Pag. 22 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon Wednesday, April zt, 19&3 School Tax Levy Cut By 2.8 Mills, Board Finds By FEED ZIMMERMAN Memberi of the citizen com mittee of the Salem ichool dis trict received a pleasant sur prise Tuesday night when they learned that a previously esti mated increase in the tax rate of 11 mills had been trimmed to 8.8 mills in connection with the annual budget for the 1953-54 school year. The budget, as revised by the administration, calling for esti mated expenditures of 13,839,. 808.75, was adopted and passed nn lr 4ttsa iintava ln annMiial af a special election scheduled for May 13. The reduction in millage was made possible when it was learned that the basic school apportionment will be 43.3 per child instead of the 38 cents previously estimated, The over all reduction in this department will be about $50,000. Cash on hand of another $50,000, made possible an upward revision in the estimated receipts in the sum of $1,881,465. The levy will be 45.9 mills as against the 48.1 contained in the original estimate. This is an increase of 8.8 mills over the last budget. Of the total increase of 8.8 mills but 1.8 mills is charge' able to the general fund. The balance Is due to the building program authorized by the vot ers an item that the budget committee had no authority to change. The total levy will be $2,- 092,250 with $1,335,045 being i earmarked for the general Graber Bros. for . . Contract and General Repair Established 1908 . 45 Yean in Salem 154 J. Ubtri, Mom 36594 fund. Of the latter amount $615,275.47 is within the six per cent limitation, leaving the Daiance to be approved by the voters, i . Principal increases In the budget include $130,403 for sal. aries of certificated employes; I7Z.43U lor salaries of 21 add! tional teachers; $7,110 for the principal of the South Salem high school; $13,272 salary in creases for non-certificated en ployes; $3,542 in increased elec trical costs; $3,330 Increased Insurance charges; $5,600 tax on administration building; $5,- 000 increase in emergency fund. Under the heading of capital outlays the budget includes the following items: $7,475 provi sion for new sites; $14,082 Morningslde equipment; . $9, 500; $2,300 for maintenance truck; $9,330 for replacing equipment in 14 classrooms and $9,500 for Garfield cafeteria remodeling and equipment. Although the South Salem high school will not be com missioned before September 1954, ' Superintendent Walter Snyder said it would be neces sary to secure a principal be fore that time in order that he could assist in arranging the program and in securing teach ing personnel. The salary increase for tea-i chers amounts to $240 a year. The salary schedule committee of the teachers had asked for considerably more. The citizens committee con sisted of Wm. J, Entress, Wm. J. Phillips, Elton H. Thompson, Harry J. Willett and Coburn Grabenhorst. ' National Parks in Poor Condition ; Washington W) A congres sional committee was told Tues day that national parks are in such bad condition it would take more than a halt-bllllon dollars to modernize them. Director Conrad L. Wirth of the .National Park Service made that estimate while sup porting a 36 million dollar budget Item for the park sys tem at a hearing before a Sen ate appropriations subcom mittee. This amount, proposed for the year beginning July 1, is three million dollars above the sum appropriated for this year. Poppy Poster Prizes at Dallas Dallas The Poppy poster contest sponsored by the Amer ican Legion has come to an end with the following winners an nounced. In the first class which in cludes pupils in grades 4, 5, and 6, Joan Rose was selected as the first prize winner. Karen Casey placed second with Larry Dashiell in third place. Honorable mention went to Phyllis Miles. In the second class, includ ing pupils from 7th, 8th, and 9th, Diane Chase was selected as 1st prize winner. Janice Hooge placed second and Agnes fleet tmra. In the 3rd class for students in the 10th, 11th and 12th grades, Dava Wells ' captured first prize. Margaret Kinsey was given 2nd and Richard Davis placed third. The Judges reported that selections In the first class were particularly difficult to make as the quality of the work done