S! Si I!: .Si li V' Page 20 FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER, s bedroom home. En fit wood put 160 Thompson. Ph. 1-7348. ? Beautiful Fairmount Hill 3-bedroom, din. rm., garbage dtsp., dishwasher, oil heat, full basement, landscaped 60 x lit feet, paved alley. Phone BY OWNER Nearly new 3-bedroom home. 3340 Townsend Way. 98 KING WOOD HEIGHTS View, landscaped, I bedrooms, liv-lni-dlnlnf roomt, kitchen with ead acta, attached garage, fireplace, nook. bailment, oil, corner lot. 191 Cascade Dr. Phone 1-8346. aw SACRIFICE ' HEART or HOLLYWOOD Pour room buoialow with lull baiement Diet fireplace, garage, lot 45 x 104, Clou to all stores Ji bus. A nice home for a couple, or a good Investment for rental or futuro business. IllncM forces lmmedlata sale. Price reduced to 6&V00. Will consider any reasonable offer. Center St. Realty ' 1111 Center Street Pnone 4-1(11 Iva, ph.! Olu 2-1111, Brliht $-(((1 asl RICHMOND district, 3-bedroom. fairly new, ranch-style, oaraie. Jt-8B. aei TWO ACRES EAST T-roora houie. good barn, garatt, lose In- Would trada for smsUsr houie. Near but. Act Owner, 46i0 Cen ter St. 197 BY OWNtad-room home"' far age, good location. 130 East oweni at. svt WILL TAKE trailer houie a down par ment on amall home. 1-9913. e97 tfOUTH VILLAGE, I bedroom, 1367 Sq It. plut double garage, forced air furnace, fireplace, asperate cinnig room, utility with dryer, nice lawn, hrubJ, patio. 661 X. Ewald. 36745. aioo OWN KB TRANSFERRED to Portland. 3 bedroom view home for pleaiani liv ing. 23013. 335 Forest HUH Way. a98 SUBURBAN HOME 3 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen nook, util ity, attach, garage, large lot. Hard wood floors, plastered, lniulated. m peara eld. Priced to sell. Will show at B40B Cheater Ave. 9T Klumpps EXCLUSIVE HOMES v '. $4000 An elder type but very livable I- bedroom homo with Jiving room, dining room and kitchen, located clote to hopping center and walking distance irom down town. $8,000 . Baa Ihle 1-bdrm. home, not nulla fin. Istied, with sood-stsed lot Mxl9o. lo- im euota in. $10,500 ' Ideally located for sohools and transportation. This home tau 1 Mnna. and den. Well worth the ask- tng price. Terme, $13,500 , A Tier from every picture window, yet H la close to the new high school, ' With I large bedrooms, reception hall. large living and dining room, a lane kitchen wth eating epace, all bard wood floori, laundry chute, utility room in daylight basemant which li finished In knotty pine. A nice den In basement w:tn fireplace. Only 4 jeers mo. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 10S1 Portland Rd. Ph. S-7M1 ' 1 Eve. 3-31(4 o$T DUPLEX Mod. eono, block bid., ea, unit with I B.R., 3 finlH, on So. Pae. Hwjt. iso it. htwer fronteaa. Pull uric, 17100. Aik lor Bob Conklln. $7800 G. I. " I B.B., Ui. tr,., lit. fenced yard, era. old. A food "bur". Ask lot Bob Conklln. t 1-B.R. ON A. , t yra. old, lots of room. If..' yard Ji fardrn, rouni trulk tree, 1 blotki o aohool. 1 b). to bus, $1(00 down, or will tako trallir houM In tradl. ull price $4(10. Aik for Bob conklln. ENGLEWOOD 1-B.R., full burnt., flriplact, Jia. tor. lot. w.u worth 111,300. Aik for Bob conklln, Burt Picha TO M. Blah St. OR.! 1-4047 1M PA1RMOUNT BIU. bdrmi.. tomb. L. A D. .. w utility, au on on, floor. Varr Allan. w.o, rani m rti. inci. in prlc. I093O. JOHN 1. DANK, BtALTOR 411 N. Hlth Ph aual Bva. 3MH. U416, 17401 aM BIFPITB nn . m u I B.B, homa on parad at. N. X. Onlr . rra. ra. can oa roura zor IfiOO dn A tood famllr bouaa In St. Vlncanti dUt., hal basemant, a aata of plumb 1m. Mot to oM and In aood aondltlon. awv on. win naiMla. irle 19000. Wat. BLIVXN A CO., REALTORS M H. HUM. Ph. 1-SJ17 at l-BEOBOOM BOMB I run old. Would isko piciup uuck ai pari down par- man, rnona .bob. ,ogi OWNM WILL taka 11.000 down on hi. u I wo aaoroom noma with larac Urlnt room, lruldi titllltr room and (ttched laraio. Alio, oompl.uir lino ad back ran). Pull lelllnr prlea li $7,500 tha balance Ilka rant. A raal bur or rou on thla. Bowai Wood. Keallora. 334 North Will a)U 4-M61 or a ACRI, Inunadlata poaitulon, 5,7M. hMfrAAm. In xl , u n. J . . . arhool, but. Owner out of lows. 301$ T OWNIB, room homo, basamant, lawouit (urnaca, $0971, uao Hood at. Ph. 3I0M. .ma. FOR SALE LOTS WUT VAU.tr Tlaw lU. down 10 par month. Cltr watar, rMtrkttd. wuuiia UAjni CO, REAL. -iuks. uiai -44v4. aa'tt View IJin Hall aw I.. - w-.i 1 . ik.. (,-ouia oa eommareiai or pmata, ita n. or m n. uiuitiaa araiiabia aOW. aT WHY PAT RENT) Whoa $10 down will lira rou alon of a lot with no raatrtctlau. Prlea linr lift nnnth B. A. MoQLAUPXJN, OWHEH 444 ctntar a-Mit, it,, j.