Pag It THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Capita I : Edited by MARIAN Mrs. Tate Will Head Federation Heading the Marion County Federation of Women'i Organ!. xatiom for the new year will be Mrs. Henry Tate of Sublim ity, elections having been con ducted at the meeting of the group on Friday at Jefferson. Other elected were: Mn. A. F. DeLesplnasse of Woodburn, vice president; Mrs. J. S. Craig of Talbot, secretary; Mrs. Vera S a v a g of Silver Cliff, treasurer; Mrs. Cal Slat er of Detroit, auditor; Mrs. Fred Dental of Aurora and Mrs. H. A. liOhse of Woodburn, di rectors. Named chairman of the Chil dren's Farm home board at the federation meeting was Mrs. Paul Grlebenow. The hospital . at the home Is project of the federation, goal of the organi sation being to support an ad ministration building along with the hospital. Mrs. Lester Keller of Hubbard Is new member of the board and oth ers serving are Mrs. W. R. Hutcheson of Gates, Mrs. W. R. Terhune of Jefferson and Mrs: H. A. Lohse of Woodburn. Samuel H. Smith, assistant superintendent of MacLaren Boys school, was the speaker, and Erie Fitzslraons, formerly - of Salem, led the Jefferson high school band in a concert Presidents of federation or , ganiiatlons told of their club activities of the past year. Mrs. Carl W., Chambers represented the Salem Woman's club at the vent St. Anne's Plans Spring Activities Spring activities' were dis cussed at the meeting of St Anne's guild, St Paul's Epis copal church, Monday after noon at the home of Mrs. Her man Jochimsen. , The group decided to enter the table setting contest being sponsored by the YWCA, May IS, 18 and 17. ' - The guild it staging its an nual spring rummage sale on Friday and Saturday of this week' at the parish house. Marking will be done Thurs day afternoon and evening at the parish house, and articles for the sale may be left at the parish house late Wednesday or Thursday morning. Mrs. A. D. Woodmansee and Mrs. Paul A. Lardon are In charge of the ale. The group also discussed its part in the May day luncheon for all women of the church, the event to be in the parish hall, the luncheon starting at 11 o'clock. Mrs. Harry H. Belt and Mrs. James Watts were guests at the meeting. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Jochimsen were Mrs. Wallace Carson, Mrs. N. W. Merrill, Mrs. Raymond Busick, Mrs. Charles H. Heltzet Today's Menu TEEN-AGE PARTY Broiled Ham and Cheese Sandwiches Peach Salad Beverage Cookies - Nut Caramels Nut Caramel Ingredients: 1 cup sugar, 1 cup dark corn syrup, one 6. ounce can ( cup) evaporated milk, V cup butter or mar garine, dash of salt, tea spoon vanilla, 1 cup chopped nutmeats. Method: Place sugar, corn syrup, evaporated milk, but ter and salt in S-quart sauce pan. Cook and stir over low heat until butter is melted; Increase heat and allow mix. ture to boll; continue boiling, stirring constantly, u n t il candy thermometer reads 242 degrees F or until a spoonful of the candy dropped Into a cup of cold water forms a firm ball. Remove from heat; let cool until candy stops bubbling and stir in vanilla and nutmeats. Don't worry if candy has curdled appearance? during cooking and when poured into pan; it will be smooth when it sets. Pour into a well buttered 8-Inch square pan. When set, turn out on wooden board. With sharp k n i f cut into narrow strips; with scissor cut strips into bite-size pieces. Wrap each caramel in waxed paper. Women LOWRT FISCHER Christening Event Christening services for Michael and Mitchell Dewey, young sons of Mr. and Mrs, George W. Dewey Jr., of Sa lem, will be conducted next Sunday at the Church of the Good Samaritan, Episcopal, Good Samaritan, Episcopal, in CorvaUis, the service to be at 8 o'clock in the afternoon, Rev. Charles Neville officiating. Godparents for the little boys will be an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Howard P. An derson of Portland. The Dewey family will spend the day in Corvallis Sunday as guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Dewey, Sr. Double Service A double christening was held in Portland Sunday in the Woodland Park Lutheran church, the Rev. Eckard offi ciating. Christened were Kath leen Jo Croghan and Danison Croghan, children of Mr. ana Mrs. Floyd Croghan. God parents for Kathleen Jo were Miss Barbara Charles and Harry Kroner, and for Dani son, Mrs. Gladys Kroner and Virgil Danison. RETURNING Monday from a two weeks trip to rnoenix, Ariz., were Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Smith. They stopped at vari ous places both going to Arizo na and on the return. MRS. OSCAR SPECHT and children, Susan and Gregory, left Monday for Wynne, Arkan sas, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Proctor. They will be gone six weeks. if.