Thursday, April 23, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sahn, Ortge PU 11 CRACK TRAIN DERAILED $13.3 Millions mony of Agriculture Depart ment official t a hearing bo fore a Hsuto appropriations lubcommttteo on the depart ment' fund request for the Xnglemana spruce bark beetle. Sine Us hearing wis held the full House Appropriation Committee ha approved an immediate t million dollar ap propriation for access road. If tbe House approves ths supple mental appropriation bill the money will be available before July 1. Two Men Arrested As Holdup Suspects Forta&dV Police arrest ed two me Wednesday, ajXngJand hour after the fifth holdup of Portland Safeway atom la the :4 . past six monltii. Amounts lost Is the holdups were sot disclosed. Police said they found J00 in the room of the two men arretted. They were hooked as Iwe ersce Banlgin, 13, and Xart Roy Wallace, JO, transient. Charged with assault and armed robbery, the men were held with bond set at 10,000 each, , , For Foresf Pests Washington 45 Experts have estimated appropriations of 1J,I00,000 for the coming year would ensble them to hold til lino against forest pest which threaten to destroy Western timber worth more year beginning July 1. The testimony wa made public weanesaey. fou bewe Ward betit sm jvt aa ai for iafetcatioa aad The department requested $14,089,041 tor building access akJUed sarrios U roads to forest. Of this, 9,- 850,000 would be used primar ily for rsada needed for haul Werrea' r, 11 Jerrke ing (alien timber from forest than a billion dollar. Tht mi disclosed In testi In Montana and Idaho which re Infested with toe deadly Kails fa sU4 wlrelsis la fiuv Is . At least five personr lost their lives and more than 12S were Injured when an Atlantic Coast line streamliner en route from Florida to New York jumped the track near Dillon, S.C. Above wrecking equipment work on a portion of the eleven cars and the diesel locomotive of the seven teen car train. AP Wirephoto) Siiverton-Salem Bus Fare Increase Hearing Date Set A hearing will be held in the office of the Public Utility Commissioner at 10 a.m., Mon day, Hay 4, on a proposal to increase fares of the Salem Sllverton Bus Co. The hearing wilt be in Room 210 of the Public Service building In Salem, Commis sioner Charles H. Heltzel said. Proposed - changes In the fares between Sllverton and Salem and points between fol low: Fare to, from, or between directly intermediate point which intermediate points are not named in the tariff will be based on 3 cents per mile, instead of 2 cent per mile. Unless specifically provided otherwise the minimum adult fare is 20 cents instead of IS cents. Individual 10 ride commuta tor tickets will be sold at 8 times the full adult one way fare, instead of 7 times the full adult one way fare. Mini mum 10 ride commutation book fare will be $1.60 instead of $1.25. Individual scholar 40 ride commutation books will be based on 25 times the one way adult fare instead of at $4.00 between Mt. Angel and Wood burn, $4.00 Sllverton, $6.00 Central Howell, and $10.00 at Salem, except it is now pro posed to assess $12.00 for the 40 ride scholar commutation book from Salem to Mt. Angel. Minimum- charge for the 40 ride scholar commutation book will be $5.00. . Increase one way fares by 5 cents, and round trip fares by i 10 cents, between Salem, Turner Road, Central Howell, Minden Mill,' Silverton, Abl qua, Mt. Angel, McKee and Woodburn Highway Junction, except as follows: Between Salem and Central Howell and Mt. Angel the round trip fare is increased by only 5 cents; Mallorie. Dr. Virgil Petttt will continue to serve as president through July, Riches, Moore and Welby have returned from the offi cers school of instruction over the week-end at Grants Pass. between Turner Road and Min den Mill, Silverton, there is no Increase proposed at all, and between Turner