THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, OrtfM ' Monday, April 20, 1953 District Meeting For OES Chapters SUverton On Sunday, May I, the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary will entertain for district No. 20, the meeting to be at 2:80 o'clock in the arm ory club roomi. Following a no host dinner. district officers are to be elect- . ad. Announcement of committee chairmen for the coming year was made by the president, . Mrs. Robert Edgerton. Mrs. Ernest Lanham is to serve as chairman of the VFW home committee; Mrs. Howard Hat- teberg, cancer research; Mrs, Leland Morgan, membership; Mrs. Clarence Quartier, com. munity service; Mrs. Olaf Tok- - stad, rehabilitation; Mrs. Harry Walker, hospital; Mrs. Hallie Williams, assistant to the hos pital chairman; Mrs. Emil Grant, savings bonds; Mrs. Tom Lynch, Americanism; Mrs. Ron. aid Syron, publications; Mrs. Lewis Thomas, civil defense Mrs. Frank Roemer, youth ac tivities; Mrs. Mike Lynch building fund; Mrs. Mark Wentzel, entertainment. Mrs. L. M. Elliott, past auxil lary president, installed three officers not present for the In . itallation program earlier in the month. They were Mrs, Carl Specht, secretary; and Mrs. Howard Hatteberg and Mrs. Ernest 1 Lanham, color bearers. Mrs. Anna Reed was welcomed into the group. '. Mrs. Frank Roemer reported n ten hours of youth service. A plant and flower auction featured the program hour, Mrs. Carl Reed as auctioneer. Mrs. L. M. Elliott was in charge of the program and on the re freshment committee were Mrs. Mark Wentzel, Mrs. Leland Morgan and Mrs. Frank Roem ar. Next meeting of the group will be on May 6. Attend Meeting Liberty-Salem Heights A delegation from the Liberty-Salem Heights Woman's Clubs attended the spring con vention of the Marion County Federation of Woman's clubs on Friday in Jefferson. Attending from Liberty were Mrs. Wilbert Kurth, Mrs. Har old A. Rosebraugh, Mrs. A. B. Browning, Mrs. Roland Seeger, and Mrs. Louis Kurth. Alter nates were Mrs. Helen Dasch, Mrs. Fred Browning, Mrs. Clar ence Griffis, Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, and Mrs. C. W. Stacey, a past presi dent. Delegates from Salem Heights were Mrs. William Gardner, Mrs. Lyle Bayne, Mrs. Shower Given Buena Vista A bridal show er was given for Mrs. Robert Urban (Elaine Wells) of San Francisco at the Fred Detering home recently, Mrs. Etta Deter ing and Mrs. Wanda Ward as hostesses for the party. Mrs. Leon Loy had charge of the contests and games that were played, with Olive Walls, Ev adna Prather and Muriel Swer ingen winning prizes. The hon ored guest cut the wedding cake, Mrs. C. F. Wells poured and Mrs. Fred Detering, Mrs. Lindsay Ward and Mrs. Glen Swerlngen served. Those present for the occas ion were Mrs. Minnie Osborn, Mrs. Hazel Wells, Mrs. Glen Sweringen, Mrs. Lindsay Ward, Mrs. Clara Wells, Mrs. Mable Short, Mrs. Leon Loy, Mrs. Melba Powers, Mrs. Lena An derson, Mrs. Addle Harmon, Mrs. Etta Detering, Mrs. Olive Wells, Mrs. Thelma Pruiett, Mrs. Kate Bride. From Salem were Mrs. Willard Bartlett, Mrs. M. D. Peterson, Mrs. Emil Stevens, Mrs. Frank Stevens, and from Independence, Mrs. Norman Scott, 'Mrs. Buck Harder. Mr. and Mrs. Urban were married a month ago in San Francisco. Miss Dozler and Mr. MSier Are Wed Lutheran Group Meets at SUverton SUverton Mrs. Elmer John son, president, directed the Thursday meeting of the Im manuel Lutheran Woman's Missionary federation at the Fireside room in the parish house. Announcements and delegate appointments were features of the business meet ins. Mrs. C. J. Towe presented the worship topic, following de votions led by Mrs. Minnie Overlund. Mrs. John Overlund and Mrs. Tom Anderson were named as WMF delegates to the Willam ette circuit convention to be at SUverton Immanuel church, Friday, April 24. Appointed as delegates to the Parkland, Wash., Pacific district conven tion. Tuesday and Wednesday, June 9 and 10, are Mrs. H. K. Funrue and Miss Holda J. 01-sen. Mrs. Robert Rose will serve as chairman of the Immanuel 'YMF mother and daughter banquet announced to be May 8, Friday evening, at 7 o'clock. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Aage B. Anderson, Mrs. George Towe, Mrs. Ar thur Dahl and Miss Bertha Loe. Ralph Maude, Mrs. Faye Gooch, Mrs. OrvUle Raymond, and Mrs. A. A. Taylor, past president Stayton Wed April 18 in the Immaculate Conception Catho lic church were Miss Darlene Dozler and Ronald Daniel Meier. The bride is the daugh ter of Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Marking of Stayton. Mr. Meier Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan iel Meier of Sublimity. The service was at 9:30 a.m. the Rev. Matt Jonas officiat ing. White Calla lilies, yellow snapdragons and irises deco rated the church for the cere mony. Mr. Marking gave his step daughter in marriage. The bride wore a dress of white slipper satin with a panel of ChantlUy lace down the front of a full skirt which was fash toned with a train. The fitted bodice was of the lace and formed a scalloped edge to the net yoke. The lace sleeves ex tended in points over the wrists, A coronet of pleated lace, trim med with pearls, held the il lusions veU in place. The bride carried a colonial nose, gay edged with white satin leaves and stepbanotis, cen tered with a white orchid. Miss Sharon Meier of Sublim ity, sister of the bridegroom, was the maid of honor. She wore a frock of nlle green net over taffeta. Her headpiece was of nUe green net. The bridesmaids were Misses Gay Lesley and Wanda Lam- brecht of Stayton and Lei a Boedisheimer of Sublimity. The three wore dresses made identlcaUy to the maid of hon or's. All the attendants car ried nosegays of yellow daisies edged with yellow satin leaves. Mary Marking, sister of the bride, was flower girl. She wore a white organdy dress over an eyelet embroidered ruffled skirt. She carried a white basket of deep yellow daisies. In her hair she wore a garland of daisies and yellow ribbon. The ring bearer was Eddie Sattley. Bryce Dozler, brother of the bride, acted as best man. The groomsmen were Gerald Kintz, cousin of the bridegroom, and Donovan Steward, cousin of the bride. Ushers were Theodore Highberger of Aumsville, and Norman Rauscher of Sublimity. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Marking wore a navy dressmaker suit with pink ac cessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. Mrs. Meier, mother of the bridegroom, wore a yel low and gray suit with match ing stole. Her accessories were black and her corsage was of talisman roses. The reception following was in St Mary's parish ball which was decorated with white, yel low and green crepe paper streamers and white bells, forming a canopy over the serving table. Assisting were Mrs. Louis Gisier of Scio, Mrs. Robert James, Mrs. Henry Jescher, Mrs. Vincent Mertz and Mrs. Edward Welter, all of Stayton; Miss Darlene Kintz of Sublim ity, cousin of the bridegroom; Miss Jeannette Kintz, cousin of the bridegroom, and Miss Joyce Grimes, both of Stayton; Mrs. Lou Doerfler of Mehama, Mrs. Ambrose Dozler, godmother of the bride; Mrs. Harold Church of Sutherlin, aunt of the bride; Mrs. William WiUlamson of Stayton, great aunt of the bride; Mrs. Peter Boedlgheimer of Sublimity, aunt of the bride groom; Mrs. Paul Dozler of Aumsville, aunt of the bride: Mrs. Frank Rauscher of Sub limity, aunt of the bride; and Mrs. Ray Huggins of Scio, aunt of the bridegroom. Serving were the Misses Mar ilyn Nakelby, Sandra Davie, Arlene Minten, Marcella Min- ten, Nancy Neilson, Lois O'Con nor and Arden Bye, aU of Stay- ton. In charge of refreshments were Ambrose Dozler, god fath er of the bride; Walter Dozler of Scio, uncle of the bride; Harry Jones of Stayton, uncle of the bride, and Lloyd Mac- Donald of Aloha, uncle of the bride. For going , away the bride wore a powder blue and brown tweed suit with brown acces sories and a white orchid cor sage. The couple will be at home at 170 High street follow ing a wedding trip to California. Today's Menu Birthday Event Mt. Angel On the occasion of her 78th birthday anniver sary, Mrs. Agnes Stalp was the guest of honor at a dinner re cently at the home of her son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Uhing. Attending the party were Mrs. Stalp, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stalp, Bob, John, Marie and Bernard of Canby; Mr. and Mrs. Leo' Stalp, Carol, Betty and Phil, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stroda, Lawrence and Margy, aU