Page 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 23, 1953 BELL TOWERS OF STAYTON CHURCHES 'I-' lijj p v! Px Jl!fi Shown at the left if the bell tower on tne cnurcn oi Immaculate Conception at Sixth and East Santlam streets. This new Catholic church was dedicated In 1951. In the center ia the belfry of First Methodist church at Third and East Virginia streets. Architecture is suggestive ot the early 1890's. At the right is the classical spire ot Church of Christ at Second and East Washington streets., This church, perhaps Stayton'a oldest, was erected In 1881. Self Government for Klamath Indians Asked Washington (ff Early sep aration of Qualified Indian tribes from the "burden" of federal supervision and control was recommended Thursday by the House Appropriations com mittee. . . Tn a rpnnrt to coneress, rec ommending that the Bureau of Bank Statements Called for April 20 Washington (PiThe comp troller of the currency Thurs day Issued a call for a state ment of the condition of all national banks at the close of business Monday, April zo. The federal reserve also ask ed its state member banks to report their condition as of the same date. The Federal Deposit Insur ance Corporation said It has not issued a call. Veterinarian's Post To Kermit Peterson Portland fll.B Dr. Kermit J. Peterson. Salem, has been appointed state veterinarian to succeed Dr. R. R. Younce, State Agricultural Director E. L. Pe terson announced yesterday. Younce resigned last month to enter private practice at HUlsboro. Peterson will assume the post Immediately. ITALIAN BANK STRIKE Rome W) Italian bank workers went on a 48-hour strike Thursday but banks re mained open with skelton staffs. About 80,000 workers throughout Italy were Involv ed in the strike. TRAINING aaaaBBaaaBBBdMBBBaBBBaBBBBBBai . Pvt. LeRoy Harvey Kar aten, U. S. Marine Corps, eon ot William H. Karsten, 428 West Browning avenue, Salem, who is taking his training at the Marine Corps recruit depot in San Diego. (Marine Corpt Photo) Indian 'Affairs be given 83 369,000 for the. year beginning July 1, the committee said It is "convinced that a number of Indian tribes end communities are ready for complete separa tion from control of the Bureau of Indian Affairs, It said It understood that steps have been taken looking toward comDlete elimination of the bureau's program an, can: fornia and expressed the hope that the objective can be reached during the next year. "Obviously." it conunuea, "the Klamath tribe of Indians In Oregon Is also ready for complete separation. . . . OI the total amount programmeo for the Klamath Agency in 14)53. 1.991.000 is being sup plied by the tribal treasury and nnlv C14O.O60 is being provided from appropriated funds. The tribal treasury funds pay ior 97 of the 113 federal employes assigned to the agencja. There seems to be aosoiuie- ly po reason why this agency should not be operated entirely as a tribal function, or be elimi nated. It would appear that ap propriation! for this reserva tion and for tbe salary oi otner federal employes Involved with Klamath Indian affairs are a complete waste of taxpayer dollars." , The committee said It is con vinced other areas are able to take care of their own affairs and that bureau personnel should be removed from them. Creamery Sale Ends Milk Hearing Prinevllle VP) A milk hear ing was called off here Thurs day after announcement of the sale of Ralph Henry's Prinevllle creamery to Howard Smead of Redmond. The State Agriculture De partment had scheduled the hearing to decide whether Hen ry's license should be revoked because he violated state milk regulations. ft MILLION FOR ACCE8S ROAD 8 Washington Vn The House Appropriations Committee on Thursday recommended that Congress appropriate two mil' lion dollars for access road con struction In the Oregon and California railroad grant lands. In its report to Congress, the committee said the funds are reimbursed to the treas ury out of receipts from the sale of O&C timber before the receipts are distributed ' to Western Oregon counties. The road money is contained In the budget for the depart ment ot interior's bureau of land management. A single oyster may produce millions of young, but most of them die before they find sate anchorage where they can develop as oysters, To Be Honored Slate's 'Mother' Corvallis W The 1953 Ore gon mower, Mrs. Frank jr. Moser of Corvallis will be honored at banquet here Thursday. Gov. Paul Patterson will present the state's citation to her. A citation from the na tional selecting organization will be presented by Mrs. Frankie Cauthorn Maclntyre of Pendleton, the state's 1952 mother. In addition to Mrs. Macln tyre, former Oregon Mothers attending the dinner will be Mrs. George R. Hyslop of Corvallis, and Mrs. Robert S. Taylor, Springfield. Daylight Time Not To Affect This Area Switch to . daylight time In some sections of the nation Sunday will not have any effect on transportation facilities in this area. Southern Pacific said Thurs day that It will remain on standard time in Oregon and that there will be no change in schedules. The Greyhound buses also will continue to be operated on standard time and make no switches in schedules. To accommodate both those cities having daylight and stan dard time United Air Lines will have its schedules in the local time, with those cities having daylight time, so designated on the schedules. Many ot their flights will start operating ear lier to provide better service to areas having daylight time. Special Breads Urged Before Bakers PortlandW Specialty breads may enable bakers to Increase their sales, the Pacific Northwest Bakers Conference was told Wednesday. , Henry T. Weighs of the American Dry Milk Institute, Chicago, urged