Wednesday, April 22, lass THE CAPITAL JUI KNAU, 8aMi, Oretoi Pat 11 DERBY fr S t Troast Jersey GOP Nominee Newark, N.J. W) Repub lican Paul- L. Troast, wealthy huclnAMiman whn haHc iha New Jersey Turnpike Author- Programs; Ida Faye Cole, invi ity, will oppose country lawyer la ons; Myrna Safley, hospi Robert B. Meyncr, a Democrat,! J31'1 Bob1b' ,Jean D,a,vls-, en in the state's gubernatorial tertainment; Janet Mothiger, election this fall. , cr?ages. The 58-year-old Troast, mak- Teachers supervising the ing his first bid for public of- j committees are Mrs. Byrd, Mrs. fice, smashed to a 52,000 vote 1 Bee.n- ?iss Barclay. Miss .victory over State Sen. Mai-1 McClaln; Mrv Kiket Miss colm S. Forbes, in Tuesday's 1 ,nstlner- ,Mrs'e,Per,SOnJS' GOP primary election. Muss Pope, Mrs. Slcnsland, Moyner's battle was a squeak-! Mf Baldwin and Mrs. Gates. . rrua r,o,i I Invitations have been sent to 11 I J.IIC. UblliUklBtll. lai, first in the state in three de cades, was a horse race with Vineland chick breeder, jock-1 eying back and forth as the , vote was tabulated through out the night. i With 57 election districts missing most of them in rural j areas Meyner had a slim 2,- 976 vote lead in the unofficial tabulation. Need 16,707 Miles of Roads Washington (ff) Full utili- zation of U. S. timber resources on a sustained-yield basis would require construction of Krt ift inn road, the Forest Service be- lieves. The mileage Hn6.rtVi1a. parable to five cross-continen-1 tal highways was included in wiwnn,, ,) n..kiin- worf. nesday by a House Appropria- tions Subcommittee. i Edward P. Cliff, assistant chief of the Forest Service, said total cost of the roads ' 'J? 255 mllI'n d0llarS ?i . which the government would spend about 90 million on main-stem roads and 2ZMi mil- lionon surveys and planning. aiiiiuci upciaiura rauiu i- sonably be expected to spend 109 million" with about 34 million coming from local gov-'sinrk ernmcnt agencies, he estimat ed. Sweet Home Girls Plan Mothers' Tea Sweet Home The Sweet Home High School Girls Lea gue will give the annual mothers' tea at 1:30 p.m. Fri day, April 24, in the school library. The program will be given in the auditorium, featuring a style show and musical enter tainment. The theme of the tea is "Spring Fever." Joyce Temple is general chairman of the tea. Other chairmen are Phyllis Evans, decoration; Marge Kartevold, refreshments; Bev Landon, fjyle show assisted by Aria Roberts; Janet Kartevold, stage decorations; Linda Lewis, table arrangements; Leola Gaylord, - . You can count on a 8elem lor your quick S cash! LOAN ! lor has a loan plan I lor everyone 1 SMALL It URGE AMOUNTS I $25 to $1500 ! nam 9nA . ' Room 200 317 Court St. Phone 4-3396 J. D. WAlKlft, Mgr. l m m mt I I I BUG NEARS COMPLETION Dick Fisher, 265 South 19th street, nails down a loose stringer as his inspector, Fred Gregor (left) and Chief Derby Inspector Bill Page checks measurements and con struction before he starts finishing touches of covering and painting. Fred and Bill found two minor items for Dick to change before finishing the racer. Dick, who also raced last year, plans to have his racer finished and the wheels well run in long before race time. He is sponsored by Borkman Lumber and Hardware company, (Photo by Ralph Neill) 500 mothers. Indochina Reds Drive in Laos Hanoi, Indochina, (VrV-Com- munist-led Vietminh forces brught the Plaaine de Jarres under mortar lire Wednesday jiight but made no immediate I ii i. i ...ui ,u u a crucial battle in the seven-year-old war in Indo china. French and Lao tin forces are awaiting an attack by the Viet minh on the broad rain-soaked plain 200 miles southwest of naJ?.01 m ine Kn8om , e enemy, now in us iuxn Y . 