Tuesday, April 21, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Page 19 The Voice of Love RADIO PROGRAMS i By WILLIAM NEUBAUCR IA Ntwileituni) WEDNESDAY P. M. STEVE ROPER ",,naTT THE POUCE HAVE TO GO 1 1 nM?3 JV I P I BOUGHT tT-HV MMM-TM AF6AI0 1 KVOU MUST ALL BE INSANE' KARSON --TELL ME - ' 1 ( , .' IBT iZJl, i STEVE HAS HIS WtffilN5PcCTOIWHAVri TOU JUV W 1 1Vri . ga g-' ' ' . CHAPTER 5 . ' ' r tree, sighed In pull ol Bees droned, twltler I bli,1rtd blackly acrou the I, twilight became a thade icker. fioon It would be time to inside and help Maggl Couvhan. the dinner; oon it would time to call up gayety like an y lor the further pleasure of I guesls- But " the lantlme there were her thought examine and separate and deal th once and for all. To be per itly lair about it, Bob's patience been sorely tried for more mths than it snould have been, e should either have accepted fl stopped dating him. shouldn't have been nece&sary ' him to write the note he'd tten that strangely childish te of a man in pain, ine scowled, looking over her wider s the big front door ened. She met her mother's blue a and smiled self consciously. wondered if her mother was Whlc. she always seemed to ue when something had gone ong. Xow the sky was all rose, and oer that sky the ocean took on I appearance of a tranqulll, M-colored lake. Clear Lake, she ought, looks that way in the aset, and she wondered if she ouldn't spend the summer up ere. Perhaps she needed to get ay. Perhaps she needed weeks d weeks of beauty and solitude, e opportunity to relax, the "nee to really think. . 'Remember Clear Lake. Mom? member the fun we had up sre a couple of summers ago?" Ellen Carlisle smiled reminls itly. "Such fun, she drawled in i pleasant contralto. "We were y to return alive I" 'At least one could think there. mi. And all the people you met re pleasant. They weren't al- ys giving a girl problems?" 'Is Bob the problem?" awe filled the girl's brown eyes. 'Mom, you are psychic !' 'No such thing," Ellen Carlisle Klalmed. 'Bob didn't take you to church, didn't Invite you to spend the lernoon on his farm. Bob hasn't en here since last Monday, Bob sn't made his nightly telephone II in over a week. Enough?" 'He wants me to marry him, 5m. It's either that, or he'll t off what he calls the merry. -"nd." "Are you sure you don't Jove m, Ruth?" 'How can you tell? There, will u just answer that?" The click of wooden balls came Itantly from the croquet lawn, le voice of Mr. Hufford boomed, Mientarily silencing the flitting, itlng birds. . Ellen Carlisle chuckled. "Mr. ifford gave me ten dollars extra is morning. And Johnny told me eyre putting him on permanent Isn't that exciting? All Mr. ifford ever really needed was meone to take an interest In m. He'll be all' right now.1. "You havent answered my question I That's called evasion, Mom My students use the same trick." "What answer can I give you? You Just know. You look at the man and he's more important to you than anyone else In the world parents Included. You want to be with him. You want to be with him whether he's rich or poors ill orwef The thought of spending a lifetime with him fills you with a sort of ecstasy. You live for the day of marriage. In short, hes right for you, and all your nerves, your mind, your heart, tell you so." "Or a voice, like Grammy used to say?" "Personally, I never heard a voice, dear. I Just looked at your silly father and knew." "He Is not silly." "If you don't know, then you don't love him. There, Is that the ueio you need?" ine gin nodded, made more miserable than ever. But if she didn't love Bob, then why was she feeling so hollow inside? And when would she meet the man? "Life's a poor Joke. Mom. Life's n awiui poor joker The dinner bell claimed. 