Pag 10 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Thursday, April 18, 1958 Girl's Chorus Cantata Tonight Parrlsh Junior High School Girls' Chorus will present a cantata, "Pan, On a Summer Day," Thursday night in the fairish auditorium. The cantata has three acts and is directed by Madalene Suko. The first act takes place at daybreak when Pan awakes to the world. Pan is played by Shirley Taber. In the "Morning Song" are Florine Stein and Marcia Mosolf as Sunbeams, Mary Wod and Judy Larson as Dewdrops, and Sharon Kuy kendall and Pat Hughlett tis Cobwebs. ' The next act Is "A Summer Shower.." Raindrops are Gerry Hall and Shirley Pugh. "Noon tide Rest by the River" Is done by Joyce Brown who plays the part of a little bee. Act three is entitled " Pan's Lament" with "night" being played by Mille Messmer. Be tween acts two and three, the eighth grade trio will sing "The Birth of Spring," by Wil liam Stickles. The accompanists for the program are Judy Seamster, Judy Seely, and Trisha Perrln. The business manager is Joyce Johnston and Joyce Brown is In charge of dancing. ' Although X-rays are similar to those of light, they are thou sands of times shorter. ANNOUNCEMENT! DULANE FRYRYTES Come to Miller's . . SPECIAL! DEMONSTRATION AND FREE CONTEST ENTRY : . FORM FREE! To first 100 women attending Fryryte demonstration beginning Friday, 9:50 a.m., will re ceive a bottle of "Tussy" pe-fume, Midnight! Also blank for Dulane contest featuring a deluxe Free vacation to Paris, Franca! .-. CONGRESSMAN INSPECTS OVERCOAT i Rep.. R. Walter Rlehlman (R.( N.Y.Wright) turns In his chair to inspect a fancy army overcoat worn by Michael Balwan of the house government operations subcommittee staff at a hearing in Washington. Riehlman said the gov ernment ordered 1,400,000 of the coats In 1946, but the design was so complicated including a zipper type ap pendage that served as leggings that they couldn't be used. The congressional group headed by Riehlman is trying to find what happened to the coats. (AP Wirephoto) , Demands Registration Of Red Front Groups Washington, (tP) Attorney General Brownell Has demand ed the prompt registration of 12 alleged Communist-front organizations as creatures K the Communist party. Brownell filed a series of pe titions with the subversive ac tivities control board, asking that board to order the groups to register with the justice de partment, list their chief offi cers and disclose their financial arrangements. The action was taken under the 1950 internal security act, and followed the control board's order of last Monday requiring the Communist party itself to register as an organi zation under foreign domlna tion namely,1 that of Soviet Russia. Registration petitions were directed against:' Labor Youth League. The International Workers Order, Inc. : Civil Rights Congress. . American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. The National Council of American - Soviet Friendship, Inc. ' ; The Joint Anti-Fascist Refu gee Committee. - The Jefferson School of So cial Science. United May Day Committee. Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. The Committee for a Demo cratic Far Eastern Policy. The American Slav Congress. All of these groups have been listed by previous at torneys general on subversive lists, designed to help the gov ernment's loyalty check on federal employes. Five per cent of Britain's workers are in defense work. Mrs. Applegate Head of WSCS Woodburn Mrs. Clifford Applegate was re-elected pres ident of the Women's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist church Tuesday, April 21, when the group met at the home of Mrs. P. L. La Barr with Mrs. N. F. Tyler as co-hostess. Other officers named were Mrs. W. M. Burke, vice-president; Mrs. George Everts, re cording secretary; Mrs. Charles Conye, treasurer (re-elected), and the following secretaries: secretary of promotion, Mrs. Charles Buchanan (re-elected); ' 'missionary .board and service, Mrs. Albert White; Christian social relations and local church activities, Mrs. James Livesay; , .student work, Mrs. Mark Thompson (re-; elected); youth work, Mrs. Mildred Rice; children's worif, Mrs. Lowell Moore (re-elected); spiritual life, Mrs. Mabel Hatch; literature and publica tions, .Mrs. John Coleman; sup ply work, Mrs." David G. Fields; status of women, Mrs. Ralph Sebern, Plans were made for a fel lowship supper for. the men of the church April 28 at 6:30 p.m. The committee in charge will be Mrs. Ralph Sebern, Mrs. Charles Buchanan and Mrs. James Livesay. A sack lunch was served at noon with dessert and coffee furnished by the hostesses. For the afternoon program the devotional service was led by Mrs. A. E. Austin and the theme for study was "The United Natolns." Mrs. Low ell Moore was in charge of the program, assisted by Mrs. W. M. Burke, Mrs, James Livesay, Mrs. Charles Dean, Mrs. A. E. Austin, Mrs. N. F. Tyler, and Mrs. Mabel Hatch. Mrs. Di Lester Fields, , missionary chairman, gave a misisonary report. A feature of the day was the observance of the 82nd birthday anniversary of Mrs. Flora McNary . with a lighted birthday cake, i The next meeting will be May 19 at the home of Mrs. D. Lester Fields when the new officers will be installed. A sinfflft ovster irtnv nrnHun. millions of young, but most of them die before they find a safe anchorage where they can ueveiop as oysters. PRINCE CATTLE SHOWMAN London, ft Now four-year-old Prince Charles becomes a blooded cattle howroan. The prince has entered three anl Bath and West Cattle Society mals to classes from Devon announced Thursday the young cattle at the society i show FEEL BETTER... LOOK BETTER IN 10 DAYS vi Try the W-Day Nutrition Plan withlim RUBICAPS MULTIPL1 with B-12 The Super-Pofney Multl -Vitamin Try the new 10-Day Rubicaps Nutrition Plan and if you don't feel better... look ' better... your money backl ; 1 Combat morning fatigue, lack of energy, . that old-at-thirty feeling when due to vitamin and mineral deficiency... with new RUBICAPS MULTI-VITAMIN Capsulettes. The super-potency multiple . Rubicap that makes sute you get a big ' surplus of the vitamins and minerals you need. Twenty-four vitamins, minerals and nutrition aids in one capsulette. High in therapeutic value. ..low in calories! Start 10-Day RUBICAPS Nutrition Plan today, .. f k THREE MONTHS SUPPLY capsulettes V 50 capsulettes. . . .3.95 ONE SUPER-POTENCY RUBICAP give you as much... VITAMIN A at 1 J4 dor. tags. VITAMIN 8-1 at 20 & table tpoont of brewers yeast. RIBOFLAVIN at 16 eupt wheat germ. . , . , NIACIN at lb. of ilrWn ' ' tteak. . ... . VITAMIN Cat 3 oranges. VITAMIN D at 5 c. of mKk. . .', IRON at 1 Ml eupt freih sain, ach, plus Vitamin E end other vitally Important vitamini, min erals ana amino acidt twee as much B-J2 as any efher nationally advertised vitamin productl - Alio ovallabl. KUIICAK wWi tlnr nd Iron and KUtlCAK U-itr Money 1 Conptu. (TIL Open Friday High) Til 9 Fred Meyer Drugs tot rNiim $uvt$ m wm 148 N. LIBERTY Mi CAPITAL l SE 01 o ri Tomorrow and Saturday Only! F0R EVIlliiVmC SCHICK FACTORY EXPERT HERE TO DEMONSTRATE THE NEW SCHICK "20" Schick's Isctory expert will be at our store for just two diys. snen. So harry bring in your whiskers let him show too how Schick "20" shaves you closer, faster, easier! TAKE ONI HOMI ON 10 DAYS' TRIAL NO CASH RISKI Try it out right in the store. Then, take it home and abject it to every shaving teat If, after 10 days, you're not still delighted with its close, comfortable haves-return it-and every penny will be instantly refunded I' ATTENTION! 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