Tuesday, April 21, 1953 t -NNIS the MENACE )bU JUST POINT AT THE BOX. FOR RENT ROOMS SLEEPING ROOM S0. Kitchen prlvl . lege 139, Mm home. 806 Tamarack. lk7 SLEEPING BOOM tor one or two. 790 N. Church, Phone J. (335. JklOO" MICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Ladr. 085 No. Church. jk6 FOR RENT APARTMENTS MALL APT., close In. adulti. 760 No. Church. Phone 4-3457. p97 KICELY FURNISHED large, clean apt. Utilities XurnlAhed. Reasonable. 365 So. lith. JplM Large, furnished i room apt. close to atate buildings, .hopping center. S30 Garnet. 3-7d. Jp97 VERI ATTRACTIVE, clean furnished apartment. For one or two. Private bath and entrance, ctuy gio. rhone 37810. ,pB7 NICELY furnished 1 room and bath. Clou in, let if. Com'l. JplOO JEi EAN, COMFORTABLE, small apart ment, only 39, Close in. Ladr pro- lerrea, w jerrr St. .pica" vNFURNiflHED AFT. Tjnueualtr attrac tive, roomr two bedrooms. Heat and ." hot water furnished. Automatio wash - r dose In. Box 99. Capital Journal. i ROOM furnished, fuU bath, heat and water furnished. Near Medical Center, S9. 1-3991 or 4-9904, Jp97 j-KOOM furnUhed apartment. 4)4 So. Winter. JP99' FURNISHED bachelor apartmert. One or two man. utilities, 340 Eael Wash Ington. Jp91 I OR 4-BOOM furnished Court apart mentt, close in. 3-0948. Jp99a FURNISHED 9-room and den, private, utilities. 4-4011. 330 Mission, lp- FERT NICE, cloae-ln, 8-room apartment. Furnished or unfurnished, 3-8333. FOB GENTLEMAN, large 1-room fur nuhed apt. with refrigerator, 959 Cen- ' ter. JPS5 IXQU1SITS, l-room, bath, large, good view, ground floor. Phope 2-1117. Jp99 MICE APT. for 3, one block east ol Memorial Hospital. 605 So, Summer, IP9' klCELI FURNISHED 1-room ground , floor. Electric range, refrigerator. Private bath and entrance. 910. Phone 41077. 1770 M. front. JP971 KICELY FURNISHED apartment with range and refrigerator. Private bath, washing faculties and utilities In cluded. 94). Close to capllol bulld Inga. Phone 43413, ,ploo FOUR-ROOM APARTMENT Neat and clean. In a good location. 131.50. Adultg only. Call In person. F. H. WEIR, REALTOR 1347 8. Com'l. Ph. 39411 NICELY FURNISHED apartments! Am bassador ApU. HO No. 8ummr. Jp PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, Clean. AdulU. M, 3560 Portland Rout. Jpl03 NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apt., clots m. dip no. coiiate. jpua" fURNISHED tide duplex. Hollrwood, Clean, basement, tdult. tBS43, isflo Mccoy. jpso' COLUMBIA APTS,. furnished or unfur nlshed, modern I room, electric heat, garase, bus close, no pets. 33 u Fair around Rd. H. C. Humnel. Jp&5" NICELY FURNISHED small apt., bath, utilities. Walking distance. 450 So. Capitol. Jpt5 t NICE APTS. furnished, clou to unl versltr. state capltol. 30714. JpBfl' SEVERAL furnUhed apartments, good location, inquire u, u oiiii rurnnure, Phone 3-9185. jo FOR RENT HOUSES (BEDROOM, lull basement, eawdust zurnece. pnone e-nei or a-. jm1 CLEAN 1 bedroom hoiue, partly furnish ed. electric range. Near 31 rd and Atate. 145. 36163. imdi ftp ELY NEW 1 bedroom house, with iui.iti.uic, iniitc, n.au " smiajiiiiB.. No pets. Couple only. Convenient Enst . suburban. S57.B0. Phone 30010. Jm07 BEDROOM MODERN family lyut home. Fruit and berries. References required. Will be shown Wednesday alter 13 noon. 3635 Qarden Rd. JmBfl' trVFURNISIIED, 1 - bedroom duplex, stove and refrigerator. Phone 2-4708 Jm95' 4 BEDROOM house, clean, partly furn- isneo. Phone 3-0388. ll IB mine, jmBe FURNISHED amall 3-bedroom, Inquire at 2130 Brown Road, fiwegla district, Jm9fl COZY, CLEAN, small, furnished collate Adults. 35. 818 N. Commercial. Jm96' ONE-BEDROOM COURT rental, tile bath. 145. One-bedroom court rental, completely furnished, tile bath, ISO. Phone 4-1761. or 3-4664. Ji ROOM & BOARD TOR CHRISTIAN air', no smokers. Phone 347043 afternoona or cvenlnss. IJB7' Board AND room (or elderly men. aid E St. )Jfl' OFFICE FOR RENT OROUND FLOOR olllce or etore apace lor rent, call at ruts Manet, Jo DOCTORS. DENTISTS, ETC. New 3 room suite, corner Bellerue and win t' ter. Near Relent Uemorlal hospital. J Phone S5I3. oo. i LOST 8. FOUND T"LOST Cocker puppy, 7 months old; "Micky," corner Nebraska and capital at noon. Pamily pet. Reward, a-4033, ko?" i (OUT Evening 16lh. at the Al Ksder l'- Kapera, . new brown tweed mixture 1 topcoat, leather buttons, raglan ti gleerea. Ur Suetneu card In th. Inside i pookeu Phone 3-5313, Frank Talman. L . k5 i iMISCELUNEOUS BEE-RITE ! ' TRUCKS O-DRTOi 1 ( MOVE TOURSELP I SAVE 4 L PICKUPS STAKES VANS p TEXACO STATION V. 911 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1911 AOl STEVENSON and AL MEPPORD By Ketcham g-f- 1U 0RIM61TPOWN. MISCELLANEOUS SAUU9 (AND ORAVEL COUP ANY Contract Work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental . Bitching br the root Phone Sara 1-9109 tvaa. 1-4411 or 1-7411 Balem, Oregon n' DENTAL PLATS REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CARES DR. HARVEY REMLER. DINTUT ' Adolph Bids., stata ds Commercial Ste. SALEM ph. 3-3811 m BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. 