'Lank. tow at her watch. Ruth wax uinn. ished to discover it really was seven-imriy. wnere nad the after noon gone? "He's a nice fellow. Bob. I'd like nun ior a son-in-law. so would your father." But now people were answering the clanging calls of the bell. From near and far they came. Last but not least came enormous Mr. Huliord, resplendent In a nat ty pearl gray suit. Always gallant, he bowed to the ladles and grand ly offered Mrs. Carlisle) his arm "Stop pouting," he told the de voted Nancy. "This is business. wno oversees the serving of the food? A man must have enough to eat. mustn't he?" But Nancy had her revenge.! When they stepped into the big softly lighted living room, they found that their celebrity had come down from his room to Join them at table for the first time. There he sat, a little dumpy man with pallid face and a luxurious crop of golden hair. He rose and looked around awkwardly, as though not sure what he was ex pected to do. That made him fair prey for Nancy. Back straiaht. head high, blue eyes dancing, she marched straight over to him and offered her arm. "You're supposed to escort me to the table, Mr. Cur tis. Some people may not think I'm a lady, but I am." Ruth liked him instantly for the dignified way he bowed while murmuring: "A signal honor, to be sure." The entrance of celebrity and Seventeen Into the dining room was regal, to say the least. Mr. Hufford was snubbed as he stood holding a chair out for his any. ' (To Be Continued) KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO IU HV. IH CBS I1W ABO l) MBC 1110 Bo. It US V9 VaR News Newe Faul Hiriti Ten Tralte anlder . . Newa , K ml ' Llla Come Gel I Neon EdtlloeNewa Hollar MaJ'r Leaeun ' ftp. fount Haste Ferlr Jack 0i Oar ar Bolder 1 MeJ Uaelea tg: rJaunlaeaa Hease Parlr Jacfc Qwcna GardeaGde seraer ' Mai'i twin MMtTwilt" Bim.a fin" Ka Wnl KlruweeS Seller MaJ'r Un ' .telle Dallaa Aunt Jemtmi Ka Mail Kirk ' SoUer ' MaJ'r Leasua :JI Win. Brown Nawanane . " Lsear D (dr 1 ' - MaJ'r Ueiuo) Woman na Hi VeweMPor Ka Weil JUr.cn Balder MaJ'r Mesne :" riala BUI Saarales Cal Turner Mula Beterda MaJ. LaaiM :' fie rrrll nedfrof Cal Tinner Maila . ' Bacardi MaJ. Leasee , I:' L '.edfrer . Lira Ilea Muale Bacardi Maila : Deal Wife Godfrey MllUanalra Shopnor Bacardi Mcladr !:H Wiltcai Godfrey MaUeRarai Our Town Jlra Dandr Meale Trarelen Godfrey :, Bias Shaw Sllrarloa Shaw Melody Dr. Paal Godfrey, far (ha Ollll Maiu ; Jim Daair i Marie :4- Dara Orrvy v.uri Mosses e'er the Glrla Iaula Siena anew Malady : W till Beaaiilal Klrkbaai Tlor Tine rnltan Lewli Brio. Train Mmla Tan wllS Moalr Bat BalhAahlan Squlrre. Cat Hrminswar Muala Mart Want . f I' Hull Ba JlmWauely Squirrel Cie Muala Muale Mart Muale Yea 4:4s Muale Ban Tunefully Haw Time Bam Wayea Husle Mart Want !.M Nai . Marraw New, Uncli Bek ' Sania el MaaieMart- Shewcaat ' :1 Nina Sales Nawi Stan Bar' B Muale Marl Saeweaea :I( U McCall World Tada Cbrt rluntla, Wild Bill Muali Mart Val'r Beaart :H K. riliraar Sawi Beh Oarred Blckak Muale Mart Beaaeuieer :l(i Belat with M Wealkrrman" Gabrinaatlr MaaUMart CinelaUihl i:Ig Maile riayheuw Heme to, NW Nan Mule Mart CandleUtkl MrSeuJcay What'i My Gaud till. Sraivhaay Maale Mart :4 My gen Jecy tine Ceed till. Bera Harel Hm Pit M ey i:M Bab Heae Ka Blare . Lena Bant ar Muale . IBoaary :M Bab Heae On Blaea Lena Bencer Maila . Rtara Biaf :S(I Walk a Mil Werld Affair Mritcry lt. Klllare , . Mula :45. Walk n Ml Fernra Theater Dr Klldare ' 1 Duiant Dead 1:M Man's Fanl Veni . . Hrmehonette Spalllns . BaaebaU , :5 Neve On Suet ftrmpheacttc Cenlcct Baaeball PilO Gnat Dr.Cbrlallan Mr. Prealdent Spelllnf . aaarball l:4SQUdereleeTa Dr. ChrlatUn Mr. rreeldant Cenlaat Baaeball t:M Greucha P. B. I, Talci Tauaer Qlen Bevdr Raacball i:f Murt PeaeeeVWar U. N. 8terr Vulten Mwla ' ' ttaaeball 1:10 Kaaal That Ja Slafferd Muili Ii Muali Baaeball' ;4.c Tanu Junler Mlaa Mr Builnea Muala Baaeball" lt:0 Maya rtei S Star Pinal I'fnal Edilien" B.blnd Starr Baaeball ' ll:1n Bperti Plnnl Intarrlewi Dance TImt Vewareel ' Nlehl Newu :10:Xn MitlcHeur Muale . . Dance Tina. Ncvia ' ' Nly ht Sans i;4fl Marie Hear Muale Dance Time Dear Marry .' Nlrhl Sens 11 Marie Hear Orran Mel. - Dance Time Ita Murder - . . . ' Nlrht Senr 11:15 Marie Hear Orr.Meledlea Dance Tine Mcledlee - . Nlrht Senv , 1:SII City Ceuncll Treaaury Dane Time Mcladiae ' .; NirutSanf IJ :4r city Ceuncll Bandatand Dance Tlaac Mcledlee - Xlaht Senr llWrn" Off Mllent I Muale I Dance Party' rO . : m A&bfo a Don'l Blow Your Top 2395 sous M f j Baby Talk! Here's the cotton nvertlble interpreted in smaller es: flared princess sundress, Icro. Panties plus flower trans- come in the pattern, tool Easy fiew and iron. ( No. 23D5 Is cut In sizes 2. 4, 6 and .Dress and bolero, sire 4: ll I. 35-ln. Separate panties take yd. 35-in. Send 30c for PATTERN with me, Address, Stvle Number and te. Address PATTERN BU CAU, Capital Journal, 653 Mis n Street. San ?ranclsco 6. Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders im Mliately. For special handling of ler via first class mall Include ' i extra sc per pattern. THURSDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. Carol Curtis Pattern 596' l ""Vl' ROOM BOARD Sun and Sand Suit. Knitted for the smallest of the sun, sand and air devotees, this very small one piece play suit Is done in kitten soft xephyr baby yarn for sizes 3, 4 and 6 years. The halter straps make for ease in getting suit onto youngsters; straps cross over in back and button to the waistband. Make the cunning suit in yellow with blue trim, in, white with red trim, in navy with white or In any color combination which suits your fancy. Send 30c tor the SUN and SAND SUIT i Pattern No. 5961 complete knitting, finishing directions for sizes 2, 4, and 6 years Included. YOUR NAME, ADDRESS. PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS. 653 Mission street, San Fran cisco b, Calif. By Ahren Rl IT II IMini? Tl KT MV FBIPMD AND-1 ARE THE ONLY ONES WHO KNOW THERE 15 OIL ON THE PROPERTY.... I WENT OUT AND SAW THE PRO0F7...AND HERE'S A LETTER FROM THE OWNERS OFFERING US A LEASE ON 100 ACRES FOR tSQOO! ....YOU FURNISH THE MONEY AND VOUIL HAVE A THIRD INTEREST . I'LL ASK AT MUH BANK WHAT THEY THINIC.TH'MANAGER; , ALWAYS GIVES . ME ADVICE ON HOW TO PLANT MUH CLOVER., (Better. look for.