis Ideal for semi-retired couple. Porperty Is In flnt eondltlon, 13 rooms plus Hvlns; quarters, apartment and one room lor met rental, forced air oil furnace. Completely furnished axcept owner' apt. Consider home aa part payment, PuU prict $36,000 Terms If desired. I CALL POR DAN H5AAK, EVE. PH. 4-3533, or MR. CRAWrOIlD, EVS. PH. 4-5020, or MR. VJOOINS, EVE. PU. 4-6W4. If no answer, call 4-234$. 2 ACRES With very modern d-yr.-old S-btd- room house. Pull basement .Very doss to school. Cherry and walnut trees plus good variety of family fruit. Built-in deepfreeze thrown In for food measure, run prict ii,70O. Ttrms. 15 ACRES Mr. nan, .tl Mr. Moon I-1M3 Kilgore's Kolumn ' : AUMSVILLE $4500 $1600 Down Vary nlct I-bedroom faomt n torntr lot. . KEIZER DIST. MANBRIN GARDENS- S home, I Iota, a beautiful corner property. An abundance of fruit tree, flower and berrle. $8700 FHA loan can be assumed. Priced at $14,000 and wall worth It. Two mors larta homes could bt built on thla corner. Would tradt tot Portland proptrty, ENGLEWOOD DIST. 3 Bedrooms $7500 Modern 3-bedroom home in very good eondltlon. Oarasc. Tool house. Pvd. rd. only 4 mile from Baiera. Spring water. Prict la only I92S0. 3 ACRES MINUS With modern 3-bedroom house. small barn, garagt. Oood well of wat- Stone' throw from store, near achool. Offered for sale to dost ts- tate. ran prict only $7,350. UORTOAOE LOANS 30-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor! Offle Phone: 43311 or 1-7820 : 3039 PORTLAND ROAD Bve. Phor.ii: 3-4136, Mill, 4-1533, 4-M or 1-39SI If no anawer, phone 4-2341 Well located en N. location. leih at., (3 a 131 lot, a lood bur In the right ; SUBURBAN EAST $1100 DOWN $7500 I bedrooms, all. gar., oak flra Insulated Is waatherstrlpped, lawn In, tancrett drlvt, oo paved at. 1751 N. FRONT $2800 S-badroom ta ft 1 110 lot. would make a dandy rental. $110fl loan can bt auumtd tor purchaser. Furnltura can bt purchased for $300. Will bt ptn for tout Inspection all day today. Look It ovtr, than call at office. ADJOINING PROPERTIES Owner flint forces cut aale. Moving to Bug en t force tht other. Both priced to tnc mirage buyers' Interest. 1462 MISSION t bedroom, Inside utility, part basement, verr attractively decorated, inflntehtd upatalra, nlct yard, a bargain. 1480 MISSION Comer lot, I bedrooms, dining room, lnaldt utility, nlct yard; would akt trailer boost tradt for tqultr. A bargain at $7950 Tht two together would make dandy buslneu corner after new Santlam highway come In on Mission St, Drlvt by. If you wish to in spect ahorouihly. tall for appointment. 4-UNIT COURT Special Offer $6500 TtMome 1130 monthly. Takt ovtr contract, balance ot $3150 payable at IA0 month. Building la 4 year old, tiled floor. 1 -bedroom units. Each unit completely modem. Would take ear or trailer houaa for most of , tqultr. This won't last, call today. Equity 250. NEW 3-BEDROOM $9750 ' . ' $2000 Down Bal. $50 Month Will bt ready for occupancy in I wteki. Located on a dandy comer lot. Attached gar ate face aldt street. Home has oil furnace, oak firs., wired for dryer and plumber for auto, washer. An all-around nice place. Much mora than rou would expect to find for this prict. $9000 $2000 Down Bal. $50 Month Wt also havt a hom like tht abovt described for $9000, Only dlfler tnc la lt'i two years old. Call for Mr. McDonald, CLAUDE KILGORE Realtor and Auctioneer 4-BDRM. TRADE Nearly new 4 -B R. home near Dick- aon Mkt. to trade tor email homa In U. W. HBEVM, AEALTOff. 1800 Mission fit. Ph.- I4fifln town. Eve. 43945 or 36538 cM' G, I. OR F. H. A. If you havt been looking for a late- built bungalow, ranch ttylt home, near Englewood school and handy to the bus, you ihould see thla 6-room home with finished basement, auto matic heat to all roomi. Fireplace, au tomatic dishwasher, dandy fanced-ln reawooa dick yard. $H.ft0O. A very good buy. Seeing 1 believing, and we tan giro you excellent financing. Only One Available and now being completed. Plastered, hardwood floor thruout and mahog any trim, door. $1000 down, balance lea than rent. Will also furnish dry tr and washer If desired. FHA in spected and fully approved, Thl won't last long. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor j no n. capitoj . Ph. 3S310 . c7' Brand New 3-Bedroom, home, built under P.H.A. Inspection. Onlr $750 down and J 58 per mo. Including taxes and Insurance. All hardwood floors. Very outt and weu arranged. Attached garage. In aldt city limits on paved street. DOLL HOUSE Iverything you could ask for In a one-bedroom home. A light and cheer ful living room with fireplace and book cabinet. Lovely dining room with china closet. A dandy kitchen plus a breakfaat nook. Inclosed utility. Lot or storage, a well-shaded corner lot. ravea street, bus by door. Only $6250 $3750 Is the full prict for thla good 1 -bedroom home with-bath, on a dandr full acre of land. Best of toll. Just north out oz ins city limits. Deep well with Plenty of water. Chicken house and rabbit hutches. What can rou pay REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South BUh Street Prion I-201 Prion ovenlnfa and Sunday: 41871, 1-H5S. 4-l.HC, 4-531., J-S.6 c97 WANTED SALESMAN AUCTIONS Furniture Auction tonite at 7 o'clock at LANK SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD, lo cated 1 mile east of Salem on Silverton road. Ph. 3-6908. . ddOT M-yeab-OLD manufacturer of main tenanct products, rated A-1, datlrei salesmen for several ttrritorlee in western Oregon and southwestern Washington. Kverr manufacturing plant. Institution and building owner ft good prospect. Pull credit on mall orders. Protected territory. Liberal commission and bonuses paid weekly, No Investment required. Thorough training by Division Manager. Contact writ Bernardr, Tht New Heatbman now, rortiand, Oregon. Thursday, mum, Vr oaiuroay ior interview. SlflB East Salem AUCTION Lota of good used furniture and ml, cellaneou tonight -7:30. 1335 Lan caster Dr. Phone 4-371. dd07 w ah reu company representative will ot in B.uem to Interview man who would like to to In busmen. Write m once giving street address and phon number. Id Walker, PO Box ror nana t. est) 8 WANTED POSITIONS i, ' D1 NUB8ERT Stat. H"H, a wepeciea. fnona j.7a?6. hm CHILD CAU-Aaa I to , rn at home Broad.. j aD Hlahland. Phono 0SS. ns7 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White face Hereford. S6e. Locker pork. J 5c. Nothlna down, fl mo, to pay. custom killing. Trailer io an so iree. oaiem aftat Co., nn 8. 25.11. Fn, 3-4868. PETS ORANGE CANARIES, Chemexeta. phont 1-438&, 1S40 ecVB1 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1058 atcCor, one diock east or . Capitol, 1 mfu norm oi Maoison. Fa, i-tm. C102 parakeets, case and stand. Very Teasonapie. ia so. Winter, tc99 MOORE TROPICAL FISH. Parakeet! turtles, supplies. 1 miles from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-1771, Closed Wednesday. FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up rour presto.LOf, Brlquat and Wood. 1I So. Com'L, phone J-77J1. ,,. Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduat tub aervtce. all kind, af wooa. rnone 9oee. e ST MINTINO-ahakea houaee. roof,; -."....., K. roone e-380. OOOD CB1UJ ,.r.. On. to an. Lane... ter elclnltr. 1740 Thorndal. or 1-3S0B c",'-0 c. naaonabl Korth. Phone v.rncalnet work. hom. re. TVi" "u"iu. call 3f.ll, OTOIIU.1NO avenlnie. Salurd.r,, ncavr area. fnon. J.fiSSS. hl07- PLOHINO DISCINO BEBVlcr.. Phone 3-t.M. 1MMEDIATK h7 TILLING wiln a Ul iit,rx tiller. hlOl " -oppinr, trlmmlnr. t. is; . "v""- John Pajn. Ph. S-OSei. h,a """ notary hoeln. Free .m. ...a. uuan wolcott, Phon l.U7. mil PAINTING, Paper-hanln. Iree mate. Don Lucero. Phone S.S533. eatl-hlot LANDSCAPE maintenance, iiimi.' trimmlnf. plantlnt, lertuialni. Ser. let Center, phon 4-3.73. hl0 rMsanr country aurroundlnaa, tloae wt .own. competent onild car. Wallace no. h99 FOR RENT APARTMENTS lINniKNISUED 1 bedroom court; full bath, near ahopplnf center. Adulla. UU Trade. 