THE CAPITAL JO TON At, tUtm. Ontem This Cast I!ct b IbsA Yra fcr Drcsliiyn Duns ByOABL EDNDQCIST New York ai That old battle cry of "waif. 'Ul next yee'' was', backfiring on the Brooklyn1 Dodders; todayat least in Philadelphia. Normally,, no- nutter how badly thing go with the Dad- gers,. the fanf always rally around audi insist'. tht: "next year" thing will be better; But the Phillies apparently haven't beard' that ancient. Flatbush oroverbv Because they definite ly are nuking thlngt wor for the Dodgers.. . IW Is a Bow Last night' as the Phils made it two victories in a row with well earned 5 1o 4 triumph. they manhandled' Billy Loes, the- right: handed pitcher who had subjected them to all sorts of indignities in 1032. The Cardinals-moved' into' a first place tie with the Phillies by defeating the Reds: tf to a, at StJ Louli, while the Giants topped the Pirates, to 2, and the Milwaukee Braves pouna- the Cuba, , 11HO0. . In the American League, the Yankee' mad- it six wins' in their last) seven starts' by de faatlMC the Red Sox. 8 to 2, while Chicago handed Detroit Its fifth straight defeat, 9 to 7, and Philadelphia topped Wash Ington, Tto 4. Vinegar Bend MIzell' struck out' aveo and' scattered seven hits in the Cardinal victory as Eta Slaughter' hit a' triple, ' two - doublet by Solly Hem us, Bad' Seboendlensti . and' Ray Jablonsld; were' Instrumental blOWS; gab Hits Tw Homers Bob Horman, filling In' for Injured second baseman Davey Williams, gave the Giant good cause to consider" him- a- a regular when he hit two hom ors a double and single, driv ing in' three runs and scoring three in Jim Heam's four bit Ed: Mathews was the' big batsman for the' Brave,' driv ing in six runs with two hom ers and a double in a long-ball bitting pree in which Jack Dlttmer also Hit; Milwaukee homer with' two- aboard while Preston' Ward and Hank Sauer homered for Chicago; Max Sup kong breezed to hi secondvlo. Or TIm-ammuu rrru) AamaiOAN uuoiia i-ww, mtiuhiphit- .hi rj.ii. nmttift Kutnn. iMttoit; mi T.rwUllttr, waialutta 4M; QtoOnan, Bmm .ML Bns Halltl I Dropo, Drtrott1 It) empp, citrntno ana ruimt, wwni- & Major Leagues 9 (CV Th MWUM PnU W 1. TCI. W PhHllpliU. 4 S .tnltV Ylk I M. Lout. 4 S'l . oumm. : I Broollyn 4- I" .til ritsnws Mtlwsuktt I- 1'- .MOCtaloap'- i W ,HHIIlf Kttllf ' HllniM' 11, clilost If ' NMr ytrlt I, PltukarxB 21 Plilldlphlft ' Bi Bmoklm 4 I Bt. LouU I, OUlouniU I. . AtmicxHLaset)' W 1. Pn. w.' kv ri ' .im midipat. pt; LlnlW 1 1 M nation S" I n yor e, Bonon IT CTitotn , Dtuatt 1. : oalv tamei jeatdalMI. .at 4 .U) urn. .AM IK V .us pniii ir iwpihim tud ia in mb. lfM Haas otraprt, Roiwo. It IJl Uii. Otuiilc Ziraul, Plwulilpbl saa Wirt, st. Louu, 31 il plant tla vita ODB eieb.' MMalaat tntrca, Otliiaaat Umoa, aenuam mrpoldf, N Yortl KalUMf, phiivMivMa aad omiiv at. utu, 3, I 00, : MtriOHiv Lauovr i Kalllai- Broton, IMnikN' .4411 0 tail hi PltUburfa .490; oampaaalla, nrtt a .4Mi Ka. RiUasalBola .IM; Itabtiuon. Brok)im .all. Haas Ham, u uamsBBaita,- roo. Ira. ill uiuin, UCvioim hi aakwr, Bnoklya PI IMctmir, . UUwaakM II at aia, nuiadopbia 7.. Hiaia' uaauataan' sad' DUtaur, Mla-saiM It MM platan - Ua l J tssb. piuslat MrtMI. Iimraalut. aad ehnraon, PhUadttphla,- S, shut pltaun iiad wiia l, ijjo. Cougars Defeat Oregon State I Noannmw mvrsioir nsatvAitv (BP Th. AMMktlal Prtlll ' w V rtt: otnm-t ,.. o ijmc IdshO' J J .too Wi.htetWn suia 1' 1 .in Wsihlamas , V ' JM Wiasid's HMslMl . wsibiniton sum tv orttaa ue 4. OaMaS'Tbaridsyl milium Stat at ontrn swt. Corvallls, Ore.. W Stan Peppe's three-run homer in the eighth' inning wiped out' an Oregon. State' lead; and; gave Washington State am 8-4 vic tory over the Beaverg-ln their Northern' Division,, Pacif ic Coast Conference, baseball game here- Wednesday, : The win- luted the Cougars into' third place in the stand tags- : Oregon-' State- was- leading 4-8 when-. Peppe came" to bat in- the- eighth. The' Cougars added: two Insurance run In the final- inning.. i The team meet' again' here Thursday.. vmo , iooo u i Oreion swu OM 001 160 S I ' Jams sad cwppartl weluuaar Hlr- nu. tif sno -momss. Anr:Is D:vn Seals 5-4m I2Framesr Eaves Rcmsd Out 9 PCL STANDINGS U ABll tstlllt PortUad. HalUw' w TCI. W V ret. ii. a HSU. ma It 1J .M II T M Milan I II HI ia aw 11 oaalaad ; S II .4t 11 11 AO0B. C4sf T U J Basalait n.blaatrf ft:. tlHtlyWMd . ! Aastlaal, aaa rrtaeua 4.(11 lnn- lain. i aaa OUn at BMMM rlla. 1 Maraauu at roruaad ;.-. ? (Bf Tbs AlMeUUd mts) ' Only 1.5S persons were at Wrigley Field Wednesday night la.ftsa Iha Sin FronctlCO Seals and Lo' Angeles put on a real thriller OS a bail game.. ; The Angel finally triumph ed, 5-4; In i the. 12-inning con test that saw two double plays, B' spectacular' eaten,, ana; iwo wmnpn men on ; base fOT'each team in the last three frames. ; The Seal grabbed an early 1.0 lead but; Angel' pitcher, fin" Pndiret maihed a 375- fftot home run to tie it up, only to weaken'; and; see' the- Seal Jump into a" 4.H advantage; Then i in ' the ninth; . with ; the score- 4-2,, who should; smack a double with two men on base but' relief Pitcher Bill; Moisan of Newton, N. H; He tried to More on a shallow single-uut was thrown, out af the plate a; Tony Tomay blocked' the way;. Thai wltmina! run was bashed In- hv nstphM- Al Evans with the bases loaded, and the count 3 and Z. The old curve-bailer, Bob' Muncrlef;. threw three straight Dallsv Bvan took, two strike,, then) batted' the- next pitch; straight over second. In Oakland the- Hollywood Star lost' their sixth straight, bowing to- the- Acomsj, o- as catcher Lermie Neal; doubled in the ninth with two onj Th- San; Dleeo-Seattle and Sacramento . - Portland' games were- postponed, because oi rain. bsbi rriDcius om ooi ooo ooo 4' r t hot AU4IU ... ooi ooo oos ooi if s SlasUlou, Uuaorlif (10) and" Tctrnar, TlHUra (II) and Alblol (13)1 Pdtt. Ihb (I), lletisa (I) and Tappt, tnu (11). , Hollywood'. . Ml