Thursday, April 23, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Paw tV GRAIN ELEVATOR . Workmen started placing aluminum skin on new 100,000 bushel grain elevator addition being built at Derry by the Derry Warehouse Co., near Rickreall on the Dallas-Salem highway. New elevator will double storage capacity ol . the plant. . Taft Refuses to Vote on Coastal Lands Washington JP Foes of state ownership of submerged coastal lands put before the Senate Thursday a motion to lay the bill aside temporarily and take up economic controls legislation. But while Republican Lead er Taft of Ohio agreed to let them offer their motion, he im mediately assailed it as "a fraud on its face." He said it was merely an effort to delay a vote on the submerged lands bill. ' Sen. Anderson D., N. M., of fered the motion after getting unanimous consent to do so. It was agreed to limit debate on the motion to 40 minutes. Earlier, Anderson had been ruled out of order when he at tempted to offer the motion. The ruling came from Sen. Pot- Sweepstakes Award Goes to Ford Mainliner Six in Race Sun Valley, Idaho, VP) A Ford Mainliner six received the sweepstakes award for the 1953 Mobilgas economy run in ceremonies at this Idaho ski resort Thursday. The winning car was one of 25 which swept across the fin ish line here Wednesday after a 1,200-mile run from Los An geles. The Ford averaged 56.7028 ton miles per gallon the fig ure on which the awards are based. Its actual performance ' was 27.0335 miles per gallon. The class winners were: . Class A low price standard and overdrive Ford Mainliner fix. Class B low price automatic drive Hudson Jet. ClaSs C low medium stand ard and overdrive Dodge SCORES in Duck Pins rnMMFJcriAf, LEAGUE lla. Laka Paeaera 1 J. Wenter i A InriarlM Sal. Hf 148. P. Pit' klna 340. O. Baindolt 334. Portland Bead Blchfleld !) B. Manulre 409, Bye 38, I. Thellado 143, P. Ollmer 333, P. Haaae rvlj.e. Meata (11 L. WeUner 401, J. Darner 370. B. Buiby 393. O. Oarner 183, B. WeUner 398. W. W. Boiebraaah r. rii J. Moorman 144, J. Holman 187, Ft. Oreenwood 141, J. Potter 138, H. ftteveni 392. . Mlcka Slan Shop 1 M. Nelnaat 411 H. Mtlnaat 381. L. OUe 413, I. Dtvli 44S, T ivnnri 439. Bamaiea (l R. Zlnk 396, D Smith 408, II. Patlon 388, C. Kelnut 109. R. Hubler 134. Pplkann'a 101 K. MeltOn 434. L. Kim tie Sit, M. Slory 377, A. Rlchardion 137, L. Roll 337. Woodrolle'l San Shop (41 J. Hall 408. V. York 388. M. Orecn- ley 357, B. Hall 394, W. Prank 387. Hlih team icrlei Mlcki eun Bhop. 1083. Hleh team aame Ramaaw. 731. Hlih Ind. itrie and aame Fred Haaae, Rlchlleld, 451 and 187. University Alleys itite nnrtF. LEAGUE NO. 1 HI. Prlnlrri III Mllner 465. Slone 178. Buaby 465. Waller 401. Duncan 466. Palrvlew (SI Mike 436, Blind 435, Hlt ter'iull 413. Klavohn 391, Nrlion 404. at Comm. (41 Johnson 613, crouch to Drapela 432. Welch 4S7. Mihalley :,;. HUbnar Maletlali (Oi-Brown 4. Pierce 366, Zltiewlta 442, Van Pell 13. While 417. Fotetlty Pteleellen fit Btorm 0t. Bercrl S21, Plilppi 3S4. Wilker 425. Mnr rUon 3J9. Vtlerar.. (Sl-Morliky . Reed 422, Oaarenitroom 431, Ellin 001, HI' erlch 520. rtale Police (11 Hoaard 425. Weem 46;. Allord 495. Hunt 498, Ruecktr 48. Audit! Ill Btrlcklln 382, Dtmrrai 437, Pu htr 385, Johntn 401, oould M- Secrelaty ol Stale No. I l8J-Schu lie 47l Wood 470. Ptltraon 473. Blenily 444. Miller 482. Hlihway CenMrattlon (31 Klrr 445, Aildenon 426, NollmaB 491, Wolle 484. Tmdr 476. Seeirtatr at Sule N. 1 (11-0111 413. M .Mieen 399. Fr.nko 407, Pranie 421. Bl -ltr til. Ferolty Olllee (3l-Elni 453. llanneman .Mi, Amerude 477, Ril llf( 431, ftlaeer 596. Hlih team Itrle and I erne Foreitry Office. 3720 and 957. Hlih Ind. erlei nd ame-T. Blacer, 96 and 1JI. STATE HOI SE I.E4fH!f. NO. 1 Pareilry m Leild 488, Prolan 434, Woi1l 405. Povell 1M. Slater 441. A C (;-Ahbr 491. Lanklree 4, Kimmtll 471, Frame 431, Savee haater 3d lai-Lulhl 475, Schaller Rernoldi .v. ouirry 38, H'nry ooi, li. Aodlli f(i-8irlnn 4M. Oo'demlth 419, Corrllin 497, Bau 411, Jefferaon -.ana. (SI-BeH 43). Vounl 441. Klrby 193 Oould 465. HIMtnch ll. Ofllea En .mce". (Il-M.llson 491. Bo. on 414. B e 480 Bcou Voun 41. i" r ill-Rlntlind 463. En.lUh 4' ' Weodburn 491. oalliiher 631. Met. fm JJ!. Airltallare ( Moore 434. pVlewon io. L M1 U' Tourneeui 644. ... " I NEAR RICKREALL : aaaa. I 1aIII ' ter R., Mich., presiding tern porarily, who made it after a conference with . the parlia mentarian. There was a bit of a hassle over the matter. Anderson heatedly complain ed that he had failed to get recognition at a proper time for his motion because Taft had distracted him. . Taft said he had made no at tempt to distract Anderson. The exchange came shortly after Sen. Humphrey D., Minn., had finished in the early after noon, a nine hour address he began Wednesday and resumed when the Senate reconvened at 11 o'clock Thursday morning. Just before Humphrey sat down, he told the Senate he would have more to say later in opposition to the submerged lands bill. V18. Class D low medium auto matic drive Studebaker Land Cruiser. Class E upper medium standard and overdrive Nash Ambassador. Class F upper medium auto matic drive Nash Ambassa dor Custom. Class G high price automatic drive Lincoln Capri. Special lightweight class Henry J Corsair Four. Average miles per gallon for the . 