..si ft' ft ft .1 ! o ) t A O Co nit 16 Salem Stromback, BorstfMcGee To Hurl for Senators The Salem Senators clot out , their spring training exhibition schedule at Oregon City to iilfht eppoiite the Oregon City Elks, a highly-regarded semi pro team. The game will be played at Kelly field In Oregon City, tarting at 8 o'clock. In recent yean, the Elks have carved a prominent role in Oregon aemi-pro clrclei under the management of Dr. Frank Diereckx, a former Sa 1 lent Senator pitcher. However, Zhereckx la no longer with the club. The Oregon City team la now managed by Fhll Tuor, and contains aome ot the top Vile Varsity, Squads Both vera Gllmore'i Salem high track squad scored another dual meet victory Tuesday as they topped Hillsboro in both ' varsity and Junior varsity totals. The meet waa held here. Salem's George Meyers, who . ' has virtually broken all Salem shot put records, heaved the ' 12 pound ball 62-ft. 5-in. for the best effort he has ever had. : Meyers will have strong com' petition in the state meet when . he tangles with a Medford atar who has thrown the shot CD , feet. - The Vikings copped the var sity action 72-50 while the Salem Junior varsity team was whining 75-47. The . Vikings so to Portland Friday for a ; four way meet with Jefferson, Lincoln, and Benson. VABsrrx axsuLTi 1 tit rud hith hurdles I. Alias Lit bib. H; J, Jack Blihop, Si I, Helps aforruco, a. Tim 10-0 eeoonds. 100 sard dub 1, Ttrrr Salisburf, S; f, Murrar Jeneen, Si , Dtek Hiutt, B. i Time, 10.7 aaeonda. Mile 1, Howard sailor, Si 1, tweener Ml I, Dalrrmple, a. Tim, 4:47. 440 Sard deeh 1, Dick adwerde. Bt 1, Cnoek Johnson, at I, Strafford. H. Tuna S4.4 aimimla 100 rard hurdlae 1, Hertremph, Ht 1, lValnaa, Si I, Tnels, B. Time, 33.1 aec- OTUU. 330 vard dub 1, Ken rUwllnss, 0; , Tamr sallaimrr. ai I. slur, H. Tlma, S4.0 geoonds. - NO rard race 1, Jim Knepp, a; 3. Tad Hannt. a: I, Millar, B. Tlma, 1:01.0. 110 yard relar Won br BIlMwro, tRuehlew, Blser, BartrampU, and Xd- varda), Tlma, I:e.o. ahol pal 1, Oeorss llarara. Si 1 Dennis Oerland. at 3, Jim Person, a. Dlstenoe, S3 It. Ott tnehee. ... High Jump 1, Bill walkar, Si S, Xa crera, H, and Loken ,H, Uad. Helghth, It.. 1 Inehei. Polo vault i, Oarr Ingram, Bi I, Id aVaeoh, S; t, Oral! Oetelr. S, and Don Llmboeaer, a, Uad. Height. 10 It, tt Inchaa. . . - I Javelln-l, Ray Taylor, a: f , echaaftar, Lsthe Too! Hew it is peeeMe te hsTe fiae woodworking lathe with toalote ana tm 344mA OMwenaJ wv jurDeWaJt 9.95 - ii . urcyw (J y " 1:1? " wVJmVt, ... .-""'"wsaaaaeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaawawsawiageaBaaaaaw ' ' SW - in-. OPJepneasaaBepspasteBejae, Faces semi-pro talent la Oregon. Among members of the Elks team are BUI Taltt, first base; Del Schroer, second base; Fred Granado, third base; Dave Teyema, left field; Jack Dunn, center field and Milo Meskel, pitcher. . Meskel will be en the mound for Oregon City to night, Manager Hugh Luby of Salem plana to use three young