3i, 11 Inches clear, III No. I, I inchee dear, 14, No cap wood or oulla. Coma and get them. Ted afuller, -Balem-lndependenoa Road. Pn, Balem 3-1196, ma' NOW Make that home sparkle with a new roof tbla aprlng, betore the rush be gins. Call 4-6011 or 1-4631. Cascade Rooting Co. ' maM KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and Closeouts 0i - Ma. A MMMBS VOB - ' -in Kit . yarn . l r1 no. ill aiding. 75.00 u. 1x4 em cBtr. ms ......106.00 U. Hl r1 oadar aiding 61.00 11. 5000 lln. 1H . r1 DJtStr. oval easy. .. ...m ... 1000 lln. 1H 1 lattice (ataued) M ft, hi lln. 1" moulded casing DAtBtr .03 t, 1500 lln. ttnlH - r1 D&Btr. bsis .m it. 5DO lln. 3" downspout up is. 1500 It. 3X6 - r1 S&Btr. TSO KD .- 150.00 M. is dm. 4fix9fi . Va" reject Dly..l5o so .ft. 3 PCs. 41x94 K" reject ply... lie at. ft. CLOSEOUTB work clothes, carpenter a painter overalls 35 off Plumaing dt housewaru .36fV oft Bea us before rou buy power tools, we have on hand eleotrio drills, Stanley ft Miner Falls power saws, i anapere, 1 drill press, benoh grinders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, saw & drill press, lawn mowers. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front Court Street Phone 8-9111 we orva a at b oreen stamps me1 BUILDER'S SPECIAL New planed lum ber. S15 per at. and up, delivered. 3-3043. mall6 Building? New wetthent ripped window eom pletely werobled. bundrodi In itock ready to to, IU up. New picture wlndowi IB OO New doon a'8"x6'8" $5.50 3-Ubj hexagon rooflnt ...16.95 l-ttb thlckbutt roollnf IS. 99 On painted cedar nhiKe 15.75 Reverie trip tolleU, torn pie W ,..$25.B0 New 30"xl8" WAKh btuiin H7.50 Cast Iron bath tutu, complete ...169.50 New hower cablntu, complete. .$43.00 80011. eteet eepuo tuki $63.50 4" loll pipe 70 New electrlo wter heater ..... .$13.80 New ateel aaraie doori ,..$5S.Oo Asbcctos tiding $9. SO No. 2 cedar ehlnslej ,...$5.00 No. S cedar ehinglei .....$3,75 New plasterboard 4x8 11.40 Exterior white paint Oral.) ....$3.95 Mahogany A birch plywood. ..bargain Water proof wall board, 4x1 .,..$1.75 New S-ln. Plywood nfec New bath r. aeu. complete $86.00 C. G. LONG & SON Phone 45051 1 ml. north ot Keller ma REDUCED 85 00 PER DAT UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. 3-speed shut automatio alerter, Starting price April 14th, 3386.50 APRIL 22, $251.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front Court St. Phone 3-9111 WE OIVZ 8. Ac H. OREEN STAMPS NURSERY STOCK riimrE (ILOXINEAR now blooming. Vtiltore welcome at Saiem'a African Violet headquarters. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomato. A bedding plants. Oppen's Oree-nhouee, 4380 Auburn Rd. mblH' primrorks 35e each: Sweet William, 10C each. 3831 Midway Drlre. Phone 36811. moioo' NORTHWEST STRAWBERRI Phone 4-3511. planta. mbt7 HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood. Ph. 33183. 3497 Hollywood Drlre. mblOB For Sale MISCELLANEOUS MODERN bleach oak dining aet. 7-pc. Exunds la seat 10 people. Nice condi tion. Strictly a bargain, 81 50. Olenn Woodry. 1605 No. Summer. n95' TV SET, electric Ironer. refrlserator, and rollawar beds. aU practically new and priced right. JarhawE Trailer Salea, 3610 Portland Rd. r96' 3-WHEEI. TRAILER, ball hitch, 815 Woodrr. 1601 No. Summer. !' BID, DREKSER, library table, Schick rasor, niaceuaneoua eiotnea. i-vsee. nM1 USED ROLLAWAV bed. A-l, Woodry. 1609 No. Summer. 97.10. B99' AUTOMOBILES LODERBROS. MAKt A DATE WITH THE "ROCKET l" '82 0LD3M0BILE 88 HOLIDAY . . . Very low mlleafi, immaculate throughout, radio and rear teat speaker, Autronic eye. Cuitora loung teat! trimmed with leather. Popular 2-tone green and cream, electric window lift ...$3295 51 HUDSON CLUB COUPE. Hydramatlc. radio, heat, er, an exceptional car throughout and very pop ular model $2288 BIT, DRIVI AND BUY, TO APPRECIATE LODERBROS. TOUR OUXUOI1LE DIALER For Sale MISCELLANEOUS Used Electric Console cabinet sewinv machine, aood condi tion and guaranteed. Bargain t 3.M. Singer Sewing Center ISO N. Com'l. ntT NEW LAMP table, I4.U. Olenn woodrr. MOg No. Bummer. ns&' KELVINATOB relrlgeratora, reasonable. 330 Ulsalon. n93' ELECTRIC RANGES, new and uud, alto relrlgeratora. aala priced. Olenn Woodry'a, ldog No. Bummer. &95 BOY'S BICYCLE, Mooter, canning Jars, laria wardrobe trunk. 300 No. Slat. n" TON CHAIN hoist with trolley & II toot ateel track. Complete or aeperata. Reasonable; 4-3598, 3-3BS1. nOT OAS RANGE, sewing machine. Iloor lamps, maple table. 