$$ii a$' MBtlK HOME altai In baautltul Km. wood Helihti, $1,000 up, Eair tarma. naa owner, pnona l-Btls. aaloa To Place Classified Ads ' Phone 2-2406 I'LAtlrSirlKD ADVEBTISINO Per er4. llmee We Per Were" e Per Word, i llmee lee Per WeN, I moalk ee. No BereadaMlalai It Wards. BEAKERS In Lacal Nawa Calami Onlr, Par Ward 1e Mlalaaai l Warda To Plara Ad In 8im nay1! Fsper, Phono t-Z40 . BcfOT 1$) BJH. FOR SALE FARMS 840 Acre FARM If you wank a real layout, a food farm, 640 A. cultivated la all all a and wheat, and mi oaianco umoer, mooes. to good improvement, telephone, it I. A. power, call ua about thU one. 11 la located lust north of The Dalai la Wash. 155.000. and termi a farmer can handle. Why certainly, call II inierestM. raREALTORI i .. Evening! call 49644 154 So. High Ph 4-36S1 b!7' rASM TKADE 3I Acru near lod. pendenca and teller will accept a iooo Balem home. 100 acre, well drained and fertilised and products! a bump er erop. AUo, all tha farm mafblnery In flret clan condition Included in tha full price of HI.MO. uoaea a Wood, Realtor!, 4-UU or Bra, 3-M!. O07- 'SECLUSION ' IN A OKOVE OP PTRS" Explain! thla 4Vi acre farm located In the heart of Willamette valler. A comfortable 3 bdrm. home, alio a amall barn and chicken houie. A food ao well. Thla land u fenced ai cross fenced with Little Puddlnl river run Blnt throurh rear of property. Total price 110.900. Terms. L. I. KLUUPP REALTOR IKt Portland ftd., Ph. 3-7(4$ Bra. Richard 1-31(4 b!4- LITTLE Farms North m4- Acres, beautiful view and In letting of gome beautiful treea. Alio 17 different kind of fruit treei. Lorely home, one bedroom down and two up. Nice living room and separate dinette, liulde util ity room. Large garage, and chick en hoase. Priced at only 66.750. Over 3 Acre on paved itreet 1 bedroom home, five yeera old. Double garage, good well and soil. Modern and neat. 166 ft frontage by 630 deep. . A real buy at 67,600. 1 Acre with highway frontage. Nice two-bedroom home, living room end aeparata dining room. Garden epot, nice chicken houae. Att. garage. Priced to aell (1) (2) (3) 17,650. BALK&rs rm&x drive-in I Smith Real Estate 6115 Portland Rd. Ph. 6-7007. AU for Clyde Foulk. M8 REAL ESTATE NELSON , TRADE l-RDBM. HOME NORTH FOB 3-BimU. HOME BOUTH Tbul noma hai rood-ilzed rooms with low so. ft. of fir. area, pvd llreet, flna nelihborhood. Will trade for noma or equal value or laia. $sb&o. CaU llr. Wills, 3-726S. TRADE tBDTUf. TlO&n TN8TDB CITY LIMITS FOR CL06I IN 2-BDRM. HOMB ThU neat, clean home has oil floor furnace, If e. lot. 67350. Call Mra. Wootten. TRADE l-RU. HOME t, APPROX. 1 ACRE, NORTH Will trade Ihle neat, clean home, with cardan, aood berrr crop, for em. home In cltr. IS500. will sell com pletely furnished Inol. TV Jet for WOO. CaU lira. Wootten. TRADE 1-BDRM. BOMB McKINLVT DIBT. FOR SMALLER HOME Thla newly-decorated 3-rr.-oJd home hai a good view, cheerful living rm. and den, titll. rm. Youngetown kit. with refrlg. and olee. etove Included. AU for 610,500. TRADE 4-BDR1I. HOME NEAR ST. VINCENT SCHOOL Will trada lor emaller home alae where In cltr. Thla aood, well-built home bae nwd. firs., fpl., aula, oil forcail air ht., full barmt.. corner lot, bus by door. (14.(00. TRADE , H-TJNTP OARDEN COURT APTB FOR PARM OR MOTEL Thla eelf-operattng unit la 4 vra. old In good eond. Owner will trade 630.000 equity for farm or motel, call Mr. Bcntmai, NELSON & NELSON BPEcTAUzma realtors 703 N. Hiih st. pn. i-iem tit rum iittii IIMItll (IIIISII $eiiiiii itiiiititi lllllllllt tlllllllll List imnmiiiH Buv tmimimmitmt IIIIIIIIM II tlllllllll limit! it ilium MUM $i mill SULLIVAN $35,000 Elf hi apartment! and t first floor bualnau outleta In concrete bulVdi&e. located In Silverton. This la one to make the inveator'a mouth water. DUPLEX -F.H.A.- com true ted. Thla fine duplei loraled on paved at., onr ahopping center. 3 ife, bdrme. In each. You eel an eitra lot and a very eubatantlal loan may be aecured. IIT.OOO. WU take a home u iraoe. NOB HILL I Bdroi., m blortu from MrKlnley ecnooi. An oMer type houae with Ite. rooma in one of ealem'g beat neigh borhoodi. Price ffl.000. THREE BEDROOMS and onlr yre. old. Outside patio and fireplace, certainly worm the money I $7,100. SINWOOD, panels In the llvlnr rm. of thli over use 11333 m. ft.) two-bMroom home Til In kitchen and bath. Load! of bullt-liu. Colored bath tutum and many more line features In Ihu brand new modern home, ant. Double ee rase with overhead storaie. call airs. Bord, eve. ph. 4(441. 