1W BUILDING MATERIALS CLEAN 1 bedroom houaa. partly lurnlah. d. 117s Trade. I-Ilt, P7 PVBNIIHED bachelor apartment. Ullll tie paid. Near Stat, and Mill but 1110 Trade. JP101 LOVELY APAatTMKNT, 4 block from U. & Bank, la a tree ..tunc. rlr- proof buUdln. Plenty of heat and hot water. Automatle laundry. TV con section. Adulla, lee at Ul Oak atreet JP101' VNrvKNUHED 1-bMlroom apt. blocka from downtown. UtllltlM fur- nleued .iMtrlclty. ft5 month, call pioneer Truat Co., 3-ll: JpM' NICELY rilBNISHED I room ud bath. UIOM in. SB4 1. Com'L JP10O' CLEAN, COHFOBTABLE, amaU apart- meni. unjy ,.a. Cloe in. pra l.rrtd. Perry St. JplOO' UNFUBNIBBED APT. Dnutually attrac tive, roomy two bedrooma. Heat and hot water furnlahed. Automatic waaa er cloa In. Boa $9. Capital Journal. lp1- BOOU (urnlahed, luU bath, heat and water rurnunou. Near Medical center, 139. 1-1M7 or 4-3(04. 1MT PURNISHKD APARTMENT. Ill month, iiaon. Capitol, phono 4S(U. lpt BEDROOM (urnlahed apartment, dole In. Phone 4-9&7I. - Jp 7.w PurnUhad 3-room apt. 140 Dlr- laion. pnon 4-fiB3fl. jpss BOOM lurntihed apartment. 401 So. Winter. JpM" rilBNISHED bachelor apartment. One or two men. DtUltlea, 340 Xaat Waah Intton. jp,7 OB 4-ROOM lurnlehed court apart- menta. cioae in. a-oo4fl. jpg9 REDUCED K M PER DAY DNTTX. SOLD J only Scott Attwatar 10-B.P. Outboard Motor. S-pd ahlll automatle atartr. Slartlm price April 14th, APRIL 24, $241.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Pront a Court St. . Phon t-llll WI WVE . H. GREEN STAMPS ma NURSERY STOCK CHOICE OLOXINEAS now bloomlna. yialtora welcome at Salem' African Violet baadquartera. Puchala, petunia, tomatn U baddlny plant. Oppen' ' Oreenhoue. 4330 Auburn Rd. ' mbiu PBIMR08E8 25c each; sweat William, loo aacn. jaaa Midway Drlv,, Phoa 3MH. " mbloo PETUNIAS, aeranlum, marlaold. Dee- peri, tomatoea, whol.aal. and retail. Arthur Planta Oreenhouaw, lie, so. 13th. phone 3-4(70. mblos NORTHWEST STRAWBERRY plant' Phone 4-3311. mil1 AZALEAS, 39o and up. Warln Nuraary. loss, oak Hill Ava. prion. 1-43U (turn laat on rE al South Vlllaae Tavern). mb" AZALEAS IN bloom. Hardy verletla. Popular color. 35e to (2.00. Salea yard, 3630 N. ith. strayer Aaalea aar den. 9o9 Locuat. mbs,. HKOQE OB WINDBREAK Privet, Uurt i. cameiiiu, conircra, boxwood. Ph 22H3. 3407 Hollywood Drl... mbIM EXQUISITE, 3-room, bath, lane, food Ticg. arounq noor. Phone 3-1117. 1P83 riUKLl FUBNISHED 3-room iround IlOOr. KleCtrlB ran... r.frte.r.tAr Prlrat bath and entrance. 40, Phone ..on. iio re. rront. idB7 niiEi furnished apartment with reuse ana rerrleerator. Private bath, .uiu. i.cjjuiee ano Ulllltle in- ciuoeo. 45. cioae to capltol buUd- uiae. rnone 434B1, JplOO FOUR-ROOM clean. In I Adult only. APARTMENT Neat and (ooa location. 133.90. v.u in peraon. WORK and Jlnathlni. A Bom- , pnone -W74. 1905 N. 9Ul. b.103 ANDERSON'S hand picked alab wood, 2 cord. (14. Phon 27791 or 44393. 109" West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 1" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1(39 Edtewater rnon Baiera 1-4031 VALLEY VIEW Rrtnd new S-bdrm. home, laria lot no a-car taraie. Ksty terms or mil at a aman noust in raie. $4000 buya this Tery clean llttlt late-bullt 1-bdrm. home. Lit. eorntr lot with foundation for another house. Located nor to oi io wn. Terms. NORTH SIDE This Is a very l-hrim. hom. with Ian. rail. A attached a rase. Lee. lot with fruit & nut trees. msai on ous line, priced risht. WALTER MIISORAVI REALTORS 1311 Zdiewater I910 Ere. 39139 . CO 7 146S N. CAPITOL PH. 4-6062 CALL COLBATH DIAL 4-4494 