Kirkendall Hurt As Willamette Defeats Pilots Portland W) Willamette .defeated Portland University 10-4 in a baseball fame here Monday but lost the services, .: at least temporarily, of Third Baseman Tex Kirkendall. 'He was hospitalized with a concussion after he collided with Portland's PnHy Satalich in the second inning:. . y. Willamette's big inning was the fourth with five runs on four singles, a walk, a hit bat- ' ' ter and a wild pitch. ' Willamette (10) B H (4) rorlland O A B H O A , -Nelson.) I Xewls.ef 4 1 Lurlck.ia 4 S I OUndBT.l 2 BartaU 4 3 4 S Torson.rf 4 OJkelskl.3 1 0 Hthbir.o 1 Brooks.p 3 1 LeoneM 1 PoelU I t 1 " 3 1 1 ,Prlmn,l-3 Koepi.e . KrkndU. e Shield. rl Rolt.p Oray.p - " Akao.e KMd.1 r- Mase.rf l o e Total! It 11 IT 11 Total! H III I - Willamette 301 SOI 00010 11 3 " Hit! 303 401003 Portland 002 010 010 4 (1 : Hit! 121 020 (HI WUmlni pitcher. Holt; loalns pltehar. .. Brooks. ' Pltchar IP AB H a BP. BO BB Bolt I II I 3 1 3 1 i Orar 4 II I 14 I 1. Brooka 31 11 10 10 10 T HBP Holt, by Brooka. WP Brooka 1. LOB WlUamotta I. Portland 1. E Nel- aon 1, Waone 1. Ratd 3. 3B Koepl. 3B Lollnta. BBI Elaaaaer 3, Mwll a, rari man 1. Koepf 3, Harten 3. Boakh 1. 1 BB Nclaon 1. BB Lewla 3. UP Koepf to Nelson; Harian to Nelson to Reed. Time .jj 3:21. Chuck Taylor To Talk at McMinnville McMinnville VP) Chuck Taylor, head football coach at Stanford university, will be the main speaker tonight at the annual McMinnville Mon day Morning Quarterback club banquet The banquet honors both Mc Minnville high school and Lin field basketball, baseball, track and wrestling athletes. Pederson Faces Szasz in Armorv Main Erie (The Great) 1 Pederson, bemuscled and arrogant wres tler, takes on Al Siasx in the main event of tonight's profes sional wrestling card at Salem armory. ' The Pederson-Szasz match highlights a grappling card which gets underway with pre liminaries at 8:30 p.m. Pederson, who physically is one of the strongest men in the sport of wrestling today, uses a powerful full nelson as his chief offensive weapon. But Szasz apparently isn't afraid of Pederson's full nel son, or any other hold Ped erson might have for that matter. Szasz and Pederson have wrestled each other twice in Portland recently, with each man winning one of the matches. So tonight's battle will be In the n a t u r e of a rubber match. And it might be added that Pederson and Szasz haven't built up any love for each other in their previous two matches. - Tommy Martindale and Chester Wallick meet in the semi-final match, with Billy Hickson facing Ralph Alexan der and Henry Lenz opposing Danny O'Rourke in other pre lims. British Guiana is t h e only English-speaking country in South America. FAN FARE rIVWynAajaja aaaj!,iil ITvlsWtMUNB NGUKNOrY A' W5 BOWltr VJ.V I flNG,6C.SINCV 1 VftOS GOING J-r C afc Winners of Dallas Fishing Derby bert Shirley (youngest); Mary Ann Slack (girl longest fish); Tom Hooker, Judge; John Gregory (tie for long est); Jim Boren, assistant judge; Merlin Fast (heaviest atring); Scotty Peters (heaviest fish). Young Anglers Compete in Annual Dallas Trout Derby Dallas Fishing season has opened officially. With a horde of youthful anglers lining the banks of La Creole Creek, the fish were shivering in their scales as the kids of Dallas had their opening day derby. The envy of many older an glers, the young folks showed that they don't need to take a back seat when it comes