'" Bjr CHBIS KOWITZ, JR.' . Salem's mniil baseball oaten luncheon, officially sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce, and with nearly very other service organisa tion assisting will be eonduoted the armory at noon Thurs day, Juit 26 hours before the LOCAL UNITED PRESS McKenzie Scores 19, But Wolves Lose to Willamette Willamette university's track squad scored an easy 97-26 vic tory over Oregon College of Education at McCulloch sta dium Tuesday. '' Outstanding Individual per former, however, was an OCE man. " ' ? He Was Don McKenzie, for mer Salem high school athlete, who scored 19 of his team's 26 points. McKenzie took firsts in the 100 yard dash, the 220 yard dash and the broad jump, and tied for first In the high Jump. 'Of the 14 events on the pro gram, Willamette won firsts in 11 of them. McKenzie was the only OCE man to score a win; Mile 1, Stephenson, Wi J, Impey, W; (do other entries). Time, 4:36.4. 4401, Orllllth, W; 3, Miller, Wi I, Lalland, W. Time. M.J. 1 loo 1, McKenile, OCE; 1, Cocking, W; , Vii Horn, w. Time, 10.0. High hurdle 1, Benton, W; 2, standl ter, W; I. Arnold, CCS. Time, 15.S. M0 1. Bergman, W; S, Hovla, Wi I, Kim, OCX. Time, I:ot. 3301, McKenile, OCE; 1, Ten Born, W: J, Zolon, w. Time, 32.4. Two mile 1, Stephenson, W:' 2, Km tjey, W. (No other entrlei.) Time, 11:04. Low hurdle 1, Benson, W; 2, .Arnold, TV; 3, Cocking. W. Time, 36.4. I Javelin 1, Olteon, Wi 2, Benson, W; S, arove, OCX. Distance, 147 feet, In ches. Shot 1, Hltehman, W; 3, OUson, W; I, Alfred, W. Distance, 4t leet, tV In ches. 1 , Broad lump 1, MeKenale," OCR. 3, Schuls, Wi 3, Slunile, W. Distance, 31 feet, 3 Inches. Huh jump 1, tie between echulxe, W, and McKenile, OCT; 3, colvard. w. Height, t feet, 11 inches. Pole vault 1, Malcolm, Wi 3, tie be tween Swift,-' W, and Arnold, OCE. Helshth, 10 feet, I Inches. Discus 1, Gllson, W; 2, Porter, W; S, Hltehman, W. Dtatance, 131 feet, Inches. Salem Vikings Win Seventh Straight Game Salem high school's Viking baseballers racked up another easy victory at Waters park Tuesday, crushing Mt. Angel 13-0. It was the seventh straight win for Salem. Salem scored 10 runs in the second inning on only four hits, and coasted in after that. Mt. Angel was limited to only three hits by Salem pitch er Gary Smith. Sslem (13) () Ml. Ansel B H O A Campbl.lt 2 1 0 OBchht.c H O A Rlce.ss 10 13 Ormn.2 2 P.Jntie.lb 1 1 4 OSchmti, 3 C Jntie.cI 1 1 3 0Uhtft.lt 3 Osbom.c 3 1 OP.Tnr.p 3 Sprlner.3 12 0 lScmdt.l 1 OreiB.rf 0 0 0 0 Free.rf 3 Pedersn.3 4 1 0 2Herrls.s 3 O.Smlth.p 4 10. 3Hcket,ct 0 Psyne.lf 2 0 0 OOrtiqe.c 3 L.&mith.s 3 0 1 lReeves.3 1 Kurls,lb 3 1 OT.Trsr.l 3 Beck.cf 1 0 1 OLmbrt.p 3 Pickens, 3 10 0 1 Eolton.rl 3 0 10 ' Totals 31 t 31 10 Totals 33 3 It Sslem Runs 3 10 0 010 013 Has 3 4 1 100 013 Ml. Ansel Runs ........ 0 0 0 000 0 0 HIU 0 0 030 1 3 Pllchlns: IP AB H R ER SO BB O. Smith .. 7 31 3 0 0 0 T. Trseser lti t 3 4 1 3 Lambert .. 4 23 4 3 1 4 4 VP Trasses, Lambert. HP areas 2. Winner Smith. Loser Traeaer. PB Bochhelt 3. LOB Bslem 10, Mt. Antel 4 Errors Rice, Buohhelt 3, Schmlta 3, T. Traerer, Schmidt, free. 3EH P. Pantie. 2BH Lllhtloot. RBI Campbell, P. Janlaa 3, C. Jantse 3. Osborn 2. Sprlnaer. Federaon. rH Rice. Umps Vandervort, Bale. Time 1:40. Church Softball In Senior church league soft ball play Tuesday, First Pres byterian nosed Calvary Bap tist 9-8, Grace Lutheran thumped Evangelistic Temple 8-2, Nazarere trounced First Methodist 16-0, First Christian defeated Liberty Church of Christ 12-2, and Free Meth odist had a field day against Leslie Methodist, 33-0. Salem Senators are scheduled to start their Western Interna tional league seasonat Waters park against Calgary. Jim Mosolf, hard-working chairman of the banquet com mittee, reminds fans that wom en are particularly invited to the big banquet. ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, April 22, 1953 a a -," rive More Points a former Salem high school athlete, Is about to break th tape at the finish of the 220-yard dash to score five points toward his total of 19 in an OCE-Wiilamette track meet at McCulloch stadium yesterday. Ted Ogdahl (right) clicks his stopwatch at 22.4 seconds. Finishing second was Van Horn of Willamette (second runner from right), and third was Zoelch of Willamette (runner at right). Willamette won meet 97-26, despite McKenzie's 19 points. " si 10th Gives Bevos Portland (U.R) Pinch hitter Herm Belch knocked out a two-run homer in the last of the tenth Inning last night to give Portland a 5-4 baseball victory .over Sacramento. , , ' Reich's homer broke up the hectic extra Inning staffed by relief pitchers for each team. It gave Che Johnson a loss to add to his record and Larry Ward a win after he had re lieved by Dick Waibel. . The inning ' opened 3-J. Bob Dlllinger singling, scor ed when Fletcher Robbe dropped a fly, giving the Sol ons a one-run margin. , Portland put Hank Arft on second with a double after two men had gone down, then Reich, batting for Aaron Rob inson,) hit his homer over the left field fence, Portland pulled into the tie in the ninth after trailing the entire game. Don Eggert and Dino Restelli settled on second and third after singles and a wild pitch by Bert Barkelew. Robbe hit a single and scored the pair on base. Sacramento's big Inning was the fifth when Ray Dandridge and Len Attyd singled and then scored on Dillinger's long tripple. San Francisco (U.R) The Los Angeles Angels and Se attle Kainiers continued to run one-two In the race for the Pacific Coast League pennant today while extra inning ball games proved the downfall of California clubs which are invading the Northwest. The Angels turned back the San Francisco Seals, 6 to S last night to keep a game up on the Seattle Rainiers, who downed San Diego 5 to 4 in ten innings, Oakland lambasted the Holly wood Stars, 12-5, to go into a last place tie with the Padres. The Bevos now are in third place by a full game over the fourth place Twinks. Willie "The Knuck" Rams dell went 8 Innings to re ceive credit for the Seraph's triumph over San Francisco, but had to be helped by Randy Gumpert. After the Seals had scored twice in Ihe first, L, A. knotted the count in the third as Bob Talbot homered with Red Hollis on first. Then came a rousing An gelino sixth In which they pounced on Walt Clough for three tallies. Fred Richards singled, was doubled to third by Bob Usher and came home on Dick Smith's single. Gene Baker then chased 1953 Models Now In Stock See the New IS H. P. Evin rude with Auto Lift Hood It Trolls! Used Motors 1 H.P. Up Boat Paint and Equipment Fishing Tackle , Tour Evlnrude Dealer In Salem for 17 Tears . Hain's Outboard & Sport Shop '1201 S. Commercial Phone J-6050 Governor ' Paul Patterson will be on hand to give the Senators a word of encour agement. S will such base, ball notables as Wes Seoul merieh, Bill Scbuble and Ted Norbert. Sacramento man ager Gen DeSoutels and hl NEWS AND FEATURES Page IS vo - rcun nomer in PCL STANDINGS W L Pet. W L Pet. Los Ant 16 S .727 Sn Prftl 10 11 .470 Seattle II 7 .082 Bcrmnto 3 13 .331 Portland 12 .171 Bn Dleio 1 II .313 Hlywood 12 11 .122 Oakland 7 It .311 Tuesday's Results; Seattle 4. San Dleio 3 (10 Innings). Portland B, Bacramanto 4 (10 lnnlnis). Los Anielee c, Ban Francisco 9. ; Oakland 12, Hollywood I, both boys home with a three bagger that sent Clough by by. Bob Savage took over and was tapped for another Sacrament (4) ) Portland B H O A ESOA Dlllmr.ct f, 3 2 0 Austin.! 