Page 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm. Oregon Thursday, April 23, 1953 The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER (AP Newslcaturea) Chapter 7 And now excitement came to the- old hotel at the end of Main Street In Golden City, California. II Ruth had never heard of Lang ley Curtis, others obviously had, outside people aa well as towns people, ine DiacK Headlines on Thursday brought visitors stream ing to the door to shake the ce lebrity's hand. Business boomed. Within a week three tables had to be laid In the dining room each evening, and the end of May saw very room occurred and hooefuls calling from far and near to make reservations even for distant Au- ?:ust. "She's the biggest thing ever or Golden City," trumpeted May or Luchettl at the formal welcome dinner held In the banquet room, and with this ringing declaration the Carllsles agreed. Two girls were added to the staff, Manuel Gomez was given chance number five to prove he was a good out door man, and still the fuss and furore went on. The day came when Ruth could look Dr. Daniel Curtis squarely in the eye and an nounce: "Any time you wish to leave you may I We're honored, understand: but the Carllsles are being; worn out! He chuckled. "I've gone through this sort of thing for five years. That's how long I functioned as my uncle's agent. Walt five years Deiore you Begin to complain, en? "But u you were a aoctor " "My uncle needed me more. It developed that others needed . him. too. Sean O'Mallev hadn't been mistaken In his opinion that nis second "scoop" tor his news. paper would rock the town to its foundations. Wherever Ruth went during these hectic days, she heard people talking about either l,angiey Curtis or Dr. uurtis, ana sometimes atxmt Dotn. urace ray lor at school took the stand that Dr. Curtis should be given every encouragement to ouna ana main tain a hospital. Caustic Miss Vance In turn vouchsafed the opinion that In the lone run community hospital would provide better service at cheaper rates than any single Individual could, A strong current of opinion flow ed through the town, an under current, true, but one which would become more and more noticeable as soon as the celebrity craze ran Its course. "This," as Rod PantussI put tl makes things different., you gor geous girl, you I After all, why should you soend all that dough when the young doc says he might oe willing to spend nis own?" It was an argument. There were, as Ruth saw it, many pros and many cons. Certainly the savings 10 uie taxpayers wouia oe large. fm the other hand, wouldn't 111 people In the end pay more? "Want a kiss Rod? You glorious hunk of masculinity, do you want bowler of a kiss?" In the stern of the Dauntless Me, the fat artist from Maine stiffened. Hod, however, Just grin ned. "Aw, relax, Huffle. Me and Ruth are old Dais. I'd marrv her and love her forever If she'd Just ay uie wora DUt sne wonx, so we're Just good friends. What's a bowler of a kiss among friends?" Wiry, nimble, smiling gayly, he hopped llthely to Municipal Pier. He led her down U the sea end and sat down on the bench under the awning. "What gives; kid? You know me. You can talk as much as you want, or as little." "Rod, have you