P.ftH THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saint, Ortto Thursday, April 23, 1953 225 Boys Already Signed For Soap Box Derby Race w 0 Hy, kW, you'd Utter tm- r Vic run rvl TbV$ rlrfit, it you went to get finned up tor th blf Derby, you'd better hurry be w H too many, Tb m nil tmn planned for 2S0 to 100 boy n4 to ditto w hv approximately, 128 flirted up, Tne ot of- town ri are beflnnlne; to tn up in a bur ry, Tfcera ar now 29 boy register at Sweet turn, It at Dallas, 10 at Corvalll and everal h In Albny, Leb anon, dllverton and Wood' burn. Incidentally, wa need three or tour raeeri tor dlipley In aoma of these other town, if any of you boy have your last yar'f rowr itlll In good hape and would ba willing to lend It tor a while, wa will a that It li returned. Just phone me at the Capital Journal or cell ' fill! Fag at 2-407D. A quite a lew fellow have finished or nearly Untitled their racer tor thli yeer, Among those are Bob Moo brueker, 2348 North fifth atreet Terry Copley, SflSS Che mawe road) and Disk fliher, whose bug wit pictured In Wednesdays paper. Bob' recer will go on dis play Friday at Darby'g Soy hop, 2B North High itreet, hit sponsor egeln tht yeer. Any of you kid In the Wood burn are who would like to ie lent year' Derby movie, "Winner Ail," luet how up at the City hall at a o'clock Thunday night and be fueits of the Woodburn unit of the Merlon county eheriff'i re aerve. The unit I ihowlng the movie a part of It final meeting of the winter training aetilon and hei invited any one Interested to Join them, r, Anybody need cable for their racer? Willard Taylor, down at Hi Salem boat houne, aty be hi a few ud ceblei he la willing to cell to Derby 11 at coit price. They are ud aircraft cable In good fhapa and ar for eel tor SO cent. New ebl of thli type www cost you about 13 or mora, m you can e it a reel bergatn and help a lot In keep. ing within your 110 limit, Jut tell Mr, Taylor that you ar an official Derbyist and he'll eel! you the cable at Hit apM-iai price. By the wsy, are you keeping a record of all your expenses on the bug, You need en Item lied list at race time to how the Infpector so keep it up to dele you go along. Here ar a tow more name of Derbyist; Class A A iron Cooper, route 1, Independence, pon ored by Aisociaiea Oil com' pinyi Bill Bishopric, wood- burn, sponsored by Woodburn Variety more; Allen Davy Oeddes, 048 McOilchrlt treet, sponsored by eleven Ac eon Jeweler; Eddie Hamilton, 300 Candalarla itreet, iponsorea by hie father; and Bruce Henton, 8018 June avenue, sponsored by Robert Brother. Class B Clary Smith, route 1, Dell, ponored by Lee Miller Associated Oil com pany, nickreell; Dick Chand ler. 1048 Berry street. pon- eored by Woltfemott' service; Jerry Jlowey, route 4, box 100, sponsored by Scott' Auction Center; Kenny McDermitt, 808 North 2 lit itreet, sponsored by Hoffman' meat market; and Robert Melghon, 000 North 111 th itreet, sponsored by Tom Wolkamott, 1D28 South Church itreet, i MARINE COMING u '.VI II Lt. Edrey Schendel of the women' Marine Corp, who will be In Salem Thuridiy to peak to women itudent at Willamette unlverilty