'"".JlWrJM 'T.- i; .1 t:fn V i !: page 2Q FOR SALE HOUSES BY OWNER t bedroom b.use, ideal lo cation, neautiiui new, wen ta win carpeting, dlahwaiher, lull bassmsnt, we)l-bulll older house.. Suitsble (or remodeling. Comfortable and clean lor Immediate occupancy. Writ Bo 01. Capital Journal. a95 rntDKooM houit, lent lot. n. tun 1C93 Cascade Dr. Reasonable. ft if OWNS, t bedroom home. Inele wood Diet. 190 Thompson. Ph. 1-7340. all Beautiful Falrmount Hill 1-bedroom. din. rra.. tarbata dlip. cllihwaaher, oil heat, lull basement, landacaped 80 I lit ilet, paved tiler. Phone 4-1734. am If OWNER Nearly new 1-bedroom home. 3300 ToWiuend War. asl KINOWOOD HEIGHTS View, landacaped, I hedroomi, llv-Ine-dlnlna roomi. kltehen with lad- aettt attached aaraie. HrePlace, nook, baeement, oil, corner lot. 101 Cascade Dr. Phone 3-8341. aH SACRIFICE ( wit-art of Hollywood Four- tftnm bungalow with full bailment ? fireplace. ricC. lot 4ft X 100. Gloat lo til atorea bus. A Die home for couple, or good investment for rental or future Business. Jiineas iorcei Immediate tale. Price reduoid to 45800. Will consider any reasonaoie oiier. Center St. Realty 1141 Center Street Phone 4-8831 file. W. " BICNMONV district, J-bedroom. fairly new, rar.ch-.trie. oaraie. a...... ale ' TWO ACRES EAST m t...... mnA h.rn ..rev. cloia In. Would trade lor amaller k..f iiiib. Haa uwnsr. .diu t,an- ... i 897 Sv OWNER fl-room home, garage, good location. ju g.u uvul, a WILL TAKE trailer house as down pay ment on small home. 1-9931, a87 nitTR villa OR. I bedroom, 1367 St.. H, plue double aarage, forced air furnace, lirtpiece, nepurnv iui.i room, utility with dryer, nice lawn, afcrulM, patio. 866 E. Eweld, 26745. alOO' SUBURBAN HO MR 3 betlroomi, llvlni room! amine; room, tuonvu uwi, nm it. ltnh. israae. larie lot. Hard' vnml floors, olastered. Iniulated. Vk . rean old. Prlred to jell. Will ihow at 349 cneiier av. r Klumpp's EXCLUSIVE HOMES $4000 An iiMip tD but Terr livable 1- bedroom home with lirlnt room, dlnlnc room and kitchen, located close to hopplnf center and walklnr dUtanoe from dowa town, . $8,000 R.e thli 3-bdrrn. home, not oulte lln llh.d, with food-lUed lot O0H70, lo cated aioje in. $10,500 Ideally located (or Khooli and transportation. Thli homo haa 3 bdrma. and den. Well worth the ui- lm prlci. Tenni. ' $13,500 A view from every picture window, yet It la cioie to ine new nun acnooi. With a large bedrooma, reception hall, lane living and dining room, a large kitchen with eating apace, all hard wood floora, laundry chute, utility room In daylight basement which li flnlAhed In knotty pine. A nice den In basement with fireplace. Only 4 rears old. , L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 9051 Portland Rd. Ph. t-764l Eve. 1-Sflfll afiT BETTER THAW RENT I I X. home on pared Bt. N, . Only 4 rra ld( oan b yours for fftOO dn. 4 BEDROOMS A good family house In Bt. Vincents Alas., hu basement, 1 seta of plumb ing. Mot lo old and to good condition. IO00 dn. wtll handle. Price tgooo. WIL B LIVEN A CO., REALTORS 947 N. High. Ph. 1-3617 a9 . NEAR JR. HIGH AHD NEW HIOH SCHOOI 1-bdnn . home, baamt. and apace for car In banal. Landieaped lot with ahruba nd flowera, gas tlx. furnace. wso. with 11000 down. ' KEW a-BDRlf. HOUSE Hdwd. flra. throughout, lawn In, gttt. garage, 4 bl. to grade school, Q8M. Will trad for acreage or late model oar. 4Vj ACRES Near Brush College atore. good, IdtMype house, A. prune trees, torn umuer- assoo. . 1 ACRES I.E. ' 1 A. neetarberrlea, atrawberrlea & fruit, eld S-bdnn. house, good black aoiu 60oo. Burt Picha t7l N. Rllh St. Off.: 3-4047 . Kvei., Mr. Pletcher. 337M am' "RF.DROOMS piui van D.rn, tmu hii'p. wins forced air heat, fireplace, r.ardwood floora, a Us oh. g trace. $2400 down, bal ance sT.n.am. ENGLEWOOD Well-located 1-bedroom home with living tToom, full buemenl, attractive rear yard with outdoor fireplace and covered patio. Fireplace, insioe, wo. Forced air oil neat. $500 DOWN tou.p!atM g-batdroom home, aub rban. 4 miles north of city, nearby bug service, run price oniy ibsdo. Ron Jones, Realtor 10HR FalTt rounds Rd. Ph. 44464, Eve. 2(131. ftM) aOV i-BFDROOM HOME I. years old. Would take pickup true aa part nown pay ment. Phone 4-48H.. ainv BT OWNEB, I room home, basement, sawdust furnace, Ifltm, 1110 Hood fit. Ph. SAB BO. a!03 FOR SALE LOTS anno Lot. lliiol. 3 block south Me Kinley achool on South Rlih atrret. 