112 Bockmn,3 4 0 3 3 IRbbe.rt 6 3 3 0 Rltchey.o 4 0 4 1 Rusel.lt 4 110 Brovls.rl t 0 1 OOldlte.cf 4 14 Jones.lb 4 2 10 OBsnskl.3 3 1 Bherldn.lt 3 13 0 Arft, lb 1 1 14 0 Dndrdie,3 4 11 SKiert,t 1 1 2 Attrd.ss 4 14 3 Rbnsn.o 440 Schani.p 3 0 0 lWard.p Slip Brkelw.p 1 0 0 Oa-RestlU 11 C.Jhnin.n 0 0 0 0 Walbl.o S0 O'Heicn i a v u Total 37 I 20 11 Totals 40 12 30 13 a 2 out when wtnnlni run acorsd. a Stnsled lor ward In 8th. . . b Homered lor Itoblnson In 10th. Sacramento ... 100 O20 000 1 4 Hits 100 131 ooi l Portland 000 000 102 2 fi Hit 101 002 103 312 Pitching! IP AB R H XBJ BB SO Shan tt 33 1 t 3 3 3 Barkelew .. IV, 4 3 1 1 11 Johnson ..0 13 110 0 Ward 33 3 7 S I 3 Waibel .... 1 1 1 O t 1 R Dllllwer 1, Dandrldae, Attyd, Arft. Essert, Ward, Restelli, Reich. RBI Dll linger, Robbe 3, Auatln, Reich 2. E Robbe 3. 2B Jones, Gladstone, Robba, Arft. 3B Dlllinger. HR Reich. SB fiherldan, Dlllinger. DP BaalnskL Aus tin and Arft: Xggert unassisted. Lett Sacramento 0; Portland 10. Winner Walbeli Lossr Johnson. U Bents, Pel. kouda,and Ansks. T 3:17. A 1,933. Spartans Down Sweet Home, 6-2 Corvallis Corvallls defeat ed Sweet Home 6-2 in a base ball game on the Corvallis field Tuesday. The Spartans got all six of their runs off starting Sweet Home pitcher Ted Owens. Bob Morley, who came In to relieve Owens during the fifth inning, held Corvallis in check the rest of the way, giving up no runs and one hit. Dave Gambee went the dis tance on the hill for Corvallis, giving up four hits. His team mates played errorless ball be hind him. Eldon Younger of Corvallis was the only hitter in the game with more than one hit. He had two singles in three trips to the plate. Frank Beer of Corvallis and Ed Norquist of Sweet Home each had triples. sweet Home , ooo 300 01 4 4 Corvallis 030 130 1 I Owens, Morley (I) and Alwerti Oera bee and Edwards. EVINRUDE MOTORS BURCHCRAFT BOATS- shortstop, Rlchey Myers, formerly a Salem Senator,; will be special guests. The entire Salem team, of course, will be there, too. ! BUI Robertson, Oregon State college trainer, will add a bit of spark to the baseball lunch Lefty Stops Brooklyn; Yanks Tie for AL : By CARL LUNDQUIST New York OJ.R) Crafty Curt Simmons of the Phils exploited a weakness today which eould prove fatal to the Dodgers. They may run into trouble this year against left handers. In 1952 the Dodgers were simply murder against lefties and few club dared to start a southpaw against them. During the entire season, the only lefty to start and go the route with a victory over Brooklyn was Harry Perkowskl of the feeds. The others were pretty badly racked up. But last night Simmons spun a five-hit, .7 to- 1 victory in which he cashed in on a homer by Del Ennis and on a barrage of early inning safe blows. At the same time Simmons struck out Roy Campanella three times and Duke Snider twice. At Pittsburg, the Giants were pushed temporarily into last place when the Pirates stODDed them. S to 4. behind the pitching of Bob Friend, who scattered seven hits. Cal Abrams, not noted as a long ball hiter, poled a homer in the fifth when Pittsburg went In front to stay. ' The Beds won a home run battle from the Cardinals, 5 to 4 at St. Louis as a pah of homers In the fifth by Bobby Adams and Wally Post with a runner on base more than offset slmiliar blasts later by rookie Ray Jablonskl with two on and by Peanuts Low rey with the bases empty. . 