ooo ioOi-4' r 1 Oakland 101 000 101 ' T' 3 ODannail, UM (I) and arsssn) r. rum and NtaL. Minor League Scores (Br n;t Aiioetsiia FTtw 1NTEBKATIONA1. UUOUB UMtrial IT, BsobMUl 4. arrsniM II, olta 41, BprliKtUld Toiont i: aulala S, BalUaul h. TCXSS UUOTJS) RnutOB T, JMaanmri ft, 1 Ittotnca. Ban Antral I, shitmort 0V11 lnn- 1UI, tu. Oallaa 7, Mrt Wottb 1. OUaboma Oilr , Tulis i; WKSTKBN UtAOIIC Colorado eprinn IS, Otnnr J. Dj-by-Du VJIL S:I::dub fcr First nam la a- rfuvbr; da.v sehednle for; the first i half; of' play la. the. Western; Intsrnalieaai laaciuh Xcm wiU. llad it. hasidr te follow tbroagb the seasoau. It U sswgested yoat olip it; and retain it 1 or reiereste. . The Capital Jeamal will print a second hail Ktudule prior te the start ot the seeoatt hail the seaaesv a vaasrattn Taahas, at vntsmi mi SO Tn-OU at BMa (11. spokaaa st oalaarp (II. Lsvutoa at Edmooua (1). Wtnalaba a VtaasatCT 111 YlMlma st Vicuna, mi Usp 31 Tn-atj t a lam 111. Wtnatoba Yaatona-dl. . Jan 1 osttsrr at Uvtawat Jana J VKMrU- at salam, Oaldatr st Laaisian, Vsaaoain at TrWJltp, aaokaa w,a" akUiatl Jona 3 Wwarta at Ealamt Oll uarr at laaiatan. Vaaoaime. at TTV oltv. apobaaa. at . Waaatabaai Jon 4 Vlnnrta at aaltat, Kdmontan at oauatri Vaatontr at TrVOItTi BMbaa SI w D atebMl Jan, ft Visaoatrr st Salam. Kdmonton ftl Oalatrr. TrtJlftr st u UMm Vablma st Btwkaa, VloWrU st WtnatebMi Jon' vanooom st la It m. BdmooUn st oauarr (1), Trl-OUT at uaiaian. Yaalau at spoaaaa. Vtotaria st WtnaubMl Jaaa T vsasointr st flaw lam (l). Trtottr at Lavuiaa (1). Ykkt raa at seoamaan (I), Vlouna at Wraat cba (1). . ' Joaa Balam at aaHsrr. Tn-OKT st Edmoabm, vsncoavtr at aaokaaav Lav loa at Vlturlai jaaa . mim at ott aatr, Trt-Oltr st Xdnioatao. Vsnoonvtf at Bnoaaai, LavlaWB st VUttna. Wra. sub at Taatna Jam-11 ail'n at oalaarr, Tn-oltp at SMmontaii. Vaaeom--er st eaokau, LaaiiUa. st Via tons, vrtnsuha. a Yakimsi jm-11 saum at Edmanuu Trl-cltr at oalaatr, VH torta. at Vansemtff, Wtnattb. at Tafc Imai Jen 11 ealtm at Edmonun,.Tri oitr at oauarr, viatorl at vsncoortr, lvttton st WtnaMb, spokana st Ts lomai Jus IS Mum at Edmonton (1), m-ollr st OSWarr (11; VIourta at VU couvtr (1), ZMUIoit at wenattb,- spo . kaea at Yablmat Jan. 14-Leaiston st Wtnatcbu (1), , Bpoaana- st Ysslma. (II. . ' Jan.- II: TWnsntaa ati Vanapovar;-.1 ; AMU IS Ltvtataa at Vanaarnir. Bt bsna- st' notarial AMU za iwasrr Baum (II; Liaton st vnaaanvvr. 8PO- ksna st Vlatarla. cdmanton st Trlltr, ysblma at Waaatabaat AarU SS larnawn as Vsaaoavat. 