3-MSI. aan1 fi'EST VALLEY vltw lots, , down, 110 par month. City water, reitrlcted. SEE COLBAT1I LAND CO, REAL TORS. Dial 4-4404. aaMI IEW LOTH Sell or trad, at Tslltcoos Lake, could do commercial or privaie, 145 ft, by 100 ft. Utllltlel available. 3-o3. aaor LAIlllK HOME altei In beautiful Kim wood Helihti, 4)1.000 up. Easy terms. rle. owner, Phono 3-1413. aaioy LOT IN r Ins wood Helihls. price 1800. Oeneral Real Kitate, IS3 center, aaai I'l.tHSIPlED AllvrHTUlNQ . Tee Word. Usee, le Per Ward 4. Per Word, I times lOe Per Word, I ai.nlb Me N. Refunds Mlnlea.a Wards. EADErtts la LmsJ News Clama Only, Per Ward t. Mlnlmiaa II Wards T Dace Ad In Bm Dty'l Paper, Prion. t-4W Betors 10 s.m. FOR SALE FARMS MUST DELL 39. tern. 10 xree ol vol null, real towed to Brain. IS Chev. truck, tractor ond all farm Imple ments. 8-room older home, barn, good well, Price 17500. General Real Ik tele, ISO Center. Ph. 3-3389. b94 FOR SALE ACREAGE 20 Acres Million dollar view, Oood. older term homt. Barn, aneda, ue. anicken nouae, lie. garage, and grain rm. Part In pastur. with aprlm, 1 welli, family orchard, llr an doak tree,, berrlea, null and grain, f mile, to seiem. Price io,7M. ALEUTS PIHBT DRIVE-tN . Smith Real Estate ' 3434 PorUtnd Rd. pa. 1-1007. Ask lor Clrde Foulk bbSt ' SUBURBAN W acre on Boom Road, unfinished bee., aarden eoU the belt. 85950. Terma. 10 tern near Wallace Rd.. older hie. Live atream, lenced, elderly cou ple will comlder trade lor Income property, value iiouu. f B. Isherwood, Realtor 1110 Wallace Rd. Pb. 4-434I bbll REAL ESTATE mmm imibim WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Wl NEED LDrTTOOal, pirtlcularty hllher priced homee and ell typn wi low down parmenU. You'll Love the Beauty, Location, Comfort and Convenience Trill la truly t luxurloue home. I lovely, ipacloue bedrooms. Unusual Uvlnr, dlnlna room and kitchen, one of the lineat baiementi you have ever aeen. 14 bathroome. Oil lurnacei. Fireplace, The back yard can be made Into a super da lue show place. Price ll (26,000. A SPLENDID BUY J 4-bedroom home In a very dwlrable location. Only 4 yr. old. Owner ha left city. Oil heat, insulated. In good condition. If you need room and don't want too laTgi an investment, aee thin one for aa?60. Term. j LIKE. A BASEMENT plul a home? Hai forced air oil fur nace. In thi beet of condition. Only 4 yri. old. Pine location lor school, atoro and bus. Blacktop at. Lawn and thrube. P.H.A. terms. Full price 111,400. Here's Why You'll Buy this ohe: Became It hu S bdrms. on l floor. Forced air oil furnace. PI re place. Near school and bus. Only 2V in. old. Liberal terms. Full price only 110,600. Bargain Hunter Special Seeing la believing. Over 1000 aq. ft. floor area. 16 x 19 living room with nice fireplace. 11 by 10 dining room, hardwood floors, 3 large bedrooms, large utility room, laraa kitchen With eating apace. Forced air oil furnace. Plaatered. Unfinished attic with atalr way. Good foundation. Oar an e, fruit room, tool ahed. Nearly H rd.-acre lot In city on pavement. No. 3 zone. Fine yard with lota of trees, shrubs and flowera. Only 17600 will make you the owner. Call for your appointment to sea It today. WILL YOU BE LUCKY enough to get this S-bcdroom home Inside city? Full basement. Fireplace. Att. garage. Beautiful brick front, i Separate dining room. Hardweod floors i throughout. Landscaped. Very attrac tive appearance. The price has been reduced to S12,V00 for quick sale. HALF-ACRE LOT In Kelier district. Blacktop at. Very attractively priced at only 1850. REAL HOT 4-PLEX Completely furnished. Bath In each tin it. Income 180 per mo. Extra lot for parking area plus extra bklg. used for utility and storage. 100 ft. frontal on very good at, Ful price only 112,700. Terma, TAVERN This haa been a verr good spot for many yrs. Equipment Is In fine con dition. Several pool tables. Card ta bles, ent only 1106 per mo. Restaurant leased for almost enough to pay rent on bldg. Well established. Full price 1 11,000. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH. or Altt. sTklUUliNaS, CV E. IH. 4-1.494, or DAN IHAAK, EVE. PH, 4-333. if no answer, call 4-2241. TRADE FOR MOTEL Very lovely 3 -bed room new home w.ti. i choice acres of highway front aee. 2-car naraae. Lures uttlltv room Lovely yard. Owner will exchange for a motor court, wnat have you?. 85 ACRES with 16 under Irrigation. 