Whispering Firs LOVELY SETTTOO AMONO THE TAU, FIRS. Thl late-bullt 3-bdrm. home with larsa LR, wonderful kitch en, roomy nook, hdwd. fire., corner winnows, on neat. Inside utility rm (THUS HOE HAS 037 HQ WT. np yur. SPACE) , aaraae. paved road. YOURS FOR (7(50. GOOD TERMS. SWB MRS. OOLESBEE. KVl. PH 23373. MILLION DOLLARS WODLD BUY A LOT BUT THIS FINK lAjvuiY a-oarm. nome only costs eDuv. j-emures jane lr with wall-to- wall carpetlnr, etcfllent kitchen with tht Clltest bat door from klhn iA llv. rm. Pront and back yard in Dr. iPft shane. (Bactt fncwi t tv.. , Dioom. Aiiacnufl tarast, THIS 16 LIV ING AT ITS BEST. WILL LET AUTO WASH KB OO IN DEAL IT BOLD THIS t.oe.1. per. ,J. UULESBKS, STVK. PH. 25371. TELL YOUR FRIENDS lir THKY HAVC A Mfl Vluitvi about this wondprful l-Mrm dimu Di),& iiumd wiui nvtni rm., dlnlni ...... iiiuunii vsiin, xounmown kitch- uiuiiy rm., car port, large lot, oil A. FURNAPR TO A l.l. orw-ii. hdwd. firs. ALL THTA IYiD isia down and 157 tur month, iyypai. ESSf wlM50-u 8fr HARRT VA" HORN, Kvt. Ph. 41765. 200-ACRE RANCH 7 MILES OUT. UA siii sf .t.i.1. 1M A. Is In win tor h..t anm. btT. wonderful view and bulldinr site. irncro. only 190 per ere. 4 dn. 6EK T. T. ANDERSON, ROY TODD Real Estate baches WEST SALEM Nlc noai l-bedroom home, llvlnr, kitchen, bath, store, .pare In aula with tlrway up. Nlc lo( 40loo, picket lenc. 0rasa. Very tood boy at (430. call Mr. Ruch, Mlaaman. WHISPERING TREES It you Ilk a lovely aettlni amont th trr, ae thla S.bdrm. borne an nearly te acre with paved alrrrt, aouth. very rlean and only yra. aid. Ralem HelihU dlilrlel. ((7(0. Call Mr, Todd, NEW HOME files 17x11 llvlnr, dlnlnt, kitchen, t Mrm bath, alt. larate. tot Mi HO. Only m blk. to achool (tore. Thla It a real buy at ((000. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. LESLIE DISTRICT U. Ilvlnt (a dlnlnt combine, nlc kitchen, tltuily. I bdrmi. Olaued-ln breenway wllh att. israao. Fenced bark yard. Cloe to ohool stores. Only KS00. Can Mr. Vendervorl, talesman. 33 ACRES Irritation for II ae. 11(0 ft Irritation sip, all 1-tal. sprinkler, l-hors turbln pump, t a. oaneberrlH, I to. perm, paature, ( ao. .ta as vetob. 13-atanehlon barn. I0i3( chick, hse. Lie. home with bdrm. Linns dlnlnt, kltohtn. mil. to ten. Price 111,000. Call Mr. Ruch, aalesman. 129 ACRES to ae. tn enlllyatlon, bal. la patturt. ll-etanehion barn. 90-ton apaelty. Chick hse. and other outbutldlnii. Oood l-Mrm. house with lllnr( dlnlnt, klrohen, bath. ThU U 4 buy at 15,000. call Mr. etmpson, talesman. ROY TODD, REALTOR re mile east) . All in ..... u.. creek. Thu la wonderful dairy arlup IS-slanrhlon trade A barn, milk hse Jhirken hse . lane Impl ehed. Oood 7-rm. modern home, fireplace and baarnt. Wonderful ahaded and Uthled r.ui nuwera snrubs. This la only (MM) ner .rr. Su r t DFRSON. Eve. ph. 41714. LOVELY 2 ACRES with treenhse. SftxM tt nlu. n..iH. shed, cold trsmee and all equipment lie ot planu tnd flower, oood BUSINERS. abo ood sm.ll knotty pin. modern hom. in an..... PBITTOl RIOIIT AT (SJM on OOOD TERMS. REE T. T. ANDERSON, Eve Ph. 43714. T. T. Anderson 43714 V.n Horn 41744 Otlrsbea 33373 ornci dial 4494,24558 yj WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILOORE Needa a few llstlnta on homes and larm lor M. capltol St. onto. Ph. 44H3. 14(3 N. CAPITOL. ca- GREAT BDYINO DEMAND for farms and aereate. XJat youra with Colbatb Land Co. fie T. T. Anderson, Farm Atent. Phon 4-4494. Eve, 4-3714. NOTICE: If your proptrty Is for sale. rent or exchante, list It with us. W hav all kinds ol caah buyer. STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 1S3 8. Rtlh St. ce WE ARE badly In need ot 1 tnd 3-bed room homea, In Lealla Dlst. Also need home anywhere with amaU down pay ments. What have you AL UAAK, REALTOR, PH. 43311 If no anawer, ph. 4-331 , ca WE ARE In need of tood housea to aalL In or near Salem. If you wiah to list your propsrty for aals, ae QRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS. 134 8. Liberty Ph. 3-347 c EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB SALS OR TRADE for a place With acreast. Modern b -room house, has 3-room apt. Private entrance, also extra sleeping1 room. Each furnished. Double garaie. Lot IS by 100. All (or 12.M0. 