111. HBoaan. a vwwrai 111, Ysktma st Wtnabcba! April IS Oslaarr at Salam (I). Edmonton at TH Ott (1), raalma at maauna w ' Asm lf--avokan at1 Vanaavttrt Aartt ISJfdmoDton at Balam, Oslaarr at Trt Dltr. spoataa at vsaooovir, Vlotorla st ytklmsl . Apru it aamoatm st aaiam, pauan. at. Trl-cltr, Bpotana st vta couvtr, . Vlotarl at rtklmai . April ' 30 Kdmontoa at flalam, Oalaatr st Tr)oltr, Vlolarla.. at; Ysklmal star 1 waaatebaa st Balam; Edmoatoa at Laa-taion. Oat parr at spokaaa; Vaaeoprtr st Yakima, Vloiana- st Tn-oltyt usp s wtaatsba at salam. xdmentan at Lavlilan. oti tarr at Bpokaa, Vaaoosvtr at Ysktma, Victoria at Trl-Oltyr alar 3 Wins Mho at salam ;1). Edmontan at lawlaton ill. oalsarr st spoksna (1), Victor Is at Trl Oltr il), Vsaeoovtr. at Yakima S. , Mar 4-eaMtm aa- Victor is. m-cnarT as VsBMWirt Uar t sawm Victoria, Yakima at Lavtston. Kdmontoa at spo kana, 'm-OItj at Vanconar oalsarr at wiosubMi uar- saum st vlctorts, Yakima at Lewlison, Kdmonton at 8po tantf oausrr- at; Wntaubatl MOT 7 Balam a Vsneoavtr; Ysklma at Lwu ton. Kdmonton st SPOksnar . Trl-CItr st Victoria, oaliirr' at Wrna'ubMi Uar aaum at vanootrftr; lawitton at spo kau, Trl-oit st Vlotorls, otlaarr st Ysktma; Edmonton-, aa vrraAtebait llsr a VsneopTfr-(l), Itton st Bpoksna, Trl-oitp at viotorla, Edmon.ton at Wtnaloh, oslaarr st Ysktma t Mar 10 Lwlton at Bpokaa' II), Edmonton Wenattn (I),, oaisstp, st xssiawi Mar- ll-prtnauna at oaitat r,- tsbs- . ran. at Ekknonlon, Victoria at Vanaonrtrt Mar lS-uvliton at Baltm. Wenaubaa at Osltarr, Yakima at aUmonton. spo lean at Trl-cltr, Vletocla a vaaaatrmi ' Mar IS larruion. at salam, Wtnaunati at OaIcrr,vYaktma st Bumonton, spo kana at Trtutr, Vlitoria at. Vanaonnn Map 14 Lawlalon at. Baltm, Yakima- at ; Oalnrr, Wrnatebaa st Edmonton, Spo- l kan at Trl-OiCr, .VsncotlTar st Vlatorln I Msr. It Hpoks&a at Bslim, Yakima, u j Oaltam wenaicnta.' at Edmonton; Lew- Uton at Tn3Itr; Vaneotrrir st vietorlai i Msr Itu-epokanf at salam, Yaklmtv- st oabtarr (1), Wtnatobaa. at' Edmonton II). lwliton at. Trioitr, vmnoouw a ; Victoria (l)i Mr n-epoka&a at BaJlm i (1), IVtltOn at TTl-Olir III; Mar' IS oslaarr. a Edmonton (1), VsncouTtr st Victoria (1 o.m.1, Victoria st Vanoonrn' (S p.m.u Mar it saum , at' Wtnatabta, Osltarr at Edmonton,; Vsneotrrir stLawlilon; Vlotorta at kant. Trl-OItr at Yakunat Mar Km at Wenatabaa, Oalaatr at Edmonton, Vantooror at lanrliton. Vletorla at Spokana,- Trl-OItr at Yakunat Mar 31 ea Km at wenatana. Edmonton, at osl aarr, VsneottTtr st Ltwuton, Vletorla spoaan,. Tn-or at- Yaaimai mar 31 Baltm at Yakima Edmonton at ; oat ,ur. Victoria st Lswltton. Trl-OItr st Spokan, Vaneonttr at Wraauhatt Msr 31 aaltm at Yakima, Kdmonton at Osl- parr (II, Vletorla at Lawtiton. Tn'Oitr at BDokant; Vaneoutrr. st Wenatehtot. Mar 34 saum st Ysktma (1), Vletorla at Lwliton II, TrMJllr at spoamna in. VsneooTPr at WMiatehia- (I). Mtr is larmtOB at osirarri spocan at1 Edmonton, Yakima, at vaneotmr, Wtnatehea at Victoria! Mar 20 flal.m at Trl-OItr, Latrliton at oauarr. spo kana at Edmonton. Yakima at Vsneoortr, Winstehar at Vletorltl Mar 37 Baltm at- Trl-OItr, Laaniton at oaitarr, spo- ia at Edmonton,- ranm as van-- ooorrr. Wenatebtt at Vletorltl Mar 31 saum at Trl-OItr, Bpokan at cat- nrr, lawllton at Eomotuon, wtnaKnt at Vaneotmr. Yakima., at Vfetorlai Mar 31 saiem at Trl-o!tr, spokan at Gal. air, IanrlitOB; at