was especially good MM r w CAR 4 TRUCK , RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 ' Ritchey Passes Entrance Test John Phillip Ritchey, son of Dr. and Mrs. John A. Ritchey of 1045 North 13th street, who was given a first alternate ap pointment to West Point by Rep. Walter Norblad, has pass ed his entrance examinations to West Point and reports there July 7. Ritchey Is a former student at the HiU Military Academy, being there in 1949 and 1950, and is now a senior at Salem high school from where he will graduate In June. The Salem man took his examination March 1 of this year and for two months prior to that was attending a prep school in Washington, D.C. 3 It'i EXTRA dry! So smooth it leaves you - breathless mhn'pflf $Oproof Mde from 100 96 ttfin neutral spirit Ste. Pierre Smifnofl Fit. IocHwford. Conn, Puts a Good Mark on a Man ! Regardless of where he drives, no man is wholly a stranger to the people about him if he sits at the wheel of a 1953 Cadillac Hit name may be unknown and also his occupa tionand, likewise, the whereabouts of his home. But he is not without standing. For his Cadillac marks him as a man of character and substance. Wherever he may be, let him arrive at the door of a distinguished hotel or restaurant or let him seek the ear of anyone for direction or information . . . and he has the courtesy that goes with respect. And let it be said for Cadillac owners that, almost Invariably, they respond in kind. . Indeed, the honor which Cadillac does to its owners is the fruit of the honor they have so long bestowed upon Cadillac. When so many wonderful people favor a particular make of car over such a long period of time the car must inevitably become a mark of distinction. All of this, of course, comes to the owner of a 1953 Cadillac as an extra joy and satisfaction. It comes in addition to the magnificent perform ance of Cadillac's 210 h.p. engine and improved Hydra-Matic Drive ... the wonderful comfort of Cadillac's new Air Conditioner ... the car's soft, easy, relaxing ride ... its marvelous balance and handling ease ... its long life and dejendability . . . and its truly amazing economy of upkeep and operation. Put them all together and they spell the grandest satisfaction in all the world of motoring. Have you seen and driven the 19S3 version of the "Car of Cars"? If not we should be happy to see you at any time. Why not come in today f otiiutmwi. K SDK 10 HEAR THE UDIIUC tHOMl SYMPHONY EVERY WIOHKOM AT 6:30 P.M. OVUt KJIM DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO 510 North Commercial Sr. Salem mm. SALE AT SHAW FURNITURE or M. K. N. FURNITURE 8 day Spring Fever Sale . .'. Yes, ifs Spring... Maybe we'ra touched In the i head with the heat for making this value possible. But nevertheless touched or not . . . LOOK AT THE SPRING RIOT! SAVINGS THROUGHOUT THE STORE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS, IS THE THEME OF SHAW'S AND M.K.N.'s SPRING FEVER SALE. Values you've really been waiting for. VALUE NO. 1 GROUP NO. 1 (In this first group we'll give you the opportunity to buy a chaise lounge, value 24.95, for only $1.00 ... . . . .. " . i !- Yam Clime of Colors) : with any one or tne following oar gains . piciurw nm """ Please note' if you cannot use the lawn furniture values, we have other at tractive merchandise offers as substitutes. Daveno & Rocker Biltwell) 149.95 Daveno & Chair (putweiD 196.50 t? Daveno & Chair (Biltwell) 219.95 Sofa Suite (bhio 149.95 Daveno & Chair 215.00 Davenport & Chair (Biltwell) 219.95 Daveno & Rocker Fibr. -n 189.95 00 un v . Many Selections in Each - Category VALUE NO. 2 GROUP NO. 1 (In this second group we'll give you the opportunity to buy a chaise lounge and metal folding chair . . . combination valued at $35.95 for only $1.00 with any one of the following bargains . . .) Your Choice of Color Daveno & Chair ET Daveno & Chair Daveno & Chair m", 249.95 (Harmon Fibre E 229.95 239.95 2-Pc, Sectional ) 230.00 2 Pc. Sectional 'SSffi 269.95 Hide-A Bed - (Simmons) 229.95 - v-v -tt-.. mm sw $1.00 Many Selections in Each Category VALUE NO. 3 GROUP NO. 1 (Biltwell) ip(ln this group you can purchase a lawn swing for $1.00 which has a retail value of $59.95, with any one of the following selections.) 