Thursday, April 23, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortfra Call Bids lor hms Road Portland U.ra The Portland ; office of the U. S. Bureau of P u p 1 1 c Road has called for bid l for construction of the first section of a federal timber : access road system from Reeds port alonog the Smith river to Roman Nose mountain. The road will give access to appro ximately 3,000,000,000 board feet of timber, the bureau aid. Roscoe E. Bell, regional ad ministrator for the Bureau of ; Land Management for w h o m the road will be built, said right-of-way for the road was assured recently when an agreement was signed with the Long-Bell Lumber company giving the government right to .'cross Long-Bell land. The access road will be 58 : miles long when completed. The current bid invitation Is'f or 1 miles of construction. , :;' The bids will be opened May f but must be approved by the Interior department before con- : tracts can be awarded. Phillies Option Romero to Spokane Spokane ( Pitcher Ralph Romero, who won IT and lost 15 last year for the seventh place Trl-Glty Braves, was optioned to Spokane' Wednes day by the Philadelphia Phillies. Ike Meets With Security Chiefs Washington VP President Elsenhower met for two hours Wednesday with the National Security Council, the govern ment'! top policy-making unit on defense arid military mat ters. The session gave Eisenhower an opportunity to discuss pos sible new steps in the "peace offensive" against Russia. The White House declined to say, however, whether the mat ter came up. Elsenhower returned by plane late Tuesday from a golf ing vacation in Augusta, Ga. He started the rest period April 13 but broke it to fly back here and open the "peace offensive" last Thursday. Kurt Carlsen s Father a Red Copenhagen, Denmark, VPt The father of Capt. Kurt Carl sen, noted skipper of the Fly ing Enterprise, has been re fused a visa to the . United States on the grounds he is a member of the Danish Com munist Party, a high American embassy source said Wednes day. Martin Carlsen, 63, a land scape gardener, and his wife were invited to America by their famous son last fall. While granting a visa to Mrs. Carlsen, the embassy turned down her .husband's applica tion. Carlsen confirmed he is a communist. He-said his wife will fly to New York alone May 3. ; - Capt. Carlsen won interna tional fame in January of last year when he refused to. aban don his ship, the Flying Enter prise, in storm-tossed seas off the English Coast. , The United States has 29.3 telephones for every hundred people; Sweden, 25.2; Canada, 22.1; Switzerland and New Zea land 19.0. Aurora Aurora Grant E. Mitsch's "Daffodil Haven," northeast of Aurora, entered the largest ex hibit from any one grower at the big daffodil show In Taco ma last week. The Mltsch daf fodils, bred and developed by Mr. and Mrs. Mltsch, included 165 varieties. Within the last few year their reputation as daffodil specialists has become nationwide. On the same day that Lester Cole, 49, formerly of Aurora, late of Canby, received a frac tured skull and other head In juries in a sawmill accident near Colton, he became a grandfather again. Hit son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cole, welcomed their LOCKER DEEF SK(UlSKMl-SK(Ul BABY STEER BEEF Front Quarter . , 28c lb. Vior Whole... 31c lb. Hind Quarter . . . 36 C lb. DON WYMORE '' SALEM MEAT CO. Nmn3485S 1325 J. 251k SI. fourth child, a son, weighing 6 pounds, ZVt ounces, on Wed nesday, April 8, in Hutchinson hospital, Oregon City; Lester Cole is now a patient In the same hospital. A community get-together for Barlow residents was held in the school gymnasium at 7:'30 pjn. Monday, April 20. All resident! of the district have been invited. A motion plctuip and other entertainment was presented. Lord's Prayer Bill Passes OMa. House Oklahoma City UB-A-bill requiring that the Lord's Pray. er and at least five Bible verse be read dally "without com ment" In Oklahoma public schools passed the house with out debate, 107 to 5, and today : was sent to the senate. . if" -, v I ROOT BEER Dr. Pepper BoHling Co. - J 1095 N. Liberty, Solem ::JftPlipiP .f Mm i w Halt '-;,-; VnilD FN&TTIR f Here's whot the Salem Sena tors' squad list looked like as the team neared an end to Its spring training at Calistoga and headed for Salem: . CATCHERS: . Bob Nelson Don Moirerion PITCHERS: Bill Bevant Jack Hemphil' Larry Borst Wayne Rick Bob Collins Jim McGee Larry Strombach INFIELDERS: . . Hugh Luby, Manager DickSabatini Lou Scrivens GeneTansell' Fred Holler OUTFIELDERS: Don Taylor Connie Perex Les Witherspoon Bill Nelson RayStratton TRAINER: ' Pete Chinn BUSINESS MANGAEF Deke Walker FBI D' AY ooudl wmM.mwmmQ4m4 need 5H -'&T1f 4 l,v4'f t7 ,9J&1 ' " viri pjRa. Be sure to attend the baseball season opener Friday afternoon and night at Waters Field featuring the Sa lem Senators and the Calgary Stampeders. Opening day ceremonies are jam packed into a big ceremony for the afternoon and evening openers. Support your Salem Senators, attend the opener and their home games. Give them that rooting that they to give them a boost to the top. It: V 'f Is - I v THE FOLLOWING LISTED SALEM BUSINESSES AND ORGANIZATIONS WISH YOU TO SUPPORT YOUR SALEM SENATORS: ARBUCKLE5 481 State Street ALEX JONES MEN'S WEAR 121 N. High Phone 28617 BERGS SUPER MARKET 1117 Center Street Phone 22489 COAST-TO-COAST 233 North Commercial R. L. ELFSTROM CO. 260 S. Liberty Phone 22493 FRONK'S HOUSE OF CARPETS 2715 South Commercial Fhone 46313 HAMILTON FURNITURE STORE 230 Chemeketa Phone 33169 HOFFMAN'S MEAT MARKET 150 North Commercial Phone S5563 HOGG BROS. 260 State St Phone 39148 HUTCHEON PAINT STORE 1(2 N, Commercial Phone 36687 JAYSON'S Corner Liberty and Court LEE'S ELECTRIC 3380 N. Lancaster Drive Phone 26653 MAN'S SHOP 416 State Street MASTER BREAD Fresh Dally at Tour Grocers MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, INC. 365 N. Commercial Phone 34163 MILLER'S DEPARTMENT STORE 189 N. Liberty Phone 22431 MITCHELL RADIO & TELEVISION 1880 State St. Phone 37577 NORTHWEST TELEVISION CO. 3880 State St, Fhone 45932 PAY LESS DRUG STORE 484 State St Phone 23654 ROBERTS BROS. 115 N. Liberty - 340 Court St. Ph. 39221 W. W. ROSEBRAUGH CO. , 680 S. 17Ut Phone 37609 SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO. 183 N. HIrh Phone 28412 SEARS 550 N. Capitol Phone 39191 SENATORHOTEL CORVALLIS HOTEL Salem, Orefon Corvallis, Oregon HOWARD J. SMALLEY OIL CO. 1405 Broadway Phone 35606 TELEVISION ASSN. OF SALEM UNITED THEATRE CORP. Elsinore Capitol Grand Liberty State-Drive-In VALLEY OIL Ben Delk and Verne Boon GIL WARD 450 Center St. Phone 22476 WEEKS GLADIOLUS GARDENS 3130 N. Broadway Phone 22716 WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY 201 N. Commercial Phone 37177