to catching fish. The high point of the day came for some at 5 p.m. when all entries in the derby were judged by retired Polk County Sheriff Tom Hooker. Judging took place at Fos ter's Home and Auto Supply Store, and was eagerly watch' ed by a large crowd of con testants and spectators. Outstanding among the en trants was 6-year-old Albert Shirley who took a prize as the youngest angler with a fish. A prize also went to Mary Slack for catching the longest fish to be taken by a girl. Other prizes went to Merline Fast, one of the 7th grade boys, for the best and heaviest string of ' fish; to John Gregory for Woodburn Girl Named Water Show Chairman Woodburn Miss Norene Wells of Woodburn has been elected pageant chairman of the Seahorses, women's swim' mine club at Oregon State col lege, an active organization that tops its year's activities by presenting an annual water pageant, Miss Wells is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Wells, Woodburn.-route 2, a sophomore in physical educa tion at Oregon State and is lifeguard at the Woodburn war memorial swimming pool. Event Tonite Proud One Eric (The Great) Ped erson, whose arrogance In the wrestling ring wins him few friends, will face Al Szass In the main event of tonight's professional wrest ling card at the Salem ar mory. The card starts at (:S0. if Am ' li f Left to richt: Al the longest fish of the day; and to Scotty Peters for the heavi est fish of the day. A ' problem arose when if was found that two fish, those caught by young Peters and Gregory, were tied for the longest fish of the day. Assisted by Jim Boren. Dal las assistant police chief. Hook er decided that, as there was also a prize for the heaviest fish, it was only fair that the catcher of the heaviest fish should have first choice of the two prizes. Peters was eiven his choice, taking a complete iioergiass casting rod and reel, while Gregory received a fly roo ana reel. Beavers Lose to Padres, Play Sactos This Week Portland U.R San Diego's four runs In the fourth inning coupled with the three-hit pitching of Bill Thomason gave the Padres a 4-0 victory over Portland last night In a Pacific Coast league baseball game, It was the final game of the week-long. Portland-San Die go series. Portland won the series, 4 to'S. Last night's con test made up a game rained out last week. San Diego made five of its seven hits off Lyman Lynde In the fourth frame. With one out, Tom Alston and Earl Rapp each got on with singles. Then Lou String er chased in Alston with a single. Dain Clay walked to fill the bases. Milt Smith struck out, but Catcher Red Mathis hit a single, scoring Rapp and Stringer. The Padres madt -the final run when Thomason hit a grounder to Don Eggert who overthrew at first, permitting Clay to score, A crowd of 2278 last night built the attendance for the series to 36,395. Portland meets Sacramento here tonight with Larry Ward (2-1) pitching for the Beavers and Charley Shanz ,1-0) for the Solons. San Francisco (IMS The San Francisco Seals today were surprising even their most rabid supporters in the three - week - old Pacific Coast League pennant chase. Consigned to a cellar berth in most pre-season forecasts, the Seals are battling for a first division berth and if Tommy Heath's men maintain their sudden strength with the willow they can become a def inite threat to the top clubs. San Francisco split a twin bill with Oakland