rut s THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon UP Fires Polumbaum .' New York, (U.B The United Pre si paid today that Theo dore S. Polumbaum, who re futed to tell the Home Un- American Aetivltiei committee In Waihington yesterday whether he wai a- communist, - had been dismissed from the service. Polumbaum had been em ployed in the U.P. newsplcture bureau In Boston. At the committee hearing yesterday he acknowledged that in his application for em ployment by the U.P. he had aid he waa not and never had been communist, but he re futed to tell the committee whether thil itatement wai true. Ha Hanson, Walter Hlnrlcht, Bertha Leslie, Beulah Lessard, Jerry Martin, Hilda Martin. Harvey Moulett. Malcolm Macbeth, MarUyn Nokelby, Harold Pendleton, Ruth Peek, Mr. and rMs. Boscoe Poole, Dick Reynold!, Mary Rey nolds, Blackle Sheppard, Hat tie Seniles, Isabel Schlles, Mabel Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Spraker, Jane Starr, Ruth Spanlol, Sheldon iTtui, Geroge Tompkins, Clyde Tal pey, Margaret Williams, Mac Williams, . Tressa Van Nuys, Verna Weaver and Charles Warriner, During the meeting officers were nominated,, and voting will be at the next meeting. PTA hostesses for the eve ning were Mrs. Wallen, Mrs. Orln Small, and Mrs. Charles Crook of Mehama. Air Observers Given Awards Stay ton Stay ton air ob servers were guests of the PTA Monday evening for the ' Air Corps showing of the film, "One Bomb, One City." Pins were awarded in rec ognition of 80 hours of service i on Stayton air observation post, by Mrs. Ruth Spaniol, chief observer. , Receiving the pins were: Pat Amos, Carence Baldwin, Rose Bell, Lois Blum, Sher ! man Btiell, Worthy Burmeis ! ter, L. H. Burns, Dee Camp, Joyce Chrlstensen, Lucille - Cox, . Jerry Darby, Darla Da vison, Teresa Duncan, Katie Etxel, Ken Farwell, Dick Garland, Larry Goss, Justina Gorman, Maude Hackworth, BEDS WEBB MALINGERING Panmunjom, Korea, (U.B Fifty communist "litter cases" were among the prisoners lib erated here today. After they were lifted from United Na tions ambulances, however, 12 of the Communists rose from their stretchers and walked Into the Reds' receiving tent. Happy Is The Day When Backache Goes Away . . NBVKbaultadM.IoMof jtpandBny, headaches and dliiintstt mar b due to alow. down of kidney function, Doctors aar soot jtiancy Junction u very important to cooe haaltu Whan aotne avcirday condition, aucb aa atrtaa and atrain, cause this taportani loneuonioiuw aown, manyiouusuiwr nar King backaeha feci miserable. Minor blad der in-ltatloni due to cold or wrong diet may eauaeKettingupnlghtaorfrequentptuiatTcs. Don't neglect your kidneys If these condi tion! bother you. Try Doan'a Pills mild di uretic. It'a amazing how many time Doan'i give happy relief from these dlacomforta help the IS miles of kidney tubes and fllten flush out waste. Ask for new, large, economy else and save money. Get Doan's Pills to day I Ml. Angel Sets Banquet Dale Mt. Angel The Mount Angel Preparatory School an nual athletic banquet and pro gram has been announced for Tuesday evening, May 12, at which time the football, bas ketball and baseball awards will be distributed. The dinner will be given by the Prep school Mother's club, and will be served ir the St Mary's school dinning hall. ' The date was set and a din ner committee appointed at the mother's club quarterly meet ing held Thursday evening in the Prep school assembly hall. Mrs. E. G. Unger, president, named Mrs. J. L. Wachter as general chairman, Her assisting committee in cludes Mrs. W. D. Harris, Mrs. Albert Bochsler, Mrs. Otto Wellman, Mrs. Francis Schmidt, Mrs. P. Reuf, Mrs. Paul Wachter, Mrs. Zrall Wolf, Mrs. Katherine Konen, Mrs. W. A. Verboort, Mrs, Joseph wavra, Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. E. a. unger and Mrs. Ed ward Lambert of Silverton. Guest speaker at the meeting was Rev. , Edward Spear, O.S.B., school principal. A social hour followed the business session, with refresh' ments served and honors ' at cards awarded to Mrs. Ludwig Moe and Mrs. Henry Moll, both of Silverton, and Mrs. Ambrose Ebner. Hostesses were mothers of the sophomore class, with Mrs. Louis Weissenfels chair man and