4anT aImost unopposed drive into Laos, pumped shells "to plain but made no attempt to attack in force. The Vietminh may skirt the French-Laptia base and drive west and southwest in an ef- capture me royai uapi- taJ ?f Luangprabang and the administrative capital of Vien- tlane . ' SWEET HOME FROLICS Sweet Home The Long St. elementary school will present .,s ing Frolics of ,953.. at 8 m Fridav 24 in the .hi -,,jii,i c(Hor,i n.;Onion pacific each room wiI1 ha've the sUge;0Sl!tS V", for Jive minutes tO present tHeip t of tne program. . M.riui new lorn wi- j ub mock nuriti n- I dined Wednwday In tn IreguUr man ner with periodic aUempu at rUle all lalltni to carry through. Although most loaei were In ami Her fraction., the decline extended to be tween 1 and 2 points at the outside. Volume wa.t relatively imall at an estimated million and a third ahares. That comparea with a million and a quarter ahares traded Tuesday. rortland Grain Portland ivPj Coarse train unquoted. Wheat ibid I to arrive market, baul No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White (excludlnn Rem 3.41; White Club 2.41. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 2.43; 12 per cent 2.43. Car receipts: Wheat 20; barley I; flour J corn 5; oata 1. AMITY HIGH'S Fat Haberly, left, who has been named valedictorian of the senior class at Amity high school. Jim McKinney, right, will be salutatorian. FIRST... for the fuel that is clean, efficient and economical use Preo - to CAPITOL LUMBER CO, PHONE 3-8862 Jl ; Oreion alaile, 5iHll. Pr.mlun lllotl. 0e. P , S-IB. IOVt to STOCKS (By Th. Associated Prea.i Admlr.l Corporation J64 Mlied Chemical 10 Alii Chalmtri American Alrltnti , American Power it Llifa.. American Tel A Tel .... American Tobacco Anaconda Cooper Atchison Railroad. ...... , 53 . 1314 . ISs .151 .. 71i ,. 17 . 81 ,. 51 'A . 40 ,. '' ,. 18', . 2514 ,. 31 ,. 68 .. MS ,. in ,. U'.a .. 3BU .. 18 .. 50 ' ,. a .. 83 .. Sl'i .. '. Bethlehem steel .. Boeing Airplane Co Bore Warner .... Burrows Addini Machli.. California k-acKlns Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor ... Celanese Corporation ... Chrysler Corporation . ,, CI Ilea Service , , Consolidated Edlnon .. .. Consolidated Vultet .... Crown 2ellerbach ' Curtlu Wrlcht Oouitlu Aircraft Du Pont de Nemours . Eaitman Kodak Emerson Radio Oeneral Elect r to Oeneral Foodi Oeneral Motor Georgia Pac. Plywood ., Goodyear Tire , Homestake Mlnlne Co. .. li 09S .. 53 .. 61 . .. lay. S3 .. 38H .. 10 ... 49 U .. 61 International Harveatei,, international paper 'John.1 Manville .... Kennecott Copper , Llbbr McNeil Lockheed Aircraft ... ... i ! 1 TorKU Incorporated lqdi Ben Montgomery Ward Nah Kelvtnator ' Nrw York Central .... 1 Northern Paclflo 1 Pacific American Pleh ' Pacific Gaa & Electrte Pacific lei Tel Packard Motor Car .. . Penney, J. C. J:, ' Zll. ' ' 8 . 6SH 30 4 51 28. 48 . 494 . 56V. . 