Bdmotrton, wmstebw cali-irj at VUtarlal Jon - If Vakutt at Salam, spokta at Ltwuton, wtnatoba at Trvctlr. Xdmnt at vsaossr tr, ca rsrr st VIoMriai Jon. 11 Yaslma at Salam, Bnoau at lawwloni. Wnatab at Tr-Glo, Eamaniaa st Vaaooanr. Cauwr t Vtotortai Jan' IS Vaktm at aalaa. wtmatabt ai TrVom. ca. larr at Vpaaawn. Eamontaa at via tariai Jas is aalam at I ration, wa Ptobaa tl npnaapp Yakima at Trl-Cltcr, Cawarr at vaaaoDirr. Edmonton at to torsal Jon IS nuai at urini. Wan steba at spokan Ytklma st Trl-cltr. Calasrr-at Vsaooaf r 111. Enmnttn at viotari. fill Jana 31 Balam at Le Id- ton (II. WautebM at BlKJSSns, Ysslais at Tn-ctt. (1).. j one is salam at seokan; Vanoooror at oaltaw Victoria st xdmonlant Jons IS salam at- saokaur Vsnoomer t oaiaarr, Vlo torta at Enmonton, Trl-oter at wraatah, unlet at Ysklmal Jana It aalam st Spokan, Vanoonrtr st ost parr; Vtatorla st Edmonton.-Trl-Ctttf st Wtnstahstv Lttrlttan.M. Yaklmal.JPnt 11 lm at Bpokan. Vanaoovar at Ed raonttn. Trt-atr at rnnaiab. laruton at Yakimsi jana is Tn-oitp a nan, Vanapavn at Edmonton. Bpokan at ixv .(...i.... . Yskmal Jona -3T Trl-dtT st BaMtu VanMovrr t Bdmon ton ill, Bsoaaaa-ai xaiwiaian. Yipnaftcoa at Yakunat Jnsa IS Trt-ottr st solam (I), Bpokan at X OVtataav.tll. .WPAtanP M Ysslma.. ID.. Jana IS aslant a Vsnaoarcr,- Oalsarr at Kmoatan. Yakima, at vutoruu Jan JB nlnm at vanaooftr, oaitarr at Ed raoaton. lanrttton at apokana. Wtnatoba Va bin.. , vtnLAHsi Jons 30 --Baltm at Vanooortr. oalaarr t. E monton. uniHS st apossao, at Trl-CItr, Ytklma at VIoMriai JBly 1 Balam si vtnooottr (1), oausrr si Kd montoa (I); LttrUtoa t Bwkann Wa ateba at; Ttl-OStT; . Yakima; at vlotarl (1)1 Jolr l--lHlon at Bpoksnai wn stebat st Trl-OItr.. ' an end hall boats J lip l; SxasxGcts RmatchiWitli Eric Pederson ; All Si, who ; lost to Brio (The- Qreat)) Pederaon. itr- the main: event' off Tuesday' pro ftsitonal wrestling card at the Salem-, armory,' has demanded a rematch with Pederaon,, and he Is getting it; i Sius. audi Pedersani will meet aiain.nejtt.Tusday at the armory.. i Pederson; won the third; and deciding fall' this- week: after Pederson had leaped) over the ropes, from-, the- ring apron; to land on Slaiz; Zufueta,, Brown Battle to Draw ' Baltlmorer ( Orlando Zu ltieta,, Cnbarr. lightweight who went gunning for- hi, third straight: victory- at' the; year, had; to- settle for- a; 10-round draw Wednesday night against Joe Brown of New Orleans, i The young mittmen-aspiring to tttle ambitions fought' a tamo boutr except: for an: aggressive flurry by. Brown in the eighth, ; Only l",0!Bi persons turned out f orrthe nationally televised fight: itt the Collseumi. Thursibr- April? 