seen Bob? We've been so busy at the hotel" "You wasnt at the hotel couple of evenings ago. Saw you with Dr. Curtis on the beach." "I need some rest, don't I?". ' "A few days before that I saw you and the young doc riding horses through Peterman Can yon." She stamped her sneaker-shod root. "Now you're being amicuiu He's a gucstl I have to entertain the guests!" "Well, I've seen Bob." He shook his head. His brown eyes danced but his smile faded. "And he's sore. And he's through. There, is that what you want to know?" He looked over his shoulder at the car on the gravel parking far down the pier, "You could bring the young doc along. Me and Johnnv want to talk to him." She studied him curiously. "Rod have you made up your mind al readv?" He ran a hand lightly through his thick black hair: "We like the sound of the young doc's Idea You know how it Is. We're making dough. We want to buy another boat, mebbe two. But If taxes go up to build ana support a Hos pital, mebbe we'll only end up with one extra boat." "Rod, would you go to a hospital run by a man wnos never reauy been out on his own?" His black brows beetled. "Hey, Is that the truth?" "Do I ever fib?" "You told me once you loved Bob." "That was to keep you In line." "You told Johnny once you loved me." "That was to keen Johnny In line." "And you told Ted Hopkins" "Which reminds me. Ted did a wretched Job on my Ford. Rod, I got stuck In the hills last Sunday. If Dan hadn t been along to help" He scowled. "You see a lot of him. don't you?" "He's fun. At least he isn't al ways talking about love. A girl can be herself around Dan." Bob's the mv. Ruth. I hate to say it, but there it Is." do at uonunuea) WOODBURN FOOD SALE Woodburn A food and mis cellaneous auction sale will be held by the Women's Society of Christian Service . of the Woodburn Methodist church Friday, April 24; beginning at 8 p.m. In the church social room. C. H. Buchanan will be auctioneer. Refreshments will be served by the Method ist Youth Fellowship and the public Is invited. STEVE ROPER jZZjToO I HAVE ANV (but. KIT-.T TM AFBAlD f - 1- V CHOICE. STEVE TMI4 ONLVf TUB MEANINS I KIT-- SUBELYOU( AFTER PNDIM rw.J MEANS i IS QUITE CLEAR PONT BELIEVE.-, jsjn VOUB PES,. r m IVL TAKE THAT NOTE, MI55 KAKSON RADIO PROGRAMS por.o J! ORPHAN ANNIE FREE TV THEATRE . ' Watch TV at our Television Theatre. See them in action before you buy. Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Weitinghoute OPEN FROM 9 AM. lo 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evenings by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE & TELEVISION (0. 375 Chemeketa Phone 34311 FRIDAY P. M. f VOU MEAN TO TELL MeTVS I IF WE GAVE FUTILITY ft ) XMJStl T I BNB NEW HJSPfT.. THAT'S HOW I PEOPLE WOULD KflTE I PEOPLE ARE- us! why? K- f I'VE SEEN n; Q1B FOLKS I WANT TO DO THINGS FOR I I THEM8ELVE8-ESSS$ THIMQS I 1 FOR THEMSELVES, TOO-OR I ' L THINK THEY BQGEREP 6M J WHY, QtB, FOLKS WOULD LOTS RATHER LIVE IN ft DIRTY OLD COW SHED THEV BUILT THEMSELVES, THAN IN A FINE MARBLE PALACE THAT SOME RICH SUY GAVE TM- LIL ABNER L-LI'LABNER.''