35s. 5 Pennsylvania R. R. ... '0.0: Radio Corporation ... Rayonler incorp nayonier incorp. no. Hepublic Bteel Reynold. Metala .... Richfield Oil Safeway stores Inc. , Scott Paper Co fleara. Roebuck AT Co. Socony-Vacuutn OH . Southern Pacific .... at.n.M nil raiir. . ' ' 61U Standard Oil N.J s Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mlnlne Swift At Company .... rransamcrlca Curp. .. Twentieth Century Foa Union Oil Company .. 9Vk ? ,7 . 39 .108 1 a 2S . 33 'A . 6'.i United Corporation . United Statea Plywood United 6tatea Steel 384 Warner Picture 16 ' Western Union Tel 41 v WMtlnaliiMiRft Atr Brett 28H Weal Inn home Electric ! Wool worth 45 V4 ' Chiracs Grain Chicago ufi Oraliu aold moMlr at lightly lower level on the board of trade Wednesday with wheat havlni a firmer tone than other cereala. Buylnt In wheat developed on lees favorable reports concernlne the con dition of winter wheat In the Southweat and the arantlm of funds to Yugosla via to buy American bread iralns. Wheat clued V.-'. higher, May 12.18-H-'4; corn lower, May tl.Mfcfe; oats H'S lower. May rye V lower to 'A hither. May 11.64: soybean VP lower. May 3 03-t3.0!,, and lard f to 13 cents a hundred pounds niftier. May $10.67. STAR STUDENTS - logs 1 - MAR K E T QUOTATIONS rosTLANB' raoDOc un Uerfet Tentative, auMrct M 1 iwllu chant.: Praaalvaa .ualltr. w arum 3i ! on. par oonl aridity da llT.nO la rorllaod M-71. Ib.l flrat anal Ity 7-10c: aacond ouallly, H-1e. Vall.y rout, and eounir? point.. I lata. alter Wbolwal. e.a.a. bulk ubu to whoKiil.i. trada A A, W acora, 1; A irad.. II acora, Mci B. !.. 4; C. fr acora, tic Abora prlcaa alrlcllr aonlnal. CkMH alllat arlcc W Portland wholeaat.ra, OrMon nal... . 43-ie: Oraa oa t lb. loaf. WVk-lltMl IrlPloU, lal 1... tbaa tlnttu. Kin M WkalnaKr. CandlM mm ctalalnlnaj a. lou. caal Included (...a. Portland. A irad. lara., llta-IIHc: A rad. medium. MU-.ISk; B irad. Urn. tm-nu. Parllaad Dairy atarkal ' . Batlar Prlca vo ritamn: Orad. AA print, lie: A carton, ttc: A prlnta, 11a: carton, 13et B prlnta, Mc. EllaTo r.tall.ra, oradl AA larre. 3c: A larl., 10-IOct AA mwllum 10c: A medium, c: A amall, nominal. Car ton., So additional. Ckaoc Pile, to retailer.,, rartiana. alnalca. UU-ioc: d-lb. loavaa, e: trlol.ta. lUa lea. tban .In- Premium brand. .Inll.a, ima; Proccud Am.rlcaa cnea.e. retail. -. lb. P.allry Ufa Cklekaaa (Na. 1 cuallty. t.a.b. planU.I Pry.r., IVa- lb.., lie; 1-i lb... 31c: roaat.r.. Vi lb., and ov.r, c; heary ban., all welini, Il jle: Hint heu. all w.libU, S3.33c; old rooatcr., ll-lle. Drna.1 CkMaaa Pry.ra. !V-S lb., 43-4lc: roaaura. 43-44c; llcbt 31 33e: h.avy bena, 31-31.1 cut up try.ra, all welrhta, 43-4e. . Babbiu AVarar. to arowera: Lira rbllM, 4-1 lb... 15-Jlc; lb.., 31-150 lb., old doe., m-iac; i.w miner rrwn drilled fryer, to retailer!, Il-tic: cut up, Ic-oBc. C.aalry BUM M.att Top Quality, H-43. lb.t roucn b.avl.a, 15-llc atca Lean sioca.ra, aowa, ucui 3S-1IC. Lamba Beit, 40-430 lb.t aprinicra nominally 48c lb. Matt.n E..I, 14-11. lb.; euii-uiuity, l-Uc. Beef-Utility cow., w-aoe ib.l eannar euttera, 33-l.e, .hell, down to lie Freak Draaaed Meat Wr.ole.aler. to retailer.: Dollar, par ewt.: B..I 8t..rl, chore. HCM00 1b... 3T.uo-40.oo; good, . 34.00-31.00; commercial 33.00-37.O0; utility, ll.O0-34.O0; cowl, commercial. 1I.O0-S3.O0: utility. 17.00- 31.00; canncra-cutters, l8.w-iB.oo. Beef Cat. tcholce ateeral. Hind Qu.rtera, 45.00-50.00; round., 45.00-51.00; full lolna. trimmed. 41. 00-71. 