Mrs. W. A. Verboort, co-chairman. Scientists estimate that about half the matter of the universe exists in stars and their satellites and . that the other half is cosmic dust RUMMAGE SALE THURS.i APR. 23 Above Greenbanms Proceeds Toward Nursing Scholarship Fund You Work Better, fee Better When You See Better! You'll do a better job and feel better when your vision is better. Good eyesight is an Important asset for any work you do. Come in now and let us give you a thorough ex amination. We never prescribe glasses unless they are really needed. USE YOUR CREDIT LJ Dr. E. E. Boring Optometrists AT BORING OPTICAL Now In Our New Modern Office and Laboratory CORNER lith at CENTER DIAL 1-65M Dr. Sam Hughes Fashion Expert Here Friday Muriel Sinclair, White Stag's fashion coordinator for the Pacific Coast, will be in Mill er's Department Store all day Friday, April 24, to assist Miller's customers in choosing summer wardrobes and demon strating the endless versatility of White Stjg's new summer sailcloth fashions. Having had several years experience in retail selling and merchandising in Cauiorma whit Stas. she now works closely with the firm's designing department as well as merchandising and sell In aU my visits to specialty and department stores up and down the Pacific Coast, I found tnjiAva annihilation Of women who want to know the best way to blena coiors . . . u,ht in take on a holiday trip or vacation. Women are amaz ed at the endless versatility or White Sta summer play- clothes by simply combining a few styles,!' revealed Miss oin- dalr. Miss Sinclair's visit to Mil ler's is part of an extensive program that is being carried out throughout the country by Do You Know? Yon hare rehabilitation fer the Handicapped in year attic and closets? Bend repairable articles which can firorld. work and wafts le the Goodwill Industries ,01 Oregon TELEPHONE 4-Z24S Plcknps Tuesday ft Fridays Wednesday, April 22. 1M8 I four other White Stag fashion coordinators. Tonight buy Guild Wine For Finer Flavor Bottled in California The Wonder Watch That Thinks! 2 HOURO ONLY Friday 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. MANUFACTURER'S ADVERTISING OFFER SWISS MADE ; PRECISION BUILT Stop Chronograph , Wrist Watche lomu VyJ wiiii Ceapea Ms Tat Compare With Any Chronograph Watch v m a alJV a A Taiuea r en. e WHtten Guarantee TVMKJTaWHiUTWLnI 8hek Proof Ceaabse Swiat MoreaMM Sweep Second Head MeerarM Dbumee , Radiant Dial docks Spaed afAaytalaf Unbeatable Crystal a S-Paeh Battea Step Watch Universal Six for Man, Woman, Boys, Olrb - TM HWCT OCT ring wis bovpon iw Mall Orders Filled Add 11.00 to Cm Tax sad SUppaag Cbrrgcs, limit -2. Wiles Drug store (0URT(N16HSTS.,Uim . If yoa caaac attend sale, tear anaawy at Store aad roar watch wtg W held. Ltolt-1. Only 80 45qUart . California Port Sherry Muscatel wt aiowim ouiiD. 1.001. cM.iro.Miaj COTTON QQRfl OAR D ET SALE v..- 4tM NOW! Washable-Wearable -Plush Pile Cotton Broadloom Carpet Quantities ire Limited NOW ONLY Only Woodry's can offer you this Sensational Carpet Valve! A very Special Purchase from one of the Nation's Leading Cotton Carpet Mills enables us to pass along Wonderful Savings like this... Here's the Newest Floor Fashion Sensation . . . And better still, in wide Broadloom widths that letou choose Wall-to-Wall Carpet for your rooms or Room-Fit Rugs, whichever you prefer. It's as practical as it is decorative . . . Special rubber backing helps it "Hug" the floor . . . prevents tufts from pulling out ... A perfect, low cost, Carpet for any room in your home. Come in right away - You'll be glad we urged you. Available in 6 Beautiful Colors Emerald Green Sandlewood Beige Twilight Grey Mellow Gold Avocado Green Chestnut Brown 9-fl. or 12-ft. widths "t..; a) rii 1 r f Open Friday Eve. Til 9p.m. LATEX RUBBER BACK HOLDS EACH TUFT SE CURELY IN PLACE. RESISTS DENTING CAUSED FROM HEAVY FOOT-WEAR AND ALLOWS VACUUMING - SHAMPOOING ! SEE THIS WON DERFUL PLUSH PILE COTTON" CARPET TO DAY . . . YOU'LL AGREE, YOU'VE NEVER SEEN A VALUE THAT COMPARES WITH IT . . . EASY TERMS Whether you Buy Room-Fit Rugs or Carpet Wall-to-Wall, you can start enjoying it right now! Take months to Pay on Woodry's Long - Low Easy Terms. 1 )