Wednesday, April 22, 195S Legislation Enacted During 1953 Session THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pant' By PAUL W.'HABVEY JR. . (AM.Kl.Ud Tnu COItoWMld.Btl jiKxvn legislature, sec ond longest in history, passed bout 700 bills to set a new uwu, ana among that num ber are some measures with far-reaching effects. State officials, judges and uuirid attorneys got pay in creases, but the state employes -"it. na lmerim committee was created to study property taxation. Oregon joined Washington In pcuiiming ions on the Van. couver . Portland highway bridge, the money to be used w ouiia a second bridge. The amount of insurance re quired under the state financial responsibility law was dou bled, and motorists were prohi bited from Installing television in their cars, where driven could see them. An Interim committee was ordered to study all highway problems, and mo torists were banned from . throwing lighted material from weir cars at any time. Government Keorraniiatlon The Legislature voted to have 1 legislative counsel tp draft bills and revise the laws, and it let the governor take over the Board of Control's duty to appoint the Tax Commission. An interim committee was Cre ated to begin work' on a new Constitution. ' The proposed State Depart ment ol Revenue will be stu died two more years, as will the proposed State Department of Motor Vehicles. Legislation for a full-time Parole Board, with the right to fix prison sentences, died in committee. The Ways and Means Commit tee rejected the idea of having a legislative analyst check on operations of state departments, and the bill to have a lieuten ant governor was defeated. Power and Water Resource A two-year study of water resources was ordered to try to find a way to end the con stant bickering over use of wa- ter. Oregon's Interstate Co-operation Commission was direct ed to begin helping other Northwest states in writing a Columbia River Compact, and a Klamath River Basin Com mission was created to work with California In writing a si tnilar -impact. A bill was pass ad to require public hearings after electric companies add surcharges. Initiative Petitions : i Measures passed would re- : ejulre more signatures on InlU- atives to amend the Constitu tion, amended the Constitution 1 to permit dividing legislative districts, require that an ap pointee to any vacancy be of the same party as his predeces sor, let counties use voting ma chines, require elections before construction of housing proj ects, -and put "price tags" on . ballot measures that reduce revenue. Flinn Guilty In Indian Fraud 'Portland, (U.B Clyde W. Flinn, one of the three men in dicted by a grand jury In Feb ruary in connection with an Indian land fraud, was free on $3000 ball today pending sen tence after pleading guilty to llthree indictments in which he wa named. ' Flinn -yesterday entered his plea 'of guilty before U. S. District Judge Claude McCol loch here Just as court opened. He had pleaded innocent to all three charges when arraigned earlier this month. Flinn, along with Fred darsh, Lebanon logging opera or, 1 and John C. Blanford, ras named in two indictments barging conspiracy and giving ilse information to the gov- rnment. The former land officer for le Indian bureau here was amed alone in a third indict lent for giving false informs on to the government. Labor failed in its efforts to get higher unemployment and industrial accident benefits. Its bill to extend unemployment insurance to firms with fewer than four emnlovei also failed. On the final day the Legisla ture banned nlcketine bv a un. ion that is not the workers' rec ognized bargaining agent Education Measure . Attempts to get school re organization by simple majority vote in a proposed consolidated district failed. Legislation wa approved to continue operation of Oregon Technical Institute at Klamath Falls, settle the dispute be tween the Board of Higher Ed ucation and Civil Service Com mission, officially change the name of Oregon Agricultural College to Oregon State Col lege, and begin Oregon's parti cipation in the Western States Compact to pool higher educa tion facilities. Fish and Game The governor was allowed to postpone hunting seasons dur ing periods of great forest fire