00: trl- anrlaa, 30.00-33.00; (ore-quarter., 13.00- 35.00; enucKa, ai.po-.i.uvi rioa, aaw 53.00. ' Veal Oood-cholce. 141-53; commcr clal. 531-41. Calve. Oood-cholcc, 141-53; com mercial. 131-41. Lamb. prima aprinicra, 40-50 Iba. 143-45; COOd.' 140-44. i alulton-Oood choice. 511-30. Park Cut. Lolna. No. 1, 1-13 Iba., 553 57: ahoulden, 18 Iba., 835-31: aparerlba, 145-41; treth nama. 10-14 in.., n.-n Smoked Hama akinned. 157-53 50 Ra. fined lard In drum. 111.50-15: alab bac on. 841-58.50 P.rtland atlaeellaneeaa Celery - Cal flat crate. 1-lVk dor. I3.J5-1.36. Pew to 81.50 Ore.. 83.15- 83.50. Onlona 60 lb. aacka Welt Oreion yel. Iowa, medium, 1-ln mm.. No. la. 3.2.V 1.50: 1-lnch. 84.50: No. la. 83.50-1.16: boner.. 10 ID. aacaa. -ici. lupno yellow., lane. 84.S0-5 00: No. 1. while, lane. 4.15-6.00. F.IAlcc. Ore.-Waah. Ru&aeu No 1. 84.50-5.35. nama brand, to 85.15: baker.. 1 6.00-50: 35 Iba. alee A. 1.10-65: 10 lb. mesh, 55-60CI paper, tO-5Sc: Mo. 1, 60 ' .5-5: Idaho Russets, No. 1A, "''5.50-6.00: 5-10 lb. baler. 3.30-no. , 31 Hay-U. 8 No. ) ereen alfalfa, de. .1163k nvered ear lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal- ly .35.00 ton: Seattle. afi-3.. Wool Orea.e bails. Willamette Val- ley medium. 60-53C lb.: Eaalern Oreion fine and half-blood. 55-63c. Bldea Calve.. 18-lc lb accoidim t. welihta. ireen lip.. 17-Kc: bulla, -6c. gr5Pn butcher cow hide.. 7-8c. Fllberfi Wholesale eellthi price No. 1 l.rie Barcelona.. 24-28r Ib.i , irower prices, orchard run. I4-16C lb Walnuts-Wholesale selllni price, first . quality larie Franquettea. 32-33C lb.; irower price, orchard run. 16-160 lb.. few beat to 18c. SALEM MARKETS 1 Complied from reparis of Salem dealers fr h tuldanre ar capital jomromt readers. ( Revised sally.) Brtill Feed Prleest Kabbit pellets 13.81 tlO- lb bill. S4.60-&.40 (100-lb. bat) Eer Mash SiiJO-fi-M. Dairy Feed - $3.56-3 91 iM lb. bat). noo i.- Poultry Bnylnt Price Colored fry era. 29c; old rooaters. 15c; colored fowl.' 24c; leshorn fowl, 23c; roajtera, 29c. Ears: Bulnrr Prlrea Ects. A A. 49c; Itrit A,, 47-55c; medium AA, 40c; medium A, 4-S0c: small. 40c. Wholesale Prices Ei l wholesale prices tenerally a-7c hither than the prices above. Lane trade A tenerally emoted at 61c: medium, 56c. Butterfat Buylnt price: Premium, fo lic: No. I. 67-69c; No. 2, SfiC Bitter Wholesale trade A parchment, 7lo lb.; retail, 76c. Portland Eaalslde Market Portland (UR Tradlna wau light toder at the Portland Kastalde Farmers Whole- Kale Product market with all prices nominal. On wholesale row. Oreion dry onions moved at I2.&0 a ftO-lb. sack. Central Oreion potatoes were S4.2S 4.76 ft 100-lb. sack. Cbieare Onlona - 0 Chlcaio cu.Pj uppliei liberal, demand alow, market dull. Track aalea isO Ibs.l: Texas Yellow Bermudas U. B. 1. 2 to S-inch. 4 cars, 1 car l.W; arena U. S. 1, 1-lnch and larter, part car 2.18. Street sales (60 lbs.): Texas Tetlow Bermudas 2 to 1-lnch 1.7S-2.00. 1-Inch and larrer 1.60-1.79; Orano 3-lnch and larur 2.35-3.95: Crystal White Wax 2 to 1-lnch 1. 