360 No. 3lst. n96 LE.L. POWER SAW lor salt, good con dition, reasonable, fhona 1-3734 or 3-1338. nDt TWIN SIZE bo eprlnaa, ti. Woodry'a. 1605 Mo. Bummer. aienn n9t TIRES, 600x16, car radio. Phone 37573. n96" CASH DRAWER and adding machine, 195 takes both. Also olllco deslca and chairs. Cheap. Olenn Woodry'a, 1606 No. Summer. n96' OIL HEATER, loo gallon barrel), atova pipe, A-l condtlon. complete, 830. 1835 N. Cottaae. n0" PLAY PEN, 36.50. Olenn Woodrr. n9S PIANO lor sale, good condition. 1493 Franklin. Phone 3-3744. n9t' SET CLUB aluminum cookware. Electric come percolator. 116.00. Phone 38066 not I'll' BEAVX plate mirror, ti price. 819, sya xu- piate, apo. si,ea, a' aoor mir rors, new 19.46. These art really wortn to. money, uienn woodt-ys, 160B No. Summer. n96 EXCELLENT BARNYARD fertilizer. Phone 43470 or 43907. nee" LIKE TO RECOVER? Small ohannel baok wing chair, 313.10. Olenn Woodry'a, 1606 No. Bummer. n96 Fertilizes pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywnere, s-0774 or 3-5073, IU03 4 oood TIRES and Ufa guard tubes, ouuxiB. 3030 Lancaster or. n9l FLOOR LAMPS, Inc. bowl and shads, n.ee. woocry, isoa no. (rummer. n05' DROPLEAP DESK, llt.lOi each regie- ter. 8451 daveno, 817.901 baby crib, 313; refrigerator, $46; elect, range, 313.501 new garden hoes, 81.31; new garden rakes, 91.90, Lawn mowers enarpened. SNOOK-.'S SAROAIN OENTXR 13H Broadway Ph. 41739 MB" TWIN BEDS, Inc. coll spring and good mattress. Finest of values, 634.90. uienn woooryg. 1605 Ho. aummer. n9I 1 STEPLADDEI. 9 fl.l 1 Danel door. 3-6x6-91 9 bed., complete; 3 dressers) 1 Chest drawer.: 1 walnut llbraw t.hU; I reed rockers; 3 flddleback chairs: 1 electric heater. 1335 N. tth. n9J Organic Fertilizer Free of weed seeds, and odorless Sack or bulk ordera delivered. Phone 1-1187. nll8 EARLY AMERICAN corner china cup. board, 639.76, aienn woodry'a, 1601 no. summer. n95' METAL FENCES Oieln link or ornamental tvoae. residential and Industrial. No lob too large or too email. Material only or 30D complete. Re. estlmatee. BORKMAN LBR. A HDWE. CO. 9400 Stata Street Ph. 9-3701 B89 H HORSE eleot. motor, good. (6.50, Woodry, 1601 No. Summer. n9S' TOP SOIL Pill dirt, garden land. 2-0549. NEARLY NEW double laundry trays, lira Evergreen. rial DESK 423.80. USED MERCHANDISE mart ,270 so. Liberty fit., phone 46371. DOS' CANVAS and metal patio and porch onaire. la.ss up. aienn woodry', leot) no. oummer, n95 Mcculloch chain saws, sob Edse- waur, west Baitm. eaiem LogBiDi Sup ply. Ph. 4-1841. n STEEL clotheillnt posts, planters, rail- ini poron eoiumna, lurniture. 1145 n. Liberty. nlll LADY'S BICYCLE, In Rood condition, Reasonable. 438 Jefferson. n95 SCIIW1NN BIKE, $18.50. Hand brakea, double Hahti. other (men'a and worn- n't 10. Oienn Woodry'a, 1605 No. Summer. n9ft ROTTED MANURE 1,000 yards, the best we have ever had. For tood org-anlc results order rotted cow manure that you can use without fear. $0.00 per yard. 4 yards in. o yards 125. io yards 840. Flax stones, lava stone, fence posts, 44 siakM and rustic red cedar fencing, Phillips Bros., Rt. 5, Box 493, Ph 43081, Salem. 3 ml. E. 4 Corners, n 830 ALLOWED for your old water beater on ibis new 43-fallon automatic elec trlo water heater. Yeater Appliance, 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. USED washing machines, 89.05 and up. YE A TEH APPUANCB CO.. 375 Cha m etc eta. n SALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bea rinse for truck! no tractors. 77t anverton Road Gravel and Sand Anything In gravel, wholesele and retail. VALLEY SAND dt ORAVEL CO. Pi. 3-4003. GOOD TBOR washer, 116.50. Glenn Woodry, 1609 No. Summer. n' SWINO ROCRF.RS-118.S0. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 So. Liberty Ht. pnone 46371. not1 FREE Weetlnghousa aevlng machines on all floor sampiea. save ud to 40 YEATER APPUANCE CO., 171 Che meketa. na Used Singer Electric Portable aewlng machine, looks Ilka new, Al condition, new mechlne guarantee. Only 989.90. Singer Sewing Center 130 N. Com'l. n87 lAW.NMUWER. 94.30. Olrnn Woodrr. nl' PLARTI-ROTE reouirea no waring. Por your floora or linoleum. TEATER AP PUANCE CO, 371 Chemeketa. n' CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo polet, fence pacta, bean pfltU and atakea. Phillip Brci.. Rt. t, Boi M. t mutt eat ot 4 Cornera Ph. I30 tv DEKPfRRFZE home frITI YEATER 1 APPLIANCE CO, 311 Chemeaela, V THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrtffM AUTOMOBILES For Soli MISCELLANEOUS BUtrRIGERATORS, NEW And UMd. XCATUt APPUANOS tTOH ITS 47M- meketa. B BOSPIIAL BED for gal. or rant. BL L. stiff Purnltur. Co. Phone 3-9199. B TOP SOIL River all! and fill din, prompt de livery, Phone 1-1749. B Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRX WANTS Pianos, Phone 14119. na- ELECTRIC RANQES. Woodry'a. Ph. na 3-9110. LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Longtha r " or 16- tr. Diameter 9" to 19". sawmUL Lttigthg 13' and longer. Diameter 9 to 90". Top prices paid. , Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Fbona 1139 na PERSONAL HUSBANDS, WIVES! oet Pep, Vim; ftel younier. Try verm wnw LETo today, 11.10 elae only 9lo. In Balem. at Payleu. alio druullU ev erywhere. P9T ALCOnOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. 