25 cars competing was 22.2869. They averaged 44.117 miles per hour over the course which covered four states. The automobiles were allowed 27 hours 15 minutes driving time to make the trip. Five of them crossed the finish line with less than a minute to spare. the ALLEYS Hanien 374. Blind 390. canfleld 384, Searl 486. Bridie Enalneeri (81 Pred rlckion 416. Beyer 413. Munioa 453, Merchant 491. Roke SS2. Hlihwty Aeeoonlln (t)-Taylor 431 a.rPhm 4ia. Yeaeer 401. Crane 46), Malion 459. Unemployment (1) Ort man 511, Aaron BIT. Salliliury 191, Blind 43S. Baxter 417. .... HlBh team erle DepL of Atrleul ture. 3739. Bleh team aame P. O. C. 964. Hlih Ind. erle B. Petenon, 136. Hlih Ind. feme Ij. Ketcham 119. Capitol Alleys AUTOMOTIVE LEAOItB n.k.r (91 H. Stlffler 441, P. Paltewon 430, H. Nlcholli 454. C. Ora benhoret 473. B. Torieion t.. Bale Automobile Company (D-D. Douihertj 393, D. White 408, R. Oiinn t68, B. Doulherty 395, D. Butch 474. Shrock Molar Company (81 A. walen 420. E. Burton 424. B. Shuck 454, B Orlcui 421, O. Wl.ier )''"" Teiaro 111 W. Edmln.ter 426. J. Abby 389. D. Hirdy 334, B. Craycrolt Jr. 411. J. Craycrolt 485. Una Avetioe Service (11-B. Barber 550. J. Hopflnier 487, M. Hammond 442. K. Neljon 495, K. Haye.i 482. Maeler Hervlra Slallona (51 R. D'ltolt 473, C Donahuo 493, E. Keen 455. B. Hoy 430. C. Schrotder 519. Standard Slallem (4)-C. Olejien 493. J. Frleeen 458. E. Hlnkel 449. E. Loien 350, D. Woodry 471. Salem Aole Peril 101 P. Oltern 402. V. Elmand 308, R. Larmnn 333. D. gtelnke 371. Loder Prethere (4 D. Baumiart 141. T. Chakarun 466, R. Solum 384 B Shuck 403, B. Burritt 467. Valley Meter Company (Ol J. Firley 437 o. Behroy. er 425. A. Holmei 409, L. Mren 199, X. Bullock 625. .,... Hlth ttam iime-Btandard Billion. 906. Hlih learn terlej-Lana Avenue Service, 16. Huh Ind. ime and aerie, Ray ounn of Salem Automobile Co., 323 and 569. MAJOR LEAGUE . Thrlftwsy Cleeneri (II J. Bone 131. M. MtPerlane 361, J. Olney ill. T. Bls rr Ml, P. Evsni 14.1. Baelrk. Oreeers I3i E Clark 640. R. farley 113. B. Ryan 631. J. De Bow S45, W. Weil III. Brrrtnan Tree Bereke (II T. Bren nan SS0, f- Andenon 443, T. Prudenie 494 J. Nuber 561, L. O.lund Ml. (leodie. M.rkel III E. Loeln 631. J. Prlesen 431. B. White 654, E. Wllaalli 111. D. Plllppe 464. Marlea Haul and Car Perk flHI T. Vlltone 311. w- Jarkson 817, J. Irons 167 H. Psee 417. B. Btraw Ml. Mar ihslli 4 c.rnen I'll J. Owens III. R. Ounn 433. E Kay 431, O. Cauiey 104, h. ErU.aard 463. Karr's (41 W. nine 445. D. Poulln J2I. P. Kair 441. H. Wllkerson 411. E. Hsrtwell 111. Nerthwe.1 Poallry ( If. Mren 513, H. Ryals 486, J. Minder 111. R. Meier 110. Q. Olodl 4l. Walnat CUT fiowl 111 n. r-rie a... Brhult 610. B. Pyle 1. H. Hyder 347, J. Rinanultt 331. Msrlea Molar (II C. flchrneder 494. c. uonanue tf. w. Oerdner M, i. Doeifler 413, B. Thooip. ion 476. Hlart leim lama ind i.rlMThrlft. way Cleaners. 1131 and 3061. Hlih Ind. sanelack Oln'y elf Thrltlwey Clean. en. 131. Hlih Ind. lerlea-Plokf Hart- MARKET QUOTATIONS pobtland noavct ust Balleefat TuliUn lubJMI U tat eaedlat cabb: Premlura attain?, assx! mum j, of obo per Mot acidity da llrered la Portland U-11. ib.i mil ul. Itr 17-loe: second Busllly, 14-17.. Vllty rout and country point, l earn i. tut wr.ol.iu. ton. bulk cube to vholcitlu. ,rd A A. II noil, ,1; A Bred. .1 acotc, ooc: 1, M icorc. 14e; C, tcott, Ul. Aooro price, lrlctly BomlnaL ChMM Bellini prlc. to' Portland wholesaler. Oreson ilnalca. 43',-44c: Oruon I Ik. lol. 4iti-ntM: triplet, mo leu thin ilnllea. Kaaa to Waolotalora OaBdlod oaaa contalntu bo loss, caaaa Included to n. Portland. A arada larat, I7t.31b; . A arado medium. Mtt-lltfccl B trad Una, alter Prlco to relanara! Orada AA print, lie: A carton, llci A print. 11c: carton, net B print, Mc. Etc. To retall.ra, Orada AA tare, Bid A lane, ll-IOCi AA medium 10c: A medium. Mc: A amall, nominal. Car tens, 3. additional. Cheoee Prlc to retell, Portland. Orecon alnclae, 4IK-30C; llb. loavaa, I3l-3t4c. trlpleta. le leu than iln alca. Premium brand alntlea, Mtioi loaf, Mfie. Proceaiad American eboci. l-lb. loavoa to retail, 44-41 lb. Poallry Uio (No. 1 ausllty, i.o.a. plant.) Priere, 1M-I lb.. ll-llc! 1-1 lbs.. M-Mc; roaiUr, 4tt Iba. and over, 31-llet heavy bene, all wclihta. lt-ise; llaht hena, all welthtl, 11-llci old rooat. era. u-lc. Drasaed Chicken Pryera, 1V.-J lbs, 43-4Se: router. 43-44ei llaht hena, 31. 33ei heavy hena. 31-331 cut ttp fryer, all veltht. 43-44c Babblte Averaa to arowera: Live while. 41 lb.. 11-1'e: l-l lbs, 33-31 lb., old dou, 10-ltCi lew Miner Prh dressed tryer to reUtler, I1-I4CJ cut up, ll-llc. Oaaatrr KllleS Heala Veal Top quality, 3I4S lb.1 youth heavlea. 