PC 19 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 23, 1953 Reg.1.49 GARMENT BAG Wilh 26" ZIPPER comicbooks y.Ris I I jFsF T A D I E M&ft Western Action Animal I w. II I I I 11 B sfl r REG. 10 EACH F dT J A ) ) ffl 1.'' J Zli iJ R I X carton CAvJO CAJVJJLJi; lil A JI Iavw 1 1 Lnrr iiiiiiii liiv , u...r n m m I J I LHIl Uli VILLI W HI A? Box-type with a sturdy metol frome. 2 hooks for hanging on closet pole. With moth cake added, a grand storage bag for winter woolens. Save vc. s 'DETECTO Raised Ma' iunAA SCAU t7.49VAlUII 95 II YC in Ilnameted white or A.mwnlar eelorsi W I 3 1417" Mack Rebber DOORMAT "3 In I" Oblong "Removable Rack OA 79c Value-Mow B0WLC0VERSETS Made by CinnoR Cridueted ilzet Regular 19c. . . . 2 !. 25 10 COPPER SCOURING PADS 4' 33 MOTH BALLS OR FLAKES 19' DISH DRAINER Rusberliod Wire Assorted Colon Regular 9Sc Mow. 29' WASTE BASKET DKorilid Metal Assorted Colon Regular 35c Mow . 29' ,Mr roeW C Keeps door, itepi end floori neat! 29 CARD TABLES Metal leg braces lock securely. Walnut finish 70fl $5.00 yc a VALUE A-" . 1.29 VACUUM BOTTLE 79' 36 SPRING CLOTHES PINS 15 39' RUBBING ALCOHOL a" 11' PLASTIC HANGERS Pint Site. Assorted Colors ' With Wrap Slots, ft Strong Metal Hooks for 79' if iV ;r;l now vt. I 111 I ebb I 111 "rt colors 1 III I 5 1 J tlof M !J1 U My Tot CAoee? PICK THE pcm WOVED PERFORMANCE llt ea 6Malaa PAPER-MATE im 7,000 v oroiooj io hellr. W CHT TtANSHI JtrMkv "ee km No Ink. Wind loi, '' rofrooti ot In . No moro imtirtd wrHIg !,,,), K creek c W4j C Proof brett coupling, ,nd 99 SO frv CI BAR T t"-KSW JWKT.IUINBOr .o. -J--.U oirocrion. $4.49 Jl Now Si I7.S0 29' ASPIRIN TABLETS 5-SraIn Bottle 100 . IT JAeemo,, P ef oe..n pp reve i -?n. 'P'te. 49c. 4-,n. Ip;i 39 ylowprtuur. SARDEKffi'J TUNUB un.. -75c ..1.59 t ..u.rLawal v AC HT CHAIR w kwood freme wnn . 1d color duck ba flit lor storage. R.qulor $3.M 198 tocri OwTi low r- ....s SHwa-Sr? PontJ BEACH iiam or boo - mr snail ww . . Anchor HodctaB HeatProoi PEACH UISTRC W" as .AiuneheonPiat! iiiuttii ...i Cup """" uaari3owi S- SOFA PILLOWS """P cotton f!II.J .... W " MOM.,,.. 4 r 'i ai Mr.H'MF,"T"""" GLASS CASTING ROD LEVEL WINDING REEL Roea Colored Plastic TRAV CUTLERY 4 sections; keep cutlery neat! 4c Value! ... ...I.." Tubular GLASS AIT 1 1 g dF. w. I,.. v'Ajj i " i. u m m tm m. m ask aw an ! Round Decorated . j tttiH i Venetian Type Ivalon 3 Piece ( e A a?vka t aiwaaiwi aienisn C wood fibre AflC I Household sponge, fWfce I I "m I 1 becking. Etched MX ) ' Bathroom sponge I lUblTV 4afj detion. $1.50 vel. ' ,d diih washer. W I V" "SA ' Hardwood Handle Attocbea fo roer Hose! ' L Enameled Coprfof i .. ,' . . fes steel Garden Mi,CB IUCT'C Tle-C,ltt811 -iS 1 TOOLS TOA5TER iwur r w Tr.w.1 iwk -rAi ) ' saving on -ej Now It's easy C IV TrmeltMor Qfl popular awdell l"' to wash your IlU I . asoaisfitaaifflai Olio Ann w of SS ro sis. 25 OFF saiv $ove on these eomblnoHont. ; Roiolar Meo S.li J0 Offi Bj TOU PAY ONLY $4 t . 100 Won u,. m ..M '"J Off 1,01 YOU PAY ONLY. $403 10 Off.02 YOU PAY ONLY.. $7nT oe Up yr Owe Combined 11 " row ootid,,,..:-.?, s I ' " rm KXmeaV