1349 60. 12Ui. cb98' YiAR. OOOD location, 3 bedrooms, lorely Ilvlnt fc dlnlnt rooms, kitchen, utility, many bul It-Ins. sun porch, attached taraie. automatle forced-air heat. For suburban, larte lot, not south. Private parly. J-0508. b97" SHt-A. RANCH 60 A, farm land, creek a sprinii. moaern o-rm. lot house with tile floors. walk-In freeier. good flihlni ft hunting. Intl. with ranch Is cuwb, i caives, 2iOQ cnickens, trac tor, other machinery and equipment. met ijj.ouu. will tradt for hotel. motel, home or buslnest. C. A. Miller nriiw, uu . Miner, rn. -S417, Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, SPECIAL FOR 30 DATS Planer trlmmlnis, (t load. Phon IT731 NEW LAWNS, complete, free eatlmates. OARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowlnt, dlaclnt, lavcllnt, rototlUInt, Srvlc Center. Phon 43(73. hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, doslnt, dirt level. int. traomt. fnon t-3330. M031 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK dlsctni, - teedlnt. Phone h(( Plowlnt. 1-3041. FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS FRYERS FRYERS RAISERS 1. Would you like (o extra profit par bird! . Would you like an averat welsht or s.a ids. at l to v weeks? I. Would you Ilk. to hav. 3. tied conversion? ( Would you like thefact and proof? cee or uau OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHER Elmlra Road - Euteno, Ore, Ph. (-3482 ' ' U12' GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, batched every Monday and inurscay. uur cnicka trow faater. Fot'a Hatchery, 3830 Stat St. Ph. j-ivoe. WANTED Colored hens, ery, phone 3-38(1. Lee's Hatch' FOR BALE Twice weekly, day-old emeu in new nampsnire, Parmentera, Red, White Letborna, Auitra-Whlte, nnue ruK.s, wnu. wyandottea. Par. menter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-3861. .. PRODUCE GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Oem. pjaoe any lime now to Jujy, 33.(0 per .uu. rmuips uros., ki (, box 433, 3 miles caat 4 Corner on Stat st Ph. 43081. fr. HELP WANTED MALE WANTED Window and Interior display uiT.u, picieraLuy oeiween me aiea oi is ana as. Experience esientlal. Steady employment. Apply Mr. Carter, Monwornery wara. ta98 HELP WANTED FEMALE CAR HOP. Woodroffe'a San fihop, roruano no. No phone calls. 3400 lb1 WANTED Olrl with cashier experience, ior renei anm, lull time Job. Apply ucr b p.m. in person. BfEOWAY aaUKANT, 1170 Center. b' HOUSEKEEPER for country. J. D. Hart wen, pnone .1-1345. gbog EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted. Ap- pir in person, uartman Bros., 389 WOMAN WANTED In sales and service aepar.ment .aue 28 to 40. Will be taught a congenial business. Steady vmpioyrneni, must oe permanenL fun- ter Sewing Center, 130 No. Commercial. ftppiy mornings only. gbss WAITRESS. Woodroffe'a San Shop, 3400 ronmna ho. no pnone calls. tb1 HELP WANTED FEMALE lem. rb9T BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Home and Business SIX-ROOM HOME on two-way eec tlon of lllshway 03 (Business Zonel nil h, ..... .. larsa deen lot. Labi nr nrr.i.... Int. A dandy location for home and Business comoined. oood lor real es tate. Insurance, beauty ahop, an aloues. doctor, ele. The price Is only (13.