In terested In a career a commissioned officer In th Marine Corpi. The lieuten ant, whoie home li in forest drove, I the Marine Corp women officer procurement officer tor the Weet Coait. (Marine Corpi Photo) POTENT TRADE PACT Moscow W Th Soviet Un ion and Poland announced Thursday they have signed a trade agreement providing for an Increase in the exchange, of food between the two coun tries over that previously scheduled tor 1083, Explorer often have report ed land in Arctlo seas which could not bo found later and iclentisti now believe these "lands" are the huge ice islands which drift with th Arctic currents, c Silverton Reports Real Estate Sales BllverUm RI etUim utes recently ?omnLtr1 bv thm th following: Tm Beau UOraoa katua ul Ui tm Oaviw 4aiUm u Mur Uimm at Ota wuiur. Tm frank Nativar um tat mwi 1 a umm Mm4 u AntHU imams aa I awa af mfim, -The Arlaar Da4aaa M atraa, mm at HN, M HIMtM MVSDM41 I ftll,.- m m aauta wur ai. u a. L4m mil wilt el Ttin VUr, Oi, TH4 Oft Miuun kM UnUlta TM Mint a,kUr frm and kulkllnii ,n mnnw, nnu im nr. hhi un. m,ir HumW( lit ea Otto, OtXU, ttf M, O. AnUTu mim us4 tumt i an mwunmmtr unit is Ul w. j ,Mi mi w, oc ronitaa. or,. rue cm Wru utt m trvr . m L. C. rruvtr of ailntts.. "',''r t. M tt. O. emlth ud Til OrVAl miLAk a.r.ua . h w v. mwiB i inu er. itm una, aiHaaa noma M Waal Main la Llo-4 jiuuw and wll. ( miurKm. Ttw . , MeOlaarr unu, anfl hMii. Ina aiuiaud ajuwl tdraa inlUa north, aaal al IMInrlon w tlx Jpl aia. tilt ftltr eeott at 11 noma an Waal MM. at, to Ui. tnt Uit. M. tun, of luu dir. I Tli William Raavaa 10 utu, man or Hadlar and lf, or ai.tam w Tin Hal Hollarl acxu, and build L"!. R;1" Mra. Why Suffer ,Any Longer Whan otlura (ail, jf 01lr ohlnaaa laxadlai, Araulnd ouMtat (or loo ar id China. No malur mth vhai tllmanit tm ait fruaitd, dliordan, ilauallai, hiarl, lun, ll,r, tldnari, faa, aonaiipation, uletm, eiabaia ili.TOali.m, (n and blaiMar lavar, Un, lamala onvlainu, CHARLIE CHAN , CHiNimaiaaco. Odloo Haara I la I Too. an lat, aalr lot N. OaaiBMralal rhoaa SIM MUM, 01. a Rebekahs in Cake Walk Woodburn The regular meeting of Horn Rebekah lodge wai Tuesday night at th 1,0,0.1", ball and follow. Ing the builneii meeting wfllal evening wa enjoyed, featuring cake walk and auction, ' Mr, Jay Weber and Mr. Haiti Field were auction er and Mr, X. C. Peyton lerved a eoihler. fundi railed by th auction and th eaka walk will be uied for the lO.O.r. Rebekah float In th coming Rosa 1'eslvil at Portland, Winning cake were Mil Mabel Jackinn, Mra. Hittle Field and Mr. JMIth Frenti, Monday night a group from the local Rebekah lodge were Invited to put on th program for the Salem Rebekah lodge by Mr. Id Mewtuii, for mer member of. th Woodburn lodge, now member at Salem, The program Included Ik It "The Degree Captain' Pream," by Either Moon, Mr, Myrtle Hall, Mrs, Joyce En gle, Mn, Ethel Dlckion, Mr. Coral Clay, Mn. Ma Engli, Mrs. Ruby Conyne, Mr. Fre da Hurt, and Mrs. Laura I.tv, y with C, W, Conyt icrvlng e the candidate. Mn. Rlanche dranner gave two vocal num ber, acoomnanteid by Mn Either Moon. It wai announced Tuesday night that the meeting of the post noble (rands had been changed to the .home of Mrs. Laura Mveiay Thursday, April US, on account of the Ulneia of Mr, II. A, Lohte Refreshment were served by Mm, Fred Burt, Mn, My. lile ilall and Mrs, Joyce tin gle, Th table were decorated with iprtng flowirs and gar den tool. Hoy Pop! SEE WILSON'S FAMILY SALE AD ON PAGE 23 The Wonder Watch That Thinks! 