..... ' m : ucec, I Salem Meets Double Op Hemphill, Bevans Slated To Hurl Senator Openers ; By CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. - The Salem Senators, h cic t-t victory over the Orefon City Elks at Oregon City' last night brought their spring train ing exhibition record to 11 wins and two losses, Friday begin playing "(or keeps" to, the Western International league, , ; , Salem faces. Calgary's Stampeders in a split double header Friday, with appro priate opening day ceremonies planned for both the after noon and evening sessions. Mayor Al Louks will ; throw out the first ball at ; 2 o'clock for the afternoon ; fame. Pitcher Jack Hemp- hill will replace Loucks on ' the mound when the game - get nnderway. Senator . manager Hugh Luby has V named Hemphill ' to pitch !: the afternoon game, and : Sill Bevens the "evening ; fame. ' Gove.nor Paul Patterson will handle the first ball bon ers In the night game. Cere monies start at 8:15. Silverton high school's band will play in the after noon, and the Salem Shrine band will provide music for fans attending the night game. Traditional opening - day prises will be awarded to players g 1 1 1 n g various "firsts" In each ball game. (See list elsewhere In this section.) Salem and Calgary take a night off Saturday, then clash in a doubleheader Sunday. There nsnally isn't much doubt about an out-of-the-park home ran, it's either over the fence or it isn't. But during last night' Salem-Oregon City game at Oregon City, there were three home runs, and each one of them brought on a rhubarb. ,. . .. .-.w.i Salem won the ball game, 6-2, on a sloppy field amid flying raindrops and blowing cherry blossoms. It was one of those nights when' both clubs are uusally anxious to get the game over with, but last night they must have spent fully IB minutes, total time, in rhubarbing over the homers. ' The first disputed home run came in - the fourth Inning, when rookie Salem Pitcher Dick Strombach laced a wind' swept howitzer to left field. Pave Tyema of Oregon City got a glove on the ball, but it bounced off his glove and over the fence. Doc Regele, the base urn Dire, held up his hands, ap parently ruling that the ball had bounced over the fence and should be a two-base hit. Salem argued that since it touched Tyema's glove, it should be a home run. Actu ally, Regele wasn't attempting to hold Strombach to second base at all. Regele had called time out because a wayward ball from the bull pen. had rolled onto the field. But after a check with the base umpire ruled that the home run pitch had been made be Kowiiz'- Br CBRI9 KOWITZ. 1M., Capita.) Jouroil ScnrU Editor Not only are the Senators home owned, with 834 stock holders, they are also home-grown. Half the Salem team are Oregon residents. In professional baseball, that's a big percentage of native sons. Four of the Senators live in Salem. They are manager Hugh Luby (155 Culver Lane), pitcher Bill Bevens (3490 Sunny view Ave.), infielder Lou Scrivens (1581 Market), and outfielder Bill Nelson (2120 River Bend road). Pitcher Jack Hemphill is from Silverton, third-baseman Gene Taselli from Port land, pitcher Larry Borst from Forest Grove, outfielder Ray Stratton from Eugene and pitcher Wayne Rick from Malin. Counting Noses r, Beaks Chet Kebbe, chief biologist In waterfowl for the state game commission recently submitted a report to the Pacific flyway committee, stating that 442,739 migra tory waterfowl are now wintering in Oregon. Now, Chet, are you SURE those last 89 birds have arrived? Auto Racing Due Soon Hollywood Bowl will open its 1953 season on Saturday, May 2, with a roadster (hot rod) racing program. As in recent summers, the Bowl will conduct auto racing every Saturday night as long as the weather holds out. Fiery Fairways Speaking OI nuiu, icimuua us ul me aiueni guuer who passed from this earth and ended up where it is warm all the time. He found to his joy and amazement, however, a beautiful, fully-equipped golf course. He was civen a nice new set of clubs, bag, shoes, cart every thing but balls. When he asked the Devil for some of these he was told, "There aren't any balls that's the hell of it." ener fore Regele had called time, Strombach's home run was al lowed. , A. homer by Carloscio of Oregon City in the fifth, off Salem Pitcher Larry Borst (he relieved Strombach In the fifth), brought another rhu barb. Carloscio's ball bounc ed over the left field fence, in clear view of everybody in the Kelly field premises, with the exception of the umpires, who ruled it a home run. The LOCAL UNITED PRESS Familiar Figure One, of around f! lilt w )i T-IUWsJJ ijswytsjiiws 'mmmmJ' the last few years has been groundskeeper Ben Ford, shown here wielding a shovel. Ford is an all-around handy man at the ball park, doing everything from building the dug outs to caring for manager Hugh Luby'e Labrador re trlever, Skipper. fights Last Night Baltlmm Orlando Zuluete 111, Cuba, and oJer Brown, lis. Naw Or- lean, are, 10. ,Laa Vaa, Nef. Heir, Tea Hoff, l. Qermaiir. knocked out Al Spauldlni, 311. Oakland. Calif., . Fortland, Me. Terry Rran. 1V. Portland, knocked out Larrr Orltfln, mv,, Lewliton, Me., t. Korner uVlrlOSS Calg Friday Senators howled long and loud, but only one of them. Bob Collins, was chased to the dressing room. , . Just a few minutes later, in the Salem half of the sixth. Gene Tanselli laced- a long one to right field. The ball took a big bounce, all right, but the umpires and the Ore gon Ctly . players didn't agree as to which side of the fence it . first bounced on. . Regele gave Tanselli a home run, then it was Oregon City's turn to howl. : . .. The weather man finally stopped all arguments by rain ing out the game in the top half of the ninth inning: ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Thursday, April 23, 1953 the most familiar figures the Waters park premises Huge Crowd Expected for May 13 Game The crowd at Waters perk May 13, for 2 Lewiston-Salem games could be the biggest crowd in the history of. base ball in Salem. The Capitol Shopping cen ter has bought out the ball park for that night. Merchants iz. that shopping district will, within a few days, begin giving away tickets to the May 13, game. About 1000 of the tickets have already been distributed. Persons attending the baseball boosters luncheon at the arm ory today noon found a ticket to the May 13 game Included in their box lunch. Time out for refreshment eotntt tui .wi-OMr COCO-COLA BOTTLING arytn , Stl'B h p a a Sit Sehrer.S X 0 Dunn.cf S H 9 A SabaU.ef S S 0 ) tumuli Tarlor.lf Wtripn.1- ICarlKtr 4 OTerma.l Tallt.1 Tooele.. tQrnoto.1 4 1 Brown.. I I Mtlkil.P S 1 Blank.p 1 1 Btrattn.r Notion,. - HaUer.ea strmbcp 0 Borfit.p Matrin, c Scrlvu.l 0 Total. II I II 10 TolaU 10 I 14 4 Salem 100 101 014 S I Orefon CltJ ........ 000 030 00-1 I 0 Pllotuni: . n AB H B, BR SO BB Strombach ,4 14 , 1 4, 0 1 4 Boret ..... 4 It I 1 1 4 1 Meikel .... II 1 I t . t I Blmnk .... 1 I 3 1 1 1 S HP Wltherapoon, Stratton. BR Strombach, Carlocelo, TanMlU. 2BH Beoatlnl. RSI Wither woon. Nekon. Strombaoh, Carloaclo' 1. TanjelU I. Umpt Miller ud Boele. Time 1:00. At tendance 100. NEWS AND FEATURES Page 17 Two WIL Openers Set for Canadian Ball Parks Tonight 1 (St The Aaioelated Praia) The Class A Western Inter national Leagae, organised baseball's largest circuit, opens the gates Thursday for what President Bob Brown predicts will be a million-fan season. The sprawling league, which operates in Washington, Idaho, Oregon, and two Canadian pro vinces, was expanded to ten teams . this year and four of them will be in action at the start of the 144-game split sea son. Victoria, the defending cham pion, will meet Spokane, the 1952 runner-up, at victoria, and Vancouver's Capilanos will play the Lewiston Broncs at Vancouver. . Other league openers will be held Friday night with Yakima playing at Wenat chee, Calgary at Salem and Edmonton at Trl-Clty. Calgary and Edmonton, both In Canada's Alberta Province, are the league s newest mem bers. They were added to the loop last winter at a directors meeting which . also elected Brown as the first fulltime WIL president. Brown has predicted bring ing the two Canadian clubs into the circuit will send an additional 300,000 fans through the turnstiles, boosting the sea son's total attendance past the one million mark. Five teams will have new managers. Edo Vannl, who replaced Billy Schuster as Vancouver manager in mid-season last year, is the 1952 pilot at Tri City. Harvey Storey, Faeifie Coast League infielder-out-fielder, succeeds Vannl at Vancouver; former major leaguer Bob Sturgeon, will manage the Edmonton