last night, winning the opener, 8-3, and dropping the nightcap, 10-9, when Bill Howerton hit a bases-loaded homer in the ninth inning. . The Seals wound up a week's stay in Oakland on the long end of a 5-2 series with their bitter rivals. Ex cept for Howerton's blast, the Acorns had little to re joice about for they're now nine games off the pace. In last night's seven-Inning opener, the San Franciscans By WoH Ditxan Solemn. Witherspoon, Tanselli Homer in 77-Ht Barrage Br CHRIS KOWITZ, JR. Displaying more authority at the plate than at any time since the Callstoga, Calif., Chamber of Commerce treated them to a banquet at the opening of spring training nearly month ago, the Salem Senators lam basted four Sacramento pitch ers for 17 hits and a 15-5 vic tory over the Coast leaguers at waters park last night. Seven of Salem's 17 hits were for extra bases. Les Wlth erspoon's 35-ounce baton led the hit parade with a home run, triple and two singles. Hjs home run came in the third inning with two men on base. Gene Tanselli also homered for Salem, with one aboard in the fifth. Just about everybody got Into the act Thirteen Salem players saw action, and 11 of them got hits. Only starting pitcher Bill Bevens and pinch-hitter Bill Nelson went hitless. Bevens pitched the first six innings, giving up three hits and two runs. He looked in mid-season form, effectively keeping Sacramento's hits scat tered.. Bevens was never in trouble during the f i r s t five innings, but was nicked for two Sacto tallies in the sixth on one hit, a walk and two Salem er rors. Lefty Bob Collins worked the final three-frames on the mound for Salem. He allowed no hits, but Sacramento scored two unearned runs in the sev enth and one earned run in the eighth. Collins was troubled by wildness. He issued six walks. Meanwhile, Salem's' bats were banging out a sweet tune. Salem built up a 10-0 lead by the end of five innings. The Senators got three runs off starting Sacramento pitcher Gene Rornsple in the second on a walk to Don Taylor, a single 9PCL STANDINGS W L Pet. W L Pet. Loa Am II 6 .111 Sn Pran 10 10 .600 Seattle 14 1 .Ml Bacrronto S 12 ' .400 Portland 11 I .ISO Bn Dleao 1 14 .333 Hlljwood 13 10 .141 Oakland It Mi Mandara Beealta: Ban Dleia.4, Portland 0. Ban Pranelaeo S-o. Oakland 3-10. . Only gamea scheduled. blasted two former teammates, Con Dempsey and Chuck Eis- enmann, along with four oth er Acorn hurlers. A big five- run fifth was the payoff in ning. Pitcher Ted Shandor was credited with his third straight win, although he had to be rescued by ace reliefer Bob Muncrief when the Oaks threatened. It was Muncrief who was the victim of Howerton's hom er in the finale. Big Bob was trying to save the hide of Bill Bradord at exactly 12:58 a.m when Howerton came up with the bags loaded and unleashed his roundtripper. Saa DIeia (I) (0) Partland R O A - B H O A Murray,! 1 4 IAuatln.1 I Peteranj 8Monu.lI I ORobbe.rl 3 OOldatn.ef 4 Alt ton, lb Rapp.rt Strmrjf 0 Binikl.3 1 Reich. Ik 4Eaert,l 0 Rnin,o 1 Llnt.p O 11 Mflmth.l Mathm.o Thmaen.p Total! II 1 IT II Total! 