pitchers Dick Strom bach, Larry Borst and Jim McGee. ; ' Luby also reports that Con' nie Perez, Salem outfielder who finally cleared through immigration officials after be- Joyvee Track Score Wins h; t. Mti.u.r, h. cutanea, in ft. sy to. 3, Hartrampn, Hf 3, Dave Johnson, cutanea, 19 It., 3i incnee. DUeua 1, Ray Taylor, at S, Lor an UtchaUon, Bi 3, Oeone Mayan, a. Ble tanoe, 134 It,, I Inchaa. IUN10B VABSITT 130 yard high hurdlaa I. OH atawart, 8; 3, Jek MarahalJ, ; 1, Lelnan, B. Tlma, 30 aacondi. loo yam dean l, David Muir, at i, mu Kauiman, 0; 1, Mmoan, a. Time, 10.3 seconds. Mlla J. Bob Sehultl. 8: t. Don Swarta, B; 3. Jonee, B. Tlma. 8:11.1. yard taan 1. Kuaniow. Bi I. Barry JuuL at I. Falkliu. B. Tlma. 87.s seoonos. uo yard low Hurdlaa I. oil atawart. B: 3. Nerlor. Hi 3. Jack MarihalL a. Time, 24.2 aaeonda. . no vera dun 1. Bin saurman. s: . Buehlow, Bj t, Lambert, H. Tlma, 3B.9 aacondi. ISO yard raea I. Kan Martin, ai 1. narior, ui 1, saarcy, b, Tlma, a:l4. uo yard ralay won by Hlllabora. (Falklna. Van Domlem. Matmaon. and urnoart). Tlma, !:.. Shot L Bay. Bl 1. Baaton. Si 1. oaimnun, s. uiatanea, aa Zl., a inenaa. H ID Jump 1. Ruihlov. H: 9. Mar. ahall, 8; 3, Joal Blaco, a. Balihtn, 4 It.. a lacnaa. Pole vault 1. Ren Coon, an a. Jaui B; and Lalnen, H, tied. HelfhUi. s II. Javelin 1. Bowera. B: 3. Aaatea. Bt 3. aiut n. vuianea, Ida it., io inonee. Broad Jump 1. Harry Junl. a: 1. Mulr, Hi 3, atonebrlnk, a cutanea, 17 It., U to. DUeua 1. Bob Orllfln. at 1. ahbnnttti. Os 3, aaaton, B. DUtanca, 114 It., s Jn. mm Mum BaTalBaVaaTavVfallBaa aTaaaaal DEMONSTMTtD biFtttory , loproiirrfittYi Tburc, AftftTwfi, April 23 1 OftN rKIDAY NIGHT 0 lng stuck In Cuba for weeks, is now en route to Salem. It Is doubtful if he will ar. rive in time to play at Oregon City tonight, but Perez will likely be in the lineup when the Senators open their West ern International league season with Calgary in a split double. header Friday. Drag Races Set For Camp Adair At Noon Sunday Drag race competition will be conducted in eight classes for autqmoblle and one class for motorcycles at Camp Adair Sunday. A trophy will be presented to the winner of each class. Cars will be placed in classes according to their weight and displacement. Each entrant must have a certified weight slip from any public scale. Cars must be weighed empty. Car owners must report the bore and stroke of their en gines to meet officials. Each driver must have a driver's 11' cens and fire extinguisher. If under 21 years of age, the driver must have notarized consent from his parents. Competition begins at 12 noon, and no entries for com. petition will be accepted after 1 p.m. Yesterday's Stars (By The Aaaoclatad Fran) Battlnf Joa Colllni. New York Yankeea, homered oil Marv Orlaiom In fifth. Innlna tor aame'a only run aa the Yankee, beat Bolton. 