Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 22, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, April 22, 1953
In the Valley
News Reports From Gates
Gates Mr. and Mil. GU
; bert Myers of Elkhorn, Mr.
' and Mn. Lang Stafford, Gates,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ike Myert of
. MiU City attended funeral
services held in Lebanon, Tues
day, April 14, for their great
' nephew, ' Jerry Mosher. Hit
- mother, Mrs,. Mosher, will be
remembered here by former
schoolmates as Louise Myers,
' who . attended the Gates high
school the terms of 1940 and
through 1942. ;..
Lang Stafford and his ne
phew Leland Bassett were
honored guests at a birthday
dinner given, by Mr. Stafford's
: sister, Mrs. Alice Thacker, at
- her home in Mill City, Thurs
day . evening of last week.
- Places were laid at the table
for the honored guests, Mr.
Stafford and Mr. Bassett,. and
, their wives, Maurice and Hot
alee Bassett, Mrs. Bessie Bai
"'. sett ' and the . hostess, Mrs,
Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson and
'.' Mrs. Albert Millsap were host
esses at the latter's home Mon
.: day evening, the first of I
aeries of card parties to be giv
en by members of the Gates
Woman's club. .
., Holding high scores at plno
. chle and awarded first priies
. were Mrs. Floyd Fleetwood and
. Melbourne Rambo, consolation
' prizes were given Mrs. Walter
... Thomas and Glenn Gordon and
Bob Bonitz; consolation, Mrs.
W. S. Hudson and W. F.
Struckmeler, , ,
i Refreshments were served by
the hostesses to Mr. and -Mrs.
Don Mlley, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Kadlne, Mr. and Mrs. Bob
. uonitz, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Johnson,' Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brls
bin, Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne
' Bambo, Mr. and Mr.; W. F.
- Struckmeler. Mr. and Mn.
, Glenn Gordon, Mrs. -Margie!
Anderson, - Mrs. Floyd Fleet
wood, Mrs. Walter Thomas,
Mrs. Jack Brown, Dick Parker,
w. K. .Hutcheson, Mrs. W. S.
Hudson and Albert Millsap.
Due to, conflicting dates the
regular meeting of the Gates
Woman's club was postponed
until Thursday evening, April
30. Election of officers will be
held and members are urged to
attend. Mrs. Glen Henness, Mrs,
Bufrel Cole and Mrs. Walter
Brlsbin will be hostesses,
Teachers in tha local schools
who have received contracts
for renewal for the coming
school term are Don Mlley, su
perintendant; Mrs. Leta Dibb
les . and Dale Reynolds, all
members of the high school
Howard Means, ... who had
taught here for the last two
years has tendered his resigns
tion to accept the position of
principal of the Mill City high.
In the grades, Mrs. Gwen
Schaer, Mrs. Olive Barnhardt
and Mrs. Margie Anderson will
serve again for another year.
Mrs. Anderson has the Junior
high classes with class room in
the high school building. Due
to the smaller attendance
looked for - the coming . year,
two of the grade teachers were
not re-engaged. With the com
pletion of the -Detroit dam,
many students will leave the
Several pieces of real estate
In Gates have changed hands
in the past two weeks and sev
eral other deals are pending.
The former Charles Smith
home was sold recently and
the new owners, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Goodyard and family
have taken - possession. . This
property Is located just east
of the city limits. Mrs. Smith
now resides in San Francisco.
W. R. Hutcheson reports the
sale of the iormer A. D, Scott
home to Mr. and Mrs. Joe No
vak, who will move there
about April 25. The Novak
farm located on King's Prairie
south of Gates, has been pur
chased by Mr. and Mrs. Foukle
and family, recently from Nebraska.
Mrs. Tex Allen left Saturday
enroute to her new home in
Cleveland, Ohio, where Mr.
Allen accepted a position the
first of the year.
Mrs. Harry Kelser is visiting
relatives in San Francisco. She
left by train Thursday evening
and will be gone for two weeks.
Mrs. W. S. Hudson, Mrs. W.
R. Hutcheson and Mrs. Albert
Millsay attended the meeting
of the Marion county Federa
tion of Women's clubs in Jef
ferson Friday as delegates rep
resenting the Gates Woman's
W. S. Hudson returned
Thursday from Phoenix, Ariz.,
where he had been for two
weeks attending to property he
owns there.