- , I ALL BUSTED AN ) . '. A WIF A JAGGED J . J STONE STUCK " ; o I V ) SH ! . cnu O J ; THISIS Carol Curtis Pattern To Make Your Spirits Zoom! Bo easy in the making ... so beautiful to ace I Tills sleeveless dress with a little collar borrow ed from the boys. The talking point Is the collarless cape closing with one button and dipping to a point In the back I No. 3875 Is cut in sizes 10, 12, 14. 16, 18, 20. Size 10: Dress and cape, tM yds. 35-ln. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and 6ise. Address PATTERN BU BEAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion Street. San Francisco 5, Calif. Patterns readr to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of order via urn class man inciuae n eitrs 6c per pattern. 7 u V N 5 11 n Crocheted In Straw Yarn, Top niusinuion is oi a nattering, in expensive, navy and white hat done In straw yarn. It rqulrs only ounce of dark yam, 1 ounce of white, a ynrd of ribbon U Inch wide. Total cost about a dollar I Lower lint requires two tubs of straw jam In any color, small amounts of contrasting chenille, wool or cotton yam for the brlsht criss-cross edging, banding and dccoratlvo cherries. This hat alio can be made tor about one dol lar. Send 30c for EACH of the hat pattrns iPatlin No. 321) or (Pat trn No. 468) complt crochtlnii in- stnictlons finishing directions, YOUR NAME. ADDRESS. PAT- TKKN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, Capital Journal, 662 Mission street, san Francisco 5, Calif. ROOM ft BOARD Uil.MJt f hi By Ahren BRACE V'SELF FOR A JOLT. JUDGE... rr AIN'T OIL PROPERTy.'....I WENT OUT THERE YF5TFCDAV AMD A r.i w TOLD ME HOW A BIG 6lL TRUCK AND TRAILER WENT OFF THE ROAD LAST JANUARY AND CRACKED UP IN THE FIELD WHERE WE FOUND THE POOL OF OILf.. HE SAID 7000 GALLONS OF CRUDE OIL LEAKED OUT. . THAT POOL WE SAW ; FROM J4 H,WELL, THEY AREN'T OUT ANY MONEY f OH, COME. T NOW HANOVER... J f SURELY VOU ' JEST.. .VOU DON'T AfttAN...P.W'rf- A, ' I HOPALONG CASSIDY WHATDAISY f I PONT 6EE A 4ldN OF THAT BAK-ZO HERP: WHERE PIP YBU 5AY IT WA6,A65IPY T f I PIPNT.BUT WE'LL FINP IT AT LOST HILLS, SHERIFF. I T0LP THE BOYS TO WAIT FOR ME THERE. L BAR-ZO HERP: WHERE PIP VU SAY IT WAS,ASSIPY T 1 m OfcDLO -i -.. ,. mi iW1' THERE'S NO THAT SHOULPNT BATTLE HERE.' ) tE HARP TO dUESS. WHATSCASSIPY ZfP MUTT & JEFF THE DOC'S NOT BUT r TELL. VA GONNA HtRTJ THERE'S NOTHIN' gHA, JEFFWBONafOT4 JUST BECAUSElJvES.VES, LOVE, POTATO frKNOW PANCAKES ' (S-,- MUTT THINKS J rSfL itauTsy I'LL ADMIT I HAUE U NO.OFOOURSe' yjj ARE? SAV. VOU MUSTC0ME f..-,,- aMr,L,r.rl ,iatI T 'II J '.H . . . . THEM FOR BREAKFAST NOT.' I'M LUNCH AND DINNER UERV FOND BUT THAT DOESN'T SAV I'M CRAZV, . DOES IT r OF POTATO FANCAKE3 UP AND SEE MV COLLECTION h rue sot closets fulu OF THEM ' REX MORGAN, M. D. I WOULPN'T HAVE ANV IDeA. WOULD XXI. BAlfUT TWS CWIEF WANTS TO HAVE A TALK WITH YOU.1 f WHAT DO I VOJ WANT f J DONALD DUCK ANP HV CITY HOSPITAL.... VBCV SESlOLSl Y MS. TUNE WANTS " ' is m9.iunk4 T fkac cl jo see vou, pocto; p j W-Lcrtr? f Ji MARY WORTH I mm 60 IN QUItTLV AND PACK VOUR THINGS. 