- ANOTHER. ANGEL.JUDGE -1U POGO ' ... ..-: ; . v. . ..' - pV.I. . f TEnrt NOWAftONYgT-toTWNK 1 I I'LL WALK UP TO MY OLP PAL T JUXtAStOT THf I I HOrV rTlDICKLtVWHJfj Of Ht WON'T MIP THSTONV MOL6 OUT ffMOtVttf' H6U WUfAtt 0tAW'AA9 CJffrfVe K yl KTr mA ... m T.I tf TSV JC ICSnS ft If I 1 V tV s I WV a-" 1" lfff v teas- uta. flw ki mass aB!ia l-s- ' " u 1 wst j- i ORPHAN ANNIE . ' ' . i. ' f nn 1 IWWMMmifritflJ I v 1 '4iiimiiiiiiiiii iiminji II mm UHTI 1 , r UU : Urraar!L I I ( THINKIHQ? T ABOUT US -OUR A II I FimLTTVfi A WOHOS?fUL 7 Ml I HEY w ALL THE FIGURES T Al ABOUT WHAT. 1 HEW MILUOIS-THie TOWM, QtB-QUET. KtMDLY. BK6I I1 1 I Aun rumnce iNn I Tunawuvi M 1 . I ' irr9 I TniiM ru? rami rrv-! I 1 1 l utBruutsMH arxVFajAPIN' I GUPPoeE GO 0' j PLANS -WHAT VOL) 9-'-'JH S--,fet-: "ILrf FOLKS-BUT THEV NEED I WHO OOEBrfT? M hA offl tfcH : r imjjjpN muLK mm ,mx IL''.I II I If aatll I J 111 mmmm, eanBr i i u a Vf-111 atr SUaf 1 MuaanTJunu Mn -cr mi i rt nrii i.i'ii i I I I II .1 II f r Mhy Mil tNJ7 AJ I! I . L1L ABNER - I V Vgg ' ITS STILL RED-WHA J k I BUT, NATCH ERLV, AM FO'GlVES "1 I BV MORNIN'THIS SILL" YMA I SHE. MUST HATE ME. LIKE. Wi3 I I HEWHOMPEOME- ft HIM. ALL EXPEXTOftANIT FATHERS LI'L INODEMT WILL POISOM, MOW-BUT, TH ASS ,i V, , jjy-utj. I fl rjff I ISTOOCHV. AH'LL PUT THIS . BE RMISHED. w7Mk TH' WAV AH WANTS IT Jifefc V t-i-i-r - J L fl 4 LAMPOWEFtTH'DOOR,TO Jf - -!''P fJECUZ, BV T9SK . -.LHt ..y - wJ. ', show he is welcome .-nil jStZZlbk mfM vsM? morninjouu 32"Sn)p GtorjL Sr lK2iKyt Will r&iawWN,M"ssiSK:fcK:. ' RHP Af.nNn C. ARKinT ' ' ' '. ' ' i . I l:Sr Muale Boi GranS Rlam Breakfaat . . . . , , . I g;4r Muale Ben Beaemarr IBreakfaat ,' ,. . TWO HUNRREPAHf UNLE66 YOU Citt WWM INPEEP? THEN I I I PENANP THAT- Y4U 90 Jij t:W Nawj w. Warren II tltTV IMII te.er TUnP OSTF VrtU'll I TnKP IT V)U I I YHJR DUTY AKO HRRE4T fl t):l' Mua i Bel Went Jennr rl'N A FAIftMINPEP YY0MMI , NR. A63IPY? AT THAT PRItE STMWE OUT EVERY 7 REFUSE TO fAY THI6 HAN. SHERIFF J - JU "unii.hr o.r o.i a.n n". '' PAY THE FIVE PILARS PER HEAP TOLL fT WILL BANKRUPT RANCHER. IN THto AREA. A JUST PEBT fgh BBe7noT Read .1 LiieSTbardner CHAR6E WR THE FIFTY HEAP OF CATTLE J EVERY RANCHER . ' Wl JJ ' fcijlii.' ratkim. c. . uie cEicr abam TUF BIUF 1(10 IM RUZ-lCKIrl . T 1 4 l i 9O0 -.-. )J atli':Sf Strike it rleWlio.. Malona TruaSlerr 1 f '; . . ' ' " . . 't ' - iMejiiatlenai JOiOO, 8lin Off. , ' ' ' I II gI KNOW THE GAME V 1 SUPPOSE YOU'RE SO itr N0THH6 ' ' . . P ' " SggllF Mixzzh BxBlt' sMi Air force Plans WSE-eVSrtfH AHO KNOWWHATTHE GAME EVEN STARTS OMB evjCV Cl-i'.l. Wzza fflfeiT iKsis lltmi. mm ZOOO Slrafo efs yjp-yi i) iffT"1 " 1 i , 1 1 ..ii -u-Lii--uue u lllIirt3Ll. Itt I . IU'- ?nW1 1 H2rl II fuMl I 1 HJ J DONALD DUCK . 6 im""1 WTX BUCKS T'COMEOUT) C-H) fl! ..AlrToU AND EXTERMINATE l ' STTT lV 'nT I j . X'A -fl lorm 1?S3S IT FREE 'I rl MlfrPa r- T-i$ fflv ' -To be r- MARY WORTH II I FjTSrT?--! I IT.