1260 ft. 1 Inch pine. 040 ft. 4. inch d,d. si sprinklers, t-bedroom house, machine ahed, barn. We consider this a good uy lor r(,ouo. Terms. 6 ACRES Very close In. 4V acres atrawber rlea. Two 2-bedroom modrrn hour. 1 rented for 660 per 1119, Lots of fruti trees. 1 chicken houses. 1 barn 1 brooder house. Good well. Full price eip.vuu. CHINCHILLAS Appro. I acre Iron Use. 14 pairs of Chtncuiillas. Very Bond stork. Modern S-bed room home. Chicken house. Barn for chlnahtllaa with 20 cases. H acre oernes, Tnu u A good buy for 111, 400 CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS. EVE. PH a-4 73 5, ir no answer, call 4-2241 MORTGAGE LOANS 10-Year Maturity Al'lsaak & Co., Realtor Offlcl Phones: 4-3311. or 3-7130 3033 PORTLAND ROAD Ev. Phones: 3-4739, 4-1404, 4-3S13, 4-9030 Or S-3-JI Xf no answer, phona 4-3341 . East Englewood Here la an opportunity to buy home in thu beautiful new residential district. We are offering two new 9 bedroom houses for sale. Built by Frank North, we believe they are the best dral in town conn!drring toe at! on. malarial, workmanship and price. One is a l' -story house with a huge up stairs. The other has a full basement Roth are local rd on long lots (161 ft Priced at 111.000, these houses can be financed on an 10 PH. A. loan. Call us for more complete details. ABRAMS. BOURLAND ft SKINNER 411 Masonic Building Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loam Phona: 3-H17 Even inn. 1-4708 COS To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE COUNTRY GENTLE s MAN'S HOME Thli Is' a very .lea older h.ms that la In Ih. peak of condition. There's LOTS of room I bedrooma dowo, I up. The knotty pin. kltehen U aorseoua. There'a over aa acre, all fenced In, nkl white corral lend with a stable lor t nerss or two. You'll want t. I.e tbll Plica lei Just 111,060. $800 DOWN Zalanci Ilka rent. Close to new Washlniton school, thla la t l-bed-room homo rsady to mov. Into and atart Ivlnt. , IS YOUR HOME TOO LARGE We have a swell 1-bedroom home located In West Salim, near Salem Bible academy, priced at 10000. Owner will trade lor 1-bedroom boma In flalem. , ...... ENGLEWOOD " ' Here's t dandy 1-bedroom home with dlolni room, Inside utility, lam llvlni room with fireplace tnd oil heat. It's priced at 111,000, and loiatad on North lit St, It's t home In a OOOD location. ' SOUTH . SUBURBAN Main floor haa bsautiful llvlni room and dlnlni room with wallto- , wall csrpstlnl, a bedrooms, nstural wood party room In daylliht basement, barn and extra bedroom, double tarai, tnd lane lot. A VERT desirable aountry home lor 117,400. LOW ANlJ BEAUTIFUL - NORTH 24th STREET One of the lovelier noraea of the dlatrlct, spacious well kept yard.' ThU fine 1-bedroom home hu many added teatures sueh aa iprlnkllna ' system, extra plumblnl, stc. AU carpetlni Included. , Ohmart & Calaba 'Realtors 477 Court St. Phona 14113 - 14111 Xvl.: Bsnry Torvend 13(13 Ted Morrison 3104) Louis Loreni njao Ralph Maddr SI4M Grabenhorst Specials 1760 DOWN 650 per month. Older home, bdrms., lie. Mr. rm., wired for electric range. Laundry trays, garage, lot 44 x 127. Located in Orant school district, 1146 North 4th street. Price 39M. CALL H. K. LAYMON THIS IS THE TIME TO ACT Owner must aell thla month, beautiful new home, I bdrms. with full batmt., hdwd. flra., auto, oil heat, nice view, dble. garage, If you need a larger home, owner Is ready to listen to your proposition. CALL ROY FERRIS, CO-OP. BROKER) 1 COURT INCOME Three pl e. easy to cure for, excellent gondltlon. Oarages. 118,800. CALL PETER H. OEISER CLOSE IN HOME Full basmt. with oil I team heat. Llv, rm., din. rm., kitchen, bath b bdrm. down. 4-rm. apt. up with bath. Verr nice locAtlon. ' CALL Q. H. ORABENHOR8T, JR. CHILDREN LOVE THIS NEIGHBORHOOD (fio will you) Convenient to schools and transportation on dead-end street, S bdrms., llv, rm. with fireplace. Din. rm., kitchen it nook, full bath, utility rooto, all on one floor. Auto, oil forced air furnace, insulated 4s weatherstrlpped, single garage. Wired for dryer, outdoor fireplace, an excellent home. 113,900. CALL J. E. LAW, . FARM - 71 ACRES Appro. 