Tags 12 Queen's Race Close For Lebanon Fete Lebanon Darlene Powell moved into the lead In the cur rent campaign to determine who of nine girls will be queen of the strawberry fair on June 4-8. ( Mii Powell edged out Jean Willi ami, last week's leading canaioaie oy a swi vote lead. In third place is Louise Bishop, Janet fifth, counting 6130 points; Humphreys, 4410, and Lucas, 3500. The other five girls trail the leaders by varying maraina. The queen will be picked from we five girls with highest standings at the traditional queen's ball which is held the week before the opening of the lestivai. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinds. Trasses, Abdo minal Supports, Elastic Ho siery. Expert fitters, private llttinr rooms. "Ask Your Doctor" Capital Drug Store 405 State St Corner of Liberty ' 8H Green Stomps Bowler Knocks Wall , Out of New Residence Everett, Wash. VP) Ed Strege, a grocer, built a new home, felt a little stiff in the muscles after putting on the finishing touches, picked up a bowling ball to limber up and took a practice swing. The ball slipped,. went rock' etlng across the floor. Then ooml . Strege plans to begin work right ; away on a new living room wall. A 1951 census showed Cana da has 8,648 Eskimos. ' Miracle Value Giving SUIT SALE New 1953 styles. Finest quality 100 wool fabrics. New patterns, colors and weaves. Over 500 to choose from. Our regular $45 and $48 SOEOO Suits NOW. .$35' Choice of Gabardines, Sharkskins and Tweeds OPEN FRIDAY NITE TILL 9 O'CLOCK JJ. 7 387 Stale SI. 2 Doors West of Liberty at Bus Stop THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL; Salem, Oregon Wednesday, April 22, 1953 Students Plan Joint Concert . Two bands and an .orches tra, with a combined member ship of about 180 Leslie Jun ior nign pupils, will give a con cert in the school auditorium at 7:30 Thursday night. There will be no admission charge and the general public Is In vlted.. The program, under the di rection of Raymond Carl, will open with four selections by the second section band. Their numbers will include Loyal Guards march, Sweet Clover waltz, Piggy Wiggy fox trot and Young America march. The orchestra of 75 must-' clans will present four num bers: Toy Symphony, Tret Jolie waltz; Jolly Dutchman (for string bass section); and a flute quartet featuring Jean Ha worth, Geneva Nordyke, Lucille Wonderly, Pamela Mor rison. The first, section band is scheduled for five selections: Safaris Overture, Monastery at Sunset, Lady of the Lake (clarinet trio, Joan Klelnke, Carol Hoffman and Karen Thomas); Sleigh Ride (Mary Jane Wait, twirler); Washing ton Post March. ' The combined bands will play' two numbers and the finale will Include the entire group playing God Bless America, with Lvonne Pool, soprano, and the Leslie Girls Triple trio participating. MOVES AHEAD w ' Some forms of life can sur vive at absolute zero the to- tal absence of heat, scientists believe. Only Greyhound Offers GO ONE ROUTE, RETURN ANOTHER! Greyhound serves all 48 states and Canada on 5 main routes East and vast connecting network of highways. Relax, see, save... with finer buses, more cenery.more service everywhere at low cost... by Greyhound! OY1A SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, ALBUQUERQUE restores: uregon uoast, tteawooa umpire, Shasta Cascade Wonderland, femora California Missions, Yoeemito and Sequoia Natl Parks . . . plus Grand Canyon, Indian Cotmtxy, historic Albuquerque. Q VIA SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ANGELES, EL PASO Enjoy uregon ana California features listed under Route 1 above ... plus Colorful Southwest, Tucson, Phoenix, fascinating Border cities, and 1 Paso, gateway to Mexico. VIA RENO -Thrilling features: Shasta-Cascade Wonderland, Feather River Canyon, Lake Tahoe, spectacular Sierra, exciting Reno, beautiful Salt Lake City with Mormon Temple, Tabernacle. O VIA PORTLAND -Travel thru Spokane, Fargo, Minneapolis, Chicago ... or via Columbia Gorge and Palt Lake City. See amazing Yellowstone on the wv.Wide choice of scenic routes through Midwest Walter T. Wright, who has been promoted to re connaissance engineer in State Highway department, with headquarters in Salem. Men Advance In Road Bureau Walter T. Wright. Jocating engineer for the state highway commission in Eugene, has been advanced to reconnaissance en- gineer on a state-wide basis with headquarters in Salem. He is to succeed Frank Waller, veteran reconnaissance engi- neer who is to retire in May. The position involves respon sibility for all initial reconnais sance survey work for the high way department throughout the state. Wright, 33 years old, studied engineering at Oregon State college and first went to work for the department in 1940. He served three years in the Navy in World War II, and has received three previous promotions with the highway department. Wright is a regis tered professional engineer. Other promotions announced by the commission at the close of March include: Hoy W. Pyle, promoted from transitman to assistant resident engineer in Portland, as assist ant to Lowell Johnston, senior resident engineer. Pyle first went to work for the depart ment in 1947. Lyle A. Peterson, promoted from structural inspector to resident bridge engineer in Ba ker. Peterson, 25, is a graduate in civil engineering from Ore gon State college and first went to work for the department as structural Inspector in