-MI6MT HAVE BEEN EASIER, ''"sl I iTS it wAeu'T -.rsnnRVF lif5"' 1 feiMfc iiS i , . , . . i ..... : ' ' . Trader Louie will take most anything In trade. Trader Louie 1820 tun t,t. 1 ' Ph. 3S5S8 Sawa Faraa Navt Nena -March Time Breakfaat Nook Breakfast . Nook Hemmliitirar Breakfaat Breakfaat Sara Hares Ceell Breem Fan. Allar Rsre-.i of B Baron at B Mtlaales Malodleo varas Nsws Newt . Breakfaat Neek Breakfast Noek iMteltltlona KOCO Blank KOCO Klaik KOCO lleek Jim Dandr, Jim Dandr Jim Dandr Jim 'Dandy am KdlllerWewe Mr. Rmrth. rrouars niarunaioor mom Mr. Smyth iraater'a Call Mr. Smyth Bar. Countn Mr. Bmrth men flerdr Tela Teat - Answer Han Muale DM ar NothlMr, Burton Whlanerlnt Ladlea Fair DM ar Nltnjp. Maaan nirl Marries Ladles Fair rnrsxe rare Nora Drake IV. Llndlahr gn. fer Day 'Ben Hope 'Hrlshler Day.Rarney Keeptf. for Day I Back fence Matinee Back fenee Matinee Back fence Matinee Back fence Matlnro Newe KOCO Block KOCO Kloek iNcwa Woman's Fsa Flano Fat. iSecend Look Dinah Shorn Bays Bccarda . Raya Bacarde Raya Bccordl ' Bays Bccordl FM Mac: KOIN 1( 1.1, a.m. la It p.m. KEX n.t, 1 la p m DIAL MSTING KOAC, 5!i0 ' lrtAf Thursday a.m. ld:M. News, Weathers 1:H. Fer Womcnt ll:M, School of Alrt 11:15. Concert Hallt 13:00, Newe, Heathen 1!:M, Noon Farm Hour: 1:00, Bide 'Em Cowboyi 1:IS. School of Aln 1:111, Bookahelfi :00. Fw Women I 1-.X0. Inoulrlna Mnalelani 0:00. Raaeh.ll. OHC-WS.C. . v V .. Washington, U.R) Air Force plans call for production of more than 2,000 B-47 Slrato- ct bombers at an estimated cost of five billion dollars, It was learned today. The figures cover planes al ready produced, those on order and a large new order to be placed if approval is granted in the Eisenhower administra tion's forthcoming defens'e budget. Final budget decisions are expected in a week to 10 days. The Air Force has attached highest importance to the more than 600-mile an hour Strato jets during the Defense Depart ment's overhaullnff nf fnrmsr President Truman's fiscal 1954 spending proposals.. Burglars Foiled ? Albany Yeggs failed to gain admittance into any of three offices in the Bank of Albany building which they evidently planned to loot some ' time during the week end, Al bany police reported Monday.' The attempts resembled thefts which occurred about a week ago in the First National bank building when three doctor's offices were looted. L l 32. Thrce-toed slolhi S3. Weep bitterly 85. Also 36. Broom 39. Aimed 42. Convened 44. Larue knife 45. Work out In detail 49. Organs of scent . 52. Russian mountains 53. Roman garment 5.1. Faucet 511. Particle 57. Dismounted 58. H. B. Stowa character 59. Finest 60. Unasplrated 61. Low haunt SADnRIAPnRAll5lE aHUIIe gouar D 0 R k I feUPQ. T SliO N 5 DfJR 0 GfATEflffiOW CSiO D Afib RlBlSQi B. A RIE A MJPBRjL AVE S AXEBlPjEvnao' N EJC E A 5 C E N IE jg3TAlC I TffWAR M B A Rip MIE T OWN E AUlEEnERlllfER R iTIFIe lis U RlflD OSTpTy Solution of Yesterday's Puixl DOWN 1. Couch 2. WinKhko 3. Tardiness 4. Slander 6. Part of building 6. Masculine name I 11 15 If .. W 16 Ifa 1? H- .18 19 1 10 U iz M& s f b-' fn - ig- 3 T", JJT--jp sns TT ,,,W 2 W ISi" 35 f .. .;. iTVr rj,. ;.:' I ' M i 14. 4 5oTrr 55 . ? : ':r;55" Deadly Greet Lacrimost drop Vocal solo Maid Eccentrle rotating piece Pull . Type measure Public vehicle Be situated Summit Bore witness Kish et'gs Turf Genus of till cow Ebb dish Honey Inborn Laic: ccmb. foim .Sum .spcoih'rcs One of the Great Lake. Tubs Long sttt k Ldse of a roof Tern of horses IVn for gams . A )JiU 49441 l