Tuesday, April 21, 1953 Past 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem,. Oregon Polk County Homemakers Plans at Rickrcall Ready Final plant for the seventh . annual Folk county homemak era festival were , announced .today by Mn. Roy Nelson, chairman of the Polk county Home extension committee. Registration will begin at am on May 7 In the Rlckreall grange hall. . ; The program will begin promptly at 10:00 in the audi torlum of the Rickreall grade school. ' Some of the highlights of the festival will be a colqr movie taken in Folk county showing the home extension program, a set of color slides, a fashion show, a skit, "Greeting from Oregon State College," and a speaker. Mrs. Viola Shaffer Wells of Denver, Colo., a former Folk county extension agent, will be the commentator for the style how. Approximately BO gar ments made by extension mem' bers will be modeled. NEW HORMONE win in mi mi rrjgmayyT ('A' Dr. Nathaniel I. Berlin '; (above), research medical '. physicist of the American Cancer Society, announced ' discovery f a new hormone at Berkeley. Discovery was made by five scientists at the University of California. (UP Telephoto) Weather Favorable For Spifflebug Pest ' Warm weather last Sunday will remind strawberry grow ers that rapid growth of straw- berry plants will be followed by splttlebug development. Al though the amount of splt tlebug damage cannot be forecast, the average grower should prepare for splttlebug control every year. ' Past experience has shown that Splttlebug nymphs hatch as the fruiting spurs are un folding. As the nymphs enlarge, they secrete the protective masses of spittle which accounts for the name, splttlebug. Effec tive control depends upon ap plying poisonous dusts before the nymphs have much protec tion from the spittle masses. The amount of splttlebug In Jury may vary within the field er between fields. For this rea son, It is Important that each strawberry grower make fre quent spot checks in his field for splttlebug activity. Britons Released in. Korea Leave Moscow Moscow, VP) A Royal Air Force transport plane carrying ix Britons and an Irish priest liberated after long internment in North Korea took off here today for Berlin, Germany, en route to England. The seven liberated inter nees arrived here yesterday by train at the end of a long trek across Siberia. North Korean authorities turned them over to the Russians April 8 after the Soviet Union agreed to a Brit ish appeal to use its good office in obtaining their repatriation. Oregon Electric Train Makes Last Run Today Portland, VP) Another of Oregon's few electric lines closed down Tuesday. The Pacific Northwest Elec tric Railway Association said It was converting its electric line serving Gresham and Boring to a dlesel operation. The last electric train Is to leave Portland at midnight Tuesday. Mrs. Monroe Cllne of Inde- pendence has taken a color movie for the Polk county ex tension service. More than 100 Polk county extension unit members have taken part in the production of this movie, which shows some of the out standing events in the home extension prorgam during the year. . Mrs.' Malno Relchert, Polk county extension agent, will show a set of color slides taken during the year. More than 250 Folk county women have had their pictures taken for this set of slides. The Airlle-Suver unit will oresent a humorous skit, "Workshop Worries." This skit will oresent some or tne auu- culties encountered when the extension tailoring workshop had to share the same room with the Polk county well baby clinic. The noon luncheon will be I served in the Rickreall grange hall by the home economics club of the grange. Child care and lunch wiil be provided by the grange ladies for a small fee. A special invitation Is Issued by the Folk county home ex-! tension committee to all the ladies in other counties, says Mrs. Nelson. The Polk county homemak ers' festival is open to the pub lic and everyone Is Invited. Communists Soviet Puppets Washington VP) A govern ment board Tuesday branded the U. S. Communist Party as "a subsidiary and puppet of the Soviet Union" and ordered the party to bare its membership lists and give financial account tog. :-t The order Is sumbject to re view by the courts. - ' The four present members of the Subversive Activities Con ' X Board agreed unanimously t..4 the party "is substantially directed, dominated and con trolled" by Moscow. The party, the board said, "operates