153 ACRES I Near Caacade unten high. Aprroi i-u acre cuitiiitia. m j o Darn. Pourroom houie. Would trade for mall place near Lrone or at ay ton S16.000. ROBERTB.SULLIVAN REALTOR !ia$ Portland Road ' Ph. !) Br. Olllce 7 N. Hleh Ph. mm Eyc. UU. 11114, a-4t, 4-M11, 4-l? (KM REAL ESTATE 3-BDRM. HOME IN CITY ThU older home bae large roome throughout houae, wilh ee pare to dloiog room. Thie borne baa a baaeaent, oil furnate and U a corner lot, 60 s 130. Mtee back yard, with aprinkling eratem la front yard. . Don't fall to aee UU home. Pol appointment to too, tall Dale Raybura, 3 ACRES, 2-BDRM. HOME Hera Is that t acre! of level land with very neat 1-badroom home. Lane kitchen, llvlni room, utility, and double aaraae. Urlve br 4(0$ ailverlon road, than call Dale Harburn for appointment to aee. OWNER WANTS TO TRADE thla lovely i-bedroom luburoan home'feeil), tor a noma and amall ecreaie or borne with larae let. Would like one with beaetnent and fire place, but not absolutelr neceeurr. Pull ttlee ITOta. U ran Have eotno thlni to trade, cell art. t DREAM HOME Kere'i that dream home ywt havo been aooktng for. located Kut at 76 Illlnoia. Beautiful flnUhed large uUllty that could eaatly be con verted into a third bedroom. Attaohed garage. Ipeclally priced at 66164. CaU CbeL GARDENER'S SPECIAL ThU nice two-bedroom home his a lovely landacaped yard with flan . pond thai 13009 would not cover. Thla home as only 7 rear. old. A . belter buy for only 11500. An additional lol can be obtained. Call Tlbbetti. V2 ACRE, 4-BDRM. HOME M acre, and a very nice family home, with 4 bedrooms. Jarte living room, full dining room, and aunny nook. Pull baiement with forced air heat, double garage, hie la one of the few place located cloae In that will afford real country atmoaphere and living. Por further Information, , call Tlbbette. Mlflit conalder trade on emaller home. BARGAIN Yea, that'g juat wtiat thla home will be. 3 bedroome all on 1 floor. Ettra large living room. Owner have moved, and are very aniloui to aeU. Call Jim. 3-BDRM., ENGLEWOOD $12,300 Pull buement, new automatic ell heat. Extra largo lot. Nice fireplace. 11 yeara old. Owner anxloue to aelL Burryt this won't laet. Call Jim. RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor) '$0(0 M. Capitol . Office 1-4(14 or 4-17(1 x Bvenlnf phonal ' - . Tlbbetti 1-74M Jim 1-K73 Chit l-(33( Data Rayburn 1-104$ c$7 ROY TODD Real Estate WEST SALEM Nice neat 3-bedroom home, living, kitchen, bath, storage epace In attlo with atairway up. Nice lot 40x100, picket fence. Oarage. Very good buy at 6050. Call Mr. Rucb, laleeman. WHISPERING TREES If you like a lovely getting among the treea, aee thla J -bdrm. homo on nearly ft acre with paved street, aouth, very clean and only 4 . yre. old. cHlem Heights dlatrlct. 66760. Call Mr. Todd. : NEW HOME ' Mice 13x17 living, dining, kitchen, 3 Mrma., bath. att. garage. , Lot 66x160, Only lVt blk. to school A store. This la a real buy at , 68000. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. LESLIE DISTRICT Lee. living fc dining combine, nice kitchen. Utility, S bdrms. Gleaied-ln breexeway with att. garage. Fenced back yard. Close to school w stores. Only fBSOO. call Mr. Vandervort, salesman. 33 ACRES ' Irrigation for 16 ac. 1340 ft. Irritation pipe, six 7-tel. eprtnklers, 6-hono turbine pump. I ac. canebcrrles, I ac. perm, pasture, 6 ac. oats es vetch. 13-stanchlon barn. 30x30 chick, nee. Lge. home with 6 bdrms. . Living dining, kitchen. k mile to sen. Price 618,000. Call Mr. Ruch, - salesman. 129 ACRES . 100 ac. In cultivation, bal. In pasture. 16-atanchlon barn, 10-ton capacity. Chick hse. and other outbuildings. Good I-bdrm. houie with living, dining, kitchen, bath. This 1 a buy at $16,000. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. ROY TODD, REALTOR 130 Slate Street Ere. phone: Always Call Prall! CIosp In 4-Bdrm. and a lot more, too, for It has a full basement. Close to school, stores, bus, churches. Well, It Is close in to everything. Paved street and side walk. Also furnace, fireplace a lot of things, Ae to terms, the owner said: "Try and arrange to suit the buyer." How Is that Price only 610.000 and would consider a smaller home In trade, too. Candalaria That alone Is alclue to this home 1 bedrooms,! dining room, fireplace, full baiement with fireplace and rumpus room. And VIEW what a vlewl Well, wo could to on and on but why; let us show thla home to you. 635.600 and terms to suit. Would take In a smaller home. Thie Is something for the money better see It. MM SIREALTORM 154 SO. HIGH PHONE 4-3651 Svenlmi eall 4-M44 eOC Grabenhorst Specials BE1NO CtVMPLETED1 bdrm!., hdwd. fin.. 1 fireplaces, full burnt., auto, oil heat, plar room. Plneit residential dutrlct. $17,000. CALL ROT PERR1S, CO-OP. BROKER SUBURBAN RANCH-TYPE HOME Beautllullr landscaped eitra lie. lot. 3 bdrnu., Ilv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. with rrench doore lead in. to spacloua patio, bath, lea. kitchen tt nook with plentr of bullt-lne, dble. lara.e. Auto, oil hot water radiant heat. Quiet A peaceful aur roundlnii. CALL J. E. law PORTLAND HIGHWAY BUBINnSS PROPERTT-100 ft. frontaie. 410 ' "ousel. A fine piece of propertr. CALL o. H. ORAKEN HOHST, JR. BETTER BUILT . BEST BUY New three-bdrm. home. Ilv. rm. b activity room, II feet low, dble. lavatorr, fireplace, oil heal, dlshwaih. er, clothe, waiher As dryer Included In purrJiaae price of $11,600. Bua br door. Belter hurry CALL peter H. OEWER MR. INVESTOR Here u a buslneu bulkllnt eapeelallr Bulled for re. Ilrement or ai a "lecurltr" InveiMnent. Corner lot In excellent bualnrai ui'o'n'ih!.?. iifroOR'i - GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 8. Liberty 81, ,.3,,t Evenlnit A Sunders eall R. K. Laymon l-(ts$ Ror Perrli l-$oio Peter H. Oelser $$ 1. t. Law l-llll 3 BEDROOMS PRICE II $30. ll.MK) down will handle. Owner traniterrtd. has bouiht home in ouier town. Needs to sell Immedlitelr. Thli la a aood weu bulll home, I years old, 1100 iq. ft Admiral forced air oil heat, n x in lot, near ichooL located louth. I block to cltr bui. 1 ACRE - 9-YEAR-OLD HOME I J'd'Oom;, 11 x 17 llvln. room, combination llvlni o dlntni. Good .mall barn. Wonderful tardea area. Prlea U $7.(00. P.H.A. terme. 30 ACRES -.mL'".!?,"1,"."0,"' "f i"1""4 '"Bm nm- bam. poultry. Aurl""p,l".V..)o."r "m"' l",d ' 46 ACRES Eola Hills. mllee from Salem. No bulldlm,. Panoramic wait view u $hI,,,!,Y?oVTiiL?dM ",d '" M 0M LOT ' ' .r.HLiT. : ",rt ' "", ,s0 ' " C1W E. J. ZWASCHKA rnoae 1-401$ THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Ortgon REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Office phone 1-nil Ruch 1-7(11; Slmpion 1-1333; Vandervort 1-C3U: Todd 1-1711 3-Bedroom, Dining Room Beautiful home, yard' and neighbor hood, cloae to school, bus, stores. Between you and me, this Is really a home. Of course It has a furnace, attached garage, large rooms. 616. 000, but wait till you see It. Terms, or would consider smaller home. 4 Bedrooms, Dining Room Owner wants smaller houae. We don't know why he should, for this Is aome home. 4 bdrms., dining rm., large rumpus room. Double plbg., fire place, garage well, some home, and all on onb floor, tio.ooopand terms to suit, want to aee M 3-Bedroom, Garage Well located, close to achool, a home irom i tie very xounoation up to the tip. 69500 and worth It. Just call about this home. (We have 4 others too, In other locations.) I7U Oreul Si. WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS, pirtleularlr hlahar priced homea and all type, wlfft You'll Love the Beauty, Location, Comfort and Convenience I s This Is truly a luxurloue home. S lovely, spacious bedrooms. Unusual living, dining room and kitchen. One of the finest baiements you have ever eeen. v bathrooms. OH furnaces. Fireplace. The back yard oan bo made Into a super da luxe show place. Price l sa&.oce, A SPLENDID BUY 4-bedroom home In a very desirable location. Only 4 yrs. old. Owner has left city, oil beat, lniulated. In good condition. If you need room and don't want too large an Inveatment, sea thla e lor h'bo. Terms. LIKE A BASEMENT plus a homer Has forced air on fur nace. In the beet of condition. Only 4 yrs. old. Pine location tor school, store and bus. Blacktop st. Lawn and shrubs. P.H.A. terms. Pull price 611,500. Here's Why You'll Buy this one: Became It has I bdrms. on 1 floor. Forced air oil furnace. Fire place. Near school and bus. Only atfc yrs. old, Liberal terms. Pull price only 610,800. Bargain Hunter Special Seeing 1 believing. Over 1000 so. ft. floor area. 16 x 19 living room with nice fireplace, 11 by ie dining room, hardwood floors, a large bedrooma, large, utility room, large kitchen with eating epace. Forced air oil furnace. Plastered. Unfinlahed attic with stair way. OOod foundation. Oarage, fruit room, tool shed. Nearly ft rd.