5-4 Win run In the seventh. Frank Kalin homered for the Seals in the ninth. There was no-' body on. Seattle was handed a free pass to victory by kindly old Al Benton of San Diego in the tenth when he walked Ray Ot ter, with the bases loaded Howsever, Memo Luna, at h o had put the winning tally on the sacks before Al took over, got hooked for the loss. The Padres held a 3-1 lead when the home half of the eighth started. Then Jackie Tobin tripled in one runner to narrow the gap and he tailed on Gordon ' Golds berry's single. That kept the Suds in the game until they eould Ice It in the tenth. Home runs by Bill Howter ton and Len Neal helped the Oaks cruise to their 12-5 joy ride over the formidable Stars. Al Gettel went all the way for the winners. Soft, new ventilated casual IFjyiltA m nit i UWWffflt V - Aa aM HMV YOUNO IDEAS M HBtf SHOES OPEN FRIDAY ArrDDoacLkD 481 STATE ST. eon with his rendition of "Casey at the Bat,,? The Salem Rotary quartet will nlng. Leo Relmann will Introduce the guests as only Leo can In troduce them. ; : , - . In addition to the food and the long list of colorful Major Leagues , . (B Th Associated press) ABaEfUUAN LKAUUE r W L Pet. W L ret. 3' .300 4 .430 4 .333 .141 St. Louis t 2 .214 Boston 3 New York I 3 .TMPhlladol 3 Chleaio 3 S .000 Washing t Cleveland 3 3 .000 Detroit" , . t Tuesday's Beanltsi' New York 1, Boston S. Cleveland 4, St, Louis I. ,'. Chleaio 7, Detroit S, Washlni ton I, Philadelphia 1, NATIONAL HAGUE W L Pet. W L Pet. Brooklyn 4 3 Ml Chleaio 11 .300 Louis 3 1 .OOOUIlwkee 3 3 .400 Phlladel 3 3 .100 Plttsbri h 3 3 .400 CtncnnaU 2 3 .000 New Yrk S 4 ,333 Tneaday's Besultsi Philadelphia 7, Brooklyn 1. . ; , Pittsburgh t, New York 4. , Cincinnati 5, St. Louis 4. " Cincinnati I, St. Louis 4. ,-U. In the American League, the place tie with the Browns by defeating the Red Sox, 1 to 0 on six-hit pitching by Allie Reynolds and a timely homer, first in Yankee Stadium this season, by Joe Collins.. Marv Grisson" was the loser on a five-hitter. The Browns tumbled from sole possession, of the lead by Parrish Pockets Third Straight Jr. High Victory JUNIOR HIGH STANDINGS w L ret. Pirrlah . 3 4 1.000 West Kim 13 .333 Leslie . 1 3 .250 The Parrish Pioneers cap tured their third straight win Tuesday as they walloped the Leslie Rockets 14-2 at Leslie field. .. ' . Parrish, coached by Clay Egelston, Jumped off to a 8-0 lead in the first inning and from then on Leslie was never In contention. Parrish added four in the third frame and iinisnea scoring in in nun inning with five runs.' ' Lou DeLoretto's ' Rockets scored single tallies in the sec ond and fifth. Jack Loy gave Leslie but three hits while his mates were -garnering 13 off three Leslie pitchers. Parrish 804 000 014 13 3 Leslie 010 010 O 2 3 3 Loy and Stephens; Jones, Fredericks (4), Bayse (01, and Mark, Loyne (81. Lewis and Clark Downs Pilots Portland (U.R) Lewis and Clark scored a 4-2 victory here yesterday over Portland uni versity as Don Allen and Dave Daniels drove across two runs to break up a 2-all tie. Ron Lewis singled for the Pioneers and advanced to sec ond on a scarifies. : Allen's triple scored Lewis and then Allen came home on Daniels' single. Grante&r Cool comfort for yoea in this new ventilated bottle and strap casual. Smartly crafted in glove smooth, wapef-ooft leather. Esttv ( going