1. 3088 N. commerolal. Pb. 1-4637. pllT AUTOMOBILES ' real BUY, 1917 Packard 9. Very good condition, good tires, radio ax beater, slsnal llshts. Phone 38065. 0.96 1930 DODQE 4 door. Oood aa a new one. Radio, heater. Phone 41607. qiw 67 DE SOI'O coupe, cletua Mintcn. Call Staytos 3664. flea" lPil kaiser aedan. Radio, heater. New motor. 350 V4 Belmont. Q.95 81 CHEV. 4 door. Radio-heater. Oood ahao., 91460, H. E. Wldmer, Rt. 1, Eos 939 Salem. Call Dayton 39X11. 0.97 1941 PONTIAC aedanett., 1180. Terme. Phone s-4133 oaya. qee- BEAUTirDL HARD top 1951 Packard, original owner, excellent condition, low mileaae. Price 11,000. Box 69, Capital Journal. ' ' 096' 1849 MERCtBT Club Coupe. Radio, heater As overdrive. Low - mileage. 81295. E. Hediea, Rt 3, Box 105. Turner, Ore. Q96 1010 BL'ICK SEDAN lor sale or trade. Oreen trailer at Highway Auto court. J. c. Pershall. 01 00 '40 NASH 4-door, good oondltlon, good tires. 640 so. summer. qw 1030 PACKARD sedan (or eale by prl vate party. 61380. Radio, beater, over. drive. 46459. Q97 1UI8 PLYMOUTH deluxe sedan. Klngwood Ave. MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1951 ALLSTATE motor scooter With ac cessories. Oood condition. 3-0011 alter 4:00 p.m. 8265 Portland Road. 0807 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CHEVROLET valve grind, complete la. bor. 816.30. Bill Hulst Auto Repair. Ills Barn. Ave., near Colonial Houad. Fnone . rormenr with unovro let. Union ahop. qc99 DAV1NO RADIATOR THOUBLEf Valley Motor Co. expert, will aolv. your prob lems and eave you money. Pre. .stl matee, speedy service. Center at Lib rty. do TRUCKS 46 CHEV. truck, large bed for heavy hauling, tlree and condition food, terras. Phone 3-4122 day. qdDfl OMC DUMP TRUCK 10.7. 3-Speed, Tlr good. 510 Center fit. Phone 3-mi. ' Qd9fl BY OWNER, '46 Do dee 1-ton. 10-ft. aluminum van. 8.50x16 rubber. Excel lent shape, ready to roll. Phono 4-S50B or 4-6653. qdfifl MODEL A truck 100. 1942 4 by 4 ChV. truck. Rt. 8, Box 35, Eola Drive. qdDS BOATS 11-FOOT CENTURY HYDROPLANE Will go over 35 miles per hour. Pow ered by 22-H.P. Johnson outboard mo tor. Insurance Just renewed lor 1300 for one year. Price 1215. SALEM BOAT HOUSE, phone S9303. qq97 MARINE plywood boat and trailer. Ex cellent condition. 290 No. High. FINANCIAL 5 Interest If you hav. ldls fund, aeeklng in vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be of service. Por over Twenlr-flv. Yes re we hav. been helping people In thia community find profitable work for their money. During thlg period wa have promptly paid 00 eeralannual Intereet parm.nio totalling many Thoueande of Dollare. We are currently paying 6 INTEMIT on funds from 6600 to 89000. General Finance Corporation 138 B. COMMERCIAL IT. Salem. Oregon Phon. 9-9181 r SEE US POR FAI1M, CITY OR ACRIAOX LOANSDEBT OP TERMS WI BUY Real estata mortsages it oontraotg State Finance Co. 167 So. High St. Ph. 1-4131 Lie. 8-13 and U-329 and ROY H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" 13:09 Dally K8LM 1300 Ko. OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 139 So. Commercial St. Tel. 1-8141 PRIVATE MONEY Special Ratee and Terma On Larger Loane Lona and Short Tim. Payment. ROY H. SIMMONS 139 So. Commercial St. Ph. 1-9191 LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture, Car AT PERSONAL It "yti" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vliJt loan . . . phone ffnt. You select but payment dita. Between payday loan. Phone, write or coma In TODAY. Personal Finance Co. 105 fl. HIOH ST., SALEM State Licence Not. 8-123, it-161 tosna over 1300 up to $1300 and up to 3D month to repay made by Personal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Orencn. rlOI AUTO LOANS WILLAMtnTB CltfcDIT CO. IM South Church Parkina a-Plenty Ph. Lift. 10. U-lftO. 8-154 POWS CHECK IN .jk-".:-i...:..is4..