Wednesday, April 22, 195S THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orefra Separate Committee on Planning Gets Approval The citv nlnnnfntf And nnlna commission, meeting Tuesday night, approved the setting up of a separate planning commit tee within the organization. Four members will serve on the committee which has not yet been appointed by Chair man W. W. Rosebraugh. The approval was given upon receipt of a report from Rob ert K. Powell, Frank Guerin end V. D. McMullen, who in vestigated the progress of planning as against, zoning in other cities. ; One duty of the committee will be to help in the coordina tion of city planning with state and county planning. The commission voted to rec ommend to the city council a change from zone from Class II residential to Class III-X restricted buslnpsn far nrnn. erty at the southeast corner of North Capitol and Jefferson so a real estate business can be operated. J. F. LeClerc was the applicant. Deferred for later action on receipt of details as to future plans of the concern was appli cation of the Glenn H. Woodry furniture and auction market yfor a zone change from Class II residential to Class III-X restricted business at Norway and Nirth Summer. Several speakers at a hearing said the petition did not provide for setback and off-street parking, which they demanded. Lawr ence N. Brown, appearing for applicant, said both would be satisfactory and told the com mission to include car parking and a setback up to 20 feet in in the recommendation to the city council. The commission approved a Starts Tonight - Open 6:45 Binf Crotby . Bob Hope . Dorothy Lamour Technicolor . "ROAD TO BAH" Also Carlton Carpenter " Jan SterUnr "SKY FULL OF MOON" Two Great Comedies . zone .change, on application of Mrs. S. A. Wheatley, on the north side of Court between Cottage and Winter for opera tion of a tea room on the base ment level. The Broadmoor plat in southeast Salem was accepted, and May 19 was set as the date for a public hearing on the zone classification for an area from Oxford to the south city limits between 22nd and 24th streets where the revised zoning plan sets up an indus trial district. Mrs. Harriett Ness - Ruff represented peti tioners who want it made residential. Some extensive house construction is planned. : On the same date will bo a public hearing on petition of R. F. Polanski for a zone change at 620 South Summer a beauty parlor may be established . in the . Romeo Apartment house. Referred to the name com mittee was a petition of prop erty owners on Height street for a change of the street name to Holiday Drive. Approval was given a peti tion of residents in the 4700 block of Hayesville Drive ask ing a change of name to' Lilac Lane. The change was asked for because of duplication in street names. Dallas Presbyterians Greet New Member Dallas Circle A of the First Presbyterian church which met at the home 'of Mrs. Norman Baker welcomed a new member into , its group, Mrs. Mildred Wright who has recently lived in Washington is planning to make her home in this locality. The devotions were led by Mrs. Walter Muir, who also served as acting secretary in the absence of the regular sec retary. The afternoon was spent in working on a new set of tea towels which will be sold at later time. -,. Present were Mrs. Carl Lewis Assails . McKay Choice Washington, JJ9 Secretary of Interior Douglas McKay, who already had two fights on his hands, found himself in another row today over . his "new team" appointments to the interior department. This time the scrappy ex Governor of Oregon is fighting in the heavyweight class. His onnonent is John L. Lewis. Informed sources disclosed that the United Mine Workers president has appealed to the White House to block McKay's plan to install Thomas Lyon of Salt Lake City, Utah, as di rector of the Bureau of Mines. Lewlst who feels that he and his union have a special in terest in . the bureau, was re ported to have complained in a letter to presidential assistant Sherman Adams that Lyon has "no working knowledge of the coal industry." ' Lyon is now head of the metals ex pansion division of the defense materials agency. As of today, McKay was standing his ground. An in terior department, spokesman said the Secretary would stick by his choice of Lyon, regard less of Lewis protest. But sources close to Lewis said the UMW chief regards the issue as "the lives of coal miners versus political jobs." That pronouncement was taken here as a warning that Lewis might call a coal strike, if need be, to demonstrate his displeas ure. He did it once before, when President Truman named a Bureau of Mines director he didn't like.. . Swanstrom, Mrs. De Graff, Mrs. Wright, Mrs. Earl Ben bow, Mrs. Joe Plummer, Mrs. Lou Plummer, Mrs. Ed Himes, Mrs. Charles Cochran, and Mrs. Al Burlbach. The next meeting of the Cir cle will be held at the home of Mrs. Joe Plummer. I 1 EXTRA I 1 ' "Si m revest m m m mm rm, a m -mm Ult ini ga WEEK H ONLY rrs worth Mtxvpro milks to she TWO MIDHITE SHOWS FRL and SAT. STAlTf 11:30 !Vk A- ry- T ) v ADULTS H1$LHtc only mm I X JOU MtST HAVE BTE. 1 CIAL MIDNITE SHOW I I BAM TICKETS FOB THIS I 1 w ATTBACTION1 .1 I MT TOUM MOWI JT ?7m 600 AU TICKETS M0W ALL $100 E NEVV it v new JjwnQj CCME AS LATE AS 10 PM AND SEE REGULAR FEATURE PLUS OUR SENSATIONAL MIDNITE SHOW AT MIDNITE SHOW PRICES! Come Eariy NO PASSES fefc mm 5 DRIVE-IN THEATR "fHOHt 2-7829 UIISH SAIDIHS, HIGHWAY t? NO PASSES PHONI S-tTM Alan Ladd Arlene Dahl In Technicolor "DESERT LEGION" . ... Joyce Holden ' "GIRLS IN NIGHT" . Ralph Richardson "BREAKING THE SOUND BARRIER" 11 Vincent Edwards . U In dor- . 4,1 "UIAWATUA" III PttONI SM7 Gerald Mohr aFtg ry castle Olivia DeHavllland "MY COUSIN RACHEL" X F Open 6:45 P.M. NOWSHOWING! O IS- CD I!2gjjM rANE lJK If mi UllVrV nimelyfls TOOAY'5 HeddlinesL.. See Tieficiurt IhdttbresZuost CO-FEATURE! ADULTS 0NLY1 IO 7&) ceurt ctreet store TO SAVE YOU TIM. . .70 SA VS sws . . . smBiismms vm THESE MEM IMMIimt - mT- ' Iras A mo mm mmm i WE GIVE AND REDKM H: green stamps A , I r-. .A W.1 !., , rat lri LIBERAL s ssssssvt e m . m m j. mrt m m V 4 1 TRADE-IN NOTE TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT OUR BOX OFFICE! CARTOON NEWS