70 acres In cultivation, 4-bdrm. modern home, aood 40 x 60 barn, 14 stanchions, 1 poultry houses, 350-capaclty each. 4 cows and l ealf. Oliver 70 tractor, tandem, disc, mower, com bine, drill wagon on rubber, some other equipment. St. Louis dlatrlct. Price 617,000 or without stook and equipment, 414,000, CALL H. K. LAYMON GftABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 s. Liberty I Ivenlnia A H. X. Laymon 1-1451 Roy Perrla 1-1010 i. X. Law t-tlll ' Peter H. Oelsir I-0HI 3-BDRM. HOME IN CITY ' This older horns hu large Toomg throughout house, with separate dining room. This homo hag a basement, oil furnace and la a corner lot, 60 x ISO. Nice back yard, with sprinkling system In front yard. Don't fall to see this home. For appointment to aee. call Dale Rayburn. 3 ACRES, 2-BDRM. HOME Here Is that I acres of level land with a very neat s-bedroom home. Large kitchen, living room, utility, and double garage. Drive by 4804 Sllverton road, then call Dale Rayburn for appointment to sea. OWNER WANTS TO TRADE this lovely J-bedroom suburban home (east), for a home and small acreage or home with large lot. Would like one with basement and fire place, but not absolutely necessary. Full price $7040. Xf you have tome thing to trade, cell chet. DREAM Here's that dream home you have been looking for, located s at 476 Illinois. Beautiful finished lane utility that could easily be con verted Into a third bedroom. Attached garage. Specially priced at 49850. Call Chet. .GARDENER'S SPECIAL ' This nice two-bedroom home has a lovely landscaped yard with fish pond that 42000 would not cover. This home la only 7 years old. A . better buy for only IIS00. An additional lot can be obtained. Call Tlbbetta. V2 ACRE, 4-BDRM. HOME . tt acre, and a very nice family home, with 4 bedrooms, large living room, full dining room, and sunny nook. Full basement with forced air heat, double garage, his Is one of the fejr places located close In that will afford real country atmosphere and living. For further Information, call Tlbbetta, Might consider trade on smaller home. BARGAIN Yes, that's Just what thla home wtll be. 3 bedrooms all on t floor. Extra large living room. Owners have moved, and are very anxious to sell. Call Jim. , 3-BDRM., ENGLEWOOD-$12,300 Full basement, new automatic oil heat. Extra large lot. Nice fireplace. 11 years old. Owner anxious to aell. Hurry; this won't last. Call Jim. RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor) ' ' ' 10S0 N. Capitol office 1-41(4 or 4-17(1 Xvenlnr phonu Tlbbetta I-71M Jim 1-157, chet 3-1331 Dale Rayburn 1-10IS ? ROY TODD Real Estate WEST SALEM ' , ' Nice neat 1-bedroom home, llvlni. ' kitchen, bath. Storaa. spec. In attle with stairway up. NIC. lot 40x100. picket fence. Oaraaa. Very aood -buy at 4K0. Call Mr. Ruch, aalesman. WHISPERING TREES tf you like a lovely aattlnf amont the trsea, see thli 1-bdrm. home on mearly H acre with paved street, eouth. very clean and only 4 yrt. old. Salem Helihti district. 11700. Call Mr. Todd. NEW HOME Nice 1H1T llvlna. dlnlni, kitchen. 1 bdrms . bath, att. aaraie Lot e(xl0. Only 14 blk. to school Jtoras. This Is a real buy ai 1000. Call Mr. Simpson, aalesman. . LESLIE DISTRICT ' Us. llvlni A dlnlni combine, nlca kltehen. Utility, I bdrms ela.ed-m breeseway with alt. laraia. Fenced back yard. Close to aohool Itorei. Only ,300. Call Mr. Vandervort, aalesman. 33 ACRES Irritation i (or 13 ac 1140 ft. Irrliatlon pipe. .11 Lial. iprlnklera -hora. lurbln. pump. 1 ac. caneberrles, 1 ac. perm, pauure 4 a" oau ""b "-stanchion barn. 30.31 chick, hse. Lae. home wuh 3 Mntts! Mlman ,0 ,cn' " l, M1- Cell My, RucS; 129 ACRES 100 ac. In cultivation, bal. In paature. K-stanchlon barn lo t, ' , caoscltr. Chick hse, and other .ulbulklln.s. Oood SriS hL, witS llvlni, dlnlm. kitchen, both. Thli Is . buy at 31S.000. Call Mr a taili? ROY TODD, 330 State Street Eva. phonl: vannervort 3-6281: Todd 1-1T31 istsss.a..aafpfffffffff.,fftff fffffffffj WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDI K1LOORE Needs a few liitince on homes and farms for N. Capitol St. dice. Ph. 4-40BT ltS N. CAPITOL, e OREAT mriNO DEMAND tor farm! and acreaies. Lilt yours with Colbath Land Co. sea T. T. Anderson, Farm Aient, Phone 4-4494. Eva. 4-3714. ce NOTIl'Ei If your property Is for lele. rent or exehanie, tut ll with ua. We hav, all kinds ot easb buyers. STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS IM S. Rlih St. ca" WE ARB badly In naed et 1 and 1-bedroom hornet In Leslie Diet. Also need heme anywhere with small down pay menu. What bare you? AL IAAAK. REALTOR, PH. Hill II aa tsawar, ph. 4-31 U aa THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Rudy