33-3e. Heaa Lan blocker, 10.31c: tows, llibt 35-3IC. Laatbe Beit, o.43e lb.t aprlnier nominal y 480 lb. Matlen-Eut, 14-1(0 lb.; oull-utlllty,' Beef-TJtUlty cowe, ll30e Ib.l eanner cutler. -Ht. ihell dowa to 11a. Preeh Dreaaed Meat Wholeaalera to retailer: Dollora pal ewt.: Beef Steeri, choice (00-100 Ibi. 37.00-40.00; ood. 38.00-39.00; commercial 33.00-37.00: utility. SI. 00-34. M; cow. commercial, 31.00-33.00: utility, 37.00- 31.00; cannera-cutteri, 3S.O0-39.0d, Beef Cata i Choice ateeral Rind quartera, 4ft.00-o0.00: round, 43.O0-81.OOi !".'l''1!r.":?f:.7':!0'..,i' 35.00; chucka, I7.N-41.O0i rlba. Moo ts Veal Oood-cnotce. 143-13! eommer. del, 137-41. Calvee Oood-oholce, 142-61: com mercial, 837-48. Lamba Prim sprinter, 40-10 lb., 143-451 food, 140-44. Mutton Oood choice, 116-20. Pork Call Ulna. No, 1. 8-13 lbl., 159- 63.30; ihoulderi, II lb,.. 131-41.50; Pre- rlbi, 147-51; fresh ham, 10-14 Ibi., 157 60. Smaked Rama Skinned. 157-11.50. Re fined lard In drum, llMO-lli lab bae on, I41-S6.50. Portland MlieeflaneaB Celery Cal flat crate. 1-3 doi.. 13.3i-4.3l. Pew to 84.10. Ore., 13.11- 13.60. Oaioaa 10 lb. aacka wen Oreaon yel lotva, medium, 2-ln mtn.. No. l.t. 1.25 3.50; 3-Inch, 14.10; No. 2i. 42.60-3.75: bolleri. 10 lb. lack. 41-41c: Idaho yellow, line. 14.10-1.001 No. 1, whit. Urie. 4.71-1.00. Polateea Orc.-Waih. Russet No. 1, 14. 50-1.35, nam brands to $5.25; bakers, 6.00-50 : 35 Iba. ill, A. 1.40-55; 10 lb. mesh, 65-60e; paper, tO-SBc: llo, 3, 60 ibe., 1.50-45; Idaho Ruasela, No. 1A, 1.50-t.oo: 1-10 lb. balea. 1. so-so. Bay o. s. No. 1 trreen alfalfa, de livered car lota f-o.b. Portland, nominal ly 835.00 ton; Seattle, 136-37. Wool Create baala, Wlllametto Val. ley medium, 5t-t2o lb.t Eastern Oreton fine and half-blood, it-62c. Hldea Calves, 19-210 lb. acoordlni I welsbt; ireea klp, 17-19c; bulla, 4-lc; treen butcher cow hldei. 7-lc Pilbarta Wholesale aelllni prlco No. larte Barcelona 34-26C Ib.i trowar price, orchard run, 16-150 lb. Walnate Wholeaal iclllnc price, flril Quality lara Franauettea, 32-330 lb.t arower price, orchard run, 18-lto few beat to lie. lb., rorlland Eaittld Market Portland (U.PJ Ajiparatui aold for 36 .M 6.50 a so-lb. pyramid today on the Port land EasUlde Farmer Wholesale Pro duce market. Turnip were 00t31 ft doten bunches. Carrot aold for 00c-$l a doaen bunch es and broccoli went at $1.35-1.00 a dozen. - Radishes were Quoted at 0-B5c dot en -bunchea with onlona elllnt at 45-75c a doaen. Local fleld-trown rhubarb was $1.60- I. 75 a 30-lb. box for wine variety and II. 40-1. 70 for atrawberry type. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Phillip D. Lowe Albany Phillip Dean Lowt, age three months, son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith A. Lowe, Albany, died at the family home Wednesday. Pneumonia was listed as the cause of death. He was born Jan. 21, 19S2 in Albany. Graveside services were held at 11 a.m. Thursday at the Riverside cemetery. Sur viving besides his parents are a brother, Keith, Allen, Jr.; grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Harmon, Albany and Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Habeger, Port land. Otto Krueger Aurora Otto Krueger, Clackamas and Marlon county resident, late of Canby, passed away at the U.. S. Veterans' hospital, Sunday, April 19, fol lowing a long illness. Many local friends attended funeral services Wednesday, April 22, at the Evcrhart and Kent Canby Funeral Home. Vault interment was in Zion Memoral Park, Canby. Survivors include the widow, Alda, Canby; a son, Robert W. of Canby, a daughter, Shirley Heath of Portland; brothers, Edward, Canby, Walter of Myrtle Point; two sisters, Mrs. Alfred Flynn of Portland, and Miss Ida Krueger of Missoula, Mont. M. Lillian Earnest Albany Miss M. Lillian Earnest, 62, who had taught school in Albany for the past 28 years, died at her home Tuesday night. Death was the result of heart disease. Miss Earnest had taught classes at Maple school Tues day. The funeral will be held it 1 p.m., Saturday at the First Methodist church. Burial will be in the Alsea cemetery with the Fisher Funeral home in charge of arrangements. MiM Earnest Was nallve Of West Virginia coming to Ore gon with her parents at the age of ten living In Alsea. She had attended school! at Alsea, Cor- STOCKS (By Tb associaled Preai Admiral Corporation Allied Chemical , Alll Chalmers , Amerlcaa Alrllnea , .. 16 .. 70 '4 .. 11 .. 114; .. I'e ,.1514 .. 71', .. 17tt .. M, .. 61 V. .. 191', ., 19'a .. "'I ., 351. .. w .. 17V .1 131a ... 17 merlcan Power List American Tel ek Tel , Amerlcaa Tobacco.,.. , Anaconda Copper Atcbleoa Railroad Bethlehem Steel Booloc Airplane Co Bora Warner Burrow Addlnl kUchii California .-ocatn Cndlan Pacific Caterpillar Tractor Celaaee Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cltlei aerrlco .. lli Consolidated Edison ..' Coneolldated Vultca Crowa aellerbacn Curttu Wrlihl .. 18S ... Uva ... 69 ,.. IV, ... SOS ... 11 ,.. 