Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 21, 1953, Page 14, Image 14

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    Tnwiay, April II, lB8 . ' .' v;!:'-'-'-Vv f'-lT;
.- ' " ' ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon V :. ,V Tf II '(fir,
';;:'.':V , -?;,;:V ..- : ' V ' : .. v..-:,;,:- We G.Ve and Redeem I East Salem Clubs Srt
. m' C " l I E!t Salem Highlighting year. Ktmberf of the club en- f '
"y "" Xl I I I icne,u,e meetings plan- Joyed a party last wtak with - 5
1 1 r ,,i r" S L 'J J ' I ned r Salem social refreshment furnished by the ' ' -i I
I J I ' . f ' I group this week la the pre- leader, Mrs. Harold Sell. , f ' f
1 j I A. """S V " A ' ' I ram given by pupils of "The Wood Working Bear- . S
'" CVtVy A XI f T J Y I Ay I the Wiltsey Music House Tues- ers" started with a large group .
l rZ I VLi I J I i 1 ( I JL, f -Vj I ' ' . I day night at the Swegle school- of hoy supervised by V. X. 'I A ) ,
S i S mJf rjl LSO I y I Jwi V-"Vt- I r I home. The regular meeting of LaDue in the making of r- I :
rV- V!7 L y X V X" y VrFVr V. I " Parent Teachers Associa- quired pieces for this tluh. ,
r 1 , '" m . tion will be held with new of- To , data Douglaa Earger, 1 r!
' i V X lisWrtw tit -Avg- aSMr . I ficers to be elected, followed Stanley Huteri, Olivsr Olsoo, ' .
( , :riy aircvt . s , -; . I by the musical program. Richard Gtvens, John Jaynv
iL ' m an ' 4 aw. 1 " ' ' " ' C I The Lansing Neighbors Gar- Michael La Due and Steven ,
I ; x V I "X. I ' v s , 1 1 A f " ' I dn club will meet Thursday, Holler . hava completed tht i ' .
I X - I I X ' . ' I AprU 23, In the homa of Mrs. work.
I -x. II I 11 I ' I V Halbert Kemper on Lansing Tha. Auburn Cookattaa 4-H " !
I If f A 1 I J I P 1 I Ave. at 1:30 pjn. cooking club entertained moth- I
I I J II V J I I I I r ' ) IV t . I Washington school cub pack ers the past week at tba bom) i i
I , I (J I ' 1 L3 .1 I meeting for AprU wUl be held of their leader, Mrs. Dale Sul. ' I
J ' 1 1 N 1 I I at the schoolhouse Friday night, Uvan. The girls all baked it
I S X. V II 1 "TV AL l I S I r 1 I AprU J4, at 7:30 pjn. sponge cakes in practice for l
- 1 II I I f ' l II , 1 ' , . , I One of the Swegle 4-H clubs the spring demonstration at the H
, I has completed work for this show, and mother were asked j e
' - ,', to judge the cakes. 1 , 'f
t . :. II IKJ TDIirP TAI af 'irst award went to Linda
a a m a-st iBkBi ,L.M . II ' ruv'c ' "Lrv SuUlvan. second to Mary Te. "
Ill r v ers and daughters present were: : . .i.i ,
' . , , ., . J Linda and the girls teacher at ,.,! J li
- .-',vk:--:' '"'V .; I I . ' "''-';' school, Mrs. Mtrjori Thomp ' .i
AT LEAST Justo Few Listings AT LEAST If 1 ttk !ij
$-'! On Famous Biltwell Suites ; 1 1' ' 1 vl
aTJ "yT , . lAl J ; Attending were Mrs.; Clayton - .j
LOJ inY At Bargain Prices!!! H TIsAM IM
I Biniris 111 a . AND (HAIR ' - &10A95' Tl II II : A plant exchange and garden ' Is
S JJ Davenport i-r ce. m. ; ":. Vis.-Vii: :--:r,'--:v:r;sv,-v-l ,rWsrto,,!.pl,Mri. , u-
Beautiful Sofa S3. hck $299so YOUR'OItt '
IfAlin Al IX Btl-g MWWIimi HVIU A ,1 UUli WLI I tions truce deUgate in Ko- Scher and Mrs. Wernw
YOUR OLD SOFA nniiatinArt """ $QQO00 ; I XrJUoZ i '
IVVIl VbV BlVin UaVenpOn M. I. . R.ron Frlng. . 070 W DCHIIAAF J -pStol ' ,,
I UtUKUUlll I umP0o o ennUUce talks. ng "swinSet ''!
OR DAVENPORT, 2Pc. Sectional... W FURNITURE, I AklvisP SSS
DinnltH AC We Also tatty Suites by These Famoui A- I r i c" .11 - S"S"S'SSSS1' 1
REGARDLESS OF amllclure: REGARDLESS OF Go to Seattle sgsgrtges y,
. . I Naval Air reservists, starting thur 8towell and Stuart John l t
rnKinmnMi ValenHne Seaver' Rose at Port,and Loun9c f ONniTIONi !ma tn - 1 '
WUNUIIIUN! ; & chair, Fine Arts and Guaranty ; WWUI I IUW. : , , . J&ZSZZL'
' ' ; . they will spend the first few '-;., .....
ij' """"" "T""1 ' li days of their cruise. Wf ilj f
w ... " Uterpart of the week for flight Springtime, la apparently , jj
ft .. ;"' ' . training and classes. flying time from to number if :
g : W 1J Hi ' Metal Serving trays O $1 AA All Metal Folding Portable Ironing $4 AA During the week-end the Sa- of operations at McNary field ,: fij
1 TjWUfTjOlti rOMA 9xl4ossortedpotterns ' 5 for lellU : lorl, Cwtr ond Pod included. . Z.. . tVU , I km iacUlhad NvplHiea omttoiww4tA .. . ; .