Calaba Ph. 1-1471 Sundaya call HOME REALTOR Office phone I-M91 Ruch l-7916t Simpson 1-8231; WANTED REAL ESTATE UBTINO WANTED on homes, acreaee or bu.lneaa. Eulldera Borne,. Real Et. I..,7,4 Commercial St. Phone 4-1378. Eveninea 1-1770. ca,5 WE ARE In need .1 food houses to sen, in or near Salem. II yon wish to list your properly lor sale, aee ORAnENHORST BROS. REALTORS. . . uiuvrir rn. ca" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANT TO Bl'T small beauty shop or manage a ghop. Boa II, capital Jour nal, rdll t MILK nOUTfc for sale. Haul to Mc sJinnvllle. Illness forclni aaie, Beann awa. Phone WIT WeodWun. dl REAL ESTATE CALL COLBATH DIAL 4-4494 Whispering Firs LOVELY SETTTNO AMONO THE TALL FIHU. Thla late-built 1-bdrm. horn, with larea LR, wonderful kitch en, roomy nook, hdwd. flra., corner windows, oil heat. Inside utility rm (THIS HOME HAS 017 SQ. PT. OP PLR. SPACE!, Oaraie, paved road. YOURS FOR (7IS0. OOOD TERMS. SEE MRS. OOfJSBEE. sTVB. PH. 3511. MILLION DOLLARS WOULD BOY A LOT UT THIS FINE LOVELY 1-bdrm. home only costs 67400. Features Jarge LA with wall-to-wall carpeting, excellent kitchen with the cutest bat doora from kitchen to llv, rm. Front and back yard In per fect shape. (Back fenced.) Trees In bloom. Attached garase. THIS IS LIV ING AT ITS BBST. WILL LET AUTO. WASHER OO IN DEAL IF SOLD THIS WEEK. BEB MRS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. 20371. TELL YOUR FRIENDS (IF THEY HAVE A BIO FAMILY) about this wonderful 6 -bdrm. RANCH STYLE HOME with living rm., dining rm.. mAilirn bath. Vnnniilnwn kl lVi- en, utility rm.. car port, large lot, oil T. A. FUHHAUl TO A Lab RUOMB, hdwd. firs. ALL THIS FOR 61950 down and 157 per month. TOTAL PRICE 69350, Bfp! HARRY VAN HORN, Eve. Ph. 41766. MARK THIS DOWN BUSINESS ZONE CORNER LOT - 4 BLOCKS FROM CITY CENTER 3 FAMILY HOME WITH OIL FURNACE, FIREPLACE . YOU WANT SOME IN VESTMENT PROPERTY WITH IN CREASING POTENTIAL THIS OOES FOR ONLY til. 500. Eve. Ph. 3(933. 200-ACRE RANCH T MILES OUT. 140 In cult, of Which 100 A. Is in winter wheat, some tim ber, wonderful view and building site, woven wire fenced. ONLY 190 per acre. Vfc dn. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, eve. ph. 42714. 37 ACRES (4 miles east) - All in arsii, live oreer. This la wonderrui dairy setup. 18-stanohlon grade A barn, milk hse., chicken hie., large Impl. shed, aood 7-rm. modern home, fireplace and basmt. Wonderful shaded and lighted yard. Fruit, flowers b shrubs. This is only 6500 per acre. See T. T. AN PERSON, Eve. Ph. 42714. LOVELY 2 ACRES with treenhse. IbxSl ft., plus packlnt ahed, oold framea and all equipment. Lote of plants and flowers. OOOD BUSINESS, also aood small knotty pine modern home. In sllverton. . PRICED RIOHT AT 38350 on GOOD TERMS. SEE T. T. ANDERSON,. Eve. Ph. 43714. T. T. Andereon 43714 Van Bom 417(5 Oilesbeo 15371 orrics DIAL 4-4494, 24552 C07 (RIIS mn Slllllll llllltlllll MIMIIIIt itiiiiiui minim BUY " LIST t IllltlltllttSlllttltl , k ' lllllllltl II iiistiiitt miiiiii it mmii mil it nun 03 SULLIVAN ECONOMY PLUS Brand -new home In Simpson's Addi tion, Lee. lot, oil furnace, city water and sewer; plastered. Oarage. This attractive new home la being sold for only $8300. 4 BEDROOMS And den, just 4 tta, old, near Leslie and the new high school. Here la a modern home with that extra spare you don't find very Often. Owner wants amaUer home.. Just 815,000. DOWNTOWN DUPLEX Only 4 blocks from state bouse; each sU-'e has 3 bdrma.. lae. dr., lr., kit., and bsmt. with utility. Excellent Investment property In a prize loca tion. When calling, ask for Bob Davis. Eve. Ph. 3-9794. ' UNDER CONSTRUCTION Luxury type house on a view lot. I bdrms., den, fireplace, bsmt., dr. and extra Ige. lr. with a beautiful view. Inspect other housing by these builders. Buy now and' they will do the finishing work to suit your Ideas. PATIO & FIREPLACE Nice, roomy S bdrm. house with a rumpus room. 3 Indoor and 1 outdoor fireplaces. The patio Is ideal for out side summer living. Wuher, dryer, and AUTOMATIC DISHWASHER go with this home for only lit., 760. 