Wednesday, April 22, 1953 Page 18 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon -4 - The Voice of Love By WILLIAM NEUBAUER MP Mwile.torii) CHAPTER 6 And the meal began. With Langley Curtis across the table from her, Ruth found It a lolly meal. The man had aDDar ently been everywhere and done very thin (!. While soud was served and consumed, Mr. Lang ley Curtis discussed certain of the queer cus toms of Slam, Salad found him not at all reluctant to recite stanzas of his favorite poetry a perform nee that delayed the meal for the simple reason that his musical baritone held MwkI Colahan ut terly spellbound. But It was when the roast ham came that Mr. Langley Curtis really got rolling along into high. Then he talked about radio, about the Dronram he'd had for fourteen years, about " the people he'd met all over the country, about the beauties of the country Itself. And vibrato crept into ms tones, color came into his face, now enthusiasm glowed In his remarkable ourole eyes. He didn't chat, but expounded. Yet It was agreeable to be talked at rather than talked with. He had a beautiful command of the Eng lish language. Then abruptly. while you - were hungering for more, he proved himself to be a real genius by stopping. "But I talk too much," he chuckled, laughing al himself. He Hun a gay glance at his nephew aeated beside Ruth Carlisle. "Dan tells me that's a bad habit of mine." ' Later Dan Curtis dropped into tne cnair oesiae ner on tne ve randa. "You're too tense. Miss Carlisle. I've noticed that you never really relax. For Instance, you're not now. Here's something to do. Unclench your hands. And if youll remember that relaxed hands mean a relaxed body, you'll be better off." She looked down at her hands, startled. "Well,, for goodness takesl" He laughed softly. "You might remember," he began, then stop ped. For now. with sirens and honking horns, the quiet was being effectively shattered. Up the curving: gravel drive through the park-like grounds came sever al limousines, with two motor cycle cops looming along before them to clear the way. Thunder tilled the night; then came the sound of the front door, and ex cited people from all dlrectloni to jearn wnai was going on. rney weren't kept In suspense. From the : most imposing limousine stepped Mayor Luchetti himself. He waved his elegant walking-stick, he flash ed his gold-toothed smile. He met the baleful glance of Bphralm Carlisle on the veranda and florid ly bowed. "My fine friend, always its a pleasure to see your "Crook I " roared Ephriam, "Poli tician I" Ruth rushed to her father's side. After all, he hadn't yet been named to oppose Mayor Luchetti in October! ''What a pleasant sur prise, Mayor Luchetti I Won't you come in?" "Such a sweet girl," crooned the mayor. He stalked Into the living- room, resplendent In checked suit ana purple necktie. Behind him came Sean CMallev. owner of the - Golden City Spectator, and Miss wesierierp. president or tne uoio en City Historical Association, An nounced the mayor: "We come for to make the wel . come, Mr Carlisle, not for the argument. We come for to wel come the great Langley Curtis to Golden City." In strode Dan Curtis, and with ' him came Nancy and Ellen Car lisle, Dan Curtis grinned placat lngly. "My uncle happens to be ill. By the way, how did you people find out?" Nancy inched backwards to ward the door. The redheaded owner of the Golden City Spectator grinned faintly. "On, we have eyes and ears, sir. ou're Daniel Curtis, of course." He glanced about. "Any objection to introducing us to your uncle? We're honored to have n'm among us, of course." 