41 Ooulu Aircraft Du Pont da Nemoura ,,,,, Eaetmaa Kodak Emerson Radio ,.. live Oeneral Xlectrlo ., , Oeneral Poods General Motor Oeorlla Pac, Plywood Ooodyear Tire Homeitaka lllnlni Co. ,,, ... 13 i., 60V, ... 1 ,.. 63', ,.. II Internetlon! Uarvetei ,.. 3lt4 International Paper . John liinvlll Z.. ... 4IH ... T Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loews Incorporated , Loos Bell , Montiomery Ward Naah Kelvumor New York Central Northern Paelllo Padflo American Flab ., Paclfle Ga U Electrio , Pacific Tel Tel ,., Packard Motor Car ,. t Penney, J. C ttt Penniylranla Ft. R. - Pepsi Cola Co ,, Philco Radio Radio Corporation 'tt Rayonler Incorp. .. . Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. . Republlo Steel , Reynolda Metale ... y, ,.. 104 ... 13H ,.. 10 ... ... 12". ... 3114 ... II ... 11 ... 17U ...115V ... 1 ... 61 ... 70 ... 14tt ,.. 314, ... 354, ,.. 37. 47 ... H Richfield Oil Bfwy stores Inc. Scott Paper Co Seara, Roebuck ez Co. .. Socony-Vacuum Oil bouthora Pacific Standard oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J studebaker Corp Sunshln Mlnlna Swift es Company Tranaamerlca Corp. Twentieth Century Po.. I,. , 16 , 3M , 56 , mi 13 , 43 "1 , I1H , 66t , 31', , 8'. , 30 "j , 30i , 16V, unloa OH Company .. Union Pacific United Alrllnea United Aircraft United Corporation United State Plynood United Statu Bleel . . , Warner Picture ..... Weatern Union Tel. . 38 ...106 27 1 as 5', 39 33 16 iOU Weatlnihouse Air Bra!: Westlnihouse Electric 26't 43V, WoolworUt .... - Sleek Market Kmw York iPr The atocK marte. sup ped lower atatn Thursday after a brief raUy by the ralla failed to ceneratc much enthusiasm for other issue. Tradlnt was auiet in tne aiiernoon followinc an active 430.000-shara pen int hour which saw a preponderance of fractional declines, klany 1.000 to 3. S Ou st. re block chanted hand. I Volume for the first lour noun wa an ostlmated 1.330.000 tharca. Chlcat Hera chicaao (u.pj Hot price Marea xoaay to the highest level since the, Korean war boom In Autuat, 1950. - Price rose 50 cent to oi per nunaren pound at most major livestock termi nals throuthout the midwest. Chlcat Grain chlcato iPr Demand for trains x- oanded In the laat half of the session on the board of trade Thursday and prices advanced In all pits. Prior to the rally, th market had held within amall frac tion on either aide of Wednesday' clone. Buyinc stemmed from fklrly larte ex port transaction in wneat ana corn, sharp advance in live hot prices which further improved the corn-hot ratio and limited offerlnta of cash .soybeans by producer. West Germany, Great Brl tain and Tutoslavla boutht American rains. Wheat closed tt-lH hither, May 12.10 i, corn H lower to H hither, May 31.58H-V4, oata 'Si lower to mtner. Hay 14H-. rye unchanted to i lower, May 31.03, soybeans 4 lower to 1 cent hlthw. May 3.03-4, and lard 13 to IT cents a hundred pounds hlih er. May 110.33. MILK QUOTAS SHIFTED Portland (f) Quotas for dairymen in the Portland mar ket were shifted Wednesday to a new method of payment. Hereafter the payment will be on a milk-weight basis. vallis, Oregon State college and Monmouth college. She had taught school in Philomath, In Benton and Lane counties and came to Albany from Mill City. Miss Earnest had been active in educational, civic and church affairs. Sur vivors are George L. Earnest of Salem, a brother and a num ber of nieces and nephew. DEATHS Charlae A. MaeGreter Charles A. MacOretor, late resident of 1000 Center At., at a local hospital April 11. Survived or wile. Mrs. Elisa beth MacOretor, Salem; daughter. War Jorie, Dorothy and Patricia MacOretor, all of Salem; brothers, John MacOretor, Salem; Ian MacOretor, Oakland. Calif. flr vices will be held Prldar, April 34 at 10 SO am. In Clou th-Bar rick Chapel. Interment at Belcrest Memorial Park. Dr. ptul Fount will officiate. ley W, Hammer Roy W. Hammer, at the residence, Rt. 1, Box 440, Salem, April 31. Survived by wife. Mrs. Nellie E. Hammer. Salem; stater, Mrs. Mel la Rom, Eakert brothers, Lawrence Hammer, Herman Hammer and Marvin Hammer, all of Salem; Oeorte Hammer, A r Una ton, WaJih. Serv ices will be held Friday, April 34 at 3 p.m. Rev. KrnMt P. Ooulder will offi ciate. Interment at City View Cemrtery under the direction of Clouth-Barrlck Co. Den a Id Glenn Mite IJonald Olenn Mite, late resident of Rt. 0, Box 441, at Port Bran, N. C. April II, at the ate of 31 years. Sur vived by wife, Mrs. Lower. a Mlae, two aorta, Roy .Donald Ulie and Ronald Lee Mlse, all of Salem: mother, Dora Br it- ton, alitor. Mrs. Violet Rye. two broth ers. Orval W, Mise, Carl Mlae, all of An t ioc n, cam, Announcement of ierv Ices later by the Howell-Edwarda com pany. Krwla Farley Rrwin Porter. late resident of 1405 Marlon, at a local hospital, April 30, at me aia or 7t yean, survived by wife, Mrs. A. Otia Porter, Salem; dauehter. Mr, jean porter west of Cleveland. Ohio. Services will be held Saturday, April at S p m. In Howell-Rdwarda en a pel with the Rev. B. J, Holland ffl clattnt. John Rlee John Rice, late resident Of Ruote 4, box si, Bnerwooa, oreton, at a Port land baapltal April 31. Survived by wife, Mrs. riorecnce Rice. Sherwood. An nouncement of services later by Clontb Barricc to. 1 Dora Matilda Clearwater Dora Matilda Clearwater, at local ! hospital April 33. Late resident of Wood-1 burn. Survived by d a ut liters, Mrs, Dora 1 Ferry. Brooki. Ore.: Mrs. Ooldle Arm- ,trone. Ukeview. Iowa; ecru. Prancti I ! a-aa, at lata. o"l I a lift far. aL..a fMaaoi- water, Rockwell City, Iowa; brother, Jasper Butiick, Unlet., Iowa; 14 grand, children. treat grandchildren. 