565 Acre cattle RANCH 120 acres under cultivation and 100 more have been tilled In the past. 25 acrf-s in permanent grass. Two year round creeks. Fish and deer at the door of comfortable 7 room home. Lae. barn. Over 2 million reet of market able timber. ThU la an exceptional Darrein at 135,000. Just 810.000 handle. Owner will trade' tor small acreage with modern houee, ROBERT B. SULLIVAN ' REALTOR lit- Portland Road Ph. 4-8313 Br. Office, 3(7 N. Hllh Ph. 4-5133 Er. Phs. 1-0704, 4-1345, 4-0411, 4-1749 Ct5- EXCEPTIONAL VALUE Plenty of room tor television, lane ranch type home. Double plumbinx, double garaee. Close to new grade school. U5.&00. Easy terms. Call Mn. Seal. OOOD BUY t bedroom home, 2 acres, 18,000; 11,000 down. Call Mr. Crittenden. STARTER PLACE t room house, 3 acres, 35O0t 41,000 flown, can Crittenden. 4 ACRFB EAST Oood land, cltue in, 1 bedrooma, older type home. This property la priced right, $7600. Owner will trade for house in town of lesser value. Call Carpenter. A aT MaVDAEtt REALTY :i state Phone 1-5580. 2-4811 Eve. 1-8848, 3-7382, 4-5384 cflS JOE PALOOKA KcciM Ttr-n tip THIS HEATS A KILLER. pace VERseif, rw. fft ATfc 1 L'nouT...nArie , 1 j vi ijr jv Ji HELP WANTED : The Owl Drug Company NEEDS Additional alert, courteous, enthusiastic Sales Personnel Openings, full time, part time, and ' Sunday Relief APPLY IN PERSON TO F. D. MORGAN OWL DRUG CO. 400 NORTH CAPITAL - - - SALEM, ORE. REAL ESTATE Honeymoon COTTAGE 37B0 down, a Quiet and attractive nellhborhood. Small home In a se cluded spot In south Salem. Hav, oft-the-ltreet llvlni with all th. conven ience oMh. city. Bua by door. Pay ment! like rent, BUSINESS BUILDING In Hollywood district, oood corner lot. Stucco construction. Same tenant for years. A lood buy at only 111.000. or will trade for a farm. $2500 buya an 18x33 ireenhouse In operation and also makes your down payment on t awell S-bedroom home only 4 years old .Hardwood floors. Dinette and breakfast nook. Lane lot. Paved atreet. Payments only 170 for all ot It. REIMANN REALTORS . LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 south Hlih Street Phone 3-9303 Phona eveninie and Sunday: 4-1871, 3-3851,, 4-138(, 1-4170, 4-6310, 1-3364 NELSON You Can Afford This AT 35500 1-bdrm. home close to Salem Mih aohool, deep lot, berries, Iruit tree;, small food chicken hse. Priced to sell lor lmmed. poos. 01000 down. Call Mrs. Wootten. $750 DOWN NEAR HOOV75R SCHOOL K-yr.-otd 3-bdrm. plastered home, Kwd. lira., lnsul., well lUhted lie. llv lna rm., lot 30 x 100. on traveled St., tar., nioa nellhborhood. owner leav ini city ,maka offer. Prlc, 07350. Call alts, wootten. QUICK SALE OWNER'S OBJECT Thi Abrami-bullt lovely 2-bdrm. home Is on lot 75 x 300 facing a paved street. The kit. Is 17.6. x 13, plenty of built-Ins, roomy lge. clothes closets. The price Is $8500. A reasonable down payment will be .accepted. Call Al. Watts, 1-7266. View Home arid Income onnortunlty to combine a fine view home and nice Income. Located In a highly restricted neighborhood. Thla la really differentl Price 631,500. Call Mr, Schmidt. TRADE SALEM FOR PORTLAND This ranch-stylo home is located In a fast-irowini euburban nellhbor hood. Beautiful living rm. (30 x 31) finished In mahoaany, 3 bdrriia., 3 bathrooms, (place., patio with (place., lovely back yd. will consider 3 or 3 bdrma. Price 111,000. , NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS 703 N. Hllh St. Ph. 1-3(89 COS G. I. OR F. H. A. If you have been looking for a late a built bungalow, ranch style home, near Englewood school ana nancy 10 the bus, you should see thla B-room home with finished basement, auto matic heat to all rooms. Fireplace, au tomatic dishwasher, dandy fanced-in redwood back yard. tll.SOO. A very good buy. Seeing is believing, and we can give you excellent financing. Only One Available and now being completed. Plasteted. hardwood floors thruout and mahog any trim, doors. 61000 down, balance leas than rent. Will also furnish dry-1 er and washer If desired, fha in spected and fully approved. ThU won't last lona. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. capuoi rn. auaie c97' EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 4 YEAR, GOOD location, 2tt bedroom, lovely living it dining rooms, kitchen, utility, many built -ins, aun porch, attached garage, automatic loreed-alr heat. For auburban Jane lot, not south. Private party. 2-050B. cb97' MOTEL 12 units plus 2 -bod room living quar ters. 4 acres land. Located In prosper ous valley town. All modern and com pletely furnished. Trade for home. Terms on balance. BUILDERS HOMES REAL ESTATE ' 3 755 So. Commercial St. Phone 4-1575 Evenings 2-1770 rbftV BUSINESS & INCOME CLOSE BY THE SEA On Hwy, 101 near Newport. 