'Soon, gentlemen, soon, My u .le still Isn't up to It." Mayor Luchetti stared. "Then why you no send for the doc? You think small town she don't have good doc? Hah I He's a great doc tven If she's crazy for to have a hospital here." bellowed Eph- ENJOY A UTTU LIFT! "We need one I ralm Carlisle. "Please." Mayor Luchetti held up an autnoritative hand. "Bhe'a no time-for political A sick man Is oopstairs without the doc. He's deserving our respect, hah?" "You misunderstand," said Dan Curtis quiety'Tm a doctor, and of course I'm treating my uncle." rtuui met tne Hashing black eyes. His comment a few min utes ago began to make sense. An Idea came to her. Maybe he could tell her why her ears were ring ing so. . There was time for politics after all. Mayor Luchetti exuded sud den charm. "She's a doc I Hey, you practice here?" "I may." Dan Curtis shrugged. "I may even build a hospital here. But now's hardly the time to dis cuss that." He turned to Ephraim Carlisle. His voice was very crisp and worldly now. He had the as surance and poise, suddenly, one expected a good doctor to have. "Suppose we let them meet my uncle sometime late next week?" "My frtenrt" crooned Mayor Luchetti. "She's Jooat what we need a doc who'll build a hos pital I" That was when Sean CMallev hustled to the big front door. He naa a once-in-a-iueume tning. He had not one. but two smash stones I The first would thrill ce lebrlty-sUrved Golden City. The second would rock the tovn to its foundations. Meeting Ruths eyes. ne grinned, as he saw it, the sum mer would be the most In teres tine summer In years ... (T Be Continued) June Haver; Novitiate Nun, Meets Cardinal - Xavier, Kan. U.B June Haver, who , abandoned her career ss a movie actress to enter a convent here 10 weeks ago, was one of 67 novitiates of the Sisters of Charity who greeted Francis Cardinal Spellman here yesterday. The cardinal, paid a two hour visit to St. Mary's Col lege and the Sisters' Mother House. Mother Superior Mary An cllla said Miss Haver was pre sented to Cardinal Spellman "exactly like all the other novitiates." STEVE ROPER Carol Curtis Pattern Pansy Gift Potholder, Easily crocheted In (Wo layers one In shades of soft vellows, the other side done in violet and white, the pansy has a center of brown and a neart oi pale yellow. Measuring 7 by 8 Inches, the big gift "Pansy" nas orignt green leaves and a I "stem" by which It hangs on a I hook. Big detailed sketch of pansy mimes crocneung easy. ! Send ?0c for The Pansv Pot- ; holder (Pattern No. 113) enlarged chart and stitch Illustration for working, YOUR NAME. AD DRESS, PATTERN NUMBER to UAKUU CURTIS. Can ta Journal. 