Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 23, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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    Thursday, April 23. 195S
Pan IS
... t
Coast-to-Coast Favorites
Just 21 years old. Joyce and
Joanne Scotvold, glamorous
twins, are favorites with Ice
Follies audiences throughout
united btates ana Canada.
They have been stars of the
past five editions and in the
new Shipstad & Johnson Ice
Follies of 1953, will appear in
' "Rainbow Fantasy," a highly
technlcolored production. The
Ice Follies' annual visit is
scheduled for the Portland
Arena, May 4 through May 17.
The regular matinees at 2:30
p.m. will be held on Saturdays,
but In order to accomodate the
great demand for all those de
siring to see ICE FOLLIES on
a Sunday afternoon, Messrs.
Shipstad and Johnson are hold
ing two matinees on Sunday af
ternoons. The first show will
be at 1:30 p.m. and the second
. at 5:30 p.m., with no perform
ance on Sunday night. ; i
In response to the heavy de
mand for tickets, Shipstad and
Johnson will have a special
representative in Salem at the
Capital Drug Store on Satur
day, April 25, from 10 a.m. to
8 p.m., with a choice selection
of seats for all performances.
Astoria Woman
Medford ' VP) The Oregon
Parent and Teachers associa
tion, with new officers elect
ed, will close its annual con
vention here Thursday.
The 839 delegates elected
Mrs. Helmer Lindstrom, As
toria, president Wednesday.
She was Installed Wednesday
night along with the other
Mrs. J. W. Staggs, Milton
Freewater, first vice-presl-dent;
Mrs. Russell Case, Port
land, vice-president for re
gion No-. 1; Mrs. A. V. Plum
ridge, ' Portland, recording
secretary. Mrs. Plumrldge is
editor of the Oregon PTA
All other officers are hold-
Some 38,000 U.S. Indian chil
dren are enrolled in government-operated
Threw Cowboy Jo
TtUcord fast relief for gas, heattbarnj
r stomacn, aau lauigvauutM
1 . r
f?S s J lliaaaaaaaaaa.aiaa-
Something besides fine, fresh drugs is required in
a dependable prescription. We call it "Character"
. . . that "extra something" that Is your assurance
jk of the best. Bring your
Character is Important
Middle Grove
Elect Officers
Middle Grove New offi
cers for the school year 1953
84 were elected at the Monday
night meeting of the Middle
Grove Mother's club at the
school bouse. f
They are, president, Mrs. C.
C. Sharpe; vice president-treasurer,
Mrs. LeRoy Austin, and
secretary, Mrs. John Unruh.
Mrs. Joe Sllmak and Mrs.
Gordon Scott will represent
the club on the Salem school
council of parent clubs.
Wallace Tumldge spoke of
the May school election for the
purpose of voting on the school
bud jet as planned for the corn-
budget as planned for the corn-
A field trip was announced
by the teachers for April 30
by the third grade pupils of
Mrs. Grant Falun and Mrs.
Verna Kellar, who with the
third grade pupils of Mrs. Lil
lian Schmidt of Swegle will
visit the museum at the Indian
For the urogram a movie was
shown, 'Fears cf Children" by
Mrs. Galen Sldell and Mn. Ev
erett Brown, representing the
tuberculosis association. A dis
cussion period followed. Mrs.
Melvin Van Cleave and Mrs.
Archie Wieser were hostesses
for the social hour.
Saturday night all 4-H club
members and their parents
were invited to a covered dish
dinner at six o'clock In the
school house followed by a
swimming party at the YWCA.
Taking part were Mr. and Mrs.
Merle van Cleave, Dale, Gay
lene and Gary. Mr. and Mrs.
Cecil. Reynolds, Gary, Doris,
Janice and Russell; Mrs. John
Cage, ' Marvin Cage; Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Alt and Mary Ann;
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sllmak, Billy
Joe and Barbara; Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Crura, Carolyn and
John; Mr. and Mrs. Loren
Chamberlain, Joyce and Wen
dell; Mrs. Bart McKinney and
Marie; Mary Carr, Miss Laura
fcarr, Mr. and Mrs. B. Mool
man, Diane, Kathy, Richard,
Patty and Dennis: Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Roberts, Donna
and Johnny; Mr. and Mrs. John
Anglin and Sue; Mr. and Mrs.
Harvey Page, Marilyn and Ed
die; Mr. and Mrs. Gil Blanken
ship. Wilda, Linda, Julie, Jen
nifer, and Jane; Mr. and Mrs.
Sam Myers, Melvin, Don, Sam
and Sally; Mrs. Paul Bassett,
Gary Gallagher. Jean Schafer,
Denna Lou Kleen, Donna
Fetich, Charles and George
Wyatt, Joining the party just
for the swim were Bart Mc
Kinney. Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Schari, Harry, Dennis ana Rog
er; Lewis, Steve and Karen
Honor Roll at
Woodburn The first honor
roll at Woodburn high school
for the fifth six-weeks bears
the name of only one student,
Ella Seaton who is co-valedic
torian of her class with Shir
ley Knox.
The second honor roll list
Ruth Marie Applegate. Ger-
aldlne Armstrong, Sonia Avin,
Dean Bishoprics:, Mattl Sue
Clark, Richard W. Dixon, Peg
gy Ann, Janice Juve, Shirley
Ann Knox, Joann Mattson,
Jane McGrath, Rochelle
Plank, Michael Qulgley, Karol
Kay Rohde, Delene Seely,
Kathryn Thompson, Sam van
Arsdale, Joyce Yuranek.