June, 1949. Warren E. Mueller, promoted to assistant resident bridge en gineer with headquarters in Portland. He will be assistant to Marshall Dresser, resident engineer, for construction of the WilsonviUe bridge and oth er structures in the Portland area. Mueller, a graduate in civil engineering from Oregon State college, has been with the bridge division . since June, 1949. David H. Moehring, promot ed from transitman in Salem to resident engineer with head quarters in Corvallis. Moeh ring, 28, graduate civil engi neer from Indiana Technical college, worked as an engineer for the Indiana highway de partment before joining the Oregon State highway depart ment in 1949. o VIA SEATTLE - Evergreen Playground, Vancou ver, Victoria, Banff, Lake Louise, Jasper! See these wonders, plus Great Lakes Region, on this beauti ful route East by Greyhound. ft Cosft So Unh to S So Mvthl VFW Auxiliary Seals Officers Dallas At their regular meeting on Wednesday, April IS, the VFW auxiliary held its annual Installation of new of ficers. The meeting held Jointly with the VFW was held in the Chamber of Commerce rooms with Mrs. H. D. Peterson, past department president, serving as installing officer. She was assisted by the in stalling team composed of Mesdames Forrest Martin, Ralph Lucanlo, Ed Earl, Tim Blair, Ben Dodge, Lester Mar tin, and Llnza Dennis. Mrs. Lawrence Cook was in stalled as president for the coming year. Her assisting of ficers are as follows: Senior vice-president, Mrs. Ray Carl son; Junior vice-president, Mrs. Wilfred Bowden; secretary. Mrs. Gary Hanson; treasurer, Mrs. Lillian Bilyeu; chaplain, Miss Fanny Dempsey; conduc tress, Mrs. Glen Larson; guard, Mrs. Elizabeth Fisher; trustee, Mrs. Luther Martin; color bearers, Mrs. Richard Benson and Mrs. Thomas Franklin; flag bearer, Mrs. Kenneth Plummer; banner bearer, Mrs. limner Martin; historian, Miss Eva Larson; patriotic instruc tor, Mrs. Harold Schroeder; musician, Mrs. Roy Livesay; assistant musician, Mrs. Wayne Bailey. Two additional flag bearers, Mrs. John Neufeld and Mrs Herschel Mathews, will be in stalled at a later date. Miss Eva Larson, junior past president, presented Mrs. Har old Schroeder, outgoing presi dent with a past president's pin. The officers and committee chairman serving with Mn, Schroeder presented her with a set of dishes. This presen tation was made by Mrs. Cook. Guests were present from Independence, Willamina, Mc Minnville and Dallas. Refreshments were served at the VFW da 11 after the cere mony. ',. . ke Twice Breaks Ninety Washington (U.B President Eisenhower went back to work today with the satisfied smile of a man who has twice brok en 90 on one of the nation's toughest golf courses. The heavy load of official business awaiting him at his White House desk left him little time to gloat over the "immeasurable improvement" in his golf game that he achiev ed during an eight-day vaca tion at Augusta, Ga. He re turned here at 5:33 p.m.; EST yesterday. Mr. Eisenhower looked re freshed and rested despite the attack of food poisoning which he suffered last Thursday. He plunged immediately into White House duties, schedul ing a meeting with the Nation al Security Council today and a session with Republican con gressional leaders tomorrow. BODY TAKEN FROM RIVER Eugene, () Tne body of a Portland fisherman who drowned Saturday was re covered Tuesday from the Siuslaw River. It was that of R. G. Fopham, 38, Portland. One of his companions, Mike Griesen, 50, also Portland, drowned in the same mishap. hi hodv was recovered that Cherry City Electric 339 Chemeketa Phone 2 6762 MMM nasHHHS same day. Phone 4-1451 1955. Commercial .. """" m 'm . t Man Sleeps While Wife Fights Thief Chicago U.PJ Joseph Nes singer, 50, was in the market today for a burglar alarm a loud one. Nessinger slept through a noisy straggle between his wife and a bnrglar who knocked over chairs, tables, slammed against his bed room door, broke some plates and escaped with $42. Mrs. Nessinger had to awaken her husband to tell him what had happened. "REGSHT HEARING AID operates for as low a Vt cent per hoarl N-IM IIEMHI IIUUKEI MORRIS OPTICAL (0. 444 Stale St. Phone 3-5528 L llll Fewer pblishings per year easier cleaning every day! Never before a floor polish like Hard Gloss Glo-Coat! This great new Johnson's Wax discovery gives floors the brightest, hardest polish you've ever walked oa-without fcuffingV . The shine is too hard to get a scuffed-up look-even after weeks of wear. You dont have to re-polish floors nearly so often! Cleaning is easier too. Dirt doesn't grind -in. A quick damp mopping takes off grime but leaves the shine! ..'-, - Get Johnson's wonderful new Hard . Gloss Glo-Coat tomorrow. "JflhwonV "Hard Glou" and "Glo-Cool re tradtmaria of t. C JohMM 4 Son, Inc., lacint, Wiiconinfc John JSSBS3 L Another work-saver from Johnson's Wax research EMM . IWrt QrtAnn Atmt ltr Tm J. L. WELLS, Agent 450 No. Church Phone 2-2428 (eidelb9rg7 Outsells all other Kentucky whiskies because it's- The superb Kentucky flavor of Old Sunny Brook is something' you ought to try. Youll find that it really is "Cheerful as its Name." As a result, it's the largest selling of all Kentucky whiskies 1 Have you tried itt ymmt v III llll II II II I. A BRAND "J II IUI VJ H tc. -J SllO ilO KENTVCKjCjUNPEPJAftUSKSt MBQ5Li-45$GRAlN NEUTRAL SPIRlTSiTHE OLD SUNNY. BROOK COMPANY, IOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY