..Pag 6 ital Edited by MABIAN lumnae Set Events For Spring ' Spring events for Salem lumnae of Delta Gamma nr ority were discussed at the meeting of the group, Tuesday evening at the home ox Mrs, Joseph Matuec. Mrs. Clayton Foreman and Mrs. E. M. Page were named committee from the group to plan an entry for the YWCA table setting contest on May 15, 18 and 17. The breakfast given for sen' lor girls of the Willamette university active chapter was set for May 24 and will be at the Fairmount Hill home of Mrs. Leon Ferry. The province' convention is to be In Salem on May 15, 16 and 17, the Salem alumnae and the 'Willamette chapter members to be hostesses. Mrs, Lloyd Hammel, president of the alumnae, is working with the active chapter .in plan ning the event. ' ' ' - Attending the Tuesday meeting were Mrs. Steve An derson, Mrs. Louis Bonney, Mrs. Eugene Booth, Mrs. A. A. Cohen, Miss Olive M. Dahl, Mrs. Silas Gaiser, Mrs. D. K. Gassner, Mrs. Lloyd Hammel, Mrs. A. Freeman Holmer, Mrs. Don Hunsaker, Miss Lorena Jack, Miss Lois Latimer, Mrs. Joseph Matujec, Mrs. . Jack Miller, Mrs. E. M. Page, Mrs. . Arthur A. Sogers, Mrs. Daniel Schulze, Mrs. V e r n Shay," Mrs. John William Stortz, Mrs. L. X. Thompson. VISITORS for the week-end t the home of the Rev. and Mrs. George H. Swift will be Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Haehl, Sr." of San Francisco. ! The Haehls will be moving to Portland next month to make their home. While here they are visiting their daugh ter-in-law, Mrs. Russell C. Haehl, Jr., who is here with her parents, the Swifts, while her husband is In Korea with the army. CHI OMEGA Mothers club will meet Friday evening at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Louis duBuy en tertaining the group at her home, 898 North Capital. Mrs. J. I Crouch will assist Mrs. duBuy, and all mothers of Chi Omegas are Invited to attend, . 30th Anniversary For OES Chapter Mill City Marilyn chapter, Order of Eastern Star, obser ved its 80th anniversary Mon day evening. The chapter : rooms were decorated with mall parasols and baskets of spring flowers, Tina Graham end Mary Kelly in charge. Among the B0 guest pre sent for the anniversary event were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Humphreys,' worthy patron and matron of Acacia Chapter, . Stayton; Mr. and Mis. Carl Wipper, worthy patron and matron of Victoria chapter, Turner, and Julia . Leonard, worthy matron of Ramona ehapter, Sllverton. Past matrons and patrons honored during the evening were Mildred Allen, Zoe Chestnut, Elsie Potter, Leora Stevens, Maud Clarke, Alice Rupp, Lois Scott, Halle Toman, William Shuey, Wilson Stevens, Lawrence Walworth, Floyd Johnson and Fern Shuey. An interesting history of Marilyn chapter was re viewed by Mildred Allen, the first worthy matron. She was one of 20 charter members when the chapter was con' etltuted in July, 1023. Fred Olln was the first candidate to receive the degrees of the order. Last year 125 were re ceived into the order which ' made the total membership 146. - Entertainment Included a vocal solo by Richalyn Muck ridge and "Flapper" quartet composed of Jan Ross, Gerry Hamblln, Donna Ellingston nd Dorothy Downer, accom panied by Betty Lou Cree. Receiving the degree of the order were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith of Lyons. Doris Sheythe furnished the musical num bers for the degree. Following the meeting re freshments were served by the members living at Detroit, Idanha. and Mongold. The . decorations carried out the anniversary theme. A practice meeting for the district meeting was announc ed for April 28, with officers to be present from Stayton, Turner and Mill City. Refresh ments committee for the meet ing will be Rose Cree, Edith Mason, ana x.i x-uuer, A! Women LOWEI FISCHER Shower for Miss Johnson About 40 friends have been Invited to the party and mis cellaneous shower for .which Mrs. Robert Seamster and Miss Othelene Lee are to en tertain on Saturday afternoon, honoring Miss Donna Johnson, who is to be married next Sun day to Steven H. Benson. The party will be at the Floyd Seamster home. Feting the bride-to-be will be Miss Joy Lewis, Miss Joan Travlss, Miss. Joyce Traviss, Miss Carolyn Parker, Miss Col leen McNeil, Miss Marilyn Blakley, Miss Wilma WUlich, Miss Billle Miller, Miss Toddy Just, Miss Bernlce DaMoude, Mrs. Don Plummer, Miss Do lores Gottfried, Miss Ardith Miller, Miss lone Allison, Miss Helen cadd, Mrs. John Erick sen, Miss Carolyn Marshall, Miss Roberta Sjoding, Miss Sonia Nohlgren, Miss Margaret Miller, Miss Mary Nopp, Mrs. Ferrel Covalt, Jr., Miss Janice McCollom, Miss Patsy Walters, Miss Gail Tomlinson, Miss Norma Hamilton, Miss Betty Williams, Mrs. Elliott Mot schenbacher, Miss Sharon Brown, Miss Gail Lochead, Mrs. James Blackman, Miss Donna Nothelfer, the bride elect's mother, Mrs. George J. Johnson, Mr. Benson g mother, Mrs. L. V. Benson, Mrs. Floyd Seamster and the two host esses. Tea on Thursday Thursday afternoon brings one of the big silver teas of the spring, the annual one given by Salem Memorial Hospital auxiliary. The tea is to be at the home of Mrs. . Louis Lachmund, hours to be between 2:30 and 5:30 o'clock. Writer Talks Personal experiences o n writing and some suggestions for those interested in writ ing were outlined by Mrs. Edwin Butler for the meeting of Salem alumnae of Theta Sigma Phi, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs., Bruce if . Fickett. Mrs. ; Butler is a free lance writer here. One of her stories was accepted by Woman's Home Companion this past year. Attending the meeting were Miss Vlnlta Howard, Miss Genevieve Mor gan, Mrs. Thomas Brubeck, Mrs. Jack Steward, Mrs. Geo rge W. Dewey, Jr., Miss Ellse Schroeder, Mrs. Robert Af- f olter, Mrs. Robert M.. Fischer, Jr., Mrs. Butler, the guest, and Mrs. Pickett. Plans were' discussed for group to attend the annual Matrix Table banquet of Port land alumnae of Theta Sigma Phi in Portland, AprU 30. Rainbow Initiation Woodburn Five girls wlU be initiated at the regular meeting of Evergreen assembly No. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, Wednesday night, April 22, at the Masonic Tem ple. Plans will be made for the annual cancer drive which wUl be conducted by the girls. Serv ing refreshments wUl be Misses Phyllis Roberts, chairman; Karol Kay Rohde, Judy Rost vold, Dixie Ruud, Marilyn Ro berts and Joanne Schmid. Books Reviewed Dallas Fiction books were reviewed at the April meeting of the book section of the Dal las Woman's club, Mrs. Frank Richards and Miss Shirley Wise giving the reports. Mrs. John Cerny entertain' ed the group at her home, those present including Mrs, Allle Hennagin, Mrs. O. E. An derson, Miss Dora Sweet, Mrs Paul .Davis, Mrs. Richards, Miss Wise and the hostess. The next meeting wUl be May 20. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAIR LINGERIE 115 N. Liberty WHAT EVERY GIRL SH00LO KNOW about sickening MONTHLY CRAMPS! Here's wonderful newi far and girls who suffer the tortures ot bad days" of funcUonally-caused uu'iuuuHi pun onaacnes, back, acnes. "dnunred-out" fawiinmi In InrtorV MO, Lydl X. pmnh.m'. TJ.Ubl Compound m compl.t. or Brtkliio nllf ot tueh dUtrm In S u 1 l awnon Uw (tnt, word ft II you don't jet uim rrand wll.ll tm ltntr th Compound or new, tm proui conwnl.nt1-.bl.oi (with Mdtd """" w UI GIUULgt Of UIS)I IB Pfnk Ain't tauftrUI action nciitff fit. i9 rt en erotrto Zontians List New Officers Mrs. Vernon Wlscarson ' Is the 'new president for Salem club of Zonta International, the newly named board of dl rectors meeting Tuesday eve. ning to name the officers. Mrs. Wlscarson succeeds Mrs. Mary Thomas in the office. Miss Echo Yeater was nam ed vice-president; Mrs. Oscar Christensen, second vice-president; Dr. Elizabeth Rider, treasurer; Miss Hazel Roen. icke, secretary. Other board members serving with the offi cers are Mrs. M. Theodore Mad sen, Jr., Mrs. Mabel Clock, Mrs. Phil BrowneU, , Miss Mary Larson. The board meeting was at the home of Mrs. Thomas. ELEVEN attended the meet ing and dessert for Sigma Kappa Mothers club, Tuesday, Mrs. A. H. Fish and Mrs. Glen Weaver entertaining the group at the home of Mrs. Fish. : , Guests included Mrs. W. G. Burrls, Mrs. G. A. Reeher, Mrs. George A. Rhoten, Mrs, V. D. McMullen, Mrs. D. G. DeSart, Mrs. A. F. Marcus, Mrs. C. Lester Newman, Mrs. R. J. Davey, . Mrs. Harry Engelen. Guests Entertained By AL Auxiliary Guests from Salem unit, American Legion auxiliary, presented a two-act pantomime at Capital unit Monday eve ning, the visitors being Mrs. Jack Simkins, president of Sa lem unit, Mrs. Elwood Town send, Mrs. Theodore Ullakko and Mrs. Edwin Maerz. A Mother's day program Is planned for the May 4 meeting of Capital unit. Guests will be the American War Mothers, Gold Star Mothers and moth ers of unit members. Volunteers wishing to sell popples made by veterans are to contact Mrs. Lue Lucas. May 22-23 are the dates sched uled for the sale. A rummage sale Is set for May 15. Mrs. Glenn Burright, reha bilitation chairman, reported robes, ditty bags and greeting cards have been sent to veter- and hospitals. Members brought sweaters and cash donations for children in Korea, Mrs. J. D. White in charge. Lilacs and yellow candles decorated the tea table which was covered with a White grass linen embroidered cloth. Mrs. A. D. Apperson and Mrs. Jack Simkins poured. Mrs. J. D. White was In charge of the refreshments and assisting .were Mrs. Helen B. McLeod, Mrs. A. W. Lovclk and Mrs. Anson Ingels. IN COOS BAY over the and Mrs. week-end were Mr. C. W.