The Shenandoah Valley is
one of the most productive of
the apple-producing areas of
the United States.
prescriptions here, where Lu
l S B H
405 SUts-tomer l UUrtf
We Give &fC Green Stamps
for 1953-54
Patterson, Robert and Trod
Sohafer and Rmiph Thnrtanit
All the sponge cakes and muf-
xins usea lor the supper were
baked by the girls and boys
cooking clubs.
At the Friday night business
meeting of the Middle Grove
Associated clubs the guest
speaker was Attorney William
Stortx of Salem.
A ham dinner for Mav was
announced. Hostesses for the
social hour were Mrs. Robert
Fromm and Mrs. Henry Sprlck.
The April meeting of the
Suaar and Snip 4-H rlnh wa.
held at the Lewis Patterson
borne. As it was the birthday
of the girls' leader, Mrs. Mel
vin Van Cleave a present was
given her as a surprise.
The April meeting of the
Triple F Livestock club was
Held at the 'Moorman rmm
Three members, Steve and
Karen Patterson and Lester
Latham have drnnnMi frntn that
club membership. Attendin
this meeting were Sam Myers,
Cherrill and Garv. TVitv im
Van Clenvm Plihai BnJ Da.
nle Moorman, Eddie Page and
ueorge Dauana.
rnCCCC Hills Brothers, Folgers Maxwell
lUrrCC HouseGolden West, M.J.B."
You get CHOICE Grade Beef at your favorite
Choice and Good It's all Choice.
Beautifully Marbled, Frothly Cut
POt ROOSt feMwnlcil $oo4 faHnj LB. 59C
Short Ribs of Beef 29c
Prime Rib Rosat b 79c
Court Street
Phone 3-9176
Free Delivery
Hazel Green
Hazel Green Last Saturday
the Cubs of Den I were treat
ed to a plane ride over the
city of Salem. George Cad
well of Salem took them up
in his Cessna Saturday morn
ing 'at 9 o'clock and showed
them the Important sights of
Salem from the air. Those
taking the ride were Michael
Hawley, Rodger .Garvison,
Paul Maynard, Richard Aker,
Robert Carter and Alva Ax
ton. Their Den Mothers, Mrs.
Howard- Carter and Mrs. C.
Garvison accompanied them.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Garvison
are taking care of Mrs. Gar
vlson's sister's two little girls
while her sister Is In Medford
at a PTA convention. They
plan on staying a week.
Mrs. W. G. McClure enter
tained Thursday with a 1:30
Now Many Wear
With Unto Worry
Vat tilk, laufb or mia vlttioat
ftlr of lnieeur. ialM tth dropping,
llpplns or wobblltti. Fumu hold!
pUUo flrmir and moro MmforUblo.
Thl alemstnt powder nu ao rammy,
10007, putr Uilt or iHUat. Dotfi't
hum BauMa. It'i attallao (noa-acld).
Chtcfcl "pl.t. odor" dntsra bTMtta).
Oat VAflTEKTH at any trot rtort.
Nicely Dressed Young
UEMC Not Fat
llCUj Just Plump
dessert luncheon for the La
blih Meadows Gardeners.
Attending the Women's Re
treat at the Queen of Angels
Convent with a group of wom
en from St. Vincent Da Paul
was Mrs. Dorothy Ziellnskl
of Hazel Green.
Mrs. Dorothy Ziellnskl and
her sister, Mrs. Emma Doer!
ler of Sublimity, are leaving
Wednesday by train to spend
three weeks or more in Ohio
with relatives there.
If kept free from bacteria,
milk can be kept fresh indefi
nitely. 1
No rflfjaberahlp fee ar rafiatnUaa
fee. Reasonable aerrfc fee.
la 1T nTH 1
When you have a cow to fee
bred phone ns for Proved Sire
Service. It's
fast, economi
cal, convenient,
Warren's Proves!
. Sire Service
Wotikara. Oram
fk. 4111
Busick Market whether
Loin Pork Spare Ribs 59c
Swift's Premium Cascade
Hams tliekt i sr Wkol II. 69c
Breakfast Bacon Sllcid ...IB. 65c
LB. 55'
4 to 5 lbs.
t r-i i sr i
AlthoufH there , are four
main human blood groups, It
real whiskey
a dnnkviathrmocrth,
costly taste
$065 $A35
Shopping made easier, more economical at your fav
orite Busick Market where iay by iay, prices er.i
quality team up to stretch your hoi dollars to its
limit. Shop in person or by telephone, freidelbiery.
Pobst-ett Cheese
Holiday fAargarine
2 ibs. 3
Snovflake Crackers
Here's a selection of Steinf eld's Pickles and Relishes
that are a little above the average value... ,
Dill Sticks, Sweet Relish, Hamburger Relish, Sweet (Si(S
Mustard Pickles, Sour Pickles, Sour Pickle Relish, for
Ripe Olives Mount Whitney
Stuffed Olives W
Purex Dry Bleach 2W
you select the economical cuts or the more expensive cuts. (Not
! i ; (
This week you'll find loads and loads of Beautiful Spring
Vegetables. They're fresh, as a matter of fact they're fresh
ly trimmed and displayed every hour all day long. Straw
berries are more plentiful this week, and'of course Oranges
and Grapefruit are at their Best right now and you'll find
beautiful displays at your favorite Busick Market
lis estimated that blood-group
I factors are capable of 132,-
Chicken & Hoodlos
law I
can ti
Ham Loaf .....;...:...i::::.ii35C''
Ground Beef 39c
Genuine Country Style
Pork Sausage
Fryers !
30 to
The slit that has proven to be the best eating of
all the many slses of fryers.
710,400 different ' eon-Alas-
H flOOf, 77 SAI1 NEUTMl VX
Marion Street
Phone 3-7962
Free Delivery