1-0. Plltehlnr Curt almonl. Philadelphia Pnlla, acattered flva alnalaa and atruck out elaht In wlnnlna hla aacond (ame ol the aeaaon, 7-1, over the Brooiirn Dodger. Minor League Scores (By Tne AJeociaiea rreiai AMEBICAN ASSOCIATION Loulavllla 14, Minneapolis 13. 8t. Paul 3, Eaniaa City 4. Charleston 10, Toledo 0. Indlanapolla at Columbut poltposad. TSXAS LEAQUI Beaumont 8-3, Houston 0-7 Dallaa 0, Port worth 0. Tulsa 7, Oklahoma City 4. Bhreveport 7, Ban Antonio S. WESTERN lEAOlIB Omaha 1, Daa Molnia 1, 13 tnnlnu. Colorado Bprlnu 3, Pueblo I. Denver 1, Wichita 0. Bloux Olty 13, Llnooln S. TIDE TABLE Tliee far Tall. Orera April, lis (Cempllea ky V. i. Caaal and Geodelle Sarver, rortland, ore.) Hlah Watera Low Vf atari ' 7:01 a.m. 4.3 1:43 a.m. 3.1 3:13 p.m. 3.1 3.04 p.m. 3:&&a.m. 1:S3 p.m. ' 3:40 a.m. 8:35 p.m. 4:31 a.m. 4:15 pjn. V:08 a.m. 4:48 p.m. 0:45 a.m. 0:31 p.m. 3:14 a.m. 4.7 0.4 4.7 3.0 4.7 0:38 p.m. 0:31 a.m. 30:00 pjn. 10:17 a.m. 10:37 p.m. 3.S 11:07 a.m. 4.S 10:3 p.m. 0.0 1:54 a.m. 4.S 11:10 p.m. 0.3 ffoiv 11 Joos Hundreds of Practical Uses In Industry and Hobbies RADIAL SAW WITH MOTOR The mott practical and efficient, low corf radial arm saw and "power tool workshop" that can save you money In to many conitruction operationt including building your own home, doing your own cabinet work or making your own furniture. Works with wood, metals or composition materials. No belts or pulleys to lose power and the 'j-h. p. motor Is 100 direct drive. Complete with law blade. Other accessories re extra. CSSSPgg H TIL 9 WI GIVI THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon WIL Will Play to Million Fans This Year, Says Brown Vancouver, B.C. W At tendance in the 10-game claas A Westers Interna tional Baseball League win pase the one million mark this yer, President Bob Brown predicted Tuesday. Brown, who succeeded Bob Abel of Tacoma aa president of organised base ball's largest league, said at tendance last year, when the league had eight teams was the worst since 1949, Just under 700,000. "With Calgary and Ed monton both in the league this year we should draw at least .300,000 more," he said. Brown will toss out the first ball at Victoria Thurs day when the defending champions open against the Spokane Indians. Other league openers are Lewlston at Vancouver Thursday,' and Yakima at Wenatchee, CI gary at Salem, Edmonton at Trt-Clty Friday. Sports Results OBIOON PBEP BISULTS (By The Aaaoclatad Praia) BaaabaU Rainier 10, Scappooaa 1. Canton 10, McLaren Boy' School S. North Marlon 8. Amity 0. Varboort 11, KM Military (Portland) 4 Bt. Helena 3, Clatakanie l. Mllwaukia 11, Park Boaa S. Albany 4, Lebanon 1. Springfield 10, Cottaea Orovo . Elmira 7, Oakrldge 0. Weit Linn 8, Hillsboro t. Newberg 3, Poreit Grova 1. Tliard 7, Beaverton 0. Columbia Prep (Port.) 0, Wy-Bait 3. Philomath 13. Burton 7. Central Oathollo (Pork) 3, Oreahaa i. Dallaa 3, sandy 3. Tillamook 7-4, Astoria 1-3. 