Road and Mc Kee .the round trip fare is in creased by only 6 cents; be tween Central Howell and Am- qua the round trip fare is in creased by only 5 cents, with no increase between Central Howell and Woodburn High way. Junction; between Min den Mill and Woodburn High way Junction, so increase; be tween Abiqua and Woodburn Highway Junction, no increase in the round trip fare. Rotary Elects At Silverton Silverton Clinton Weiby was appointed at the Tuesday noon luncheon to serve as sec retary of the Rotary club to finish the unexpired term of the late S, Parzy Rose, and also elected a regular secretary for the year beginning with the last meeting in July, ; 1 Other newly elected officers at the business session, Tues day at Toneys, were J. Carey I Moore,' president; Harry Riches, -vice president? direc tors, Earl Adams, Dr. Robert K, O. Pettersson of Sweden has given about 75 quarts of blood in 140 donations to medi cal organizations. t Tit'ii'"' - wvAef ar A MINIMUM SIKVICf i CHAHOa feat She Itw tw4to At low 40ft faf fOfMOT fttt Wlljt W M) - - . nm jfvmf SMtatf , j ""cku 3-Mtl &tfrt Tiayt sgBfWs gffkfffffgafgf get Vgft ! S50N.Cftjitol,Salm SALESMAN The Best Sales Opportunity In Salem For Details fl Phone titrda& BELLOWS CLUB BOURBON 4,eo4&y0a.ti0' more fir f4' 110 Bellowi Club Bourbon represents the superior qusiity slwayi associsteci with this famous 123-year-old name. For thow who seek Kentucky Bourbon at its finest, Bellowi often superb lightnen and generoiity oi Savor. Thst's why It hu long been a popular member of America ( finest clubs. Isn't it time job tried it? BELLOWS ? CLUB 5s BOURBON; , uwn BOl R30N . Hit, a eMT tt PROOF BELLOWS A COMPANY SALTIMOItl MASTLAKD imimm wvi and e;i 6c . -r aiBHsssBak i a ' -r J f I lsi- ; 4 W ' vl? S3 lift- A -it tFC HAVI '8M! Xrtry type , . . sit , , , color ntf ateie vest eaB imaatasf Shade far float. lmp, tab! lamp bridra Unsps, bsadoir Isjap ... etnuKt.. akzur. bell, asaare. Solid tone. aatarfal Battertx. TUa la the aurtwt event of Ita kind is ear hitttty . kufy yo ,? tans . . add Mlor ts year roett with sew shaoa. lava $ lat mn newj -j Reg, 49c PLASTIC TRAY ItuUe siiirerware trays with th NEW reaadett eeaipartmestt ss easy to remev tUer, se rmy ts ksea clean. Choice of ehsrtrsuae, red, and rBw. H"lt". rs ALUMINUM FOIL s A. ill e 1! Brit slsminaffl ML MusdnA tf us. took meats, fish, desMrl. : vfe tables, bake potatoes. Pro tec i leftovers, wrap items in it. Waste Baskets Special Purchase YOUR CHOICE Anolhir Metro Fantastic Valasi Caa Itte VOGUE snsmsiware pricsi at en!y $j,iS. Bif ssor!mni of all wanted items! Group isciude . . . J-Qt Doable Boiler, 8-Cup fercolator. Owl Dish JJi-Qt, Kettle, SH-t Settle, H-fc Pia and I-Fitc Nested Set of bMt Bailee Fan ( far I pice. Heavy quality, chromium plated cover. A tr rifle -rslsie . aon't miss it! at S f m . tiec. rercoiaror. Besutlful, attrsetive, praetkal waste baskets ... regularly priced to tie ... at the Me Ira for just tse. tjevtly pasiel colors and gay setters. Stnmjljr sallt with metal top an bottom. Yoa'l be wis t select several at ibis aavintel 34x54' Pfottlc TABLE CLOTH S Ttr. rlteat aitt ff! $ wM it& ut' el-tfc kk H't rkJi fT . WhUt kMktrmti Uh (trt trait 4ftH ( r4, wloe, ittfi Ml yctlcv, lit Ut 33 rfi. Vfl 'V1 SENSATIOMAl SAVINGS! SUGAR SACKS Regular 29c 5.1" - " -i 136 N. Commercial Kt 13 Rubber Floor Mats Barabte aii rsbbcr with ear set-tike aartaee. AUraettv aygearcseec eastir eieantd, KetUtd ni, jiivm, gray as mottle il Use tmS freea, Kan aiiOi Permanent colon. Clothesline Ratafercel Pratttc i feet f i ar able, leng tost r tBfereetf slaatle clothe Kite, t9 jmmit Jtrenrth. ,t damp eMb wipe m& Pillow Tubing A genulttsi $1.9 vslue . . . 1 this sale J , . lt Sl. .T71 , but Joj Assorted atalttDi> for mbroiaj; mskes Ideal personal rifts. Select year now, Work ett It at your are for seat Citrttitttt glvtnf.