primarily to advance the objectives" of a Russian-directed world Communist movement The board's order was issued almost 19 months after former Atty. Gen. J. Howard McGrath started a registration proceed ing against the party. Indications are that It will be a year or more before the Su preme Court has the final say on constitutionality of the 1930 International Security McCar ran Act under which the board acted. Denies Challenge to Duel Over Woman Frankfurt, Germany, 0U9 U. S. Army sociologist Blon- dell E. Groseclose pleaded In nocent today to charges he challenged an American Army captain to a pistol duel for the love of a pretty German woman. Groseclose, 39, a native of Idaho where he said "we have our own code on the frontier," pleaded Innocent also to two secondary charges of threaten ing to kill his rival and the woman. He was accused of handing a pistol to Capt. Charles D. Tarpley, SB, of Henderson, Tenn., and challenging him to a duel to the death for the hand of petite Dr. Margarete Meyer. Three Injured When Two Autos Collide Albany Three members of a Vancouver, Wash., family suffered minor injuries Sun day when their car struck an other at the Mlllersburg cross ing on Salem road. Hurt were Mrs. Ethel Egbert and two children, David and Nancy. Mrs. Egbert's husband, Mel vln B. Egbert, according to in formation procured by state police, was driving north be hind a car driven by Robert Carter Hamilton, RFD 2, Al bany, and the collision occur red when Hamilton started turning left. Mrs. Egbert was the only one of the family treated at the Albany General hospital, but she was not detained there. NOW! Loans pta$1500 Tk vpt 24 sMsrtks H np1 925 to $1500 JuUk ft elm rvwp oc oMMl tmw tun radon monthly with ftmmat k writs oc comft hk uent to 1MO. I I Ground Floor, Oregon Bldg., 105 SJ HIGH I ST, SALEM AuM a-. 1 J seta t 94 ssMMiHlt MWV MOM ftV PoflMW fUmc. C of Morion Covnty .d Ik. MwIrM ,"t,dnv We Give and Redeem Green Stamps liberty street court street B:ZsS7 Receiving Blankets 2 for INFANTS' (rib Sheets S' $1 Tee Shirts ' . 2 for'$1 CoHon Panties 4 ,or $1 Sport Sox 4 pr. $1 Boys' Handkerchiefs 10 for $1 Boys' Polo Shirts ,.i6 2 for $1 Span Nylon Sox 3pr.$2 Sport Shirts Mdednl,t Asst. $2 Broadcloth Shorts 3 f $1 Athletic Shirts y 3 for $1 White T-Shirls sNtyI.y 2 for $f Work Sox Khaki Color 7 p, $1 Part Wool Bool Socks 2 pr, $1 Work Hdkt's gflE. 4 $1 MEN'S DRESS TIES ValMS to $2.00 A $1 leaf kw L for I rtti AUuae Ladies' lauiiit vi vie Asst. Colors . aeaivs vvniu Jersey $2 LADIES' SLIPS Siyos with Nylon Trim tA Sbu 32 h 44 L Handkerchiefs Floral 4 for $1 Rayon Scarfs Asst. 2 f, $1 Jewel Boxes Satin Lined $1 While Jewelry New Assortment $1 Famous Make Bras Hnr SMpiMnt $ HH JIjm f opultr Slylu Garter Beltsy ,i.,5 2 for$1 FIaiiv Carle Large s iwhi jabiu Unhemmed 6 for $1 Dish Cloths Extra Value 20 for $1 Pillow Covers Plastic 3for$1 Balk Tiuialr Asst. vgui ivntu Colors 2 for $1 Face Cloth c'otr 6 ,0r$1 Muslin Cases 42x36 3 ,or $1 Texfoam Pillows 2 for $10 CHENILLE SPREADS Mid Colors Full, Twin Slits ' -. Reg. $7.95 SPECIAL $5 CLEARANCE PASTELS LADIES' COATS Values ro $50.00 token Sizes 25 Suit Travel Bags pho $1 Laundry Bags Fr.itofth.L0.m$1 Trouser Creasers Metal 2for$1 LADIES' BLOUSES One 6roup Broken Sires Values to $5.95 $1 Polished Denim Limited ' yds, 2yds.$1 Outing Flannel Figured yds, 3 yds. $1 While Terry Cloth 2,d8.$1 Orion-Nylon Limited Amount YD. $1 Outing Flannel Plain Colors 4yd,$1 UNBLEACHED ChaafJufi 3" Short Lengths 2yd,$1 Percale Print 3 yds. SI SO Square J yds. Y PROPORTIONED NYLONS U pair 6 Pr. for $5.75 Here's your opportunity to become acquainted with No Mend's fabulous nylons at rock bot torn prices! The irregular ities are so minute that only No Mend's exceed ingly rigid inspection did not pass them as firsts! 15 denier 51 gauge 60 denier 51 gauge 30 denier 51 gauge Sheer, sheer hose that ordinarily sells for as much as 1.95, if perfect!' Stock up today. All sixes. HOSIERY MAIN FLOOR ?&-SPECIAL PURCHASE r10 f BUY NOW... ENJOY NEW FLOOR BEAUTY AT HOME! Sizes to cover your whole room . . . smaller sizes t scatter in each room in your home. Deep loop twist cotton firmly nchored' to the rubberized, backing to make it hug the floor for safe end easy vacuum ing. Guaranteed washable! Dark GveM OM Reee light Cmm Cray Red Mue YeHew Burgundy Chartreuse Natural White 18"x30".... 99c 24"x48... 2.69 27"x54". 9'x12'. 3.49 4.39 7.69 16.95 29.95 30'x60 4'x6'.. 6'x9'.. FURNITURE