Eski mos; Gene Lillard, another veteran, Is head man at Cal gary, and Mike McCormaek is . the field boss at Wen a tehee. Holdover managers are Hugh Luby at Salem, Don Osborn at Spokane, Cecil Garrlott at Vic toria, Bill Brenner at Lewiston, and Darlo Lodigianl at Yakima. The first half of the split season will end July 2 with playoff to decide the cham pion. The second half will run through Sept. 8. et ts coo cou coMMt i COMPANY OF SALEM Proclamation on Baseball Issued . By Mayor Loucks Salem mayor Al Loucks has issued this official proclamation regarding the opening of the Salem Senators baseball sea son: .. , . PROCLAMATION The baseball season of 1953 Is approaching, and the Western International opening games for the Salem Senators will be played at the George E. Waters park L on April 24; and nnttibAs, ine saiem sen ators are the property of eitl sens and residents of the city of Salem, are an integral part of the community, and the ball club, the ball park, and the franchise are locally owned, it behooves all the cltiiens In the city of Salem and vicinity to support the team In order to Insure a suc cessful season and to perpe tuate baseball in Salem; , NOW, THEREFORE, as Mayor of the city of Salem, I hereby proclaim April 24 as Baseball Day and urge all eitlsens of the city who find It possible to do so to attend the games on that day, as well as on succeeding days. (Signed) AL LOUCKS Mayor of the-City of Salem Bearcats Meet .infield Here Friday at 2:30 Willamette's Bearcats, . two straight Northwest Conference baseball wins under their belts and showing a mark of 8-1 for the season, seek to stretch their string this weekend .as they battle the Linfleld Wildcats in a two-game series. Coach John Lewis' WU nine hosts the Wildcats at McCul- loch Field Friday afternoon 2:30, and the teams clash again at McMinnville Saturday af ternoon. Lewis plans to start high rlghthanded ace, Andy George, in the Friday contest here, with Mickey Coen the probable hill nominee for Saturday. -Willamette racked its sixth victory of the campaign Mon day by whipping the Portland University Pilots 10-4. Out fielder Chuck Lewis sparked the win over the Portlanders with three hits and a like number of stolen bases, includ ing a steal of home. Tex Kirkendall, Bearcat freshman thirdsacker, suffered a concussion during the tilt and probably won't be avail able for action in the week end series with Linfleld. Yesterday's Stars (By The Associated Press) Batting Bob Hoffman, New York Olante, homered twice, singled and dou bled In four times at bat, scoring three runs and driving In three as the Giants beat Pittsburgh, 4-2. Pltflblns- Karl Drews, Philadelphia Phils, rtruok out seven, walked two and allowed seven hit In defeating Brook lyn, -. for Cascade Merc's TROUT DERBY Over 1000 in Prizes It's Ail Free! Derby runs 'til June IS, with 6 prises awarded every week. Four biff grand prises at the end of the derby. First prise is a 195S Evin rude motor. Also spinning outfits, rods, reels, lines, lures, life jackets, boots, waders. Lots and lots of free prises. THIS WEEK'S PRIZES I. Burner Spinning Reel I. Bleeping Bag S. Langley Casting Rod 4. Cortland Tapered Line Bogle Salmon (Spinning Reel Remember, you must be reg istered at least it hours be fore entering any fish. Cascade Merc (405 N. Church Ops. 'Ill 1 70 Prizes in Store for ' .:;. ..... " ." , Luclty Sail Players Friday If you've tried to oil Orvtl Luu during the Ust couple of weeks, and found his phone busy. It was because he's been on that telephone hour after hour lining up prises for open inf day. This is Lama s fifth year in charge of opening day prizes for ball players. In 1949, there were about a half dozen prizes awarded. This year, there are 70 prizes in store for lucky players with "firsts." Frizes will be awarded to Sa lem Senators in both the after noon and evening games. Sepa rate lists of prizes have been lined up for the day and night games. Here Is a complete list. AFTERNOON GAME Flrtt Bit 4B RPM record rUyer Iron Ralph Johnson Appllineti and Marr Ra dio and Television: $10 dry oleantni from Rawllnson'c Capitol City laundry: IS cuh from Otto J, Wllion Bulok Co.' riret Binfie sio arr cleaning irom Kennedy ! City Cleaning Worki; 10 gal lon! gat from Don Roblneon Shell ita- aon. t cash from Chtfflng'e