-acre lot In cltr on pavement. No. 3 gone. Pine yard with lots of treea, ahrube and flowers. Only 67600 will make yon the owner. Call for your appointment to see It today. WILL YOU BE LUCKY enough to get this l-bedroom home Inside city? Pull basement. Fireplace. Att. garage. Beautiful brick front. (Separate dining room. Hardwood floors throughout. Landscaped. Very attrac tive appearance. The price hae been reduced to 613,000 for quick sale. HALF-ACRE LOT In Kelier district. Blacktop at. Varr attractively priced at only $110. REAL HOT 4-PLEX Completely furnished, Bath In each unit. Income $1(0 per mo. Extra lot for parkins area plus extra bldi. used for utllltr and atoraie. 100 ft. frontal, on verr food at. Pul price only $11,700. Tcrma. ' TAVERN This has been a very good spot tor many yrs. Equipment la In fine con dition. .Several pool tables. Card ta-' blei. ent only 6105 per mo. Restaurant' leased for almost enough to pay rent on bldg. Well established. Pull price 611.000. . CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, sTVI.PH. --uvav, wt jan. lUUUinO, SVS, ftl. 4-6494, or. DAN I8AAK. EVI. PH. 4-3638. If no answer, cajl 4-3348. TRADE FOR MOTEL Very lovely J -bedroom new home with S choice acres of highway front age. 3-ctr caratre. T.artr titim tnwn Lovely yard. Owner will exchange for a nioior court, wnat nave your 85 ACRES with under Irrigation. 1360 ft. I- 4ua.ii yiiim, nv it, -incn pipe, 20 aprinklera, l-bedroom houae, machine shed, barn. We consider this a good buy for 817.500. Terms, 6 ACRES .TL?10" ta-.iV strawber ries. Two 3-bedroom modern bouses. 1 rented for 850 per mo. Lots of fruit trees, a chicken houses, l bam. l brooder house. Good well. Pull price 815,000. CHINCHILLAS Appro. 1 acre frontage. 16 pairs of Chinchillas. Very good stock. Modern a-b(Mrniirn hnma rthoi... 1 for Chinchilla, with 90 caiei. H acre iw our ror $11,400 CALL POR MR. LEAVENS. BVB. PH . w answer, call -Z34$ MORTOAOB LOANS 10-Year Maturity AI Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3111 or 1-7(30 303S PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones; 1-4731, 4-St, 4-3133, 4-1030 or 1-3(11 It no answer, phone 4-3341 East Englewood m , vfvwr.uu.kr to our a home In thU beautllul new reildentlal district. W. ar. oflerlna two new 1- bedroom houie. for aale. Built br rraoa norm, we believe ther are the beat deal In town considerin. location, materia, workmanihlp and price. Qat i" a in-iiory nouie with a hue. up. atalri. The other hai a full baiement Both are located on loni lota il(( ft.) rnceo at (13.000. these houaei can be financed on an (0 P.H.A. loan. Call u. tor more complete detalla. ABRAMS. BOURLAND A SKINNER 411 Maionlo Bulldln. Real Kitata Iniuranca Mortme Loans rnone: j-ojn Evenlnu: 1-4701 cer VALLEY VIEW and J-ear garage. Easy terms or might nmii iiuua. in vraae. $4000 buys this very clean little late-built . uftr. tuinir id. wun foundation for another house. Located ..-i M. wi .own. jerms. NORTH SIDE This ll a verr A.ilp.hu ..k.. home with lane rmi. A attached ea- mv. io, wun iruit or nut treei. i.ti ou ou. uue. rnceo runt, WALTER MUSORAVE REALTORS tilt Bd$.w.i.r . mot Eve, $$ e$7 JOE PALOOKA TI&A6S JOf SfVERHat WITH WINMtlU. ATTACKS TO THf 6TDMACH PAIOOKA KlBEW . .1 REAL ESTATE CALL COLBATH DIAL 4-4494 Whispering Firs LOVELY SITTTNO AMONG THE TALL P1RS. ThU late-bunt i-oarm. home with lane LR. wonderful kitch en, roomy nook, bdwd. fire., corner wlnAowi. oil heat, lnilda utllltr rm. (THIS HOUR BAB (31 SQ. IT. OP put. SPACE,, oeraeo. pavaei roeo. YOURS POR $7IH. OOOD TERMS SEC MRS. 004JESBEB. EVE. PH. 31111. MILLION DOLLARS WOULD BUY A LOT BUT THIS PINE LOVELY 1-bdrm. home only cosU 17100. Peaturee lane LR with wall-to-wall carpellnr, excellent kitchen with the outeet bat doon from kitchen to Ilv. rm. Pront and back yard In per. fact .nape. (Eaek fencad.l Treea In bloom. Attached aaraae. THIS IS LIV ING AT ITS BEBT. WILL LET AUTO. WASHER OO IN DEAL IP SOUD THIS WEEK. SEB 1IRS. OOLESBEE, ZVE. PH. M373. TELL YOUR FRIENDS (IP THEY HAVE A BIO PAMILYI about Ihu wonderful 1-bdrm. RANCH STYLE HOME with llvlni rm., dlnlni rmH modern bath, Youwstown kitch en, utuitrrm., car port, lane lot, oil r. A. PUHNACE TO ALL XOOSB. hdwd. firs. ALL THIft POH 11(50 down and 137 per month. TOTAL PRICE $3190. Sir HARRY VAN HORN, Eve. Ph. 41713. MARK THIS DOWN BUSINES8 ZONE - CORNER LOT - 4 BLOCKS PROM CITY CENTER 1- PAMILY HOME WITH OIL PURNACE, I"I REPLACE . YOU WANT SOME IN VESTMENT PROPERTY WITH IN- e CREASINO POTENTIAL THIS GOES POR ONLY $11,100. Eve. Ph. 1)33. 