2 -bee room home and two well-built furnished cottages. Beau tiful grounds. Monthly income ISO. 18000. W. Whltwell, Otter ock, Oregon. WANTED FURNITURE Journal Want Ads Pay Wj'i ( EASIER SAID I ThTmcN ARE TAMING THE WELCOMED"! THAN DONE, sl U Rest... a quick look at the CROWD... I k KNOBBY. Hta I rr I lr Iriarnc OWCLICinvs,cvcr. omnia a I A DYNAMO. I BC4NIM' I I v - ARE COWING Of F...TUEPE S THE I " A Si HEW UP. I I ZTW BELL FOR FCUNO TWO... J HELP WANTEP WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK I GENTLE work homes, one sprinter heifer. L. Z. Edwards, 4746 Sllverton Rd- ' LIVESTOCK WANTEP LOCKER BEEF Whit, (ace Jereford. 18c. Locker pork, Ssc. Nolhint down. 8 moe. to pay. Custom killlni. Trailer loaned tree. Salem Mitt Co, 1330 8. 35th. Ph. 3-4861. .a PETS - ORANGE CANARIES, phonl l-IISa, 1340 Chemeketa, ec98" BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1958 McCoy, one block east ot N. Capitol, 1 blocks north of Madison. Ph. 1-8307. eolOl FOR SALE 3 part Peklnies. poodles. 4373 Market, phona 1-3333. ec05 MOORE TROPICAL FIBH, Parakeets, turtlee, supplies. 1 mllea trom Lancast er on Macleay road,. 4-3771. Closed Wednesdnys. eollC FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Presto-Lois, Brioneta and Wood. 101 So. Com'l., phone S-773L . le' Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tuba servlca. all kinds of wood. Phone 3-6444. .a ANDERSON'S hand ploked alab wood, 2 cords. 111. Phona 377S1 or 4(753. eelOl West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 1(" CLEAR -IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1530 Edaewater Phone Salem 1-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trlmmlnia, 38 load. Phone 17711 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS FRYERS FRYERS RAISERS 1. Would you like o extra profit per bird? 2. Would you like an average weight ot S.3 lbs. at 6 to 9 weeks? I, Would you Ilka to have 2.4 feed conversion 4 Would you lTke the! act and proof; see or can GEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY Elmlra -Road Eugene, Ore. Ph. 4-3482 m nit' GOLDEN BROAD and New Ilir.Ql chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Fox's Hatchery. 1830 State St. Ph. 3-4909. f WANTED Colored hens. Lee's Hatch V err, phone 3-2861. FOR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks in New Hampamre, Farmentera, Red, White Leghorns, Auitra-Whlte, White It ock i, White Wyandottea, Par menter cockerels. Lee Hatchery phone 3-3861. f PRODUCE NETTED GEM. Burbank seed potatoes, local, eastern Oregon, 82.74 100 lbi. ,Al Ped, 5230 Portland Kd. a-UTB. iiw FRESH VEGETABLES, apples, onions, potatoes, oood Buys on au. open s:ou a.m. to 7:00 p.m. every day. Phillips Eros .Farm Market, 4480 Portland Road. 1198' GOOD SEED POTATOES Netted Gems, plant any time now to July, S2.40 per loo. FniuiPi Bros., m. a. box eva, 2 miles east 4 Cornara en State St. Ph. 43081. II NICE DROP seed potatoes. Phone 3-2070. . J. ooode. iiss' HELP WANTED WISH EXTBRIOR TRIM MI NT. painted green and white on 2-story house, starting about May 14 or 20. Look it over and make bid at 2144 Maple Avenue. D. 8. McClellan, 37117. Call mornlnas. KB6 HELP WANTED FEMALE CAR HOP. Woodrofle'a San Shop,, 3400 Portland Rd. No phono calls. ' WAITRENS. Woodroffe'a San Shop, Portland Rd. No phone calls. 3400 ah' HELP WANTED MALE t MEN WANTED who are looklni (or permanent lob lor a better than av eraie income and the best opportunity for advancernnnt there is to offer. You'll be tlveij complete trllnlna Im mediately upon lelectlon. Call 41833 Wednesday, 0:30 to 13. aa95" EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs See us for quality Jobs. Benefit by our knowledge of employers and by our ex perience In the community. Check our listings Mon. A Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 494 State St. (Oregon Bids.) 4-3351 HELP WANTED FEMALE SALESLADY Attractive, over 25, eap ableof meeting public. 4-day week. Apply 1335 State- (8 to I), (12:30-1). gbRfl KXFKRlKNCEn typLit for permanent position in Insurance company, Oood opportunity for advancement In the Inaurance field. Phone 4-2287, gb97 ft&AIM PI&QER. TEARS IN. the feeling is that he CAN TARE THE HEAT BETTER THAN JOE ... PALOOKA SENT HIAA BACK TO THE ROPES WITH A HARD RIGHT- bass ''tsiffj at Tuesday, April il, 1953 HELP WANTEP 165 wdwddPw - HELP WANTEP FEMALE MiiHiLE AGS woman for nlchl shift. 