Wednesday, April 22, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Balm, OrtgM Pat 21 DENNIS the MENACE IF MDUR AtoTHEB WANTS A QUART OF ICE CREAM. OENNWHy DIWT SHE LEAVE A NOTE? EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Jobs Just Uw eemple ilstlnia Mow: p-Typiit " F General office I5 r-Pavroll clerk 2215 p Cashier, recept, 10-30 1150 p comptometer oper. 9190 F Dictaphone oper 1200 F Recept., uit. bkkpr ...1180 p Oen. ofc, lite shorthand ....1200 F Medical iecretr IMS F Secretary, t-dev 2230 p-cashler, lit shorthand 1215 F Bkkpr. FO tmbr 1225 F Bkkpr.-Reeept to 1275 FBkkpr. FC luur to 1250 F Clerk, steno 2215 Id MultlMh oper. (exp.) 250 II Jr. acot, '250 K cm. OlO '250 M-Selssmsn ll-ll open M Sales up. ate. aoulp open The Beet War to the But Joba i COUIRItCUIi PLAOnONT AOENOT 494 State at. (Oreeoa Bids.) 4-3361 PORTLAND OTC., K CORBETT BLDO. tf96 WANTED POSITIONS CHILD CAHI, reasonable. North. Phone 4-4420. ' " rAmpiNTiav-cablnet worr-. home modeltu, fret astlmeteo. Call a -4411, 4-1621. hlOl kOTOTlLLINQ evenlnte, Saturday!, Sudara, Kelsor area. Phone 1-5315. 1)10T PLOWING A DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-2300. n" TILLING with new ME. Rotary tiller. Phone evenlnts. 1-1333. hiol TREE WORK. Topplnt, trlmmlnt, re movlnt. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. I-0S6S. hill- MEW lawns, Rotary hoolni. Free estl matea, Dsana Woloott, Phone 3-8127. hill LET MB PLACE your portable aewlnt soaehlna In a Rollerette tea table hlnat. . at at DlcklOD'S. 13th At ME. It's IT. b!6 tsiMTTNfT PaDsr-hanalnt. free esti mate. Don Lucero. Phono 1-1622. hlOfl LAND 8 CAPE maintenance, prunlnt. MnmlB. silantlna. fertuutlnt. Berv lot Center. Phone 4-3173. hiot HEW LAWNS, complete, tree estimates. Phone 4-2241. "106 Licenced and Doa-lioensed practical nureee, or domestic, cau i-duis. rao- itnTO.TnxEK work II hour mini mum. Phone 4-6401. hll 43ARDEN, FLOWER bad and lawn pre paration. Plowlnt, dleclni. levellnt, rototlUlnt. Service Center. Phoae 43673. hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, doslnt. dirt level. Int. eradlnt. Phone 3-1230. hl03 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowlnt. discing, aeedlnt. Phone 1-1041. 126' WILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Garden i..n. tninn. 1.1820. 3351 Rvartreen, hiot" itpfht child CARE Mr home, days. Hollywood district. Cell 4-S482 alter EtOTO-HOE Expert work. Phone 36691. hiol ROTOTILLING Ph. 44632. Middle Drove u ... Aatn allo.ptAn Rotd. hS6 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of painting, brush and spray, furnish references, by hour or contract. Ph. a-Jtt. EXPERIENCED child care, in my home. 065 N. COttate. O Stare weca, awuui. Refernces. CHILD CARE, Entlewood district, Mrs. Bertlt Johnson, 10M K. llth. 1-U6I. mot' CUSTOM tardenlng, 30-ln. Rotary hoe, 14 an hour, 17338 titer o p.m. - no' ROTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent Kremer, 11M Lansing Ave. Phone 33180. nut CLEANING, WASHING, ironing, by day. Phnna 3.6310. u GARDEN WORK RototlUlnt. Cell 1-9426 ftft. S-OA n.m. h99 RADIO TV SERVICE V ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, lit plus material. Call any time. Fret eitlmatee. Phone 4.1141. held" FOR RENT LARGE warehouse apaca for rent or utse. Cement noon, Dries ouimina, Down town, inquire H. u buk Fur niture Co. Phone 3-8185. J1 ' nrvtre biapr -flhoo and storage ipace, Phone J-8M4. GARAGE FOR RKNT. Inquire t 7t N. CotUfe. Phone 41031. J" nnMVtNiKNTLT located oarklnf t downtown Mem. W-M month. a-M3. WANTED TO RENT WANTED I or l-bedroom unfurnuhed house, with automatlo heat, basement and tarase. By May 1st. no onucrtn Phone 34013. J. if odern l bedroom unfurnished house. Ho children ar pete, call 4-8814 after 1:11 p.m. ie t-BEDROOM HOUSE StSburban. out- hint area. References furnished. Pn 35131. s RESPON1IRLE rouna couple. Non-drink. era, aon-smokers. Desire 3-bedroom home. Phone I-S7S8. lm' FOR RENT ROOMS BLEEPtNil ROOM for men. kitchen prlv. lines, TV. 6.0.50 per month. Phone 1-1630. '" SLEEPING ROOM 120. Kitchen prltl' lota l. Mica home, lot Tamarack CLEAN FURNISHED aleeplnl rooms, 689 M. Cottate. New menasemenl. js SLEEPINO ROOM for one or two, 720 N. Church, Phone 1-4335. Jtioe MICE LIGHT houeekeeplnt room. Led, IRS No. Church. IkBI a..i.s.sS'se FOR RENT APARTMENTS SMALL APT., close In. adults. 