97 1 II 11 San Dleao ooo 400 ooo4 Hit! 101 400 0007 Portland ooo ooo ooo o Hit! 000 011 0013 Pltchar: IP AB R H BR BB BO momaa .... a 37 0.1 04 3 Lint I 13 4 1 I 1 4 Winner Thonuion. Laser Lint. 1 Baiert 2. R Aliton. Rapp, fttrtnser, t-iar. itoi cjinnier, Matnu. as Robbe. SB Auatln, DP Aiutln, Bulnskl and Aimin: m. amlUl. Murray and Aliton uurrar. Petition and Aliton. LOB oan uieio i, Portland l, HBP Murray by Llntc. u Anakr. Benta and Pelekou daa. T 1:11. A 3371. Davis of LA Leads Coast League Hitters San Francisco (P) Tod Davis, with a sizeable .486 average for sixteen games, con tinued to lead Pacific Coast League batters through last Sunday. Others topping the baseball scramble were Tom Alston, San Diego and Rav Ortele. Seattle, tied with six home runs apiece, and Orteig and Lee Walls, Hollywood, tied with the most runs batted in with 21 each. Averages by league statisti cian William J. Weiss include games of April 19. OIR Prt Pranklin. San Dleao I l j .aoo Brucker, Ban Dleao 3 I 1 .500 T. Davie, Loe Anfeleei II 37 It .491 MUna. Oakland ll 70 30 .439 Zuvela, Ban Pranelaeo ,,..11 31 13 .419 Phillip, Hollrnood II 17 37 .403 Pocekajr, San Dleao II 31 18 Dahlke, Hollywood 11 33 1 Robbe, Portland ' I II 7 Ballard, Sacramento 14 34 10 Monla, Portland 19 84 19 Reich, Portland I 33 I Chrlitlc, Seattle I is ft Bailnkil, Portland II II 30 Srhemffli, Beattla .........II 49 II Tobln. eealtle 31 14 37 Orant. Portland 7 38 I Ortali, Seattle II 14 17 Wllion. Seattl 31 14 31 Robin ion, Portland 13 31 II Ruiifll. Portland 19 81 II Combi. Seattle 31 II 19 Oladilone, Portland 19 14 31 Auitln. Portland 19 11 30 Judnlch. Bottle 31 II 33 Ooldiberry. BealU 31 14 31 rcrnandea, Seattle 14 1 Shellacsocroiimeirnti,H 3-3 by Witherspoon, a double by Don Masterson and a single by Dick Sabatlni. Tanselli, who had walked, and Taylor, who had dou bled, scored ahead of With erspoon on big Lester's four bagger in the third Inning. Salem added two more runs In the fourth as manager Hugh Luby tripled, Tanselli drew a walk, Witherspoon hit a bloop single to center, scoring Luby, and Ray Stratum singled, scor ing Tanselli from second. Ben Lorino, who won 24 and lost 7 with Victoria In the Wes tern International league last season, came in to pitch for Victory at the outset of the fifth inning. He got Sabatinl to pop up, walked Luby, and then was greeted by Tanselli's blast over the right field wall. Joe Brovia, an outfielder who wanted to pitch just for fun last night, chucked the seventh and eighth innings against Salem, and found it wasn't so much fun after all. Salem blasted Brovia's slants for six hits and five runs In the eighth inning, and one of the hits a single by Stratton sent Brovia diving into the dirt to get out of the way. The game, first in Waters park this season, drew a crowd of 1484. Salem took a workout at 11 o'clock this morning, and was scheduled to play the Oregon City Elks, a semi-pro team, at 8 o'clock Wednesday at Oregon City.. Sacramento (8) (II) Salem HA B H A B 4 0 aSabatlnUt 4 10 Vn 4 4 Brovla.r-p 3 0 3 Luby.Sb 0 1 Tanstlll.Sb OTaylor.lf i Wlthrspn.l 1 Btratton.rf 0 Maaterln.o 0 Hller,ti 0 Ecveiu.p 0 Scrlvens,3 0 BlllNelan.a Bauard,lb - l 1 Smith. !b-p I winter.c 4 Roensple.p 1 N9yers,x . 1 Lorino. p 0 Rltohey.rl 0 OBob Nelan.e 1 Colllni.p 1 ToUll 12 I I ToUU ' 17 17 18 x riled out for Roensple In 8th. ft Saf on aror lor Beveni In 6th. Stcramento 000 003 a 10 9 3 1 Salem 03S 320 0S 15 17 3 Pitcher IP AB H R TO SO BB Roensple Lorino Brovia. Bevens -colllna IS a 1 7 4 6 13 3 3 10 0 14 2 Smith OOO Winner Be Tens. Loser Roettaole. LE Sftcrtmento 0, Salem 9. B Haller, oori.van v annus Kir, uk wither- ipood, - TamelU. Wither ipoon. 