1 tnhlll 3, wlllamlna 0. Creiwell 0, Pleasant Hill 1. Willamette 10, Dnlveralty 0 (both Euiana). Junct. City 3, St. Pranela (Kuiana) 0. Eugene 5, Roseburi 4. Toledo 14, Tall 8. Banka 13, Dayton 3. Track Park Rosa 08, Bandy 00, Oreo. Olty 33. Greaham 117, Battle Oround. Wash. 04 Poreit Orove 3t, West Linn 47Va, Newbari 37. COLLEGE RESULTS BaaebaU Seattle 10-17, Puiet Bound 0-3. Whltworth 0-0, cent. Washlniton 0-0. Lower Columbia J. C. 11, Concordia 3. Oregon State Rooks 0, Olark J. C. 0. Llnfleld 1, Portland State 0. Lewie it Clark 4, Portland U. a (11 1ns- ingai. Oregon 7, Washington Bt $ (10 inn.). Idaho a, Washington 0. Oalf ' Oregon State Utt, Portland Stat 0M. Everett J. C. 8, Seattle 7. Lewie av Clark Utt, Pacific M. Willamette 10, Llnfleld 0. Tennis Willamette X Llnfleld 0. Lewie and Clark 4, Paclllo S. it Otten 229 00 NORTHERN STAMfS SCORES in Capitol Alleys COMMSBCIAL NO. 1 Weadry'a ramltare 4 H. Ol Inker 07, V. Perry 114. D. Woodry 440, L. atanlav US. c. Poreman 033. Bawttn aan'a Capltel CMy Lair. (0) K. Meleon 438. D. Bingland 4S4. W. Sprlgw 408, B Oallagbar U0, B. Miftert 837. Wleklaad'a Spartlaw Ota 4 D Hendrla 400, C. Morris 484, L. Harra 403, B. Ryan 800, B. Lawless 477. Stan Feeds (0) J. Sheldon 404, O. Lena r en 513, W. Walla 88). B. Duffus 804, B. Langhoff 841. Marian Creamery 8)-4- Davenport 033. M. Pakar 40t, at. Allen 800, r. Kan yon 808, B. Kins SSO. Saiess Title Cam patty (1) B. Owen 488. D. Torgeson 438. V. MCMUIIen 893, E. BIU 439. Nlenelson's uiaranea (SI M. Cady 408, D. Adams 418, C. Bertram 447, C. Ecker 437, P. Bolton 807. Oeldlee ef Oil- tan (3 J. Berr 471, P. Prank 480, o. Bowel 003, o. Berr 483, o. Benteon 533. Kalght'a ai Oalubns (81 L. Koutnev 487. T. Belgler 478, A. Pransa 083. M. Arts 470. B. BtUler 480. Orval'a Deed Cars 1 8. Kitchen 087, M. McClarr 443, O. Lame 018, H. WUkeraon 43L W. Cllna 538. High team same and series Knlahti of Columbus, 103 and 3818. High tad. game Bob King of Marlon Oraamary, 318. Blah Ind. series Boo Bran ol Wlek laad'a Sporting Gooda, 800. INDUSTRIAL NO. 1 Baton Jehnaen Allaneea (31 eriu 481. Arma 430, Sprlgga 830, Parrlah 404, earner 418; Carlr'a Dairy (I) Wright Hofitetter 373, Edlund 481, Salstrom en, Huier eoi. Eaal Belaya Liana (3) Clark 481. Whit. taker 404, Hauaen 0O3. Bchlmben 807. Dyer 484: Blae Lake (1) Lloyd 480, Dealer 483, Ayras 443, Pettlt 438, Lang hoff 003. Elwaad'a Maaanrr (41 Hwood 018. Craycroft 43S. Shlpman 480, wilkalla 808, Buich 883; NaUeaal Battery (a) Came ron 418, Moody 350, Walls 411. Lewis 384. Bartholomew 488. HaUyweed Finance (81 Clark 840. AI- biich 441, Jonei 401, Oeddei 030, Olney 835; Elka (D-Thompaon 478. Charrlng ton 408, Ready 440, McKlnney 448, Karr 488. Salem PeUee (4)-MaBhen S67. Prleie 441, Creasy 404, DaVall 403, Nicholson 438; Snobaya (0) Pease 470, Merrell 485, McAllister 433, Bl evert 403, M. Merrell 85L MADE THF ARMYs-NAVY 600K SIOtB A IEAPER Men's Fancy Dress TIES Assorted Colors Rer. S1.00 Value 3 h,M.O0 Boys' Part Wool COAT SWEATERS Button Front 1.00 Men's Leather WORK SHOES Composition Soles Assorted $0 AC sizes ),yd 100 VIRGIN WOOL GABARDINE DRESS SHIRTS Assorted Slies Values to $12.95 mil am mm'rmmtMmw Army FIELD SHOES Heavy Duty Assorted $f Ml Sizes Pr Men's DRESS HATS Asst Colors and Sites Re9-Se$1.50 Heavy Dnty Berry Trainers Leather Gloves Long Gauntlets $2.39, evr"1 0pEN FRDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 9 P.M. the ALLEYS High team game and aeries. 