WcdnwdJtr. AprU 2 195S TAINTS TOOBiaoW! BOOBS PUM 9:3 7 Come in v : iy j . p Acres Per Day! 1 v Runs 4 Hours Zi V on One Quart V rnr -1 K FREE Power Tool Catalogs Early for: FREE Craftsman Yard Sticks Take the Hard Work Out of Lawn Mowing With This Regular 104.50 Craftsman Sale-savings of 5.00 for at Little as 10.00 Down and 10.00 Month. This Mower Con Be Yours on Soon Easy Payment Plan MS FREE! POWER MOWER DEMONSTRATION Call 3-9191 for Your Froo. Power Mower Demon Motion' at Your Own Hornet SEC These Mowers in Action on Your Own Lawn . . . Take, Over the Controls Yourself! Coll Today . . . Absolutely No OMIfaHon! SHOP AKD COMPARE THESE SALE SPECIALS! Regular 6.95 Craftsman Transparent PLASTIC HOSE 544 tSf 50-feet 'z-ln. ' diameter Wire Hoie Reels 88c wlrt eomtrncUoa, Bold 100 ft. lUndud hot. Bur now SftTtl Plastic Nasties 48c LUhtwtHnl .14 mortal I Allull from powerful to fin. tprcr. Mod. lor loni MrTtca I 4-Drower Cabinets 1.69 Dunl.p .Iffltricl ly w.ldd thMt MML Strong pM IM mm. (Ml SttHH-llKh HM. Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back! This is the finest plastic hose we know of pure, all-new materials make it transparent. 50-feet weight only 6-pounds. Resists age, abrasion, sun, and fer tilizer solvents. Withstands up to 8 times average city water pressure. Reg. 13.95. Save 5.07 by Buying in carton! With rubber hand grips Tray holds 4 cubic feet of dry material! Wheelbarrows Here's the power mower the whole town Is talking about! At its regular price of 104.50 we thought it was unmatched in its price range . .. NOW we are proud to offer you this same mower at the amazing low sale-price of 99.50! Powerful, easy-starting famous-make 1 H.P. gqsoline engine does all the work . . . you Just guide it! Simply raise handle to start . . . lower to stop! Speed is adjustable from slow to fast walk. Five free-reeling alloy steel blades do NOT touch or scrape knife bed ... blades stay sharp longer! See this mower in action today. Shop and compare it and you'll agree it's the power mower buy of the season. Remember, you get this 5 dollar savings during Sears National Hardware Week only! REGULAR 89.95 550 8.00 Down, 7.00 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan (Usual carrying charge) Famous-make 1.5 H.P. engine Lightweight ... only 45 pounds Adjustable cutting heights Quickly mows lawns AND high weeds! Big 18-inch rotary blade does clean, even mowing . . jio dandelion or other stems left stand ing! Perfect on steep inclines and rough ground . . .mows equally well forward or backwards. See it demonstrated at Sears today! Learn all the features and you'll want one for sure! REGULAR 19.95 88 Plenty Free Parking Store Hour ' Mon. & IH. :S0 to 9 P.M. JTOre nOUrS. other Days 9:S to 5:3 3.00 Down, 5.00 Month on Sears Easy Payment Plan (Usual carrying charge) Steel wheels with rubber tires Sealed ball bearings in reel Smooth, comfortable plastic grips Stronger and lighter than cast IronI 5 reel blades are made of austem pered tool steel . , .stays sharp much longer! Quieter, easier run ning "whispering action" ... be cause of spring-type bed knife, lap-ped-ln precision blade adjustment. Buy today and you save 8.07 dur ing this salel . SAVE 40 TO 50 . - mtf-1 Hand Tool Assortment B Choose from 28 special hand tools . . . all really useful . . . practical' tools you need and want for your home and workshop! There are wrench sets, hand drills, saws, rules, pliers, planes, squares, hammers, screwdrivers, razor blades, wrecking bars, wood screw assortments, stove bolt assortments . '. . and many more values! - 3 SAVE 10 TO 25 .MiMSlMrTL -m. r, Mt-wfr 20 Quality Hand Tools Stock up today on these top tiuality Craftsman end Dunlap hand tools . . . price-slashed for this sale only! Punch and chisel sets, socket wrench sets, chisels, screwdrivers, bit braces, hatchets, pipe wrenches, drill sets, power bit sets, squares, ignition sets, plier sets, tool boxes, carpenter vises . . . all this and more! Roller Cabinets New, Improved Craftsman Heavy Steel .... 6.00 DOWN 5.00 MONTH New, easy - rolling -3 -drawer cabinet. Heavy, all-steel. Lock on lower panel for all drawers. 17x36x32-111. overall. 50-Ft. Steel Tapes Chnnse From 2 Popular Models 9 77 Reg. 4.88 91 1 Craftsman "Black and White" steel tapes and Craftsman "Nickel-Plated" steel tapes. Both on sale at Bears! ot jt(m money fact Sturdy Lawn Rakes 12 Teeth; Wide 18-in. Spread 4 ft. Handle . . 76c Easy to use Craftsman . , . Just sweep the lawn I Tempered steel tines. Hardwood handle, Rust resistant enameled finish. 2-Arm Sprinklers Brass Head, Anns, Nozzles Non-tip Base . 4.50 Full-flo inner diameter allows steady forceful pressure. Ad justable for fine or coarse foray. Covers a wide area. 550 N. Capitol, Salem Phone 3-9191 v . I ,...... . . ... . u - - - IT