-: rL sm, rjj v v'fi fi tin -' , r - , f , I SJ ill 1 . ' -j- L Wed In Late March Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Raffety (Shirley Grover) were married March 29 at Calvary Bap tist church here. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Elma Grover and Mr. Raffety is the son of Henry Raffety, aU of Independence. (Jesten-Miller studio picture.) Good Housekeeping Inc. 467 Court St. ANNIVERSARY SALE Money-Saving Values in Every Department DROP IN AND SEE! Guests at Cosmis Club Cosmis club entertained number of guests at the group's monthly party Saturday eve ning, the guests including rax. and Mrs. Stanley Friese, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Larson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gephart Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tripp, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davenport, Mr. nil Mn. Dave Whelan. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rlffey, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gwin. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Whltacre of Yakima, for mer members of the group, also were at the party. New mem bers are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Covert. Miss Shoemake Heads Post Miss Alberta Shoemake was elected commander of Pioneer post, American Legion, Friday evening. ' Serving as vice commander will be Mrs. J. L. Perry, Mrs. T. D. Graham as second vice commander. Mrs. Sabine Mori- son is the adjutant; Mrs. Mar lorie Howard, finance officer; Mrs. Harriott Belcher, histori an; Mrs. Wilbur Wichman, chaplain; Mrs. Florence Cam eron, service officer; Mrs. Isaac Schmidt, sergeant-at-arms. The group votea to send a boy to Boys State this summer and will continue their sup port of the blind children's kindergarten. ': THE SEVENTH anniversary of Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will be celebrat ed Saturday evening when the group meets at 8 o clock at tne Masonic temple. VISITORS here over Sunday as guests of Mrs. Florence Col lins were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gregg and daughters, Linda and Yvonne, of Gresham. Some Notations . . . The series of Monday lunch eon and style show events at the Marion hotel was off to an auspices start yesterday. nearly 200 attending the affair In the Mirror room . . . The luncheon began promptly at 12:30 o'clock, the style revue opened on the dot at 1 pjn. and was over promptly at 2 o'clock the punctuality and zip being contributing factors to the success of the show Tables lor all sized groups were set up, many of them for twosomes, others for quartets and on up to larger groups and that was another of the factors contributing to the sue cess of the event. Lastly, and certainly most Important, the show was a de light to view . . . How beau tiful and still practical cotton clothing can be, from sunbacks and shorts to afternoon and formal frocks, was revealed in the display . . . Johnson's store put on the show, the event this time stressing attire for the summer and vacation months Other themes will be fea tured by Johnson's at later shows . . . The hotel plans the Monday style show luncheon once a month, the next one to be May 18 . . . And here is an import ant reminder make your reservations and make them early ... Several there were unable to attend the Monday show because they did not realize reservations were to be made with the hotel . . . The series will recess through June and July, but will open again in August to continue through the fall and winter . . . Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Jr., was the cap able commentator for the Mon day party ... An orchestra played background music . . . The luncheon was served promptly, permitting the crowd to enjoy the show with out interruption ... The models walked through the crowd after leaving the center stage . . . Modeling the clothes yesterday were Mrs. Bruce Williams, Mrs. Harold Schick, Jr., Mrs. Jack Schim- berg, Mrs. C. A. Schaefer, Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mrs. Oscar C. Christensen, Mrs. S. D. Wiles, Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs. Willis Boss ... Glimpsed among the crowd: Mrs. James B. Young and Mrs. Linn C. Smith, at one of the tables for two; a bridge club, including Mrs. Henry A. Sim mons, Mrs. Harris Lletz, Mrs. L. R. Bordette, Mrs. Ellis Von Eschen, Mrs. Richard A. Mey er, Mrs. William ramus, Mrs. C. Lester Newman, Mrs. Wil liam Schlltt; another group of eight Mrs. Hubert L. Wil liamson, Mrs. Alton L. Cham berlain, Mrs. Ernest H. Miller, Mrs. William Pettit, Mrs. Delegates Named Delegates to the regional con vention in Victoria, B. C, May 16-18, were elected at the Cred it Women's Breakfast club Tuesday morning. Miss Char- lene Churchill and Mrs. Gavin Hill were chosen, with Miss Lena Blum ani Mrs. Verne Robb as alternates. . A "guest breakfast" will be featured at the next meeting, May B. V A SON was born to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Burlingham of Portland on Saturday, April 18, at Bmmanuel hospital. The baby's name is Scott Michael. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Willard Rouse of Olympia, Wash., and Mr, and Mrs. Frank Burlingham of Salem. CHRISTIAN Service guild of the First Evangelical United Brethren church will meet Thursday, April 23, at 7:45 o'clock at the church. Mrs. Bt m. l. f. Frank A. Brown, Mrs. Theo dore Flook, Mrs. Jack Fits- manrlee, Mrs. Ernest Hobbi; an office group of four Mrs. P. Dixon VanAosdell, Jr., Mrs. E. R. Sheldon, Mrs. James Sheldon, Mrs. Frank Nichols; another office duo. Miss Mar garet Loved, Mrs. James Cromer; Mrs. Hall Lnsk and Mrs. Charles E. Wagner at one of the tables for two. Among others spotted here and there Mr. Karl Beeke, Mrs. William Dolf, Mrs. Don ald A. Young. Mrs. Otto J. Wilson, Mrs. James Armprlest, Mrs. Clifton Mndd, Mn. John Steelhammer, Mrs. Bicbard L. Cooley, Mrs. Frederick Brad shsw, Mrs. Soger Schnell, Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Prince W. Brrd. Mrs. Brace Van Wyn- garden, Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mrs. Chester. Loe, Mrs. Gene Vandeneynde. Mrs. Boy L. Houck, Mrs. E. A. Linden, Mrs. W. E. Hutcbens, - Mrs. Chester A. Downs, Mrs. Harry B. Johnson, Mrs. B. F. WU Hams, Mrs. Theodore tUIakko, Mrs. E. E. Batterman, Mrs. Ralph Hamilton, Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. Kenneth rotts, Mrs. Edward Roth, Mrs. Leon Perry, Mrs. Garlen Simpson; in a group oi live airs. Thomas E. Bilea, Mrs. Bufus Holman and Mrs. Morlts Pederson, both of Portland, Mrs. George Emlgh, Mrs. Karl Horton ... ... Mrs. Richard Chambers, Mrs. Frank J. Burke, Mrs. Thomas A. Roberts, Jr., Mrs. Rollln Haag, Mrs. Irvln B. HU1, Mrs. H. C. SaaUeld, Mrs. M. A. Pek ar, Mrs. Howard Wicklnnd, Mrs. Richard A. Rawllnson, Mrs. Rnssel E. Pratt. ... ' Several groups in the city are making their plans for the table setting contest to be put on by the Salem YWCA on May 15, 16 and 17 ... Or ganizations are being invited to enter one or more of the following four classifications: Reception and bridal table; tea or coffee party table; dinner or luncheon table; outdoor or pa tio party table ... A $25 prize will be given first place in each of the four divisions ... There is another division open to individuals only who may add interesting material of their own . . , . The division would be for occasion tables tea, after dinner coffee, chil dren's birthday, etc. A prize is awarded in this group . . . Winners of the tables will be selected by those attending the show, the table receiving the most votes in each group win ning the first place award . . . Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen is general chairman of the table arrangement committee from from the YW . . . Marlon Strong will be in charge, the group to conclude its study of Africa 'at this meeting. VISITORS in Salem for a brief stay on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher of Washington, D.C., formerly of Coos Bay, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Chandler of Coos Bay. They visited with Justice and Mrsv James T. Brand. SEWING club of Royal Neighbors of America will meet Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. for a no-host luncheon. Mrs. Philip Bouffleur, 348 Leslie, will -entertain the group at her home. NUCOA is the one to buy- fIRST YELLOW riMIUETO BE all nn i First to give you food value in every single ingre dient! No benzoate preservative no synthetic flavor in Nucoat Even Nucoa's sunny color comes from Nature, from golden carotene. Everything in natu rally delicious Nucoa margarine is good for you. Next fame you buy, buy Alt-NUTRmON Wmwk 5 m us (M t' Portlanders At Meeting Two Portland visitor attend ed the meeting of Salem alum nae chapter of Alpha Chi Ome ga sorority last evening at the home of Mrs. John Larwood. The guests were Mrs. Kile Har- desty, president of Xi XI Alumnae chapter of the soror ity in Portland, and Mrs. Ed ward Creevy, Jr. Preceding the meeting of the alumnae, the two visitors were guests at a buffet supper at the chap ter house at Willamette uni versity. Miss Carol Emerson, vice president of the active chap ter, also was guest at the meeting of the alumna. Plans were made for the group's an nual rummage sale on Friday and Saturday over Green- baum'a with Mrs. Lewis D. Griffith as chairman. Co-hostesses with Mrs. Lar wood for the alumnae event were Mrs. Lloyd Griffiths, Mrs. Ralph Smither, Mrs. Vernon Bartsch. Group Elects Presiding over meetings of the Past Matron association, Order of Eastern Star, during 1953-54 will be Mrs. Fred Keeler, president; Mrs. G. A. Reeher, vice-president; Mrs. J. Edgar Reay, secretary-treasur- The new officers were elected at a dinner meeting Friday evening. Lilacs and ivy, with indi vidual candles shaped like Easter lilies, decorated the tables. Mrs. Zina Sharpnack beaded the committee in charge and others helping were Mrs. A. N. Copenhaver, Mrs. George E. Munger, Mrs. Lee Wetherby, Mrs. A. L. Wallace and Mrs. Joe Wood. Betrothal Told Mill City Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Timm of Mill City announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Virginia Lee Timm, to Floyd M. Blackburn, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Blackburn, of Gates. Wedding plans are be ing mede for sometime this summer. ENTERTAINING a group at her home on Friday for lunch, eon was Mrs. J. F. Ulrich. Lat er, the ladies attended a meet ing of the Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War. Present for the luncheon were Mrs. Joseph Bach, Mrs. E. E. Bergman, Mrs. Nellie Cornell, Mrs. Elizabeth Conover, Mrs, Henry H. Davidson, Mrs. Wil liam Gardner, Mrs. Mary Hil born, Mrs. W. C. Inman, Mrs. A. W. McCoy, Mrs. Elmer Ray, Mrs. Jack Simklns and the hostess. Nucoa I the first Yellow 14agafo3 To Stag Here The Marylhurst college choru, part of whom are shown above, is to appear to program here next Tuesday evening, April 28, at Parrlsh Junior high school auditorium at 8:15 o'clock. Among soloist will be Miss Grace Cory of Salem. ' 1 Installation Event Monday More than 200 members and visitors of Willamette shrine No. 2, White Shrine bf Jeru salem, attended installation ceremonies at the Masonic tem ple Monday evening. Mrs. Stanley A. Brown is the worthy high priestess and watchman of the shepherd la W. P. Les sard. Mrs. Cecill Sutton of Al bany and Ronald Craven pre sented ong, accompanied by BiaceVjurseff ftr complement everything you wear ACKLINS 105 N. ij -Bs Jaunty V 10.95 xgn Mrs. Ronald Craven, and Dr. Stanley A. Brown, Jr., played piano selections. . Pouring at the reception which followed the installation were Mrs. John Jones of Al bany and Miss Ella Kelly of Vancouver, Wash. . Hostesses for the event were Mrs. E. B.' Millard, Mrs. William Nel meyer and Mrs. Elva Burns of Albany. Mrs.. Helen Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. Dorr Shreve of Albany and Mrs. Benjamin Roy of Hartford, Conn., ar ranged the decoration. lwKk for tbli family cm b xpwuivt, onltti Mom luieat obot fonamkol Umdi Sac iandvidi &praadOw kxtf tpnad tint dot or duw -groctrybnis. Has cWcjkKiil aprtod It goect SngolbyftsV. vHfckfoowrMotsrcl ... le add tangy Banc te totals osdcoM am. Bst at SATEW1T a Pteasanf Shock- Now the flavor and aroma of freshly 'ground coffee . . . INSTANTLY Chichi 1095 Choose smart, white Enna Jetticks as go-everywhere favorites and get an extra bonus of cool comfort and flat tering fit! You'll be pleased with our variety of style, in a wide range of sizes, widths, heel heights and lasts. Come in today and let us fit you smartly at Enna Jettick value-prices! Other Styles at - S095 9V.0 BOOTERY High St.