(00. owner will consider smaller nome norm lor part. Center St. REALTY 17t Center St. TMn, 4-MJ1 art. Ph.; BrKhl 3-M3 Oles 1-7(13 NMEPRORTIES iHrt.E.. l rurnuhMi TnnnR.. (1S00O per month. Chae. Hudklni A Son. Phon 3tll( or Kvenlnt 3SH0. clw 13 UNIT APJlRTUrvr SKI. Hous. and Shopplnt Cen tjr. Over 1 10, 000 annual tree, income. Properly In axcrllrnt condition. Never any vacancies. Ated owner desires to rellr. sod will sell for ts.0ffl. T.k. - k -v .iw.vwv ana ll.OO0 csih. ST-" "H,",", " "ooklnt for Kir..?!"".' "h X" "'" better call us at once. Thl. is unusual ua w BS'?"N BKAljT"Y CO. Ml H. Hlth St. D,, ,.,, MSI Stat stmt Bvt. phonal Offle phon l-ffitl Raeh l-nili Simpson l-(33(; YanaUmrt I-M Todd 1-1731 Phone 2-2406 I To Place Classified Ads I "rfW,AVM.J II U:al:T7inTiTll II GIRL WANTED (or housework and care oi a cniidren. one school ait. Must jive in. ynone or 31047. iM7 axi-hRiENCBD typist for permanent position in Insurance f-jmpsr.;. C-uod opportunity for advancement In the insurance neid. Pnone 4-3287. tbOT1 8 rtu, WANTED for general office wore. APPiy ui person, 393 N. Hlah fb7 WANTED SALESMAN Salesmen Oiasaheat. America's meet modern heating inelhod, wants experienced full time and ambitious talesmen with car. Excellent opportunity for unllm- neo aarninis. Call In person. Olasi heat of Salem, 1540 Falrtroundi Road tm HAVE OPENING for real estate salu. man laminar with intercity and inter state trades and large commercial proper tirts. An excellent opportunity ior nan. party, ah information con fidential. Writ Capital Journal, Box iim RALPH JOHNSON Food Club has Opfn- in j or permanen. salesman. We train you. Average commission Is 40o per month with the very good btilty of doubling that figure. Apply air. Robb, lift Center at. Immediately. SI 101- Phone 2-2406 To Place Classified Ads tillino with Rotarr ho, carder. lawna, rnon i-tHt, ,385 7vrtreen. h!04' F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1347 8. Com-l. OLAD BULBS 1 dot. tl.oo. OahUaa named, 1 for 1.00. Tuberous betonlat 3for (1.00. Delphiniums, J for (loo Cala lilies, pink, white, J lor (loo' N. w str. B. plants. I dot. (l.oo.' Merrills Greenhouse, Brooks ........... rrrei us? For Sole MISCELLANEOUS Used Electric Console cabinet sewlnt machine, tood condl tlon and tuaranteed. Bartaln al Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Com'I. rg7 Ph. 33411 Jn7 NICELY ruE.MSHED apartmentai uBsaaqor apis, ho no. Summer. airway sanitize r, mod eond. 1 onlr .. menu wooarr, i(0( 24, summer. ; 7 I TON CHAIN hoist with troll., s. it foot steel track, complet. or seperete. n07 Reasonable: 4-358(. S-9S81. PRIVATE THREE-ROOM rurnUh.ri .. .p.i.uicoi, ciean. Adult, no. 35(0 "s S"J7 Swlnt. K.S5. Hew Portland Road. )olo3 olenn Woodrr. 1(09 n. Rn.... SEVERAI, furnlahed apartmenu, tood FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure' looet'on. Inquire H. L. stiff Furniture 1 . s-eioo. Jp delivered anywhere. J-0774 or 1.(071. 103 FOR RENT HOUSES 8-BEDBOOM, furnace, (00. EXPERT CHILD CARE My home, days, Hollywood dlatrlot. CaU 4-sa after "tn- h98 ROTO-HOE Expert work, phone 2(991 . hlOl1 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kind of palntlnt, brush and sprar, furnish references, by hour or contract, rn. -z4,, not EXPERIENCED child care, In my home, ((( N. Cottate. 5 days week, nlthta. Refernces. hgu CHILD CARE. Entlewood district, Mrs. Bertie Johnson, 1000 N. Kth. S-(883. hlOl' CUSTOM tardenlnt, 30-ln. Rotary hoe, a. an nour. s-73js alter 6 p.m. h9C BOTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent n.remer, 3o Lanilnt Ave. Phone 331(0. hll4 OARDEN WORK RotOtllllnt. Call 3-etJS after 8:00 p.m. h99 RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, (It plus material. CaU any Urn. Pre aatlmatea. Phone -.oj. aaioi FOR RENT LARGE warehouse space for rent or .ease, cement noors, brick building, Down town. Inquire H. L, stiff Fur nlture Co. Phone 3-9185. J 10 ACBES of Royal Anns cherries crop snare basis. Renter must spray mna pica crop at own expense, or will give 'wood for grubbing out the trees. Also hava acres of land suitable for raiding crops and 30 acres of timber ano Drum suitable lor grating goats 4-2940. Ji03 FOB RENT, Business building, lots of parmng. rn. aano4. jggi BARBER SHOP with S room apartment m oaci. Fancies epace In front and rear. Possession first of May. Phone f-woi, jggi OFFICE SPACE Shop and storage wsce. OARAGE FOR RENT. Inquire at 7a N Pottage. Phone 41631. jiop ttNUNTi,r located parkins In nuwntown aaiem. 