004 and sots; hlah lad. game, W. aprlgga of Aaish Johnson Appliances, 3471 high Ind. asrlaa. D. Buech ot Xlwocd'a Masonry, 803. INDDSTBIAL NO. S Wags Bretkere 4 Coo 470. Carter 488, WhlUock 304, Muss 877, Woatphel ess: anUie'a Eleetrie (0 Maynard i, McCain 380, Jaeobion 410, Coorer 443, Arthur 453. ' Vertland Oaa at Cake (8) Keller 430, Hulett 448, Btaley 830, Martin 438, Lau dla 431; Brewa'e Jewelera (D H. Bau gen 488, Heller 383, C. Bausan 404, V. Heueen 811. Whlllakera Weldera (3) whlttaker 843, Wacken 838. Charrlngton 387, El wood 478, Losan 488; Wink's Bright Spat (8) Polk 488. Myara 448, Day 400, Ie 444. RalnS 474. Valley Ferns Stan (8) Orar 014, Schmidt 433. Dolre 887. Prince 400, bui llvan 813: Kannr'e Beel Estate (1) Krr 483, Bosa 4T8, Bill 470, Amunua 433, Gibson 830. Chavpeuee Meal Martel III wicgirer 448, Landla 470, Neura 014, Hoyt tog, Ohappelle 431: Kelser Merehante (S) Breseler 435, Craycroft 404, coomler 474, KenhUr 433. Pederaon 831. MaCane raea Bales (gj TOompBon 480. Corns tock 884. Thurmen 308, wu- kalla 834, Medina 800; Beber Bardwara (1) Powell 814, Jonea 4H, irrer 4, Caueev 408. Parmer 018. High team same, Mecuns rooQ saiaa, 001; high team aarlei, Valley Perm store, 3538; high Ind. game and series, Harold Comitock of Medina Pood Belee, 387 and 884. (New high same (or league for aeaaon.) Second half champions Valley Perm Store, will play off with MeCuno Pood Sales for laasus championship. Duck Pins MEN'S CITY LEAGUE Wil'wette Art Tile (0) Schols 408, Heraohback 301, Bober 408, Jacober 413, Meyer 833; Lea Newman (4) Nelnatt 501, H. Nelnast 380, Bublar 410, John eon 813, Cappa 447. Kara Badla (1) Oauthler 480, Hansel 344, Still 107, Dean 403, Kayo 458; Twee die Oil (8) Sobarf 333, Miller 387, Bar rUon 450, Follnikl 433, Penny 013. Davie Oil Cm. (4) Omohundro 300. Beharf 331, Miller 448, Blanton 443, De vie 410; Dyer Ins. 0 Lanta 388, OUa 131, Greenwood 301, cnaataln 387, Stay- One Lot Men's WORK PANTS $S.)5 (rokeii $Iim-m. $3.9$ Value , w w One Lot Boys' DRESS SLACKS SLEnfl tea, U.15 Value ALL SALEM WILL BE HERE FOR THESE BARGAINS! Big Duke and Bull Dozer Leather Faced WORK GLOVES Gift' Reg. $1.39 Value Heavyweight Army Son tan PANTS Zipper Front Sanforised $389 Men's Blue BIB OVERALLS $2,89 SerrforlzoxJ PrMhnink Tsi Blue Chambray WORK SHIRTS $L!9 Two RocxitWre-i-iir aUi att 0 TARPS Hirsch Weis Water-proofed 5x7 $2.75 8x10 : 6.75 12x14 : 12.75 Boys' and Girls' COWBOY BOOTS v 9 to3V4 $6.95 Plastic RAINCOATS 1.00 V length OPEN FRIDAY IVENINGS UNTIL 9 P. M. eel Cappa Deed Can (8-Smlth 400. Alder man 4U. C. Cappa 4)4. Miller 438, L. ceppa 483; Oaallly TJaed Can (1) Camp bell 418, B- enjeJgrove aee, ewi -- - aab V.n D-ll 430. talent Tin (0) Bowa 384. Oranhan 341. Bra 308, cooa sea, wmw rresty Oleen (4) Howell 374, York 430, Thomas 384, Kailie e, wow an. ui.h team aerlea and lame. Lea New. man, 3)14 and 0141 high Ind. aerlea, Ar- nl. U.T.r wuiunnw w. high Ind. game, A. Pennr, (Twasdlo OH) 307. . MEN'S CITY LEAOUE n.rf. imi re. is) If. Omohundro 388, H. acharf 330, H. Miller! 