160 No. Church. Phone 4-3457. Jpe I ROOM furnished apt. Private beth by Mr. am FOR RENT APARTMENTS NICELY FURNISHED line. Clean apt. utilities lurniAhed. Reasonable. 385 So. lflth. Jpioo- LARGE, FURNISHED I room apt. Close to state bulldlnts, mopping center. no Garnet, s-tow. jpr LEE APTS. Salem's' Most Distlntulahod Address Beautllul bachelor apartments with Pullman kltcbeno, at moderate rates. 1-bedroom apts. from 171; 2-bedroom unite when available. Call 4-1841. Win ter at Union Bts. Iplt' 1 BEDROOM, partly furnished. 137.60. West Salem. 4-5061. JPI8' VEH.Y ATTRACTIVE, clean lurnlahed apartment. For one or two. Private bath and entrance. Only 444. Phone 37830. )PT LOVELY APARTMENT. 4 blocks from U. S. Bank, In a tree settlor.- Flre prool buUdlnt. Plenty ot heat and hot water. Automatic laundry. TV con nection. Adults, see at lit Oak street. Jpioi' UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom apt., I blocks from downtown. Utilities fur. slshed except electricity, let month. Call Pioneer Trust Co., 2-5114 Ipte NICELY furnished I room and bath. Close In, 694 N. Com1!. ipioo CLEAN, COMFORTABLE, small apart ment. Only 13V Close in. Lady pre ferred. 445 Ferry Bt. jpioo' UNFURNISHED AFT. Unusually attrac tive, roomy two bedrooms. Heat and hot water furnished. Automatlo waah .r dot. in. Box 46. Capital Journal. jp.i" iaom furnished, full bath, heat and water furnished. Near Medical Center, 135. 3-3997 or 4-0004. JPVI- ROOM furnished apartment. 424 So. Winter. ip' FURNISHED bachelor apartment. One or two men. utilltlce. ls cast waan. lntton. . iP!7 OR 4-ROOM furnished court apart ments, close in. 3-0545. mr FURNISHED l-room and den, private, ntiutles. 4-46S1. 330 Mission. )p' VERY NICB, cloee-ln,. t-room apartment. ruraianea or muurnuneii, j-d.jj. 1PM" EXQUISITE, 2-room, bath, large, tood view, around floor, pnone wilt ipnv NICELY FURNISHED l-room tround floor. Electrlo rente, reimerator. Private bath and entrance. 140, phone 41677 1776 if, rront. jper NICELY FURNISHED apartment with rante and refrigerator, private oath, washlni faoUltlee and utilities In cluded. 146. Close to sapltol bulld- ints. Phone 43461. 1P1001 FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT Neat and clean. In a good location. 133.60. Adulta only. Call in person. '. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1347 8. Corn's. Ph. Itlll 1PI7' NICELY FURNISHED apartments! Am' bassador Apts. 650 No. Summer. IP1 PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, dean Adults, too. 3560 Portland Road. 1P103 FURNISHED side duplex, Hollywood Clean, basement, adults. 1-8643, lwo McCoy. 1P96' NICE APTS. furnished, closa to unl verslty, state capltol. 30711. Ip96 SEVERAL furnlehed apartments, tood location, inquire a. L. euti ruraiture. Phone 3184. Jp FOR RENT HOUSES t-BEDROOM, full baaement, aawduit iurnace. e0. Phone 4-17A1 ot im. new ATTRACTIVE one Iwdjoom furn- lshed house, tarase, couple only, sill Biiverton .Roeo, Ktaionaoie. a-wio. ImBl1 FURNISHED bOUBE, 4 bedrooms, near fltate Bklei. it Capitol anoppinc cen ter. Automatlo Furnace, electric itove and refrigerator. Bub-rent sleeping rnnmi. Adultl. tit. 3-4857 after 6 p.m. tm9t i. BEDROOM MODERV family type home. Fruit arw oernej. neivrvnctii required. Will be shown Wednesday after 17 noon. uaraen no. jmne FURNISHED amaU 2-bedroom, Inquire at a 130 Brown Road, swefie oniric.. Jm8o COZY, CLEAN, amaU, furnUhed cotteee. Adults. 133. 818 N. commercial, jmyg- ONE-UEDROOM COURT rental, tile beth. I4S. One-bedroom cour. rema,, completely furnished, tile) beth, 150. Phnnst 4.17S1. or 2-4864. JnT ROOM & BOARD FOR CHRISTIAN tlrls. no smokers Phone 1-7943 afternoons or eveninss. jivr BOARD AND BOOM tor elderly men. ISO E St. OFFICE FOR RENT GROUND FLOOR office or itore apace for rent, ceil it mva atarKtt. ,w- nnrTnil DINTI8T8. ETC. new um ftuiLai. unrtiar HtutTua won n n1 mo.f rnnitm uemorlal hoipltal. Phone 15131. In MISCELUNEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRTVB MOVE YOURSELF SAVE PICKUPS STAKES VAN. TEXACO STATION lit COURT ST. PHONE l-lltl sine amrvtNflOM and AL MXFFORD BALXU SAND Al OIIAVEL COMPANY contrect wor. Road Clearing Dltehlnt Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Foot Pbone Days 3-I4M Xvas. 3-4417 or 3-7413 Salem. Ores on DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. MTRVICE IN MOST CAS2S nn nsRVEV SEMLER. DENTIST Adolph Bids . Stats Ar Commercial Ste SALEM PH. l-llll IU1LDING MATERIALS Fer Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Mo. la, U tnohM clear. It: No, I, I Inchea dear, It. No ou wood or eulU. Coma and tat thexa. Tad Mulls, aalem-IsdoMadanoa Road. Pa. Salem 1-1 IM. ma" NOW Make that homo aparklo with bow not thle aprtnt, kaiora to nah ha lms. Catt 4-t.ll or I-tnl. Cascade Roofing Co. mall' RUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum ber, tit per M. and up, aeuveno.. t-2041. main Building? Mew weathentrlpped windows, com. .lately assembled, hundred! In etoek readf to to, lit up. Mew picture wlndowa hi aom re'ira" l-ub hexaton rooflnt W.I5 l-tab thlckbutt rootlnt M Unpalnted cedar abakat,16 Raven. Iran tolleta. complete ...136.60 Mew 20"m" waeh bat id tlf.50 Can Iron bath tuba, complete ...141.50 New ahower cabinets, complete. .Hi. 00 600-sal. ateel aepUo tanka K2.S0 4" aoll pipe 10 New electrlo water heater ......11 50 Mew ateel larata doora 165.00 Aebeatoe sldlnt 19.60 No. 1 cedar abilities 15.00 No. cedar ahlnilee tl.1t New plaeterboard 4x1 410 Exterior white paint (fall ....12.(6 Mahogany At birch plywood. ..barialn Water proot wall board, tit New H-ln. Plywood llVie Mew bath r. acts, complete 488.00 C. G. LONG & SON Phone 4S081 t ml. north oi Salter ma REDUCED PER DAY UNTO, SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor, l-epeed sunt automatic starter. startlnt pries April 14th, 1286.60 APRIL 23, $246.50 KeithBrownLumber Yd, Front at Court St, Phone l-llll WX OTVE b. Al B. ORIIM STAMPS ma. NURSERY STOCK CHOICE GLOXINEA8 now bloomlnt. Visitors welcome at saiem't Airioan Violet headquarters. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomato es beddint plartu. Oppen's areenhouse, 4830 Auburn Rd. mblie PRIMROSES 350 eaoh; sweet William, 10c each. 3131 Midway Drive.. Phone 36811. ' mbioo NORTHWEST STRAWBERRY Phone 4-5511. plants. mb97 COME IN and aee our line ot tarden supplies, eruba and beddint plants. Middle Drove Nursery, 4920 SUverton Rd. Phone 44632. nw azaleas. 26o and up. Warlnt Nursery, 1026 Oak nut Ave. pnone s-exoe (turn East on ISE at South Vitiate Tavern). mow HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur- .1. camelllej. conllere. boxwood, rn. 991S3. 3407 Hollywood Drive. SlblOl For Sale MISCELLANEOUS TV SET. electric ironer, refrigerator, .nil runaway Deos. an practically new. and priced right, Jayhawk Trailer Salts, 3140 Portland Rd. nw BED, DRESSER, library table, Schick raaor, miscellaneous ciotnta. a-ver Used Electric Console cabinet eewint machine, tood condl. tlon and tuaranteed. Bareaia at tit. so. Singer Sewing Center 130 . uom'i. ' kelvinatob refrlgerstore, reasonable. ISO Mission. ne BOY'S BICYCLE, scooter, cannlnt Jare, larta wamrooo trunk, too no. jist, i n96' TON CHAIN hoist with trolley ft 18 foot iteel track. Compute or separate Reasonable; 4-3888, 38961. nT GAS RANGE, aewlnt machine, floor lamps, maple tabic. 300 no. xiet. neo1 I.K.L. POWER SAW for aele. good con- dltlon, reaeonable. Phone s-s7te or 8-8118. nae TIRES, 00xli. oar radio. Phone 37878 nwe' OIL HEATER, 100 taUon barrel!, stove pipe, A-l condtlon. complete, eso. 1135 N. Cottete. B94 PIANO for sale, tood condition. 1493 Frentlln. Phone 3-1744. nc-6' SET CLUB aluminum cookware. Electric coffee percolator, iio.oo. pnone teoes. n96 FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure delivered anywhere, a-0774 or 3-5073. nlOl 8TEFLADDER, 8 ft.t 1 panel door, 3-8x6-0; 8 beds, complete; 3 dressers; 1 ehest edjkrwerii 1 welnut library table S reed rockers; 9 flddleback ohalrs: 1 electric better. 1238 N. 6th. n97 Organic Fertilizer ' Free of weed seeds, and odorless, Back or bulk orders delivered. Phone 3-8137. nus TOP SOIL Fill dirt, tarden eend. 3-0541. NEARLY NEW double laundry trays, lit. 1196 Evertreen. b9t MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 408 Edte- water. Weet Selem. Salem Lottlni Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. Used Radios COMBINATIONS ZENITH: Cobra arms. Uehol...!lM.ID STEWART WARNER: 1 apeed, Mahot SILVERTONE: S speed, blonde. 1167.10 AtRUNE: I, speed. Mahot 8139.50 arLVERTONE: with wlrt re corder t 99,50 AIRLINE: 1 epeed I 19.10 Most of these combinations are u per. tiet a. the der first sold. We tusr antee all for to dais. All were Ireded in on new Raytneon ana racmo srer aury TV tele. PH1LOO baby console radio ...I 11.11 ZENITH consoles, three of them at 121.30, 142.50 and 141.60 StLVTRTONX console I 38.60 Heva several table model redioe from 117.18 to 131.60 ALL RADIOS GUARANTEED FOR W DAYS. Terms, win use your old ra dlo la trade. We are opea Irons 1 to avert avenint. PRALL'S tn N. LIBERTY 4-3651 nee ITEEL clothesline posts, planters, rail toe north columns, furniture. 1143 Liberty. nlll ROTTED MANURE 1.0O0 yards, the best we have ver had. For eood oriame reiuiu order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. W OO per yard. 4 yerds 811. 8 rerds 13ft. 10 yards 840. riae stones, leva stone, fence pouts, 4x4 atekes and rustic rea ceaar lencini, Phillip. Bro., Bt, 3, Box 491, Ph 43081, Salem. 3 ml. E. 4 Corners, tt ALLOWED for your old water heater on Wit i new 43-eallon au tome tie eleo trle water heater. Yeater Appliance, 371 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-U11, Sol. MISCELLANEOUS SUD weahtn machines. M M and .P. laokota. " SALM DIESEL - Roller and ball bearlnie tat tracks and tractors. I7TI Sllvertoa Road at" office DESK. 80rt0. Oak with Irpe- writor combination. drawer, att.oo. 140o N. Bummer. ate Gravel and Sand Aaythlnt tn travel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND at ORAVXL CO. Ph. 1-4001. B EXTRA LARGE I drawer cheat But construction, aie.n. ieo . summer: WoodrT'a. B94' FRER Weetlsihousc aewlnt machlnae oa all floor Bamplee. save u to 40 TEATRa APPUAMCB CO 111 Che meketa. THE BEST BUY we have aver offered Walnut table. I eftalra. bullets, PC ttt.50. Sheraton Style. Woodry'a, 1401 N. summer. . l Used Singer Electric Portable aewlnt machine, looks like new. A-l condition, new machine tuaraatea. Only 412.50. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Com'I. Btl DOUBLE BARREL shot tun. HISS IDS, US. new, 11 seuie. n 54. woodrr'e Furn. Mkt., 1004 N. summer. nee1 PLABT1-KOTB reouires m waxlnt. For your floore or linoleum. YEATER AF. PUANCE CO. lit Chemeketa. n DORMEYER French fryer, Ret. tlt.M, only at Woodrr's. 1105 H. S mer. nit CEDAR TELEPHONE and aloetrle poles. fence posts, been posts and states. Phillips Bros.. Rl. I. Box 423. I mil's east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3011. GIRL'S BICYCLES, 110 to 111. Woodrr furniture atktH loop, n, cummer alt DEEPFREEZE home freeaers. YEATER APPLIANCE CO.,, 17ft Chemeketa. ADDING MACHINE, I column, electrlo wiwi euDtract, eww. tu, eiecuio cal culator. 3-1371. Btl moweri sharpened at door. Make it run eaty. Phone 3-6314. nlOl AB APT. also electrlo rants. Oood con dition. Phone 2-5358. .nil WOODWORKING SHOP tools for sale at auction. Lane Sudtell's Thursday mint. Refer to Auction ad. n9t LOOK, NEW cocktail table and lamp or end table with tlaaa top. Finished bleach or walnut. Oct youre today, only Woodrr Fun. Mkt, 1M8 M, Summer. htt REFRIGERATORS, NEW and Used. YEATER APPUAMCB CO, 371 Che meketa. n 'LATE OLABB mirror, Tory heavy, 31 In. 3d in. tii.oo. woodrr run. Mkt. 1005 N. Summer. not HOSPITAL BED for tale or rent. B, L. stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-tltl. a Sudtell's AUCTION SHOP TOOLS. . Furniture ft Livestock, Thurs., April 33. it ml m. of Salem on SUverton Rd. Phone 3M8B. 10 A.m. Misc. furniture, ihrubi. floweri. 1 P.M. Llveatock, chlckena and rebblti, celvei nd veal, weaner and feeder plsa, hei fer, milk and beef cows, bulls, steers. 7 P.M. Furniture and Shop Tools fihopimith, model 10 R.R. with lots extras, Atlas band tew ir tnroet. Craftsman its saw IB" throat, V h. double end motor. 88 gal. eendlnt end satin finish lacquer, W pistol trip electric drift end atUehments, Speedy air compressor , and paint tun, 7WH) maple drawer pulls, l sitn board, sandpaper and other misc. Items. All of these shop tools are like new and In ood condition. Purnlture. T ft. Coldipot refrigerator (food), 1 eo trolux vacuums end atUehments, $ pc. dinette eet. 2 8-foot wool hell rues, hlsh chairs, beds, coll aprlnei, matt reeoes, cheit o'drawera, davenports and onairi ana misc. liem, LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YARD TREADLE SEWING machines, 810 and up. Electrlo console and portable ma chines, $49.80 and up. Ralph Johnson Appliances, 368 Center. n96 CAB RADIO BARGAIN. 49 to S3 Pontlae. 1 piece custom push nuiion, oniy $69.95 installed. Pay day budiet plan of only 11.95 per week. No money down (On Approved Credit). Radios for nearly all cars. 8 ft B OREZN tamp too. We service all makes and model of ear radios. Try us. Master Service Stations, 305 N. Commercial. nlOl TOP SOIL River silt and flu dirt, prompt de livery. Phone 2-1749. n Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRY WANTS Pianos, Phone 3-1110. aa ELECTRIC ranges, woodrr's. 1-1110. 2 Short Log Trucks Steady haul. See Bud York, Wast Sa lem Lumber Co. 4-1311 dan i-lltt avenlnga. Btll- LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lenitha 8' 4" or Iff $. Diameter 8" to 18" Sawmill Lent the 13' and lonier. Diameter V to 0". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phono 1121 as" .wo....... ,es.ew..swes.esewi PERSONAL HUB BANDS I WIVESI Oet Pep, Vim; feel youneer. Try oeTREX tohiu iiu LETO today, 81.10 slae only 98c. In Salem, at Pay leu; alto druitlats tv erywhere. P37 ALCOHOUCS ANONYMOUS, Group No. 1. 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-4S37. pill AUTOMOBILES REAL RUY, 1937 Packard I. Very tood condition, tood tires, reoio as neater, sltnel lights. Phone 31015 all 1140 DODGE seden, new pelnt. 196 down. I months to pay. open evenings. K. Smith and son Motore, 146 Merlon Phone 3-3040. ' U4 FORD CPE., leaded, reedy lor nolnt. souoed UP motor. Twin pipes. Excellent Urea. 1141 down. I months to pay. Open evenlnga. X. smith and Son Motors, 145 union, pnone ssoeo. it 1189 DODOK 4 door. Qood sa a new one. Redlo. heater, pnone 4157. oioo- BUICK, 19M SUPER DYNAFLOW, NSW rubber, excellent aonottion, Reesonable terms. 1-6332. aM 17 DE SOTO coupe, Cletus Mlnten. Cell Stayton 2464. w lest BUICK. low mlleaae. A-l ahape. Take earlier model in sraae, must sacrifice. Call 44611 after I p.m. qltl 61 CHEV. 4 dtor. Radio-heater. Oood shspe. 11450. n, K. wiomer, itt, i. Box III Selem. Call Dayton 3tzn .17 BEAUTIFUL HARD lop 1231 Packard. orlelnal owner, excellent condition, low mlleate. Price 13,000. Box .1, Capital JournaL oil' 1141 MERCURY Club Coupe, Radio, beeter as overdrive. Low mileage gllll. E. Hedges. Rt 1. lot 101. Turner. Ore. .98 ltia BUICK sedan for sale or trede. Green tretler al Highway Auto Court. 