65J Mission Street, San Francisco i. cam. Feel refreshed CW Wrigjey , Spearmint Cum. Lively flavor cools your mouth. Frthn " - moUitni throat. uep a package handy "" r pocket L2ZZZ2ZZt AHIM By Ahren I SMI VOU IN THAT FIELD AN' THOUGHT YOU WERE FROM AN INSURANCE COMBW V TO CHECK WHERE THE ACCIDENT HAPPENED LAST JANUARY.... A BIG OILTRUCK AN' I I KAIltK WENT OFF TH ROAD AN CRACKED UP.'.. .ABOUT 7000 GALLONS OF CRUDE OIL SPILLED OUT, AN' p. rwuur II 15 5 1 ILL IHtkc,' 4 Wf K'l V0U WERE FR0W AN INSURANCE COMPANY V II l' '. 1 T0 CHECK WMERE "NE ACCIDENT HAPPENED II Ml J NO. l'M LAST JANUARY.... A BIG OILTRUCK AN' I ( NOT WITH AN ) TRAILER. WENT OFF TH ROAD AN CRACKED y INSURANCE UP.'.. .ABOUT 7000 GALLONS OF CCMPANY.'..WHy ) CRUDE OIL SPILLED OUT AN' Jyf'X yPOYOO ASK? VTOOLOFIT IS STIUTHERE4ij It I REPEATTHAT Jiff If MISTER? i I 4 r t I ''V ' - , , BUT, INSPECTOBl giACXMtLfPeoet&llC LETTEBj'A Fl'LL SEND FOelr1 VOU NEEDN'T HAVE DONE r-r77Zl WWY WOULD J -DID YOU EVER .v- HIM-SO VOL) THAT INSPCTOR.'--I DONTT J --THEY FOUND ROPES IN WEf r-d SEE ANY UH 57aX CAN-DISCUSS WANT TO SEE MR. ROPER J , , , H!io K?eDBESSINS BO0M') IrVJarta I LETTERS FROM Ifllr'SijI HIS BOND AND "EVER AGAIN t;i; r s l ' POGO - " . ... " ' ' ITHE MAN 1 1 jyjhm A WNflieou -S 7 vVOUlP BACK S VOl'MOVH AN' HE'S EN. l kAT ' Tmzin.5fsr a i 17.,... W IXktoi I II IIIIJ,r fi VI ORPHAN ANNIE sf 'illll "Pfc- Jc;v T snu.THeTDwnW'3", f folks would '"Sail I IV BUT,GI800 VOURMLIM BUT I -j REALLY DOES NEED W NofvHATD WRONG WMl HATE US-IT'S feP I I HOW CUOSE VOU CAME TO DIDNT D. I A HOSPITAL WITH I BE TH' W -J TSrrM OUR HUMAN NATURE. feSS? HI CYIN'-MOSTLY BECAUSE 1 THANKS -I MILLIONS WE CAN H WRONG, WAY. P I MILLIONS? I I RECKON- -r,r LIL ABNER f JSW hopalong'cassidt - - . . - " lUijSwikN f T"'f I I YtfU'VE BEEN TKYIN4 JO LIKELY Htt I I M56IPYS 6V)INa TO r1E AN' TH' I .iWfMwJ)'' XT7. . . you , 4TIR UP TROUBLE EVER . XiONFEPERATE HELP U6 FINP IT.' TM ' 1 BflY5 WILU 'Sgti$&Mmti KcSfilnra5 ABISA"- ro6&s Hm 4ETU? 14 J"t opinwn.' 6iNde rou, aiwivep I have hovep holpims that LWEsraic ao with yam i ''WWKX M$fm!m A iCHK 18 m E HEES WHO) JL IN BUi K6KIN WHERE'4 IT OUT OF AS 6EURITY TILL TO 6EE THAT I V39oW- &VAIff&5X9 ?,EPENP m THI4 (Km TWH- m. KTi VBUR HERP,iA54IPY? REACH TO THE TOLL iHAKfiE6 JUSTICE IS FM$fW&$m 1 V11 IK HKW T "WHEW'Of?SSl - EVA7E THE LAW.' ARE PAID PONE . gaJSUC MUTT Sc JEFF . J-.W i-B - viiifAiKitiAjr nmr ...... u i i f iKm-M u ip that? i when it i m.m I 9 .v-,.:iafc-r.."ViK I J ' II II f ll"vtm Vii.-IL -rsv-:.-.,w;iV.-v ii- i. ajw ii ' jtii n e- I -ra-imTiA i - a,,, mm hi I HI ifbt Rll HSWXK. YUT. II Vlllkil I Li;tTfC USmSSlZI lE.!vL4 1 REX MORGAN. M. D. ' ' ' j$mmri poo?.- , -ij-jj" urj jtiz-1 l. -xviix i DON AM) DUCK '''' ' ' II A II J4j lU-ijSFNilJ Mi I MARY WORTH V - Ls -K. I LAaNFED I I AJJT,ME..THt WE'lL TAKE 'OT WE'RE NOT 60ING TO T WANT TO AARBV OWN CAREER AWAV?... I f '&JR " FUWRE .TvOU'D iiJ f1' -1 FM RADIO PROGRAMS FREE TV THEATRE Watch TV at our Television Theatre. See them in action before you buy. Packard-Bell, Emerson, Raytheon, Westinghouie OPEN FROM 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY Open Other Evening! by Appointment YEATER APPLIANCE 4 TELEVISION CO. 375 Chemeketa Phone 34311 THURSDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO U KBC 7 CBS ll ABO 1S9S HBO MSt Kfc 1H US iTt? N. N..1 N.W P..I Hirni T. Ir.d Beers Ntwi " R..S III. 1.1 M"- New" Re.rd MjJ.r '?' Fl. .o H..M r.rtr J.ek Own. O.J ' Held R..m Lf.rt. " H.pplnti. Hous. P.rtF J.ek Ow.n. Muik Ree.rS R.. M.i. Ifm 1 :lfl as. WU. Hill T Hu7 R.T Will J.'k R.e.rd R..B M.).r " 1:' S!.llD.llu K.JB..I Hrkw. Lim . J:J(I W. Br.n Klrkhia K Hnl L..k U luli 1:4? itu l. Hn Klrtliia Kit Wtil R".k Rie.rS R L.r. t-.lic rial. BIU Hnl. C.ITInnif Niw. Betiri Im Kiln trip F.rrell Cidlnr f.l TIhdi Oird. V..M Ric.rd R..a kiiu I:VL. J.nn Oodlnr Llkl Rie.rd Hull t-' D.c'i Wilt Godlt.r Million. Ir. Bil'r Hhopp.i Bei.rd .n Mil.dr J:0f Wile.mi uTtlVty Mle Btm Our Jtwu lit. Dnd H.ilc Tmclir Oodlm BIU Rlnc 8tl.. ' sb.w Hd.dr S:r Or, Cdlrer K.r h. Glrli Niwi )li D.adr M.fle .1:4. D. G.rr.w.7 C.rt Hmirr Fir Iht Girl. P..I. Sl.m Sh.w Milodr 4 tiw Ml. Brmllir Klrkh.n Tln Ttjnn Foil. Lwl. Kid. K.rmr Muili iV 4:1ft Muilr B.i Ruth AlbtiD S.rl Hcralaiw.r H.ik M.rt Want :Sf Mail. Bai Jim W.kal? S.rl C.I. Carl M.liir Mail! Marl Mailt Til 4:4r Bill f Bar Taaefally Happy Tlmi Bin Hayai Mail. Marl Want l:0fl Niwi Ed Marraw Merrle Clrcli Sli. Preilsn Mail. Marl Show C.h 1:19 Mini Niwi Vlrc. Flnklar Sal. Prellap Mall. Marl Sk.w C.i. I:.T L. Met.ll w.rldT.d.r C. Hontl.r Skr Kln Mail. M.rd V.llirris. 5:4. E. P.l.raeB Frank Bak G.rrM . 8kr Kin. Mail. Mart g.nn 1:0(1 Bllal .Ilk Tim. fir Weatkerman IQ. Hial.r Mail. M.rt Cadll UiM" :S Maila Mi. ' Edltl.n N. It. N.wi Mailc M.rl and SIItw i-M Rid Hk.ll.n Blna. Croib; tniarar Ma. Mail. Marl N.WI IM1 Red Skellon BlnFCraibr Hilinlns Sam Haya. SLn Olf SS Kin ?.J(1 Bit Starr Amerle.a sllr.r Eaili Clie. Kid Rrr ) Bl. Blur W.r Ewl. Clie. Kid Stan Stat 7;J0 B.lpk B.ttl. far ' Dnamland Cammantil Mail. j;ts Edw.rd. lar FBI D"al Pit. :w(l M.n'a Famlr L. Tkamaa LonclDia Crime Fli Baaeball 1:1.1 W.rld New. Oa 8pol fimphon.ttt Crime FlUri , . B.leb.ll R.r R.ccr. Dee. Brld. ABC Pl.y Mull. . . Baieball t:4r R.r Reter. Dee. Brld. home Mailc ' Baieball t00 Fatber Meet MlTlia- Kewi Temor. Glen JJardy Baieball ;. Kn.wi Meet Mllll. U. N. Slorr Fall. Lwli Baieball 3t) Cammanlit It st.rr.rd Seateb lar Wbat Cki B.ieb.11 t:. I.r FBI Jr. Mill Star. Mail. B.wbll II -8(1 .Prl.r I-Star Fln.l final 'Ellllii Behind itrr Baieball ' .' Bparl. nasi Interrlewa Dance Time Newireal . N' Newi (0..( G.lden Deiert Inn D.nct Time Newt . Nlibt 8inr H-Jr. Fleec. Orebeltt. U.nce Time Crlm. Fllei Nllhl Sim II s iwi Or... Tim. Crlm. Fllei Nlibt Son. tl:!. Lw,u MeCall Or. aa Dance Time Maila Nlcht Sen. H.r Clip Canell Tim Mailc Nlibt 8int ;J. Cltp Conncll Banditand Panel Tim. Mpil. ' - Saa. It:'1 Sim OH IslMal Time Im.c Meladrl Isira Oil 'a. Don'! Blow Your Top ,y VV i You, loo can own a beautlhit to- llsnknfMAAftT' . Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. - Trader Louie 1820 lam Ave. Ph. 38558 FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. Tim Mtiile Tint Muaic Tint) lAr- lin CnUr Ediur Jvliniiy Willi Ncwi K. Manolnt Ncwi Ntwi H. Bibbllt Oli Star oid iMit Mule Boi Mute Box BhIcii Rh Ptirtr Strife- Bleb Slrlkfl Blch Dabl( r NatbfBf Bob and Bt IBob Hope u'BS NWI RPU Ore lot KOIN KlMk KOIN KImU Newi M. Atromky Bob Garrcd Bob Hbicb Newi Ncwa Grand Slaao Bote tn try Warren lAvnl Jenn? Helen Trent Gal Sunday Road Life Ma Perklna Dr. Hal one Go I J, Lliht Mri. Barlen P. Mnen Norah Drake Brlithler Day Farm fir. Farm Br. Farm Br. Farm Hoir Newi Tlmekeentr News March Tim Broil Ml Club Breakfast Clob Newi Today'i Star Ureak Bank Break Bank Wblsperinr Girl Marrlea Llnttlhar 'Barney Keep IBreakfaat Nook fBreakfait Nook HrintnKwar Breakfail Breakfait Sam Hayei Cecil Brown Family Altar Bible tlenr ' fleer Dr. Sword Commrjitarv Pastor Call Bar. Countet Glen Hardy Tello Test Answer Man Mmlc Lad lei Fair Ladlee Fair Qn. for Day On. for Day Breaklail Naak Breaklail Naok Jim Dandr Jim Oandr Jim Raadr Jim Dandr Mr. Smyth" Mr. 8m. In Mr. Smrth Mr. Smyth Matlnea M.tlne. M.tlnc. M.tlne. M.tlnc. Maline. M.tlne. iM.tlnc. Wellern Meladr Firm N.n Niwi KOCO KOCO KOCO Klicb Ncwi KOCO KOCO KOCO KOCO KlMk neraan'i p. Plana Pat'rn Second Iek M. Whlllni Ran Reeard. Ran Rcearda Ran Rec.rdl . ht.ri Ricardi FM MK.I KOIN It 1.1, i.n. t. It p.m. KEX St.t, I I. DIAL LISTING KOAC. SSI Vrxkr Thandar P.M.i S:H, Bali' ball. OSC-WSCl S:H. Chlld- ren'a The.tert S:S0. Enropc Rep.rti 8:00, New., Weather 7:15, Evening- Farm Hoar: S:IKI, BBC Theater: 8:011. Mailc: l:4i, Medl t.tiani 10:00, si.n Oil. KOAC T'IT M.t 1n:S. Vc.i, "" Wealheri 11:00, Scheol al Air: lt:00, Newi and Wc.lbcn 1:00, Nitt Show; 1:30, Oil Shell: 2:00, Far S:00, Baieball, Ore.en-U ol w. GOOD BEET CROP Ontario u.R)a good sugar beet crop was predicted for Malheur county this year by a sugar company official today. Jed Lewis, Nyssa, Nampa district manager of the Amal gamated Sugar company, said acreage would be about 46,000 this year, compared to 34,000 in the county last year. Nearly 200 physicians were on duty at U. S. Bureau of In dian Affairs hospitals and dis pensaries in 1952. ;ross 1. By means ot 4. Tribunal 7. Nev.-s sheet 12. Source ot metal 13. American Presi dent's nicknamt 14. Living 1.1. Throws 17. Home 18. Withered 19. Rent 21. Eager 2.1. Repose 27. Black snakt 29. Dress up 31. Regret 32. Gone up 34. Goes by car 36. Grown boys 37. Pal 39. Place In - position again 40. Summon 42. Forebear 44. Mountain ridge 46. The Emerald Isle 49. Armed hand ot men 52. Install 54. Bay window 55. Five dollar bill 56. Light repast 57. Dude 58. Sheep 59. Blunder DOWN 1. Small explosions 5jAlLnDiEAJfJSmA G 0 L AjlEiL laa E Rl FTA iMFlL Attfi L A i . AlR EIcTaRN AITlUTRlAlL CIL All Bit? IFJMiEJNilKWlEJAlRiSl SM N 5 O MwmV O Ni 1 tlU DiE veOo eIs-HoS MAUnTOIfiJAnT AP M1IeIal3J1Ev5 BIEl5lfULIPr4ltniPlE Solution of Yesterday's Pusxl 2. Count In Pennsyl vania 3. Going over again 4. F.xclamation 5. White poplar (.Take offense at ' I P U i4 I" I" I6 b l' 1" lit. tR mm flpg- 5T !i 5j" JTjT 5 3f3S"J5 'ifrk 4Z rift 44"p;p wtt ;rp55 tz 7. Go b 8. Change 9. Crusted dish 10. Preceding night 11. Scarlet 16. Covers wltb wax 20. Particle 22. Pulled 24. Without beak 25. Certain 26. Trial 27. Inclined walk 2S. Surface 30. TrianirHar ' insr; 33. Back ol tht neck 35. Article of belief 38. One bom la a plact 41. Relieved 43. Resume 45. Depend 47. Roman road ' 46. dose 49. Seed con tainer 50. Anglo- Saxon mor.ey 51. Trrsjret, sion 33. Witness 4 V