hazard. The bills passed would regu late aerial sprayers of farm crbps, create commodity com missions, increase the butter- fat content of milk from 3.2 to 3.5 per cent, ban sale of horse meat in market where other kinds of meat are sold, provide stronger Bang's Disease con trols, reimburse for loss of hogs which are slaughtered be cause of vesicular exanthema, and ban feeding of uncooked garbage to hogs. . V to keep fit Huatryt . .1 ..',', v On a Reducing Dler) " ' Want added energy and pea with low calory count? Try the mi SUN VALLEY BREAD -a new ttttt thrill for jaded tM epjxtlws." ' ' f WITHOUT X SNOKTENINS OR 1 , APDtP WTS J 10W IN CA10RIES NIGH IN INSIST ffttMFlrfMIKttMSTMl I woof Taste the DIFFERENCE! 5 KAMI Whiskey blended with Grain Neutral Spirits' njoy fh rich flavor of Ihlt famous old Kentucky brood. If it o-Yeor-Od Ktnhdtf whitkty bhndtd with 70 netfro ipirilt ditlilltd from In cholcesr groin. Try today S740 $170 Jet PINT - tfOT. WATMmt FbaZIM DiSTiltm CO. ImlJWi NiLSQH cow- mntvckv . 3 m 160 N. LIBERTY ST., Salem, Ore. STORE HOURS 9:30 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. OEIDAY RIGHT Tilt 9 P.M. - l j WITH BONNETS M Ii , I TO MATCH! V I ' -r m . TO MATCH! Anniversary SpedqJI 288 w ptvTITIcaifMlf flnlall dotted swiss cotrirast Darling little set that solve the probleaa of sub ia tcnir eye and on their face! Paatel pink, Mae, anaise er saint in sise 1, 2, 3. SECOND rtOOR FREE PARKING AT mm Shoppsr s Car fork 5. (om'l and Ferry or S. High and Ferry 51s. in Downtown Salem Bring your ticket to be validated . CRAVENETTE-TREATED SHEEN GABARDINE JACKETS 77 Hudsom, In your choice ef farorlte colon: Brown, navy, gold, greygreen. Water-re pellent and crease-resistant Smartly' tailored with rayon yoke and ahlrred elastie at waist aide. Sise S4-18. ! MAIN FLOOR PENNEY'PERflE ! il'100 g'J . . II CottoneooITof"5nm3 tP' 1 Is tit mer u erttanding : lit 1 ' 1 1 ', i Penney-low Annhrenary I I K I , price! Smartly trimmed ' It 1 ii II and bottom with' : I Jl M S I - P ejyelet enilitdetyV aVWggggf- White onlTi to Ul CV3SI MAIN PtOOK j ANNIVERSARY BUY! CUSHION CREPE CASUALS 377 New, smart utility shoe for ports, relaxing er walking! Thick, comfortable spongy rob ber sole is light as a feather! Sanitised. Brown or navy. 1-11. DOWNSTAIRS STORE IMPORTED DAMASK TABLECLOTHS $J1 . $9 Cheer up that table setting with a beautiful imported damask tablecloth. Color-fast in pastel, colors.' Buy on now at this low Penney Anniversary price. . MEZZANINE Girls1 Blouses of Embossed Cotton Beautiful sleeveless blouse of embossed cotton another an niversary feature Just for the girl In the family. White and colors to choose from. Sizes 7-14. $11 SECOND FLOOR ANNIVERSARY FEATURE!' IRONING BOARD PAD . COVER E8 Fit all standard St" Ironing boards! Fad of heavy, waffle knit cotton. Two drawstring cover for snug fit! Sanfor ised for perfect fit. MEZZANINE PENNEY'S MAGIC 0RL0N PRISCILLAS Magic decor . niagte to care for, toot Re sists sun, mildew, fume , dries quick ly . keep shape! No shrinking. ruf fles. White. 45"k81 96"x81" . . . . .14.88 DOWNSTAIRS STORE Lovely Washable Plastic Curtains 33 At thl low price you'll want severalt Fine quality plastic,, suitable for kitchen or bathroom. Several color to choose from. 1 27"x45" DOWNSTAIRS STORE Bleached FLOUR SQUARES 5 l00 TnenVtrtfclnf' Eke? Hoar eqaaro towel for drying dihet It leave them sparkling, lint free! These are jumbo-siied! u 1 Ruggod Cotton Twill SHIRTS and PANTS ..llW-W.lilKlJ!W" BOTH only Tern COMPART THIS! POINTS FOR QUALITY I Santorisodt for tasHmj fftl Vat-dyed to roslit focHnfll Reinforced for groat ttronfltlil Extra long tails stay tucked In I Rust-reslitant sippor fly I SHIRTS 14H-17 ....... 1.7S PANTS 29-42 ..........1.25 MAIN FLOOR ANNIVERSARY BUY! LOVELY COTTON PWNT HOUSE DRESSES 133 Anniversaries are fun . . and Fenney'i 1 celebrating by bring ing you these out standing cotton dresses at this unbe lievably low price! You'll want several at this buy - more than -one price) Sise 14-XO, 40-44. OUTSTANDING BUY! JBB.u,.'11I1iIIiIIi MB. if f ! 1 , 1 BRASS GIFT LAMPS Such a smalj price for lamp featuring solid brass base, lin en over parchment shade. Over 19" tall. 300 6-Way Floor Lamp ... 7.00 DOWNSTAIRS STORE DOWNSTAIRS STORE