0.60 month. 2-6033. WANTED TO RENT WANTED 3 or 3-bedroom unfurnished nous., vmn automatic heat, basement nu e.rsir. y saay lit. No children Phone 34013. MODERN t bedroom unfurnished hnn. No children or peta. Call 4-5814 after 8:15 p.m. jRp, I-BEDROOM ' HOUSE Suburban, out. lTtnt area. Reference, furnished. Ph. FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM .130. lete (38. Nlct home. Kitchen prlvl 008 Tamarark. )k97 SLEEPING ROOM for men, kitchen prlv- ... .au.0u per montn. ftione 3-7(30. Jkl,,. WARM, CLEAN, weil furnlahed, close In. i.Mmwn. oaj n. man. JKBt ATTRACTIVE ROOM, private home. Gentleman. 0(3 No. Summer. 3-0368 1H9- CLEA7' FURNISHED deeplnt rooms. BUS n. cotttte. w.w manatement. Ik98 SLEEPING ROOM for one N. Church. Phone 3-433S. two, 790 Ik 100- full basement, aawduat rnone -i7fll or 3-4844, Jm' VANITI. BED, Chest and Bench Bed Bel ,.w, vvoourr, ihu . Sum- mtT- nB7 PIANO AND BENCH, mahotany. In txZ vE...4. .wwiiwii. rnon 3-B735. nOO N!.?.j'lT1UCTIVI ""i lurn- Oood 4 Dsed Inner-Sprint Mattree. a" lshed house, tara... Cntm. nni. riir K--n.n nn. , lshsd house, tarate, Coupl only. 6116 auvcr.oa rtoao. neaaonaoie. 3-0010. ' ImlC .bartaln at Olenn Woodry, 1608 ... Duuim.r. nQi. t FURNISHED HOUSE, 4 bedrooms, near Stat Bldia. at Capltol shopplnt Cen ter. Autnmatlo Furnace, electrlo atove and refrlterator. Bub-rent deeplnt rooms. Aouiti. 7(, 3-49(7 after ( p.m. ft BEDROOMS, baaement, auto. heat. (((. inquire n. s otiri snjrnitur Phone 3-9188. Jm 1 Sttit-LADDER, It- i nan.l dnn. S-6x(-(; 3 beds, complete: 3 dressers! 1 chest drewere; 1 walnut library table: J reed rockers: J flddleback ehalra: 1 electric heater. 1338 N. (th. n(7 imM T!N g Cotton Mattresses 10.98 ... H ..wi.j, ito. n, summer. n,7- t BOOM, modern furnished cottate, yara lenced, tarden tpace. 1-8(18. Jm97- Organic Fertilizer Free of weed umfa iiu. Sack or bulk orders delivered. Phon 3-8137. nil.. COZY 4 ROOM hous on Market Street. A.B. APT. Ranee .70 , . Partly furmshed. Bus by door. I child. 1,0! i "aiSmtr. l bedroom, electrlo appliances, oil neat, tarate. Adults. Phone 3-4318. Jm99" S ROOM unfurnished dunlex. ji.Qu.ts. rnone aoio. 1005 h. th. smW I no pets. Phone 3B39, JmSO TOP SOIL WH dirt, tarden sand. 2-094. ntl UN t BED ROOM COURT rental, tile oain. tn, ont-bedroom court rental, COmoletelT fnrnUhttH til. ten I Phone 4-1761. or 2-4664. jm 9xn uu I1D 01n Woodry, 1606 N. wtyT pummer. open Friday unul B p.m. n7 I NEARLY NEW double laundry trays, i. iib-D avergreen. nQ7 ROOM & BOARD FOR CHRISTIAN tlrf. I Phon 3-7(43 afternoon, amok.r. vtnlnts. JJ97 OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR offle or (tor (pic J!v 'ii at Fitta Market. Jo. MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRITS MOVE YOURSELF SAVE V, PICKUPS STAKES ' VANS TEXACO STATION (It COURT ST. prrnNK PAOB STEVENSON and AL UZFFORO I m SALEu SAND As ORXVEI. COMPANY contract wort Road Ciearlnt - Dltchlnt Sewir tnd Baaement ' Equipment Rental i . Dltchlnt by the Fool ' Phone Daya 3-0408 Ives. 3-4417 or 3-7411 Salem, Orston m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY MEMT.rcn nrTrM Adolph Bldt., Statt At Commercial 8ta. SALEM PH 8-3311 m BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. Is, 11 inches clear. (8: No. I Inches clear. (4. No .an woaii culla. Com and tet them. Ted Muller. I o.iem-uiaepenQence Hoaa. rn. Salem sMivo. ma BUILDER'S SPECIAL-New planed lum- oer. lis per M. and up, delivered. m118 Building? New veatherstrlpped window, com pletely assembled, hundreds In stock I ready to 10, 114 up. Mcculloch chain saws, eos xdta. water, west eaiem. saiem Lotilng 0up Ply. Ph. 4-1641. d GLENN WOODRT Open Ptlday Kite until v P.m. u97 STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail ing porch columns, furniture. 