852.00; Granex 2 to 1-lnch few 2.00: mldwe't medium Yellow Olobu few .f5-.7&; Idaho flpantah 2-incb and larter few 2.75. Portland Llresleek Portland (URt Cattle: 150: holdover 135: moderately active, steady; prime steers 23.90; tood-c holes 10D2 lb. fed steers 22.50; commercial steers 20-21; utility down to 16; canner-cutter rows 10-12.50; utility cows 13.50-15; utility commercial bulla 16-lli cutters down to 14. Calves: B0: steady! commercial-rood vealers 21-31: choice 20-11 or above: culls downward to 10. Hois: 400; active, strong to 25c hith er; choice 1, 1 butchers 10-315 lbs. 25.25-29.75: choice 200-2SO lb. 23.50-34; choice 350-500 lb. sowa 22-33; llahter we is his 23 .2ft. Sheep: 100: nothing offered early; steady; choice fed woolcrt lamba Tu wi der 21: good-choice; good choice ewes 0-1.50. Chirac Mveaterk Chicaio Hose hit $33 10 a huo dred pounds Wednesday, the highest since Aus. 4. A very active trade, in cluding fair demand from outside order buyers, sent values 50 to It rents hlsher on all weiihts and classes. Aalabte hois totaled l.fiOO. Cattle stood steady to 10 cents lower but sheep were stead yio AO hlaher. Moil butchers cleared rcadiky at 1 ll u 81188 and aow. at 118.18 11158. Off.rlai. of 14 806 ..till far aulraa ladle. lion, for 11.806 and laria.1 for a Wednead.r alnc Nov. 11. fttaara euffr.d th. wld..t d.clina with chile, and prime kind, i.n.r.lly al 811.86 to 611.80. A f.w prim. load, want la 614 60 and 114.56 and a p.rt-lo.d of prim. y..rllnt .t..r. topped al 115.00. Cbolce and low-prlmo h.lf.r. raaiad from 610 58 to 81166 with a email prim, lot i.uini up la u M. cow. lopped al 115.00. Advaaeu la lamb, carried a a err af prime to 815.13, with moat fed woolwd klndo-ooltlnt 614 66 to 15 06. A load al aottlr cnolc. ehorna m.d. 118.06.-' Rites Held for Win. M. Brown Lebanon Funeral servlcei were held Tuesday morning at the Huston chapel for William M. Brown, a resident of Leban on for more than 80 year. He had served this community as teacher, lawyer, bank cashier, newspaper publisher and post master. Recently he had gone to Loa Gatos, to live with "his son, Prentiss Brown. He passed away there lp$t Sunday Born in Kiverton, la., on Aug. 7, 1869; he came to Ore gon in 1891. He was the oldest member of the Lebanon Ma sonic Iodise and received his SO-year pin in 1947, In addition to his son, he Is survived by two sisters and brother: Mrs. George K. Abra ham of Corvallis, Mrs. Will Dyer of San Antonio, Tex., and Ray S. Brown of Queenimo, Kan. ' Mid-Willamette Obituaries Wm. Weatherbee ! i Independence William Warren Wetherbee, 72, died Sunday morning at a Salem hospital after a short Illness. Mr. . Wetherbee was born at Central City, Iowa, April 9, 1881, and has been a resident of Independence since 1936. He was a retired hop ranch worker. He is survived by one son, Council W. Wetherbee, who is in the U.S. Navy, and station ed at El Centro, Calif.; four grandchildren, a niece, Mrs. Henry E. Rowley of San Juan Capistrano, Calif. : Funeral services will be held from the Smith Mortuary chapel, Independence, Thurs day, April 23 at 2 p.m. Rev. Walter L. Nyberg will offici ate. Interment will follow in Hill Top cemetery. . , . ... 1 MrS. MOrV Wetzel .... . . Mt. Angel Funeral services were held Monday morning in St. Mary's Catholic church for Mrs. Mary Wetzel, 84, wife of Henry Wetzel, who died unex peetedly Friday afternoon at her country home near Rocky Four Corners. Rev. Hildebrand Melchior, OSB, officiated at the requiem high mass and at the graveside services in Calvary cemetery. Mrs. Welzel was born Dec. 20, 1898, in Mount Angel, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Berhorst. Survivors are her husband, three sisters, Mrs. Anna (Ed) Trunty of Newberg; Mrs. Rose (Henry) Kirkwood, of Brooks; and Francos of Monroe; and six brothers, Frank and Albert Berhorst of St. Paul; John Ber horst of Sublimity; and Joseph, Ed and Ben Berhorst of Mon roe. Pallbearers were nephews, Henry, Joseph and John Splon skie, Ed Bell, Joseph Bell and Alfred Wetzel. Mount Angel unit of the American Legion auxiliary, of which she was a member, were honor guards at the funeral services. linger Funeral home was in charge. Mrs. Wilma Freeman .. Jefferson Funeral services for Mrs. Wilma Olive Free man, late resident of this com munity, who died Monday at the Corvallis hospital, were held at the Mayflower chapel in Corvallis Wednesday at 2 p.m. under the direction of the DeMoss-Durdan Funeral home. Rev. Arthur Shelton officiated. Concluding services will be in Long Beach, Calif. Born in Bennington, Neb., April 27, 1900, Mrs. Freeman was the daughter of William and Leona Ar. She spent the early part of her life in Ne braska and later with her par ents moved to Idaho, where she resided for four years prior to moving to California, She was married to Leslie H. Freeman at Glendale, Calif., June 22, 1933, and they resided at Long Beach until 1039. They then moved to Arcadai, Calif., and from there to Escondido, Calif., in 1944. The couple moved to Oregon from Escon dido in 1947. Mrs. Freeman was a member of the Methodist church of Escondido. Survivors Include her hus band; two daughters, Jean ESTATE SALE For lot. to th. bidder, dwellings located at 1010 N. Cottog. St. and 2487 Mapli St., Sol.m, Or.. T.rmi and conditions- of sol may b. obtain. d from Pioneer Trust Company Pioneer Trust Bldg. Sal.m, Or.gon Susan E.Yoder Dies in llorth Hubbard Susan Xath Yo der, 90, died In Seattle Sat urday, April 18. Mr. Yoder was born tn La Grange county, Ind., Decem ber 28, 1862, and married Ab ner F. Yoder In 1881. In 1903 they moved to Colorado where they established a poit office in what Is now the town of Yoder, Colo.' Mrs. Yoder and her Husband moved to Hubbard in 1912 and to Salem In 1923. Mr. Yoder died in 1926.. . . For some time after her hus band's death, Mrs. Yoder was girls' matron- at the State School for the Blind. She moved to Seattle to make her home in 1946. ; . Surviving are four ions, Perry M. Yoder, Long Beach, Calif.; Levi A., Detroit, Mich.; Ira M., Colorado Springs, Colo., and Samuel S. Yoder, Milan, Mich.; two daughters, Mrs. Nellie Mae Hamilton, Hoqulam, Wash., and Bessie Morelock, Seattle, Wash.; 17 grandchildren and 21 great grandchildren. Funeral services will be at 130 p.m. Thursday, April 23, at the Barlow Calvary Men nonlte -church with the Rev. Paul N. Roth officiating. In terment will be in Zion Men- Marie and Pauline Leona Free man,. : both at home; her mother, . Leona Ar of Long Beach ' and two sisters, Mrs. Clarence Miller of Artesia, California., and Mrs. Ermlna Marlenec of Klamath, CalU. Merrit Mack Cox Dallas Funeral services for Merrit Mack Cox, 82, of 385 Second street, Lebanon, Ore., will be held at 2 p.m. Thursday, April i 23, at the Bollman Funeral Home .' In Dallas. Burial will be in Bel crest Memorial Park, Salem. Mr. Cox was asphyxiated accidentally by gas In hia home Sunday, April 19. - Mr. Cox was born June 7, 1870. In Wapalo county, Iowa. He lived In Iowa until 1881 when he moved to Neally, Neb, He came to Oregon