L. T. Henness, 98. has been
seriously 111 and under a doc
tor s care since Tuesday of
last week.' Mr. Henness had
Just recovered from the flu and
was able to be up and out
doors when he became ill again.
Sunday he was reported to be
resting more easily. .
Pvt. Arthur Lake spent Fri
day and Sunday at the home
of his father, Russel Lake on a
three-day furlough from Fort
Lewis. Dinner in his honor
was served at the home of his
grandmother, Mrs. Llllie Lake
Sunday. . ; .' - . '
-. Dinner guests and callers at
the Lake home Sunday were
William and - Steve Savage,
Mrs. Clyde Schroeder and in
fant son, Mrs. Edmund Schroe
der and Richard, Russel Lake,
Mrs. Marshall Lake, Lincoln
Henness, Mr. and Mrs. Glen
Henness, Mrs. Elsie- Hutche
son and daughter, Mrs. Fran
cis Barney and Betty, of Mill
City, Jenny Cheston and Virgil
Morgan from Brooks.
Mrs. Fred Ratzeburg of Sa
lem has returned to Gates to
assist in the care of her father, I
L. T; Henness.
Mrs. Robert Levon returned
home Thursday from the Salem I
Roberta After the third
order of business at the Grange
meeting Saturday night, the
charter was draped In memory
oi tne late Frank Sollenberger,
During the service, Mrs. Louis
u. donnston sang.
In the agriculture report.
Glenn Bidgood said if it hasn't
been done, it was time to spray
lor coaaung motn.
Mrs. S. L. Minard reported
that up near The Dalles, fruit
farmers reported 80 per cent
loss in cnerrles and peaches
due to tne low temperatures,
Frank Judd reported that
log haulers will be required to
obtain permit to haul logs
over certain roads. '
County Commissioner Roy J.
Rice reported that they figure
it will take two years to repair
tne Highway between Salem
and Roberts. They plan to start
the work in July or August.
Mrs. s. L. Minard, chairman
of the welfare committee, re
ported Mrs. Fred H. Thomp
son is confined to her
home with a broken leg and
Doctor Thompson was suffer
ing with sinus trouble.
. Mrs. Frank Boehringer re
ported on the meeting of the
nome economics club at Mrs.
Joseph Felton's, April 9.
The home extension unit will
meet at the home of Mrs. Oscar
Phillips Thursday afternoon
with a county agent present to
instruct the group in "Becom
ing cood Buyer". '
Mr. and Mrs. Lee u. Everlv
left by plane Friday afternoon
for Oakland, Calif., and con
tinued their trip to Los Ange
les by automobile, where they
attended the road races at Peb
ble Beach, Calif. Their son Har
ry was one of the contestants.
Mrs. Frank Sollenberger
left Friday morning with her
son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Brown, for Utica, Mont,
where she will attend the fun
eral of her husband, whose
death occurred after being
kicked by a horse. She will
make her home with her son
and wife for the present.
Memorial hospital folio win 2 a
major operation. : '
Sclo Installation of offi
cers for the Veterans of For
eign Wars Auxiliary of Scio
will be held Thursday, April
23, at 8 p.m. in the Eagles hall
at Sclo.
Installing officer will be
Mrs. LeRoy Simpson, Salem,
senior vice president of Dis
trict 20, Veterans of Foreign!
Wars Auxiliary.
The installing team will be
Mrs. Ivell Haley. Mrs. Al
Aeschllmann, Mrs. Joe Hop
kins, Mrs. Don-'Stupka, Mrs.
W. L. Barnett, Mrs. Mel Clem
ens, Mrs. J. H. O'Brien, and
Mrs. C. M. Briggs, all from
Marlon Auxiliary, Salem.
All members of the Veterans
of Foreign Wars and their
Auxiliaries of District 20 are
invited to be present.
Detroit The Deanha PTA
lit X mb..Au A.ianlnri o t
8 D.m. in tne ueiroii iraae
school. Principal business of
the meeting will be election of
officers for 1933-04.