cnb-fi-csepe soies. Great catch for only At teen hQUtCK NIGHT 'TIL t rw r . mm mm m aw characters, there will be an other Incentive for fans to at tend. Every lunch will con tain a ticket to the Salem Senator gam of May IS. Tickets are now on sale at Wlcklund's sporting goods store or may be purchased from Mosolf at Sears, Roebuck. Lead losing a 4-3 decision to the In dians at Cleveland's Bob Lemon scored his second win in a row, a seven-hitter in which he stopped the losers in the late innings. Rookie Dixie Upright hit a homer for St. Louis. , i .. , Billy Pierce of the White i Sox ehalked up his second victory In a row, even though he was hit hard in the fourth Inning, emerging with a 7-5 margin over the Tigers. Charley Stobbs, the lefty who had the misfortune to serve up Mickey Mantle of the Yankees with the longest home run ball on record, was a little more efficient against the Athletics, limiting them to five hits in a 5 to 1 victory at Wash ington. Stobbs pitched no-hit ball for 5ts innings until Dave Philley, hottest of the spring hitters with the Athletics spoil ed the spell. . The Cubs and Braves had an open date in the National. " Phillies Flip Stayton, 12-7 Philomath Philmath scor ed six runs In the fifth in ning, five of them on home runs, in racking up a 12-7 baseball victory over Stayton in a Capitol league game here Tuesday. , Wayne , Carter tossed the Philomath victory. : Both teams played loosely afield. Philomath committed seven errors, Stayton five. - stayton 310 3 0 7 T t Philomath 300 004 II T 1 Mleison and Rlnrlcb; Carter and Oarrlott. . . ' . . . , . f ikWm 600BS SALE Th camping season it just around th corner, May 2nd many of th fin fishing lakes open. Be ready to go! Nowhere will you find values like these in top quality' camping gear . . . These are just a few of the many money-saving itemt, at Cas cade Merc. Ask about our lay-awoy plan. REGISTER NOWf Cascade Mere's Trout Derby. Over $1000.00 in free prizes. No entry fee. Nothing to buy . . . it's all FRCE! Win an outboard motor, sleeping bagt, pinning rods and reels, luret, lines, camping supplies, over 45 big free priiet UMBRELLA TENT UMBRELLA TENT 9x9 Slse dnn50 " Bis . , ft CA With Built-in Floor jLwVml Built-in floor "ICstrl Windows and Awning Gnit Windows and Awning if aJ f Mosqulto-proof Door Comp)ete wltn Mosanlto-proof Door CompIet w,tt Insect-proof Threshold Poles, Pins, etc. Will Sleep 4 to People Poles and Pins Set Up In 10 Mlnntei Reg. $44.80 Easily Set Up In 19 Mm. Beg. f SXSO Rear Room Tent SCOUT RAG An Umbrella Tent with a tjl ffilQ ' " " 1 ; ' : sSFfS-Dm SSJ 1M Kapok Flllea j Wlndowi and Awning . ' Zipper Closure . ; v over m sq. ft. of floor Complete with Canopy Head Flap ; ff , Eaily at-ip in to minutes, l"0'9 Pins, te. Water-repellent Cover Insect-proof floor bolU-in. Reg. $SB.OO Don't Pass This By Beg.fl4.tS CAMPER BAG KODIAIl BAG . , , , t Pounds Wool ruling ; , . . ' J tundg wool IllUng. Nylon Com CA Twin Air Mattress Pocket! II aJfi Twin Air Mattress Pockets ksflU ' Canopy Head Flap UV storm Flap Or.r Zipper ' . Water H-pllnt Corer ... Wind and Water Repellent Reg. f.St.10 Warm Mannel Unlng Reg. f 22.10 Truly a Deluxe Bag TARPS Air Mattress I See our complete ttoek of For All Your Camping Need,. J tffili!'" ' ' W8" hMl' pl"y "H' pUP All 81ns and Weights In Stock LlfeHm CsnHraetlra tents, torpl, jutt about O TwPlr aabbar aat Caarag ... , - $ a constrict! everything In the canvas line, all at tremendoui Bneclsl Tarns Made to Ord., 8P.,oe 2.95 big Mvingi 'v -? V COLEMAN BLANKETS AIR MATTRESS Cemplet