-.v.? jti :;';A'. f ? - 77 i Jk H.U t.St "i 4 ' 'M $ L. v., ikittmitm'mm '. TfSX-.i,WiAftaM Americans being repatriated it Panmunlont check In at :. a receiving tent as they arrive from communist prison camps. The UN prisoners were among the first group to be repatriated and are not Identified. (AP Wirephoto via radio from Tokyo) Convict Young For Perjury Wflthlngton Herichel Young was convicted Monday night of swearing falsely when he told a Grand Jury in 1951 he had never represented Re construction Finance Corpora- tion (RFC) loan seekers. Young, 46, is an older brother of E. Merl Young, a central figure in an investigation of alleged Influence and favorit ism in RFC operations who was convicted of i perjury March 31. A U.S. District Court Jury of nine men and three women convicted Herschel Young on one of five charges of perjury. The lury had reached no ver dict on two other charges but was discharged when William A. Paisley, the chief govern ment prosecutor, agreed to dis miss these counts. Two remain ing charges were dropped by the government before the case went to the jury. FINANCIAL MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "lfi" out ot your money problems. Up to 1300 on nnau loans. Up to 1500 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. S-116 M-933 Phone 34131 167 S. Hieb St. rioo1 MONEY TO loan on real eitatt. Phone 1-07B4. N17 HOUSE TRAILERS FOB BALK Equity In 1PB1 Liberty bouse trailer. 31 ft. 4-6116. tal03 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makei uetd maohlnw old, rented, repaired. Roan, 451 Court, Pn, J-ms. O. W. KLANO Wrecklm CO. Builders' cheep suppliaa. 8-1395 evenlma. 0116 BULLDOZING BulldoiLnr road, clearini teeth. VirgU Huiker, 1010 Palrvlew, pn. 1-1 H8. 095 CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery or new RCA cash rt alt ten. All makei. aold. rented, re paired. Roen, 469 Court. 4Ph. 3-6771. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowing, dtoclngt aeedtng. Ford equip ment. Marshall. 4571 Market. Phone 3-1343. Q10 DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Al lender. 2-9911. 0106 DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" Way. Call or see Mr. Snelllnf, Valley Mo tor Co., Salem. Phone S-I14T or 4-2074. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen ft Sons. Excavating, grad ing, land clearing. Phone 1-500. olH FURNITURE REFINISHINO Furniture reflnlahlng, repair!. Ed gar Brook. 664 Norway St. Phone 1-0367. 09B Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screen. Free estimates. T. Pullman. Ph. 1-9965. 0112 MATTRKflSES Capitol Bedding, renovates, new mattresses. Ph. 34069. Full Una 9 OFFICE FURNITURE ft SUPPLIES Disk chairs, flies, filing supplies, seres, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands, Roen. 456 Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers, knlvss, shears, bi cycle and small motors, ph. 24611 or 45165. 16th and ,,D" ftti. 0114 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks oleaned. D'rooter oleans sewers, drama. Phone 2-9466. olio Hamel's aptic tank oleanod, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone 3-7404. oM Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer Service. Fhont J -5) 37. L. W. Oaudle, spraying and pruning. Phone 4-1461. olQB TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, Remington, Royal. Un derwood portables, All makes used machinal. Repalra ft rent, Roen. 456 Court. o TELEVISION Prompt television and radio repair service. Phono 4-5B81. 171 Market, dsy or night. otlfl VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Csnfleld's Laundry, Repairs, Refinlsh Ins. 1440 8. 12lh. Ph. 4-5402. Pick-up, Delivery. ollfl WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing. housaeleanlM. Phona ))IT. 347 Court. o LODGE SSALEM LODGE No. 4 AF AyitAM Wea., April 2J. M. M. Degree, 7 p.m. I ,( S..fflBRli.-7'.'iiaA !k. STOCKS (By Th. Associated rrespi - Admiral corooratlon 4 Allied chemical "ntt Allls Chelmero i1 American Airlines live American Power eVLIab. 9Vi American Tel St Tel , Kt'i American Tobacco .... DH Anaconda Copper ,., Atehleon Railroad Bethlehem Steel aotint Airplane Co. Bora Warner ,, Burrow Addlni Machlr... California tract Lni .. ,, Canadian Pacific OiterpiUar Tractor .... Celaneia Corporation Chryslet Corporation Citlaa service t,,, Conaolldated Edison .,,, ConaolWated VuIUi ..... Crown Zeitirbactt 88 ,. 93V MS 41 90V. .......... 36V. 374 99 V. 87 1U 99 99 19 98 H 8H Curtlea Wrliht Oauilu Aircraft ......... Du Pont de Nemoura . . . . 67 Mi 9t. Kaetmen Kodak ., Kmerion Radio .9.. ,,. 46 11 Qeneral Eleotria 6BV. General Fooda .9. central Motors a eon la Pac. Plywood ... Ooodyear Tire ,., 64M 61 S. 16 91 Homestakt Minim co, ,,, International Harveet.(l International Paper .... 30U 49K ni 91 Johna Manvllle Kenneeott Copper Ltbby McNeil .-. Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated .... 91. ii v. aA Long Bell Montgomery Ward ...... 31 22 11 6994 Haah Kelvinator .,... New York Central ...... Northern Paciuo ,, Pacific American Flnh Pactflo Ou t titcino Pad lie Tel A Tel , Packard Motor car Penney. J. C Pennsylvania R. R. .... Pepal Cola Co , Phil co Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler intorp. ....... Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. . Renubllo Steel 37H 119H 9 99 , 30 H'i , Iltt 3014 18K 48 48K 8591 96 07 33 '4 44!i ssv. 70'., 35 14 . 37.' 379, 16 99 10994 6H 83 ,., 9U 10rk 19 1691 4194 3(94 4494 4694 Reynolds Metali Richfield OU Safeway Stores Ino Scott Paper Co Bean, Roebuck ft Co. ,, Socony-Vacuum Oil .... Southern Pacific ..... ,. Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N.J Studebaker Corp. ....... Sunahlno Mining , Swift ft Company Transamerlca Corp Twentieth Century Foa.. Union OU Company .... Union Paclfio United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United Statea Plywood. United statea Steal Warner Pictures Weetern union Tei weatimhous Air Brake. Weatlnihouie Electrlo . WoolworUt Re-education for Indoctrination Munsan. Korea t South Koreans freed from Red pri son camps in the disabled pri soner exchange face "about six months of re-education to counteract any communist in doctrination, authorities said Tuesday. South Korean Defense Min ister Shin Tai Yung said "It will take some time before we can allow interviews with the returnees." He said they will receive "full medical treat ment." and then by re-educa- ed at Yungchon. Shin said the soldiers may have been Indoc trinated by the Reds before their return. FLYING SAUCER SOLVED Portland U.R A flaming ob ject which "sped" across Port land skies last night ana brought calls from hundreds of persons was identified today as a red flare attached to a rubber balloon. - Ittoh Market Nw York w With only ft Kodcrttt amount of builnwa dtvaioplni, th atock market Tuiaday tdvanotd in ft timid manntr. Tha treat major I tr of talni and loaiet wert In tha amall fraction!. Occasional plua ltmi ticdrd ft point. Tot the reokt part, howaw, Utt amphatl wa en tha Upsldl, Volume earn to aa ttl mated million and a third eharca aa compared with a little better than a minion and ft half tharea traded Monday. Chlrara Grain Chlcaao ( Prlco eh an tee wert tmaii and without much lmlflcanc on the board of trade Tueidar, except tn the cue of old crop aorbcana. Mar and Julr beau tank around 3 cente at timet following erernliht an nouncement the Commodity Credit Corp oration had lowered the price at which It would aeu cotton aeed meal. Thii In fluenced aorbran meal, which sold at IS4 a ton. off 91 from Mondar. corn and oata moved ahead. Then feed iralni were helped by continued rue In live hog price, wheat fluctuated nervously within ft narrow prlca ranee. wneat eioatd 4- lower. May iz.it- V, corn Ve lower to Miher, May lll. SBH, oat vnehanied to V hliher, Mar 7V -71, rre 1 to m hither, Mar U.fli'i, eorbeans 1H lower to 1V hither. Mar ll.ot-l.otM, and lard nnehanted to cents ft hundred pound hither, May ftlQ.H, MAR KET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PBOBCC IIS aiiartaa Tentative, aubieel 1 adlat. ohangei Premium giullty. aiaxl luni M of on. par aut soldltr 4e ii.uu) t portuiid aa.71a lb.l fuel aj lly ll-loci Meoad duality. M47e. Vallay rou we ABfl country amnio. wmM m- Batur Wholeaal. e.O-a. nui race) e loleiales, grtd. aa, a. sHre, i .ut. ai a.ora. aBci 3a. sf acor.. S4oi 19 score. 91a. Aim prices (Irtgtly BomlaaL . Ckaeea Balling prie w. rwniwei Aiui.M orMU elnalea. il9-49cl Oragaa 1 Ik. loaf. ave-tliwH trtptatg. IH. lass uea einaiaa. roctUtA A ,raU lar.e. Mi-994i.l A grade rnMlun, 9.lf.iit.i grao. imn aan-SBHa. iitw-trla. w letamrai Orade aU Mini, flei A oarun, llei A wlsaa. tlel arton, Tlol a prlata, 64s. IimJtb HLallara. Orada AA itrflg. Uai A Urge, 88-404! AA ueAuaa. 90ei gsMlsBi. --' a emeu. siBnuwi w la. 1. ailtflUosal, .... auKU. la ntallara. ratUBl Oragoci alnglaa, 49V4-8MI 1-lk. loane. 6l9t-88V4el trlpuie, 1V. leea uea im i.a ,.mltim aranda tln.les. 999.01 loal, HHa rroMMM stnaraasi umw a-l.. ioavaa h mau. a.-... w. Lira e3kUkaani 1 Ulltr. (.0.8. planu.l mora, IV4., Ibe., JM; 8-4 1h. . Uai huIM. .44 lba. Knt IW. Mo; hear lung, aU welsh!, 94-18.1 light Bens, ail weiantg, Ti-im : oia rrawn ...la.. Dtut oklAea-mmo, IV4-I iba, 43-tsai roasters, 4344.1 light hens. 31. laoi he. vr hens. 19-1.91 tut 0 triers. all watahia. 4344o. BahUU ATarag 10 growers: urs white., 4-9 lbs., 19-lfei 9-8 lba., M-19. lb., ol dow, 16-1401 lew higher, mab dressed frrera to releUwe, 91-8401 out up, 66960. Cnlt. KUtad H.ata Veal-Top .ualllj, 38-49. D. tough Vtaauiaa .K.I.m Hege Loan Dlooxera. go-ssoi wwa. uaos 98-180. - Lamb. Best. W-430 10.1 gpringor. nomloallg 48o lb. ' ' ' Mutton est, 14-189 in,l auM-uumr, i-lJc. ftttlilw towa. 11-390 tb.t eanner- eutlart, 19-940, shells down to Ho. rresll Dreeeed Maata Wholesalers to letauersi dohhi par gwt.i Beet iU.rs, oholog 800-7M toe., I1.dO-40.Mi good, 11.00-18.00; eommerolal 19.00-17.90i utllltr. 81,00-11.00; mtm, oommerelal, 3l.O0-il.OO; utllltr, H.00- 31.00; oannere-omiere, go.w-av.w. Beat Cola (Choice altera). Bind cuartera, 49.90-90.001 tounde, 49.00-91,00; lull loins, trimmed, 91.0O-71.00i trl anslea, 3O.oo-S3.00i lore-quarters, 18.00. 18.001 ghueka, 87.M-tl.00l ribs. 49.00- 99.00. Veal oood-ohoioa, fti-oai coomer alal, 91149, celvee aooo-enoio,. oeg-eai aam merolal, 931-49. Lambs ' frlna eprltwnrg, 40-99 lba4 143-441 good, 940-44. M.tton iooa enoiee, giTago. Park Cuts I.oltla. Mo. 1. 