4 nlerea. I nephews. Funeral announcement UUr by VlriU T. Ooldin o. SALEM MARKETS Camilla frees report of Is tern dealers lew Ik aidaaee ol Caplial aaaraai eoadeie. I Revised dally.) BeteU Peed Prloool Babbit Peltate I J M IN- at. BUI. 14.60-1.41 1101-lb. baai. Ear Mash Dairy roa-HU-l.ll IN a), bail, 14.15.511 1106 Wt.l. ' Poanry BaylBd Prleae colored iryara, lie; old rooalere, 16c; colored low), Sic; leshora fowl, llcl roaster, 39c. KC1 Baytal Prleaa Bass, AA, we; lartt A, 47-tSc; medium AA, 4tci medium A. 44-t0c; small. 40c. Whaleealo Prleoo Bti wholasal prlaas anerally l-7a btyhov than Iho prkse abov. Lara ftado S.BOBerally tuatod a, aic. mmum, eer. BBtterral Buylni pneot premium, 19- 71c: No. 1. ll-aac: No. I, 61c. Bolter Wboleselo arade A PBroamoaa. 71 to.l retail, Tec. rer4lanl Uvectsek Portland ulft Cattle: 100! active ateady: aood llo-lb. fed aleer 33.50: eommorclal-low aood ateere 30-13; utility 11-19: utility-low commercial hetrera 1B It; canoer-cutter cowe somi 13; utility cows ll.M-ll; cutter bulla II- 11: commerclsl to ll. Clva; 15: ateady; eommerctal-aood vealar 11-17; choice S0-I1: prim II; cum downward to 13. Hoca: 150; active, atronr. to Mo hlih' : choice 110-136 lbs. bulk 35.7s; choice 110 lbl. 36: 110-111 lbl. 14-151 SM-tlt owa 11.10-33. Sheep: to; no early toat f market; food -choice wooled lamb nominally atdy at 11.50-10.10; choice ouolabl .to 11: aood-oboleo alauahter awe al able 1-6.50. . Cblcaro LIvMUck Chleftfo WJ Anothtr blv piuh In hot prlcw. tmountlns to TS ctnti to 01.H or mort fall her, Thuradajr tent th top io 34.oo, nn nut ince Auf. 31. 1050. Ctttl wero ileady to 60 cvnti lower tain but lambs wen 15 to SO eenti hither. Iwu wirt woak to M ccott lowtr. Most offtrtnt of butcher weltht hoti war takan at 033.00 to 024 00 aod wwi at io. to 0M OO. Oood to prima fed atetri and .nr. Utiu ranted from $11.60 to .T6 and tood to hlth-eholce he I ten made 911,00 Wed wooled lamba iradlni mostly cholct brouiht 135.00 to OSft.tM), 1 hit he it alnca Oct. 13, Comparable trade -ahoru mad 333.00 to 133.50 but wu ooitl oownwara irom 10.00. IVtlmated receipt! were 1,000 salable hoi j, aalablo cattle, 100 caliei and i.uuu aaerp. Chleat Oalena Chlcato OLB flupplie liberal, demand very low, market dull and allthtly weater. . Track sale (60 lbs.): Texas Yellow sermuoas u. m. 1. 3 to i-inch car 1.03. street sales (50 Iba.): Texas Yellow Bermudas 3 to 3-inch 1,76 -3. 00, 3 -Inch and larter 1.50-1.05; Orano 3-Inch and larter 3.10-3.35, few 3.36, 3 to 3-inch 1.70-1.75. few best 1.35; Crystal Wax 3 to 3-lmh 1 t.1 AA rit 1 leseiw... 3 to 3-Inch few 1.70-3.00: Idaho Spanish 3-Inch and larter few 1.50: in Id wast meoiuni Yellow a lobe few .50-.70. Porlltil Qralw Portland Coir train, no bids. Wheat (hid) unquoted. Car receipts: Wheat 33; barley, I corn 11; oata s; mill feed 1. FOR SALE HOUSES BT OWNER, a bedroom home. Bntle wood Diet, 700 Thompson. Ph. 3-7140, e7 Beautiful Fairmount Hill 3-bedrootn, din. rm tarbaie dlap., dishwasher, oil heat, full baeement, landscaped M s 111 feet, paved alley, Phone 4-1734. iPO KINOWOOD HBIOHTS View, landscaped, 1 bedrooms, 1W Ing-dlnlnt rooms, kitchen with tad gets; attached garate, fireplace, nook, basement, oil, corner lot. 301 Caicade Dr. Phone 3-1341. a00' RICHMOND district, 3-bedroom, fairly new, rancn-aiyis. oarage. J-U4I. afll TWO -ACRES EAST 7-room Dome, good barn, garage, close In. Would trade for smaller house. Near bus. see Owner, 4510 Cen BY OWNER 0-room home, garage, good locnuon. i3u east uwena oi, , ai7' WILL TAXI trailer house sjv down pay ment on small home. 3-B933. a07' SOUTH VILLAGE, S bedroom, 1367 Sq. ft. plua double garage, forced air furnace, fireplace, separate din n It room, utility with dryer, nice lawn, h rubs, patio. ISft JE. aTwald. S574S. a 100 OWNER TRANSFERRED to Portland. 3- bedroom view home for pleasant llv Int. 28011. 338 Forest Hills Way. IDS SUBURBAN HOME 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen nook, util ity, attach, garate, larte lot. Hard wood floors, plastered. Insulated. 