uitd Cam IB merchandUo Irom Dougnton Bard- ware. riret Onkle Sport ahlrt from Shrr- ocka Mea'a Wean two-pound box of candy from Oayi Candy ahep; 10 ral lona of gaa from Mennli oil Co.. 17.80 caih from stern aon-Biof ford; billfold, from Brown'i Jewelera. rirtt TriBte Trlco window vainer from Colyeor Motor Baleti 06 oaah from Krapa and Long printer; pea and pencil let from Needham'a Stationery and Of fice Supply: 10 eain from OrvaU Uitd Care: 10 gallons gaa from Oagle'e Union station. First Hams Ran 110 cash from Salem Automobile company: turkey from Max- ton CreameiT and Poultry Co.: bam from Valley Packing Co.) 10 gallons gaa from Kin ton's Richfield Service, 15 cash from Hogg Bros., 5 eash from western Mo tors; 15 cash from Home Fuel Oil Co. NIGHT GAME First Hit One pair baseball shoea from Howard Wtcklund Sporting Ooodi; table lamp from woodry Furnttur Co.; 07.W oaah from W. L. Anderson. Zne.i 17.80 eash from Major Motors. First sulfa Bate 40 cash from Warner Motor Co.: 7.BO cash from Smiling Jack's service station. First Single 00 cash from Commercial Beat Cover Co.! sweater from Bishop's; ILV script book from Tellow Cab; 010 oash from McKay Chevrolet Co. First Bauble sit) cash from Stan Ba ker Motor Co.: 17.(0 cash from Left Used oars; 010 In cleaning from Bur right's cieanersi 10 rounds of golf from Sklem Oolf course. First Triple 010 oath from Bishop lectrlot $10 merchandise from Prices liriiu annarri: tio merchandise from Hamilton, Furniture: sport shirt from Alex Jones men's wean Ronson combin ation lighter from Jackson Jewelers, TIDE TABLE TldM fa. T.fi. OrMaB--Arll. IMS CaaUea r V. S. Cnet ul OMeU Stirrer, rerilasi, Ore.) Hlch Watera Lw W.Mr S:i. a.m. 4.7 S:S8 a.m. :S9 P.m. l:l a.m. . I:3S p.m. :!1 a.m. 4MB p.m. S:0 a.m. 4:41 p.m. 1.4 :1B p.m. I.t a.m. 1 10:00 p.e 1.1 U 1.1 .7 14 10:17 a.m. 10:37 p.m. 11:07 a.m. 103 p.m. 1.0 Sports Music i ' ' r - C J) 1490 Kc. 1490" died- gallons gas front Kin ton Richfield Serv ice. First Ham Ban 010 aaah from Loder Bros.) sport light from B. H. Burrell Automotive Sltctrloi baa from Valley Packing Co.: eash from Charles Muiiir used cam 10 ewiono gaa from Kin ton's Richfield Service. 010 mer chandise from Ballye ladles apparel, sport shirt from Tb Man's Shop: turkey from Marlon Creamery and Poultry Co.: two chicken dinners from Senator Ho tel. First Hm In (either team) 010 coupon book from Sears. First Safa Bant Colobar ran glasses from Boring Optical Co. . Meet mta 17. w eash. from Marion Motors; sport ahlrt from Hewitt's Men s store. . First Walk Two chicken dinners from Bhattuo a Chateau; 07.00 oath from Business Boss sv6'c'-" .- .J & v'fV !, M t l4 1 I 1 v , 1 i ; , i t VVsv'i , - Vs V " ' I : X; ( v , ; -1 ' , N ' 5 V, I. I- i ness manager of the Miami, Okla., team, Is servini bis first year as business manager of the Salem Senators. Walker learned his baseball business ABC's at the baseball admin istration school at Florida. Southern collece In Lakeland,. Fla. Walker paduated from Willamette university in 1950, ' and attended the Florida school as post-traduate. ., . When the cry of HAY BALL it shouted out at Waters Park at 25th and Mission, KOCO, your Sa lem Sport Station, will bt on hand to givo you a play by play account of the opening Solem Senator game and every game thereafter. So if you can't make it out to the ball park for the games, tune In to 1490 on your dial to hoar Chuck Boiee at the mike with your Senators at bat. Another feature of KOCO, your Salem Sports statloi is Major League baseball with the American and Na tionoal League ball games each afternoon. Capp'a TIaa4 Cam SIS caah from i ml Flume. Corp.. and Hot a. inoBa uuurana. Maaer. Slrtt Baa Seare Two ahtoku .te rm, from CUe ud Johnston road Show 110 eaah from Omerml rtauu. Corp. n4 Aor H. stmmoaa Xnearue. Aimer. rirai Irrw is uh from Warw Motor Co. rtret SaerlfM4T4S aarohiodla. fnak Salem Hardware. rint In tutlaaMa M Milt treat Shroek Motor Co. v rirrt Ma. Cult Napplu w i Sleeping bat from Camd. IfereantUa. Winnlu Salem rrteker 7.M email from Valler Motor Co.) II Mas from Ambe. Motor,. . Mauier f Saeh Ban CIA aowmt of flowera from Jarr norlita. . Saeh Bat Bar Tvo-pound bos f eudr from OneU's UMd Cere. ; Dekt Wslker, former WilUmetU nl Tcrsltx baseball catcher and ex-busi v ft - .1 4 J.-i. . . if l.U 1 - V.. I .. A ,..v 4-t,l,i