in 1934, and farmed In the Lebanon district. . DEATHS Donald Olenn Ulie, lets resident of Rt. a. Bor 440. at rort Bragg, n. v. Anril 11. ml the bis of 10 years. Sur vived by wife, Mrs. Lowena Mlze, two sons, Roy Donald Mlse and Ronald Lee Mlze, U OI oaiem; moiner, wtm out tnn .later. Ura. Violet Ryt. two broth er. Orval W. Ml, Carl Mlxe, all of Ant loch. Calif. Announcement of serv ices later by the Howell Edward com pany. Klra m. ParllM ' KirAv w. Carlson. In a local hospital April II at the act of 31 years. Late resident of 370 oatnes At. Btirvivea oy wife. Mr, aracf carison. aaiem: otui ti ter. Mixa Karen Carlson, Salem; mother, ura. si a nit Carlson. WlllUton. W. X.: sisters, Ura. Agnes Chrutensen, wmis aton, N. D; Mrs. Ruth Thoreaon, York, D. Service will be neid inureaay, Aorlt 33 at I P.m. In Clout h-Earrlck Chapel with Interment In Belcrest Mem orial Park. Erwln Porter Erwln Porter. lata resident or io Marlon, at a local hospital, April 30, at the ate of II years, survived ny wws, Mra. A. Olta Porter. Balem; daughter, Mr. Jean Porter WUt ol Cleveland. Ohio. Services will be held Saturday, April 3ft at I p.m. In How ell -Ed ward Chapel with the Rev. B. J. Holland offi ciating. . Oerrr Murphy Oerry Murphy. In thla city April 31 at ths aie of M. Late resident of Port land. Graveside services were held at 10:30 a.m. In St. Barbara's Cemetery under direction of W. T. Rlidon Co. Jehn Klee John Rice, late resident af Ruote 4, Box 13, Sherwood, Oreion, at a Port land hoe Pit el April 31. Survived by wife. Mra. noreence Rice, Sherwood. An nouncement of services later by Clouih- Barries: Co. er W. Ransner ' Roy W, Hammer, at the residence. Rt. 1, Box 440, Salem, April 31. Survived by wife, Mra. NeUla K. Hammer, Sslem: alster, Mra, Stella Ross, Eaker; brothers. Lawrence Hammer, Herman Hammer and Marvin Hammer, all of Salem; Oeone Hammer, Arlington, Wash. An nouncement of service later by Clouih- Barrick co. Charles A. MacGreiet Charles A. MacOreior. late resident of 1M0 Center St., at a local hospital April 31. Survived by wife, Mrs. Kiisa belli M scores or, Salem; daughters. Mar jorle, Doreihy and Patricia MacCireior, all of Salem; brothers. John MacOreior. Salem; lan MacOreior, Oakland, Calif. services wiu be held Friday. April 31 at io:so a.m. in Clouih-Barr ck Chatt.. interment b seicreat Memorial Park, Lora I. Stee.e Lora L. Steele, lata resident of 1MB Berry at a local nursini home Aoril ai Survived by dauihter, Mrs. Ploy a Harm, aiem: aieo I grandchildren, 30 great grandchildren, 4 great -great grandchildren. Shipment will be made to Waiieti Funeral Home, Jola, Kama ay ciouin-narrick Co, ''Nesweredajlitortw Svn amazing relief!'' Met. r. aV. eYe, & fetWeV, Cat Ameainf Paso retievee torture of simple pilea Jan. Acts lo relieve ilchlni, pain ttttitnttr. Soothes raw, in Aimed tlteuti. Lebricatft and asftens dry, hardened pane. Helps reduce swell Hf, heel crackirif. So don't euffer nredltaa enuerr of atmple piles. Get Paso, trt real cora lon tikr tnsr. Atk row dorter about it. Sua Vesitorr lorm or mbt with pfTforsteit pipj, " Qtnlmml m4 Snppnmtn nonltt ehurch Hubbard. cemetery at Of about 100 different ele ments known to modern sci www :.4&tex!2x of DCLiiiDLC nnno Wr.M.CMUr.lt44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 255 N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delivery on ' Large Appliances , Ivan Royse and Walt Claus, Owners APPLIANCE SALES Ph. 39412 SALEM LIGHTING & APPLIANCE CO., 183 N. HIGH ST. "BETTER LIGHT FOR BETTER SIGHT' New Store Across from Court House Square Small Appliances Lighting Fixtures of All Kinds AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT & AWNING CO. 