-Parker. v 5 (B)(P) .Whit.... VS . jy, ' Q V . Red.'... fcX WllP A 1 fRWR. .Black... THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, flalea Own Salem Students ' - Busy at Linfield Three Salem students are on committees for the annual Senior Week-end at Linfield college, May 2-3, Miss Joan Hamman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Hamman, is on the committee planning music for the event Miss Hamman is a freshman In sociology at Linfield. Miss Shirley Page of Salem Is on the food planning com mittee. She Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Page and is a major in economics and speech at the college. Miss Nadine Gilman, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. li. Gil- man of Salem, is on the ban. ouet committee for the week. end. Miss Gilman is music major at Linfield. Invitations have been sent to 2500 high school seniors in Oregon, Washington, Califor nia and Idaho to attend the Senior Week-end events. Nominations For Club During the meeting of Gar field Mothers and Dads club Tuesday evening, the follow ing . were recommended to serve for the next school year President, Dr. Ray Pinson and Ray Keaton; vice president, Ralph Nohlgren and Stuart Chisholm; secretary, Mrs. J. B. Monnette and Mrs. R. P. Lan- kow; treasurer, Mrs. George Scales and Mrs. I. A. DeFrance. Mrs. Thomas Roen, Jr. was chairman of a pie social which was the nroeram feature, Mothers of second grade stu dents served refreshments, and directing the committee were Mrs. Roy Fowler and Mrs. Rob ert David, room mothers. , Jaycee-Ettes Meet Mrs. Ivan Royce was wel comed as a new member of the Jaycee-Ettes Monday evening. Mrs. Warren Cooley enter tained the group at her home, Mrs. Kenneth Free, Mrs. Mau rice Cohen and Mrs. Dean All port assisting. , The Jaycee-Ettes will be in charge of registration at the Junior Chamber of Commerce convention in Salem, May 22- 24, and will honor visiting JC wives at a luncheon on Saturday, May 23. ,. . ; AMONG hostesses of the week is Mrs. Allman Todd, Jr. She was hostess on Monday and Tuesday nights for bridge parties and is planning a third for this evening. Twenty-eight have been invited for the af fairs. America's MOST MODERN KITCHEN! CAPITAL YOUNGSTOWN KITCHEN 181 N. High St. Rainbows To Initiate An invitation to attend ltd tiatlon ceremonies next Tues day for Chadwlck assembly, Order of Rainbow for Girls, was accepted Tuesday evening by Chadwlck chapter, Order of Eastern Star. . Visitors were present from Trinity chapter in Salem, Adah chapter, Independence; Victoria chapter, Turner; Or pha chapter, Warner, S. D. Two members were received by affiliation. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cooper headed the committee serving refreshments, Mrs. F. D. Kibbe, Mr. and Mrs. D. Howell, Mrs. George Hanley, Mrs. Emery Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Webber, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pederson, Miss Margaret Hogg, Miss Elma Kennedy assisting. At the next meeting, May 5, a Mothers day program will be given. HOSTESS -to her bridge club for luncheon on Thursday will be Miss Doratbea Steus- loff. Mrs. Harry U. Miller of Portland and Mrs. Roy S. Keene of Corvallis, both mem bers of the club, will be here for the party. Lecture-Recital Stanley Butler, pianist, is to be presented In a lecture-recital on French keyboard music by the Willamette university college of music next Monday evening. The program will be at 8:15 o'clock in the Recital hall on the campus and the in terested public is invited. Mr. Butler is a member of the col lege of music faculty. ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE "1 know Del, you told me to make our reservation for the Style Show away ahead of time but good gee- wis who ever thot there would ac tually be a sell out? I know, but I thot you were all full of promotion or overenttiuilaatlc or something . . believe me, next time 111 have my oar In plenty early." Well folks that was the comment of just one lady that did not quite make it. The show was supposed to start at 1 o'clock but when I looked in the dining room door at 12:30 and saw all those beautifully dressed women , I thot the show must have started ahead of time. Tfiere were many a lady there who could show tiie models a thing or two and the models had plenty on ttie ball. Hie ladies were outspok en In their enthusiasm for another show and already we have set the date of May 18th In case you want to make reservations. In Salem H'l Am Hotel Hirlon, 3-4123 Just... lam H EfcsWn leather ... ' W V J 71. v Plan Coffee Mrs. Walter H. Smith and Mrs. J. N. Bishop are to enter tain at a neighborhood cottee uartv next Tuesday morning at the Mission street Smith resi dence. Guests are invited be. tween 10 and 12 o'clock. snSMSSMMMtSMSSSMSSKoSSn Gateswingers Plan Festival May 16 Gateswingers are planning their Bth annual Cherry Blos som festival on May 16. Com' mittees have been named ai follows for the event: Prom-am Mrs. Rosemary Wiles, Neil Brown, Jay Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Al McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Nelson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brennon. Decorations Mr. and Mrs, Glen Wvatt. Mr. - and Mrs. Mingle, Mr. and Mrs. Brendle, Mr. and Mrs. Bill wiison. Reception Mr. and Mrs Keith Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Wal lace Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith. Guest book Mr. and Mrs. Glade Follls; soft drinks bar, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Chasman. The group is meeting in regular session at 8 p.m. this Thursday in Izaak Walton league club house. Mrs. Wiles is to teach the Candlelight Waltz and review the Corrldo. B1U Allan, 11 years old, will be special guest caller. Guests are welcome to the event. , It's llko getting a crystal bail with every can of coffee! Honest . . . you can look into the future! Be sure, , right there in the store, that this is the double-delicious, delectable coffee you've been hoping fori You just press the top of this can with your thumb. If it's firm, coffee's fresh. If the top clicks, take another. Only a pressure packed can lets, you test to make sure of -coffee that's fresher, richer, more satisfying every time. So ask for "Pressure Packed" Chase & Sanborn today! What a coffee! Chase II Officers In Auxiliary ' Officers nominated to lead 1953-54 activities of the West Salem Lions club auxiliary Monday evening were Mrs. Collett A. Rust, president; Mrs. Carleton Brown, vice president; Mrs. Richard Smith, secretary; Mrs. Wallace can son. treasurer. Date for the annual- mother and daughter banquet was set for May 18, the no-host dinner to be at the West Salem city building. All interested moth. era and daughters in West Sa lem are invited to attend, mem bership in the auxiliary is not required. Following reports on the board meeting in Astoria last week, and the luncheon given by the five auxiliaries recently, refreshments were served by the hostess, Mrs. Collett Rust. t Toastmistress Club Mill City Mrs. June MUey of the Mill City Toastmistress club, will compete In the "next series of speech contests to be in Salem on April 25. At the spring meeting in Eugene, AprU 11, of Council No. 3 of the Northwest region, Inter national Toastmistress clubs, Mrs. MUey won first place over competitors from Red mond and Eugene. ' & Sanborn W Testfbreshness """"""V AT X pick! Straps .-a linens Wednesday, April 22, 195S Woodburn Visitors At Rebekah Meeting Rebekahs from Woodburn presented ' special entertain ment at Salem Rebekah lodge ' Monday evening. Mrs. W..L. Newton of Salem was pro gram chairman and has been a member of the Woodburn lodge for 36 years. There were visitors present from manv other Oregon ciUes. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Ernest Frederlckson Mrs. Lloyd Stiffler, Mrs. J. L Teed, . Mrs. Charles Martin Mrs. Theodore Wacken, Mrs. Lola McFarland, Mrs. Edith McCoy, Mrs. Albert Beckmah. During the meeting, th sewing club presented a quilt to the 'ways and means com mittee, and Mrs. Theodore Rhoades, noble grand, ex. pressed appreciaUon for those who gave blood and assisted with the bloodmobile last week. The Three Links club will meet for a no-host luncheon at noon on Friday. Members - with birthdays in March and April will oe Honored. Ladies Auxiliary Patriarchs Militant wlU meet Friday evening, practice to begin at 7 o'clock. '. '.: Next Monday will be social night for the Rebekahs. MEETING Saturday wlU be 4 the United Commercial Travel ers auxiliary. The group will assemble at the Woman's club house at 8 p.m. soft end sPPlc l0V, prices Natural Cream . Green , Yellow Pastels Straws Linens 234 N. LIBERTY fXhasetl IN SALEM (681 MAIN IN LEBANON) now mf r