Miss Kazuko Inuzuku, PTA
president, has announced pro
ceeds from the movie sponsor
ed by the organization last
week totaled $99, resulting in
a profit of over (81.
Mrs. Zetta Schlader will
represent the North Santiam
area as an officer of the Mar
ion County Federation - of
Women's Clubs following her
election to th post of audjtor.
Mrs. Schlador and seven'
other representatives of the
Detroit Women's Civic Club at
tended, county Federation
meeting at Jefferson Friday.
Included in the Detroit group
were Mrs. opal White, club
president, Mrs. Audrey Lay
man, treasurer, Mrs. Ella John
son, Mrs. Ellen Manning, Mrs.
Margaret Howland, Mrs. Tude
Russell and Mrs. Virginia
White.' .
The Detroit Church of Christ
recently elected Mrs. Mabel
Moore to serve as church treas
urer, succeeding Mrs. Helen
Baughn who moved to Ephrata,
. Mrs. Ruth Skidmore has as
sumed the duties of pianist At
church services and will assist
In nrffanlilnff a church choir,
Persons Interested in singing
with the choir may contact
Stanley White or Mrs. Skid
more for information. . -
Grand Ronde
Grand Ronde Mrs. Ted E.
Smith entertained the Stitch
and Chatter club at her home
last Thursday. There were nine
members present and Mrs. J.
Weber was a guest of the club.
After a pot luck dinner at noon
an exchange of secret pal gifts
was enjoyed. In the contests
those receiving . prizes were
Mrs. Elwln LltUejohn, Mrs. Ro
bert Houston, Mrs. Jerry Wade,
Mrs. P. E. Davis, and Mrs. J.
Weber. The next monthly meet
ing will be held at the home of
Mrs. LltUejohn. , .
There will be a dinner giv.
en at the Library building
Thursday,, April 23, at 8:30
p.m. The occasion being enter,
taining of the Oregon Federa
tion of Women's clubs officers.
Several of . the officers from
the state are expected to at-i
tend and a good attendance of
the Woman's club in Grand
Ronde is expected. " ,
Mr, and Mrs. Ted E. Smith
spent the week end with rela
tives in Medford and Butts
Falls. On their return home
they visited the House of Mys
tery near Gold Hill. .
Idanha Recently elected
to the Idanha city council were
Warren Stall, who succeeds
Sam Palmerton, and Gerald
Plttam, wno succeeds John
Ray as recorder-treasurer. .
Crystal Gardens
O'd Time and Modem
Musle by "Pop" Edwards
Miracle Value Giving
500 to choose from. New styles. nat
terns and colors. Finest 100 wool
fabrics. Our regular
AIF 550 fo $55 $QfjJ
J ALL Suits NOW ... 0
Open Till 9 O'Clock Friday Night
J! IS? 387 Slale SI.
2 Doors West of liberty ot Bus Stop
- s s w II
c-i. (:.'.'..: .
uiarr and state stssaum
. Hours: 9:30 A.M. 6:30 P.M.
(hole Saih for All PtrlormiBtn Ms Phone Ordsfi Plus
MAY 4-17
Picture This Attractive
New Yorker Bedroom Ensemble
in Your Homo.,,
K . jiv
Big stylish "New Yorker"
Vanity with full view 47"
f circular plate glass mir
ror, 2 roomy storage
drawers, handy glass '
make-up shelf.
Matching upholstered '
. vanity bench, j-,
' Spacious 4-drawer chest.
The latest vogue in
bookcase headboard bad
with large recessed pan
el compartment. Room
for radio, clock, books,
Matching night stand.
Vanity, Chest, Bed, Night Stand. Bench
SALE HELD OVER! Final Three Days!
ff For Your Old Spring and Natiress Re
w Qardless of Age or Condition on a Fam-
dM am Beak A a -
ous ummons in (on Mattress and Box
Jnrlnn fnmhlnallnn
, wr""" wssisiaaVllt
I'Vl Slmmo" 251 coll Mattress and Box Spring, priced regularly at
celt! 1 ..Jr-r t"Vni M0,,' of "fiHon, and rt
thli sale? 20' "" Y Poy only $59 for the combination during
We urge you to be early for
this is sure to be a sellout at
this low price : . . and when
these are gone, thev're ponef