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description . ' . "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" BRICKWORK FRANK'S SERVICE INSIDE and OUTSIDE Fireplaces, patios, planters, brick steps, etc. Also patch plastering. Chimney tops. ALL WORK GUARANTEED - CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. . Specializing In Chinese It American Food 1 - ' Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" - Bring the Family Call for Reservations for Dinners and Parties t CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTAR LESS BLOCK CO. 14th It f. HOYT . Approved - Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Septic Tanki -Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks - Interlocking Blocks In Pumice or Concrete - Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSER BROS. Garden Tillers - Power Mowen - Paint Sprayer - Air Com pressors Sanders - Plumbing Tools - Power and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Ruga and Carpets ; Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY" CO. 1810 LAN A AVE. . Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING ' Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOTORCYCLES SHROCK MOTORCYCLES SALES 3007 PORTLAND RO. American & British Motorcycles - Indian, BSA, Matchless, Triumph Cushman Scooters : r 'If It has Wheels and a Motor we can BUY, SELL or FIX IT" MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT ' "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Edgewatcr St. ' OR 3-5769 OILING ' WEST SALEM ' . , ROAD , TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER . Painting Contractors Ph. 3-4783 F.O. REPINE CO 2585 PORTLAND ROAD . Residential, Commercial, Spray or Bruvh WE GO ANYWHERE ... ANY SIZE JOB Call Us for Estimates and Color Planning Service PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9311 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING a HEATING RepairLpg .355 Chemeketa Contracting Resldetidal PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stamps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 130 S. liberty 310 Court, Oownlown 2440 6reir, Midlcil Ctnlw 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally ' 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 P.M. . 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. to B:0D P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radio Repair MITCHELL'S Radio-Television Motorolo "i Dealers for Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION HEIDER'S RADIO & TELEVISION - 395 N. HIGH Willamette Valley for 28 Years . SERVICE . INSTALLATION - SALES Home and Auto Radio and Television Soeclallits In the entists, only nine copper, tin, gold, silver, Iron, lead, iul phur, mercury and carbon were known to men who lived before the year one. Ph. 26545 Ph. 2-6596 TANKS Ph. 37324 1185$. 12th ST. Ph. 2-1423 Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 2-4151 Commercial Industrial 24 HOUR SERVICE Ph. 3-9123 Ph. 37577 1880 State General Electric PH. 4-2271