9-11 lSi.. 9JI- tll ahouldere, 19 Ibe,. 919-191 gpararlba, 149-40; Iresh Bams, 10-10 lbs., gll-oo. gn.k.g Hama-Sklnnod. 957-99.90. Do. lined lard In arume, 911.90-191 alab OB, 144-89.80. . ;. . . r rortland Hlseellana.u Calerr Cat. oat oral. 1-lVi dog., 93.39-4.91. Few to 84.89. Ore, 81 U- 61.60, Onions 80 lb. eaeka West Oregon yel lows, rnedlum, 9-ln. mln.. Ho. la, 9.36- l.eoi i-inen, geui no. ae, bollere, 10 lb, aaeka, 4M7ol Idaho Ttllows. large. 94.90-9.00i Mo. 1, white. Urge, 4.76-8.00. Potatoea Ore.-Weah. Ruueta Mo. 1, 84.90-5.35, nam. brands to 95.35i bakers. b.oo-do; 3S lba. aiaa A, i.io-bd; io id. mesh. 6B-6DC1 Daoer. Q0-55e; Mo. 3. 90 Ibe., i.bo-ob; Idaho Kuuets, no. aa, 6.50-6.00 : 9-10 lb. bale.. 3.30-50. Har-D. B. No. 1 green all.lla. no llTered car lota t.o.b. Portland, nominal 1 836.00 ton: Seattle. 8S6-31. Wool Grease basis, WHlametU Val ley medium. 60-530 lb.l Eastern Oregon Una and half-blood. 69-63C. Hideo Calves, 19-310 lb. according to welghto; green glpe. t7-ioi ouua, -ao; green butcner oow moea, 7-ao. Pllberta Wholeaal. .tiling prleg NO. 1 largo Baroalonae, 34-360 lb.l grower prices, orchard run, 14-190 lb. Walnota Wholesale selling price, tlrel Quality largo Franouetlea, 33-330 lb.l grower price, orchard run. IB-loo lb. few best to 190. SALEM MARKETS Compiled from report f Salea dealers for the .tuidence er vapiuii obtdn reader. (EeiUed dallr.) i Be tilt Feed Prleeei Rabbit reiieta . tao- jo. sbci t4.0-&.40 (100-lb. baat. Ear Main is.au-a.u. Dalrr reeS - 13. 56-3. A3 (H tb. bat), 14.51-6. lfl 100 Wt.i. Pealtrr Burlnc Price Colored fryers, 30oi old roosters, 16c; colored fowl, 36c i lethorn fowl, 33c; roaiteri. I0o. Its: Barlnr Prleee Sttt. aa, o; lane a, 47-S5c; medium AA. 4flc; medium A, 4-50c; small, 40c. Who ea Price En wholesale prices generally 5-7o hither than the prices above, Larte trade A generally quoted at flic: medium, 68c. Butter! at Buying price: Premium, 70 71c; No. 1. C7-89c; No. 2, 66c. Bauer Wholesale grade A parchment, 71o lb.i retail, 76c. . . Portland Eastslde Market Portland CU-R) Radlahet gold for 10-dO cenu a doien bunchet today on the Portland Eastslde Farmers Wholesale Produce market. Green onion brought 6ft cents ft dosen bunchei. On wholesale row, Central Oregon potatoes moved at (r4.35-4.76 ft 100-lb. sack of Mo. 1-As. Oregon medium dry onion were I3.B0 a 60 -lb. tack. Yakima aeparagua was quoted ftt 17- 18 cent ft pound. fws-tiend Livestock Portland aR Cattle: 100; gteadr; good-choice under 000 lb. fed steer 32.60-23) good heifers 20-31, oannsr cutter cows 10.60-12.50: some 11: utility. commercial cows Monday 13.50-17 utility-commercial bulls 16-11. calves: 15: stead r; good-choice real- era 36-Hi prime realers Mondar 12-31; oull-utlllty calves, vealer 10-18. Hogs: aoot active: 86o hither: choice 1, 1 butchers 180-316 lbs, tt -3 5. 60 1 choice 160-170 ibt. i choice 16000 in. sows 31-23. Bheep: 100: ate'' tood-eholo 104 lb. fed wooled Umbi SOi eholce Monday 311 good-choice ewei salable f-0.60. Chteat tivsteek Chic at o UP Hot prices Mted Into new seasonal hlth ground Tuesday on the expected g.ooo saicie head. Moat broueht steady to 10 cent better r truns than in the previous session. cattle turned mostir stsadr to 0 cent lower while sheep were steady to 3ft oent higher. .Salable tittle were estimated at 10.000: sheep at l.&oo. Butcher weitht hot tenerallr sold from 131.35 to 931.00, but two loads at the 326-pound point topped ftt asi.io. Sows took ). 00 to 130.7. Choice and prime steers and year lints sold from $31.00 to 2t.0O. Choice to prim .frs brourht 131.00 lo 133.50. cows topped at tift.00. One load of choice and prime wooled lambs topped at 124.60 while ahoro loads were 122.50 to 121.00. Xwes wire M 60 flown war a. Cfaleaee Onions Chicato (u Supplies liberal, demand bow. market dull. Track tale (60 lb.): u. a. 1 unless otherwlae stated: Texas Yellow Bermu das 3 to 3-Inch car 1.65, car 1.S0. car 1.7; orano s-incn and larter car 3.16. car s.io. Street sales (50 lbt.lt Idaho and Ore ton Spanlf.li 3-lnch and larter few I.OO: midwest medium Yellow Olobes .6S-.M, iew i.oo, pooer qui rexes renew BermU' das 3-Inch and larger 1 50-1. 7S. 3 to 3 Inch 1.75-2.00, few 9.15: Orano 3-Inch and larter 3.00-2.35: oransx medium few 3.oo; crystal wax. s to 3-lnch i.o 3.26. Portland Grata Portland Coarse train unquoted. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, basis No. 1 bulk, delivered emit: Bolt Whit (excludlnt Rex) 141: White Club 3.41. Hard Red Winter: Ordinary 3.43) 12 per cent 2.43. 1 iBr receipt: wneat io; earivr 1 flour It corn ll mill feed 10. rae ll Oil Lease Flurry Stirs Alaskans Anchor e. Aluka d An all It am filing flurry U untltrr way In thii northern territory. yollowinf a rtcmt ruth, In which mind wart mad on 380,000 in mwm r. lx Im AnftlM wfidtnta Utxl on M.000 crtj Monday. At tna own nnw, v.