3. O. Per, hall. UW ltM PACKARD Srdsn for sole by prl vote party. I13K. Radio, heater, over drive. 41451. . .17 STUDERAKER l.lon DIckuD. full, equipped, excellent condition. Phone 1-1434 ar I-41M. alt' AUTOMOIILES BEST FOR LESS! New '53 Buick BUICK QUALITY BUICK DEPENDABILITY BUICK PERFORMANCE BUICK COMFORT ' ; BUICK PRESTIGE V Plus These Deluxe Features Undereeat Heater i ; Direction Signals ' . ' Foamtex Cushions Porcelainized Finish Defroster '" , , IN GORGEOUS MAJKSTIC WxnTK LICENSED READY FOR DELIVERY $2692 OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER Vacation Special ; MAG and DON'S USED CARS 1704 SO. MAIN . . . . LEBANON, ORE. 19S1 Studebsker Comm. V-8. .$1295 4-deor aedaa. Madia, beater, overdrive, 1950 Chev. Bel Air .............. ... ... .$1495 Radio, heater, PowertUde, white walls, sua visor, . other extras. 1949 Custom Club Coupe 6 ........,.,......$ 895 Just. overhauled, heater, tn visor, skirts, seat covers, 1948 Olds. 86 v. ;.$ 495 evdoor sedan. Radio, heater. 1942 Chev. 4-4oor. Radio, heater .......... .''.$ 195 FARMERS, LOGGERS, BUY NOW AND ; - . SAVE! ; 1950 Vi-TON FORD V-8, 4-speed tjaritmisslon. $ 995 1951 -TON CHEV. 4-speed transmtulon . . . . .$1245 Many good late model cars and pickups. Come in and see Guy McHone or Don Oonier LODER BROS. ' MAKE A DATE WITH THE "ROCKET 8 ' '51 HUDSON CLUB COUPE. HydnmaUc, radio, heat- ; er, an exceptional car throughout and a very pop- - ular model ...$2295 '49 OLDS. '98' 4-door Sedan. All extras, Including ra- i dlo, heater, bydramatlc. Three of thete futuramlcs ' to choose, from. - SEE, DRIVE AND BUT, TO APPRECIATE1 LODER YOUR OLCMUOBILl DEALER Need a Used YOU'RE FOOLISH TO PAY MORE WHEN THERE ARE SUCH TREMENDOUS VALUES AT BAKER'S! 1947 CHEV. FLEET-MASTER t) 4 -dr. Sedu Radio Heater Jet Black A real buy $795 1948 DODGE DE LUXE 4-dr. Sedan Heater Fluid Drive Belts finish t) Oood transportation $695 1947 DE SOTO CUSTOM 4-dr. Sedan ft Radio ft Heater Uiht Or ay ft A real automobile $895 STAN BAKER MOTORS CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 8110 PORTLAND RD 525 CHEMEKETA - 595 N. HIGH AUTOMOBILES H.-S. HUDSON SPECIAL '48 SUPER 6 SDN Safety Savins Smart Transportation our joss- your gaini $995 SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Ooes to Church Open I a.m. - I p.m. qI7 1949 Plymouth SUBURBAN Yttra sharp, radio, heater, apotllte, low mlleaea 1953 Dodge SUBURBAN Just look this ma ovsr. CAPP'S 851 Onion Fh. 11141 a.7- ?L 'la PACKARD for eale or trade. loultr J tsot. U34 So. Commerelai. till AUTOMOBILES Special Tudor PHONE 1-3621 BROS. Fhont 1-7971 Car for Less? 1948 FRAZER MANHATTAN 4-dr. Sad an Heater Overdrive Lltht oren Yea bet It's s bergelnl $495 1948 PLYMOUTH DE LUXE t) 4-dr. Sedaa 9 Heaur Clean inside and ant, , Light Blue Drlvea like a mUlion $845 1947 BUICK SUPER 4-dr. Sedaa Radio t) Hotter ' 3-tone A bur you can't bettl $795 AUTOMOBILES B.-B. LACK BEAUTY '47 FORD "fl" SEDAN Whits wtll tires - teat covers Xaotk-dowa price $595 . SHROCK MOTOR CO. When Chemeketa Croat to Church Open a.m. - I p.m. all S.-S. STARL1T1 arrUDEBAKER 51 V-8 CLUB COUPE It hes averrthlat but aa owner. We're tlviat It away. $1695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. When Chemeketa Ooes to Church Opea I a.m. I p.m. rS7" IMI NASH RAMBLER etatlon wagon. Overdrive, radio, heeter. 11695. cell e.eoaa ftp ahHM,, Cap Park a0e ii 1 1141 PLYMOUTH eedtB. Kintwood Ave. deluxe 4 AUTOMOBILES DROP TWENTY We've Sliced the Price ' $20 Every Day ' ONE IS GONE HERE IS THE, OTHER ; , 1949 Old Sedan ' ".( with Hydratxtatie ; ! STARTED $1495' , TODAY $1395 ' WATCH rr drop ; BUY IT RIGHT ; -; IP YOU WAIT YOU'LL BE SORRY OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY Commercial at Center ' Phona 2-S62S B.-S. s , - BUY SOON (Thu won't last) ,'40 HUDSON SEDAN .- " Bli Special t v !.