268.00 279.50 269.00 299.00 259.00 Choice of Colors See Them in Window Davenport & Chair Davenport & Chairmen) Hide-A Bed (Simmons) Hide-A Bed (Simmons) ' . Daveno & Chair (Biltwell) $1 A A Only I.UU Many Selections in Each Category ; : VALUE No. 4 GROUP No. 1 (In this group we'll sell a lawn swing- and a chaise lounge value $83.95 lor only $1.00 with any of the following.) Davenport & Chair Bntweii 339.95 Davenport fir Chair 399.95 Biltwell, Crown, Magnuson 'Davenport & Chair 359.95 Hide-A-Bed Simmons 339.00 Chaise Lounge -Lawn Swing $1 VALUE No. 5 GROUP No. 2 With every bedroom suite purchased in the next 8 days we'll sell you for only $1 .00 a $59.50 mattress. (We reserve the right to limit this offer to Suites.) BEDROOM SUITES As Low As 149.95 59.50 Mattress 1.00 VALUE No. 6 GROUP No. 3 A 60-plece dinnerware set will . be available for -S1.00 with the purchase of any 5 pc breakfast set In stock. We have dozens of sets to select from at all prices. (Get here early on this deal because we I do reserve the right to drop mis oner as soon as our pres ent stock of dinnerware sets is depleted. This dish set re tails s high as $29.95 at many stores.) $100 I Included ere: 6 9-in. Dinner Plates 6 T-in. Plates S Soup Bowls C Dessert Dishes 8 Coffee Cups S Saucers 6 Ire Tea Glasses 6 Water Tumblers 8 Juice Glasses 2 10-ln. Serving Platters 2 8-in. Serving Bowls 1 Cream Pitcher 1 Sugar Bowl VALUE No. 7 GROUP No. 4 PHILCO ELECTRIC) RANGE, Reg. 319.95 Special S days only (AT SHAW) ' PHILCO ELECTRIC REFRIG., Reg. . 339.95. Special 8 days only (AT SHAW) ABC OMATIC WASHER, 1952 Floor Model. Reg. 319.95, Special (AT M.K.N.) WHIRLPOOL DRYER, 1952 Floor Model, f Reg. 239.95, Special (AT M.K.N.) Please note: We have only one each of the above appliances. Don't wait until the last day on these tremendous bargains. (All appliances carry full fac tory guarantees, even though they are reduced far below your fondest dreams . . . 250.00 275.00 250.00 175.00 39.50 VALUE No. 8 GROUP No. 5 MATTRESS AND BOX SPRING, Reg. 59.50. 10-vear ruarantee. Snecial With the above we will sell (If you buy the set) t foam pillows plus a plastic mattress cover for only one dollar (you save on the bedding and you get a 818.95 value for only one buck. The foam pillows have full tipper side filus chlorophyl (you know, keeps your breath . . kiss ng sweet . , VALUE No. 9 GROUP No. 6 Spot Beam Floor Lamps $26.95 With every lamp well give you a hand made shade . . . extra shade . . . with contrasting color so that you can change shades on your own lamp and have that new feeling ail the time. (Extra shade value is $11-95.) Also please note that we have specials on every lamp in the two stores. (Some 50.) VALUE No. 10 GROUP No. 7 Used furniture at M.K.N. consists of numerous davenports and chair sets, davenos, odd chairs, electric range, refrig erator, gas range, oil heaters, lamp, tables, 2 dining room suites, 1 bedroom suite, carpet, Bendix washer, also a small amount of repossessed furniture at terrific bargains . . . COME IN AND SEE THIS USED FURNITURE ... WE WILL SELL FAR BELOW ANY USED STORE PRICE ... WE NEED THE ROOM FOR WAREHOUSE ... IF OUR PRICE IS TOO HIGH . . . MAKE US A OFFER . . . WE'RE ONLY HUMAN ... VALUE No. 11 GROUP No. 8 TO 1000 To 1000 values in every department at Shaw Furniture and M.K.N. Furniture . . . Incidentally, Shaw Furniture is now celebrating its first anniversary ... A free gift will be given every person who comes in and asks for the birthday free gift. Ladies, the gift only cost us 19c each, but you'll think they are very handy and useful. 19c doesn't sound like much but multiply It by all those we're going to give away and you'll realize why we're not giving away $5.90 bills. However, we do feel that our Spring Fever Sale will give yon folks a wonderful chance to save many dollars en good quality merchandise. SUPER VALUES IN CARPET ASK US OUR PRICE FOR THIS 8-DAY CARPET SPE CIAL ... WE GUARANTEE THAT IF YOU'RE IN THE MARKET FOR CARPET NOW OR IN THE NEAR FUTURE YOU HAD BETTER SEE US FOR THE SAVINGS OF THE YEAR. WE'LL PUT CARPET ON YOUR FLOOR FOR LESS THAN YOU EVER DREAMED . . . Remember, only 8 days on this "SURRISE CARPET" deal . . . Rngs and wall to wall values ... FURNITURE SIHl '1425 Edgewater Capitol Shopping Center