Thursday, April 23, 1958 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Part l Comparo this rxAvicmiTv ...for looks t r 3 IN IK o Uf mmiitiis ...for reputation Whw Hw UUvuion comufrom RCA Victor you can b. mm of top TV nttrtoMng for 5 big raawmi 1. "Mafic Monitor" drcuH tyitm now at pook-potnt of .ffkhncyl t. hDmb Imnna" nJr..u I.. I N.W lono-dlitanc. rawpHon for hotter vtowina and listening I 4. Hm enrtomotk UHF-VHF lunar I. Now wid rang of coUiwri or. thfl than mr bofor. v mmm wmm mm Mnroy today. Attractiv coraol cabin! b (Mihtd In nahoganyi blond ilighHy hlghor. And o our vrldt cholco of othtr RCA Victor odtk, grind at low ai 249 95 ...for price $39950 hufilM Dm MgHgM Hit IS... WARREN Radio & TV 1993 Fairground. Rd. Phono 3-7681 Tele-Views ? Radio-Television e-a By DAVE BLACKMEB ' Local and national baseball 'will be covered locally by Radio Station KOCO it was announced Wednesday. Salem Senator baseball games both at home and on the road will be broadcast by KOCO. Chuck Boice will handle the sportcasting chores for the station. Dugout Dope a pre-game feature will again be aired this year prior to all Salem Senator baseball games. The fifteen minute program will feature interviews with Senator baseball players and outstanding sports person alities. On doubleheader days the program will be on the air in between games. Major League baseball will also be broadcast on KOCO every day Monday thru Sunday at 12:05 p.m., featuring the outstanding game of the Jay. . j . .. ..' i. , KSLM has daily "Sports Headline Show" at 6:40 p.m., which features all the days baseball scores and highlight! on the evening game the same day ... ..... .... KGAE is going to handle the baseball season sports news with their regular "on the hour" news casts. Also the gents at KGAE say they will interrupt any musical show with a major sports announcement. ... YOUR FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY Pulse of the City 2:00. An exciting tale of happenings in Manhattan. . My Hero 7:00. "Odd Man In" has Bob a foil of gor geous gun moll and gets involved with an escaped convict. Ford Theater 9:30. "Life of the Party." Sally Forrest and Marshall Thompson in a story of a young couple's marriage threatened by husband's clowning. The Unexpected 9:00 "The Mask." John Hudson and Mari Aldon in tale of master engraver who wears band ages around his head and is assumed to have been dis figured. He robs a jewelry store and uses a girl to effect his escape . YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING FRIDAY Kate Smith 1 :00. "Talent Showcase" presenting young talent in their TV debuts. Matinee Theater 8:00. "Coastal Command." Story film ed under fire. Cavalcade of Sports 7:00. Jimmy Carter of New York vs. Tommy Collins of Boston 15-round heavyweight championship bout from Boston Garden. You Asked for .It 8:30. Baer will give Primo Canera a rematch after 19 years. - ' Big Story 9:00. A confidence game to recover the al leged estate of Sir Francis Drake is exposed by reporter D. Johnston of the St.. Paul Pioneer Press. Favorite Story 10:30. "The Dynomiter." Kenneth Toby and Virginia Gibson. Setting is in Dublin in explosive days of revolution and concerns a rebel leader and professional dynamiter. ' ; Dennis Day 9:30. Dennis plays host to his mother and father at a party. He also masquerades as Charlie's long lost brother Norby. Chance of A Lifetime 10:00. Comic George Price guest. Nite Owl Theater 11:45. "Second Chorus." Fred Astair, Paulette Goddard, Burgess Meredith and Artie Shaw. Night Club Musician Wanted in 5 States' Calumet City, 111. J.B 25-year-old night club guitar play er faced arraignment today on bad check chargei and police aid he wa. wanted In at leait five states. Walton "Junior" McGehee, 25, wa. arrested by two Cook county sheriff deputies who recognized him from picture, while they patrolled the city. famoui gtrlp-teate bar Motion. BennyAllen Get Together The historic meeting, of Solomon and Sheba, Stanley and Livingstone, Broadway and 42nd . Street and similar classic encounter, will pale to Insignificance when Jack Ben ny meets Fred Allen again on KOIN-CBS Radio'. "Jack Ben ny Program" Sunday, April 28, for an hilarious session of rem iniscence about their days In vaudeville. With Benny whacking away at hi. famous fiddle and Fred