3BH (Muterion, Taylor, Bob reason, tmi, Muteraon a, Sabatinl, Witherspoon 4, Stratton, Tanselli 3. Bal imiu. Aura, bod neiaoa a, coiiins, Scrlvens. SB Sheridan. DP Ballard to Attid to Ballard;' Dero to Ballard. T 2:20. U Iller and Vandervort. A 1,464. Salem Junior Varsity Downs Chemawa, 16-1 The Salem hlBh Junior var sity rapped out 15 hitr while two Salem high Ditchers were holding the Indians to one hit to give the Vikings a 16-1 vic tory Here Tuesday. Hon Anderson pitched the first five innings and gave up one hit and it was just beyond the outstretched glove of a Sa lem infielder. Anderson failed to walk a man and struck out ten. The lone run for the In dians was unearned Gary Smith finished ud the last two Innings and held the Chemawa team hitless and gave them four walks. Jerry Walling, Salem third sacker was the game's hitting star as he rapped out five hits in. five trips to the plate. One of these hits was a triple in the first inning. He batted in four runs. Neal Scheidel and Myron Brebahl each came through with two hits a piece. Joe Co burn had the lone Chemawa hit. This hit came in the fourth inning. . Other extra base hits for the Vikings were by Dennis Olson, scneidel, and Bredahl. The big Inning for Salem. coached by Frank Juran, was the fifth when they batted around. They scored nine runs on seven hits in that big in ning. Chemawa 000 100 0 1 1 4 Balem 300 1 X II II 3 Bobb, Btackwater (I), Morln tit and Lane; Arnleraon, Smith (l and Stubble- lleld, Luby (4). High School Scores . (By The Aeioelated Prese) BASEBALL Porret Orova 1, Weat Linn 0. Hllliboro I. Newbert I. Portland Lcaane Pranklin I, Roosevelt 0. . Orant II, Beneon 0. Cleveland 1, Jefferaon 0. Lincoln S, Waahlneton e. TENNIS Orant 4, Benson 1 (Both Portland). Oresham 3, Central Cathollo (Port land) i. TRACK Central IMonmouthl 17 ti. Dallas 13tt, Sheridan 11. TIDE TABLE Tldra far Taft. Oreaen April, 11.11 (Casiplled tr U. 8. Coast and Oeedelle Bnrver. Portland, Ore.) Illsb vValera Low Watera 1:43 a.m. 1.1 11:31 a.m. 13 1:01 p.m. 7:01 a.m. 41 1:01 p.m. 1:41 a.m. 3.04 p.m. 3:45 a.m. 3:11 p.m. I IB a m. 1:33 p.m. 4:31 a.m. 4:13 p.m. S OI a.m. 4:41 p.m. 1:41 am. 1:31 pm. 41 1.1 1:13 p.m. I ll a.m. 31 p.m. I 31 a.m. 10 00 p.m. 10:17 am. 10:17 p.m. 11.07 a.m. 1041 p.m. 1:14 a.m. 11.11 p.m. 4.7 1.4 4.7 II 4.7 II II 10 41 1.3 CALL . CADWELL OIL CO. FUEL OIL Malis then mornlngi wirm n tout PHONE t-7431 LOCaL jf' UNITED PRESS ASSOCIATED PRISS Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, April 21, 1953 Red Sox Soph Hits Three Homers in Double Header New York, (UWDlck Ger nert, who passed his freshman course 'under professor Lou Boudreau with flying colors, looked like a star student for the Bed Sox again this year as s sophomore.. . . Dandy Dick, the big first baseman from Reading, . Fa., smashed three home runs yes terday in 4 to 2 and 11 to 4 victories over the Senators as they finally got around to opening the season in Boston with a morning-afternoon Pa triot's Day double header. , Gernert, ' a 23-year-old right handed swinger from Louisville after last season was well underway, credits Boudreau with his rapid de velopment. He hit 19 homers and drove in 67 runs In 102 games in 1952. "He puts young guys like me right into the lineup and lets us learn how to hit big league pitching by playing against It all the time," he said. He drove In six runs for the day. In the opener, his two homers gave Lefty Mel Par nell the victory margin. Par nell