7Do hour, ana no a r a ana room. Holme's Nursing Home, Brooks, Ore ton. - iMg GIRL WANTED for housework and car of I cniiaren, uni scnooi aie. jwust live in. Phone 36527 or 21047. gb97 WANTED SALESMAN Salesmen Olaasheat, America', moat modern heatlni method, want experienced full lime and ambitious aalesman with , ear. Excellent opportunity for unllm. Red aarnlnn. Call In paraon. Olssi heat ol Salem, 1540 Falrsrounda lioad. al37 , ' YOUR OPPORTUNITY You liave read a lot ol ads. Most of , them promise you hllhest commis sions, hllhest bonus, all of the bona lid. leads you can use, fast promotion, ttc. The oueitlon In my mind Is how can they all ba the best, They aan all be aood but only one oan b, tha best. No, I'm not lolng to ay that my company heads tha list, neither am I lolni to lay that wa can hand you the world wrapped up In a neat packaie I will lay this: 11 you are unemployed, or dissatisfied with yourtTjresent employment, and can sell or would like to enter the aelllni Held, we would like to place the shoe on th. other foot. Instead of making promlaea that wa can't keep wa want you to come In and tell ui what you want and expect out ol a Job wa will live you a courteous, truthful and confi dential Interview. Car caaential, writ. K. L. Johnston, alb Oovsrnor Build ing, Portland, Oreion. tl93s EXPERIENCED AUTOMOTIVE paint and automotive accessory aalaaman to cover territory adjacent to Salem. Steady, employment. Gil Ward, 450 Center. II98" WANTED POSITIONS NIEKENHAM'S DAY NURSERY Stat, Ucenaed and Inspected. Phon, 1-7878. hl30 CHILD CARE Aia to I, In my home. Broadway and Hlihland. Phona 38033. h97 SPRAY PAINTING Shakes houses, roofs. larnt ouuainis, etc. moo. 4-jieo. hlOO GOOD CHILD care, on to sis. Lancas ter vicinity. 1710 Thorndali or 1-1801 after 5 p.m. h09 WILL OIVE kind home, car, lo bed pa tient in cnrittian home. 3-700. hj" CHILD CARE, reaionablc. North. Fhon. h99' CARPENTER cabinet work, home re modeling, Ire, estimate.. Call 3-8411, 4-1(23. hl0 ROTOTILLINO evenlnis, Saturdays, sudays, Reiser area. Phono 3-5395. h!07 PLOWING I I DISCING IMMEDIATE Phone 3-0300. h07 SERVICE. TILLING with new ME. Rotary tiller. Phono evenings. 1-8333. hlol marvs FLOWING and dlsclna, prompt U95 service' 4-5449. TREE WORR, Topplni, trlmmlni, rs- movlng. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-0385. , hill' NEW lawns. Rotary hoeing. Free estl mates. Duana Woleott, Phona I-B137. hut LET ME PLACE your portable tewing machine in a Rollereue tea tab, cabinet. See It at Dickson's, 11th as 99E. It's IT. h( PAINTING, Papsr-hanllni, tree atti hioa mate. Don Lucero. Phone 1-5333. landscape maintenance, pmalbr, . trlmmlni, planting, fertillllnt. Serv ice center. Phone 4-3573. h!08 NEW LAWNS, complete free estimates. Phone 4-3041. mot Licensed and non-licenied practical nuriee. or domestic. Call 8-8073. hoo BOTO-TILLER WORK 14 hour mlnl- mum. Phone 4-5401. GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pro. paratlon. Plowing, diaetng, leveling, rototiuing, Servlca Center Phon, 43873, hloi LIGHT CRAWLER, doilni, dirt level. ini, gradlni. Phone 3-3330. M03- CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, aeedlng. Phon. 3-3041. h98 TILLING WITH Rotary -hoe. Garden lawna. Phona 1-8539, 3330 Evergreen. hl04 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or antlra house. Do all kinds of painting, brush and spray, lurnlah references, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3944. h98 CUSTOM gardening, 30-ln. Rotary hoe, 34 an hour. 3-7338 after 8 p.m. hos ROTOVATOR work wanted. Vincent . Kremer, 3150 Lansing Ave. Phone 330, h!14 CLEANING, WASHING, Phone 3-8310. ironing, by day. hoc GARDEN WORK RotOtilllng. Call 1-9435 After ftroo p.m. hog RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, 810 plus material. Call any time. Free ettlmatea. Phona 4-3283 haioi FOR RENT LARGE warehouse apace for rent or lease. Cement floori, brick building. Down town. Inquire H. L. Stiff Fur nlture Co. Phone 1-9185. j conveniently located parking In downtown .Salem. 6.50 month. 2-8082. WANTED TO RENT RESPONSIBLE young couple. Non-drlnk-ers, son-smoker,. Deslr, 1-bedroom home. Phone 3-9738. jB98a FOR RENT ROOMS sleeping room (or men, kitohcn priv. Ileses, TV. 130.80 per mo.lth. Phona -W3- Jk97 l By Ham Fisher ',v , !U . a . . , . ..... . JVi f - r - - aufciLaaati