Sleek af Slerea, Lanlerna, . inn or ' Heavy 12-Ga. PlSStlS rannsls, Mantlee, Repair Part., W00'.., , . Metal Valve , sten sums, eie. o 8 Ml -Pound Weight ' Full Slse x7I BE Sims an aea Ik Celenaa S- Brand New a A Mnat f or Hwerv 1 barner Camp Store. Uls of eeokl.g Size 64x84 r." BV ' area, leu f keal, a fasabllng . B.,, c - Vamper , areanl. II eeels laet aat sore. Folds A HeaI IC ilC Reg. $C AK' u la a small eh aaekaga, Its I Buy " . $8 95 a'a'teat PORTABLE ICE BOX Kctpf Mel, BatUr, Milk, tit., tor dart. VtM !, litr leii r Snow tdtkl to rr krlBtiiBf fish husk ham. Bit Williit, U-MHd le Hpuiir Bm olrftla lst a mtt irr. $11.95 OPEN EVERY NIGHT Til 9 p.m. lu-inmng v.m uvcr w jv (By The Associated rrees) Oregon notched - Its third straight win without a leas Tuesday in the Pacific Coast Conference Northern Division baseball campaign, but It took ! inning for the Docks to nose oat the Washington Stat Cougars, 1-1, at Eugene. Meanwhile at Seattle, . the Idaho Vandals took over sec ond place all alone as they made it two In a row over the Washington Huskies, 6-5. Only action Wednesday will be at . Corvallis where . WSC opens a two-game series with the Oregon State Beavers. . ' The Ducks, , trailing f -3 going Into th last of th ninth, tied It np against th Cougars with a three run outburst In which a wild throw to first base let in a pair of tallies. Then with Bruce Boldt tat ing the mound for WSC in the 10th the i Ducks rapped out three hits including Don Sleg. mund's game-winning single. Idaho and Washington did all their scoring in the first six frames, with the Vandals getting the winning run In the sixth when Bruce Mcintosh aouDiea, went to third on a 'mishandled relay and scored an ouuield fly.. Wayne An. derson of Idaho got a solo homer in the second, the first or the season at the Washing' Miracle Value Giving CHIT 1953 Spring tlet. 500 to choem Al 1 1 I from. 100 wool flannels, sharksUns, igfW I I ! jabordlnt and trgi. .v. .AIF $55 lo $60 $l-5)50 J ALE Values NOW . . . Open Till 9 O'Clock Friday (tight J. J. r 387 Stole SI. 2 Door Wtrtt of Ubarty rr lui Stop Life Jackets Reg. $11.00 IT. 8. C. O. An proved for ;fnr!s, Winchester Bay, etc. 0 Reg. $8.95 Kapok Sportsman Vest , Reg. $4.95 Kid's Small Sis Vest. . $2 .... .. ell aTtaTl aTVTsr sT WI TeTT T W Trmgi a M I WW M r Kl 7II I I I i I NOftTHsnw Dmnoif smbm sw .. sr Taw AasoeUMa rnas) : " W t. st ore ..I S Law Idas ....... S .ao Oregon Stat , .......1 1 JOS , Washington 4.1 S .St Washington Stat ...t S JM , OaasM TmaaaUn -. f- I," Idaho S, Washington S. , Oregon T, Waihlngton Mats W ta Oaaae Weiwasdar ; Washington SUM st oragce swat. ton park. The Huskies got four In th fifth, capped by Sammy Mitchell's tripl. w a o i lot too ols - it Oregon 000 030 003 1 T IS t Prank, Bold! (10) and Oeppem mbee, Hal .(), Blodgett (1. ant ArerlU, alarUU (10), Idaho no tot tat- S Washington til 40 tot I 13 t Patrick, Ballett (I) - and Oalai lie Cartney, Oltunier (3), Vtll&c (t), Beam (3) ud atuohtli. ., ' Dallas Noses , Sandy, 3-2, x . .Sandy Rob1 Olson, pallai high school pitcher, : sparked the. Dragons to a 3-2 victory over Sandy in a Willamette Valley league baseball gam here Tuesday. ; ; ., Olson limited Sandy to only two hits. Dallas got four hits off Sandy hurler Cllngenpeel. Dal la tot 002 si-S 4 S Sandr 001 ooo 003 t 4 Olson and Glbbs; Cllnagnptal sad Young... .. -. ; Reg. $5.95 GXBlu . K.pok Vest Reg. $5.95 U.S.N. Mae West, new. .. Reg. $4.95 Approved Mel Boat Cushion Reg. $8.95 Approved f JtB Boat Cushion . . . i A OPEN avani NIGHT Til 9 p.m.