6WN!.. I ll iTOPFORMXI AT MIDNI6HT "... WCtL DBIVt TO ' ACI70NA AND BE MARRIED TOMORROW! DONT AROUt I. .. IT'LL ONLY ATTRACT -I . U, wjr Til ft I MRiWORTH.J-. C0MEINANDC105E I j fl 4:00 4:15 4:.H 4 : 45 6:04) 5:15 5:.V 8:4.1 KGW t NBC Ntwt Boad f Lift rtw. loaac Plata Bill F. r. Parrell IL. Jenn - Dob'i Wlft Wclcont IrarclM Dr. Paul Garrawar Itlffi Beau lir. Muila Boa Muale Bot rt Baker Newi Parade Newi Farad L. MeCall E. Ptlerien KOIN I KEX iKSLM 1IM ABC I 1S9 MBC CBS Newi Co Oct It HH Fftrtr Huh Prlj IIIMU Bu. Snot Jcmla Klrkhia Klrthim Maslo 8rkli Godfrty Gadrrcr dfrcf tlftdfrej Gcdfrey Gvdtrer Carl Miner Klrkim Ruth Aihton WakclT Tunefollr Ed Morrsw Slem Newt W.rld Todor Newi Ptal Harvcr Hn Kdlllai Jack Owens Jaek Oweni itTiTwiit Kar Wcat Kar West Cal Tinner Cal Tinner Lire I.Ike Millionaire Music Rerse Bill Blm Fer Girls Ferjilrli Tiny Tunes Squirrel Cat Squirrel Okf ,llappy Tine Mtrtr Circle V. Flnkler Chel Hunller Ben Garred Ten Trades NW News Gar Ms Mule Bplder Spider Spider Spider Klrkwoed KirkweeS. Lucky V Rsneb Vewt 'lutle Husle Shoppers News Music Music Mu'io ' Full. Lewis Hemtnsway Curt Ms,ssey nam narea B-Bar-B BBar-B Wild Bill Hlckok KGAE I4M K C. Spider Spider Spider Spider Res. Room Bee. Rt,ni Bee. iloesa Bee. Room Jlaa Dandy Jim Dandy Jin Dandy Jin Dandy Kiddles Krnr Music Marl Muilo Mart Music Marl Music Mart Music Marl :0fl :1S :.0 :4.1 Relay Wllh Music Jndr Canovn Judy Canofa Music Mart hallr Reoerl "Music Marl 'Flsheasler KOCO UM LBl Ntwa MaJ, LUH Mai. Laiica. MaJ. lt MaJ. Leirat Mai. LesMt Hcnatora Senator! nenatsrt Senatara , Senatara -Senators Senatori Senators Senatara Mar. Mfloar Mag. Hclodr rw'd HarrJ Second Look Dinah Sbure 60,o Child. J. C. Swayiej Huat.-Flah. .Weatherman Hma Edition K-d. Llatnlnc IB. Blat-kbnrri :flA f:!5 8:45 10:00 in:i5 10:4.. tl-M 11 -in UK Man's Famll; World News Portland Hit Parada Voath Wants i Know Freedom Foram Beporter, Sports Paao panceroaa Aiicnmnt. News L. McCall City Ceanrll City Council 12:Wl'8lrn Off Mr. J. C. Reporia Borky iordaa L.Thomso . On Spot Eacapo Escape Mr. Keen Mr. Keen Jo Stafford Jr. Miss 5 Star Final interviews Citr Club . Talks Capitol Cloakroom Treasury Bandstand Srmphonette Srmphonetta Fan for All Fan for Ml Ossle- UarrUtt Corliss Archer Final Edit. Danee Time Danea Time Dance Time .Silent Dance Time Dance Time Dane Time Danee Time; Danet TlmelMelodr Man Gab. Heater NW News Answer Man Sam Ha yea .llm'y Fldler Legislative Chco Kid Cisco Kid . lohn Steele Adventurer Harmonies Din. Concert: Glen Hardy Falton Lew It Mnsle Music Behind Storjl Newareel News Official Del. Of fir Is Del. Mnsle - News Masle Muslo Mart Mnsle Mart Maale Mart Slrn Off Candlelisth rCandlelUth News m Keys Roaary filar Slag Handstand -Bandstand Datoat Don Baseball Raaeball : Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Baseball Nltht News Vlrht Rons Nlihl Sonr Nirht Soni Nifht Sonr, Nltht Setic Nlgbt Sonr Slrn Off f s&i a Don'l Blow Your Top V. Vfi'y' Aj! You. loo an own boauf Ihil TSo '-fSSsZ) ' astk Bnj . lraaer Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 law Ave. Ph. 38558 VL SATURDAY 6 -A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. 0:00 Muslo Tine CBS News Farm Hour News Saturday Western 0:1; Music Tina KOIN Klock Fam Hour Timekeeper Saloto Maladies 0:aj Day. West KOIN Klock Fam Hour March Tine Saturday Fam Newe 0:45 Serenade KOIN Klock Fam Hear NW News Saluta Newa 7:00 Newa KOIN Klock 1st Edition Hemlntway Saturday KOCO Kleek 7:15 New Heap News Atronsky Breakfast Saloto KOCO Klerk . 