of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Stroda, Jeannice, Jim my and Bill of Monroe; Mr. and Mrs. William Stalp, Donny and Margaret of MolaUa; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Lutz of Salem; Mary Oligschkeger of West Point, Neb:, and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Uhing and their'daugh ter, Miss Elaine Uhing. The U. S. Reclamation Bureau buUt 110 storage dams and 83 diversion dams from 1902 to 1952. Company Dinner Honey-glazed Duck Fluffy Mashed Potatoes Broccoli with Lemon Sauce Bread and Butter Salad Bowl Fruit Sherbet Beverage Honey-glased Dock Ingredients: One 4 to 5 pound (ready-to-cook weight) Long Island duckling, 4 tablespoons honey, 2 teaspoons soy sauce. Method: Remove giblets from duck and cut oft neck. (Save giblets and neck for soup if desired.) Wash duck, inside and out, with cold water; dry. Place duck, breast side up, on a flat rack in a shallow baking pan about 10 by 14 inches and not. more than 3 inches deep, Roast in slow (325F) oven for 35 minutes per pound. After I hour of roasting, pour off fat in' roasting pan if it is to be used in later cooking. Mix honey and soy sauce; brush duck carefully and thoroughly with about half of mixture, Continue roasting untU done, Remove duck from oven; brush with remaining honey mixture and place under broiler heat; quickly brown further on front and back. Makes 4 servings. Wilkinson-Marsh . Aurora The marriage of Miss Alice Marsh, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marsh of Aurora, to Rolley Wilkinson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wil kinson of route 8, Salem, took place at a quiet ceremony in Portland Friday evening, April 10. Mrs. Artiss Marsh, Portland, sister-in-law of the bride, and Vern Redinger, Salem, brother-in-law of the. bridegroom, were the attendants. ' Prior to her marriage, the bride worked in the Good Sam aritan hospital for 2 years. Mr. Wilkinson recently re turned from Korea, where he served with the U. S. army for the past two years. The young couple will make their home in Salem. ' I like MVU P District Event of VFW Groups Listed Dallas Naomi chapter, Order of Eastern Star, recently entertained for a district meet ing, chapters from Independ ence and Falls City participat ing in the activities. Officers attending from Adah chanter. Independence, were Mr. nella Hofstetter and Ralph Kletzing, worthy matron and patron; and from wnouoaen dron chapter, Falls City, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kopplien, worthy patron and matron. Mrs. Hersohel Wait and Mrs. Forrest Martin welcomed the guests, visitors including Mrs. Lela Wimberly, Roseburg, wor thy grand matron ol tne grana chapter of Oregon; Mrs. Paul Robinson, Junior past rand matron and grand lecturer of the grand chapter, and Mrs Clara Van Loan, grand repre sentative of Texas, both of Adah chapter; Mrs. Harry Lu cas of Salem chapter, represen tative to Connecticut; MrB. pt ho Eckersley and Carl Snyder, worthy matron and patron of Salem chapter; Lillian jorgen son and Ray MitcheU of Amity; Mrs. Harry Charlton and Harry Miller, worthy matron and pa tron of Trinity chapter in Sa lem; Ethel Simon of Holly and Sherwood. Short talks were presented by the guests. . Rhododendron chapter was in charge of the initiatory work. Mrs. Blanche Davis , of Valsetz was candidate with Mervin Faucett acting as cour tesy candidate. . During the in itiation, Mrs. Lois Cochiss played the piano. - , During the good of the or der, a degree for Lela Wimber- ly was presented, the theme being April showers. The dec orations during the skit fea tured colors of rose, and the Naomi choir sang. A cake was presented to Mrs. Arthur Woods, worthy matron of Naomi chapter, in honor of her birthday. Refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Orrln KeUey and as sisting were Mrs. R. H. Wheel er Mrs. John McQuiston, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Learner, and Mrs. Floyd Spooner of Naomi chapter; Mrs. Mervin Faucett and Mrs. Harry Kochiss of Rhododendron chapter; Mrs. Edwin Jensen and Mrs. E. D. Taylor of Adah chapter. The decoration committee Included Mrs. Harry Dempsey, Mrs. WUliam Cadle, Mrs. For rest Martin and Mrs. Clark Learner. Catholic Daughters To Attend Meeting Mt. Angel Mrs. Mary J. LeDoux of Mt Angel, Oregon