' flW Tr I here from other military lnstal- operation for the two day l t
sslvwlf ,. , . . $0 AA I tion. Coming in from SeatUe was 40S, with Sunday having ; ?il
! '1 Fancy 7-Pe. Juce Sets . 1 flO Lane Wood Clothe Dryer Rack AtUU were two F8Fs from the SeatUe the biggest number, HI. Sat- t
j . ssrsJX er-m'k- Assorted colors and patterns I.WW TTOOa vioines wryer sin. - staUon pilotlng one 4 wereW- 1 U!
JTi Uli I ' Rubber Soy Top Mot ' $1 AA of those planes was Lt Ralph On both day Navy aircraft ! i.'
.' , - ' WflR -i 1 J Vh l Automatic Electric Pop-up Toaster 91 Y AA 15'2xl7", Assorted colors leWV Valentine, Salem, member of haa the Uist nuinbe lif op- .
1 l Vfl 1 C?: "u -vI.... I Z.ULl the Naval Air Reserve squad- erations. Sunday figures for v
- jJftSt J 1 I v Chromt finish, perfect toost every I A. WW Carpe( Swtep.r ' $ Art ron AAU 891 here' who i.D0W. toe Navy wereM locaJbi and T
11 ' - Large size, guaranteed .... eJeUl I J",' Tfefk" Petion1 38 itinersnt and on Saturday S4
V r- 111 i ll O'Cedar Dust Mops Art training duty in Seattle. the operations were 68 local ' i
Tubed Coke rank 1 I 1 1 Value to $2.98 '. leWW " Travel Iron Special. $T rtrt II Five pUnM came )?atti nd 24 itinerant. f
tfaaslirs'Ttis W I ' ll I H With plastic case. Reg. 9.95 value. . . iWU California Saturday night and r operation for tte
AW V rmnui:9t M.00 M-a. Lunch lax AA LC M J
stnnA I l S ' Aluminum, loose bottoms With pint thermoi t .Z.UU I were ; Navy AD. piloted y ju,!
r$P0 4 JP PlayTV Tray. $" A A Ice Cream Scoop $A AA I "cSI "Horcetw. I
' V 4 assorted color divided sections..... lellU chrome plated ZellU I plane from California was an . A' Force j
1 1 .rem. H,u" F6F with a Marine as pilot. and 14; and civilian local,. ;. J
1 . . Assorted Chinoware, Butter Dish, $ AA Single Burner Eleetrk Hot Plate $0 AA I ' and 8a. - , , ' ;
, Itandard atze approved by Home Economists. Sire Is Jam Jar, Oil & Vinegar Bpttfe, C&S, S&P lUU Reg. 4.95 value. Special JW I Dflrifir NarthWfiSt'S ' i.-.' I y'
' - 7 fc' Fully Automatic Electric Percolator $10 Art targ. 32-gal. Garbage Con $C AA I V Ut 1,1 "Wl COmmendat'lOn
kncht-urface . .lummum best for cakes. 9-cup chrome over steel. Reg. 29.95 I T.UU Reg. 7.95 value 3,UU I BUSinCSS Sllll UOOO n-LL 1 ' T l'
I Seattle, W-Two good busl- KIDDOn 10 tpl. NOOCK t
' "m I nets guides, freight carload- With IX Corps In Korea ' 1
. , awWitW.,JWsvSL .j jii hi I Board reports, were the largest infantry battalion m Korea. i
1 1 the first three months this The citation accompanying
We invite you to visit our Drapery Department, 3rd floor, and iSk&Wtf llTSS. wiSyhS'SrS g55SS TiT-iw: iSSS : t i
watch our slipcover expert slipcover a chair. Ask her questions, ' ..WWMM I """mmrumoVw 1
... . i.i A . - fi&Mjfeff' II Furthermore, the value of ing Cpl. Noack assumed the du- j
find OUt nOW tO make your OWn Cnair Mice newl . S iry'tePSwtJsr I new construction authorized In ties of instrument corporal and i i
- Ta kty!2m0!Sff i, I March in the Northwest states, from the beginning displayed , j
i Jlisy,'5V W-' Montana, Wyoming and Utah quality of leadership and per i ?
L . . mPSXStfS1 Jjfy'- X was 38 per cent above the total sonal ability that greatly In- ' j
k fr1-3?J ' Lgr " (or the same month last year, creased the combat effective ' r
. tHSSllrV SSSV6- II Construction News Bulletin, ness of his platoon. "SI
. Anil" Tl5r!fc7 7 hmm0 rT'Z' SeatUe building trade journal, The wife of the soldier make t !
'ONE lABLfc fisffiw f1 -C( --x I said Saturday. her home in Salem. . J
Outstonding jJn vQ , g-j Litl'l !
Decorators Jzy --A i 3h '
Fabrics Pyd. jS .1 fjfeS; V tl
m tVw lZ,r'T'ir- ' I 'XP' M,l'n ""lot your trip st do more ,
' frrlll V.'-tti-, I oi1!-. coitl Luxuriiie io superb iceaery, serr- & " t ?
1 " MVynVOO'lv V C tY' (5Sjrv,!-C? I WMli Ice snd food st you swing east on flffilf1'
1 : : : Wfefe. I -ss n
' ' I wV .ecross the GrestLslui. Return sny ' wr . '