pitched six-hit baU until he was relieved in the eighth. Robin Roberts, number one pitcher in the majors last season, pitched one of his most brilliant games, a three-hit, t to 1 decision for the Phils at New York In which homers by Johnny Wyrostek and Gran Ham ner gave him his win. Rob erts, beaten on opening day by Larry Jansen of the Giants, reversed proceedings this time as Jansen was tag ged with defeat. He yielded five hits. , V Joe Presko showed no signs of the sore arm which bothered him last year as the Cardinals downed the Braves, 9-4, In a night game. The Dodgers and Pirates pick ip drop- .65 -.Jtl fOU KB f Only gives you Double-Rich taste I $O40 $3.70 NTUr WHISKEY 11 BIAAI.... . '-vr.uj. VRAIN N CITF. AtlClt"" y 9 aHT .O0MOH. The Bond of 'ApiW 0UW1 igUMw Major Leagues Q - lay -ma Aaaoeiataa rreasj NATIONAL LIAOVI W L Pet. W li Pet. Brooklm 4 1 JOOMIlwank 1 I .400 St, Louis 3 1 .710 Naw York! a .400 PhlladaL 3 3 .000 ctnclnnU 1 I .333 Chleaio 11 4M Pttsbrfh 1 I .150 Viiaiil ausalla: Philadelphia! I, Haw Tort S. " St. Louis I, Mtlweuke. 4. ' Brooklyn tX Plttaborsh. aoatponod. AMKsUCAN LaUOtnt W L Pet. W L Pet. St LouU S 1 .HlOhlcuo t a .100 New York 4 I ,M7 Cleveland t S .100 Boston 3 S .HO Weihtai 1 4 .300 Phlladel 3 3 .M0 Detroit I I .117 Mendar'a Baaaltst - Boston 4-11, Waahlnctoa 1-4. Only isnai ached ulad. were Idled by snow and cold weather at . Pittsburgh. All other teams had open dates. Oregon Hires Bill Hammer Eugene UR Coach Len Casanova said today he post poned Oregon's 20-day spring football practice one week be cause of the heavy spring sports schedule and other cam pus activities. He said about 00 players are expected to report next Mon day for workouts which will be concluded about May 22. FREE River Trial ' win Tour Motor, or Tour Choice of Motor from Our Full Line ot JOHNSON OUTBOARDS SALEM BOAT HOUSE . lOOChemeketa THIS WEEKS i bottle ol tow inoritt taste AO U ages ft .so 'ftr cmuta, WHISKEY A tlPXO I 'njlil? 1 " 70 CAIN NftfriAl SPIRITS -ZZT. raJMTeS. a tuxo Al SPIRITS Fm0US WHI' 'r ' $4 . h-.ofoyiopor 1.V1. HARP .tj u.rjal Whrtkey s7i WHlSCTt oil Boorboni ?r?Miiiiu- W SCHQtin NIWS ANP FEATURP Page 17 And We Thought Salem Had a Big Night Last Might , Colorado Springs, Colo. VP) They did everything bat kick the extra point her Monday a Colorado Spring! .outstaggered' Pueblo, 20-18, in a near three-hour mara thon ' - : . ' A total of 31 base hits, walks, and 10 errors were unleased for the benefit of 1,041 weary Western Leagae fans. Sky Sox third baseman Jerry Crosby rewfuia- .the home' run record for the league as he belted four eon aeeutlve homers. The but time this feat was aecom-, pllshed was on June 8, 1899, when Jack Crooks of Omaha turned the trick. v s Crosby belted his first homer in the fourth' inning hitting right - handed, and ' then in the fifth, sixth and seventh hit three more left handed. He batted in a total ef seven runs. v.-. j .rr.:-.,i Yesterday's Stars BatUnt Dick Oeroert Beaton Rad Box. hit three homo rune and eollocted att RBIi aa who Red Box won a Patriot's Dar doubleheoder Iron tha Washington Senators, 44 nd 11-4, :. rttchtor Roeln Roberts, PhUadalnhlat PhlUlas Teased three-hitter for hie flret victory ot tha. year aa tha PhUllM de feated tha Na York Olanta, 3-1. 100 Fibre Glass Boats i" Mi. 3-9303 i bnid-todti I today's - ssr $7.05 I VS4-. . SillO $6.30 DISTRIBUTORS. WC, HEW .YOlt,. Qlasspar : Bank Terms