state regent of the Catholic Daughters of America, will preside at the sessions of the fourteenth biennial state con ference of the CDotflf, Satur day and Sunday, AprU 25 and 26, at Astoria. Court Colum bia 151, Astoria, will be the host court. Headquarters wUl be at the Hotel John Jacob As tor, with registrations sched uled for 7 o'clock p.m. on Sat urday, to be foUowed by a re ception for members. The Most Rev. Edward D. Howard, Archbishop of Port land, will give the occasional sermon at the 8:00 o'clock mass on Sunday morning at the Mary, Star of the Sea Catholic church at Astoria. The Very Rev. ! J. Murnane, Eugene, state chaplain, will be celebrant of the mass, which will be tht opening of Sunday's program. Twelve Junior Catholic' Daughters from court St. Hel.i ens 1513, St. Helens, will b.1 honor guards and will present I the ceremony of the roses and! sacred heart dedication after the mass. i Among those attending the' sessions will be Mrs. Edward J i Bell, Stayton, national director and past state regent; Mn.! Everett Squire, McMinnvUl state treasurer; Mrs-. Emms Halter, Woodburn, share thai faith; Mrs, Leonard Thomas,! Lebanon, study clubs; Mrs,! Eileen Blanich, Newberg, cial welfare; Mrs. Rose Wach.' ter, Mt. Angel, district deputy- Mrs. CecUe K. Colwell, Albany' ' district deputy; Mrs. T. J, Br,' ' bee,1 Salem, district deputy-! Mrs. Wesley Goodrich, Salem', Mrs. Dorothy G, Sprauer, Mtl Angel; Mrs. Catherine Vande. I hey, Woodburn; Mrs. Jeuie ! Juel, Stayton; Mrs. Agnes Bar. i tos, McMinnviUe; Mrs. Edith' Suing, Lebanon; Mrs. Pearl Sheer, Albany; Mrs. Elaine Day, Newberg; Mrs. Ann A. Mullan, Aurora, and Mrs. Ter esa Moore, MolaUa. CAPITAL YOUNGSTOWN J I XI I : iri-rrucue a . Housewives' Delight ' ' 181 N. High St. Cherry City Electric 339 Chemeketa Phone 2-6762 ' Stnice fKalmt emails Mrs. N. N., Stonlngton, Me., writes ANN PINKHAM . ' "So nervous from 'HOT FLASHES' I was always bursting into tears!'' Thin Mn. N. N. learned how dorters' . tails brought rallof In u after cool Those suffocating; "heat waves" nervous, clammy feelings restless irritability are well known to women suffering from the functionally-caused distress of middle life "change"! You want relief from such suf fering. And chances are you can get it. Thrilling rellefl Thank) to Lydia Pinkham'il Tea ... In doc. tori teats, Lydla Plnzham'a - Com pound and Tablets relieved such dis tress In 63 and 80 (respectively) of the cases tested. Complete or strik ing relief I Try scientifically min mum modern-day HOW IT WORKSi Pink ham's acts through sympathetic nervous svs- Item to reueue th distress of "iiaat wooes." modern-acting JS5Z?fi2L ' , Plnkham's. See If ; , you, too. don't gain e-Flnlcham ) ( relief from "not flashes' and other t distress of "change of life". Got Lydla Plnkham'a Vegetabla ' Compound or convenient new, tm- k proved Tablets (with added Iron). 1 wonderful, too, for functional pains l ox menstrual penoosi t Ovalltr taken a Amelias Cms. hw. because it's SILKY SOFT! " My toilet tissue must be soft-rso it's safe even for my baby's delicate skin! To make certain, I compared ordinary tissue with MD and was I ever surprised! I . could feel MD's velvety texture, so gentle, so soft; never harsh or brittle! And I found MD extra absorbent, too! Now, every time I buy MD I unwrap new idea of softness and absorbency. And it costs no more! SUPER STRONG MD is made strong it tears evenly on the perforations, never leaves wasteful edges. WHITER WHITE For purity! MD is smooth fret from flaws and irregular fibers that might irritate! ECONOMICAL, TOO! Because MD bss all S softness, whiteness, strength! In maximum I service, plus no wsits, mean true economy. fCs Bathroom ly J Luxury at a iZ Budget Rricey - t ) AND SUNBEAM IS A DELICIOUS WAY TO GET EXTRA ENERGY! ' It's so nice to have a handy husband around the house, isn't it, ladies? Show your appreciation by keeping him happy and fit with energy-giving food I TT He needs the fresh energy of Sunbeam Bread for that lawn-mowing job! He needs a full quota of pep for the day! .work! 1 Stay on the Make it a daily habit to serve energy packed Sunbeam... a delicious -plateful at each meal... a fresh, hearty sandwich at snack time! f 1 J"',i'-:-'tt'"f'' aai iiiainftaV" -i ' 'Uliaitu.w1VW Nsv"