--:: :yu $95 ; ; SHROCK MOTOR CO. vVhere Chemeketa Ooes to Church Open 8 a.m. 8 p.m. q87 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 161 ALLSTATE motor scooter with ac ocssorles. Oood condition. 3-U11 after 4:00 p.m. 3265 Portlend Road. ' qa,7 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CHEVROLET valve grind, compltte la bor, 116.30. Bill nulst Auto Repair, Hit Barn. Ave.; near Colonial House. Phone . Formerly 'With Chevro let, union shop. qott HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE Valley Motor Co, expert, will solve poor prob lem, and aavt ton money. Fro. esti mates, apeody eerrlee. Center at Lib erty. TRUCKS GMO DUMP TRUCK 1147, l-apeed, tit good. in. center sa. pnone s-ins, wdtt BY OWNER, '48 Dodie 1-ton. 10-ft. aluminum van. 8.50x18 rubber. 3xcel lent shape, ready to roll. Phona 4-3506 or -eo, qoflo' BOATS U-FO0T CENTURY HYDROPLANB wiu ta over 31 mliea per hour. Pow rod br 33-H.P. Johnson outboard mo tor. Insurance lust renewed for 1300 for ono yeer. Price 1316, . SALEM BOAT HOUSE, phone 34303. ' flqOl FINANCIAL . 5 Interest If you Diva idle funds eeeklnt fa. vestment, then ron are the type of peraon to whom w. can b. of service. For over Twenty-five Years w. aav. been helplnt people la this community find profitable work for their sooner. Durtnt this period we have promptly paid M ecml-annnal taiereat .araeMte otalllnl many Thouaanda of Dollare. Wo are currently paylnt 84 INTEREST em I unos rrom teoo to bbooq, . , General Finance Corporation 111 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem' oreioa , . Phone l-tltl r SEE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACRXAOI SiUAns nans jr . ,nu . WB BUY Real aetata morttatei contract, State Finance Co. lit So. Blah St. Ph. S-4M1 Lie S-133 and M-331 and ROY H SIMMONS XNBURANOB AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13:06 Dally KSLM 1)90 Ks, -GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS IM So. Commercial St. Tel. Mill PRIVATE MONEY Special Ratea and Terms On Larter Loans . Lont ,and short Tuna - . . . Paymsnts ROY H. SIMMONS -111 So. commercial St. Ph. Mill LOANS UE TO $1500 oti aisrnatnre. Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL It's "yes" pTomptlr to employed men or women. 1-vlilt loan . . . phone first. You select bet payment date, ft Between payday loam. Phone, write or come In TODAY1 Personal Finance Co. 105 fa. HIOR ST., SALEM State License Not. 8-133. U-18B Loans over 8100 tip to 81600 and up to 80 months to repay made by Personal Plnanee Co. ot Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. rl03" AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 182 South Church ' parklnt t-Planty Ph. 1-3417 Lie, No. M-1W, S-164 rn- GIVE FIRST MORTGAUE eecurlty oa cltr 3-bedroom home. Want 12500. Par back 141 per month, Inoludlnt t Interest. Sse Ben Colbath, Realtor, Dial 4-4414. r9l MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "its" out of your money problem. Up to 1300 on small loans. Dp to lAOO on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 8-311 M-331 Phone 14131 111 S. High St. not MONEY TO loan on real estate. Phono 3-0794. . rI17 HOUSE TRAILERS 17 FT. TRAILER House. Phone 30001. taioi 120 FOR SALE-Eoult; In 1151 Liberty houee trailer, II ft. 4-4111. teltl' DIRECTORY ASDWO lUCBDnS All snakea used machines sold, ranted, repaired, two, at Court. Ph. 14173. O. W. sTXAMa Wneklnl Co. BsOders' shea, supplies. I-71S4 evenings, .lit. BULLDOEING Bulldoclat. road alcarins testa. VtrsU Busker, Hit FalxrWw. Ph. s-ilst. ' suit CASfi ktattTiB sBetaat deuvwrr af acw RCA testa retlsters. AU aaakas, tetaV raattd, ra. paired. Roea, aM coetn. Fa, 1-4TII. CUSTOM FARM WOBJE" Plowlnt, thtclaa, asediat. Fete) awalth ttant. atarshaO, din Market, Fata, l-lltl. .If DRESSMAKING Alterations, hetaslluihlng, kattaaa, buckles ccmrrid, bultoahelee, Mra. EL M. Alludes, l-ttll. . .IM DRima iNtraccTioR Ltars to tliva the -Saof Drtvw" Wei. Call ar tea Mr. etaalltal. Valley Ma. ear Co. Salasa. Phaaa Mitt ec 4-JW74. EXOAYAtTNO Boa Otleat Setts, Bwoavailni. srraeV lot, land alearlat. Phooe l-loaa. .lite FL'RNrrtJU RAFINUBTNO ruraiture iwftaUhlai. rercrred. Bd tar mock, ft. Norway St, Ikcn. l-t). -- est, laetutttoa, w screens. Free weatherttrtpa, aloainuxa T. puuaaaa. alii Ph. l-tut MATTRESSBS Capitol Btldrnt, neurataa. Fall Una aew mattresses. Fa. )-40tt. . OFFICB ICBNRUBS SUPPLIES Deek chairs, tiles, filial supplies, safea, duplloatotrs, tuppllee, deak lamps, trpe ; writer stands. Roea. 464 Court. a lIURPENINa AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpenint and Repair Sen. Ice. Lawnmowera, knives, shears, bi orclet and email motore. Ph. lain or 45146. llth and D" ate. ailt SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septls Service. Tanks aleenad. D rooler cleane sewers, drains. Phona I-I4II. olio Hsmel's septle tanks cleaned. Una servkt. Guaranteed .work. Phona 1-7404. 02t Sewer, eeptie tanks, drains cleaned. Ro to-RooUr sews. Sarrtat. Phone 3-4317. L. w. Caudle, npreylna aad prunlnt. Phono 4-1441. oiot TYPEWRITERS Smith, corona, Remington, RoraJ. Un derwood twrtablct. Ail mat as twel machinal. Rapaire dt rent. Roan, 4M Court - . er TELEVISION . Prompt telavtsica and radio repair terrloa. Phone 4-6211. 171 Market, day .r altht. out VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canlleld't Laundry, Repairs, Rellnlah Int. 1441 S. 12th, Ph. 4-8401, Pick-up, DeUvarr. . out , WINDOW CLESING Acme Window cleaners. Industrial fled waxlnt, Botisacleonlat. Phona 3-3337. aav cmil . er A SALEM LODGE No. 4 Af VAM ' Wed., April 22. M. M. Degree, 7 pjn. 96 Voodburn , Elbert Bede, of Portland, editor of the "Oregon Mason" was a visitor at Woodburn lodge No. 106, AF&AM at the regular meeting Monday night and gave a talk. Mrs. E. J. Allen returned Monday from Berkeley, Calif., where she spent 10 days at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Donald T. Lauer, .The retailor meeting of the Woodburn Cub Scouts will be Friday evening, April 24 at the Washington school. The theme for the month 1s "Ha waii," and pictures will be shown by Dr. Gerald Smith which he took while there re cently. Awards will be pre sented by Cubmaiter itaipn . Pickering, i - - Bethel Park Bethel Park The D. R. Phillips are moving to Eugene where Mr, Phillips Is employed by the Southern Pacific. Mn. R. Richards of Sweet Home is visiting at the home ot her brother, Rev. Ray Ca- ther. Miss Dorene Isham of Lablsh Center was a Sunday dinner guest In the Harold Flte home. Mlii Flora Mae Slape, R.N., was Sunday dinner guest in the Emmanuel Keller home in Portland. Mm. Nellie Stanly Is resting at her park home after several months nursing of her daugh ter, Mrs. B. Adams of Spokane, ' Wain. Rev. and Mrs. S. Speas vis ited friends in Sandy and Eagle Creek recently. Miss Mattle Howard injured her left eye recently when a blackberry bush struck her eyeball. DTCM DtM't Stater AaMUrsr Miaite Ko mattATr bow many .remedies yea ha tried for Hefalaf etvwne, ptwrioU, lnftx (Jons, athlcte'a foot or wliatever your aklei trooble may be- anything from hemd ws foot WONDER SALVE and Woiadev Medloatad Soap ean help you. DeretetFea fir Uw beye In ttie ArwAy ev far ye Mba at heate WONDKB SAliVB te wbite. iiiaiiilaaWs. anU4TrUe. Wo mly artirancB. Safe for ehlldrva. Get WONHKR SALVE and WONDEft MEDIC ATE l SOAP Reeolta ar ttwtwer iTvfunded. Truly wondcrfal trwapettattoe Try tiNea. Held la Salem by Capital, Fred Meyer, Owl Perlete, nal Sebaefer Draff Stereei r year fcesMtewn draselst. br. 1 . T. Lam. N.D. Dr. O. Chan RD DR8. CHAN . LAM CHINESE. NATUROPATHS Cpttalrt, Ml North LibCTty Office apaa Saturday tmtr It aav. to I ..m to t p m. Coaanlutioa, blood proeeur. .nd nrln. tests sr. free af charge practiced atnea mi wnu far attracUva lift. Ma ablt- tetloa. , tvt (1 All electric, lit oat Sb !Pr