2 HOUnO ONLY Friday 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. LOOK! MANUFACTURER'S ADVERTISING OFFER SWISS MADE PRECISION BUILT Slop Chronograph Wriat Watche Comparo With Any Chronograph Watch Valued at 137.50 m95 This C paal Written Guarantee fc afrfCj TiHSC lPRifc goal ltSQ faifrlatf Shock Proof Sweep gaeoaid Itaa4 Radium DUI . a Uabreelublc OraUl eCeamla Bwke HoraaaeM Mttera DtaUaea Ooelu Spied of Aartatag S-Pauli BaUaa StapWalah i Tei Onlvmol flic for Men, Women, ley, Olrf - TM HUKt OIPT ring Thk) Coupon T , . , Mall Ordan FUUd Add 11.00 to Cow Tea aad OUppInf Chutes. Until t. Wiles Drug Store COURT 4 HIGH m., UlEM If Wat teaa year will be bald. Li at watch UmH-M. THIS 60-SECOND TEST MAY OPEN YOUR EYES I LLj YOU MAY BE SURPRISED by the big difference in whiskies. That's why we invite you to compare smoother, mellower Calvert with your usual brand in this easy taste test: iot. umplca of Calvert and any other whiskey. Compare their aroma with' out knowing which iswhkh. Calvert and the other brand to judge their moodiness, mellowness free dom from hanhnew. , If lll 7Y (TfillKlOlll I V J a w u u u li II 1 1 ti r I 1 1 1 b r III I II I I III I IV I I I II ..III I 1 1 I III III I I I I I If fc.. 'S I I ttry I it! .-..iir v r yi lis K w mm i av 3. CHOOSE the whiskey you really like better. We feel lure you'll pick finer-tasting Calvert. But make the teat and then decide, fair enough on a rtiAi iomi mow COWPAOF... and you'll GABfBa' switch to CMVIIt MiHVI UINND WrMMt-UI rOOf- 0AM NfVTtAl Vri CMVW BOIIiW COKM4V.C m 1 $2" 1-illlnuJ g g tiOB NOTHING TO BUY! NO OBLIGATION! HERE IS ALL YOU DO . . . Next time you are near SMILING JACK'S, or DICKSON'S MARKET Drop in and register. It costs you nothing. 6 DRAWINGS-6 PRIZES Apr. 24 Free Antenna, Installed May 1 Free Antenna, Installed May 8 Free Antenna, Installed May 15 Free Antenna, Installed May 22 Free Antenna, Installed May 2921" Motorola Comol Set Com plete with Antenna, Initallation, and 90-Day Service Policy! ANTENNAS INSTALLED FREE BY JIFFY TV n E TV COMPLETE WITH i ANTENNA f INSTALLATION 90-DAY SERVICE POUCY TO BE GIVEN AWAY MAY 29 PLUS 5 TV ANTENNAS , (COMPLETELY INSTALLED Y JIFFY TV) ABS0LUTEY FREE! Drawings Each Friday at 8 p.m. at Smiling Jack's I,- NedNotBe .aa $ Present ' , y s X f YOUR SET INSTALLED FOR V D.0WM FREE 90-DAY SERVICE k policy - ' Ak N,. WITH EVERY TV SET AND JF I " SANTENNA WE INSTAIL .J V ' . t- SX i X K -rr-rf-firrnfiiiTh'itinimnf inrtnan irnmri lawtiiinnii i Built-in All Channel Tuning Glare-Guard Screen Stand-out Picture Super Power Chassis Custom Cabinet Work NO Strips to Buy! NO Adapters to Buy! NO Receptors to Buy! Open Evenings 'Til 9 Ml LING JACK' Call Today Corner ol Center and (hutch ' Plenty of Vtm Pirklnt en Our Let. J ml rrlr 1. I 39600