200-ACRE RANCH 7 MILES OUT. 140 In cult. Of Which 100 A. Is In winter wheat, some tim ber, wonderful view and building site, woven wire fenced. ONLY 190 per acre. H dn. 6EI T. T. ANDERSON, eve. ph. 43714. 37 ACRES (4 mllf east) - All in grass, live creek. This Is wonderful dairy setup. 16-stancblon grade A barn, milk hse., chicken bae., large imp), ahed. Oood T-rm. modern home, fireplace and baemt. Wonderful shaded and lighted yard. Fruit, flowers fc shrubs. This Is only 8600 per acre. See T, T. AN DERSON, Eve., ph. 43714. LOVELY 2 ACRES with treenhae. x(3 ft., Plui packlm abed, cold frame, and all equipment. Lot. of plant, and flowera. OOOD BUSINESS. aUo aood small knottr pine modern home. In SUverton. PRICED RIOHT AT (13(0 on OOOD TERMS. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, Eva. Ph.' 43711. T. T. Anderion 43714 Van Horn 417H oileibea 11373 ornci dial 44494, 24552 G. I. OR F. H. A. If you have been looking for a late built bungalow, ranch style home, near Englewood school and bandy to the bus, you ahould see thla t-room home with finished basement, auto matlo heat to all roome. Fireplace, au tomatic dishwasher, dandy fanced-ln redwood back yard. Sll.ftOO. A very good buy. Seeing Is believing, and we asn alva you excellent financing. Only One Available and now being1 completed. Plastered, hardwood floors thruout and mahns- any trim, doors. 41000 down, balance leas than rent. Will also furnish dry er and washer If desired. PHA in spected and fully approved. This won't last long. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor IMS n. capltoi Fh. 38218 -YEAR-OLD, J -bdrm. home, north. nr. s am. w-to-w carpet, nice kit. with eating space. Lse. garage with plenty work space, selling for ap praised valut of $7,600. Eve. call Peck 1-5418. STATE ST. SPECIAL 1-bdrm., room iot more. ie, jit. u din. rm.. fire place, lull dry basement, oawdust heet, corner lot. $10,600. Xve. call Peck CLOSE TO SCHOOL, stores and bua s-oarm, on one floor, nice liv. a din. rm., lge. kitchen. Close In, May take newer houae up to $19,000 In trade Oood value at 69.600. Eve. call Meta ger . 4-3718 or 1-SS4S. SEE THIS extra nice 1-bdrm. home, ( with flrepl., din. rm., breakfast area uwtuf mil. jjm. we ii-land-acaped lot, all for 611,600. Call Me ea ger, 4-1715 or 1-8645. Ed Lukinbeal Real Estate 413 NO. High Fh. 1-6660 C96 Brand New l-Bedroom home, built under p w a inspection. Only 8790 down and IStH per mo. inctuaing taxes and insurance. All hardwood floors. Very cute and weu arraneaa. Atiacneo garage, in. side city limits on paved afreet. DOLL HOUSE Xverrthlni you oould aik for In a one-bedroom home. A lliht and cheer ful llvln. room with flrapl.c. and book cabinet. Lovelr dlnlni room with china oloi.t. A dandy kitchen plus a braaklaat neok. Inclosed utility. Lots of Home. A well-shaded corner lol. Paved street, bui by door, Onlr $(350. $3750 li the full price for thla food l-bedroom home with bath, on a dandy full acre of lend. Beit of aoll. Juit north out of the city limits. Deep well wllh Plentr of water. Chicken home and rabbit hutches. What oan rou par down REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South HUB Street Phone 1-110$ Phono av.nlni. and Bundar: 4-1(71, 3-IISI, 4-133$, 4-111$, $.$3(4 e$7 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 MM REAL ESTATE IRRIGATED TRUCK FARM 14 AC.'BEST BOTTOM AND UPLAND LOAMS Irru. rlihti oa llll Bail Woodburn. on yr. .tr..m. "",A"HI, ,5 v iYeBY CONTRACTS avallabl.. U.. lot ?nd, "''K' " oHANCB Mr!, hftppi ar aaraea lse. mach. shed. Pine lge. oarn. (-hajncsi , o"' reicii : R.d.d-$3$.ioo. au. lon.-t.rm , loan available. H1GGINBOTHAM lit N.t'l Bank Eld... Woodburn ioiieeeeei'e. 4 f REAL ESTATE MORE POR YOUR MONEY W. Salem Oarage type house, large lot, 81600. comfortable 1-B.R. home, corner lot, att. garage, furnished, lmm. posses sion, 65450. 6760 down. N. E, Sslem 8-untt apt. house, fur nished. B-rm. liv. Quarters, good In come, 68900. 69M down, bal. like lent. Cloae to hi school, excellent 1-B.R. home, fireplace, hdwd. floor, color-tyle kitchen and bath, attic, basemant. 