1K years old. Priced to sell. Will show at 1405 Chester Ave. KlumppV EXCLUSIVE HOMES $4000 An older type but very livable' 1 bedroom home with livint room, dining room and kitchen, located close to ahoppint center and walking distance from down town. $8,000 See this 3-bdrm. home, not quite fin ished, with tood-alied lot 10x170, lo cated close In. $10,500 Ideally located for schools and transportation. Thla home has 3 bdrma. and den. Well worth the ask ing price. Terms. . , $13,500 A view from every picture window. . ret it la close to the new hlth school. With 3 larte bedrooms, reception hall, larte living and dining room, a lane kitchen with eating apace, all hard wood floors, laundry ehute, utility room in daylltht buement which la finished In knotty pine. A nice den In basement with fireplace. Only 4 rears oio. L. E. Klumpp. Realtor 3011 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-1141 Eve. i-SIH et7 OWNER WILL take $1,000 down on his cute two bedroom home with Urge living room, InAlde utility room and attched garage. Also, completely fenc ed back yard. Pull Belling price Is 17.100 the balance like rent. A real buy for you on this. Bowaa at Wood Realtors. 334 North High St. 4-int or Eve. 3-0473. a 9 1' Vt ACRE, immediate possession, 15,7(0, 3 bedroom, In city, paved street, achool, bus. Owner out of town. 3015 Kvertreen. J-JS.M. elOl OR TSADE for 300-acre farm A beau tiful ! bed room home on Crolnan creek. 1 acre. Pit. 1, Box 13. Call 3-3HB aftey 1 P m. ago BY OWNER 703 Sunset. A modern 1 bdrm. ranch type home with 3-car ta rate, auto, oil heat, half acre with garden space, fruit and berries. aSB Bf OWNER 3-bdrm. home, ir by 30' combination dng. and Ivg. room: wall- to-wall rerpet, circulating' fireplace, upholstered booth In kitchen, lots of built-in. Upstairs finished in knotty pine, vn larte lot, aeautirully land scaped. For ouick sale, lia.OOO, Bee af ler 3 P.m. dally, Park Ave. iM It ACRE, Virvr-In city, neat 4-rm neuse, fireplace, dble, garage, guest house. $10,500. Terms. Chea. Hudkins h Son. 350 N. Hlth. ph. 34130, even- inn jBoBu. '090' CI4iriPD AIIVr.BTIBIftO Per Werd, , Is, Per Ward 4. Per Ward. S 1. Per Ward, 1 esealh e N. Befaade Mlatieiaa. IB Ward.. BfADKB In Ueal Km C.laraa Onlr, Per W.rd 1. Hlnlrseva I, Ward. T Plata Ad In 8amc Dbt'i Paper, Phone t-24t . .. Bcfert It k.m. FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNa-B. 1 bedroom Bona, taiaae. Keuer district; 1-7311. bioi- BY OWNER AND BUILDER Drive past 1040 N. 13th and have look, at Ihta sow bedroom borne. Just completed. Hag lore rooma, lota t bulitlna. fireplace, Sandbarg auto matic rurnaea ana epacioug garage, Call uj for appointment. WILLIAM T. J. FOSTER t Home Builder 1140 ONTO Fh. 3-1100 aw BY OWNIB, 1 room h Mne. baMment, UN Hood St. 0103 sawduit furnace, W7, lliao. BY OWNER a-bedroom auburbin, I yra. old. Va acre, mill city limit 1111 Pliher Fund. 9Q. BY OWNEB 3-bedroom house, lull base ment, sawdust heat, nice yard, lood location. 3-4861. an Close-In Two-bMlrooB bom. nly thrt tuti Vd. Automatic oil hist. Plumbed for k u torn tie Oftrtf. Mlco tir- dn apot. Clot to tzaooi ana two block to btu. 10 z 1U It. lot. Prkod t only 17400. Salem'i First Drive-In m SMITH REAL ESTATE I4M POWTLAKD HOAO . ' . 1.007, tuk for Mr. imlth or Olydo Pount ill' FOR SALI LOTS WUT VitXLBT TlOW lota, $21 down, 110 per month. City wntar rutricteo. 8EI COLBATH LAND CO REAL TORS. Dial 4-4404. aaM VIEW LOTS Bell or trade at Tallteoot Lake. Could be eommerclaror private. 141 ft. b 300 ft. UUIItlU .tellable. l-Mll. aaT LABOB HOME sites la betutlful Jtmi wood H.linti. 11,000 up. Bur terms. Bee own.r. Phone 1-8413. .alDl" FOR SALE FARMS "Seclusion" In a Grove of Firs Bsolslni this ik sere farm located la the heart of Willamette vallej. comfortable I bdrm. home, also amall barn and chtckaa houie, A tood 10 welL This land ll fenced cross fsnced with Little Puddlni river run alna throuah rear of property.. Total prlc. HO.bOO. Terms. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor ll Portland Bd.. Ph. 3-H13 Richard 1-3111 Ml' NICE l-B.B. BOMB so 40 A. of lood soil. variety ol fruit on IV, A., paved road. 111,000. Terms. North. , 11.15 A., new home, fount orchard atartlna to bear, 1 A. clover.- with Va doem. North. .. NO BI.DOS., 11 A lont hlwar front at, lu.ioo, with iiooo down. BANCS OF 4at A. best bottom land lakes it well for Irritation, tood llshlnt, haa mint, filberts, peaches, alfalfa, 1 la, alios, 3 stock feedlna barm, paiture and other oropa, 1100, ooo with ISO, ooo down. Burt Picha 111 N. Hlih Bt. Don wells: Off.: 1-4041 4-1411 Ml' 840 Acre FARM Tf you want a real layout, a good farm, 140 A. cultivated In alfalfa and wneat, and tne oaianca umoer, muflwi to tood improvements, - telephone, R. a?, a. power, call ua about this one. It ta located Just north of The Dales In Wash. $55,000, and terms a farmer can handle. Why certainly, call If Interested. . IREALTORIBI Evenings call 49644 1S4 So. High Ph. 4-3851 M7- 60 ACRES Willamette toll, located No. A)l un der eult., moat crops In, very good modern older type hse. In excellent re pair. Plenty of outbldta. On pvd. rd. Owner will consider home In Salem as part trade. Priced at $10,000. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1$0 Mission St. Ph. $4500 Eve. 43945 or 30510 b9$ FARM TRADE 315 Acres near Inde pendence and seller win accept goon Salem home. 100 acres well drained and fertlllxad and producing a bump er crop. Also, all the farm machinery In first clasa condition included In the full price of 447,600, Bowes ft Wood, Realtors, 4-3353 or Eve. 3-0433. b07 FOR SALE ACREAGE 2 ACRES East, fair 3-B.R. hse., good barn, chick, hse., fruit hie., gar, Close In. Only $0900. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR HBO ttlMlon St. Ph. 34fi$0 Eva. 439(5 or 10536 bb0 1 ACBE. south. 2 -bdrm. houae, several outbulldlnis. $4,700. Terms. Chas, Hud kins its Bon, ph. 34130 or evenint 18140. bb99 REAL ESTATE NELSON $500 DOWN . WHY PAY RENT? f One-bdrm. plutered home with unf. attic. Lot 431 TS, paved St.. 3 blks. to bus. Ideal for couple, onlr 13900. Call Mrc. Wootten. $750 DOWN NEAR HOOVER SCHOOL l-yr.-old 3-bdrm. plastered home. Hwd. firs., Insul., well llthted lae. livint rm., lot 5$ l 100, on graveled it., nice nelchborhood, owner leavina city, mate oner, rnce eiisu. iii Mrs. Wootten. Owner Leaving City Near Washington school, 3-bdrm home newly redecorated, $ its. old lot 00 x 179, fruit, shrubs, garden. a mom. washer. $7$00 unf. Furnished $5400. Call Mm. Wootten. QUICK SALE, OWN ER'S OBJECT This Abrams-bullt lovely 3-bdrm home ll on lot 7$ x 300 facing a pvd. si. The kitchen is 17.$ x 13, plenty of bullt-lns, roomy lie. clothes closets, the price la 00, A reasonable down payment will be accepted. Call Al. Walla, S-7305. TRADE SALEM FOR PORTLAND This ranch style home is located In a fast-growing sufc urban neigh borhood. Beautiful living rm (1$ 34) finished in mahogany, 3 bdrma., 3 taathrms., fplace., patio with fplaee., lovely back yard. Will consider 1 or I bdrms. Prko 111.000. NELSON & NELSON BPrClAMZlMO REALTOHB IM M. HUB it. Pa. Mill REAL ESTATE 3-BDRM. HOME IN CITY This older homo haa Urge roomt throughout heuao, with geparato dining room. Thla homo hat o basement, oil furnace and la a corner lot. 00 i 130. Mice back yard, with sprinkling system In front yard. Don't fall to see this home. Fog appointment to aee, call Dale Raybura. 3 ACRES, 2-BDRM. HOME Here li that I acre ol level land with a very neat 3-bedroom home, lane kitchen, living room, utility, and double garage. Olive by 4000 h Stiver ton road, then call Dale Rayburn for appointment to toe. OWNER WANTS TO TRADE this lovely 3-bedroom guburban home (east), for homo ind email acreage or home with largo lot. Would like one with bajemeiit and fire- - place, but not absolutely aeceaaary. Pull prlco $7049. If rott have ooine thing to trade, call Cbet. ,. DREAM HOME : Here's that dream home you have been looking for, located lut at ' 070 nil n oil. Beautiful ftnUhad larte utility that could easily be con verted Into a third, bedroom Attached garate. Special! priced 3 - .tooM. CaU CheU . : GARDENER'S SPECIAL This nice two-bedroom home has a lovely landscaped yard with fUh : pond that 11000 would not cover. Thla homo la only t years eld. A better bur lor only 11500. An additional lot can be obtained. Call ; Tlboetts. .y2 ACRE, 4-BDRM. HOME ' H acre, and a very nice family home, with 4 bedrooms, large living room, full dining room, and sunny nook. Pull basement with forced air heat, double garage, hit la one of the few placet located elosa In that will afford reat country atmosphere and living. For further Informaties, call Tlbbetta. Might consider trade on mailer home. . . . BARGAIN Tea. that'a Just what thla home will be. 3 bedrooms all on 1 floor. Extra lame living room. Owner have moved, and gre very anxious to seU. Call Jim. r . . V , ,. 3-BDRM., ENGLEWOOD $12,300 Pull basement, new automatic oil heat. Xxtra large lot. Nice fireplace. ... 11 years old. Owner anxious to tell. Hurry i. this won't last. CaU Jim. . RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor)4 " ' 1W0 N. Capitol ' Office 1-4444 at 4-1144 . Xvenlnf Fhoreo -Tlbbetta S-14M Jim J-mi Chat S-I33I Dale Raybura t-M4 . 2 ACRES CLOSE IN Here la a dandy 3-bedroom home en nearly 1 aerea of highly Improved land. In addition to the attractive home, there la a barn, chicken house, 12 walnut trees, cherries, applet and plums, double garage. Immediate . possession. $7950. Terms. Call M?, Parsona. POSSIBLY $750 DOWN Non-resident owner anxtoua to sell this 3-bedroom home. It haa a alco living room, kitchen with dining area, modern bath, utility room, Vb acre good soli, on paved road la good district. A tood buy at $7,000, -CaU Mr, Parsons, . HOME WITH INCOME Well located 3 acres with 3-bedroom home, alto 1-bedroom rental that brings In $33.50 per month, close to school and bus service. $13,10$, Owner will consider taking in 3-bedroom Boat. Call Mr. Ketne. ' 1 ENGLEWOOD HOME "... Living room, kitchen with dining area, 3 bedrooms, utility room, garage, email lot, 4 blocks to tcbool. Bee thla at only $$,500. Tennt. 