114S it. Ubntf. am I BICYCLE Olrl's, Columbia, 24-inch. excellent condition. Ph. 3068. not BEAUTIFUL green daveno, like new, 00. uacQ jnubc. Mart, Jtv bo. iiioerty. Phone 46371. Terms of course. n7 ESTATE electric Rang with timer. 9.o. uienn wooarr, loos n. summer. USED DAVENO & davenports. Used Mdie. Mart. Come In and look. J70 Bo. Liberty, phont 46371. Terms of course. n CHEST-0DRAWEHfi1 only 14.9B, Used morc. Mar., 370 so. Liberty, phona 46371. Terms of course. n07 RECORD PLATER, three speed, like new. viieon wooorye. b97 PRACTICALLY NEW $179 conventional universal wanner, will jell Sot 95, a-34H0. r nggo COLDSPOT REPRIOERATOR 7.1 cubl loot, purcnaied in 1951, Ilka new, reas onable price. 162S Baker, or call 1-863S alter S. nW REIN18H s-DRAWER Chest 11.50. Olenn wooary, low h. Bummer. nD7 ROTTED MANURE 1.000 yards, th. h.t w. h.. .. had. For lood ortanle results ordw rotted cow manure that you .n uA without leer, ts 00 per yard. 4 yard (1(. ( yards 1!5. 10 yards (40 Plat atones, lava stone, fence post. 44 stakes and rustic red cedar fenclnt. Phllllpa Bros., Rt. (, Box 403. Ph. , Salem. 3 ml. E. 4 Corners. n 430(1. FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL APT., close In, adults. 7(0 No i-nurcn. rnont 4-34(7. Jp87 BOOM furnished ept. Privet All electric. (S3 Oat St. hath JpOC NlrtlT rURNIiHED larte, clean apt. V lurnuuieo. rteasonable. 3(( So. lath. iDioo LAROI. rt'RNISHID room eoL Cloe. to Hat bulldlnia, shopplnt center. (10 Oernet. 3.7(46. jp,7 BP.nROOM, partly furnlahed. West Salem. 4-(03. (37 SO. IptC VCRT ATTRACTIVE, clean furnlehed epartment. For em. or tn. Writ.... bath and entrance, onlr (to, phone " JPS7 ri'RMslltD 4 larse rooms, bath. In ahopplnt center. Phone 1-7341. p ...It 00 .. (9 90 ...sets ...((.It ...t9.7o ..(73.90 ..(17.90 ...tea 90 New pletur window New doora 3-a"sC(" (tab hesaton rooftnt .... 3 tab thlckbutt roollnt .... Unpalnted cedar ahake .. Reverse trap toilet, con Met New 30"1(" wash bum Cast iron bath tuba, enmni.i. New shower cabinets, complete.. (43.00 (00-tal. steel septlo tanks (JJ.90 w Ktw (tt New electrlo water heater ,. New ateel taraaa doors Asbestos sldlnt New plaaterboard 4st ... Katerlor whit, paint (tel.) Mahotany as birch plywood water proof wall board. 4it New S-m. pirwood ..." New bath r. sets, complet ., SHINGLES No 1 per so No. I per ao " No. i per so. (30 ALLOWED lor your old water heater .. .I... new u-taiion automatle elec tric water heater. Veater Appliance, 379 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n METAL FENCES ; Chain link or ornamental 1vb. resldentlel and Industrial. No Job too larte or too small. Materiel nnl Job complete. Free eatlmatea. BORKMAN LBR. tj HOWE. CO 11(0 atste street Ph. 1-3701 n(7 70 ,..(73.90 ...199 00 .. (3.(0 .. (1.40 ...(1.(9 bsrtsfn ...(1.73 ...U'ir ,.(((.00 ...41 39 ...(9.00 JOE PALO0KA i.uK.TJurfj- J5e fQ C. G. LONG & SONS Phon. 490(1 i mi. B,h K,lln me Special CLEARANCE USED SEWING MACHINES- Portable from (3S.M Treadle from 119.(9 Cabinet eleclrlo from (31 M SINOIR BEtVINO MACHINE CO. 130 No. Commercial Open Fridays until , p.m. ga (50 INTO ROUND PRETTY HARD TO JUOGE WHO'S AHEAD.. IT MAV BE THAT PAIOOK. HAS LOST A LOT Of STRENGTHS ' By Ham Fisher ..AN THIS TERRIBLS HFAT THE FIERCE iOOV ATTACKS Of HK-rAKLANr; HAVE HAD ATELLIN& EFFECT... EACH ROUND WAS A REPETITION STRIVIN6 FOR. A BUtCft efrlL D16&EP. OPENED LP... HE'S BEEN R6HT1N6 (VA. CROUCH -OHNH.. PALOOttA HTT HIM WITH A right to THE JAW.. HIS KNEES