69950. Best of terms. ' Kinswood Hts. Lovely 1-rra. home, hdwd. floors, fireplace, patio, base ment, large lot, onlr 613,900. B. M. MASON, RLTR. 164 S. Com'l - 3-8841 Night, 8-7436 c96 WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE K I LOO RE Needs a tew llstlnss on homes and farms for N. Capitol fit. office. Ph. 4-3063. H63 N. CAPITOL. ca' WE HAVE A CLIENT who la looking for a 1-bdrm. home, fairly new, with full baamt., fireplace and dbl. gar. He will pay up to 615.000. wants to locate In Leslie, So. Village or any other nice section, south. We have shown him everything we have Hated, but haven't found anything to hie liking. If you have a home of this type and want to aell, please phone -George Marshall, With BURT PICHA, 179 N. High St., 1-4047. ca96 GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms and acreages. List youra with Colbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderson, Perm Agent. Phone 4-4494. Eve. 4-3714. ca NOTICE: If your property is for sale. rent or exchange, list It with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 168 & High St. ca WANT A I bed room home, have a. 1 bed room. North, that Is clear to trade. E. A. McOlauflln, Realtor. 444 Center St., 3-8611, Eve. 3-6613. ca96 WE ARE badly In need of 1 and 3-bed room homes, in Leslie Dist. Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have your AL IftAAK, REALTOR, PH. 43311 It no answer, ph. 4-3348 ca Have CASH buyer for 3 bedroom home north. General Real Estate, 396 Cen ter. Phone 3-3289. catW WE ARE in need of good houses to sell, In or near, fialem. If you vlsh to list your property for sale, gee GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. . 134 S. Liberty Ph. 3-3471 ca EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE FOB SALE OR TRADE for a place with acreage. Modern fi-room bouse, has l-room apt. Private entrance, also extra sleeping room. Zach furnished. Double garage. Lot 75 by 100. All for 912.000. 1349 So. 12th. cb98 0 YEAR. GOOD location, bedrooms, ioveiy living es dining rooms, Kitchen, utility, many bullt-lns, sun porch, attached garage, automatic forced-air heat. For suburban, large lot, not south. Private party. 3-0508. cbB7 820-a. RANCH 60 A. farm land, creek v springs, modern 6-rm. log house with tile floors, walk-In freezer, good fishing it hunting, Incl. with ranch Is 3 cows, 7 calves, 2400 chickens, trac tor, other machinery and equipment. Price 633,000. Will trade for hotel, motel, homo or business. C. A. Miller Realty, 470 S. Miller, Fh. 4-5417, Sa lem. ehflA BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO BUY a amall beauty shop or manage e. snop. box e, capital Jour nal. cdR6 INCOME PROPERTIES 19 ITMPT .t.nT-uwn Near State Houl. and Shopping. Cen ter. Over $8,000 annual irou Income. Property In excellent condition. Never any vacancies. Axed owner deilrei to retire and will aell for $(0,000. Take house up to $10,000 and 116,000 cash. Balance mortiaie. If rour looklnk for Income propertr with top returns,' better call us at once. Thla 1. unusual. BEVERIN REALTY CO. JIB N. Hlih St. Dial 4-($3 r. ...... - Ctl00 WANTED FURNITURE mmm mm 3 p san FOR SALE LIVESTOCK S GENTLE work horses, one springer heifer. L. Z. Edwards, 4745 SUverton KO. CSB' LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White, face -Jercford. 96c. Locker pork, 36c. Nothing down. 6 mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free, Bal em Meat Co., 1836 8. 35th. Ph. 1-4898. ea PETS ORANGE CANARIES, phon. (-433$, 1340 memeioia, ectl HOLLYWOOD AQTJABIIIM 11S3 itcCor, on. diock .ait of N. Capitol, It, eiocae norm 01 Maouoa. pn, l-0(V7. eclol' MALE PUPPT to live ae-ar. Lovaa child ren, mono 3-.21I. ecsc MOORE TROPICAL PISH, P.rakeeU. turtles, supplies, i mile, irom Laucasl er on Micl.ar road. 4-1771. Closed Wednesday.. ecllC FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick up your Preeto-Loii, BrlQueu and Wood. Ill So. Com'l., phone 1-7131. da ai-wrianeiie r , mi I LET M6 HAVE SOME ST" Wednesday, April 22, 1953 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Ph. Till - Ev.. $11 Si l0f4W94 FUEL Hiwav Fuel Co. Sawduil tube aervlce, all klade o! wood. Pnone l-oeee. ANDBEKON'l hand picked slab wood, . j. an DhMi .7111 or lim. caloi. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, U" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 133 Edi.wator pnone sei.m ee Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. planer trlmmlnii, $( load. Pbona 17711 ee FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS PRYERS PRYERB RAISERS 1. Would you like lo extra profit par bird? 1. Would you Ilka an overate w.lahl of 3.3 lbs. at 1 to ( w.eksl 1. Would you Ilk. to have 3.1 feed convention? 4 Would you like thefaeta and proof? See or Call OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY Elmlra Road Eui.n., Ore. Ph. $-34(1 fill' GOLDEN BBOAD and New Hampshire chlcka, hatched every llonday and Thursday, our chicks srow faster. Fox'a Hatchery, 1(30 BUM St. Ph. Jr9. WANTED colored hens. Las'. Hatch ery, phone 3-31(1. fe FOB SALE Twice weekly, dey-olO - chicle. In New Hampenlre, rarmentera, Red, White Lee-horns, Austra-Whlte, White Rocka, White Wrendottee, Par. m.nter cockerel.. Le. Hatchery, phono x-zaoi. ! PRODUCE NETTED GEM, Burbank seed potatoes, local, eastern Oregon, 42.79 100 lbs. AI Ped, 5330 Portland Rd. 4-4078. ff96 FRESH VEGETABLES, apples, onions. potatoes, 000a ouyg on au. open 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day. Phillips Eros .Perm Market, 9990 Portland Road. ff9 GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Qema, plant any time now to July, ia.50 per 100. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 4B1, l miles east 4 Corners on State St. Ph. 43081. s ff sdvwoefyaaey HELP WANTED WISH EXTERIOR TRIMMING painted . green and white on 3-story house, starting about May 16 or 30. Look It over and make bid at 31C4 Maple Avenue, D, 8. McClellan,' 17117. CaU morn Inns. g96 HELP WANTED FEMALE CAR HOP. Woodroffe'a San fihop, 1400 romana ko. no pnone cans. go WANTED Oirl with cashier experience. for relief shift, full time Job. Apply after b p.m. in person. SPEEDWAY RESTAURANT, 1170 Center. gb EXPERIENCED SALESGIRL wanted, Ap ply in person. Hartman Bros., 399 State. gb96 WAITRESS. Woodroffe'a Ban Shop, 1406) Portland Rd. No phone calls. gb HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESLADY Attractive, over 36, cap- ableof roeetlnt public a-day week. Apply 1331 state (1 to (I, (11:10-1). !b. EXPERIENCED trplit for permanent position In Iniuranca company. Oood opportunity for advancement In the Ineurance field. Phone 4-33(7. tb97 STENO. WANTED for tenora office work. Apply la penon, 3(3 rf. Hiih. ebl7 MIDDLE AGE woman tor nlitit ihlft. 70c hour, and board and room. Holme'e Nurslna Home, frooki, Ore ion. ib8( GIRL WANTED for housework and care or 1 children, one achool aio. Mult live In. Phone 3(937 or 31047. Ib07 WANTED SALESMAN Salesmen Olauheat, America's most modern heating method, wants experienced full time and ambitious salesmen with car. Excellent opportunity for unlim ited earninea. Call in person, Olasa heat of Salem, 1640 Fairgrounds Road. gg97 HAVE OPENING for real estate sales man laminar with intercity and Inter state trades and large commercial properties. An excellent opportunity for right party. All Information con fidential. Write Capital Journal, Box 10. ga98 RALPH JOHNSON Pood Olub has open ing tor permanent salesman. Wo train you. Average commission Is 6400 per month with the very good possi bility of doubling that figure. Apply Mr, Robb, 355 Center St. Immediately. gglOl 68-YEAR-OLD manufacturer of main tenance products, rated A-l, desires salesmen for several territories In western Oregon and southwestern Washington. Every manufacturing plant, institution and building owner a good prospect. Full credit on mailt order e. Protected territory. Liberal commission and bonuses paid weekly. No investment required. Thorough training by Division Manager, contact Oeorge Bernardy, The New Heathman Hotel, Portland, Oregon, Thursday, Friday or Saturday for interview. . gg9S WANTED Company representative will be In Salem to Interview man who would like to go In business. Write at once giving street addreea and phone number, Ed Walker, PO Box 3515, Portland 8. rtrfis WANTED POSITIONS NIEKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY State iivcu.eq ids inspecieu. fnone 1-7B7(. M30" CHILD CARE Are 1 to 1. In my home, Broadway and Hlthland. Phona 16033. h97 SPRAY PAINTING-Shekel houses, roola. farm buildlnti, etc, Pl.me 4-3110. hiooa njuin rutin ... . . ., . ' - 1 -1 ' "ii. u hi. Mncas- i vit-ini.r. e,eu inornoeie er 3-3I0S alter ( p.m. hoe WILL GIVE kind homo, oara to bed pa tient In Christian home. 1-70(0. hse. By Ham Fisher ' tra. .- a'r(( $ t "r 'n