1 . Call Mr, Anderson, , i ST. VINCENT-HIGHLAND DISTRICT Throe-bedroom home with large living room, modern kitchen, hut ment with furnace, garage, large lot, close to school. Priced to sell at 110,050. Terms, CaU Mr. Anderson. A HOME ON THE CREEK This spacloua home will please yon with Its large living room, It t 11 dining room, den, kitchen with cheerful breakfast room, I large bed rooms, beautifully landscaped lot on Mill creek. If you want the best . see this home today. The price la $34,500, with good terms. V Murphy & Kent, Realtors MORTGAGE LOANS 'CONSTRUCTION FINANCING 4tl No. Churoh . I ; PhoM 4-3313 Ives.: Parioni 3-1S0I, Keena 1-1011, Anderion 1-1344 ' ' -ctf Grabenhorst Specials ACREAGES ' '.'.'.. ' '." Crolsan Creek - m acrei l-bdrm. home 11730 Bltylln. Road - raise eheep - 10 acres ..,.....19300 Liberty Road - 10 acre - 3 bdrms. - terms .,.., ItBOO CALL PETER H. OB1BER : " . ' I , " " ' . ' McKINLEY RCHOOL DISTRICT Brand neer Immediate posieailoBl Ranch style, 3-bdrm. home with llv. rm., din. rm.,- kitchen with brkf. nook, utility rm. Dble. taraia. All this onlr ,13,400. OALL B. K, LAVMON . , , . ; NEAT 1-BDBM. HOUK Inalewood district. llV: rm. with flrtplaea, din. rm. with French door leedlnt to patto, bath, kltchtn with nook. ' Auto, oil forced air furnace, nicely landicaped sot. A tood bur ak 111,100. CALL J. E. LAW . LOCATED ON MILL CREEK 3-bdrm. ColonUl Jiome. Modern thruoul, 111 fenced. Aprlnklln arstem, lane patio, shade trees. Complete In ever, ' detail, for appointment CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP. SROKIR . , ttTB CREAM STORE In fine location. Dolnt tood euslner. oood . lease. If you want to own your bualneca, ae. this first. FOR DETAIL), -CALL Q. H. ORABENHORST, JR. i ; : v C. . - ' APARTMENT INCOME 1110 per mo. Six apirtmutl. Hons In No. I tone. Price 111,100, CALL PETER H. OEISER . , . f GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS ' 131 a. Liberty 81. ' h,.l-l4'l . Ivenlni t, Sundayi call : Roy Ferris 1-1010 J. I. Law 1-f.lll ' H. tc Larmon M4W ' Pater H. Celier 3-HII , T -------------.'ee.''d REAL ESTATE ??CR0WDED7? Tired or looking at cramped houses? Iet us show you a little more elbow! room end comfort. This home has only 4 bedrooms, a mere Vt baths, only one study and music room, dlnint room won't aeat over 1$ people, attic restricted to one stint-pong tame at a time, maid's quartera only bit enouah for one person. Couldn't find lumber so had to build with brick. Berry It Isn't larter, but If you need apace let'a have a look. You may be able to aqueeie In. PHA terms. YOU CAN'T LOSE Check this tnveitment today. 0-yr.- old business building, fltee reinforced concrete, fully occupied and produc Ing grou $5244. Sharpen your pencil end see for yourself. Thla la a real buy. Oolng for $43,000. GO SUBURBAN We shouldn't have much to say about thla home. Owner ha cut price to $1050. Appraised for Ifl&OO PHA. 3-bdrm. modern Home, excellent keep. Liiscioua lawn, inside utility, flee this bartaln today. SUBURBAN EAST Cloea to new achool, overs tie lot trees, J-bdrm., hardwood floors, good road, close to city limits. Listed today for $8BA0. FAIRMOUNT HILL efle thla loreyl home loraied In choice Fairmount Mill aectlon, beau tlful oak shadrd lot, fireplace, dinlns room, lovely k lichen, 3-bdrm. home with eiira tuest room over taraae, This home can't be matched for $11, too, SOUTH Buy a snug l-bdrm. home on I amall, easy to keep lot. Home ha fire place, dining room, 2 bdrrrw., inAlde utility and new kltchrn. Beautifully kept Inside and out. Nice trees, ftee this for 410.7AO. 1110 F.lnrounda Rood Ph. 4-I1II, (vt. 1-1031, 4-17M, 4-4S13 ell' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 HlllaJ HEAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE IMIHtl UMIIII MllltltlU luiusttt lllltltlll lllllllllt v IlltlllltltlllllU llllllllltlltl lltllllllltllllllllll IUIIIIIII 11 lllltltlll ,111111 II tlllllll IWItl U , NIDI . M " ) List Buy SULLIVAN $35,000 Kltht apartments and I flrat floor buslneju outlets In concrete building, located In ftllverton. This Is one to make the Investor's mouth water. DUPLEX - F.H. A.- constructed. This fine duplex located on paved at., near shoppini center. $ lie. bdrms. in each. You get an extra lot and a very substantial loan may be secured. $17,000. WU take a home In trade. , ....... , NOB HILL ., $ ndrms., l'i blocks from Mc Kin ley achool. An older type house with lie. rooms In one of 6aiem't but neigh borhoods. Price $0,000. THREE BEDROOMS and only $ yra. old. Outside patto and fireplace. Certainly worth the money at 47.600. SINW00D panel In the living rm. of thla over- ' site (1128 sq, ft.i two-bedroom home. Tile 'in kitchen and bath. Loads of built -Ins. Colored bath fixtures and many more fine fetUure. in thii brand new modern home, earl. Double ea rn re with overhead storage. Call Mrs. Boyd, eve. ph. 45441, 153 ACRES Near cascade union high. Approx, 140 acres cultivated, 31 x 40 barn. Four-room house. Would trade for email piece near Lyons or fltayton. $10,000. . , ROBERTB.SULLIVAN REALTOR 1311 Portland Road Ph. 41331 Br. Olllca 313 N, Hlth Ph. 4,431 Eva. pits. 11114, 1-4III, 4-M17, 4-HH ell To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 ' It.t Ial Cetaat. Il)-rpa. 411 waU ol Kirra, lit,