108. O. Kenton 487. I. Davu 480. Lea Newasea )-Lao Cappa 313. M. Nelnaat 408. H. Hllnaal 404, B. Hubler 38T. . jonneou e.. nu.n a W. Howell 431, V, Tork 487, A. Thomas 345, E. Kallls 308, t wrni ST. Tweedia reel uu til ikherf 388. B. MlUer 300, 1. Harrison 318, M. Follnekl aas, A. reuor eie. Salem Tin (1)-T. Howe 380, D. Jto- Oranhan 373, O. Cook 38), E. white eae, law . Mi ,,.r ins. i a i n . owi- na saa R Greenwood 344. L. Olio 880, B. Lenta no, V. unaeiaio w. OaaUty Can (D B. Campbell 308, B. an.i..nv ass. t. sihort 441. P. anal. srove 400, ai. van wvu eeu. ()) B. Gauthler sag, St. uenaei eve, v. Still 480, D. Dean 348, K. Kara 848. Dana TJaed Care (1 H. Smith 440, B. Alderman 300, C. Cappa 388, P. Miller 483. Lea Cappa 403. WrJlaautle Art Tile (8) E. Schols 308, A. Heracnoeu ooe, B. Hober 443, m. Jacooer 308, A. Mayer 487. Hlah team aerlea and same Kayo Ra dio, 3338 and 818. High Ind. series and same Keith Faya, 188 and 848. .. Fights Last flight (By The Associated Prose) ' Mkwaakle Larry Watson, 1S7M, Oma ha, outpointed Canny Nardlco, 178, Tampa, 10. Log Angelaa jcaa aeongia, ir . uni ir. kaooked out Keeny Taraii, listi, Los Angelee. 4. Talede Pat "Bpunkr' Lowrr, 147, To ledo, knocked out Chuck Poster, 148, Omaha, 8. wenaeotov. sitae. jimmy jsrown, 103, Hartford, Conn., stopped Dlok Mill er, 148 tt. Werren. 0. Baiu. aseat. junmr navels, us. nan Pranolsoo, and Joey Clflmo, 1M, Port land, Ore., draw, 10. wmmmwm Wool , W HjtW PAIR Men'a R V It Suntan Gabardine Uefala and Grey SPORT SS5S WORK SHIRTS 8ea SHIRTS $345 $249 $1195 Western Style DRESS SHIRTS $7995$5.95 Pearl 8nap Bottona Children's Western COWBOY BOOH Siies 4 to 8 4.95 Wednesday, April 22, 1953 Miami Bsaea, Ha. Larry MuJIoa, 133, Miami, outpointed rat Marouno, 113, Brooklyn, 10. Saerameata, Calif. aantlaao latebaa, 137, welaenbun, Colo., outpointed Dout Klrb7, 138, San Pranclaco, 10. Brooklyn (Blageweod Oiml-Danny Olovanelll. 148)4, Brooklyn, outpointed Jacklo O'Brien, 147, Merldan, Oona., 10, tjfYat. Utaf So smooth it leaves you breathless DiimoflF tJuamdut V . 0ap A vuurw OpiixitMaderrom 100 trtln neutral iplrfu. Sec. Pierre Smirnoff Fit. Inc. Harford. Con a. 10 mm Water-Repellent Zipper Honey BELTS $550 15c Men's Short Sleeve ' Sport Shirts Sanforized $100 Reg. 1.95 I Men's Dress OXFORDS Values $.95 to 12.95 O MEN'S ALL-WOOL WHIPCORD PANTS Forest Green and Sago Grey Zipper Front Reg. $15.95 Value $1195 Wolverine Shell Horsehlde 8" Work Shoes Values $aC95 to 12.95 W Men's Camp Moc Composition Soles 3.59 All-Wool Navy auruenecK SWEATERS AV2.95 jmmmmmmmkwam Jill "IB