bakers to try the specialty breads.' He said consumers want variety in their meals. Navy Uniform Disguise Used Vancouver, B.C. (ff) Jos eph Morris 'OConnor, 32, an ex-convict who was arrested here while wearing the unl form ot an American navy of fleer, was taken to the United States' Wednesday to face charges of false prtenses. O'Connor, recently released from Oregon State peniten tiary, is wanted in several states on charges ot obtaining money by false pretnses and was arrested late Tuesday at the request of the Federal Bu reau of Investigation. One of the charges against him was for first degree forg ery In Bellingham, Wash., for which bail had been set at $2,000. A stolen car in which O'Connor drove here was held by police for the owner in Bellingham. More and More Shippers Specify "Via Pierce" on freight between San Francisco Oakland Medford Grants Pass Roseburg Eugene Cottage Grove Corvallis Portland ' Salem Albany Seattle All Way Points. DAILY FAST DEPENDABLE SERVICE PIERCE FREIGHT LINES, INC. PHONE 3-4403 FALLS CITY HAM SUPPER Falls City Ladies of the Methodist church will give a ham dinner at the Odd Fellows hall starting at 8:30 p.m. Fri day, April 24. Because of an ancient feu dal grant, the snow which falls on Mt. Etna, belongs to the archbishop of .Catania and it is shoveled into trenches where it hardens into ice. which is sold. Oregon prison records do not show that a prisoner nam ed Joseph Morris O'Connor has been an inmate in the state penitentiary. Ens. Scoggin Listed Missing Dayton Ens. Randolph Taj lor Scoggin, USN, has been re ported as missing in action since Monday in Korea. Scoggin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lester W. Scoggin, who farm on Grand Island, has been a jet fighter pilot in Korea since last September. Scoggin, who is 21 years of age, was slated to leave for home just 10 days after he was reported down "in the Korea area." His parents received two letters from him last week. The officer' was graduated from the Amity high school and . later attended Llnf ield College. He received his wings in February, 1952. A sister of the Navy man, Mrs. Nathelle Brown, resides in Salem; one brother, Byron, resides In Corvallis, and an other brother, Victor, is at home. McNary Dam Gates Closing Thursday Walla Walla VP) Army En gineers planned to begin clos ing gates at the powerhouse of McNary Dam Thursday after noon, an operation that will create a reservoir behind the dam in the Columbia River. Late Friday water mey be gin to flow over the spillway and by Saturday noon the lake is expected to be high enough to put the navigation lock into operation. UN MARKS TIME United Nations, N. Y. U.B The United Nations General Assembly recessed today, pend ing Korean armistice develop ments, after one of the most hopeful sessions in recent years.' , . Phone Woodbum 7331 Evenings by Appointment DR. G.W.KING OPTOMETRIST Hours 9:00 to 6 P.M. Closed Wednesday 392 Pacific Hwy. (99E) . Woodburn, Ore, $68.5 Billion in Taxes Collected Washington 0J.R The gov ernment collected a record $68,302,564,268 in taxes last year, the Bureau of Internal Revenue reported today. The figures, for the calendar year 1952, showed a $12,500, 000,000 increase over 1951, $5, 600,000,000 in corporate in come taxes, almost $6,000,000, 000 in personal Income taxes and small Increases in most others. ' Higher tax rates coupled with better business and higher Income accounted for the in creases.' ' '. Every state showed an in crease in over-all collections. Total individual income and employment tax collections for the year were $35,955,895,681, compared to $30,046,211,980 in 1951. Taxes on corporate income and excess profits last year net ted the government $22,139, 733,198, compared to $16,564, 712,956 in 1951. ADLAI URGES AID Bangkok, () A dial Steven son Thursday urged all pos sible American military aid to Indochina to atop a Commu nist Vietmlnh offensive which be said is aimed at Thailand, rice bowl of Southeast Asia. Surgical instruments re covered from Pompeii include spatulas, lancets,' tongs, scis sors, midwifery instruments Robins r usually rear two broods of young in a year. WOK! Only $S.5 Wl Thh Ciaia NO EXCISI TAX Not $19.95 -Only $g)95 MANUFACTURER'S ADVERTISING OFFER 2 HOURS ONLY Friday 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. By special arrangement with the manufacturer, wt are authorized to sell only 200 of these nationally adrerhaed, precision-built $19.95 electric shivers for $5.95. ONE-YEAR WRITTEN CUARANTEI Tested and Approved , Self-sharpening Self-starting' 4 Shaving Surfaces Double Head e Close Shaves Hollow Ground , Comes in Beautiful Simulated Piwjfin Pouch . Also Ideal for Ladies' Personal Us . THE PERFECT GIFT IIMIT TWO Bring This Coupon to . . . WILES DRUG STORE COURT KI6H STJ., SAIEM If You Cannot AttMa' Sal., Uav. Monty oi Stor. and Your Shavw will b." htli IIMIT J. VLtt as there are Four Seasons... There's a reason in every season to give a party and serve Seagram's 7 Crown. Serve it at holiday parties;: sat birthday and anniversary celebrations ; : : and at friendly week-end get-togethers. 'Whatever the oc casion,that truly great whiskey, Seagram's 7 Crown is sure to play a big part in mak ing the party a success: - . i i m Seagram's 7 Crown. Blended Whiskey. 86.8 Proof. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits. Seagram-Distillers Corporation, New York BE SURE WITH FREE PERSONALIZED CHECKS ' f CARRIER I U WJ - .Ml CiSiC .mli Your name and aaaress pnnicu riven on your regui Y gjs 4 Your name and address checking account checks at First National, open 10 to 5, Monday through Saturday, for your convenience. T4 OF PORTLAND "IfT'S BUILD OREGON TOGETHER" FM.I Damn li cr..,al,M