23 1953 Junior Baseball Mset Scheduletf Tonigtit ', - An' orranltatlonar aneai. Ing for the; Salem; Junior baaenalll lemwue Willi b aaav. ducted at 7:30 tonight in the Willamette' nnlventttj' tTm nasi urn. All svoaUpsn an i asked tat sendi a, rtretjasta. ; tive to' the- meeting. Aa : manageni should' attend, taav I says' President Bill) Bear-L ! The Junior league I. , atally In' need of ! and: any ' peron mtaveatstt ! In ooaohlnr an team' stuml) i attend' th rautettng tasught. Dallas Dragons Nose Sheridan ! Dailaa Dallas high, edged Sheridan high, 4 to 3 In. a rum. -league hnsehall game- Wednaa day afternoon;. After picbuii; .up. a; single: run- In. the first in, ning,, Dallas tallied three tunta in. the sixth, to ioe the; oonteat Bbtnoam. ooo lip o i Ssllta 100 OOS -4i 4m i Bards and Htiapton ; Wells and aUjcaT Whitman. Wins Two ; Walla Walla; WP)Wliitmaa -College- took: both, en da at baseball! doubloheaderr feast Eastern Oregon'. Wednesday,, t 11 and' 6-2: Wichita , Pntblo 0. Omsha 7, Dta Molnat; 4i BIodx Oltr 11, ZJiteoln tv Pi t U- GET LIME 6TUB P E tl OOLLM and it costs no more fa watch TVwitkout eyestrain ON ,,zl &71 y J f e wai tu mis X,Ori 4 DDS KRZ'DnDrS "I I 21 in. f-ati 1 CONSOLE W?l.VlS r r I X ftp": 1 ir J 111 M FINEST EVER MADE - T t 4 . ammwaaalM. mtptOJ': W'aaMMa ."..f? -Tr" .,' t a- -. w.a,.. i .'-. jp)- ;:-..-- ;.: - t aw'l ", r- , n;i" a. aV.,;' ' . :, 1.11. . A . 'V "m TH! 6ENUINE ANLV ORIGINAL TIRES tV New PROCESSES AND MATERIALS NOW MAK8 POSSIBLE 20 GREATER MHJEAGE. NEW SMART NARROW WHfTEW ALLS GIVE YOUR OR THE NEW 1953 LOOK ir SAME GREAT QUALITY AND LATEST DESIGN . AS USED ON LEADING 1953 CARS. tsH Pliant vpfAIIvM WMtf'pl MM TISc tfrwi ittap InnnM) c4taraWMy i me IPPtM TPMPT IIIWUISBISa! MPaMappjppa) piapana) Tte rrpi tiA rsp1i4Ty ItTrlaPastaapal wnptarpi a THE ONLYkTIRES IN THE WORLD I' nsjf UNITID STATIS t U 1 1 I R COMPANY CECAFm"3 (en:pleliv Tin Service WALTER H.Z0SEL CO. ind (lttstekela Sis. Opposite City Hail PHONE 2-3645 WHEEL BALAXQKG Front Wheel Alignment - . ... w. Y-T. : .. ' : ..V. I t ' ?v ' -t t ? " I I i i V t i I j ' ' V , 1 ",'"" I I - A fft "I ' t I ik, is ; Attend Our GRAND OPENING , In Woodburrr Saturday, April 25 We hove just finisttetf remodeling ., ., and we wan to show t off, FREE PRIZES GALORE 21-hNCH CONSOLE ttt handsome, hand' ' rubbed Mahogany ve- . MoMtlMSH.. ONLY 9' Per Day Price mebuUm: Porta and iHetare-ntfre Wi ranty; Fed. fleets Thaw lftit only does the Hoffman eyrrndrical picture tube brrnSTrja biggur pktnre at famotm Hoffman QXP Chaaaia brings yon that picture dearer, sharper without flutter or roll wherever you Hve. The Maximum Performance Selector Switch gives "tailored" reception for your own area. The Lighted Station Selector lets you tune in easier. The Hoffman Eaay Vision Lens guards your eyes from strain-lets you watch as long as you like with greater pleasure. And now that Lens is removable so you can Veep it clean and bright-aa-new always. This big, handsome Hoffman is ready for you now. Beady for UHF, too. VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER TWO VALLEY STORES" IN SALEM 2315 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Phone 2-549 T IN WOODBURN 171 GRANT ST. PHONE 3611