7:110 n,t " Vets Newa Breaklasl Saturday KOCO Kleek 7:45 K. Mannlny Consumer Bob Haeen News Salute Estea Serr. 0'Ofl M"'' B" Smlllnt Ed- Carter Show Saturday Proudly HaB i ll M"le Grand Cent. MeCennell Music Salute Froadly Hall f :S0 " cl" What's New Haren al Satnrday Concert i:4K Music Boi Take Heme Asent Best - Salute Concert "Jjjf Howdy Deed: Theater al Toylani Newa Folk County News t'1.1 5,w"' D": I,0T Tune Merck Tlnte Platter Parti Public Heall 0-SO "" Deed: Stars Orer space Patrol Pastor's Call Platter Part) Club Time 0:4., Howdy Pood: Hollywood Space Patrol Bargain Platter Parti Klda Career 0:00 " Fun Icr All Stars af r.len Hardy Platter Parli Aanl Hatlle 0:1.1 Bk. Carnival Fun for All Tomorrow Darter Show Platter Parti Aunt Haltlo 0:S0 Hollywood City Hospital Stars of Onr Town , Platter Perl) Melody 0:45 Brekktasl City Hcspita Tonarrow Woodburn Platter Part) Sal. Serenai 11:(M1 Mary Lee Music wllh. News Hlrh SehooT Platter Part) Major s 11:15; Taylor Girls. FlsylanS Music Hour Platter Farh laree J :.. Farm and Meel Missus USA Farm Press Platter Part! Major j:4B Hone Horn Meet Missus Plarland Fsrm Press Ipiatter Partjl Learua ' TU Moc.l KOIN It 1.1, a.m. to U p.m. KEX K.I, I lo u DIAL LISTING KOAR. S50 KnAr T nowsi rv wz-ix ,,;)5i Nt Ttrm tlr tM Navy Show! Z:00. Raaeelallv fnr Wnm.n i-M, Oreson Heportert 4:00. Sports Fere east! 6:00, Children's Tbeateri 6:00, News, Weathrrt 0:45, Stale Leslelalurei t:Io, Farm Hour; S:00, Cooper Union Forumi If ft A f Sat. A.M. 10:W Nowai 11:11. Espeelslly for Wenani ll:N, Concert Hall; 13:00, Newsi t:M, Music of Masters; 4:00. Esenrslons In Science. :M, Muslei :, Medltallant 10:H, Sltn Off. GOVERNMENT TO CLOSE MAGNESIUM PLANT Spokane, OP) The govern ment has decided to shut down its 20 million dollar magnes ium plant here as soon as pos sible because enough of the strategic light metal is now stockpiled, it was disclosed Wednesday. The plant, rehabilitated 1951 and operated by Pacific Northwest Alloys Co., employs 750 men. Lay-off notices will start next week. l.Kio.'dcd 5. Bovine aii:mal I. Cleansing Kent 12. Rabbit 13. Japanpst sa5h 14. Irritable 15. Arabic leller 16. Negative 17. Not good 18. Hold in readiness 50. Iron- working furnace . 51. Born 22. Beam 23. Canned 27. Sack 30. Italian capital 3!.Mc!:e lact 32. An;:iely 33. Affirmative 34. Repentance 36. Free 37. Is able 38. Rive 41. Milder 45. Masculine name 46. Male child 47. Was carried 48. Optical glass 49. Moccasin 50. Awry 51. Accept 52. Beverape) 53. Give tem porarily DOWN 1. Burn lightly E.OaM1E15l T vtj fifL JjcraiTs: lis i e SdJ IflW R LEjNJ T B R t E) SIT Solution of Yesterday's Puule 2. Vigorous I. Flower 4. Protection 6. Transformed 6. Musical instrument ' " 1J r hlLLLN lT ' 1"! t,l 13 7i If rr ' ;' 122 1 ' ,:" ' " rf II-ir 1 h mJ- sr '. A; v Ji Ji ' I 3Sfjt --iTTifpr l i "j nti i pj i n T. Humor (.Native East Indian soldier 9 Scent 10. Excited 11. Funeral pile 19. Female sand piper 20. Hobby 22. Reserve 2.1. Use lever 24. Fish eggs 25. German cily 26. Moving wagon 27. Forbid 28. Curve 29. English letter 32. Middle 34. Deep hole 3.V Light brown 36. Wash lightly 38. Saline sub- itance 39. Entreaty 40. Thin 41. Football core 42. Theater bo 43. First gnrdrn '44. Coarse grass stem 46. Mineral spring