- . huirl and hli anociitant In thtt Alaika Oil and Oaa Davalop ment Co. rwportiKl drUllnj w itartlng thlf wat aj a n lone tha Glenn Hlshway In tha Interior. The Shell ou co. aiw an nounced . the openlns a Seattle exploration tUvlilon flea becauaa ot Ita Intereet In the Alaika proipecti. torn an nouncement aald four mapping parUet will go into tha field in raid-May. Tha iurge of tntereat la Alaika oil proipeeta haa devel oped ilnce the Department of the Interior algned with tha Phillips Oil Co. for test drilling this summer in tha Xatalla re gion along Alaska'a southern coast, east of here. WANTS FARES BUUEP The Portland Traction com pany hat requested approval of a 1 to 15 cente a ride in crease in fares on its tjreion City and Bellroae interurban streetcar Unes.Charles H. Helt xel, state pubUc uUlitle com missioner, said today. . V; CINNABAR MINING U PrinevlUe (fl A number of cinnabar mines in this region, idle since World War II, will be worked this spring because of a strengthened price. Mid-Willamette Obituaries Ruben B. Ader Mill City Ruben Benjamin Ader died at his home in Mill City Sunday, April 19. Mr. Ai. wia born at MldvlUe, Idaho, and had lived in Mill City for four years. : - Surviving are Ms ; widow, Pansy, Mill City? a son, Wil liam Ader, Jam city; live ni ters, Margaret Jones, Nampa, Idaho; Maxine scnnui, jmiwau. . kie. Ore.! Buth Pope, Foruana, ' . . n I . (jre.; Aima uversireei, uiu vUle, Calif.; and Mollie Elklns, Portland; four Mowers, uuver, Midvllle, Idaho; Mew ton u. ana Percy, Portland, Ore.; and Simon Ader, Orovllle, Calif. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 22, at the First Presbyterian church of Mill City under di rection of the Weddle Funeral Home of Stayton. , Interment will be at Welser, Idaho. DEATHS Donald Olenn Mis. ' Donald1 Olenn Mis., lat. natdenl ot r. a. rqv .48. at Fort Brass. N. C April 18, at th. aga of 18 leara. flor uiw.rf h wife. Mr.. Lowena lilae. two sons, Bor Donald Mis. and Ronald tn Mlse, au 01 (jaiero! ino.u.r, wim ... ton, alster, Mrs. Violet Bra, two broth ere, Oral W. Mlae, carl, Mis., all U Antloch, Calif. Announcement of aenr leea later br th. Howell-Mweroa .on- pany. Erwln rerter ..... Irwin Porter, lata resident of KM M.rlon, at a local hospital, April 10. al tha aaa of II rear., aunlved br wile. Mrs. A. Olca Porter. Balam; daughter, Mra. Jean Porter west of Cleveland, Ohio. Announcement of aerrlcea later br the HoweU-Idwarda companr. AI WrlaM ' . ,A1 wrlaht, tt SUverton hoapltaj. April 19. Lata raald.nt of Brooks. Sur vived br wife, Mrs. Mettle Wrlsht, Brooks; daushtar, Mra. WUlla M. Bart, lett, Brookes aon, Curtis Is Wrlsht. Am ur; brother, b. u. wrigns. Heoama. Calif.: threa trandchlldren, Ballr and Tom Wrliht, both of Amur, and Janet Bartlett, Brooka. services win o. new. In lb. Vlrell T. Oolden chapel Wednea dar, April 33, at 9 p.m. with privet Interment at Bewrea. aaamonai raraa Dr. Beth Buntlniton will tdclata. Km W. Carleni Ilror W. Carlson, In local hospital April 19 at tha aaa of 33 rears. Lat. reald.nl of 370 Mine. St. numveo or wife, Mra. Grace Carlaon, Balem: daush ter, Mlae Karen Carlson, Balemi mother. Mrs. Maralt Carlson. Wllllston. X. D.; alsters, Mra. Aanea Chrlstensen, Willis ston, If. D; Mrs. Buth Thorason. York ir. d. service, wiu.o. nem iounH, Aorll 98 al I n.m. tn Clouah-Barriek Chapel with Interment IB Belcreat Mem orial Park. Lena An Bnt Cellea Lana Ann Boeerl coiton, u in. cur April 18. Lata re.ld.nt of 499 Ratclllf. Dr at th. as. of 91. Mother of Ber. Bar. Bos.rl Cotton, Orchards, Vaah.l alster of Mrs, Kate Line. men, Tacoma, Wash.; als? three arandchiwr.n ana on. areaUarandehlld. Member of Leslta M.thodUl church. Funeral service, will ba held at 1:19 P.m. Wednesday April 31, at W. T. Blsdon companr cnapei with the Rot. Collie C. Blair offlclatina. Interment al Belorest Memorial park. Th. Bar. Com. Blair will officiate. Marr In SKwaet Marr Xva BUwart, former re.kl.n9 of 1199 O.k St. al A local hoepltaL April 19. Survived br dauitiWr, Mra. Anna Pearl aTvaa. BattleBround. Wash. services will be held Wedneadar. April 33, at 10:10 a.m. In HoweU-Idwarda Chape! with eoneludtnt services in City view cemetery. Oerrr M.rphr oerrr Murnhr. In th a c tr April n. al tha aaa ot 84. Lata re.ldent of Port land. Announcement of aervlcea later by W. T. Rladoa Co. or. T. T. Lara. M r Dr. a. Chan. RJ. DK8. CHAN . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS rpiUIrt, Ml North Liberty Olflc. mm Baturdar only 19 a.m. to 1 p.m.. S to V p.m. ConaultatloB, blood praeaur. and urlna taste art free af eharse Practiced atnoa HIT, Write far attractive 81ft, Ho tlt - K .. 4 i It N: h .U. ... - . s... -..-V-. : : r v v v.-t . k w .- .......