On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only procT.mi tch4Trid lo ifffMwl Allen seeking to resuscitate his reputation as clarinet virtuoso, the occasion is re garded a. fraught with possi bilities. Observer, of .how business are holding . their breath, in anticipation of the event, burdened with the knowleage that the reunion of the two great comedian, may well result In a renewal of their long-standing feud which once rocked radio to its foun dations with laughter. The script call, for harmony, both musical and social, but scripts have been known to be thrown away when Benny and Allen get together. Starting Sunday this will be heard ever KOIN at s and 8:30 p.m. Norman Tyler Heads Woodburn Students Woodburn Norman Tyler wa. elected student body president at the annual elec tion of officers at Woodburn high school Tuesday noon for the coming school year. He succeeds Bob Wither., presi dent for 19S2-SS. Other officer elected were Robert Dryden, vice-president; I Jane McGrath, .ecretary; Dor othy Baxter, treasurer; Nina Rice, yell leader and Kath ryn Thompson, song leader. ' The new officer will take over at the close of the cur- j rent school year. I FREE 10-foot mast 'id antema Complete With 90-Day Service Policy 091 ALL (KOSLLY 21" CONSOLES FOR OXE WEEK 03CLY Also One Year Guarantee on All fart, end Picture Tube H0CICER HARDWARE 990 S. Commercial Open Sunday. -: MARK RADIO and t TELEVISION INC Salem's Host CompIeU Television Cuter 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Night 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV THURSDAY 1:00 p.u llfttlnet Theater 4:1$ p.n.-eucb for Tomorrow 4:19 p.m. Love of Lift 4:4S p.m. trancr Tbu Ftetlom 1:00 p.m. Howdy Doodr 5:30 p.m. Youth Wanti to Snow 0:00 Ruui Rider 0:10 p.m. Dou Bdwnrds, Mew 0:40 p.m. Time tor Beta 1:04 p.m. Mt Hero V:I0 p.m DtneJ. Abort 1:4 p.m. Mewe Ctrwui 0:00 p.m. Orouebo Marx 0:10 r a Burnt ud AUe . 0:00 p.asv The Vatipeettd - . 0:10 pjtu Vor4 Theater 10:00 p.m. Martin Kane, DeteeUvo 10:10 p.m. Hollywood Wrtitllnt U:10 p.m. Hit owl J Caa t ootr II I 9 pew leeaUee. la I i W4. Call u I a we'll at ear beel K CALL 4-2271 HEIDER'S 42 COURT 1120 CDatt rmiDAY U:00 .m.-BIi Pajott , 13:10 pjb. Welcome Trwtltra 1:00 p.m. Kate Smith 1:00 p.m. Double or Nothing 3:10 It Rich 1:00 p.m. Matinee Theater 4:11 p.m. flearch tor Tomorrow 4:10 p.m. Loto of Lift 0:00 p.m. uli Kldi , 1:10 p.m. Ror Roffcra 0:00 p.m. Cleeo KM 0:10 p.m. Dou Edward, Htwa 0:40 p.m. Time for Beany 1:00 p.Bk -Cavalcade o! 0 porta 1:48 p.m. Mewt Caravan 1:00 p.m. Abbott and Coetello 0:10 p.m. Yon Aited for It . , 0:00 pjn. Blc Story 0:10 p.m. Dennla Day 10:00 p.m. Chanet of Ufetlmt 10:10 p.m Adolph MtnJou 11:00 p.m. Club Bmbaiiy 11:10 p.m. Lift of RUey 11:10 p m. Nttt Owl LJ mm TOP TRADE OH Trader Louie will give you top trade en your radio, furniture, tool., gun., in fact mart anything. Just phone 3-8558 end he'll dash out to your home and give you the fairest offer In town. Trader Louie's huge trade-in allowance applies as partial or full down pay ment which may mean no money down. TmADIG? LOUIE TV 1870 Una Avenue Open Monday-Friday Evenings Phone 3-8558 G AlFTEES We have utt completed re modeling our building . . . Wa wont to shew ft off to you, our cuttomere, Saturday, April 25 .' . . everyone le welcome Free, priie. galore ... EVERYONE WELCOME SATURDAY, APRIL 25 VALLEY TV (ENTER 171 Grant St. - Woodburn 5 Motorola Portable Radios Orchids for the Ladies Cigars for the Men Gifts for the Kids, too It's Easy ... No Work Nothing to Buy . . . Just Win But Hurry to Our Store Saturday iftifflMiW MEW Standout Pictare MODEL 17T13 Never Before Has So Much Television Cost So Little New "Miracle Interlace" Twice The Picture Detail Built-in Lifetime Focus for Razor-Sharp Pictures New, Improved Glare-Guard Eliminates All Reflections Concentrated Power Chassis . For Trouble-Free Performance Super Selenium Circuits Cut Electric Bills! Wonderful Motorola TV "Golden Voice" Sound System! "1 $22990 Snap-In "SABRE JET" TUNER Makes Tuning Automatic Smart, Durable Mahogany Plastic Table Models BIG, BIG Picture Tubes for Easy. Viewing Test This Set In Your Home, Today! Don't Delay! MODEL 21K10 Full Size Console Motorola With 21 Inch Picture Tube $34990 VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 171 Grant St. WOODBURN Phone 3611